Variety (Oct 1928)

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Wednesday, October 10, 1928 V A R I E T Y 41 ALLKNTO^VN. PA. Coloalal ist half (15-17) Orutnor Ilutton CO Alongr B-way iThroe to nil) * 2d hall 0>i-2lK Mftrle DlCojulia Co f;crao'» Mex^Prch (Throe to nil). AMvSTKKT)AM, N T Ululto ' 2a hair (18-21) Harris & Clare M1B3 MarccUo Jfavnna Bound jjftlrd & lU-wltt \^^tA^^Xi^, CITY iSt liall (16-17) 3 Dpnnott (5lrl3 liood & Due.thora^ Kllly Swmlo Hall CO irolierty * nreon iMnn ."t iraiey . ^ -a halt (18-21) Job n Stanley J^o_ Schwa,rtz & Cllltord DaiiC* RliapsodlCB XUi/thm Uoyfl R-yi'tr In<hoft Jaolt llcnny C Daunton SUaws 'j'i half (18-21) Sf.cKiify'B Clr HoiiO' Snnlrpy Co i'rUrr>o t'l till) ia half (11-14) Pii'i It l';i(iulta & C Mii'joti Sr. ICjPo.ler Di' jy & Nace KrsitfilM IlPTiault l,i)t> ll<i)f,' • IVAYTON, 0. Ucllli'H ■ iHt hall' (15-17) R3-tvo. Uoy.s . Uv'.ia-(1 a Woat Joo U'ownliiKr p.vbla I'nciulta & C (Oix! to liin. i:<l. half (iS-nV . 11 vS & JIurriHon AViU-yn A- Dobson Jim Bn loti 4 tails 'booking with Loew and Picture Theatres CREATORE-LENETSKA & MARTIN, he 1560 Broadway, N. Y. C. Bryant 0779 JIAl^TIMORT., M». Hlpiuxlroin© (15) Zpck.A Randolph Hurt & Ijohmun Trenp Vermillion Allan^t Jpan CorelU HiiKer & Cray (8) Kleo Lambert Co . Jamlcson & Styles Musical Conscrv ■Royie & Oolla Jntfirnntlonal Hev Sew CJurUonB (16) ^rmb'rKs. AlasUans Allen Rpno (Three to All) , (8 . ■ ' Mel KleP Unit WMJll'TON. K. T. Itlnf^hnmtoii -1st halt (1.5-17) Claroric Downey Co Ervell & t>cll 4 Van Blppers ... Cliabot ^ Ttortonl . Land of Clowns. :d half (18-21) Brcndel & Burt BUAsey ft Case Spence & I^loyd Sis (Two to fill) .HOSTCXN. MAS.S. New 15o«ton (15) Kit rCat 4 . , liotsOn "Lpwell Drew Co "Watson & Cohan Earl Lindsay's Bev Srollny Sanare (15) JPollard Bascbnlt 4 ' ■Wilkena * Artdip • 33abe E'KJin's Rcdh's (Onp to fill) ••ri'TAI^O' StiPii's (15) Kvo.rett SandPrson Jean BoydcU ShPfton ITpft Sc L Olsfen & Johnson (One to till) f«) Barr , 2 Johns Mnblpy • ■Savana Bound ■ Butler * rarker Lcs (inlenos . . CANTON. O. I*l»IlM>P 1st h.-ilf (15-17) Stlcknpy'fi Plr Irene Ricardo ■ H.enry Santvpy Co (Two to fill) 2d half (17-20) ■ Rhythm Boys Jank Benny 6 I>aunton Shaws (Two to fill) 2d half (11-14) All Crirls Sl\ow CirAltT.OTTE, N.C. Carolina :;d hnlf (18-21)- Horl Japs Gssman gc Schcpps "Walter Brower Tspvlns & Oordon Rlinfic *: Caollna CINCINNATI Mbec (15) Tolo Barry & "WhJtledeo 3 4 Brlpk Tops (Thi-ee to fill) (8) Dancfnp Tambs Tex McT.pod Rhythm Boys Rae fk Dot Dean James Barton ralHCC (IB) Dan nirh's Mlns ...TalPflt ..&.Merlt -, (8) B & B Jinier Mattess 4 Cur ley Burns Co B V & Murphy B's Wheeler * Sand Don Tipe * Louise mr.AKKSnT.AV.Va Ruhlnnon flrnnd 2d half (1((r21) F.rufik.' bevoe . Twists & Twirls Krank.Shields- FrlPdol Oold Clen T.nmar ft lAXa CrUVKLAND. O lOStli St. 1st hnlf (15-17) Harry J KPlly Bronson it itptjeo Jflo Meyers Oirls • (Two to nil) 2d halt (1S-21) .Tqc NiPmpyer Co Rvnn RIs (Three to nil) 2d hnlf <n-14) Rodpo Boys Aileen r'onlc Chas R<d Mar.shnll Frank ppvDi' 'llcirla. DpVon Vnlftpp (ir*) A If Tjoyars l ioxs TlriTy I.'iix Co K!'a Slields It .V- K NVwi'lI Kosilri S f'l .1 I..!].. ■I^'hn (Juininn N.-\ .-l .V M l;-, •U,,.|..>( <"i\!>> Irwiji HI-'- .v:- I': jil.iicn Ki-N.r Hiix,pll(.ii (vnrs. o. Ki'Hh'H i"' :i'.ii" (15-17) ?d half (11-14) Kltant lira Japs Talent & Merit Bronson .& Renee Johnny Berkes Hae Samuels Danes Rhapsodies I>1<:-J'K(^IT. MICII l8t Iiflf (15-17) Thp B<:rdelanfrs ■ McKay Ardlno (ThrPC! to fill) 2d half (18-21) Sumniei s & Hunt' 5 Mounters (Three to fill) 2a Juilt (11-14) Frank Cunvllle (Others, to fill) OrlciitAl (16) fi (■:rackPrjacKB Tex Mcl;e.od .■ Old Fld'l'rs V3 Jazz Daly & Nace Elsie & Paulsen 3 (Oiie to nil): (8) G &. P Mat'ley ST u r rn y * ■ Ma d d o x The (Jiie/zls Rotfer Imhoff t'laudp K- Arnrlon •Shell Xc Vernon Vntown Ist half (15-17) 4 Chandler Boys Joe Klcmeyer Co Summers i^i- Hunt McDonald 3 (One to nil) 2d hulf (18-21) Harry J Kelly McKay & Ardino The liardelanKS (Two to fill) 2d half (n-I4) Aahloy raise Dufor. .Boys y«m(f'.Keo Tr Harry Burns Mjrll'l iCnye EASTON, PA. State ls( half (lB-17) Marie OiComba Co Lerdo's Mcx Orch (Three to fill) 2d half (18-21) Cranior K- Mut'n Co AlonK B'way (Three to (ill) EI..M1KA. N. y. Kocney's 1st half (15-17)- Music' Box llcv Chabof i«r Tortolni 2d hnlf (18-21) (Three to nil) ElUK. PA. Erie lat half (15-17) Cadet U n F & M'rphy Bros I'aync Billiard liPS Ghozzia (One to nil) 2d half (18-21) Golden Dream Irene Ricardo Tlnr-va & Baikoss (Two to fill) FT. WAYNE New Kml>oy«I I'j'w l-.nlf (15-17) H'trry (TarroU tlnlt 2d halt (18-21) L->iv./' f aritcnt Rev The Crooners (Three to nil) 2d half (11^1.4) - The Mcyakos' Renard & West Chas Hill Co WUiljl--of-.Splendor . (One to fill) « GI.ENS F'J^. N.Y. . 2d half (18-21) Kiddie &' Cook Frank Sinclaire Co (Ono to fill) CAOV'Vll.l.E, N.Y. Clove 2d half (18-21) HamlltDn Sis & F Barrett .& <;unecn Dance. Mad GRAND RAPJDS Keith's lat half (15-17) (Same bill plays TolecTo 2d half) Frank ConvlUe Murray & Maddox Princess Pat Morris «r Shaw Collegia lea 2d half (ll-H) Ruby 3 Johnny Hermand Morton * Thomas Julian 'Eltlnpe McKny * .Ardlnft n Mounters GltKENF'LD. N. T. VJctorln ;d half •(1X.21) T/oiils London (Uiffppy Wiilti>n =l-t.).nft^t:0^ni Ll-T ■ 1 HAKItlSlSl'KH. Pti. Mnjoatlc 1st hi'lC (15-17) Janet Jteadp Co irurst K- VoRt WeildhiL' Cinvn 2d half t n-21 i Nat- ll.iincs f'o riiva \- Orr Kev rOne 1(1 nil) irORNKI.L, N. V. ; SIlUtllK-k'A ;d halt (18-21) I Ciiir DiiwnInK Co li Fllz & Miiriihy Van Rippers llfNTING'N.W.Vu, Orplivimi iHt half (ifp-ir).- Jerojne * Kvclyt) rA)n)a Worth ,' Harry Holmes (Twx) lo nil) 2il- halt .(18-21) Stanley Oaliinci i.'o Groh Xr HUiiditfi Frank Devoe Edith ClauoH Capers (One to nil) ITHACA. N. Y. Strand 2d half (18-21) T^and of Clowns (Two to fill) . JA M EfStO W .V, N,Y. <>p<fru lloiiHP 2d half (18-21) Tiehor's Si-als . Ueod & Ray Herbert Rawlinaon (Two to fill), .TBKSEY CITY State . .Isl half (15-17) Wado Booth . . • ■ Ruth Mix Co ' Adeline. Eendon (Two to nil) 2d half (18^21) Billy Champ Cp (Others to fill) 2d half (ll-lf) Billy Bac.heler Co Johnny Hyman . Ann (jreenway Day .& Alieen Co (Olio to nil) XIOXINOTON . .Ifcen Ali 1st half (15-17). Lrine Byron (Two to HM) Bcntoll & Muck 2d half (18-21) . Rhea & Santora (One to Fill) LIMA, O.. Shlnit's Ohio Is.t half .(15-17) Jarriiw & Jo.hnson Frances Kennedy Jean RanUIn ..Bd (Two to fill) . 2d half (18-21) Pat Haley (;iaudft & Marlon Nelson's Elephunls (Two.jLo nil) LW'KPORT, N. Y. Pulace 2d half (18-21) G & Pearl Magley Levan & BoUes (One to fill) LOI'ISVILLE, KY Keith's lat half (15-17) The Graduates ' Rae & Harrison .Wilson & 'Dobson Jim Barton' 4 Balls 2d half (18-21) Rodeo Boys Joe Browning. J'aula Paeiulta & C (Two to nil) . 2d half (11-14) Hayes Marsh &. F Munley & BaMwin Toto Barry Sc Whltledt'c (One lo nil) MAIUON, O. I'alacc Jst half (lC-17) Pat Tla'cy Claude & Marlon Kelson's Elephants 2d half (18-21) Frances Kennedy Jean Rankin Bd (One to nil) MEADEVIIXE, Pa I'ark 2d half. (18-21). 3 J fa user Boys Ray Shannon Co (One to nil) • N'SIIV'LLE, T'NN l-rlncessdS) fthono it Rich Francis Renault Medley X- Duprec 5 T)e Card OS (One to nil) (R) Tho Graduates Ilac At Harrison Wilsf)n & JJobson .loo ■ Brownink 4 Balls . NEWrn'RCH A«"n«leiiiy Ist hulf (15-17) Tom a Dolly Ward Snuif Harbor fantastic Rev (Two to fill) 2d half (18-21) EIlKle & Herman Jack Ryan BnnKle Love (Twii to Jill) 2d half (11-14) Alexander Bros Morgan VCi Wood Folev & I>atour Petri 5 (One to fill) N. BR'SWICK, N.J Slat« 1st half (15-17) Boyip Jfr. Delia NiKht at the Huh 2d halt (18-21) (Three to fill) Ada Brown Lani; & Hnley (Three to nil) 2d half (11-14) Brown Luvello Hudson Wonders Schwartz Clifford Lee. .Marshall Kev (One Lo riHV NIAGARA FALLS IJelleview 2d half 11?-."!!) Glenn &.Richards Holly (Three to fill) N. iXOA.AIS, Mass ■ IOnt|>ire .• 2d half (rH-21) Marietta. CralR Co WiiK'lie.ster X- (Three to nil) OIL <"ITy. TA. Drake . 2d bait (1S-2I) 3 Hauser (toys. Kay Shannon Co roni' til nil) OrTAWA, CANi Keith's (I.'O (inn- r;eMi \- Miller Sh'Ti-y Alia nis jMi^e ■•^inirers ^ S'l iia VVI-Wi CoiivfV - X- .lolinny riiii. VDKi.i'iri A IVroiidwa.v Isl half (I.'-17) , .• I'D.iU.'- ri.-iiiy ratal.liio l.'i'.-tMi,' Ki I-ban I Si .11 (T!i||.i 111 Jill) Jil h-ilf I M-21 ) K.-ist K- I'utikii M.-ison Dixiin Daifp Frank Kl'-Iin riNnn 1'lioiv.i)'<'in k K'Mi.p i(;ni 10 nil) 2d ..lialf (11-14) , Burt & Lelnuiin 'Tank Richardson ' Ruih Llndc y l.aiidfy tOne to till) ■ Cross Keys Lst ha't.(lj-l7) \ .\tasfin |)ix(m lianee ist Ac Muinke Hu'lily Page Thijinjison «: Kemp ((Jne 111 (III) ■ 2il half (18-21) M.-irtrinCoali's Henry Caialano Hiiilily I'liRH (Two to (III) 2d half (11-14) nmldy. I'a.cre Hurl;e &. I lurk'in ■' llocdp & Uui'iIkM's Dolierty IlroPn (Ono to nil.)' lOnrlo (13) Dericksrin <<fr..Brown Eu.ireno O'Bi^icn McUrath & Travers GordC'n Ilanners 4 . Flash e.H . :(«). \ Falls Reading & B Hozo-Snyder I'^o Sol Gould CJo Irene VerniilUoo Fr (One to fill) Grand 1st half (15-17) HteCl Pier Minst'ls 2d half (18-21) Her Birthday Vnit 2d half tll-i4) LUlo 1 (?alalo * Stev.-'t vSIs Frank Gabbay Air Moore & Tars (One to fill) PITTSIirBGir, PA.- Davis (15) Marie Valentl Harry ■ Burns Hayes Marsh & F- (Three to nil) (8) JunRlelantl W it B Burke Ni'd Norworth & Ellis Paxton Enchantment Harris 1st half (15-17) Lang Bros . Clco Lamiir * LIta Herbert Rawllnson Tiehor's.-Seals (One 10 nil) 2d half (18-21) Cook & Valdare '' Martha Jiawrence Charles PrinU McManus *■ Hlckey (One to nil) Slieridan SiiHaro 1st half (15-13) Cook & Valdare Chas Frlnk Jack fisher Co McManus & Hlckey Julian' EltinR-e 2d half (18-21) M (;ra Oman it W 3 Bra<-ks (Three lo fill) PLATTSIVG. N.Y. ■Jd halt (18-21) Clifford & ({reshan> Pr i n cess W at a wa s A-i (One to nil) rOKTSMOl-Tll Le Hoy ' 2d halt (18-21) .Aims * Tho Girl T-oma AVorth Harry' Holmes Jerotrie & Evelyn (One to fill) . POjGIIK'I'SIB .Vvon .1st half (15-17) m.^ie 1^, Herman Jack Ryan (Tilre to nil) l.'d half (18-21) Tom Xz Dfilly Ward- i^nup Harbor Stanley A Quinette Fantastic.Rev (One to fill) I'd hajf (11-14) Milt bill &. Sis Johnny Mooro (Jiis Faye Co .laeK Wilson Co Nell Sis Xr Eileen . <H EKEC. CAN. Keitii's (15) Marty Dupreo - (Other.* to nil) HEADING, PA. Rajnh 1st half (15-17) Nat HalnPs Co Klva & Orr Rev (Three to nil) 2d halt (18-21) Janet Reade Co• Hurst & Vout W'.'dditiK Gown (Two to nil) RICII.MOND. VA. National 2d half (18-21) AVilllc Mauss Smith & Sawyer For No Good Roasn 4 Arl.«tocrats (One to All) SARATOGA . C«ngre«!», . "TcTTiarf :rr8^2i>"- Worthy & Thomp'n Em ifr Barl Harvey Almond & Gray Sis STEritENVILLE,0 CnpltMl 1st half (lS-17) Prank Shields M Graum'an .fe W Fridel «r Gold -(Two to nil) : 2d half (18-21) . 3 Bracks L.t'ng Bros Jiillsn Eltln(je (Two to fill) SYRACrSE, N. Y. Kcttlt'A • l.Mt half (15-17)- Golden Dream Balr.d & Hewitt Cantor Rosenblatt G & y Magley (One ti> fill) ■2d half. (18-21) C iVr I. 'Gordon W>uTOinjr 4 Winnie LlKhlner .Kranit Gaby Ma ni;i a ii 'I'r 2d half (11-1.4)- Paul.'u-n Sis Vila Xr Sirifjo 11 ill-in & A liny Kl.da lianctrs TOLEDO. O. Kelth'H rSaiiic bill pl-'i."" Ill Kaii'il.s -'il li.-ll) . ::.-t half riri-iT) 11 in- ni; 'Ji'anib.s I'liurt ni-y ."^i."* )',l>'OIl )'iiTj.,' Id"' 'I'r (()•,. til .'illi ji|. h-.r.f (ii-lf; Uv.-in Si« Kano ,1, ^.^■|■lln Rhea Sanlora Irene' RIcuidii -McDonald a TORONTO, CAN. IIIpi>u<lroiiie (15) The Oulenos ,|iihhs. & Mabley liuy HoVer I'li Butl.-r I'aruer H.irr 2 iS> .Muvaiid it (lirion . Husscy t'atJp IC;:i;ene O'Brien. .1. .iti Hiiya-Il ■.Miil|,'C-tland t NION CITY. N,.J Lincoln 1st half (15-17) .1 oh'niiy-Moore I 'oil. ,t Snyder (Three to ir.D: -il half (11-14) I' Kad.-lU Sis .-Mian ^Ketio Kuth Mix Co Neil (VBrlcn Co 1 )iihce Parade \ I TICA. N. Y. : . (ia.ifti'.. 1st half (15-17) Music Box Kev 2d ))Hir (18-21) Wyelh <fe Wynu' Chezzis Cnilet 6 WSIIINGT'N. D.C. Keitli'K (15) Mol Klee, Cnlt (8) Morocco Bound U't WHITE PLAINS Keith's 1st half (15-17) Ohauvc-Souris A .liii'ia Peterson •Myers Hanatord Ij'ur Show (One 111 nil) id'half (lH-21) Mr.iV: Mrs .1 Harry I'haney i!i Fo-* 1 Three to (ill) 2(1 half (11-14) Ivilaro Japs F;it iiel! X- I.'lorcncc HircU I*:- liuhblcs (Two to nil I WIXS'l''ON-S.\a-E.M Keith's 2d half I ls-21)- (jforBC .Moiii-c Kirk I*!: I.av.-renc'e Norma Xi (.lolden' Eddie CasKily- Kays Kutups VORlv. I'A. York O; H. 2d half (1>-::1) MaddocK's Ti-icks AKRON, O. ■ Keitii's . 1st half (15-17) (Same ; hill plays "Voungstown' "id half) All Girl Rev 2d hal.r (11-14) Golden Drcains Harry J Kelly .Kublnson .1. I'lerfC Henry Santry Bd (One to nil). Proctor CALGARY. CAN. <;raji(i (14) Kobert Warwick ('^o .M'een Alar.lorie. Kuiz ift. Bonlta AJ K Hall llurns ^ Allen Hope Vernon (7) IJi'ke.n Dancers .■^orinan 'I'honia's J.nrvis K- Harrison Weaver Bros . Hlock Si Sully J'aul' N'olan CHICAGO, ILL. Paiare (14) Hod.-ird's. Ponies Ted Xi Al Waldman Riilh Warren Co .'^cotl Saunders Pavli.-y O'sky Ballet H F Haher- Ted t.RWl.s B.d (Two to fill) ■ (7) Fox & Curtis Jerry K- B'by G'ds .(.'h'mb'rlln JUnes Nin.a Gordini Dainty Mario Florence Brady Bubie Blake, Co tiilhert & French. Tom Mi-Aullffb • (7) Manuel Vega. .. Mack -vi-. Khssitor Piiwers- X- Wallace Evans & Mayor X'.i'yl'n J'cks'n <fc D (One to' fill) OAKLAND, OAL. Orplieuin (11) NU-oln Rosiilind Ruby Kuth Budd ' (famhle Boys B Norwood Xi. Hall Geo Wong: Co (7) Joseph Began Rainbow Key Al . Aliott ■ ■ Juliet Phantom 4 Arthur Byron Co OMAItA, NEit.- Urpiiciim (14) Moran' & Wiser teller Sis &• Ackl'd Bert H.'inlon ' (Jlias Wilson'Co Allen Xi (^anfielij. "RADIO'S FAVORIf E SON.S" JEROME and RYAN BROADO.ISTINO D.ULT LOEW THEATRES .Direction Joe—LEDDY & SMITH—Ed 220 West 47tli St.. Suite 901 1 r * F Seaman Karyl Norman Tom McAulIffc Co Stiitc Lake (14) Hector & Pals . JUron -AVlIlls ('has .Bed Marshnll Pearl. Kegay Co l.Mdic flonrrid li'lorpnce Brady'siiy S IMcUey Bros (One to fill) (7) K i^.- J Kooncy Ciiurlney Sis Mann <*;- IJernard i'i-.(.ri Alexander ' I-Mla Shields H X- N Leary 'I'he Collegiates . Val -Harris Co Joe Daly Co-Eds DENVER, COL. 'Orplieum (14) Illinois State Bd Ifayes * (.'ody .<hip Ahoy Stewart & Olive .Monroe * Grant (7) .Mu«ic. Art Rev Frank Keenan Co Chas Wilson Freem'n .t S'ymour Hector & Pals LOS ANGELES Hill Street (14) Mary Haynes Nicola Yti t cs-»<i-La wley " Undercurt'ent Jai-k Hartley Ociber's Gaiottcs (7) Flo T.ewls' BiirDooIey 'Rodrigo & Llla Or Wm Desmond Co. Murray Girls .AVoUf & Jerpmo Ori)1'eum (14) Lillian. Shn-w ■ . .N'onelte Miss J uliet Fisher &• (Jiliiiore Donald Brian Kevcl Bros &, Red j'a 111 'Yoc-an (One to .nil)' (7) I'ndercurr.ent Rose X- Thome Gi'ili'ir'K Galetiis Vale.'^ X- LaWley HiUvin (Jeorge. li.-ive Bernl.e Orch Ortl) it i'fiili-i' . (Jrace Adellihi (To ■MILU Al li EE (>ri>lieiinm (11) Muri'-I Kaye f'n Kac Samuels Si itJ.on HioS -iLT.-i.til:. J-C.I.. en a .n.. .Co., Whc '.er X- Sand.'i I'ii'iiilj'riln X- Him'" I 7.1 Gi-ali r'-- oddl'ies Ii\l-i.n . Ar ^\'illi" D;ivi-- i^.- I).iriii-ll i;..a .\J.'.|>i|ell -rriei.c:. nri." Pa vley o'sky B.ii:.-l MINM;.\POLiS llcniicpin (it) S-c'l it- .Au.utin .Mann Bernard Co '^'vr•lt(• Riige] NEW YOlllv CITY oHi Ave 1st h-iif (11-1 r.) . Par).:ent i*;- U-wis Waller SViiltei'K Co 4 ('aiiieroiis ' Balieoclv * T')idly (I ine lo nil ^ - 2d half (17-20) V;il I'Jmaline Frank Sincl<>ir Co Kecil l.ui-y Xc.l Sis \. ):;ileen ■Myei-s. Tl.injiford Htlth St I sl ha if .(M-i r.) 4 1 'es.«i Ilia Winnie l.iUhtner . Kevnn Creative (.Two to (111) •Jd half (17-20) Glii(ly.>i Joyce t'o ' Sa rgeiit it Lewis . Freshm'n .<t Co-10d.> 4.i"amerons Tod !>;-. K Andrews l';.->th St. 1st .h.-rU (1 1-1G) B Cram i^- Haliica Faber it Wales JohnnV Mviuan (Three to niD 2d hnlf (17-2<») Boss * .Mack Leona Stephens 4 Wa lions Cahlll it Wells Sliufries Taps NEW KOCIIELLIC WeHtehe'ster Jst half ( M-lfi) Gladys Joyce (^l .Maurice Samu'Is Co (Three to nil) •.:il half (17-2.0) Cluirles Kay Mv(.rs flanaford (Threeto IVIl) - .«T VEUNON 1st half (M-IG) Jazz Boat Rev 2d half (17-20)' Johnny Hyiiian Julia Peters Walter Wallers Co 4' res?:eiu.>i (One- to niD VONKEKS 1st half (11-10) Call ill Wells i.'harlc"! Kay ' Paiisiau 4 (Two to (III) - 2d half (17-20) . .(azz Boa t. Itev NEWARK, N. J. iWior's (14) (•'"raiiU. Hamilton Manny King Co Kitty Doner vTwii Io. n!.). ALIt.VNY, N. Y. (iriind . ls( h.-ilf (Ifi-l?) .M.irietta t'raig Co Klililic .V Cook- l-'rank StncLTirii Co Winchester KoSa Harris \- Claire 2d half (VK-2n Ervell ,<i Hell Lloyd I'i IJryce.. • Cniree to tllD ■ TROY, N. Y. Proftor's ■ half (15-17) tjtir Gang Kids ' l.loyd Hryep • Wiii-lhy M'hoi-iM'-sn Prlnce.ssWalo Avassa (Hue to (HI) ;:d half (18-21) Billy .Moody ... Hajiiilnt^ss Girls Criirec to' nil) . , St'llENECT.VDY . l'r<K'for'8 - Isl iiair (15-17) J Mi nepssWat a wa ssu Wvelli it Wynn Billy Moody . Ilaiipiness'(jirls (One to (lU) 2d half (I.H-21) Our (i;i ng K Ids . (Others- to fill) Music Art 'Rev (7) I,arimer & Hudson Ccrvo * Moro . Cook it Oat man Lou Tellcgcn Co Eddie Conrad' Co Rastelll S.\N rRANCisco Golden Gate (14) Arthur Byron Co Ryan * I-ce Rainbow Rev Kelso X: Demonde. Phantom 4 AI Abbott ■ (7)- T Roy Barnes . Mary Haynes f/Ubin Larry &: A Jeau Barrios J.-ick Tfanlcy Paul Yocan Co Oppheunri (14) Irene Fr.'inltlin Kaye & Say re Ke'ann Whitney Besser & Balfour Serge Flash Joseiih Reg.Tn Marliin Wilklns (7) Ky Mountain&ers Donald Brian Nicola IJ'isher *. Gilmorc Nonette Ke,voI Bros X: Red Geo Wong Co SE-i-rTLE, WASH —~ OrphiBiini-" (14 )-'- ~ Hermjin Timberg U (7) Teck Munlock Odlva J or; Marks Hobby Folsoin M'Ir'y McN'ce & Bcntoll & Gould ST. LOt iS St. lionls (14) Shaw &' Carroll l/ou Cameron H & N Leary Clin" Edwards Joe Daly Cn-KOn (7) Evans X- Greia Kelieo Riano ("o Fran'-iH Xi Wally MexTipIca firdi (Two . to nil) VANCOrVER. n.c Orplicum (14) .Norman 'Thomas 5 We.'iver Tiros Ja-rviH X- H.-rrrlson Hloi-k X- Suily liakeli T>!inci.-i-s Paul Nnlan (T) Timle-rg I'nit. A\: IN :NLUtXi,.^JilN,= Orpfieum Hi) Hennv Davis Hiib Hall • .Matnii I Vet'a .\l.ic;: * Kii<--s.ler Powers X- ^'>■alIace ( (jnt: lo li;l) (7) Kobert Warwick I'o Al K Hali ■ Ki)i--! i<c- H.inlta. ■ Hofi'^-VernKn Burns * Allen Aileen X! Marjorle AMARILLO, TEX. Fair. 1st half (15-17) (Same ■ bill plays Wicliita Falls 2d half) Redcaps Rny- Vutiglni Walton Byron Ethel Davis yid.^ Kicks ATLANTA. G.\. tJoorglu (15) Al it Anne . Striker Sherman it. MacVae Mab'l H'ary: A J Sis Geo Bronilhurst . . Scrambled Legs Ai:STIN. TEX. Hancock's OH. half (ir.-17) (S.'iiiie bill plays Waco 2d half) . Frank VIoln .<i Co In lug it ('haney i'^cnna X: Dean • Nick );ucas (One lo nil) DALLAS, TEX. . .'ilajcstic-(15) fjcster Irving 3 Ci)-IOils . Roscoo -Mia. Co (Two lo (ill). ENID, OK LA. A/tec. (15) I'-raiicis it. Wally • Lomas .Tr • (Threo to nil) rr WORTH. TEX. . Aiajestie (15) Edille Pardo Kev (Others to nil) -. GALVESTON. TEX Majestic (I5-l(i) (Same hill plays Lak-e Chiirles 17-18 ; Beaumont 19-20) Australian Wiiites Armstrong .t B'dell Mack it Tlirash Dare & Walil Duster Xc Midgets HOrSTON. TE.V. Itlertini (15) Bury's Dog Stars Ralnps X: Avey F -X Bushinan Jr Texas, Comedy ■ 4 crine to fill)' LIT. ROCK. ARK. .Majestic Ist hiilf (.15-1.7) • The ..\geriios Bon 'I'lirpin A tiger |i''alr (Two to HID r;d half (18-21) H..\vitt it Hall . Rigolello Bnis ' (Three lo '(HI). M.;W ORLEANS Orpiipuni (15) Clyde X' M Nelson tjegrohs Harry Holman Co Jack Clifford ' Dcvlfa Circus OKL.A CIlTf Orhlielim (16) Rasso Co Kuth Muse IJ'uMon- & Parker Ward it Van James J Jeffries S.VN ANTONIO .'Maje.'iflc (L5) 3 W.orcesfers Koiin .,t Di^plnlo James Cou'ghliri Co /t Dolan'd (One to nil) SIIREVEP'T, LA. Strand (lO-'^O) Tho Agcmos Ben TuriJin. An.i;cr a- Fair (Two to nil) TCI.SA. OKI'A. Orpliciini .(15) - Bob .t Ai Dupont 'I'homas J. Ryan Co Wlilii; W McGinty .Mike Ames ■ Parisian Art WICHITA, KAN. Majestic 1st half (15-17) , Suite 16 Francis & Wally Lomus Tr (Two lo nil)' ■ 2il half (18-21) i''i)ok Xi Oatman Bignlow's Missce .(Three to fill) Association (.ALESRt'RG, ILL. Orpllciiin lat half (15-17) '/astro & White Rv F'lder ll'rrict & H The Brianis d half (lS-20) floney Boys . •<''h'mberlii) .it Earle (One to in) - JO LI I VP, ill; Riaito lat-half (15-17) Fred Htighes .\. ^• F Stedman (Two to (III) ' - 2,il half H-.s.-2a) Lottie Mayer' (Tivls Di sperate Sam JOPLIN, MO. Kleclrie . half (1.-.: 17) Freeiii'n it. S'y Frank Peg Jones ('iSvo to nil) 20 half (KV-2U) Ai-mstr'iig iV I.Jarle (Three to till) KANS, CITV. >!0. .Mal.nstrcet (14) Loutsvll.le f-'.'Pns Koy Kogurs Kastelil l''Uirence l.aVero (One to fill) . LINCOLN, NKIl. . Lincoln (14) Lauren it l.uDare Alack it Stanton (One to nil) .MADISON. WLS. Or|ilicuu\ halt ll."i-17) Itenie Kiaiio Co Kv.-in's it y.i\.\ er Tillls it I,". Kuc Co (Two to nil) . ;il halt (ls-20) . Davis ,t n.irucll .Master Jay Ward Gruber's OdiKCcs (I'rcla's M'llma Bd (One to nil) 2d half (11-1 I) Wlllon. it ■ Weber '. I'lili'ni .Whitney Rv 6 K'ocUet.s Leslli: & VniPrg'tt. (One lo nil) PKORIA, ILL. Palace ' 1st hulf (15.-17) Chapp'l'e (rrlton Ksmond & Crant- Despcrale .Sam . Riiz Bnis Norrcc Co d )»alf (18-20) F'lder H'rrlct & H Briahls' RItz Uros Zastro * White Rv (One to nil). UMN<:y, ILL. ' . Waslitngton ISl half (15-17) Honey Boys Ch'iiib'rla:n & Earl (One to fill) ROCKFOUD. ILL. Palace IsL ha'f (lS-17) Wray AS: (;aray Davis St Darnell Master Jay W.ard Gruber's- Oddities G'eiir's M'rlmb:i tJd 2d half (18-20). Rc<il(^ Klano Co Evans Xt Mayer Til Us & LaRuo . (Two to nil) 2d halt (11-14) Ernest Jliatt Ann Garrison S Alexander Sis. La Salle it Mne.k (One to HID SlOrX.CITY. lA. Ori>lioiiiti 1st half (15-17) T^arimer & Hudiioa Cprvo Xl Moro hou 'I'ellPgfln Co Kane & lilHs W'tch '.Phis Kh'lhni 2d half .(18-20). olyn I.,an<lick Wilton it Weber .T it B Grands Marshall *: La Rue (One lo nil) 2d half (11-14) Mondy it Duncan Slim Timlilin Co FranM>n D'.\Tiiore Hadji Ali Gilbert it French SO. BIOND. IND. I'tiliK-e"^ 1.>:t halt I'l.-.-K) V'^ilei 11 ('iMik Biitte.ry to Mionx \'al Harris Co Hilly Doss Co (< me to lill 1 2d half' ( r''-2ii) Harry Carroll I'nit 2il half (1 1-11) SIg l.'^r.isvoe Kil l.'r.ankel iV Diiiilcvy Pai k.;- .-"i.-* it 11 'i ^ ey (Two ti> illO. SPHINflF'LD. ILL, ()rpheum 1s( half 115- J7) :. t i.Muan - Hifwiirs ("oilcuiana l''raiilie' \-- 11'uiilevy - Lottie M.-iyer dlrls it.)ne (o mil 2d half- HS-.20).. Park Sis it TIarvey Herli-.'.rt ('lifton ' IMI Daley t'l) Val Harris Co Crh'iii Whitney. Rv Jd halt (i: 14) Harry Carroll I'nit .ST. JOSEPH. .MO. Elei (rie isl hiilf (I ,"1-1 7) ' ('-.iroi it J.-v.nies Newhoff .t I'hclpa l.:i P.eljc Pola iT\''i> to ni!) L-d half (I..M-20) Frc;.m'n it S'yuioiir P. Kemo.s" Miilvets (Th)'ce to (III V .ST, LOflS. .MO. (•mild (15) l.'osfr li'ag'n ,t Cor. Mamniy it Picks , Axel Cliristenson (iiirdon #t Gi-off (Three .to Hlli ST; PAUL. MINN. Palitee-Oritiicum 1st half (15-17) Olvn l.iindick Wilton X- W'eher .r it. H- (Irands iT.vo to (iin- 2d half (18-20) L.'irlnier X! Htld..»pn Ccrvo .Mon) ' . I.ou 'J'ellegen Co Kane it H.ri.s' W'tch This Rh'thm 2d half (11-14) Seed. Ss Austin Ted it Al 'Waldnian- Gareia M'rl|-nbo Bd P<.tlt Lo Anne Co ■• (Otin' to fill) T'RE lI'l'TE. IND, ln<llun:i - Ist hnlf (15^17) ■Slaiiiese 2 . Spence Sc True (Two to nil) 2d half (18-20) 1'hc Meyakos Elleon Cook Girl Wanted Frankel Xt Dutilevjp Fiimily Album TOPEKA, KANS. Novelty Ist half (15-17) Cook Sr. Oatman' 1*- Kitnios Midgets (One lo fill) 2d. half (.18-20) Frank .foncs .„ Ncwhoff Sr. PlielpB r.aBelle Pola WAl!REGAN. ILU GenesNv ,2d half (tK-:0) Don ('tiinmiligs' Battery to Bronx (One. to fill) WITCHITA. KAN. Orplieum half (15-17) Tom Thomas- Co WranelH & Wally ((')ne to (111) 2d halt (18-20) Cook X' Ontman ■ (Two to nil) . ni/yiNGT'N, ILL. .MnJoKliti 1st half (13-17) Sawyer * Eddy Bob Albright Co (One to nil) • 2d half (18-20) Hungapi.'U Co -- Roxy La Jtocca ■ . Masters X- Gruyce ( IIAMPAKJN. ILL. Orpiipuih 1st half (15-17) Parke Sis Xz Harv'y Uiih'm Whitney Rv (One to nil) 2d half (15-20) .. Claude Deearr <;o . HoWe 11's .('o 1 )Cgians (()ne to fill) . 2d halt (11-14) T B Ham)) Co. . Sl)cn<-e * True Jerome Evelyn OHlC^\(iO. ILL. . Itelittont 2d half (1«'20) 5 Ilraeh.'irds Esmond iM- .Hrarit King of I'ulagonla Stanley M' '";il>p Bd (One to nil) Engiewood Ist half (1-3-17) King of Pal.'igohia Chas Hill Co Sian .M(-f'a)i|-s Bd Chirep to nil) 20 hiilf ilK 20) Rert SaunOcr... f!i) Siicrice 4t True Red Norvo d) -.M i n<; r _ fr—A n. - (Onr- to ni.) Itiviera (II) At PS it DahTng (;.-tie liri-'-te- 1 B H-ioip C(, DAVENPORT, lA. Caplloi r-l lialf (15-'17i 4 I (ai-'lia nds :;ii ha-:r < ix-2111 Fiarii;.vn 1 miiio!'!. .Moody A,- liiitican Morilin it Sli'iut - (■'has Til' hiin Co HadJI All Co 2d half (1.1-14) Shaw & Carroll Rv Tpllcr Sis Xc Ackl'd .Moran Xc WI,sor (Two to nil) DECIATI R, ILL. LinooliT'Kiiuare 1st half (lf)-17) Hungarla Co Roxy La Kocca Masters Grayce 2d half (18-20) Sawyer- & Eddy Bob Albright Co (Cine, to (III) DES MOINES^ ,IA <>r|))H>nin' 1st half (15-17) Fra'nklyn ))nmpr.o Moody X: Duncan Morton * Stout Chas TImblln Co HadJl All (.'p Bob Muriihy 2d half (18.-20) 4 Hu.-<liands 2d half (11-14) Bob .Muridiy ■ Tillle Xt I.a Rue Kuth Wiipren Co (Two to fill) DETROIT. MICH (irand-l(l vl'ont 1st half (15-17) Crooners (Two 10 nil) EV'NSV'LLE, IND. (rnind iHl half (15-17) Cla.iid f„_I >eC: irr_-<V). Hirl Wa'nii-d lllerberl Clifton l-'amilv Album (' ini. Il) (ill) 20 lialf (lx-2fi) n-irns '.' Ki-nest IC-ilt. Slaii)e.i;i. V i<-l(iiis (fjMe 'n *i;Ii .• I -1 i) : I 1 I ."!,■. r-- I "le't'i l-'a g'.ii it <"■ I Thri e t-i d: ) NIiJWARK, N. .1. Newark (ir>) Berks *. Partner ■ .Moro Xc Pedro Caffhey Sc Wal'ttm Jimmy' Kboney 3- Chase X: LiiTour lU l FALO, .V, y.. Ct-ntury (15) Ed I.a Vine Danny .Bri>wn 13 R'dlo J'ks St fiu'ns ■Ward & Raymond Keiemeya NIAGARA KALT.S StruncI (15) Glided Cage Sh'non Xc ('erlo Bro Arth'r * Br'nc Rev Rosa Xc Co'stello TORONTO, C.%N. I'antn^rPM (15) Royal I'cklri TSfarTy" IS' TTah'cy I Kharum M'<:'H .Sis & C'lt'n B Kruglo & Robles DeI(?rlo & M'r'.o Co CALGARY, CAN. Pantngen (15) FUntng<>M IM<']inell (15) Nancy Fair Mlearotio Co Miller Sc Peterson . (One to fill) SE.VTTLE, WASn. I'nntngcfl (15) T>aveva St (Tr Sis & O'D'a I'revarlcallons Edilic Ross Bert Collins SPOKANE, WASH. Paniages (15) Mme Slralla ."Sniis &^ S tttlns "FerrTs & "ETTTiir OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1560 Brondway. Tliln Wcfik; Bet. 46tti-47th 8U.. New Yorll Georfre Teonuui. John O'Donnell . Dan (Tolcman Co Trout Sc Heft Hazelle Sr Kl't'ff Co IIA.MILTON. CAN. Pontages ('L'>) •Tewell's. .Manikins Ted Marcel NIte.Owls Wal-/,pr X- Kuban Silver Toes TOLEDO, O. J'antitgcH (15)- Perettea Mack-Kpgers Nugold Rev PresMler X- Klass Molodv .M.'inskin INDIANAPOLIS Lyric (I.")) France Xr. La Pell Helen X- l.orialtiv La'Follelto Jtay X- Slone .rack K'r»,"<eir =^mi'nni'^\toi;ls=-- Pantagcs 'l.">) -.Maxine it P.i.bby. I.M !-!e:v/yn S:idi.. Ii'irii.-> .Mc.CaM ,V Kelli-r Six .Max"!l'l^' Kl;<;iNA. CAN. ( ii'pKtd I t I,.I If 1 1 -.-17) ■ I'l.i vs I-Miiionl'iti ■ 2.1 'i.-ilfi .Marie Kir':.o X' Co (C'ontln'K'fl Flapper Freshles (One lb fill) VANtCOUVER. ». C. Pantages (16) Broken Toys Art Glllham ('>rren:Drew Cp Tfila(5k Sc. Dean. Flashes of Art TACOMA, WASH. Pantnges (16) .MitkU'a" 2 Four Caddies Niblo Xc Si)f'ne?.r Hllller Sc. Forte Sh-alns Xr Strings POKTL.\ND, OKEi Patitage.M (15) Hightower 3 I iiirothp.-t .Sumitiers Kevue' Cnii.uual I/ixon it MorelU.. Knorr *- K'.IIa ,'4;\N I'R.VNCISCO ^^Piint:ifiri»N^(i5j^- \rarci-i Xt T.:i Source M.;rris * W-ird H.'irry HayOeii Cp .-^coiI H's it Vernon I' Kev . LOS ANtiELES Pandiges (15) Miizie I^unetle Ki:a.ii.ii r. iffr. )'a\)line Harry Cooiicr Co .\Iton * Wii.i'on a Tangii.'iy . on pntje 63)