Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 7, 1928 F O R E I G N VARIETY By Eric H. Gorrick i^hA -Patsv" dnen^d at the Gri-. with membfers of hia -family, when ^ io«?^^Pk- Ran 13 weeks in an aiito he was driving, was struck, aS-loolS^ :ike^lS;i^S by:a the railroad crossing.: ■ llantly 4cted by. ire^e w.n^er, y er^ i „i^^ ,.-toita-'''- -•••Marff^tretBarinerman 5Sea%A3 sent us- in xjWte a|Men's WKeg., , ^ liast weeks . arinouttcod . f or; "Rio liita;' after six; months', run... here, ' Goiiiff to Melbourne. - W T. did with /"The . Student PrinceV what.. Rufef .Naylor failed ■■ ■ Vaude . Now that the Tivoll thbatre- prop erly has been :sold . to Hugh ;D. Mc- intosh, it is quite ptpbable that it Prlhoe-' What.. Rufe.^^yapr ^aueo , jj^l;.l^^^^^^ to do with it w.heji first staged, at ^^^1^^^^ . . . the Empire. / Sydney ; ::tfiey . made|r^ not only ran away-with inoney by;, taking the ■ ^Wow^oYe|^ J^^:^^: ^^J^tnigh . Hoyfs, it., but. tied .it up In; Jcnots. :Ther<> troirt Naylor and Playir?g; it^ut on g^^^ Regent.-Sydney. '" ' - — — ■ tlie road for many ir>on(hs and^th?n. P»»ncipa^^y s^,^^ that strai London Gluhs Cutlmg^Sealei Xm^^^^ Look Good brihging it back to. Sydney, for a pliprt season- Production is a tniich better 6ne than, previously staged. James Liddy. JBgppie DeYrles and Arthiir Stigaht score .nicely.. A short reVi.vaV of- "Madame ^^^^^^^^ dour" will follow with ,Liddy_out: -M'^^^^^^ iused exclusively for legit, ;of -this show;, but making -first "°Showr. " vaiideViUe . is dead, at appearance In "The Vagabond 'o_^serit. meanijig that . scmetirnes WILL MAHONEY The Syracuse: "NEWS" . said: ., ''Will Mahoney ran: away with the (5W. He not only rah a:Way with I It. but. tied it up In knots. There Is onlv ohe Will and ho has arrived It ^ an insiderKSt' that ;st?aight at the ; top: ..rung,: 6f the . ^Ojnedy V^d£rS:S-n6t. been: a .. paying vvp clown of proposition at ;the ..TivoU for sonie I the da^^ Indications luviviaro-tijtvt all.nifiiit club.s are f^ in for. rru'*' rodiK'r ■ tloiiis. Kit rat.'luts rovViH:=oa H^s sxip-; ■por eharK(;.: frQiu- .?i'•^■ .P.tec;Valll'^^:Juvtl'^ i,&\v.:;lsk for.supuoi..- ' V ■^ ."v ■. ■ Duncan - .:sistPi-s.\ai;e ^doinp ox-- .t.rpinoly..wc^il:iU UUv Kit;;C:U^ :whoi-ir roceijits arc . running . iJoy.ond • thoir ■$i.?bO gua'ranlp.o;.-: i-ho to;ini. is. iiot;^ tfnf^~ sijypt^nce- ' (about : on evcvy ': cover ovor ;^00". inn^ ;.^0,^ vc\iUs for -chch . ■:Vialt-i'i:v j aflor'- 1 .T.00 ■ iiayo -come. in,'. . Thoy:^ arei. doing ; Uut ono; -slvo^y nightly.-' ;v..'--.;;..^;-. time. The theatre is considered top anc-.errt. - Ma^-bc ^ AV.-.'i\ ...wi.ll' mu va:ude into' -the Royal; Sydney, ^ut this seems hardly :Ukely, as th«i .-.pirectiori -■ RALPH G. FAR ; 156fl BROAPWAY^^ present, meaning ;that . scmetirnes. when any ^big. act ^;the attraction business hPlds up-1Cor. one or two Weeks and.' then -flops, again : and stays flopped for quite a time. • Here's the story-of an, Australiart ] girl who - haai -made a picture f or $12,000. Jaliette De La RMz.e, _2^4:, had the 'above^ sum. left .hgr. . She immediately, .got together, IpcAl players and handling tbe producing., as well turned- owl; a .film, "The. Rus- I sell Affair." .Those who .havt. s(!en .[ the rush; shots, sfiy . the picture : is the'goods;.-.;.: It w^^n '^e tiNade screene^^ Bfeeh here. Iri^fdct^Jeverj^^a^ rcvucvl nionthiV The. exhibitors:.of.^this;;<;try play ingr this'-■■'r tically tlve sarhe old .gags... .'Some:, away .w ■ ''.J.-'-'.^^-.^ v,i,v; ^of the shows have-been clcilnv,many . .striind^ Sj-dncy.^ will, close next; on the dii-ty side but lik(?d:by;clas£<,HTi<.-th;; aivl . .u i- V}^''-!:^}^^^ ^J^i'^;,^ bf Sons, drawii here. A general housC controlled:, by . the, defunct cl^iS^P?. some ?f the;old acts and :|;WaddiTigtohs; : will. be: remodeled appearance. , - ^ tt Klngi" to follow,this revival at Hei Leon . G'brdon \tn^ "Iriterf,crence" gives a very ordinary Interpretation, ■ buti-the i)luy . has, a, good chance of ^making money -here for several ■weeks. Gordon's work', is too me- chanical. Rest good.Cast: iricludpp ♦ e. M.'Hallardi Zillah Batertan, TWay; , .Collins, and Hodgson.; Well \ .prodiico,d,by Stanley-Bell, ' Old Stuff at fullers : ^ Same old. type tixb revue, .at Ful- ■ iers . with . lUe . Detevale :featured comedian:. '. All; the old:-.bits-from burlesque of a decade iago. may he Up AU Ni - Paris, Nov. 6. .;, • Am:fei;icans wlH sit . up; all flight: to . get the election rer turns: Vija'radip; - - TAVP . local-. Tank papers, are. broadcasting the balloting bp the " Ve lot. ' . ' :i.ondoh^ Kov.:-'p., ;' :.. \Vr>>f 10\jd ^Tlvoati^O ,^la^?:^i-.oi•s■ As- sociiltioij ■ t,Ui;i\<Nl.. ,'":o\vh ;,;Vlu' .'--daily l-^vciving StaiJdai-d's domand ,f:o,r 1; -,. oroa^ ■; ..■sp:.,;'c:ra{o^\/:Thi^ iuu>rv W^ ^clifii-feihg G0; ci'r\tii, iV Aine ;i:or.,;th,o;vU>'; 'ad.s an(V-a,imovinotSl ,a': .b<>i.'i>*t. lb :$1^ . -scii^tiv jn-.-iH!4o.-rovo^ .the'"rai:-^' ';f-,--'tho:^'Pi:Vv's,; nils:'' 7 .raic^^^.arid>tllif^ |, proposed. sOa-lo. ■ ■ ,':pr i<^nTVt>iiualiiiii ;•;v;i^v•l^Ti^M ,wit.h W»"-l; lOnd 'iiiedtros dViPPlvi»g ou-t, of the :Stundai'd;.,;-..: ■:::■"■■' ■'<■'■ e. P. Guts Off ^ P^ G. bh Rftil and Water ■ JiOiuViin.. Nov.. 15. . ■ Vooiirivo KoHy's;: . '[("rn/ii's; - AViro". -, .>iit\M'ii i in 01 -K.Kiini;n.-iiii'-l;i.?<t iik'ht OUnjil;\yV, ro;\tin-ini^; l-'lvyU,is >vt. lli<on- TiTry.,^ Its. i.i\ovvpl:io,ip\vas:i'ntlvns;f:is ' " ''y.^' :- '-' - .-. Anot.iior'iuit of, town I'l'^uvlii^r \yaa . :!t.hat .of-^ v.^u^i•jo^;^^;V; ■■riho\v -»^t;'^t^':i tA) ;c';iiiai'it.<- : in. 1-yiVisiiuiut;!!;' -Nrtsvvil/ koys,:;;Vnd V;!!>^(i'C^ thi>.^in;in- ., oil>n'l ^Volofi;;^,,.,.;- :, ;-rt•. ■ VobKgiiud. > nrst .11 i'^'lVt -. I,>ii-nc:h\;• :tirihg- ino!?t"oiir(U:\l. : ■ - Wallace Writing Drama, with Music, for Robeson :, , lAuulon, Nov. .6.,'' ■' I^dgar Wiiliai-o^:-^^^ ,bUt!i to s;i|l: for the Now' ^^l'li pro?-; ontatlon. of his plays, is ^nOw . writ-, i. V. a, V ^ama for PaMl.-RPb'?s*'^n' .inoidiMitai mil iq will bo written 111 for the' oolbrod 'basso. , :. ■ Delayed Press Show .Vans,., No v.,-6. • , Kdtui- ..C.'n\ oy, joiHod , thiS Ciisinp ; Keyuo aiul n-oci vod; f:vyor;\,lil-e ■ ;np.- tioes; foyU)wlng, ii'-'Spootal; afu l-porfoniVaiicO.. which the manage- mo'iit; toriTLod a general rohoarsal. V Event \vi\3 .'satisjactoi-y ;aUhpugh the ' oritics epmnvoiVtcd .:vip6Ti a considered the ;usuni pros show . a little latii, inasmuch as It w.i,s- held, sevenvdai'>. after tVie l>rpni^*?'^y6v, .companios playing this, tim0 would be well "worth the while... ljusincss has been falling off lately. ; .What was it Barhutn sild? , ■. •; .. , ' Straight vaudeville at Tivoll,'with Long Tack Sam and trPupe featured, : Entertairiirig.- Barbette .scored; Hughes, , and Hughes, Am Prog and, Janet, Kcnha Bros., Irving Rose, and ^ Jack Honnessy are others. Bill up . to standard and should draw., well . on Long Tack Sam's name. . • Pictures Capitol lias .been opened 26 weeks and packed them Ih every night. . Sparkling ybU-ngsfer's controlling the. business end of ,house und,er Stuart Doyle use . American pep, person- •a,lity and showmartshlp. Roy Barm- . by runs the business end; Johnny Glass takes, the-publicity, iind Ossie ■ \Perry the presentation's. All ' have had Arhericari experience^. Ted Into store frdnts. ' / :;:" -Talkers ■'' '.i".'-:- :^ First taiicer Aviil : go into ,...the Prince Edward, Sydney/ . Talking pictuiW such as- DeFbrest ,Phonpr, film offered :Spm,e: time ago flopped badly iwiaybe with the real thing here it will be a different •stpry. .jn RequiBsfed by BrewCT^ ; London,; Nov/ 6,\/- •. ;Barcla^ Per & Cp;, brewers, iKvVe rhade- application to the Lon- don County -Council to iexhibit, nonr -inflammable film at several, pf thtelr public Chouses- llceinsed tor n>usiq ahd dahcinjg, ; ■ . . Theatre and-muslchall committees of the Cpunbil hiyeVtakeri the;mat- ., -Ah additiPnal per: cont^ fa^^ .reduction; making .a total of .15 pet cen>,; becomes effectiyc Nov, :26. on illl'Vfares' i^or paHsage , iiy. thoatrlcal and' - concert:'.artists: trfiveling : be- French Filriv BalU • ■, Paris, Nov. 6.]. and - conccri. .aru.-sLs.. ui .i w.,....-, ■ v.irlpii.s I'Vohch-:.Sj^^^ .t^^•een-~-Vn^ncbi^vor• p \'ictorAa,;lei^ JBlancbard as :Pi.Incpt isli 'Goiumblav and SyiHiey. Aus-. liralia;: br,,A\ickland;' New;.;Z<:'altind,.; via, ^: ^::Canadlan'-A uiKtn^^ Mail'Liiiev^.;;:^.. ■ : ■.. Bruce ,^.Nbble;. theatrical, traffic agent of flic '.Canadiah way in iKew ;York; makesvtlii« ,an-. nbuncomcn.t• f or :th'o .ben<'01 of ,, .slibw- pcople. ■ ^ ■ ^ ':'-. ■' ■' . The Canadiaiv4ii«trit1asjah.bce;\n lino': is allied ,wii.h t,hfe C. l^ R- . Increa.sed thcati-Ical trnnspbrta- tibn between; America and tlie. An- •iCtid- Loij:ise:^L:\arango>. prinOes!^, for the fprthcpritliig : v cinomjltbgriiplv ball , this :mc)nth.. - ; ;,2S';Sl,?'fc>"'an?%S; i: simmr-wpiicauon haa:«»y h'luction,,^ , ; .. . ; .;: I ,:c&,kmo bill Mtsa before been made here week^that E. J. and Daii X^arrbll had joined . with ..UnlPn.,, theatres lie some interesting fact^. • ■ , • For $500ioadi Union. . theatres bought a; half share in tbe . Pr.mce , TEdward, Sydney, principal ;run movie Ixouse.: Agreements include , the spending^, of nearly $1,000,000. pn a new Brisbane theatre between- Union theatres' and. the '. Cat-i-plls. Union theatres will/Spend about N;YvStoWaw^ Berllrl, Nov. 6; Terhiine. the ybjLing stowaway on the Graf Zeppelin/has had th^atr^ have had American experience, x eu 1.jg^Q qqq .j^ ; de^velPping ' the B.irchv |.offei-s from George WTiite . and HenkoV conducts .the ,and * . chriin of theatres In: ^,,^1-; j)Q.^,]lng in New Tork. W. L. Vr^A ..Q^hrtii • rHoks at. the organ. xirith ilOO.OOO 1-^^"*^ vo« '"fB xn;iin.v.-v <..i"»M<.i.<-n3..'-'«'- W.....P-V-• "V.— Carroll, uoyie eiin-in i.^i^o.^.^Mrt^ ... ■ jiTfifiie. uo-w^iinB in i>ew jtui^' Pred Seholl-clicks, at. the,^o^^^^ Berlin ■ agent for Australians love , the fare Prpyldep n-ovided Jbintl^^^^ fpr. .. talkers, in - C^^v.^'^ Jl,-^^ at. $1 top. Bill. includes, this wcek^ J^^S^^ Carroll houses. ^ al?o made the l^d an P^^^^^ two movies,- "Lady Baffles" and | Jil^r r^nnntrinc- directors of | If the offers go through, n • . •:-^^ .v '-. -'. -::,Lon(ioj1,. Nov:;-;6 .."To What,', Red- i rellv":hectic: m<ilo-- drama: con(ii(>rr>in.g an .Innocent man 1 on ■ • i:rial, , fbr :. inurdor, ,>came . intp ,W.yhdham's and. Avas .'.\yildly. api.- I plauded by gallery; V, , , • ■ Play was triod out .a.t, the Q the- atrb a <:biipio,' of years,, agb;. it Was Kelth'^ I voted -tort , long .- and . harrowing. Present-vcrdiot the snnioi/^ : '-' :^ '\-:-- :''.r'\\- '-.:' ',-PlirIs,.,,NOV;^6;■.:- '■• Jackie t^obgan had!, a, successful; opening at the Empire (vuudcylile), rridaiy,; "• .Tlie .-'iict:-. included .■ plipa from abbUt^ail■,of his.: pictures, with;.• the exccptlbn of Chaplin's ,"I'Cld.'* / Thc'^^younfj.ster and hla .father did most of them iii. .•cnch, .that pleased the audience. :, On:;lhe:srt:mc hiiV Miss Co^ wiris ; act^:alsb:;^co,f<^d..- : . . nibn and Carroll bousefl.^^, ,^_ . „ ^ :thrpugh; his sister two movies,- -juany ..r^ixix^o , . r^ug. new managing directors of 11 zno oil^-h, ' • ■ ^ , , "The Fortune Hunter," be.sides news ^^Hhce Edward ihblude , Stuart in New York will be appointed^legaJ, reel and stage shovvAvith: Ted Hen;- kel and Ja^-z Bind; Four Aces, Fal - . low Twins. Lbwela Bros?., and hoUse regular ballet. - , ' , . "Ramona" extended season, at Cry-stal Palace. Red Indians on > stage.:-. . "Fazil" opens today at Regent for two weeks. Stage unit wiih,,Aarpn- son-s Band. MELBOURNE .. . .His Majesty's—" Desert Song ' , - ppened here and clicked. : Best in. ■ town. . .■ ? -, , Comedyirerie Vanbrugh and - •i)ipn P.oucicault playing: in "Mis' , ' Noll b" New Orleans;',?" • L.Ki.og.S3c=iLuilcLatartjji:^^ E ' J"- ' Talt.'.-. ■ When :PrInce Edward bpened it was a bugbear, to • Unlpn tljeatr^s Until this firm oi>cncd the .Capitol,- Sydney. Union: theatres, supposed fo be keen rivals of Hpyt's thea- tres, fighting them for flim trade, and patronage. E, J. .Tait Is. a di- rector . of Williamson.-Tait. who have a large interest in Hoyfs. E. ,J. Tait Is a member of the beard , con^ trolling the Prince Edward, on, the, Sme Wd Avlth Staurt F. Doyl^ head of Union theatres and, the 'man who fires the,- gun , against Hoyf.s -iikely "Tbrhunc Will he : bold; as a topical Broadway attraction by the time he gets ^back. > Uniyersars, fbrthcomiirig film fea- ture, v'-The Stowaway," was pug- ;gested by the youth'a .exploit. . Ted Trevor and Ted Trevor, back from: Eurbpe, 1 whose wife and ; former dancing I partner, I>ina. Harris. ,ia isecklng a divorce abroad,, has; formed an- Deiir^ Piigaud Dies^ .Paris,:: NP'-^/C.';. ... HtGO "WORKS EESTRICTED \. ■'■:;': ■'■ ■'■:'/--' .Baris, •■^^bv'i c.'- . :. Heirs „bf - Victor Hugo, are suing;. Fl-erich ilad iophbny:for damages be- ctuise parts ,pf '•fjcs Ml«erabl(;s'' and other Ilu'gp works wOre broadcast without pormlssloh. -: v : ;;' ;: v; • ; lena on Marriage Biz ■ - - t,.b8: ^Angt-lCH, Nov':: ,6. ,- I>pd Maloiia w-hP recently vyent: • to Borlin; to appear In Xlfa pictures and Incidentally marry Manfred , E)( ire V PugaUdV - belovecf Trbnch;^^^o tJorman pli;cctor, :ha^^.a^^^ a.Sr,'•dropp(Sl dc4d. at't^ marriage biz. 62 ;ii . Lypn^. ^bari' trou1)l<; caiisod iiis .dr:;th.: • •. •'■:•■;;'.. ■' . ,.. ■ Pugaiui •.was ,famed as the tavbr- ite Froirch" Pierrot. Lo^a 'cabled friends. In. ilolly- wobd siic ;wlll,: be: back around Jam 1. "Cfowwris" on Tour :. London, :Ndv. 8. "Clowns In "Clover," current at the I Ad(!li)lii; will '. cipsq here the end of .January : at'- which time Cicely - cyan ,Affair.' , ,.. ,: Royal;^ Ma:iiriGe : Mb^jcb ^The Sileiit Hbuse."-' , ,Paljice— "Np..17'V fbr -Short rUh;.. ' AtheniaeUin—" Saturday's . Chil- . Bijou—Taij revub. .-- TivoJi ^ V.aude-VTlie . Ingenues,' :Pfepito,;- "Collegiate , Chonstbrs',' Barne.s .and- Barnbs. .The • 'Harle- qiilns, Fred Bltiett,, m. c. ■;- ^" .pictures:- - •- Capitoi-^':'Sorrell and' • run.- ■: V-;;..:. ;. - AuditorIum^*'AdOrh,blo ■ for. run,' ;: : ' ■ ■ ?^^^^w-r-h^?Stib ,^eovitch.,.n.U,a^:^^t^^^ on Son.'" .Outcast "Good . News":.: will follow "Rl') Rlt.av;fntp;st. James-. Sydney.\?: .Prlhco and■ Jimmy Goddbn. foaturbd In^Fullor ;Shp-\v. After a split; Tivbll popPle hiayo aRaiti niudc -.arrangements, to . pro- vide T'nlon Theatre.^ \yith vauda- .^inie acts for their ..Wintergfii^den, T ■-'- !•. . AV.-T.,. who (.•n' - ■Tlvrill rii-oiiif: nrily . 4iav-e-:twO-hA?i.s.0.s Playlni; rocular vaUdo—Tivoli, Syd- -»?py. and .Tivoli, Melbourne; Acts playing Tivoil time.are mostly, only /offered a 10 Weeks' stay, with ri fur thor option of 10 weeks, which .i.s tnkoti, :up by 'pi.avihg the moVic ,nous4.s. :SlWg^;ha^ 6f::il^ir legit^a^^^ Ilbn^v^i^ :the.-firm;s-tli^ booking acts,,frpm W,-T,3.^, Tiyou cireuit-for ;theif film ^"^"^f-^^^ . Queenslatid has. been the hprpe^^f the^ Carroll organization, whon^ their circuit has a very stron.^ liold.. v^at Tivoli vaudeville is tcalrt booked: in/ Union-hbiises may Sn thai the -war if^f^'W^g: were on—between Uniom the.itres Ml :'lT"Vt's' vv-i-ioh inc|ud"s .^V r>oylecinnot mor^ . bi^ . R^ns ai-aittst: hi.s - s^ippbsed ..rivals ,^wlth ir T Tait in.clo.«^e proximity, boar-, feg tlie^a^ ot pnion theatros,bev :''^:Smi.hty^liUe:asif;eaH.^s^ aratb ct.mpany is. in w;lth .tho .othoj 'follow:?! .business. -. "Jealousy" Tirst in toitdon; T..on'V)ni ^*"V--_-^5.. ; :\i \\'of).l.^' i)rodVicti(>ii. of: •,'\V('in.- t iin^ llvsiijjtbd:: ., has': bo'-n . pOHtpnnr.d, &nffey7ll?C^^ ina.l.ility to. sffure BntiJ-h Trevbr regards his present status as 'Unique in that he la being dh yorced from Dlna* Is '?niore or less engaftbd" to Mariorle AIpss and has lakeii another dancing matb. violet Loraine's Returiri ;^-:;:'- v'.: . ■; ■/Lcndpn; Noy....e. V, ; Violet : i-braihe retu'rhed to .' the; st-age'^ t hight -(Monday) after -an- ■absence of seven- years.;. , Miss .Loraine 19 playirig; :ln."The I Broken Line." .which bpened In Ed- . 'Show will heed- revision ^1)/>frire■Uf:irlg brougli) iv hero. \ PARIS iHEATRt COilJlPSES Paris, Nov. 6. ; Con.struotioh -work on the theatre rro(;iV;.l on the Rue Qiientln, at the I ijch-art corner .of the Champs b41»>.:«^attl 1 n n.sf'.fl -, Kr t ay^ n i g ht .af t cr. DORA MAUGHN CLICKS TWICE , .■ i;ond:on, Nov. ,fi.,\; Jill,u.u,iv- - a'V,,-,-,"'v^ - ' T)oi^■^.Muvlgll^^Il,:af3slslod by. Waller Cou^.tb(^Ige; and Jack , Hulbert take Fbiil and two pi:inists, biioncd at ^ three; .Wee tiie Victoria Palace- .(v;i.udoville). show: goes ,pri a prbvlnclal tour, two minus l'ilsie.Janl3, wI^ ,-:tWrmbrC-:]4,j.,i-t-i.l-^Un'ei^- ' . - ■ . " ' :- — .she", was] .. Xdeliihl ,will be .leased for!anbther last hbre. .• : : ' -..:•:: ■.-'■:.-^ .'/ ,.: ^ -latu .-Miss ;Mau,g,Kan' also.sfSrtod-a fort- , night's dafo.' Clrp's \(cfib;ar(a). as | a slngib;, She;, scored splendidly.; BARRI^' <^77" OPTION • '. ■ ;•-.;;';;■•:,-;... Lbn d 0 iv. >iov. ;'&.;. ^ • -SanV- II.: j;jarris o,f;;New. :V;prk. has ■the- ,b!plloh ■ on' Waitor ,lfac'kott.:.4. ;comf'ld:y-drfj;ma.:. . ''77., ,paf k . -lyatib," filaying 'to oaiia'-Ity at .Satin M fir- tin's.. ■ ■;"'.:;-.--''^ ,'■■ ■■"-:. .. ■-..• -.■■■ ;. .Tl'"i<ot: iilir.'i rles hayo. dfnj.V/lod thf^Ii; -buy for. thif, fii'iowl '■■■// ^ Coiilii; and Glass, mnv t"ur C'bin.i 'or pi,.;, snre bcfbrb roturninc return In - De tivo t:iik"rs'. , ^ ..v.w.v - ........ tf. 'Aroi-.rii'a-or return In • Deo'.'nil>'T t.^ ni:il<<. ,,| ,-, Geortrf. Pvldgway, owner of a to'tir- male and fbininin.- I-^mI^. Hh-.w w.i. ;iuo-to bre:ik in .;at Go! M••^. .Qr;<•.;n Nov. lil...' ..- Wfj.f.fls will o.oni:"ntr;it". ininH-diat o- !^■l■"J^vir■^ ' f'f in vvLivli Cr.n.r Wilbur b- (^>>^t. ... 71.. - is now nf:.'Otiat.!n'jr thin shvw fin at tl-.> F..rl'ii»< tlio nf'jct frirtniL'ht.. \\,.;)-krri<-n had quit for the day. I'.ujlding was halif completed. ■.'r.>-U.'llti(;.S.' Nb on - th" iilousy.'" :iils,<- .to g"t .• within .O'Hahlbn-Zambounl in Paris - ■ lyondyn, .Nov. 6. . ' OiI; and Zambounl. cross tli" I'i.-inn'-rto open in France Nov. 16. Kr.t,'-.i'r.m'-nt IncUidr'S a foi-t.nir-ht ;a' ti,'- JOinpire, Paris, flUrtiii/ Nov: 2-'J. SALARY DISAGREEMENT : ■■, ■; ■ ;:;: : .London,-Xo^'^ ')' ■ Jerori'io -a'rid <*Jr.f-y, wjio fipftK-d ';.it, the Vl'-torla ;-.I';i);ii-e.. (-v:,iu.dt-yi.ll.c): la.Ht ,W'-''.-k, :r-.-iiis. on; th<; Maj'-.stl'; l->»- ' ■niorrow r\Vi-dr.".«da'y). , , .T.L'afti w.'i.'-t .u r ir|-blf! to.. 'r'-.',i.f'li rigt-ffTri'Tit n|iirn salai-y. . : POUTICAL GEORGE FOSTER l..'|iidnn,. N'uV. f). fi''ori?f l-'.'>:-t'.-r -lia.y ;i-U'-d .; st:i,nd ■ ftir, J';frl.i 1 iiM^nt for, I I.»- -t i; iK-jif-y of .M.1 1'%"-> ' e. . If ho a""-fd:-i arid;,i^lloy'';' j.,f.> i|, th't, coniiiii.-:- I'jn i .jt'.; ^<:.> \. I will b<; rai-'.d liv'j ;;.cr;i-<Trii. .