Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 26, 1928 VARIETY 61 SAN FRANCISCO Imperial Vaude ffettini? better, with bysl- ness correspondingly. 15c. matinee cats magnet. Nights, 25c, New program starts off wIUi a bang with the Munsey Brothers, roller skating duo, who give the^biH a firm foundation. Boys, are clean- cut and clever. They dp a rouhno of double and sold work, vi^ith, some trick stuff at the finale that .had the nay customers a,pplaudlng iVgorously. Muriel Dae singing XlOllniste, in deuce spot, started -with a semi-classic number on the violin, and then went Into, some pop lelections. interspersing the numbers bv vocalizing. She has a soft con- tralto voice and a ple&.smg person- . illuy? An excellent act,., well pre- ^*^E?rly and Echo, two lively gals, in comedy talking and singing, wm i?entv^6f laughs. The old burlesque aSTse^ bit, where the heavier of the two gals eats the compressed win^ tablets and accumulates a, healthy Sn. is still funny. M. Hohncr har- monica player, opened by whistling iSe William Tell overture. .Then some numbers on the harmonica, a few "stale" gags, and wound up oy rendering excerpts from . three operas that helped him click solidly - A great closing act Is the Plna Troupe, four Then and a gal. They are rlsley, tumbling arid balancing artists and provide plenty of ac- tion. Frequently interrupted by ^ap- plause. Screen feature, 'A wom- an's Way" (Col) with shorts as fillers. Business Monday matm-Je near capacity. . Edwards. S P. Symphony Orchestra re- opens season Nov. 2, Alfred Hertz conducting. . rcproscnts- for 25 years. Building investment of $200,000. J. Li. Tripplot resigned as business ' agent of the local oi>eriUor.s' union. ! No successor as yet named. MINNEAPOLIS By LESTER REES Met—'•Whispering Friends." Lawrence A. Lambfrt wiU Inau- gurate comic opera at the Capitol in October. Bert Levy is now booking five- act shows Saturdays, and ■ Sundays at'.the Wigwam, in the mission dj.s- trlct. House, formerly jilaying stock burlesque, undor Nat Holt; Armanda Chlrot, Mexican prima donna, and her partner, Jose Mer- cado; ba.rltone, joined the San Fran^. Cisco Grand Opera Company during its present season. San Francisco theatre men turned out en masse to .-ittcnd the burial of Harry H. Campbell, former Or- phcum manager. Dorothy Lamar, after four years with Henry Duffy, is leaving for a trip to New York, her first vacation in that time. She will return. In fbur or five weeks. Shubert—"Two Girls Wanted"" I (stock). Hennepin— "Excos.s Ba.^gago - vaudo, • •' . Pantages—"Red Llps"-vaudo. Palace—"Bachelor Brides" (tab). Gayety—"Step Lively Girls" (bur). Minnesota — "The Terror"-Publi.K unit. State—"Four Sons," Strand-r-"Wings." 3d week. . - Lyric—"Detectives," 1st half; "Mating Call," 2d half. Grand—"Tenderloin," 2d loop run. Three loop houses: are now using Vitaphoiii^ and' Movietone—Minne- sota, State and Grand. The last- named ■ is a' second-run downtown theatre. with ziMliits for (Jreek tni^oily. ri'il\)nnaiivi' 1>i>Uit than any ot the ri'cenL (h'cck iiaK<'*li»">' givMUi at Ihi- iheaii'O. ■ ■ Honry Duffy and nah> Wintor will uso "tonmiy.IMio Wooileu Ki- iuiino," "DaiUlies.v lirooms and ••Lombardl, l.Ul,." for their plavs at the in'W thfutrif that boars their name here. The opening may be "In Luvc' With Love," in which Duffy and his Nvilo will play. Duffy gave out an informal in- terview to the writer for local puh- lieation, expressing himself as .'?o (.■onrulont. (if .siiceess that he would predict another Dviffy house .in Oak- land within l2montli.s. BOSTON Radio show attractions at the Auditorium this week include Sousa's band, Graham McN'amee, Allen McQuhae, Howard Melaney and Wendell Hall. . Edna West succeeded Florence Roberts in the Duffy production, "Tommy." Miss Robert was forced [ to retire through illness. Frank Phelps, dlst. mgr. for Keith here, is circusing M-G-M. picture;? at the Hennepin. Farrar Burn, former manager Bacramento public market, has turned song writer and Is now on n- nation-wide tour in a specially equipped "ballad bungalow" on Vvheels. Burn, armed with a guitar, expects to "sing and play" his way ticross the continent. Sacramento Musicians' local No. 12 won a victory, when M. B. Hust- ler, operating the Capitol (wired) in that city retained his tVT'O organ- ists. . Golden State circuit's Royal and Alhambra. on Polk street, about six blocks apart, have abandoned play- ing features day and -date. Here- aftier a three, two and two-day policy be in effect. Features played at the Royal- Monday to. Wednesday will show at the Alhambra Thurs- day and Friday, with new bills at both houses Saturdays arid Sundays. Phil Phillip.s, press agent, for the T & D, America and Grand-Lake (West Coast Theatres) In Oakland, laid ^ip with an attack of appen- dicitis. Condition hot serious. : The Greenwich Village Follies" is coming into the Minneapolis and St. Paul Metropolitans for a week each next month on $.35,000 guaran- tee by BuJsz Bainbridge for the fort- night engagement. Grace Valentine Is sehedulod to open her season at the Fulton in' !'The Marquise-." George Kbey in- tends to keoj) Miss VnU'htlne on for a soa.<5on, although she will hot have the stellar role in "The. Spider." which is comeniplated foi* oppoi?i- tion to Duffy. Norman Field will have the title role. . DALLAS Executives and employes of West coast presented Frank W.hitbeck with a wrist watch and tendered him a dinner on the eve of his de- parture for Los Angeles, where he becomes general press x-epresnta- tive for the circuit. Whilbeck's pals alst) tpssed a feed./ Sacramento Community Players reopea Sept. 27 with"Arms and the Man.*" Col. E. A. de Ho.rmida is directing. With synchronized pictures elimi- nating the necessity for prchestra.s management.^ are utilizing, their musicians by having them play concerts on the mezzanine floors. •Houses thus affected, arc the Call- forriia and Columbia, the latter temporarily housing Martin John- iBon's "Simba." After five -months as m. c. at the Senator, Sacramento, E. Max Brad- fleld Is switching with Owen Sweet- en, who goes to the Senator frpni Long Beach, Change is effective Sept. 29. Clare and Weiss reopened the Plaza, Sacramento, with dramatic stock after being closed for two months. DULUTH By JAMES WATTS Lyceum—"Fleet's In." Garrick—"Xcess Baggage." Strand—"The Coward." Lyric—Va-ude, "Little Snob. Business at the Duluth theatres unusually good last week. SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP President ^ "Mother's , Millions" (Stock). .' ■ . Orpheum—"Craig's Wife"-vaude. Pantages-r-"Port of: Missing Girl3"-vaude. . . ■\. Seattle—"The Night Watch"- stage show. ^ Fifth Avenue—"The Patriot." Blue. Mouse — 'rTempest" (2d wee.k)-Vi'ta. Music Box—"Terror" (4th week)- Vit'i CJoiumbia—"Road to Ruin." Winter Garden—"Won in the Clouds." - . „ . v., Coliseum—"Woman on Trial. Jack Bain, late m. of. c. at the heattlG, has landed the Publix for a similar job at Waterloo la., suc- , ocfding Jay Mills. Kric Mayell, camera man with Fox for years, has returned with a sound truck to be:operated out of iseattle for news events. He went to the Pendleton, Ore. Roundup this week for some wild west shots. By HARRY GOLDBERG P a I a c e — "Cardboard Lover. Wired. ^ . „ Old Mili^'l'artners in Crime." Capital—"King of Kings." Melba—"Wings." Wired. Majestic—Vaude, film. Wired. Pantages—"Happiness Ahead." Crystal^—Pictures. . Arcadia—IMeturos. Harry Saehs has succeeded Jo< Dietch as Publix broker. - Dletch goes to the honre olfice in New Vork. . Charlie Fulcher and orchestra re- place Ligoh Smith's at the Adolphus Hotel. Hal Norfleet. chief of publicity for Interstate; has resigned and will return to a sanitarium, for further treatment. . The colleg** gals and hoys are pouring into town. As souii a.s they are .seitleil the theatres are. looking forward to some heavy ' eolleege" patronage. Roy Daniels is now man.apinu; ed- itor of the Advertiser (Hearst tab^ The Boston Ilerald is goin;; in foi Now.' York atmosphere iu its dra- matic pages, among otlior IhinKS cutting out individual special stories, the press agont.s' standbys In day.=l of vore. The hoys are squawking silently,, and sonu-ihing may bo done about .lt. The Boston tUohe is about . the only ahoct that goes in. for the.- good old-fashioned dramatic lnt(>rvIows Sundav. The takes caro of the' the:itres with Interviews In the daily news -.'columns. When lA)Ulse Groodv was In town last spring theji usea a two-column yarn on page one all about the price she. pays for her hosiery. Cocoahut Grove; one of Boston's most popuhar night clubs, is. open, Jacques Roh-ard and his orchestra . furnish the pretty sounds, while Micky Alperts, local funslc'r, is m. c. fioor show. A figure familiar to Boston's main stem is May Yohe. the former 1/idy Frances Hope. She's married now to Capt. John Sniuts (cousin to Gen. Smuts of Boer war fame), and Uceps house for him in a Boston suburb. May fits with all the city editors in town and drops in to have heart-to- heart talks with the boys frequent- ly. She is looking very well. • : q The Kellh-Alhee St. .Tumos Play- ers, who opened with "A Free. Soul" last Monday evening, got ravo no- tices from all the papers In town. It was generally agreed that the company is the best they've over had up there. Publix olfifial.s left for New York last week, called by the honic ollice. It is rumored tiiat there will bo a number of transfers and new assign- ments. In the party that left were John J. Friedle, Hist, mgr.; C. B. Stiff, dlst.; Harry Sachse. dist. booker, and Homer Phillips, staff pianist. Mylos Connelly, formerly feature writer of the Boston Sunday Post, is In Hollywood writing scenarios for FBO. Garrick, heaid. wired, will be seen and. Alhambra, Sacramento, screens Its first sound feature Sept. 28 With "King of Kings." House has bought 30 sound pictures from Warners. Vita shorts have been shown since house opened a year ago. West Coast Theatres has ehml- nated vaude from the Hippodrome, Sacramento, after trying out the policy several months. House has returned to straigbt pictures on a weekly change. H. Alien, house manager. William McCreary, manager of the Lyric, has been transferred tem- porarily by F & R to Huron, S. D. E. C. Prlncen, dlst. mgr. for F & R, will replace McCreary. " P, . P.. Schwie, Garrick manager, also made manager of the Orpheum, road show house of Duluth. Al Longstreet Is manager; Mrs. Florence Wright, . treasurer, and Jack Shanahan, stage manager, All except Schwie with Orpheum when operated by (jrpheum circuit. New F & R theatre similar to Minnesota, Minneapolis, will replace Garrick, built on site of Garrick or St. Louis hotel, both properties con- trolled by F & R . , Zelda theatre, built years ago, has been closed by F & R and will be the home of a new clothing concern Frank Jacobs, formerly Wi-h Jensen and Von Herberg at the old Liberty, is shooting some commer- cial foota,ge, for concerns that make fiour or sell real estate. They are used for lecture purposes. The farthest north fair in Amer- ica and probably in the world, has just been held at Prince Rupert, B C, up near the Alaskan border, and far north of Vancouver. B. C. It is known as the Prince Rupert Agricultural and Industrial Asso- ciation. Acts from America, booked by Alf G. Keighley. Seattle, inclgded Tex Young, and Ruth and Malloy, dane(>r9. NEW ORLEANS By O. M. SAMUEL Tulane—"Abie's Irish Rose." Loew's State—"Dancing Da ugh- tei'.""; vaude. Orpheum—"The Cop"; vaude. Saengef^"Caught In the Fog." Tudor—"Sawdust Paradise." Phil Bruncr is handling the ad- vance for "Qood New.s." Paul Sal- .vin's. musical, opening at the.. Cur- ran. Caldwell B. Caldwell, general manager for Salvin, will be back with the show. Ackerman & Harris opened their new Amazon, at Geneva and Mis- sion streets, Sept. 14, as a straight neighborhood picture house. Ama- zon is a 1,200 iseator, with the theatre portion leased by A. & H. DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W 72d St., New York City The Sunshine Shoppe OPERA LENGTH HOSIERY and - the dainty things milady . loves MONTREAL Capitol—"Four Walls." Palace—"Four Sons." Imperial—Vaude. Strand—Grind. Loew's—"Beau Broadway." Princess—"Crummless Played." His Majesty's — D'Oyly Carte Opera. . : . , ^ Orpheum-^"The Letter" (Stock). Erhpress—Grind. Gayety—"Singer Girls" (Bur.). ■ Another' change at Palaico last week when Jerry Shea given job of musical director. Jerry was at the Capitol here about two years ago Porte St. Martin Theatre Com- pany from Paris will open a short ehgagoment at His Majesty's Oct. 8 Next week at the Princess Strat- ford-on-Avon Cohipany from Eng- land. SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN Wieting—All week, "Unwed Moth- ers," sex film, house rental; next week, 1st half, George Arliss in "The Merthant of Venice"; 5-6, Ethel Barrymore in "The Kingdom of God." , Keith's—Vaudfilni. Syracuse—Vaudfilm. Savoy—Stock bur. Strand—"Lilac Time," 2d week, wired. Empire—"Uncle. Tom's Cabin," wire'd. Loew's State—"The Patriot," wired. Eckel—"Th© Tollers," silent. Rivoli—"Dctective.s." Regent—^^"I& Come, Easy Go" and "The Play Girl." Harvard—"Big City." Avon-"Night of Mystery." Palace—"Blue Danube." Swan—"The Gorilla"- and "Aflame In the Sky." John .L Burnes, local Keith rep, Is home with a mild attack of the flu. Marguerite Fields stock at Bing- hamton next week. June McAtcei' will manage the company; Opening is "The Constant Wife." The Strand, now closed, is being .xltercd, with a new entrance on Baronne .street. The theatre is being wired. Nothing determined for the Liberty as yet V-annah Taylor,, manager of. the Orpheum here, made manager of the Grand Opera House, Atlanta, hy Lionel H. Keene, the new southern representative. The .first attraction at the St. Charles under Saenger-I-voew will be Paul Whlteman during October. Sam Blair managing the -tulane during the illness of Colonel Camp- hell, still confined to his summ«'r h()nie, New Bedford, Mass. After being raided by dry agents at six different times, the Hotsy Totsy cabaret has beien padlocked. The l->J-olic was raided last week, OthiT night clubs are being "brui.'ied." The Gem,. Oswego, o)>c:ned- Satur day with J. E. Cordinglcy in charge Straight films. Harry L. Stafford, Jr., formerly assistant manager of the Grand, Ah torla, L. 1., has succeeded Wallace I._Kcllogg a^s manager j^f -^lTic Ci"?.^ cent, Ithaca, wlio left to accepT": Chicago post, Kallet Thoatre.fl, of Oneida, has closed with the Young and Whitney Co., of Tlion; for the Capitol and Temple thfre. JERSEY CITY By J. C. FITZGERALD National (wired)—"Four .Srms." State—Fllmvaude.. "Scarlet Lady Majeatic—Sto<"k biirlesfiue. Stanley (w 1 r<;d) - "W h i p" - show. Central--Filmvnude. "P'irst Kiss. Rialto nToboken)—"Squall," Mor lev .stock. Jane Thurston, 17, daught^-r of Howard Thurston, made her profes- sional debut with her fathei's magic show at the Colonial. She wlH «tl(k with the troupe, NEWARK, N. J. By C. R. AUSTIN Shubert—"," Broad—"Women." Mosque — 'Women They ialk About." Branford—"Half a Bride"; M.C. Rialtb—"Two Lovers" (2d w(.-ek). Fox Terminal—"Street . Angel" (4th week). Proctor's—'Missing Girls"; vaude. Loew's State—"Cardboard Lover"; vaude. Newark—"Toilers"; vaude. Capitol—"Captain Ramper." Goodwin—"State Street Sadie." Empire—"Girls From the I'\)llles.** Orpheum—"Dusky Follies"; lilma. liarry A. Zuke, of Keith's' pub- licity, was badly Injured Sunday, at about 2:30 a. ni., in an auto acci- dent at Kearny. He is In St. Michael's Hospital. With him was tho a.ssistant manager of lh(^ Mon- tauk, Passaic. It is said that: agrooment has been reached by the, muslflaiis and Stanley-l'^ablan that no more men are to be relca-sed in any of the houses, and that a stage band is to go into the Kt.'inlcy. This .settles.all the musicians' troubles, apparentl.y. The operators and ownens have not yet agreed. Sanford, Trvington, will siiortly resume Its m. c. policy. Fox has given notice to those renting tlie_KUe of his p^po.s.ecMhe- atre that the. Tyun'dlfTg.s There sLTG coming down at once. He is to erect a i.SOO-scater. ready by next fall. A six-.story office building will bo part of the. jdan. It's at Broad and Rector, diagonally across from Loew's State. Present. Ff)x Ter- minal will be scrapped by the l.'ub- lic Service, who owns-the plot. FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL STAGE DAN CINQ S t r c I ciTi n s~a n <I I.tinljorlne Exercise? Now at 132.136 W. 43d St. New York "When Pjayed" al the | Prince.s.s la.^t wet-k did well. I)c Forest I'honofihu of Canada '\uiH applic'd for an liijundion re- i straining Famous l^layers-Canadlan ■ here on the grounds rn.iT pnwni... . . ... ,.t. Forest hiive heen In OAKLAND, CAL. By WOOD SOANE ' Margaret Anglin bowed In ap- pl:M)-c iionors to Irving Pichel, coa^a fii \uri!". In her .revival of "Antigi^ne" If Call tor^- SCENERY and DRAPERIES SCII£LL SCENIC STCDIO. Cflliimbnb. O. owned by De - , - fi-ingcd upon, .lusticc ]• ahre-^nr- v»\vor hf'fore whom ilic i;;ise Is .0"- • Itig argued, ha.s gi-.aiited a dc-lay' to IK-iinit thi; deffudanls to answer th.. ehari^cs m writing. In the petition it is claimed that tho prodc-ing apparatuv n.sed hy the ; defendan'ts for iiia!-:in^'. ih.' sound i records is identical with the method ■embodied in thf pal.1.1.-= l.^'ld by Uc Forcdt, His I'i' h.-l had thf juicy role ol ' Vn-uu and played it to the hilt |.-i;; !-Mri call was tremendous. "*li-- An.glin'B error was in taking M 1., Ill (Meb for foil in important ! sc. n.'s. This was Marian I>ong :«. dr.ama teacher at Mills ('..II' LTi-. obviou.sly so awed by tlu- colli;..M with the mighty Anglin that sh.- fed her timidly, making the 'i:."v tifst .scene a dud. 'ii.i: ou*iia-air Uiflalx<» waa laaxuuiMl Glenn Hunter re-enter.s vaude at .<=vtJite in n"w act, "Driven," story of Paris gigolo. Played .at old K<>lth house herfj 31 years ago, he said, Allvn fJillyn playing Blandie Yiiil<a in "The S(juall," put on by MoiJey'H players at Itialto, llo- boK-en. __l!ly. p,retty good, especially so last week '.vith "fUn iSpiderT"' IIoii.«c lease of month extended. Special ballyhoo stunt pulled by Murphy, p. a. at Stanl«:y, foi* "Whjp." Put out four kids dres.sed <is jockeys and riding hired nags. T.,otta notice. Tnit .shows flopr>ed at I..incoln, I'nion City, dlsconi inu«i this ,we<jk. i Five act bill m tilu^iu /ABSOLUTELY CUARANTEtlT' I—and be assured of rccelvlm^ th«. best materials properly blended ISOLD EVERYWHERE Manul&ctured bjr Stein Cosmetic Co., N.JjT.