Variety (Nov 1928)

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VARIETY PI G T U RE S Wednesday, November 7, 1928 "Great Power" Bristolphoiie Cost WKle Ifet Fan M^^^ prcsidonl'- ■,iin(;r(':uiry.-ti:ia^ ro-s^pcu'ti.volVj pC;-11K> ivow .V)an(\ivrupt; K.Ational l'iaS'ivousosi Wci-e nanic'd in true/hinW: vpt;cil by iho: grand : jury lust >y.C^('k . clKirsitVg' . conspirricy to yio.Iate •the. n ■ secui-iii(>s;. IriAv. ■ ■ ■■ Also namod won*'Firt>(lrri.o"k IMficHK- ■G.'. E. "iliurroU,: ■ .T.ohp' AViilkci*... at)«l; 'John ; M'oiriK):\vv -tiijoiiy-ars; ^licntinf'd ^viXifi tlie. $2;500,'00a -^()nd/ isrf;^ the.:'lo/lTOU^^^/s;.^';... ; • ■■■y '.. '.A'ttorney.':; for tlVo.-state- ju'i'SonH-O. e.yi'aonpV ■ to .'sliioy; tli/iI-.' fictitiuiis slatcnVoii.ts on;'.tlit; hOiitls; \Y(>j-cma.(lt', to' the"' Vi't'u'Htios '(IpnarlnuMit. At- ■ ..rcin'.e,.svnt his: . . HrOOO stx)(-'in. haldors ■ rtiiiijii^ . tlUts '^ oyUience, ^Clairniiig Ihjvt - tlit! -Cooneys allowed. 70 ijci' ■ te.nti.conimih'.s.ion': 0 bond Issue In., pi ace bf. ^he .icgal- 120;.per <:cnt;'. It'.was -chnrg^^^^ that; tb.e:^ four •Vroiitir.s, representing Barrett. &. .Co, a'liid.^ Prbdc*rick::. riorcb Co., Vocclycd bpnimission of $-125,000 in' cash and ia.lor;ah extra;$100,000,:liesldc's '5:0,- '000 shares' b£ .class A stock, artd Vj . of; ;pei*: cent ■adiUtional as 'a .bonus,'-; piiyabld .moititlily.. ;.;,..■ ■ : /■;;' .■■ ■■ ■';' ■'■•.;■;■ Freeze ;bu;;t ■;;'.-r. ;>The stQckiioldcrK' attb^heys c-laiin-' 'ed. all ;.tfier.'n'anied;\pcr.s.o.ns •;W'ere-i eluded ■ in - a: plot to. ffceze {oiit' the ■isi'^Tal'ler''stock thjit all eitra issue;'of: stook. 'to. havb; been . gWcin plii as; bonuses ;Ior: pyrohasors of bonds' was-; 'ney .>r d istributedi • • .Fbllowmgvretuvn ot the tuue: ]3ills John :'ia.nd; i J.en Gobncy- arranged f ^.r $;i5,O0o'Vbail',. each... .\ - ■ Altho.u'gh not .haniod In. cpi-p.ora'- ^tio^. paperi, '.the..; Cboneys are .said; iq b.e beiiind t>vo ,new, theatre cor- . pbratiohs. formed—J.. &; B. Tl(eat rt- Corp. In' .Garyr ind/, arid^:t^^^^^ \mph'. ■THeatre-. .Corp.. ^ . in Ghic£v^?x). eachvcorporation At.'pi-ospnt bpem^^ ing :one .iiotrs.e .wiUv.jto,,.o6d. capital ..■Btp(3k, . ;■'.-:.' ■ '-'.—•: . ;;.:WHen vtihe Gcipneys" were oiistell frohi ' National., Plrtyhp.u'so.s'. dd^^^^^ financial, laim.cilltips arid alloged mis- manag.o.nvent,''the.-,'.oircuLt .was taken ; ^rt..rec^^lvorsj\ip by ^the .■Chic(^^ :. & Trust Co..':It .'is .'b.P-ing :,pperaica. f or ;that (Company ;by jamof^^-^C^^^ ... A : shfgan fiy^ .sc)urid...;and-. talking. Hhort, 'iiirtijri^s,; ,not. yet .notOil -and-;.wliieh .mijtjWti prove •stai'l;*^. ' ■■' ■ --■ ■ -7 'T^von' -soat;i:s- a; front s(vit- •wi'tli-oiir sound :i')if^^^^^^ '• toProducers i' Ahoii't $SO,000 is sjaid to b.d invest-:,, ! cd. in- -'.•The; ;Great :p6\ve*^ ;;n'Vad' ..| ■ intfj ::i tajking picture- iat ,the liiMs.-.-. : tolphorite plaiit .in:,Wat(>i-.b:ury, .Gpun^.j .(Tif; this:stini; $0,600 rpprvsenls 'Hv- .; ing t'X'pen'sos at the -rate. of 0-.tuM' j .$2!) a tiay'.jCpf -Xi .'^cifiv'svM\<*ri\\\\\*\v, z s'lage .i)rodacgr 'and .'star.'; .i-hl.iT i.'(«•'«■» / is - .untisual,- as ; film' '^it'optjiajiiOH.. do;' ivbt ■ allb\y: :,SU;:h" ;'e;i;iH'riHps; ■ ex:t:opt' \viiilc oii JlOt-iitibn;-.; ■ '';.. . . . ^ i . . I'ra'ctically '.np one e(>i\.ne.eted • witli , the inakli^fe of;the pi('t:.ui'c -Inid ;uiy fiIm exi>(M:ienee -with the ex<M■ p .ii<i.i.v bf Job ItPpk, the -dirbctbr,; • /. .. " Tli ree theatri.c!ii■■ stag.e • hands who- had never been iri .a'pictuire stiidib; were, employed by Myron :Fagnn.: the author-producer of the play Itlwlf. Jn. his deal . Wlt>h. Bristol- phone,- J'^agah s:bld .■eyerythiiig, i'n^ rli.iditi-.g the scenery) - which .hf'uKtp be rebuilt,:. . .Prodacers of., sound and; .dialog ploture.s,; shorts :or tull-lciigths, . can: rbht the DeFprest- .Studios in Xe,w York, it is iindci\stood.:. : ;^ ; V .' t)r. ;Lee I)e\''.orest remains in the studios ''to aid in the output; .with ^i. •' 'A; •' Schlesing(M';- wTui -• recently purchased the I)cFbrest Intorests in the. DeFprest;.rhononim, prepared .'U. becomc'a.ct.iveiy ititerested.'in :the. pro<li<S:^es'.:i output, .if. approved. '. in tljat . case,.:, it' is .Said, aiid if ari .ehiergency, Schles.inger may invest, ybi-ileslJiger is • ai.<b :^cpncernied- in the:'l<!ngU«h'lPhpnpfi.irn". .' Phonpfilnti has : over 60: talking: h-hprts,- made by a., few. years ago, biitVf neyer generally ; distributed; .These are,.to: be ;;.p^;:uppn the market fpr;. wired houses, . from ac- cpiints;--■;■ : ■ : :[''■.:', George . Mpoiier - .i^ :cbfinected with the prpducjng .end pf Phonofilm. . In SHb^ Bqiiness . •: .;: .;^h'icagPiV:Nbv.;-.(^^^ ;:. - .ra.-h:iage.''Kt;;tFter.- bf. a • .r.-6op.. .pif>t.ur'p' iiplise. ■ foi;merly held .an - . (\s(>cittivo;iiQsitipri;;wlth' Pfi'e' of . ■ the'.- Iftrge; .meat: papking ;'cpvn-'r piinie.s here.' : ■ ,. : ■-: Jle '.'states-.'.'he <iult' 'to . enter Khow - bu.siness^.and' likes it.!. • :.; Social Picture Club - ■■ 'i IjOs.' Angeles, Noy..'f.' .'•• ' Krioh . Von. Strolicim's;second day dii^ectine• "Queen Kelly" was a 16ng one. Diirihg the day he worked /Oil ' extei-loT.'r-^ ■' the evening. ^Iv? came iiito; kill one se^ (iucnpo with certaiii actors. There \vns a little delay in. ^getting going, but the original was adhered .tP.^ . It .was .6:30 : in thp mPrnltts ..when" the troupe was dismissed. The call >-aR-.for. .the .follow.iniT evening; wl/eii tVic - company aga in :worked ■ during, the night,: ::;;^ : ' :vlt Is no-w-;helieve.(T reitlly to l>o h: . foot that - the Cloww street thriC't . bug;-wi.lV-.bore .I.nlo .hU'hprU) inipehe,- trahie surfaces; ■;;. .; ■ Social evbrtts ate .piling up at the,. Moving.Picture Club, which Is rapidly : riciii'ing ; its quota of; 500 menibers; .Some of .the biggest ek- peutives bf .the industry are daily to bo found .in tlie clubrbp.rtis. • Last; night '(Tuesday) a number of itiembers were on the list fpr the prGgrahi which . inclu*^'^^ ^ buffet dinner and erttertainrrieht,-. beside the elect.ipn.. i'eturris'.-. ■; Dec. 4 the c1u1j*>s. 'bulletin, gotton put -by . Paul, G.iriicli annpunpes -the' ai-»nual : eieotiph.. . . Dec, : 3 the clubis New;"year's. Eve event takes pldce, tletails . about which will; be an-, nouiicad later.,. Jan..; 26 / is alsp .slated to rnrirk Ihe club's first an- nual dinner-dance at the :Astpr. ; Meantime: the Vacancy of cliib manager created by th:e'resignation Pf John Spargo ;,wiii be;-filiedi. at the next meeting of. the directorate. . ■ . • " '■ .; ' -Liyhn,. -Mass;;- iNToVi- 6.' ; • . ''Dan.cin:gr ■, Paueh.ters,^ Qlyhipiai was prderedVclosed. Thiirs- diEiy; In a letter', from: j^Iayor 'Biuer to the theatre's '.manigementi: Classing thb picture as indecent,- Bauer foi-bade not only ;the■ cpri- tinuarice of thb •;picture's run, .but also > .ordered the local ne^vspapei-s to: remove aayertis.enients, for;it,. Apparently . the ~ ^ame . .was mbrc offensive ,tp ;the ..mayor ..-.than,, the subject mcitfer as it IS. underslopd he had not attended:;the, shbw. His letter ■foHovy's: • '.■ ' C■ V'. "I forbid you, aV n>aypl" bf the cHV and as head of the law and . ordei* enfprpi.hg, and as .oen^op . ;. • of public shbvirs; to :go on /with «fhe show entitled ;*Our Dancing Dauffhters.V from the tiirie yoa^ get this letteK : The cuts, adyer-: tising this show' are: indecent, : immoral Wnd lascivious, and it : is this character of ehteptain- meiit that towers to the very, depths the mbvie picture sfhows; . .and vaudeville.; : :; JM wish ybu to understand; that . you xannot pull .anything likei this in Lynn.;: There will. ' be no atibis or pliusible .excuses received by the rnayoir because of this,';iand ybu aV:e ; brdered. irnmediately : tb; closfe; but ;this: show :in-;So-fsi,r ;.as the ci^y bf ■ Lynn is cbncerned." . ; M-d-M's $tiidiQ Record j : Stai-ting 1$ Features^ , ^■:-Los:''Arigeli6s;;i^pV; -6; ■'■ • .AVhilc .;the\;Metrp.^Gpl.dwyn- stucliba have been • worthing .bel'bw n<irinal actual'p'rp(\u.Gtion during .!;ist. thtee'. 'mpn.ths, the . abti-vity in preparation tor : future :.productiori offsets - any curtailed ,grinding; Of: :caTneras..'-. ;:■' ■■■' :' . More thari IS^ma jor- pi-odiicitipivs, includlhg; two . specials,-; are now in the'iir' 'fihal; stages bf-preparation and W,m go itito . prpductiPh-vwithin.;the next "fdrtnight, creating : a . record jor/:p.rbduetion . at- this plahti : . :. , . 'riiese Jiictui-es include; '"The: :Lfast Pi: • Mrs; -' Cheney.'^. "The . Triai of Maty- bugan," MThlrst*'!; .".The. Dukc- Steps- OMt," 'fDynamite,:'' "Wonders or Woiiien,'!' "The Bagan,'.' '''I^eiscrt LaW,*^ :^ ^'The' Bridge :pf. San Liils iloy.'V '"The' Green Gliost,";: ::*'SiJite ^tarriagc'V-'^Jf-ive: O'clock wvGirl,': '-•ilallGlujah;!i';-'_*iBrpadway.. . Melody.'.' arid "'rile.; Big .Brass Band." : They are , exclusive of the .^hort .sound .subjects now -being made;.and planned;:~v ' \': y ■ . -J-..-' likeinihte's Return Indefi ;■ / ■■; . :. .'ll.oS: Angeles, Xnv. 6.^ ' ; :-'A:c'ad(Mny of . ^^otip.n . Pi(;tiirc Arts' and' fc^ci'*.'.!!^^^.;;!!^ incensed . aicaingt' vviiiat: it.^oalls-■ sc'urrillous,^^^ .und: faceUPjis -■ articles.:, p111ilished about .pprsonalitic'a in .ya^ fjj^^ 'magaziries. .At thotr- lasjt'inici'.iing.g; cm.nniitt<'i> of three - nit'm;i!('rs was appointed .to .corifcr with.i;n>(i "VV,' lioetM.on;PC ■ the-'A^v .M. .P. Iv and i (•oi'nntittee: of ptibiieity . Avritcrs of tire : AV;impas to ;devise itteana \vh.brli)y ;ob;jectionable wriier^ fpr ■ the5«5, niagii/.ines be barred..from re« . ceiving i-nforrnation for .story mit- teriai at the studlips and fi.-bm press agents;!' . : rnehihei s of . the pletxirp industiiy.; ■ ;i.y- is :iinderstood . that .cbinpla may bo • mride tp; the ■ Depar'tii'i.c'nf :pf liivmlgr.iition .. that . writers . frpmi Eiirotie,, during .the paJit f.^\v .years, have b.een maliolouaiy printi.iTg un-. trtib stbriesj abbiat plctiire person-; alities, ; detiimenta:i; io; the people iarid ;aft:ectin(; the coriimercial sale of 'pictiu'iis: thi'oughbut the . wprld:: .. .The- Acadpniy, • cOmiriitti'.G, will, niebt with Boetson and.the AVarnpas cbtnmittee . this week, . it is tinder- atood-action-will .be taken wiicreby a rdvised' list of fan Tnctgazinc rep. will be approved.-arid: Only, tb.c.ise on ; this . list; \vill .-.bft ej<\n:nte.d cburtesiea: .by ■ the studibs ■and;preKfi.age;rits. ; , _ . jj^j^j^g^*^ Hysterics T.os Ang'ole.s "i^ov. 6.- .- ^ :"\Vhile .. worlving in ;*'^irpadwa^■ ■. vMelody," ..ian hoiwv.or two . a flor ■• tbe day'.s -aotion. be.i^an/ ;A.nita Page h.'td ;; ■an ;!Utack.:;of:'hystorH;s :on the .set; V. a-.nerviviij? -colUip-^'o aivl : ;:had to : bp- taken honio... .Tension -.. caused, by ;i'ontinu.ous wwrkand;the ('<x.;icti('nR;tif her i-iart; \vi>re.'as ' the can.-ie. .She u\;is, able t<); .re.siune 1 work next d.ay.i. :' .;; tlriffith With Roach ' • ■•; •■ ; ; •;. -T^os Anj;<'les. .Vov. C\. ' .' l-iirl l{(iafh siinii^d..ll:iymin\(l.Grif . ;filli to a Icn.iT ti'nn ■ contra.ct fm' : :niU.'<:.ical cbincriic.M, . in . siuind and .'■ dialog. ■ : .■ . ■ CJriri'ith's contvai't with Gaddn ;... ' produciUin.^. expired. r-M't-nt-ly. . Sharon Lynn's Contract : . ;;. .' * ; Tffnr°An . L!i' n i's,.'>yTT v.--fi ' . '- - _ Due' to Hliaron J>ynn;.s vs.urk ini panln'mhne- and i-eoev'ition in "I'lay-1 bav," rci-eiilly product.d as a Ko'.x' t.'iiker, ' Fo.s-,. has ■ si'gticd her to a •.. .UijiK-t'Tni contrai't.. Norma Talmadge's Return Lo.s AnguU-.s Nov. 6. Xnrni.a .T^ihnail!;i-<' n..>\v- veportt'd :t(i 'be in I-ioi-iMice, ita';y, l.'f expected to relHrn ti) HoTlywDod by Xov. 2.1, t.o ' start on.her next for Vnlted Arti>5t3. Temple Singer's Divorce Lps Angeles, Nov/ 6, Even; Angclus Temple, Ainiee Seinple LlcPhcrson's homo of Foiir ynu.arc Gospel, is not fsafe from the divorce evil.: Jjaura Baird Bewley, aolo singer at : AuKoUia. Temple, lias been granted a divorce from -her hubby, Isaac, . . '. ' . ■ .The singer^ tpld the \ court , that hubby had been ve;i;y :.criicl to her, to . cruel that price .she had to call a cop wheir h c i n s is ted old ii g :ihiir. - - ..- - • -•" -; •■ ■ •■ • ■: ---- Prof. Camera for Amateurs .Caii.;; Laem:nale's'returih^ ' to . the yi'est ■ Coast, sla:ted ;.for . iast week, iias' /been 'Indetlriitbly postponed. "The Sudden illness of Julius../Stern, short subject -producer fbr ilhiver^ sal, .who. is very, close ■.■to; t.hb - LT. prpsident,;^ niiiy-' be ;a causbv.:;It is si-lid; that Laemmle .niay not icave until'january;.; ■ ; .Paiil Guiick; as II.'s, publicity dl- Vector; .denies - ch.anges; are G .plated!.-, for: ' his departme'ht,. ..While 'Gulicicv pei-sona^ /not; included/ reports per.sisi: ,In brdlnirily: well iti formed... home, ofiibe Vsources': that mahy small: depa.rtm.enta.1" changes,; including., advertising; - auditing and sales, wiir be -made .a:^ the afterr. math of ! th'e.;Gbldsteln-Rubel yejcp- dus;.: .;-.':■■.■ ■:.. ;'■,'■. : •'.; . \ : ' .■ ; l!,6S Angele>il, -XhK.-.ti'■ ■ .. jphn .p.". Aalberg, electriea! .engi- neer a.ssigried to a ioPal st;iidio,.. has perfected- a: po.rtable tteyice ^ which, fills . a.. large gap- in; the.' prof/ess oi; cutting;'talking plctares :':riiQ in- yehtiorii' is ..ti \;spt.tnd .repr'od u^'e.r, , at- tached a little : iiiachine'.:which iliuriiinates ■ and magnifies "several fiarri'cs Of film so a cutter may the more plainly seo .. the - acti.ou.. ;' Like the machine to .wliich. I,t;l3 atta(>lied, the sotind. reprpdive;i;r may. be run. backward. as; well as fb.rward, rtiaking It pbssible to cut to an ex-. act '"point.; filni - on,.; whiph -vtalk; or'; sbiind itas. been recorded'. ■ V Kennedy -on Coast ; •;. ;.IjOs..Angeles,-:No,v.. .6... . Joseph P, I<eni-iedy',;'accbmpaniied by lii.s' aids, lOddie Moore: and Ted .0'I..eary, arrived lie're kite last.week; .'iCeniVe'dy - wili: re.niain.:.on;. the c^^^^^ abni'it three 'weeks, ■ S.ays .n.o special niiss.ibn bthei- than; to . look over FMO arid, ratltev-^pn this end; : ' ;. Lb.s Angeles; Nov. 6. Amateur motion . picture :maker.s are goilig to have, the .ativantage Of all the gadgets iarid dobdad's at the; command of profbssibrials. .There is on skle in" Hollywood, a. ftve-pOund; 16. millimeter camera with ia turret of multiple lens carrying , a range for the. three i^ocal deptbs of three-. q.Oai'ter.s inch .to- 6 .inches.,, v ; ., ! 'Minimum, price of the insti-uineiit w-ith one lens:: rii'ns ;arpund $170. . Dolled up . with threei cxpepslvo lens and rnouhted on a- tripod ;\yith: a db, A'4cie^thatr^'v\'41L^tiitJand4^^^^ mounts to $400, auhough' ti\e average price;is $300;; : '■ .■ /■.'^'^ '■; .: The caii-iera may. be bpprated by mbtpr or hand .at.half ispeed, nprtnial or quadruple. : It has :: hi.scia;' arid mats iall thoise tilings staridai-d canieras 'carry. ..; . ■.' ; A -secpnd/cbrripany is rbacly- to "put. Pn the rriai'ket anpther carhpi'a that will: do similar stunts.. : WRITER FOR WHITEMAN t'iiulV: Scbiioid,' l.-niversal. 'story Wliterj. bass. . bc^en \assigncd. to join I'anl AVhileman in .Oklaiionia this week, to sliirt work pn a .scenarui or the ,i)and leader's life for p'roduc- tinn' 'oil the eoast .sliurtly. R. F, HILL, DIRECTOR - •• : . ; Lo.s An.tjeles, NoV. fi, •• • . K<ili('rt V. Hill, roriner produoiion ■•>iil to Paul Lcni at TniversatCity,. Ii.i- hei-n pr<ini(.)l'i'd to. director; His lirst pieini e wiU l)e;"Tlie I'la-y VIdi's On," Willi Ci^nrad Veldt. Testing for .'Cociucttb't Load - . ■ ■: l.')s Aiiicejes, -Xuv. G. :'t!;uii 'l'a;>li>r .ni.'ub v>-(riri.>: t«.sts of John Maek- lin.iwn. in hi'^' .'Jcareh for a leadintr to :i>l;iy oiipdsiti" .Mary rieUfi.rd In; 'Tofinetlr." Of tlie eandiil;it(.s I'.ir,' I'.unvn .■^eenis the most favorable. Real tor in Cptibani Branch "; ■; ; : Cliiea:gb; JSiyy,,'^,-:- . .Gotlmm. vBristplphonis :s e. i: y i c e Corp,, distribtitors for Wiri.-'ir. 'Bris-' Vol:;Talking Picture Co:,, is estabr H.'^liin'g . ofn'cea. here; W'ith;^Lp.uis . G.' Bernian, local real .estate.- broker, in charge. '[ [ . Bernian Is a brothor-in -law of Warn ir^ax^, head^pf :G-otl«ii».; ;-> ;. Extras Hold Glaiins Against Buck Lbs Arigcles, Nov. 6. Claims of 54 film; extra^; ranging from $2.50 to $12.50. agairist the Buck Jones ; Corporation, will , be heard by the state labor board Nov. 8. ■ . The claims are for .\york done :on One of Jones; pictures made .at 'tJn.^^^^ in June, last; . "The case ;waa set fpi' .Npv. li ;but .:Jones, loft, for Xi'W Ypric pripr to;, the hearing. . It is^ dbw-n. for' Nov. 8 for ifinal dis- si Won, ••■ rega-rdloss- • of—--whothOr Jones is prcibpt: pr noti: .. ■ . : Ayarhers East, Dec... t • .Warners will opi^n. .their.-:'eastern 's:purid. studio (old.'Vitagr'anh, Brppl;-.. lyn:); on Pe.c. 1. ■:■. -..:;.;: -;■■ ■• ■■.■ ;.. ■:' Bryan irby, Yita director, is com- ing .'from the :coa$t to; got it urid-er wiVy,: - '■;; '■■ V --''. --'. • ' A ft^' the start its supervision will doubtl'eai .bb turned over to -Albert Ho\yson',: eastern scenario : editor, who'.;also. ha,s,. been active in Vita production pri this end.. ■ : Colprtone Co/s Patents : For Sound-Golbr . Los - Angeles, .XiVV- 6. : Golortone-.. :Cpm pany;' hpIri i n.? or*. . ganizatioh, :ifor: patents; covering sound.ari.d color in films,:lias opened ofnces : in Hollywood. The concern has. been active for six months and in that time claims to h.iye secured 50 patents, it is planned to further acquire .'an equal - number,; which they believe will require another six. months,, after which the concern will enter production. _ :i'our Chieagoa:ns:are ac.iiVo in the . oompany.. Tlipse already in; ih.o west :are K. Fulton Pottpnger, .ineelianical ongineei-; and his father, A. 1!. Pot- to nger,' potent attorney. Behind the Pi-ganidation are Joseph 1{, Sirauss, bead of the Strauss Bascule iJridge- COmpany, designer^ot the New-Yorli and New jersey Bridge and presi- dent, of the board of engineers isu-. pervising; lis con.structibn.i '^P^^ 9* W: McN.air. • president of. ..ycj'''''', & Co. ■:'■ ■ ■■.^:-;. ... Warners* Concert Artists ■>■•- -; - ':•■:■ \ Lbs AngoJos. Nov. .6. When United Artista beeaiive m- te.reslM. in securing, tlxe .oi Schumahn.-Heink .- fpr a ' picture, .iv was discovered they had to . talk w Warner Brothers for a .release. ;. . Warners liavc nearly all of tne concert names - tied\ up witli con- tracts for V'ltrtphonc. ;WariU'r?J w>'' release tlie .singer as they: WiU nu be ready to use her for. .sonie timo to come -'^iHmRT^^TORNm^-BAeie^^ . Los-- Angeles, Nov,. 6, Hurry M, AVarpor is only remain- ing on tiiel'aeinc.slop^ a week. lie came hefo to wll'nws ..the opening 01! "Noah's Ark," and. to attend to. the transfer of -hl.^ bro.tiior- Saiii's hody. from a tcnIporarS' crypt to the "SVarner riiausoleunv In Molly wood G( motery. ITe will arrive in New York on Nov. 9. Vdlosp, Harmony" Talker, : :■, :;' TiOs' Angeles, Nov. 6. . .Percy Heath, back from yacatipn,- .is; waiting :aila'^iytatibn: and contin- uity, on "Clo'se-'Harmony,".-;a short story by. 101 f^ie:. Janis and Jeari Mar- k*y,.. pne of a. series ;of .stUge life for Paramount; It Avlll bo an .iiill staji. all-t-;vlking~subjoct. Borzage and Team ■ ; Lb.s. :An.geles, Nov, 6; Prank Borzage \y 111: again.. be iini.leil ,.\vi(h fi.HV co-starring team pf Janet Gayn(jr and Charles. Farrell. \vhon he bc»,qins directing them in their next feature, fpr Fox. Iwiist time this trio -tvere tOKether was : \\ hen they made '"rhe Street I. Angel." ^ NEAL BURNS, AFTER 13 YRS. ■/■:":■■:■ .'^Los Angeles; J<ov. 6. After serving 13 years'as '«• ,*^<lJ^J- comic .In . Ciirlstie.., comedi-'.:*.- :Burns has been, elevated t'^!",,^, Jack: Duffy in thc;"San(ly ^h'U"'^ tcn=Tes^imr^n i st i i -.s - .- .- .'■ ■ ■ Barton's Wrist Recovers ; Los .Angeles. X"V. . Buzsc Barton. -FBq'« kld.e<.v^b(JJ. asaln is ready to resunio^ ^^- rt■ri!^t• "The Little .Savage." two monlh.-^ -ugo-by.a br-'k.'n , - Since that time p another the sanie '^'"''^,ef- twii-e. snruirally broken in ^.^ fort to get a proper retW- O-