Variety (Sep 1928)

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54 VARIETY LEGITIMATE Wednesday, September 26, 1928 hands. A siicond from each camp crossoil into tho opposite flphter'ss dresslnj? room to e1?firnln<>' the ban- dages. Both" le.£t after a perfunc- tory exam. In the Interim enouph time elapsed to slip lead, p.-xraf- fin, ponnioK. or aiiythln!? olm.' tlioy cared to use, into the bandages. Tlie g!ov(>s wtiul'l liavc been jMit on ai once under Boxing Commission rules! The third act ia the actual fi}?ht, preceded by the dres.sinf?. room, scenes; and a radio description of celi^britles ai-ound the rlnf,'side which was lifted from "The Push Over." ' The flcrht scene Is realistic, havinff Joe Humphries announcing; Joe Bernstein, former Ghetto champ,. fi.s . referee, .and others drafted from the cauli ranks. Dempsey as Collins is presumed to be doped, by his sweetheart In order t.o save lior brother from burning; for a murder. He knocks out the contender in the second round. The only explanation is Miss Taylor's line while going into the final clinch, "They wanted me to but I couldn't do it,'* Other vagaries are. what became of the seven grand the kid brother welched with and his belief that, no one in the world could save him from his jam but.the heavy^ Shirley (Miss Taylor) Is pursued In a manner all through the play by Tiger's manager (Steve Logan), after the manager has tried to split up I'Tiger" and herself. Jack Koseleigh. had this unbelievable as- signment,, and did as well as could be expected. Owen Martin, corking trouper, was convincing as Battler's steerer. and Arthur Vinton was a satisfactory menace. Ring and mat cielebs in tho cast are, Leo Pardelld, the old wrestleri Jerry Luvadis, Dempsey's . trainer on and off; Joe Bernstein. . and Joe Humphries. Ralph Smith, who plays himself a."* the punch drunk half goofy contender, splits the. assignment with Italian Joe Gans when the going gets too rough. Smith will probably wind up doing a paper tearing act in Vaudeville if the show ha.s a; long run. "Tho Big Fight," even with Domp- i^cy's terrillc ))<'r.sorial following aiid appeal, couldn't last more than, eight weeks in New York without taking it on the chin. With Dempsey get- ting five grand and a piece and Miss Taylor $1,500 or more, the show has got to do business or (old up, It is ;iimcd for the road for continuous big grcs-ses, Con, THE GREAT POWER Dram.i In four ncl.i written utid prfsenf bv Myron (;. F.iK'ui at the lUlz Weft. 11. Aithnii, (.JonibeU anil .lulm T. Di>ylc- fi'iitui'od. MnvBarct (IVh'ey) Wray Ilflone Sbliuiiu.n Hilda'.'. • • .Eleanor Mnrlvn .Tuilgt' Hen .G. mvld.son Clark Senator'(jt>ii'k) Wray . .John AntWony frank Korru<it.., NiMan' Jaap Joan Wray. MInna GomiieU Hruce. I'ower....,...i....r.Alan BirmlnKhnm Graves. Jordan'....'. . .' • .Senator Charles pavl!j..i John Power. Rev. Dr. Klllolt District Attorney Crane. Sarpeanl McQ'uaUo Chairman of Comniitice. Membersi of Coinmiltoe.. Doctor. Nurae;............'..,..'. . . Jack I.e.slto ,i.Walter K Scott .. .Waller AVallser ... . John T; DoyK> Conway 'WlnBlleld .. .Alfred Swenson .,. .James O'Urlon ....HIi'Kher Mnyull Jo.seph l-'isncr and Rohert Ilyun ,... .^ViUi:lnl C.'oit ....My'rtlij urown In - its stH'.ond ~ week "The' Great Power" T^as not doing s6 well at the box oHice. Though it may not draw the new Myron Fagan drama has its meritis, one of which is that the screen will probably use it. -perhaps the rhairi fault of the play is its central character, a white- haired linanclal giant who is hard and unyielding, . a man who has sacrificed his domesti.c. life for mil- lions; Little sympathy from an audience standpoint, for John Power is uriregenerate to the end. l''agan went into the current violent Ian guago mode. The naughty words go for la:uglis, but there is no other comedy. Relationship of several charactei s Is indistinct. That m'ay be the atithor's plan of building up but it's ; ■ vt/, .<».'; 'J9ii '.vsy LVS/,'Lvyxi '.y.jj iAy>J 'A^ j AT/; \>fAi ^ij \>fj. ■.■^j: \VJ NEW YORK THEATRES The David Belasco presents B ACHELOR FATHER l>ast 3 By Edward Chlldi Carp«Bt«r with JDNK WALKER. C. AlBRET SMITH, GEOFFREIE KERB n-pT ACPA Thea., W. 44th St. Eve. 8:30. DfjiiAdliU Mats. Thurs. & Sat.. 2 '?0. 43d St E»». Sat, 8:30 2:30 Henry Miller'si?,*^'''T^2i. "Better than 'Front Page.'" —Jack Lalt. Variety. Gentlemen?^, Press A Newspaper Cornedy by Ward Morehouse Staeed by Georg« Abbott Thea., B'Way, 40th .St. Eva 8:30. Matinees Wed. & Sat EMPIRE Heavy Traffic with Mary Bolahd A. E. MATTHEWS—REGINAU> MA.SON ponfuslng out front. Power, him.self, Is such a bully that hl.s commands brought snickers at times. llv threatens to 9i)ank Wall Street if prices on certain stooUs were not held down, lie orders his secretary to call UP the "White House, as though he could control the I'resl- dent. There is mention of various names familiar with a former presi- dential cabinet, and ono of the schemes of I'ower is to control the naval oil reserve. Dougherty, for- mer attorney general, is treQueutl.v mentioned. Power plans the financial destruc- tion'.of the "Wray family, the head of which was once Ills,.close friend. Joan Wray, the supposed daughter, attempts to counter the big man's efforts only to be found out by Power. She is Involved in a shoot- ing, but that is later cleared up. But Power receives an answer to his defiance of God when it is dis closed that the girl is his own.daugh- ter. He collapses and in delirium believes he is being Judged by a h^javonly court. The idea is, okay but not staged particularly well. Associates are summoned to testify, none being able to say a good word for Power. In the final act Power return.^ to health and dominance queries some of these witnesses, One, a clergyman, ends with, say- ing: "For the first time in my life will talk out of my cloth. In the laniguago of the streets you are a John T. Doyle is an excellent choice as Power, Minna Gpmbell rhake.s an appealing Joari, and there are several^^other roles well handled In support'of the featured players, Fagan'a former plays have been successful in stock, and - that goes for "Jimmie'.s Women" of last sea- son. "The Orealt PowerV may profit in that field, but on Broadway it has small chance. Ihcc, LUGKEE GIRL All "■Beats 30c to 1 I'.M. 8:30 2:.30 BEOADHUEST rai!; 015NE BUCK rrefwnts The Dramatic Knockout! "RINGSIDE^' staffed by OEOROE ABBOTT "A Brand show, a walloping hit and a thriller. ... It left this obacrvor limp •with excllcnient." —Walter ■\Vinchell, Graphic. XliiP^t'" 10:30 A. M SMARK rv BROADWAY at 47th ST. TRAfif L/ Midnight' Show Nightly. 11:30 fiV.V. Is* "i'lnie at Popular Prices WRATR. "■^^ Warner Bros. Vltaphono "THE LION AND MOUSE" with I^idnel Barrymore and. Maj- McAvoy Warner Bros. Vita- I Fox Movie- phono Presentations I tone .\'o\v3 WILLIAM HAINES in "EXCESS BAGGAGE" Sliubert inu.slcnl In acts ami a pro lop. AdaptS'il by Gertrude Purcoli frojn the French ot ATidre Barde and Miiurii'(> Vvaln Originally lllltHl "Un Bon Oiu'con." Music by Yv.iin. I.yrios by' Mu.x and Nath.inii; i/ief. Staired by I.ew Morton. Mar|e Kelley ."itaged Kolley Dancer.-i troupe. H:ury Puck tho ensembie.s. lOari Busby directs orchestra. Costumra by Schrnpps. • Setilngs ■ by AVatw>n narralt. Opened .Sept;-tv"; at Casino,. New York. Arlfttte, a midlnetle ..Ireno Dunne Colette, a model .IHo Perry Man. Clifford. Sniilh I<uclen DeGravcre, young law -student.. Irving Fi.sher Tampon, an artist.. l<ou Powers Lulu, dancer at Coco's.Gertrude McGushion .Lill, dancer at Coco's. .Dorothy McGushion Cellna, cashier aV Coco's.... l">orothy Barber Pontavca, lawyier Frank. Lalor Hercules, waller at Coco's,. ..Billy House Cam'ille, Mine. Falloux's daughter..... .Doris Vinton Mme. Falloux, provincial widow....... ■, . Jo.<<e|)hine Drake Jeaiii Mme. f'alloux'a servant........... Cllftord Smith Paul Pechnrd, nephew of Poniavea Harry Puck Mme. Pontavest Ponl.ive.s' wife........ Tjorralne Weimar DcGra.vere, Ijuclen's father. .Harold Vizard Four Diplomats. .Andy Hamilton. lA'.nny Nelson, Johnny Ferrara, Hal Sailors Keliey Dancers. .Dorothy Kirtley, I>ucille Levorich, Georgia O'Brien, Theima Dy« Evelyn Carpenter^, Elizabeth Whitehead Albertlna Rexrith, Carmen Mornlea, H'-Ien Hackbarth,- Frances Stevens, Mildred . Lyons, .Virginia Cartllch. Show Glrl.s—Neva Lynn, filona Meade Viola Paulson, Jinny Evan.t, Uoberta Par ■nell, Betty Montgomery, Julia' Barker, .Kay Siniinrms. Maleasc Bi.siand. Boys—Hariy. I'heipB, Dan Bcrrlgan, Ted Clarke, Lqrry Rockwell, Edward Brown, Billy Skinner, Don Cortez, Charles Baker, Th. 50 St&7lh Av. Mts. Thu-Sat, 2.30 In America's GronteHt Kovuo EARL CARROLL W. C. FIEDS EARL CARROLL VANITIES with hav doot.ev—joe kri.sco DOKOTHY KNAPP and 50 ItKAUTlES VINCENT 1.0VKZ (HImHcIf) & Ills R.^ND CIIART.ES DILIilNGHAM Preoents rfte High Road A Metro-Ooldwy'n-Mnyflr PW-ture On the Stngre EMIL ROKKO AT.AN PKIOK—WALT ROESNKR CAPITOI.TAN—Chester IIiUo Girln ]t'>VAY <in<1 5lBt. STREET CAPITOL monts would tend to negate the show's hox-ofllce longevity. Outside of the sltillfully contrived and alto- Ffothor literate lyrics by Max and Nat Llof, the ingredients are nega- tive. Tho boolt Is as obvious as a speakeasy, .and the Yv^iiin score, while pleasant, lacks distinction. The song outstandcr Is Mann IIoline.i''s and Werner Jannsen's In- lerDOlation, "Conie On, Let's Make Whoopee," and tho next best tune, "A Flat in Montmartre," Is not in-o-. gram-crodlted to Muriel Pollock for its chorus refrain. Tho verse of the number 1$ by Yvain. Tho French composer, wlioso "Moh Homme" ("My Man") is his best known work In America, has a better potentiality in "Magic Melody," which, If reprised, onco or twice, would stand a better chance. "I Love you So," spotted in the book where it is, should have bben a -better number, considering its ])sychological. relationship to the libretto. There are other Inconsistencies, of course, such as the orthodox con- formance with tho French theme In employing sucli patois of the French b6nlevards as "knows her onions" and "making whoopee." The people save "Luckee Girl." Tlie cast not only sustains the tem- po, but more than offsets the. defi- ciencies of th.eii: a.ssignments. Miss Dunne in the femme worthier of better things, a.s Is Fisher. Miss Vinton fis the precociously fresh and'' slangy vixen' just out of convent is a bright spot, and Harry Puck plays his begoggled sap lover with just enough restrain to Impress. Jose- phine Drake, the hotsy-totsy widow, is the rotund House. House IS the big noise throughout, and .'saves the show. . . There are others, more or less ood. Flo. Perry registers soubret- in the first stanza, Lou Powers, opposite her, letting it down badly IS A counter-irrit.'int. . It's as much the fault, of book as playing. Ger- trude and Dorothy McGiishion hi a .sistorHlance team I'rom Coco's, Dor- otliy Barber <;us the pseudo-maid falso acro-dancing), Frank Laior as, the apoplectic fiirtatious lawyer, and the Four Admirals were also effect- ive and prominent. The singing- instrumental quartet were hard worked, Andy Hamilton, Hal Saliers. Lenny Nelson and Johnny Ferrara, who comprise the Adnilrals, making more number appearances than any- body 6lso- in the show and furnish- ing nice vocal aiid instrumental backgroimd. There are 12 girls (Keliey. Danc- ers), 'all lookers, and nine show girls, also easy on the pupils. The gents of the ensemble number 10 The three sets look good if not expensive, and tho niit on production investment, coupled with the weekly overhead, all combine In general favor of it for a moderate run. AJ>ei "JEALOUSY" WITHDRAWN Woods Retires 2-Character Show After First Week "Jealousy" folded, after its out ot town tryout last week. This is tem- porary, or it may bo a permanent withdrawal. "Jealousy" is a two character show written by Eugono Walter "wUh Fay liaintcr and Guthrie Mo- Clintock comprising the entire, Latter went in when Glenn Hunter, previously announced, bowed out. A, H. Woods called it In. Wood.s previously experimented with a two. charapter drama, "Under Ordei-.s,'» with Kffie Shannon and the late Shelley Hull to more or less, suc- cess." Guild's $50,000 Advance Qhioago, Sept. 2D. Biggest legit advance sale ever )>iled up hero goes to the Theatre Guild. This outfit opened an eight weeks* stand at the Blackstone with rt,n advance; Of more than $50,00Q; Subscription list this year w^as almost five times above that of a, year ago when the Guild opened at the Studebaker to an advance of about $11,000. . DIXIE HINES LAID UP Dixie nines, who has cond'uclod a press bureau for a number of years, has been removed to a hos- pital for treatment, said to be seri- ously ill. It is the second attack Avithin a year. He Issued a weekly theatri- cal news letter which has been dis- continued pending return to hi.s of- fice. Manager for Stock Company Wanted A hustlihc, livo wire manaRcr wanted for'stock comiiany operating in eplcndid homo .section of Greater New York. Only one exporlpnccd In every detail of stock . company re- aulromonts, expert In exploitation, nngrloa, aggressive and otornally on the ioih need .make application. Address Box 15, Variety, N. Y. Russian Legits in N. Y. C' K. S. Shcln, the Russian .actor and director of the "Sinyla Ptitza" company,. and Miss O. V. Valerl, the leading lady of the same troupe, have arrived In New York from France. 30N JOUR JACK FORESTER FEATVREP CASINO DE PARIS DOVBUNO PERROQUiET American Plays in Germany Send Manuscripts to FKLIX UI.0CH ISRItRM Berlin, WilmerHdlorf 1 "PLASTERED IN PARIS" A New Comckly by Frederick T/Oii!Ml»Ie FULTON 4(Uh St. iMt'e. . Wed.-Sat. 2:20 W. of B'yl- Nifhls 8:20 • MARTIN BECK^h.. 45 st.-8 avo. tv». . "THIS, T.AI>IKS AND GRNTU5MHN', IS A PLAY!"—at. John Ervlnn, AVorld. Tth Ave. & l;lr. Hoxy BOth .Si with SAMMY COHEN JACK UKN.NICK—IVAN IJNOW "KACIIKM," Stupe Spet'tiM-le rAKADK OK THE WOODEN .SOI.DIliK.S Theatre Guild Productions' By Philip Dunninp. SlaKetJ by.-'VVIncheH Smith. *A CLEAN [fIT'—Winchell, Grapnic 5 E V A if^^ with CLAIBORNE FOSTER "GOOP rt'N."—N. Y; Thnea. w fr'-n P THEA. W, 44 .St. Eves)., 8.30 JOE COOK "RAIN OR SHINE" OEb. nnU AM ThM., B'way & 431I. Ets. 8:30. UUnHIV M«tinew W£U. & SAT,, 2:30. REPUBIilC 'nfci!, w. MaUs. Weil. A Siit., 2:30. Eves., 8:30 DVENTURE A new plrty by .loJni Wlllard with Itobertu Arnold Evenings 5:30 Strange Interlude John Golden '^^^^''^If E. vv«y The rechristened French farce musical, "Un Bon Garcon," Shubert- ized Into "Luckee (Jirl," will only mo.derately sustain an alleged tradi tion revolving about the Casino that it never liouses a flop. While a bit creaky tlvioughout, with a terriblf first act handicap, the show will fare modt.-ratfly well at the gate, further benefiting from the Shubcrt house and attraction hook-up. The musical introduces Billy House from the varieties as a new comedy head man in SiuilK'rtiann. Of Roscoo Arbuckle build, the ro- l>ust comic relies on his general agiiity and spryness, plus a moder-' ate s^ensc of mugging values,, to cHcTt, and click ho does witli the. $5 triTde. House is well suited, for the role of the clown ex-waiter with a Rlchellouan family tree, and makes much of his opportunities. "Luckec Girl" as a title mean;s nothing. By hercuican libretto machinations it is dragged, in for the finale tag-line that somebody or another is a lucky lOmmc, and tluit's that. Ah a book it's formula patterned stufC. Opens in. Montmartre, witli the l(>ading p.alr (Irene. Dunne and Irving Fisher) heavily in love. Plot is paternal match-making, Involving another hinterland girl who in turn is smitten witli somebody else. Coldly analyzed, tlic creative cle- W_A R N E ft • S 2 BIG H I AT, OLSON 2 ^ SHOWS The Singing Fool!^°*|JJ. Winter Garden s^'u? sr." i — THE ■ ^ ! 3 TERROR I SUN. & A I HOL. Warner Bros. SiJ,^,,It'll st. 3-6-8 « Bud STAGE DIRECTOR and PRODUCER MAYAN THEATRE LOS ANGELES SCORES SENSATIONAL HIT at SEBASTIAN'S COTTON CLUB, Culver City M'lTii; ''A Bud Murray Revue AND HIS "ALL CALIFORNIA CHORUS" Fir«t Time First IJne Dramatic Critics Attend Ouf* Opening! KE.XD rOJ.I.OWING KXCEKinS Gir-IiKH'l' BHOWN of I.. A, VUEf.ORD": "Bud Murray'n Revue opened in a burst ot Blory. Murray di'il h good Job or picklnsr tliem ynuiis and iiretty;" HAIUIISON CAUI<(n,l. of I.. A. "IIKUAI.D": "End Murray Biased eomo intrliiulriK nun>b;'r.M, .Murray Ilc-vuc (llvcrlln(j." L. A. "TiMUS": "Colton, Club ia a .sniaahinB eucc-caa," '/iBBBflnnfMflniiHiiiiniinfliiBiiiiwliiwiiM^^