Variety (Oct 1928)

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Wednesday. October 10, 1928 LEGITIMATE VAklETV Plays Out of Town |Ki<riqur. Attached to t)i« niat^rnity | rh«<,:Kt« ti« t r< t>i luwfinK, KRtiiK liotn*'. M luT*-.•*!.♦> is ti;« n or* duty I, i^t 1.4 gfr Uinttt«l h>« 3V l'in<K»hT« (14Miifni m4 <fh>rinir THREE CHEERS Got. this NoAv IlMVon, ^•karKM IMllliiKhiini pri-Hwita Uils lii twn «' tH mH twelve PCi^ncs. HofA fcj Anne ruMwiil; mu«lc Uy 1 .»y- Wb«II: l>*SyIva. Brown and Ilon- il: «tani«» *na enacmblos Ik'nm'tt. MsnlBlcd by IViirl ttX by It. It. liuriiflidc. Anilrcw Tomb«< .Alan »Jwartl8 .t^lwArd. Allan tlliim Vttlrntlne .Oitrar It«Kland I^niticrt Iteni Torp^y t V«ll« Ktturne K<>iir JIttrry \'»m 9p he.i * •• Th* l>uk<f.• • •>• ••• ' llAlOttC. .»...••••»». The Mayor PAphne fit Id^tmt- . •. > • t.. Qu(^n Tiiol**!. • Volibl« Bird..- Audrey NuRcnt Ftorla Karlrign JCmiyntrude ••• lA>tty... Hetty KaslM. ...♦••.•«••••<••. Mike WoHtland. «* • • • • •» , • 4>*«• • * ^Ircfi^ I»hyllt« ...Knibryn Hi'rrtwj.. fathor, who, ui>i'n I niptTor jrot s into the on)»t;iin \v.h<», «'i'.st;isj «<• . • lew in »1; t Ills lady l» v» •W'clllnifton Cnniermmn. Inn Kceiwr raptuln Mcurlcc... i • • • ■ PrlnccHs Sylvin KInK l»omiiunola. •■> Italptt Thom:wii .JoMph tt<-hlro-!i» ..William Krnii'hfll .Tunics Murray .....Win Iloftfiu prlncosw, and oilier Jhtm-sliiif; i ii.a- actor Hludio.s. rjocc is a ircnuiiK.' triiunpli f(»i IxLura . Ilopo Onnv.^j. Sli»> s!ii;ply walks awdy Avilh U. Hot oven at that, tlio conira.vt In chanu'tor cn»- ation, pliis skilltul playlnff. kept thf, otiKT five nioinbovM of tiio t'Jist from bplnpf Kiiowod undor. Tho two (Jilhert intportat(«)ns, Fay Compton and Ian Hunter, aro wholly acrepta1)lf»i Ml.^s Compton play« an inponup <'liaraotor, sfloritly lovo sink and tht'n joyously Klad to pay th<- prirp. Hunter Is a dHlphtrul H^rht and Krarpful (ypp of Ir-adinc: man. Arnold Korff as .Hi« f.atlu'r—iwor!- C'or.a Withcrspoon in n. ko'- - rotp. <»xr<dlrnt. It l.«4 sompthlTi.;: k Itack .1 and li.avt* the Ir iriniTH st.'md out and in the »th f5?i«'k to tho a-sKM'tion ri'V.54 wallird. away wit!' phy«!f :ai3 ru;J(d l<> h:« ! ♦ ' !,■■• ; t ^ •u. K tJ K: 'i • t« t " Sj T» r <;!aM'i r.i • !M<( -« ; i t; .M sia' v.iJ'tiii «w Atut iii.iriy I.^Hj . I.if- pit .s> J.('-At'»ir. f.»n k;; I iUi>^, .iu-.y;; d*.4;<-«! h«:'«!r It. i rv:: •. ^'.-i* i t J;» ! P'J>> !<'iv'ii^ tl:r dif«n^?<:«"j| !'?} i! TiM- ait rl».s«s w^h tJ5«» Sj-t«'. 'iljrsfini; |Si«' M«dlu r S:ip« rmi t*» i'C'" , Vdti an inaurdtati' traiisfi.r. ; |:<>t\\«« n thp M'oond a:9ii httrd inV- llu'i v is- a l.ipsp »;f 41 y«.ii>! At i 70, t>i^^t•^ tJr.ivia Is tho. Mothn Sri= | porior Ov*. ail orph.M:at;c. TIi«' f-pl- i sodc iipi»r«arh« s a < J'isit.ix wl < n lior younK ( har(^»>s. anKctvd by a i«uptH>!- of br«>ad s5oak< <! in broth, arp .••tsirt df. to rovolt. As ii^r boya and icirls*, (ibout to marv.h rliDUKti '.^'tt.j a ' t ! 1 It 11. i t:. that, tho pi.. To it wrstt" n by Mi. tUvisiPJa' aitis- «♦ n ' Tlv I<war." 7hir.i' that. so Midita's Three years apo on Broadway If a wiso Kuy oraokod that tht'ro -woulcl ever bo a Fred Stone without vreci Stono he would have been lauiihcd out and no questions awk* <l. l<.if laHt «lKht Dorothy Stone helped piit re»-o.s.^ the nxweHt Stouo sli.m'K in tt irianJ-'i- that Would turn any nredece.'^Hor, b;H her father. T,Pt . n Will KoBevM f» "pSneh-luttstut a»d ho iB the bU ?mn» DllllnRhJim eallH t>»e tmnW "Three Chccrij" for no rea'*AUs an«i no plot. But who tares? Hoi-vm. daiie<s.j lines and Will KotT< ih. «ms so^ far OS to hold a ftraw srote fori iScsldJnt^the middle of^JJ.^tl.S^K^ A And the ushers pass out iwvt ^ »"< } . <:r,n.-:< i-jji. r Tr,«:;i.f i i% r President, he 'Vhrws to rt». luJ^f. v.hii^ ^c»^t:>fa cv Wa*-' f Dorothy struts her fathrr'!* step anO i j r. r. r»,-i u- '-^^ , . a Whole lot more of her ""'Vf^^n^f ^ W'^J: • - V,, Imitates Will, ^. ^n-'*"rr f-' mr "" v v . t llowftrd Yi tieallv 1»rb;M and "Tho T'lu«. II!:o the laltrr J? unhiue n5u«! fo: pr« iir.«t» t"««Ms tiiti tir*i;««r-t« r«'"J st<i! V, In l^"..? SI<'W':Jd e»»» 4 tHf. . ''isrc b.ft 'r.o' !"♦!.« f tt./? ! e H:: w .; ' S.:S fjrtlr«i. KINGDOM OF GOD ... Jtr-H An. I * rj? 'i • :i ,tti I'. : .! •' U«huiK in pt*." tl.tau* friv«;n H lr«v h^tud to l o i<J t«;t' ifiii«<«K, arouiHl M»'..> •'tor. Tlii.- pi Oilcti (ion hut:* K («: t.i:h*r(d .iV.M dtiti* It ♦ »!■. I d. w:; il8 < • :k4 t.« T!:t r;- MURDER TtrT;5 the <»r? ! .Wil«on <:j**« 't phanapc to demand r«H»d-~5tcal it. if l! "{""•"■J,", need be—f?ister Orav'a h.irs ihvl^^y'it^ door, eommands her eha»'fMK to re-. :ttr 'y.r.-t turn to tlie table, cat thei«* btii«b3«'r ^" „' fare and pledRC themselves bt !«•»•>!! .|';''V,' God to strive to cradleate : • .'i:-:r;« «" evils wUioli underlie their own. «n-F n * fortunate state, . 5 V'-il'.~ t this gripping and splendid-" * ly dr.ani.T.tlc scene which supiilies not only the title for the Sierr.i pl.iy but the key to the.playwriphl's tlienie. Moreover, St is pertiap.A tlw •est bit of theatre in the piito :ind undeniably the best of the three eur- taiii.s. The art, l;Ud in the asylum f«»f ito«»r old inen, is chlelly eon- ii «>i ncd with revealirtp: those motivts 'whith Si.sler (Iraoia to Join I tho oi tier. t*ciriously, her mother, a vo:U < 55ur< l:;joer< l« (ho .source MJ.^n. Jler fither. a iioii- undeiiit.inds and " ai •• i!;id»»wiKr f vervt^iii!:' :» A» t-i M::-'^ I5ar- in ;t ti:i^J;:«; . ,•>» "! ; lundiit^rr Xet . =..; tt.jt: f« rni«f;j|)„' ■ . I o-evin: ijjK at all tirm"*i ho. 5.'i=;o5*- are liurry I'litiimer a'a Ttu- y.K'i ttu» fn»> thBnlier, in the lir ti; i5r .^Is-sT.'^a H;ii'vry, in * rit" • I t' >.i\. ■■'t m:.i I a l'»m:|ruKv with si« , a and i s Whi!«» Mips 1Vi«»ii has a d< us diawini; |hiw«t tu.t S' i at knowIrdKrU aiid i»U>k<?i:< dc!l:t Ui piudiit iiii;^<a:^^ for Yidd..-li tlUiUieM^*'!'*** If aiuuK thu^ liioad'- way muHualK too (.'early t^iiie is an 'alwencv of appeal tti natacitt.ility that would le unh»at!hy f««r t8ie box tdlicf*. the produreiv y:c» in to fwl that to keej» their trade tl.« y miiKt be up-to-dat* an;l to l»o up- to-date thry niupt have ii«ine t»f tsio pep :iiid (ipei'd of the Mr(»iidwa> musical. TliiH Is «n .appropviate eombina> tton of tho many in«ied:» :st.«J nei es*- -.<• Ir. if;;.ir.a<f«=t3irnt ! ircnf" 'Mtis.ler'- lij .sprd l>y K J r.lwnii in ..W.;l{rr llofton . i >;:ui |i «Mrnalun. Jr Wi::iam J. Krilv J ltiirn<'.n.jn ■ K:.'r»'M-e i;(»t«'nlriu>.' t'l;.ir><- PnuKt,).: . t H!»J< n .. .i:<<:.t;i*i J'HVrJtT •t>llic'l»iiiflu M>*r>ln a d« tertive mystery ati enjoy. It . is un- • V, clriliy tnelo- "M.'tdtr" !«< play a-.jvoif ♦ thoi'> .»•ti dramatic t( \; t< iu:.. The Kociie i.jju'jjH in it. hou! room wln'H' a ?M'au5 ''tsl wtitiian ir foMt>^ murd« r<'d and tu« bcic.> stuffed In a ste.'inn'r trunk. i h«' act is built around a. di)pe rinp Zitid its .letivt- ties. There arc nusw dr.'iMj.atiP nioriientH as the nnirth'r% r Is finally tracked, hut not tintil ar\ innocent bank I Jerk r- a,i-i ii.>^e«l, ".Murder" ha*j .-m espenslv«- f»ro- du« ti=«n. TIm tirst scene is in ''so hot* 1 b« droom. tlie .scciuid .sho\\>> ji Vjf- dinu: tr.'»ffK'l:i«r's home, and tin i tli'ii! t!'»' b biiv and ladies' room fit ' V-> 1. .'~*« tfirt'S :iie ekibor.ite I'j'j • • •(f.ji i»«avv. l*iceo i^ CO-* c-t ; T■■iir*«'iii:o«fjk .'as * •• .!2« i-t £n It fi«<!!t.tV ivn.tM 10.1:kw>tit sary for the Kueeesplul Viildish tnu- sieal. Hut Mtill. It Ib notieralde tlu^t while the tl;u»hy costume and s«.Vn:c effects may ke»=p tl»e.s-e shows iii lino With the latest dwelopnients of tho thrutre, it is the Yiddi^ h old- fashioned lituiKSf kaps and chanti'- teiizntionif draw the heartitsl applause. Miss rie(»n .♦ictires sinuutOJ^t with a mammy ballad of the t:.pie.-il variety. The lyrit-^ have been written with restraint, but ♦>iere is still enough boko In the dilt\i«-v ahdi the mui-ie to luake it one of the. "iitst.^ndinK nitisieal hits of the. shiiw Joseph Itunfishlsky. «>rcdiNd With tlx* . mu^ieal ci»mpo8lt»«has ereateil a M'f of »!tiretire niuiii *»-. They have ii neu qualify of n bjjilier ealibre than inlj the usual Yiddish eoinposltion.«. but Ktill re- tain thoir appeal with the cuj»^ toiners in this seetion of the city. Mivy ricon, as a eomcdienne or wi;«n sihicinK. Is eonvim inp. At- tem^<ttn»; drainatie I'mphasl.s she d«M's »}•:» m:3N(er. Tills applies alVio to Irvln.c;; <;roHKmnh, vo< allst. with 4H<nM* fi/tN>;vcnyr oh tho l'«ist Side, inti.'w ri>wt« ful* niPlodlouM delivery (♦ lii?l'ine I short (Ko ruler, cess country American palace on where movie . . . palace. And that's that. RoBerS Is hardly at nil in char- acter, ad llbinp; an<i talking politics most of the time. In one scene and Miss Stone fio throURh a va- riety of stops in which Will proves himself a fair Oancer. Again no tries to vocal-'/ft. with moderate success. But as a elnBlo, wow. :M1ss Stono shows as a star in her own right and /Andrew Tombes and Patsy Kelly ca/ne close to being the show stoppers of the evening. Show started on tltrte aiid with a Jntermlaaion, bfoke at 11:30. Alan Edwards makes a good ju- venile, while Oscar Ragland and John I-rfimbert are, of course, , nx- tures with Stone. Janet Velio ably takes care of most of . the high notes. , , Music Is tuneful, minus a stand- out. A dance number. "I'oinpanola. is practically "fJjimbalimi, bat "Orange Blosstom Home," "MrryUe- This Is Love" and "Someone KIse Is Blue" ought to attain something on lobby sales, although hardly nfi' tional. Tiller Girls do most of the stepping with a great amount of novelty. Chorus also has pop, and the .gets are ple.isant. A polka dot effect by Dan Casey stands up. Rogers' gaggirg holds the final curtain, but it would be impos-sible to cut his time and have the cus- tomers £or<?et the $4 top. "Three Cheers" Is in but hot for the kids. They won't pet Rogor.s. Roberts. M.irr.irita Cn mlMi.t. (jtiW'.'i .................. <Vi*IH.a........... ..... Tlio Tlumli ^Sirl., ..... SWor <Tlirl8ttn;» SlKtrr I'Vllol.inii ... .. Knrlquo... ■ Tiiinn f;|*fpr nmol.i... .■. i. . Sinter Mlonlsla...' TriKrnrln..-.. The Innoernt Pnqiittn...... T/ironsia..... Meronlto..... Felliie.'. .... •Tiim <1e plos..' VIneentP...'.......«....«.» Pfttlrartio. - ' Vji'iiir «.» nofiion Ali>lioni(e....... i. •.'. Joto t ',..-«{*ir.e e:L4 r«p; li!»y 15 fdeatl.v fnountcd Hf. .?f; »v<n ,11 rrricliii.?' New York in atu^tUt r thi* I'l'^'l'-rr' t*'^ fo!K weeks, nhire it Will < pf. «;trur.''.'M4»t»n«*ittii^ i;ew KilKl Hurry more l£i<;i£r . iAr.<irr ■ ^''-i'* ! Tho i>: sy rhouid run at 5<a' 12 i'.»'...i ^» v.«« k'), (lianSin to tho Jtanynu^ «^ *^*'rth.» Tcirrvc o* ' lntcili,:pnt.«iia'« lnt*K hi Jfannrtio" i^hrrwi-r, >»« l ti«o ."pJ!pp'»rt of the t'atl.i tii ■.".V " Jano To'.vrc'.is „ fiJ« ^H'egofn;; publir. It Khould I »ve «;ei.rB> T»row w» r:<:ifr j « i!i« uUy in wchnlrii; the aj» Sv.irn'o M'<"»'''i:» ''-i$ I'o.'b a 4Mo\.o::ind < i ; j;« - Ei!si..'\ t'o 'if .»r s nieiit. nhow will |duy I>» tro i ,, r.inrt itaw. «M' \v uiRhington :^n6 Kiltimore iK-foro; .(•harW'fl I*(C*er} | .,. Meriiar.; V.i* ! .S-nmu"! Orlenr'; .Kdwanl ,.. Uonel Dante AMERICAN OPERA CO. OLYMPIA " ^VaiiTTTiVglon, OctrO: Gilbert Miller presents a comedy .t)y Fcrcnc Molnar. EnRllsh text - by SW^ny How.-ird. Staged by Mr. MlUer. American performance, Belnsco, Oct. 9. Countess Wna........... .Cora WItheispoon Count Albert Grant Stewart Princess Eugenie Plata-Ettlngen Laura Hope Crews Olympla...; .Fay Compton Captain Kovacs.^ .Inn. Hunter Cplonel Krphl. , Jtlchle Prince Plata-Bttlngen..Arnold Korft Molnar here gets a great deal of fun out of teaching Austrian royalty of before tlie war a le.sson in de mocracy. He docs it cleverly, do lightfully, and with some promise for commercial values. The Ktory i.<3 simple enough but it never wobbles. Tho linos are bright. In this Sidney Howard, who did the Knglish text, should siiarc credit. Gilbert Miller has cast it .superbly. In has one set, six characters, three of these bits, and It looks like a box ofHce .setup. These who liavo been getting th'"ii' drama rather in llu! raw of lati^ ^^ny-y fiTv n "jriiTXi ofigirr"?^w=rT-- act ui)on them as ralh(>r of a beauti- ful cameo, much pri'/od and of con- sidcrablo value but too light, loo altogether of the "delightful" classi- fication. However, there are ni.any left who like that and who' will look upon it as a decided relief from the raw. They will revel in the mother, who, to save a scandal, let her daughter pay the price; in the for that cli- Novelty, the cornerstone uponj which the Spanish playwright and the American .adaptors have reared Itic dramatic structure, is at once the Htrenrth and the weakness of Kthel Jiarrymorir's tiew jilay. • U was given its llrst nt^'ht .an s r.o. audience at the Wlcling. Appi-aised in coldly eommerciui terms, its boxofTlce success d«'p<'nd.': upon the existence' in suin<'icnt numhfrs of the so-called iuti-lli- pentsla to whom the name of Hiliel T-5arrvmore forms an irresistible magnet. "Tiie Kingdom of Cud," while blessed with a generous nicab'- ure of the tbeatro knows as art, is not designed fpr these masses. And .1.3 between the play of Spain's G. Martinez Sierra, adapted by Helen and H.arley GranviUe Barker, .and-the histrioni.o arti.stry there. ca.n_ be but a single choice. It is Barrymore realistically portraying girlhood, womanhood and finally old age. She was albne responsible the. extended, curtain calls maxed the first night. In the accepted sense this is not a pla.v. lOiilsodic. in construction, an(V all but plotless,' .there will be many who will ' to see a plot. The piece resolves itself into a splendid character study of Sister Gracia, no nun, but a member of the Order of St. Vincent de Paul, dedicated to the cure of the sick and the teaching of children. It is a character study whose setting i still more eharacler .studies. First act is laid in rm asylum for poor old men. the second- in a maternity home and the third in an orph.annge; Action .siiarts a period of 51 years .and necessnrily introduces three di.stinc.t east.'*. In each eiiir-nde the enuilia.cis is upon ty))e in lieu of conventional plot. The Cdiistruction iiiled up not. a f e-w-^c Gi 1 vp J ifcatijjins.J.or 41 re_.;Ltl.i ]j-Lui>i, pcrliaps the serious being tin- task of molding character alnio.^t wholly by dialog. ac- tion is as foreign as plot obIr;«x^ 0« t. 1. I'rr.ventlni; an Enell'b *erskti «( ti<«ilM> 0 "K»uHt, ' aOaM'd l>y Ucbvn S'lMH.n, muRic by Uounitd, |:brctro by '.<rr anil farrp. ni.-iKtil l»y W. liontfg. A* Kr- l;ini;<'r, ChiiUKO. iKt. I. Kaunt ... . JPalrirh Kll.lift.ny H'linoni N>v-(l;»ii V.tlontin.....a..<•«••»••...... ASLin l;ui( Kii lie:. . ....llatD.j IfanMAj W.igniT Jrihn I't-vrriudi M.'trKuerll<^ N:il32ii' lla'.l .M;ii (li.i Ilrten Kit rUri: l''rank Jit. I/Ogor, ccr.iluttur Di al- .Io( ; When you blew to is*.*." York, .:Igal.<io, >ou lo«<t your I'ut chan." to s'-rapi! the herringbones out ol your teeth. We're. caHblng op< ra iK're now and that ain't slang f«»r burleycue. Tho next thing you know w(;'ll be eating .swiss on rye with the gold coast dobutantys. This .society racket ain't bad at .all after you learn to keep your gum under"your tongue; • - - - The American Opera Co. is sup- posed to be bankrolled by lOdltli here. Wisely, love in(or<!St is resLrictcd to a' sTngT(''""bricf scene in the .sr-i-ond act. The srstcrs-of the order of Vincent de Paul take no perpetual vows, renewing their ohliBaticms year by year. After 10 years .service, Sister Oracla first word of human of he.ars the love from' Dr. Rockefeller McCormick, who goes to local nickelodeons in an Imported bus with two footmen to see that the wheels stay on, They're dishinK oat opera in Knglish so you <:an get in on the word.s, which means nothing to you. Anyway, be- tween us saps, a prlm.a donna is the .s.amo at heart whether she's, doing '•J'^" or five-a-day in Muscatine Opera in English gives the cu.s- .tomers about 30 per cent of the plot The house was packed with cus- iriMK-rs who can hit the dailies v.illiout using a sashweiyht. Sonu (pf the matrons were so loaded with r.amily fortune they had to be lifted out of their limos. What you call a clriss crowd, with no layoffs in (jn Oakleys. Ton have to give these Ijlgtimc •.•(i(i(.]crs- credit on llK-ir pir>es. Tlley '■•;in b.'it off hiuh notes that would ; i( f-r ,'iny sonhret clear of a l>;illa(!. l-;v''r.vthin.',' clc;i^r as a whisfj'j^, jvvlth- wholeCornjiany. And the liKhlln:' ffffcts worked out by this W. K-^-'-int; have all the edat of a Rox.v Ijccsentation,' Ho turned the cast into a series of stage pictures, all n.y. Tircttv as .a barroom painting. Rdsiiig .kept the scrim down throufs'hout, which the dame behind us .'■•,'iid helped to give a Rembrandt If i'-i tf»o <!i<.'^p ;jnd fomnmn a tlllo- f>*r BUf'h a rn r^SHr;!? pl;iy and is takoly to d«tr. ♦ t from tho hox 6fn<e PUYS ON BROADWAY <C'ontinurd frtitu pa^o 48) that pfoph thiH weno for romcdy offietM, whllo the bi tter ciasiKn ln- habitlnif: tlu •Jt etion are also worked, | '"a ho! '. t<»tf V Ifarlein hU:ht club |I.H tho fiiiat Mini?. whei<j ih« boy. ;;n 4nt»ita!i|irr, '.iii/i ^^M'dl.v deneend. (<t from the |»rir,f<». mMfo tb« ltl^^ who clnlm* aho i» the liic .iisfiftoft of the Afrt« an piineo •« whoH« W«i dliiK diHsnptrd hy tho invasion «>f the flav«» tr.idrrii nt th<- Btart of tho storv. Jano iViwI u* d a nitnllar Idea In "Fimyn'Thru' Jianror olatmri h'- <<fnroivrd lh<' ytorv with the <<ri(';in;il Intention of rj^viniT hsH uifo lltht l Wa!er«, play tUt lU'.'o t;9h(l IH BinKinK bot tur.< ■ at b^avy dough for K<>lth*H and h .<3 i" t llisrl Hat. Tcirl Me fornjM i; dm n iir,5« nuf bad in eapa ble fa:ihi^*n J/ociiH Cole, juvenile, bandit r; liri; £; and numbeiM neatly. r«'gist<r;rig v/ith "Deep Harlem,' "»,i.~,'«^n Gai' ;ind "Don't M. Wh.v," all ii.r«';ible hit tunes. Salem Whitney and lloint— Tutt wrote the book and lyrsc,« jjud Joe J.;rdon the niusie. The show go< s to W.ishington thiM week and then into IMilUy for two weeks. In Harlem It did turnaway _bu.sipI'ss.,at ..IQe. top,. doHplto, only^lO d. iys of rehejirsal. Properly cast, costumed and han- dled, "Deep Harlem" might reach Broadway a month hence. Dancer says he has the backing of a mon- e.vcd philanthropist whose interest In artistic theatrical effortp have been often chronicled. rr jr!«Ary detAlt woilld out dc<wn tiiDo and flfM'ed up the Fan; *^"^(||t<n, oM, Well known aetiir. P' ^X^** o' th<? (Pitrartloni) *'ir, * ^"yj** ter -tt'ork m ftd- mlmhl* for jn^rtiyi^ ^ Qp<. and he doeii a few t diUl-uIt evcil for younrer men, ^"li^ J Plfrtry \H Hrht, i»ut «• »'-**ifci|nit and Intt rofitlniir. The iihov; "J'S-te is ntinlmlxedl «?5er the ojwni'^a' ^ wher<> lli<» #cirl 1» Introduced w.* iMirker vlth a nmall group of trnve'l.rtjr performem. r» -iwced n« a younff girl to. get « hrtW f)rlred llekot to Boston, she is foui.<l crying at the station by a younv' wan ivho takes her home tinder the impretifllon that she Is lo*f. fjr>ve interest with eompUca- tlona tollow. The nrlnia dnnna, Betty Simonoff, la n doelded ftHsetf*, seorlhg eon- tlniinurdy with a smooth cultivated voice. Mori. THE CIRCUS GIRL (YIDDiSH) Operfttta In two }icta preHenlcd by JoKetxh Ttuiii.shi.sUy and .Jafol) Kalich. IJlrected by .Taofib Knllrh. . Wrlltf;n by .Shomer Blulers. Mnlly on wlarreiJ. MuhI'- by Jo.sei'h Jlur(,Khit;ky. IvyricH nc)t rrcdllol: iJance.-i arran>."'d by lfyiri;in .TMf-oti.Mnn. At 2d Ave- nue, Now- Yorit, Oct. *i, $;i top. • '.Sam Ka.sKiu effect. Music is what you call classic. Mr. S.tir l"IfoKi!l. . . ICoKone, Hon Hclla. flnanrn" Sanih, rnolhur. ..., Rlfilian), arllftl. .. tJ.'ilzy, m.'iWI Kiirnrny, i-lianfli-ur. SPnoi- J!urn-Unze.. I<.'in;i rik<-l A'li lina. Sdt.iM .. . A T'-.iinl' A ''nndiji'tor..., .. ,... Irving (JrosHmaij .... .rioae Ore<;n(lcla ,., .Clara. }If)nlgnian .... Max UoHftnlilati .., (■Jortnidc Hulman . .. Max WUher M. Slmonnfr T'/Ptly Slinonoif .I'^raricos Wpinlniub . , .• ... .M(il!v ri' iiri T.r-on rimras l.con NaildlKky 'One of t.h(, moKt entertaining mn sicals ever shown on . 2d Av< nii< "Tlip Circus fjirl" i.--! easily the best on the street this .season, with tin utiendance proving it. Though they still have much to learn, the producers have vastly improved their Icchniriue. This is a pretentious speclacle, with fre- quent and expensive costum' changes all marked by good taste in ENGAGEMENTS Berton Chundiill, Prank lyyon, Wxon, Dorothy Hall. Ilka, ICdwin NIcander, "Final Fling." Solly W.ard, Greek Evan.s, Cbt ster Halo Girls, George Smith's Ktrlng ensemble, "Music in May." Morris Anknin, Julesj PVrrar, Maynard Burgess, Sylvia Sidney, "God.-s of JJghtning." Kalph Miirp'y. "The K Guy." Virginia llenry, "CouLig*-." RtdreKiindHon^, ''MtmlPT.'' Catherine Alien, "White I41ae«." Jack Sheehan, "lively Lady." Marjorle Hubert, Prank Manning, Charlotte Hunt, James W. Wallace, 'Tin Pan Alley." ■Tom Douglas, "Toung Love." Helen Menken, "Congal." Gertrude Saunders, "Blackbirds" (Boston). Eric Dre3Hler,"Exceeding Small." Helen Brown, "Whoopee." I>amela Bryant, "Rosalie." Marc.ia Kyron, "The Crook's Con- vention." . Hugh Bnclvler, "Rewlt." Wynne Gibson, "I)a.siiuerie." Robert Glockler, "Gcntlemrn of the Press." PJvelyn Cromwell, '.'Vanities." •. .yiij-io^t-.y Sist<!rs, Maryoh Dale,. Sil- ver Slipper Club. Zelda SaifLl<-y. Bert Gordi.n, Bob Harrison, Jtoy Jlyi-on, Guy Harring- ton, I'Yaricis Vr-rdi. J-'red MoiUl. ^1 )or-o 11) y'^ j iro wn r.=Lo iii^ J^:i>^iUJl---ii^ Ftundlf-y, l>oc Soniers, Gayland Kinursto"^ny, -lack P,en((m, (Jeorge N<'ville, Johnny Shepp-ird. Jce Fields, George C. Mack, K. N. .Tohn- stone, J>'Wi,<-; Shores, llaruld De P.nay, Ida Fit/.hugli, Claud Main, "The Squealer." Allan I'rior, "Rainbow." T.vroji" l*o\v(f. lieatri^- "Thomson, Lester Vail, "TTnknown Warrior." Breone Sisters, "Americana."