Variety (Oct 1928)

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Wednesday, Octolier 3, 1928 VARIETY 43 AKTiOS, O. Palace iBt half (8-10) /same bill plays YoungBtown 2d half) Golden Dream Harry J Kelly Henry Santrey Co iTwo to fill) 2d half (<-«) Danclne T'mb'rlneB Benard & "West FrancJa Renault 6 MounterB (One to nil) Alil-BNTOWN, PA. CV>lonlaI ist half (8-10) Kenneth Harlnn Earl Llnsey Co (Three t« mi) 2d half (11-14) Wi Ho Mauas Bc'.l A Alberta Tanova & Bankon Hurat A Vogt Wedding Gown AlHST'WAM, N. V. lUuIto . 2d half (11-14) , -Worthy & Th'mpu'n Felovis Mullen & FrancJa (Two to fill) <1> . Stlcltney'8 Clr Tex McLeod Dora Maugha Muriel Kaye Co Olsen & Johnson COLUMBUS. O. Keith's let half (8-10) All Girl Rev Rae Samuels 2d half (11-14) Paula Paqulta & C Daly & Nace Francis Renault Lclands (One to flll) 2d half (4-7) The Graduates E3va ManUell Rae & Dot Dean. Ned Norworth 4 Balls DAVTON, O. lioitli's 1st half C8-10) Hayea Marsh & F Toto Barry & Whltledgo Dance Rhapsodies (One to nil) • 2d half (11-14) Talent & Merit Bronson & Renee- Johnny Berkea Booking with Loow and Picture Theatres CREATORE&LENETSKA 1560 Broadway, N. Y. C. Bryant 0779 p. S.—See UB' lor "Tulkles." AUjn.'RN, N. T, JoffcrBon 2d halt (111-14) liowcll Drew Mare Dowllnfr BAtiTIMORB Hippodrome (8) Klco Jjambert Co Jairileson & Styles Mus Conservatory Boyle & Delia International Rev Jack Moson's (JP rs Solm.T.nbfI . Prank X Stlk . Bi-own & I.ia Voile Burke & Durkln New Gardens (1) Jordan & Grape Janet Read Chaney & Fox Frank Gaby Glenn Hunter BINGIIAMTON ninghamton iBt half (8-10) Clayton & Clayton Riddle & Cook Our Gang Klda Woyd-BrlPe (One to fill) 2d half (11-14) Alf Loyal's Doge Blllle Moody (Three to flll) BOSTON. MASS. Nerw Boston <tt) Sorrontlno 4 Jim & M Harklne Family Ford: Dave Vino Nat Chick Haines Bcolloy Bqnaro (8) lildo Boys Hy B Toomer Co Milton Berlo '3Snt Bronson Co (One to flll) . . BUFFAIX) (8) Barr 2 ^ , Johns & Mabley Butler & Parker Galenoa Poy Family CANTON, O. Paluce iBt half (8-10) Paula Paqulta & Daly & Nace Francis Renault Morris & Shaw 6 LeIandS ' 2d half (11-14) All Girl Rev 2d half (4-7) B & B Miller Modern Marlon'ttes Bob Hall 14 Brick Tops (One to flin CHARVTTK, N. C (':)roIlna 2d half (11-14) Melnotlo 2 jack Lee Jja Vine & Evans Plunkett & JIaaon Xa Vei-hfi & Fayles CIN(nNNATI Albco (8) Tex Mcl^cod ■Rae & Dot Dean Rhythm Boya iDancIng Tnmbs _j(Pnjj^to^flll) . ■ . (i) Hama & Yama Johnny Herkos Co Mason & Kdcler Rao Kamuols Roattn. Palace (8) B & B Miller "Wheeler, & Sands Curly Burns Co' . B P & Murphy Br'e Don Le6 & Louise (1) All Girl Rev CI.'KSB'G, W. VA. . Roblnsoh Grnnd l3t half (8-10). "Welgonds Vera Cole Emory Man ley Co . Herbert Rawllnson Cuckoo 2d half (11-14) . Stanley Gal'Inl Co lioma Wnrth Lew White & Co WcManua A Ilickey (Otip. to nil) , CI^KVKL-VND, O. ior»fh St. Isl halt (8-10) Dan Pitch's Mina 2a half (11-14) Rodeo Boys Allecn Cook _-Ghaa^Ued -Mapflhall Dance Rhapsodies (One to nil) 2d half (4-7) Golden Dreains & n Biirki* RoynohlH Sr Clark Don Lee & Loulso (Onf to flin Palttoo (8) ■ Klsle & I'auJsen 3 H A IC Nowoll Jack Benny 14 Urick Tops 'Two to Oil) Rae Samuels Kltamura Japs 2d half (4-7) 4 Life .Buoys Courtney Sis Rente RIano Morris & Shaw I:«rdo'B M.ex Or oh DETROIT; MICH. Hollywood 1st half (8-10) Harry Burns Co Du For Boys (Three to fill) 2d half (11-14) Frank Convllle (Others to flll) 2d half (4-7) Joe Browning Ryan Sis (Throe to fill) Oriental (8). O & P Magley Murray & Maddox Roger Imhoff The Ghezzls Claude & Marlon (1) Maude Ellett Sla 4 Dales McKay & Ardlne ■ Rhea & Santoro Scott Saunders Jungleland Uptown let half (8-10) Lucas A Lillian Alleon Cook Rodeo Boys Renard & West Mttrlel Kaye 2d half (11-14) Ashley Page Harry Burns. Co Yong Koe Tr Muriel Kaye Co Du For Boys . 2d half (4-7) Twiats & Twirls Jerome & Bvelyn Toby' Wilson Jack Benny ' C Orleys DUNKIRK. N. Y. Capttol 2d half (11-14) Clar Downey Co (Two to flU) EASTON, PA. State 1st half (8-10) Willie Mauss Bell & Alberts Tanova & Bankoft Hurst A Vogt Wedding Gown 2d half (11-14) Kenneth Harlan. Earl LInsey Co (Three to flll) EUAHRA. N, Y. Keeney's let half (8-10) Clar Downey Co Wm Elbs Blllle Moody (Two to flll) 2d halt (11t14) Clayton & Clayton Lloyd Bryce (Three to flll) EKIK, PA. Erie 1st half (8-10) A Dalps Chas Bed Marshall Frank Convllle .S^tyTo^hoW . (One to nil) 2d half (11-14) Walter McNally Prinresa Pot (Throe to flll) 2d half (4-7) Dance Capers Daly & Nace Murray & Maddox Galenos. : .. (One to flll) FORT. WAYNE Now Emboyd . 1st half (8-10) 4 Chandler Boys M-urlcl Kaye Co Cnias T Aldrlch- (Two to flll) 2d half (11-14) Whirl of Splendor Renard & West Chas. Hill Co The MayakoB (One to flll) 2d half (4-7) Leo Gall Ens Honey Boys Bill & Elsa Newell The I..amy8 (Ono to flll) GLENS F'l.S, N, Y. Rinlto 2d halt (11-14) Marty DuT>reo Rev =GR-NFiLn,-MAHS.^ Victorift' • 2a half (U-14) Chevalier Bros (Two to AIM GRAND ItAPIDS KoUIJ's halt (8-10) Rvan Sla Lane & Byron Uhea & Santoro Irf-ne llUrarJo M('l'>onal<l 3 2d half (11-14) Mounters Johnny Herman Payne & HUllard Julian Bltlnge McKay & Ardlne Muriel Kaye Co 2d half (4-7) Rodeo Boys Alleen Cook Countess Sonle. Harry Burns Co - (One to flll) HARRISB'BO. PA. Majestic 1st half (8-10) Four Aristocrats Along B'way (Tlir6e to flll) 2d half (11-14) I<eo'B Singers Smith & Sawyer Peaches Browning .Winchester .& Roes (One to flll) UOI^YOKE. MASS. 1st' half (8-10) Landus 2. Miss Ann Mr Pr'nk Chlsholm & Breen Cook. & Vernon If'antaatic Frlv 2a half (11-14) ..Lathrop B'l'oa Skelly & Helt Rev Morton & Mack (Two to flll) HOKNELL, N. Y SliattuoUs . /2d halt (11-14) Riddle & Cook (Two to tin). UtN'(JT'N, W. .VA. Orphcum lat half (8-10) . Arthur & Darling '' Lew White (k Co McAriwjius & Illckey Lestra Lament Co (Oni to flll) 2d half (11-14) 5 Uraoks Mildred Force Duncan's Collies (Twi> to Ml) ITHACA, N. Y. Stntnd 2d halt (11-14) M-Jiic B(.>x Rev Roxy Laflucca ■' roii'e to t;ll) JAMEBrN, N. Y, Oporu House lat half (8-10) Clur Downey Co Claire Vincent Co Roy Snieck ?.d half (11-14) Varsity Varieties Holly (One to flll) JERSEY CITY State 1st half (8-10) George M9Lennon B & J Brown Geo Fredericks Co Lang & Haley (One to flll) 2d half (ll-a4) Johnny Hyman Ann Groonway Alma Nollson Boys (Two to fill) 2d half (4-7) Ertm'nds & F'nch'n Ruth Robinson Co Mae XJsher Vannessl Boys (One to flll) LEXINGTON Ben All 1st half (8-10): Armstrong & B . Elliott Dexter Jack De Bell Co 2d half (11-14) North lane & Ward Shone & Rich As You Like It IJMA SlUnc's Ohio let half (8-10) Bernard & Suzanne Twists & Twirls Walter McNally Stlckney's Circus (One to flll) . 2d half (11-14) Charles Frlnk Shapiro & O'Malley Lestra Lament Co (Two to flll) _ LOCKPOBT, N. Y. Palace 2d half (11-14) Glen Richards Wm Ebbs Co (One to fill) LOUISVILLE, KY. Keith's 1st half (8-10) Kltamura Japs Talent & Merit Bronson & Renee Johnny Berkes Sllvertown Cord Or 2d half (11-14) Hayes Marsh & F Sllvertown Cord Or Barry & Whltledge Toto (One to flll) 2d half (4-7) EIVy . Pcnton & Field Walsh & Bills Rhythm Boys nicer ft Douglas MARION PnliK'e 1st half (fi-10) Charles Frlnk Shapiro & O'Malley Lropal^ Reed A Ray Under the Palms Id half (11-14) Lang Bros Flo Enright Co Mangcan Tr NORTH ADAMS KmiHro 2d half (11-14) Harris & Clare May Love Co Roxy LaRocca Mississippi Flood (Ono to flll) NORTHAMPTON Calvin 2d half (11-14) Delvey Sis ■ Col Jack George (One to flll) . OIL CITY Col. Drake l8t half (8-10) Prlncois Pat Holly (One. to fill 2d half (11-14) Rhapsody in Bilk- Roy ■ Smeek Claire Vincent Co OTTAWA, CAN. Keith's <8) Shepps Com Circus O'Connor & Vaughn Gaffney & Walton I.iOUI S.London T Brown & 6 Bros FllILA. PA, . Broadway . 1st half (8-10) Frank Richardson Burke & Durkln Reed & Ducthers Doherty & Breen (One to till) 2d half (llrl4) Burt. & Lehman Frank .Richardson Ruth Lfndy (Two to fill) Cross Keya 1st half (8-10) Buddy Page . Bart & Lehman Ruth Llndy (TWO to fill) 2d half (11-14) Buddy Page Burke & Durkln Reed & Ducthers Doherty & Breen (Ohe to fill) Earle (8) Falls Reading & B Boao Snyder Co Sol Gould Co Irene Vermillion Co (One to flll) Grand 1st halt (8-10) Brown & Lavelle Alf Loyals Dogs tiander Bros 2d half (11-14) Lido 4 Frank Gabtiay (Ono to flll) PITTSBURGH. PA. Davis (8) W & B' Burke Paxton- Waliah St Ellis Ned Norworth Enchantment (One to till) (1), Villa & Strlgo Stuart Sis Johnny Herman Our Gang Kids Barry & Whltledge 6 Daunton Sbaws Harris 1st half (8-10) Stanley Gallinl Co O'Brien & J Ray Shannon & Co Shriner & Gregory (Ono to flll) 2d halt (11-14) Bub Deb Dancers Arnold & Florenz Frledel & Gold Co l*hr & Belle (One to nil) Sheridan Sqoare let half (8-10) Arnold & Florenz Myers A Hantord Frledel & Gold Frances Ken'dy Co (One to flll) 2d half (11-14) Herbert Rawllnson SPnXNGFilXD. o. Paloee 1st halt (8-10) Four Bars of H T & R Romalne Kay's Kutups ad half (11-14) Archie & G Falls Nat Burns Nan Halperin STEUBENV'LB, O. Capitol let half (8-10) Irma & L Flower Loma. Worth Jack Usher & Co Harry Holmes Rhapsody In Silk 2d half (11-14) The Wclgarids • . Vera Co\e Myers & Hanford Cuckpo (One to. flll) SYRACUSE, N; Y. Keith >8 1st half (8-10). Seebachs 3 Haueer Boys Mullen & Fraincls Olsen A Johnson Left & D'm'rest Sis 2d half (11-14) Paulsen Sis - Villa & Strigo Hilton & Almy Olsen & Johnson Ellda Dancers 2d half (4-7) Trella Co Jean Boydell Murdock & Mayo Eugene O'Brien Bussoy & Case Barr 2 TOLEDO, O. Keith's Ist half (8-10) Johnny Herman Payne A Hilllard Julian Ellinge McKay A Ardlne 6 Mounters 2d .half (11-14) Ryan Sis Lane A Byron Rhea A Santoro B A E Newell McDonald 3 2d halt (4-7) Hayes Marsh A F Harry J Kelly Henry Santrey Co (Two to fill) TORONTO, CAN. Hippodrome (8) Murand A Girton Jean Boydell Eugene O'Brien Bussey A Case Wells A 4 Fays (1)" Everett Sanderson Harrold A Leonard Roger Imhoff Clitrord A Marlon Olga Mlshka Co UNION CITY. IJncoln 1st haU (8-10) Wade Booth Hlte A Rcflow Rowland A Joyce McCarthy Sis Co (One to fill) ' 2d half (11-14) Allen Reno Ruth Mix Co Neil O'Brien (Two to flll) 2a halt (4-7) Ressner Slier A B Welch-Cunnard Co Stanley A Qulnette (TWO to fill) WARKEN, O. Bobbins 2d halt (11-14) Irma A L Flower Harry Holmes Sub Deb Dancers Frances'Kennedy Jack. Usher Co W'inNGT'N, D. O. Kcith'e (8) Kafka Stanley A M Medley A Dupree Foy Family Frank Gaby" . , Casper Stanley A M (1) Kiefer 3 Palls Reading A B Haynes A Beck Marie Valente Joe Laurie Jr The De • Marcos wmrE i^ijviNS Keith's Ist .half (8-10) Ken Murray Unit 2a half (11-14) Kitaro Jaiis Farnell A Florence The Fur Show (Two to nil) 2d half (4-7) Parisian 4 Frakson ■ . Modern Cinderella (Two to fill) WINSTON SAIiEM Kdth'e 2d half (11-14) Big Boy Williams Bezazian A White Dallas .Walker Co Taylor A. Bobby (One to flll) YORK. PA. York O, H. 1st half (8-10) Melody Fiends YOUNGSTOWN, O, Kellh'8 2d half (8'-10) . (Bame bill plays Youngstown 2d half) Ufe Buoys. Summers A Hunt Rbslta • Scott Saunders 6- Daunton Shaws 2d half (^-T) Dan Fitch's Mine Irene Ricardo R SEATTUS, WASH. Orphcnm (7) Teck Murdock Odiva Joe Marks Bobby Folsom" M'lr'y McN'co A Bentell A Go^Id (30) Keanc A Whitney Kaye A Sayre Ruth Budd Besser A Balfour Serge Flash Marlon Wilklns ST. LOUIS St. XA>n\» <7) Bvcrs A Greta Francis A Wally HIckoy Bros Mcx Tlpica Orch (One to fill) Master J.ay Ward Byi-on A WIlHs Chas' T Aldrlch Roy CummlngB Pavley Oukralnsky VANCOUVER. D.C, Orplu'um <V)' Tlmberg Unit (30) Teck Murdock Odiva A seals . Joe Marks Hobby Folsom M'lr'y Mt-'Ncc A R Bentell A Gould WINNU*E<i, CAN. Oriihoum (7) Robt Warwick Co Al K Hall Uuia A Bonita Hope Vernon Burns A Allen Alleen A Marjorle (30) Weaver Bros Norman Thomas 6 JarvIs A. Harrison Block A Sully Uokeil Dancers Paul Nolan BOOKED TO . OPEN THIS WEEK Direction^ Joe—lEDDY & SMITtf—Ed 22» West 47th St.. Bnlte 901 1 NEW YORK CITY 6th Ave. 1st half (7-9) . Bobble Adams Weston A Lyons Kalh Boyle Boys (Three to fill) 2d half (10-13) Robins A Jc.w^.tt Mnyb. A Lynn. (Other.«< to flll) . 86th St. 1st half (7-9) Eno Tr Ervell A Doll Hooper A Gatchett (Two to flll) 2d. half (10-13) Harrington Sis Mitchell A Durant (Thri'O to flll) ISGth Stl 1st half (7-9). Yule' A Dean Farnell A Florence Geo l.loyd Kitaro Japa ' (Two to fill). 2d half (10-13) White A Nolr X,um A White Sohaefer A Bernicc CThroe to flll) WESTCHRKTEB Now Hocliello lat half (7-9) Toby Wilson Co (Others to fill) 2d half (10-;13) Ken Murray Unit Mt. Vernon ^ 1st half (7-9) Frakson Maurice SamUels Robins A Jewett (Two to fill) 2d half (10-13) Marie Valentl (Others to flll) Yonkorn' lat half (7-9) Schaefor A Bornlce Ruth Mix Co (Three to flll) I Orpheum CAIXJABY,^ CAN. Bekefl Dancera Norman Thomaa. 6 Jarvis A Harrison Weaver' Bros Block A Sully Paul Nolan (80) Timbers Unit CHICAGO, IIX, Herbert juawimson i ^''^ISl^^ii^'rurtlB Ray Shannon & Co Harry Fox A Curtw Shriner A Gregory I Renee Rlano Co 2d half (11-14) Twists A Twirls Bernard A Suzanne Sllckr.eys Circus MEADVILIJ'::, PA. Park ' 2d half (11-14) Frank Shields Reed A Ray Under, the Palms MOBRIST'N. N. J. Lyon's Pork 2d half (11-14) Melodious Maids Cleverland A D (One to fill) N'SirV'IXE. T'NN. Princess (8) The Graduates R.TO A Harrison Wilson A Dobson joo Browning 4 Balls I.iestra J^aMont R s Talent A Mfrlt W West A McGlnty I'uxlon Kltamura Japs NKWIU IKill A'ttdcmy 1st halt (8-10) Johnny Moore Oua Fuye Co Ni'il Pis ("o fOno to nil) 2a halt (11-14) Jimmy Jilorttan (OlluTs to nil) ■Jd half (1-7), Emily ISarlc (Jarry ('w<n Co T'rln(''f=.« W.'it'w'sso (Two to nil) NIA(SAIIA FAIXS Bclh^vlew Ist half (S-10) Frank :S>hleld3 Ticbors Seals (Ore to flll) PITTSF'LD, MASS. Palace let half (8-10) Lathrop Bros S'^elly A Heit Rev Morton A Mack v'Two to fill) 2d half (11-14) lAndus 2 Mfss Ann Mr Frank Chisholm A Breen Cook A Vernon FantAstlc Frivol PLATTSB'G, N, Y. Stront*. 2d half (11-14) Bobbe Johnston Boy Friends (One to fill) PORTSMOUTH Le Roy 2d-hal £^^(41-14) : Arthur A Darling J ark Do Pell A Co RT-Oprei A Williams POUGHKEEPSIE Avon 1st half (8-10) Jimmy Morgan Harrington Sla (Three to flll) Johnny Mpore 2d half (11-14) Gus Faye Co: Jack Wilson Nell Sis Co (One to flll) Jid half (4-7) Kathcrlne Hayes ZeUla Santley Adeline Bondon Co (Two to fill) QUEBEC, CAN. Keith's (8) Convey 2 Bobble Johnson The . Boy Frlrnds P.nps Hamilton 4 'Van Itlpiiers BEADING, PA, Rajuh l).! half (8-10) T^o'a Rorloty S. Smith A Sawyor Poai'hcs Browning Wlnchesl^^ A Kose (Ono to fill) 4 AvI.'-N'i rJits Al'inp B'v'iiy ((Hlicri to fill) RICHMOND, VA, National 2d half (U-14) mu'!''e Clark Jay/ n.'at RfV HAKATOtiA CongrcsH 2d half (11-14) Plonoer T Dancers (Two to fill)' Give A Take Joe Daly A Co-Bds Val Harris Co Florence Brady (Two to fill) ^ (30) PaHenberg's Bears Gilbert A French Powers A Wallace Eddie Conrad Co Jan Garber's Bd Shaw A Carroll R v James Barton 6 Rockets ■ State-Lake (7) Tom McAuUffe Ella Shields HAN Leary H A F Seamon The Collegiates Cecil Alexander Frank Keenan Co Courtney Sis B A J _Rooney (3(n' ■ Veronica A H'rlf'ls Wheeler A Sands Teller Sis A A'kl'd Morion A Stout RasteUl Jjano A Byron Ken Howell's Coll Fj-arkcl A Dun levy GAP Magley DENVER, OOL. Orphennn (7) Music Art Rev; The College Flirt Chas M Wilson Fr"man A Seymour Hector A Pals (30) Lou Tellegen Roy Rogers Tlllls. A I^aRue lArlmor A Hudson Slim Tlmblln Co LOS ANOBl/ES Killstreet (7) Flo Lewis Billy Doolcy Rodrlgo A Llla, Or Wm Desmond Co Murray Girls Wolff A Jerome (30) Norwood A Hall Ship Ahoy ITayes A Cody StTwart-7-^--f 111 ve--- Monroe A Grant Florrio l^avore Ori»ho«m (7) I'nih.-rcurr'-nt Roso A Th'irn'* Gf-rb'^r's (Jaleties Yat's A Lawley I'M win C.or.rpo Dave Rornlo Orch ((Jne to fi.l) (30) Tronc Franklin Ryan A L<e 2d half (10-13) Ervcl A Dell Maurice Samuels Fabcr:A Wales . Kalherlno HOyle Co (One to flll) NEWARK, N. J Proctor's (7). Vic Honey 3 Hayimmd .Bond C.O Winnie Llghtner ^ Bl'mberg's Puppies (Ohe to fill) ALBANY, N. Y. Grand 1st half (7-9) Wyolh A. Wyiin W'rthy A Th'mps'n Roxy IjaRocca • Los Chlleno Rev - Drew A G Ah earn 2d half (10-13) Our Gang Kids Allen A J Corclll (Three to fill) Ilarmanuff Hall 1st halt (7-0) Sherry A Adams (Two to fill) 2d. half (10-13) Prlnc'ss Wat'wassa (Two to flll). TItOY, N. Y. Proctor's 1st half (7-9) Drew. A Darling Land of Clowns (one to flll) 2d half (lOrlS) Chabot A Tortonl On the Rivera Drew A G Dai-llng SCIIENJCCTADY Proctor's let half (7-9) Harris. A Clairo Felovis Chabot A Tortonl On the Rivera Plon'r Tan.;D'nc'rs 2d half (10-13) Los Chlleno Rev Baird .A Hewitt (Threift to fill) Interstate Rosalind Ruby Kelso & Demonde Jones A Hull Gamble Boys A B Mack A LaRiie MILWAUKKB Orphoam (7) Gruber's Oddities Byron A WUlla Davie A Darnell Pavley Oukralnsky (One to flll) (30) Uph'm Whitney Rv HAN Leary Florence Brady Cl'yt'n J'cks'n A D MINNEAPOLIS Hcjinopln (7) Manuel Vega Mack A Rosslter Powers A Wallace Evans- A Mayer Jan Garber's Orch (One to flll) (30) C Bennington Orch Val Harris Robert Warwick Hope Vernon Burns A Allen Alleen A Mar.lorle OAKLAND, CAL. Orphcnin (7) Joseph Regan Rainbow Rev Al Abbott Juliet PhaTifSW'4 Arthur ByrOn Co . (30) Illinois State Bd T Roy Barnes Lubin Larry A A Flo Lewis Paul Yocan Co OMAHA, NEB. Orpheam (7) Larimer A Hudson Ceirvo A Mdro Ixin Tellegen' Co Rastolll (One to flll) (30) Ella Shields Ruth Warren Co Ted A Al Waldman Polly A .07. Pearl Regay ■ Co SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (7) Mary Haynes Lubin Larry A A Jack Hanley Paul Yocan Co (Two to nil) (30) Murray Olrls Juliet Rodrigo A Llla Or I Indcrfiirrfrnt Newliofr A PhPlpH Wolff A Joromo .=..:=^Orplieum^(:7) Donald Brian ■ NIoola Flslier A <311more Non^-tte Ilpvi l Uros A Red George W(/ng Co (30; Mary Hnvno^ Rosr; A 'l liorne'H Gaiftws yaif" A I-awhy Edwin George Dave ircrnie Orch AMARILIX», THK. Folr Ist half (8-10) (Same bill plays Wichita Falls 2d half) Eddie Pardo. Rev ATLANTA, OA. Georgia (8) Zelda Bros Don Humbert Gene Fuller Rev, Hunter A Perclval In the Orient AUSTIN, TEX. Hancock O. H. (Same bill plays Waco 2d half) Bury's Dog Stars Raines A Avery Francis K Bushm'n Texaa Comedy i Cross Roads. DALT^S, TEX. Mojeatlo (8) Throe Worcestera Kohn A Deplnto James CoughUn Co Demarest A Doland (One to flll) ENID, OKLA. Actee (8) Bob A M Dupont Parisian Art Mike Ames (Two to flll) FT. WORTH, TEX Majestic (8) Lester Irving 8 Co-eds Rosooe Alls Co (Two to fill) OAI,V»!T'N, TEX Majestic (8-i)) (Same bill plays take Charles-10-11 i Beaumont, 12-13) Clyde A M Nelson TjCgrohs Harry Holman Co Jack Clifford Devil's Circus _. HOUSTON, TEX. Mertlnl (8) Australian Waites Dare A Wahl Buster A Mldgeta (Two to fill) IJT'LE R'K, ARK. Mojeatlo Ist half (8-10) Ruth Sis A Moore Billy Shone Co Bernard A Kellar Clara K Yourtt (Ohe to fill) 2d half (11-14) TjAsalle A Loretta 4 Coley A Jaxon Marsbcll M'ntg'm'y (Two to fill) NEW ORLEANS Orpheam (8) The AgemoB Hewitt Hall Anger A Fair Ben Turpin Rlgoletto Bros OKI^HOMA CITY Orpheam (8) 3 Redcaps Ray Vaughn Walton A Byron Ethel Davis Side Kicks SAN ANTONIO Majestic (8) Prank Viola- Co Irving A Chaney Senna A Dean Nick Lucas (One to fill) TDIXA, OKLA. Orpheum (8). RasFio Co Ruth Muse Fulton A Parker Ward A Van James J Jeffries WICHITA, KAN. Majoetic Ist half (8-10) Bob A! M Dupont Parisian Aft MlUo Ames Bob Hope Willie West A McG 2d hair (11-14) Holllngsworth A C Frantt Peg Jones Newhort A Phelps Paul R Midgets (One. to fill) ad half (4-7) Joe Daly Co-Kds Allen A Canfleld Seed A Austin Bert Han Ion B A II Rooney DEC ATI'U, IliL. Linroln Si]. 1st-half (8-10) Husbands 2d half (11-13) cni'ppclle A C'rlton ESiuoiid A Grant Desperate Sam DES MOINES, lA. Orphoum 1st half (8'lO) Teller Sis A A'kl'd Tod A Al Waldman Shaw Carroll. Rev Bob Murphy Morah A Wiser. 2d half (11-13) Gilbert A French Ruth Warro.h Co Bob Murphy Jo rry A Baby . Gr (One to fill) 2d halt (4-7) Bob Murphy (lOne. Croeno Davis A T>arncll Boe Ho Grey The llrianta DETROIT. MICH. Grnnd-Rlvlera lat half (8-10) George Boatty (Two to flU) EV'NSV'LLE. IND Gmiid : lat half (8-10) Royal Gascoigncs OhaS;mil Signer 'Ifriscoe Bd Foster A Peggy (One' to nil) ■ 2d half (Xl-13) F'ater.F'gan A Cox II A F Usher G A A Schuler (Two to fill) 2d half (4-7) I B liamp Co A A P Stodmnn Bvers A Greta Prod .Hughes : Ann Garrison S (Ono to flll) galeSbukg; ill. Orpheum lat half (8-10) ■•Hungaria Co Roxy La Rocca Bod Albright Girls 2d half (11-13) Sawyer A Eddy Hall A Dexter Julian Hall Bd JOLIET, ILL. Rialto 1st half (8-10) Ates A Darling Herbert Clifton Baby Oxman.. (Two to fill) 2d half (11-13) Battery to Bronx Norree Co ■ (Three to flU) JOPLIN, M6. Electric Ist half (8-10) Ling A Val Dean A Girls Mack A Stantoii Klutlng's Ent 2d half (11-13) Lauren A LaDare Vernon (Two to fill) KAN,S. CITir. MO. MaJristreet (7) .tfOuisvllle - Loon's Bert .Hanlon ' Gene Greene La Beile Pola Co Allen A Canfleld LINCOLN, NEB. Lincoln (7) C .Bennington Bd (TWO to fill)' MADISON, WIS. Orphedni lat halt (8-10) LaSalle A Mack Ann Garrison 3 Alexander Sis Co Ernest' Klatt Servany 2 Bd 2d half (11-13) Uph'm Whitney Rv Wilton A Weber S Rockets (Two to flll) . 2d.htt'f (4-7) HadJl All Harry .Tolson Al K Hall Moody A. Duncan (One to fill) MILWAUKEE Riverside 7) Flold'r H'rrlet A H B A R Goman Rev Helen Bach 3 (Others to fill) PFX)RIA, ILL. I'ltloce - lat half (8rl0) Mr A Mrs Petchlng Olyh Yvctte Rugol Battery to Bronx (One to flll) 2d. half (11-13) Bob Albright Girls Roxy I«a Rocca Himgaria Co (Two. to. fill) (tUINCY, ILL. WiiNlilnRton ^ Ist half (8-10) Sawyer A Eddy Hull A Dexter Julian Hall Bd Association BL'MINTON, I LL. Majestic Ist half (8-10) Ch'ppelle A Crrlton Esmond A (irant Desperate Ram 2d half (11-13) 4 Husbands CHAMPAIGN, ILL. Orpheam ' half (8-10) H A F XTsher Girl Wanted 2d half (11-13) T B llamp Co ' Visions . (On o- to n UJ ^ 2a half (4-7) FoBlor A Peggy (Two to nil) CIIICAtJO, ILT.. Itclmnnt iHt hnlf (8-10) G'r'ia Maririilia Bd (()l! fTi-- to (ill) 2d half (11-13) KntiX f.- H;il:cr IVit Ii;'!oy Co 1 >|jine 1 'aV Hov Crwo to hll) Englewood 1st half (8-10) R'cfr Ch'nd'n A D Madeline Pat Daley Co ■ Frankel A DUnlcvy Diane Day Rev 2d half (11-13) flid Davis Co Herbert Clifton (Three to fill) Riviera (7) Morton A Stout Honoy Hoys B lyameys (Two to nil) -DA V EVI»<) RT.—IA (^ipitol lat halt (8-10) Briants Km li Wai ron Co Koy Ilot'cra ,1 iV. I'. (Jr-iiids iCiri'' l o (ill J •:tl halt (II 1?.) {;>i.-iw Curi-n;! Itcv '(•<-ll> r Si^> A'Ul'il Mtii.-in A V.'liier (Two to hli^ ROCKFORD, nJtt Pnlave 1st half (8-10) T'ph'm Whitnoy Rtl- WiUbn A Wober 6 Rockets (Two to nil) 2d hulf 0 1-13) IiaSalle A Miu.-k Ann Garrison 3 Alexntidor Sis Co ' I'lrnest Illntt Sorvany 2 Bd id half (4-7) Jerry A Baby Gr The Ushora Horhert ('Ufton . P'ster F^Kan A Com Claudo De t.'urr Co Morah A Wiser SIOUX CITY, lA, Orplteum : 1st half (8-10) •' Gilbert A'French Seed A Austin TIllls A LdUuc R'V (Two to flll) 2d half (11.13) . Moody A Duncan PranUlyn D'AnVore Chas Tlmblln Co liiuljl All Co G;tboi-t A French. 2d halt (-1-7) Ruiz A Bonita .ISvans A Mayer 4 Girton Girls (Two to'Jill) SO. BlflND, IND. PaUi«*e Ist half (8-10) Veronica A llurlfl* Fred Hughes • A A F Stcdman Loltl'o Mayor' Girls Howell's CToIleglana '2d halt (11-13) Royal (jnscolgncs Park tiia A Harvey! Frankel A Dunlevy Siwrtvor .Princoe Bd ' (One to fill) 2d half (4-7) Wilton A Welic'r Old P'ai'rs va JaaM A le.xund.Or Sla' ' . . lio'cn Ba'oh-. 8 (One to nil) '■ . spkingf>i:.d. ilu Orphoum 1st halt ; (8-10) Harry Carroll Unit Visions Varsity 8 2d halt (11-13) Harry Carroll .Unit 2d halt (4-7) Julian Hall . Bd Hall '■ A Dexter Chas Hill Co Mann A Bernard Tt ' Yong Kee Tr . : ST. JOSEPH, MO^ Eleelrlc 1st halt (8-10) CAM Butters Axel Christensen Mason A' Dixon C6 (One to flll) 2rt half (11-13) Klu Ting's Enta Cook A Oatman - Roy Rogers (One to nil) ST. LOl'IS, MO. Grnnd .(8) Mann Bros Janet Chllds . Family Album Ch'inb.rl'n A Earl* (Three to flll) ST. PAUL, MINN. Palaee-Orpheum 1st half (8^10) Moody A Duncan Franklyn D'Amor* . Chas Tlmblln Co HadJl All Co Gilbert A French . 2d halt (11-13) Seed A Austin Ted A Al Waldman THUS A LaRue ReT (Two to flll) 2d half (4-7) BAR Goman Ref, Mack A'Rosslter: Fielder IPrret & H E Choonera La Salle A' Mack T'RE H'TR, IND; ' Indiana Ist half (8-10) 0 A A Schuler ' 1 B Hamp Co Banjoland (Two- to flll) 2d halt (It-ia) Loii Cameron Co Jack Major Ken Howell's Coll (Two to flll) TOPEKA, KANa. NoTolty Ist halt (8-10) Holllngsworth A O (Two to fill) 2d half (11-13) Cat Dean Girls Mack A Stanton (Oho to nil) WA UK EG AN, lUk .Genesnee 2d half (11-13) Mldgetland Ates A Darling The Briante WICHITA, KANS. Orpheam 1st.half (8-10) Parisian Art BAM DuPont Mike Ames :w.West-A McGlntr (One to flll) 2d half (11-13) . Frank Peg Jones Holllngsworth' A O Newhoff A Phelps (Two to flll) ^"ifoiW A R b '^LO AT . . ,,,,B;(aHD5 FOR INVESTMENT ' A;.e\Leachi'& Co..-'inc.. 57 jrVilliarnSl^^TV Pantages 1 NEWARK, N. J. Newuxk (8) Ed La Vine Shannon A Corlo B Night Owls Ross A Coslello Dan Brown 3 Arthur Brown Rev BUFFALO, N. Y. Century (8) Glided Cage Jack Russ'Ml Allfo Hamilton NIA <i All A^" FAXTB Btrund (H) Maxine A Bohhy Marly A Nancy Ijan Ctolr-man Trout A H<-rf (Uno to MP) TORONTO, CAN. rcuitugeH (H) Jf-wols Mannilunn Nugold Revue SI Ivortoes (One 10 flll) HAMILTON, CAN, Pantages (S) Perettos Jason Prnsslcr A Klalst Melody Mansion . (One to nil) TOLEDO, O, ' PniitngoB (8) Frunce A LaTell =rT«"Ti^"A'"r;ofniiinr-' Itadio Jacks A Q Hay A Stone French Frolics INDIA NAI'OUS Lyrlo (8) Ivottle Alliorton Urj'idv A ilyinaa J Elliott Co-ods Brit Wood Ivi d (7r;inge Vv'aiz( r A Kuliiiii (Cojilluucd on putju C3)