Variety (Sep 1928)

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Wednesday, September 26, 1928 VARIETY 63 HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED $ 8 and Up Single ^12 and Up Double Hot and Cold Water and Telephone In Each Room 102 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY rlione: BRYANT 7228-2P HOTEL FULTON (In the Heori ot New Vork) $ 9 and Up Single $14 and Up Double Shijiver Baths, Hot and Cold Water and Telepnone KU-clrIc Fan in eucli ronin 264-268 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY riiADc: I^at-Uawttiinn 0990-1 Opposite N. V. A. 340 West 57th St. FIREPROOF APARTMENTS 2 and 3 Rooms By Week—$25 By Month—$90 Full Hotel Service LETTERS When Bcndlnc f ov HaQ ▼ARIBTI,. Mldr«M . MaU OlcHk. rOSTCARDB, ADTSIITI8IMO at CKBCDLAR laCTTBBS WIIX NOV BE ADVBBTIBKD IXVTBB8 ADTKBtlBED Ol . ONB IBSCK Oia.T ■Uriurr Abi>l- iJurm/lt Betty ■ (.'arrctte Hcssie M' *;iniBa Kiiyilie (Mine Twilight «"onner Volma Dale Sidney "Dewey .lacli Diiylo Stuart IMiliols Kvclyn Kribi'k'iint I/Oon'd J Klsli Kthel ]''i-uni;c.s May i;;ibi-if-l Master • JiMilpss Itobcrt j i;u(o (j'ertrudc | CHICAGO AiulvewH- Cecil lUain.sfair V E Bear Uotty H*>l)c & Coiitos ■ Hrxiniiics Mcrrctt llu^klci' Jiiclc (Spec. Del) Uurke Sllrine C'onloy Ilnrry J •'Uambcrloin ll'r'hl Downey Esther Doyle Jininiy ' Duponts The Dye Ruth Krshen Jack Fields Muriel Foley Thoniiis Kord "Wallle l-'rohtnnn Bert .l-'u!lor \- Jewell GlfrorU "\\ m •iilberl Ilert llaminond Al iJcrma'n I^'wls Mortz I.lllian Mogan & Stanley Howard May Howard Myrtlo Hunter George Jnman Warren Irvlnir RoHO Iversen Vrltzie Kehoe MIhs King Catherine T^aAfnre Jackie I^anso Howard I.uuren & La Dare Leonard Albert T-estcr KbuHen & C Hill BdiVie Hlxon Hul rrvirif; .T.'iclc l^a MiUT ly'a. More T.a Yell'-" Ijro|)lt/.l ixi Roy l^ucas Xi Kred . Dolly. Urownie LuriHc Alfred i-k • Norman Harry O ItciUy Rcdllolcl PlDrenco Itita Whito Kilria Wilson mliy OFFICE Mack i^mnvillc Mack H.'i rvey. Marshall i;eoi;f;e Martin KroUaic ■Hay Janet McCarthy Frank Mi-l)i>rtnott Loretta Mendelpon Jess (Air >lnil) Meyers Belty Ml»rnon Helehe MlUor Bob Bl kf.'ce Mooro Al (S: Rand Mooro Florence Morpan Chns A •Muriel & Fisher Owen Dick Palnier Henry Perry Harry Velrclla T (r Powell Albert Br Piircoll (."has Pynim Fred & P Rankin Billy RaK<'rs Si King RoKtra ■ Jack (Air . Mail). Ro/jeVs Wilson Ronie & Dunn Roslta Mile Ruthstrom John Ryan -Buddy Sandlin N«ll Schrain Thomas Scott Isobel .Slierman Kraijlc .■.Shuna.tpna.. Chief SluKle Smeok Roy . 'Steinbeck Bruno' Stevens Oo Sylvester & Vance White Pierre WrlBht (Jeo M Wynn Hay BILLS NEXT WEEK (Continued from page 43) (Two to nu) ra halt (4-6) ;l (iolfcrs r;ali(-nini sis (One to HI.) ■Oikllfl-Ilinl Si.s (Qne to till) 2d half H-C) That Charm. 4 Don- C'umiiilhK.t! Urown Mctir.iw Bd owosso <'lll>i(«l 5d liHlf fj-Bi . C:nl Fi-i.d r.indsny liarvey The .\l"cyakiis I'ONTIAO , l.-^L hair CIO-J) S.\(;JNA\V Tontpl^ 1st h.'.lf (:.0-3) .^(lit rtrou n ,loe N(-|ji;< > er Co KJno to fill) :il half (4-6) (leu H. II t ly (Trti) lo li.l) Stanley-Fabian IIWONNK. >. J. Opersi lIoiiHO 1st half I 1 -n ) 7ri |f..n .C- M Murrn'. CKh-rs to mil • ■ KMZ.AIIKTII, N. ,1. Hitz 1."t half > 1-3) T'a(llo..k.<; of l<>2i i.'<l hair (4-7; •'ahill A- Wella ipr. l-'oy Ki.iiiiiy '/-("■'ii \ Kandfi ru.hby Barry <('n«> to n.l) HA( ki;ns k, N. ,1, 1st Iwilf (1-3) Noble k Brook firaee A- K Foil." ?'Vl..-s A InRrahaTi Jciiy l.em CJrrls Hotels L^ORR^INE: and GR/klMT—Chicago LORRAINE SINOI.E ROOM. BATH, $2.00 CP DOVni.E ROOM. BATH $17.50 AND $21.00 WBKKLT UOLBLE U'irilOrT BATH. $14.00 U'EEKLX I^KONAKI) IIICKS rresldont GRANT siNUiJC ROOM wrrnon bath. $1.25 Axn $1.50 i»kr dav SI.Ntil.K ItOO.M. It.VTIi. «2.(H) VKll l>A\ OOI BUIC KOOM WITKOri BATH. $l4.tH) PKU WICKK DOl'Bl.l!' ROOM WITH BATH SIT.OO AND $21.00 WICKKLT NEW HOTEL 100 Rooms 100 Showers and Tufas . Double Rooms ... $3-^$4r-$5 Single Rooms $2.60 and $3.00 HOTEL KILKEARY, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH'S HOTEL FOR THE PROFESSION Conveniently Located Within Five Minutes of All DOWNTOWN THEATRES . Announcing the Opening of New Restaurant and Coffee Shop THE -FAYETTE; .• In Connection with the Hotel—Sornethmg Different. Good Food, Reasonable Prices Absolutely , Fireproof Artistic. Steel Furniture J. F. KILKEARY Proppi6tor NINTH ST..and PENN AVE A REAL HOME FOR THE PROFESSION MARYLAND HOTEL 104 W. 49th St., New York City-rOwnership Managenient f>nrRC Rooms Riiniiiiii; . Water Newly DoeorateO 2 r|/\ Inimaculately Clean *v\> Courteous'Troatmrnt a day Newly Furnlnhod aiid up Special Weekly Rates *0.5D a day and up Double Room for 2, . Bath und Shower Phone: LONOACKE iiKOS GWO. P. SCIINKIDBR. Prop FURNISHED APARTMENTS COMPI.KTK FOR HOfSEKEEPINO. ("LEAN AND AIR^^- 325 Wpst 43rd Street NEW YORK CITY Private Bath. 3-4 Rooms. . rnterinir to the comfort and convenience ot llie profesHlon. • STTIA.M HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIOHT- - - - - $15.00. OP MONTREAL, Canada Make Your Home at the • LA SALLE APARTMENT HOTEL Dfummond Street Spec ial weeVly mtes to the prpfctislon RoKtauraut in coime«tlon Hotel CUMBERLAND Broadway and 54th Streec New York City "Long the New York Home of UeaJUntrt' Rooms with Twin Beds and Bath 21.00 Per Week for Two Parlor, Bedroom and Bath 25.0O'3O.0O<'35.00*4O.0O Weekly Inquire for . MANAGER I Weekly Mansfield Hall THE BEST .VALUE IN TIMES SQUARE .'<ln«le Double $10.00 Vi* $12.00 Up Our l^ YVonfRooniH. $10.00 226 W. 50th St., New York ColiimbUs 5070 .1. (One to 111;) 2(1 ll.nit (4-7) Snow & .SeilWorth B'nsee ^- Walton (Three to rtll) HOBOKKN. N. New EiilttOJt ]st half (1-3) Will J Ward Billy Chanip (-'o Lang &■ Haley ■ Alma Neilson Co (Orta to fill) 2d half (4-7) Frank Hantillon Mayo H I.ynn YesterlhouKlits (Two to till) JERSEY CITY (.'enlrul 1st halt (1-3; Allyn ir Uilka • Cahiir Wells Irene Vermillion ■ tTwo to nil) 2d half t l-T) raiilocUs of ]'j:;s rA.'<.'<AlC, X. J, .Moutauk 5st half n-3) Frank Hamilton Jackie CooKon (Three to lill) 2d half. (4-V) D.iyton & Rancy liobby Barry ;t .Sailors Irene VerntillJon (CJne to nil) PATKR.SON, N. ItoRcnt 1st half (1-3) Dayton & Jlancy (Othen-s to fill) 2d half (4-7) Ann dreenway. Mitchell & Dui-ant (Three to nil) J. NEW. YORK Ch»(e«ui Madrid Harold T..eonard Or J.^ck Wl.iiiT Alice Boulden Alice Ridnour I'YivoUty N' T Res- Tom Timothy Bd Hotel Antb;iKN:id<)r -AIann- & (^arjicnier Van del' VJaniVen <)r Hotel Blltmore North way .(i ch il( s IJ CunHii.ln.'i Vv Oakland's Terrace AVill Oakland I^andau's Bd I'Ark Cent ml Hotel l.loyd Garrett The (;arlton.s Ruth Wir.liams Ben Pollack Or St. R4>f;is llo<eI \'.hncent I.opez ()r , Fowler T(i niara. Sliver Slipper v: T G Rev .i:i:iniy Carr Or Reduced Rates ROOM AND BATH TWO PERSONS 15 .00 WEEK HOTEL AMERICA . 149 West 47th St., New York City Bryant 7690 CHICAGO ' .Aliilmni Hale t,f:W K int; Kal).!i hart Kni:e ,A(ller Kddie Soulh Bd Orleiital-Duvls Al Handbi .■\vli'.' I'olKi).'! I,ee B fisan"- .Mailel(il) .M.'ii nz'r- Sol Wa.i^ Bd I-ldo Joe Al.i'P I.fd!'; Atu:'l:::a If.'irry Norton r.aii'i.s ■'^is 'I'erraee (inrdenH < d'. \ e < I' N e 1: i i;rjs C Kdvvard.< Bd TiirkiMli VIlhiKe. Ilari-y Il.-irris |.'!.,ld'ie Jsitii'- ^anil.v Fair ;- < !'■ '••iW ."~"irrlii,>,' .111 ."^i>; .\T' Al-.ner Snydi-T- I!<.'.< )i( r P.d ' ;ep |)< !|-.- .i.ihr..-, .far,.-. l-;.t-y work is invariably clean and snappy. The unit has been reviewed be- fore, but some local angles arc of special interest. Eddie and Jimniic !ire right up to snuff. Eddie stops the show, as usual and climaxes with "St. Louis Blues." It's good to hear him say, in his characteristic way, "Hello, Folks," and "Now let's see what's going to happen." Then he swings "For No Reason at AH" just for good measure. Two local youngsters—Gloria Seller, 9, and Walter Rasmu.ssen, 12 —stop tlae show with clever adagio number. The little lad is strong, graceful and agile. The girlie is cate as a bug's ear, and very clever, lihc also'sings sweetly and Is full of promise. Robert Zelgler, pianist, is a real artist In accompanying Pea- body, who violins a couple of good numbens, and also in his solo work. Zeigler formerly was with the Broadway theatre band at Tac6ma. Jk'll Dahl, Carol Hamcrton, Alfred Browes and the girls in the line aiigmont the . "ba.iijoy" id<-ra with S(ime (liviM-tissemonts. Fact is, th«» "B.tnjoy" joys are slow to break, TOddie , vioiining first, the gal.danc- ing, singing and Bob piahoing. But ^ rlic B;mJoy comes ,fls the climax land thfv finale fmd.s tlu- band joinirig i in. with Eddif? and Maissel ..strum- I rnlng the banjo.s.^ i l-lon and Don on the organ. "River ; Piratt'" on the s(-:rfcn. . I'aramoii'.it ^ rl<"•w.^ sliol.'. includi- air derby, J.'ipn- 'n»'.'-i' furpnation, Toronto swlin. lOiig- , lis)! ho.<.-e-poIo and Oregon twin.'--. Trcpp. B. FILM HOUSE fCoiitin'i'-'d f:-('m pnge 3S) TliMi the man;if:'-m< nt ttinied on tlie f^atur'.'. "Tb<- Jtiv-r J'irat",' .-..nd the big fr*"-' sliow was a howlini: sii''''cs.s. Tliis i.« Tlie .«tpry of one of thf' plugs ih.-it miiUes I'p.'iijody .volid out w^st. (iiid tlien hr bafj<.s it 111) with hi*; wKnii i-how.-- hi.*; ORIENTAL -Unit)' ("Creations in Jazz" = ^^^"(Wl R ED)=^^^=^^-^=-^ , (Chicago) Chicago. .Sept.. L'2. Ja'-k T-fuglilin Ij'.Tewith yi<i-< nr. :>r, ■•(•ntric i)r(iiliicti(m s^n-f and clieks i)y virtiKf f)f ke'-fiing ori'.' f'oi on ibo ground. Though liis,"- if-- a dizzy eonglom^'ration of hanyini-' |)ri.«-ms and projcfting whatnfitv. hi-^ (-a.'-t Jn<'lud'H Eudif: Hill and LydJa 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LANDSEER APTS. 245 West .Blat Street Columbus 8950 IRVINGTON HALL 355 West "jst Street Columbus 1300 BENDOR COURT 343 West 55th Street Columbus 60G6 HENRI COURT 312 West iStb Street 3S30 Loiigticre HILDONA COURT 341-3-17 West'45tb Street. 3aG0 Longacre 1-2-3-4-room apartiniMUs. Each apartment with private bath, phone, Kitchen, kitchenette. $18.00 UP WEEKLY—$70.00 UP MONTHLY The largest maintanior of hou.scUeeping furnished apartrrieiits directly .und<^r the suptvrvision of the owner. Located Irt the center'of the theatrical district. All fireproof buildings. Address all communications to - CHARLES TEN EN BAUM Principal Omoe: Landseer Apts., 245 West 6iat Street, New York Apartin«.M-iis can be seen evenings. Oitllce In each building. iVlll l.casc l>y liie Week Month or Vcar — Famisheil or linfunitHhed. LOU HOLTZ'S 241 WEST 43D STREET, NEW YORK CITY PHONE LACKAWANNA 7740 RATF>i REDCCKD Three Rooms, Bath. Kitchen Completely Furnished $15.00 UP I'or Two IVrsOns In the Heart of Times Square AVRITU. PHONE OR WIRE FOR RE8ERVATION THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED APARtMENTS 330 West 43rd Street. New York Longacre 7132 Three a-nd four ro()ins wtth bath, complete kitchen. ; Modern In every particular. Will. accpnniiodaio four or more adulia. « $12.00 CP WEEKLY Harris. two are a.s.stand.ard and reliable for Chicago as a plaic of ham and eggs. There will ni>t be more than a moderately good gros.s fot- the <Jrl- entJtl this week, yet the ])ill is sub- stantial and satisfying. Last wf.U the house went on a six-day ca- rousal to $51,000 With ''Our Danc- ing IJaughter.s." and next week I'aiil Ash .starts his return engagement. A slight i.s in order. "Ci-cations in Jazz" u.scs a fu- turistic maze of s(;enery and dresses the band in white clown outfits. A ballet of 10 in full skirts i.s jn ,.a whirling routine at opening, with Suzette (Suzette and follow- ing Immediately In an Egyptian niimber retiuirlng a s<Ti)chtine back- Ijone and notliing to cover it. .She h.'is - both! .-I{enni(-. K'riicgcr^ giicst rii.c„ then.took iip the p;ice with a sock Vt'rsion t)f "Crazy Uliylhm." On ex;i,gj?eratcd baton-waving Krueger i.s a trifle? clumsy, but on the sa.v he'.s .'I Tiym))li. 'I'iie (liffc-rencc be- iw-een.liips atid lij)."-:. Bernif- 1 ii'ofIi< i-.'<. dancer.'.:, dn only Ibeii- jiiiliiJii-y laji ir( thi.x iiijit, but nf;t ."-eA-i.-rai bow.s. Mi.s<j J Inrri.s (in--,', r< c(j;rtiii ion on ber ej-iirtiucff, ;rii'f' .'(ft' i- t;,."'e 'ijrig"-- thiii;.',>h were (•\-( n bf.tlf-r. A bnrii blm ••■ >ii);<( r. I'- ;' tri<-k f.f .'K c(.i,iu.'i-Ung jii)le>! at iiii- • •.Vpc lerl ".-I'luts ;id(b- thf- lu.sfre. Ikiil't on araui with fuzzy lie-id- f :ir..-I jt;lii--. <■ iif.;!]-.--- r.ntl ."hieid.s Im- fi ilrin. (".'jirif-d ndue TUjvelty ;it!''. rii; 'I'- effi.eiivc r(-!ila'e«.'rn(iit ftir 1);' .-ir'r"-;iriiri''-e of SilZ> t(e~\V;i." \'. ill' ii> i- |i.'iiliier, .Toj-f-, fdi* i\ .I'-i-l'iil l.'iTi.'-" ■-S<-"-'di'l H iiiiira ri.'i !i i{,;i;(iiS()(!.\-.' }i?iridi(-d b;.- the ^vutu b;-n'l. ;>^U \-C\< (\ ;i cl,-iss n)ii>ic,-i| iriti-rliifji- In lb'- unit \'<'y u\i to iji'li\-i('iu.-'I bei.ds- r,*-- Xd ii \-,'i)ii'- el.'-'-v. Itei-i- Sli(i\\ f-x|)<'rii:rice(l coll^'dv-)-.'ibti> V't-dii\<. II l.'ifel' Wrif n n (.'•-•lit )M ii.'-.hi r f (iHui'ie w.'iiKcd iiii fr''n-i t'lif- r lid!'ii"-- idr-.'i! ifn il liitD- RUANOAPARTNENTS 800 Eighth Ave. (49th St.) CHICKERINO 3ri50 2-3 . Rooms, lintli und Kitchenette^ Arcummodale 8'5 Per»on». Complete Hotel Service. Attrnetlvely FuriilHlied. Cnder New MnniiRoment REDUCED RENTALS self as an amateur, and went at a ditty with uncertain pipes. Clos- ing the acts was Eddie Hill, a round-stomached comic with lyrics to match. A local favorite, and has played practically all plcture.-house time. Finale brought out an elec- tric flash display in backstage cen- ter, with the ballet cliinblng stains toward • it, holding stt-eamers at-. tach<:d to the front of the stn:ge.. Meaningless but pretty. Preston Seller.s' organ solo asked and Secufed customary vocal as- sistance from the audience. A Clark and McCulloUgh .Movietone short, "The Honor System," brought a notable percentage o.f laughs. .."Win That- Oirl" (Fox), sound fenture; completocl. Fairly full hoi^-e Sat- urday afternoon. Jiina, NOTES Frank Corbett has b( en ;i(Idcd to tb< .staff of Arthur l''i.sher, Inde- penrient \-aiKlo booker. Lillian lioni-dman (Ro1:jtu1 :ind lio.'ii dman) siiigle. liyiin Cantor, last se.-isoji with Al .'-^lie-di, Tiow lie.'id-- her own act fiilitl<-d ••All Kiflit J!'■y^•." Billy Clair, slii!-le, slii'dd.wl in his i'-TcT-'^lrilo'^7l ri vliTg—f r=f-M iv^VV'asl liriKl-tiiu to Wins!on-S: I'^iu, X. C. ("lair ran' the car llu-o'iKh .'i post feiu">, es- caping severe injury but demol- l.'.-hJng the car. Caesar Rivoli, after, a three month.s' Htay in Europe, iiji.s re- turned to the States.