Variety (Nov 1928)

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e VARIETY FOREIGN FILM NEWS Wednesday, Noyember 7, 1928 . Sii/Ulon .lVn-k'Of li.itjTOst' liy Anie'r-.- ics::in :aM.(l/VViMUs|:i:. VUni pK^^^ in. the j;ir(:>i''">r<^(il li^'v'" to ;h;iYP;;tiic Ihti>rna- •li()'ii;ir ^cMiiVnilu'r. of ■;c.\it,nnioi'<;|u'-. ■ai)- jn'onch the L.viievU*' Niitions oit.'ilicv ]i>p;.'iHly, of IntGriiatioiial filln .(luotiih' ai\(1 'Tc^;t rirtiori^^.'. will.' rosu 11■. In tin.' cfttif-'olliitipji uf the oo.u.t(-iii].il;'il aiv 'Uiti:u.tiun' UI<l0^?s .somoth'ing ■ uiil'iiro-^.. pcen;hap);)0.ns/-': ' All l'/ niitif/jis . hfl hc'fiuies('<^tl to- (liSi';ussiojis Imt. Iioth tiio ;;St.;ito.s . atitl ■■ lOnglnnd . liiivo mVii;noU; V paiHiciilarly-; lifiiiVt,' of 1;iti' ■(le'sp.iLe thatV the- .AnuM^ioarVs.■•■Ivore (jiM!?ihVvliy MiK.iri-stoil tlio;nioy<.,. It. iti. heiio.voiv tlia.t •.tli^>' Amorieartii'- - eyes ftre. ,np\v.: .cip^niife'' tfj .,:U iiiti'hiuo;'. a-Mim . )(i.Jij?n;i,t(^s. ..'on • tin's .«!i(le.- .\\;(iiitcl '■p'i-obi.iljly- : l(?t- .Off .a" lot: of .; .stLVviir,... nieitnlhf? ;notliihp, iiVhile hoi)ins:.,: tli.'it 'th.e A'morioiiiis .woulct di'dp a AVoril NvlWrdby .the Ibcal toys pOiUlfl .pi-OLfit. ■ : \. ■' v.- ': . \yhen, the . matter .wci.s .first conT - toriiplalGd, $evjeral nibnths' agoi ■ the L. C. annouriced it Ayoyld. sound Qiit the •teactiohs to suggestions and- if the. tnajority. of' those congei;ried' ^v.ere iirterc.sted, a •meetilrtg. yvould be called, .for >s ov;; 14. But^af ter. tliC; •1/ C. 6;..dif'Coveried h<)\y an.xioius the jSuropeans. Svere to. mak«, .an : inter nati().nal Issue.'df: tiie,'. raither. than rStvK.o .'for 0; mytua^ the . Aniei'lcrins - loiit .all. further ■..iri- '.terest.'^-:. on 0- ' i>)ivcl6n,. Nov.; C.r' .• ;■ • Ah a n..?lo.-,.Ooi;ni■.cf'.rp'o' ,• i."- ill .!'fon'HVtic).n- vMtlr a, c;U)ilal..:fjf-.S-T,- ..50()..p.0b. - to-.' aorjnlr.'O; .o n: .SO- i.i.or.. c'.-nt. hulfliTi^: in 'i^iMf-lkh; .fjJi'vTiiia.ny; .^ia.v': invtiliiv! .'O'pi'man'yi- ..r.tii'ci -: Jji-iits.cliot*- llU-lit.<iiit'],'■ (;(•i-inaiiy, :to- ^n,^.■!^l^'o'•^v.itli .liMMli.-ili.:Conu-'>'i<^<^^ ii.nd .lirii"-' i^h • Sf'ro.on .■Prbdiiotiiins; cp.mpOTiii:^' . ! '. Ai-tiiiir Lo.vify.hnd Da v(vMnuntaip of Ray.'uTt ar.c: con^e'rn(^'(^ as the .iflo-. thtiiin jinvolvV-s a tictip.- \vkh. lla.v;:tr; f or' ici nt ■ prr)d'u o.ti b n. a nd ' di.«t ri bii'- ■ iipn^/y/:■.■::<.:... - 'r . ^y; IMiin. .i.s ■.to .'. niiikp' 3.0 filins'.'a. >'t!ai of. which 'tii ;will bie n'b'htal and three «uper.filriiR in; nunction AVith .t1i«. l Amei-ican .■ en.d- R'd.yart wil 1 . alf^b.: proliahly' 'prodiie.e, iri- France*,..;': ■ ■ , The- f(Drppfpfng' .if?-.fho'' clafpi. madf-; by .• •:^^ajqr. n^^^^ 'British. eo,n-., tVolTed,. but .is' dbriied .ias...tb .En-iellvi ))y TIahs .Scidcl :;l:bcfil rie.presehtatlve p£ that company/ Also 'credited-w making-a deal: aj:e .isi- dore;. Schlesinjfe.r'.and.. Charles . Hi!!, bath .in Berlin for th:e; German^ ,ex-' liloitatibn'; -of . ■pc^^b.r'eSt-:. Phoriofilin, Sch^es^ng^^r's , London ' bflic6 lileads no knbwledge .;0f,the uridevtaking'v . Japs Pref^ Their Own Made Piclures in Indefinite for 29-30 .. •■ Paris, .Nov. .6. • Riepresentative 6f the An><?rl?J!i-T*. film trade. lijere are becoxrtllrig norv;- ous about the \^29-'3P- season, A^ ■ jpoirit out .that tlierie; Is' little nior* .than .a-, md before . the ti'adf .: .showings, start, yc.t they have not been infoi-nicd of Just what, condi- tions the Freijch goverhment is Ing to exact, froni -tbcm. : All kihds .of wild restrictibns. are being rumored. Mahy .-believe tht- Frehcii . should be aiiproached .iirir' 'irtediatelly.-.;':' . . Th^y :poInt . out' that, the' French- . are ' so slow; that if /negotiations woi'V started; ibmOrrQw if -would -be ■ a(-least ft nVonth. bfefol-e. any definite - plan, (ibuld .fee Gomplcted. Added is that dealers do hot Itiibw the basis oh which they WiU sell- picture? -next yfiar, and the tr^th that:Tnost : .all Kurbpoari -dlstrlbutoi-a./ hayc made contractsvtjimong thtsrnsolvcs, >-hich menihs ; ttiat -the- : Amc will only get the left-over busineRS QUOTA FIGURES Footage and Z'/g British Percentage [, for Americans ./ Washington, Nov. 6. . At t.ho end of the iirft six. months bt the. Ikltish quata'the ('it,'ht Amor Icatj di'stribiUor&v shov'. 'lie foHb : re.icistorcd f bota jjc on thtMV own pi'b- ' (Uiclio.n.'j .and . how .th.oy aro.^ nieotifiR the refillirorl 'T'.Htish .-'l-i. per -cent: tt- Am^ricah British .None . /':Noii /•':. None ; l'G.87 None '.": Nori tb'th'o rt! raj;i'ount ....-,; 'lioa^OT.O. Fil'ist. NiitUHT^atiip 141,7.90 i22„S65 ■ llliOon •90,577 ■70,294 33.-173 .'iis^nois a<'C()r .IMi'ti'o.-.CVoidwyiV .' .^:. i.i^iiivor'l . (Eui'op.) ^'Atrd Art'ts CI';A.) ..A\''ai;n(Vi'.. lU'OJ:.' , .: .^'ritf^tle- ni^im's, ■' ■ .r-i.lpoi't. ro;if?hinK-. AVushihtrti)^ toyer . 'f nly fvalnro. iiif-tlir('.s.; Iri the ' thr.o c'iu'v .s ' -.yliri;'!! Lii itish fi'.iiturc foot :i::t- }:n.^• i.i.-f-n r( i^istcr'od, it excPeil .'till- .p' ro(-.iiiaj,'0. 1' qiiir/'m^nts, ' arid ih ilie caKv .of T'^ni.y«-j-:« it i.«.. norirly tlirce tii'nf-^' as ri.;!'-li a? is.-h.(;0'l''.'< . to (l;ito. ,' '•,. ;. Actiiyi.i (jUot.'i f(.ot;ict..l<-ft.:t}:i<'' fiy.6. not ■ rp;?i,st'( rinsany ..I'.rit it-h ' kI'vch Fox--y}2^il''ii'<:-ti :m.-(:, f'- i:..l.\ .T>. C. :7,-ltin r<'ct; ^ Av, 2,^110 ai^,!. ■\V'iLrii(M-- Hrot!./ i.-,iii2 f'^f't. . -' In .ji'li iivo J.{rlliKh qiiota pi(.turt:.s ■ th'v .<'}i.iir.S'.' :of prcnlui-lioii ' ;n-c: cil and >;lU!.Wn ti) tlio triulf'. ; "VV^ishlnj^toi^,-N C.,. , :--.Am''ri<';!in!:'C.bns.ul;^]^ Ttl J Mckovor, at- Kb))(v says -the .laps 'jii-(;rrr'th(:ir V'Wn- -prpdiu.'.lion.s to .itll othci-.s.. . '-.^s'o ni(''ntion i.s,'iiiad.'e'by^^ ■('ivcr'-a' -What^ .0^^^ tire ?ia;le off Arhoricn'n pi-odiiFtioiis, :''ch:.'in: thOy,fiicc'\bf'..thf. largo, '.ex-; liort .figures. in-eseut.s':ati interestin ii.n'gle;,,' .say- oHlciaIs . oCr. the liopart- ■ ;Aipe.riP:dn;. bnlfiial: giYC's - data ; on thp'v 1,100' pi(:''V.ii<'"-*'<'s ih ■ Jaiian. with': inycrage \*; (•a-piicity as^ around .oO.O/. THi.s dpcs. .hot .■.rt^tlect. the actual capaoity, .-tho.iigli, says. the' cbii.'ful, as..:the ■ Japunes ; ex-, 'h.ibJ.-tpi- 'goe.^:.ih'..'strohg .stand-, ing romn to. ^)cat-.the. ydribii.'ir tax^.s l-eyied^■ ■'■ .■,:■;.,;-:;:..■■■; '::..'■'■.■■ \; All. c()riibined the - hpiisps iiuni/-- l)er? Sbtrieiyhere . -near. / 60,00.0 -' Avitlr: I b o ii t 25 of tlvo lot CO in p ar i n g \vi t h, the .mp'cicrrt Amc'i;ioah do / luxci: t lic- atre:".- .'' \ -. ^y■ .■>:'■'■ ■ • :,-■;■.: Juickie Talker for;; > ; •- English NeWspape ;".'- tbs '.Angeleis,;;'Npy,' .6,;' The.. visiting .B.rltii^^ ' newspaper- rneii;.stepped into a surprise a:t th^ clps'e of. "their .scjieduled; -tour of.: the- Paramount lot.. They .had; tramped over the';variotis .stages in.' the.usuaj perfijnct.ory nianher / ' of stUdlp!3 and tjlien fcasually were, es- corted pri; the "sound stage..: I^eck3':hardly. hiad crape at the Varibus 'Vprks'V when" put of the ;blue. came a :vpice 'extending ^velGbme to; the vlsltbrs. It- Idehti- fied" its .origin' as that.' .of Clive Brobic. At its close the. Bi^itishers ^rbuped.-abb.iit Itby; FomerOy and islcedgrhany questions;.; •. In .a few 'mihiites; .the' grbup wkfi sta;rtled; by ■;hca:ririg .the ~ ypfces.: oi its own. memberj3. ..'r^^ . the .words; tliey, Sad;. spokfen but. a few moments beforo..^:.\It was. a sirhple case of tlie .''playback,'' reproducing wha:t 'had been-. recprded: :\yhilb the talking. \ya&;/g:pin-'g diri., The newspapi;rrri<en\^^w^ invited tp riiake a si;peech' :by ;.ihenisely.^ which; they, iitiickly did.-;. At th^^^ elusion fill were reprodybcjd;. it:'was hot j'ust 'a-' ^erfiipptbiy --visit '.as turijed oiit. . .' ':v Ultle lloney Wanted '; ■ Tv^ .'\"/^■.'I^ondoh;-.;-No:V.:.'<>. ■■ A.-" ;o.elated f Cinemas' Gompahy, theatre . stib.sidia y>,6f; British' Ihter-r. natiopa'l, hi!i,s increased its capitjil to 5,000,0.00 ; and .. -wills tisk for tlib. rnbney in ^1 stock, shares; Bf-itish Internatiopal; is foirming: a three-cbrnered ; alliance w - Xj fa^ Gerrna.ny, and ^\''orrd AVide'pictuf by; wh ich ■. eachi ':^-iii ' d istrlbuf e the otiier's product ;ln. their . individual terfltbneis.r- "s-,-..:-" it; :. '- •.;t)'s 2 'in-■6erm:any'" \ .^/.'^ J pp. Ley i gai'd e,;; 'U Ai ver sal d ire c tb r sailed for -Germany - this; :'/wcc;k; to make twb pictiiircSi ."Thb IIoukc of a.lasR," .by Max; Marc'in, •.:).ii'd:'''F.alien Angels,"' itaico'h ;M;i'Ojn:;, astory -by Ai;t,hnrs;; Roche. ■ . : Anu-riran. • play'ovs w'iii : bo used - No'ne as. yet s'llobtcd. .'.;; ; .I;pyig.*\V(Tio is / -.TCTo'miiaiii.'-d' .by .Cliarlcs. W.Luniar;:' c,imo'r;up;i-n,'. ani '5^p1^)eV'trJ-iF;iJ.i>tf:efl;-asHls^lf^i rl-d Cern^aTiy'is French /Quota v'.^;.'.,' ■■.'.•■ .-'S ■.. Parisi\Noy; -e...;'' Uhderstariding"- between ' France and jijferpiany. fixes 33; French' .plc.- tiires ..aS thet.minimiim. quota to en- ter Gertitany.. throughout, the . next riscai;;yea-r/ ■ : \ ^ ■-'■ '. ALICE TEREY SAILS ISTH 'vV/Faris;,'-M^oy. /6. -.,.. Alice Terry recently;cornpleted her;! wbfit in vThree. Passions,*'. ;Sh.e .;$ails : froni Cherbourg Npy; lo for. her annual .visit to Holly-: wbod^- ■ /; ' ■ ' '.. '"••;.' Roiiipahiah^^^ T^^ ■'■';;•'.;..,.;... Paris, Nov. 6.: . Af ter", a-' strenuous: battle over " the iiptjmaniaa, film; ta;Xj . based on. the filrrj, Jt .has -bee not; to. iadvaricb the: charge^ .for. next ;ybar!s-.rsuppiy;-' ;-- "y - '■.;■-•.'•'. ^. • Lijiian Gish pri H ,\ . , .P;iri.«5', Nov; 6. '■ Lillian Gi^h .arrived . in town on her way to Holly wood. .. Miss . .Gish .is: gciing to the coast to .Inak.e a picture the" direc- tion of Max IJeinhardt, his first at- teriipt at. the , fl i ckcrs. , ', ■, .: . Lew Cody, Londoi^Act .. ' ' '. Los Angeles,' Nov. 6. • -. I>ow Cody i.s • .leaving. shortly.■ for T-oiydon'."\yhorp ho op.iins '.Ohi'lsluviis Kve ilt the ralladium, (vaudeville) .far^fwiir'-:wcci{'s7^r ~- ;": ' -"' ■ - ^ - • ' ,iM(HiiVo'/liU^^lnoss jg ij'i^j^or; thfvii ^ahy.-other 'branch- ■:p'f''t ' auiii>^^; l» qiid>^'l^ the .same -tfilven. -.the^ m^^ puVdiihors tully i-cc-ogniz^: how .the miiVio ta'i.kers hayc'.d owp mu.slc busjirioss; by. com, IKirison.; ' '- . -;; .. ,, ;',:: : ■ ;.-/ . '' ■■ ■ y • . . ■ ■'. Song ng: is n().W'gbtt'ing to-be. a;xno'('hahi;(\ali2ed i rid list ry;.'.The-- fiiih thenVe .'soh'g.i are the bigpos.t hits pri tlie market iVow and .hrn-e bcei^ . for:;the past .six.."';.sta npw .witli -."Spnny' 1'^py''.frbnr Juls()n's. "The ^Pirigirig.Fop^'••\ .is'.but .bri tlio liiarket at\t)rt^^ tb 1.^ ..Next- to;;it is "Johrinine,'r.'l)r('>i,-m'(jf: Lii;;ic. Tin-io'' front VLila'c .Time,"- .arid thp. other .jolsp.n .^o.iig^' hjt; '''.Tln^'re-g "\. a'RaiJilibw IKound-'My- '.ShouUli^r,'' .rates third. .. -.' .:.; . •. . Tiip- n'uV'^ic .rivoY■l',.;af^f>,orcT^ngly;, are. urging that it: Iheinb..songs-iire tq bo- aTv iiiuiortaht by-pybduct.. of,^. t busirtoss, wiiy.;not tl'io tlieory of ''s'o'.unti songs!' \vith. so.u'nd lilnis; ;songs'that iire rnusically sburid^ / Already, llicre is definite proof that "it's all in the: son.g" .aml that: it doesn't require an" est.ablished .Sp/ng.writor..^ fflnhion-. a .'filni:; .tii.i>mc< song - lirc.ividirig; .the c()riipositions\.{vrc' miisie^ f puriiil.. ;-"---. . . -'-. . . .-Mabel Wayne,;Pfi';iVe; .riewCQm<M% pl*b "Uairi6na," ti.ip '.thing'^i^^ ./y'eqrs. - Nat ;ShilUret, .export .brrhestr.atbrii.rnaostrb' arid re.cb'rdi.rig'mii^-n, wowed -Wfth . the. li'r.Ht- rcai song, he wfoto, '".r.cannihe," • Ditto Axt and. ilen<lpza /with- "I Ijoycd■ Voii;:Theri AS.,1. IjOvc Y<>u >,'o\V'* from "Our pf]Lri;eiiVpf i?aug^ the M-G-M: featiire- Wh.icli. 'excoeded: exii.eotatib.ris and c.urrled wivat. BtM-lih, Inc:,^ rregardbd i'ldiff^Tbnt^. spnfe into; extrjipLr(iinary--Wtd^^ ' ;., './;-■■. - -.■■../.•:-;, . ■'• From th i.s, where the /number was m.echanic.'Uly/recprded:-fpi^^^^^ only, now, it's .bbirig rnade, ybcally . and as .bi.\gan -solo, etb.; thus 'gi.virig the/ number riot :pnly ;a ioO- -per cehtr mechanical. rPcdi^din but 200; arid 3/00: iver-cent •'Parinirig."/ t'operiding on the/scyeraV differbrit/wa^^s tl,i.e song: ■is.lieirig. recorded pn..the;. disks;;'/.;"-. .; ./- -' - .■;•'.■■ •.' :';/• '■■■•. / ■ ■ :^ : ■■ './-■'.:. ■■.''.^Pictijre.;irT^pbrt'ancc :. .;.'.'•■.' /■■\. ' ■[■■ ■-■:-■■■■ c - "Thii: iiicture eompariies shbuid reaiiz^^^ thp ' iriTporta.rice pf the;:..viilue :ot: .^ucli . ex^vloitatiPri, Witli hundreds df tTipusand.s. bf / bbples- of ,i^h^ riiuslc" arid the records^'g Iritb hbus^holda, its vfilue fgr" the sp'rbeh'a: box .office; is/'apparerit;; It wis;, exeriipllfied in the case of' the/ son^.: "Rahibn.Ji-'' itnfl the: picture. ''Rani.oria/' with- the/ sprig bbbstiniji^t'lie film riiateriaily./■ ■.."'■■ ■; ■•-r^'.' ;.\-■ ^■;■.•'•■^..■■.^- V/..-' / . ' -'_- ;^-' ". .Rpalizin.?? .tiirtt- .this- 4« mind., tiib ..niusib . riibn hrguc^^ /of-;the fewr. .exbp^^^ .titl.b/i.s- identical .to the p'ictiti-e, ■ ' An ir\ musical corriedles arid bperettas, it is.':ra:r^iy.: that ;the •'title//.bf ■ the musicail pi-pducttpri: ;is • utirized.;ibr tiie- hit .sonj?; "the liit is, gene.ra!ljy sonie -rohi'aritic or Jove /theipb b'r a- girra name, .; That's .hbw Jeainriine" was. the chief, title, witly ;"I ;Drea,rii., of ^ ■l!.ii.ia<;- "Trriie" 'drag'ged in:al^uh-title^ • ';V-;-' ■ ' /This expldiris suclV far.-ffetched titles 'as .\'\Voma.ri ipis'put^ I .Tpu". (yr 'fReycrigeneither of. whicii;: as song titles,, has cbmriicr.cial .appeal./; Similaj-ly,'' ';Dut. of the Tempest I.ritb My 'H:ea.i;t''^ was /a mec.iia;riical; at-', terrifit to get ^'TTie; Teriipest". (U>. A.) title into the musical cpmpbsiti.Qn, . ■ In . justice to: sbnfi; arid picture,i a musical GOtripbsiiion must be ,syh-. phron.i.zed into the score ind used along .;with it", it it is to have i\ny ef- fbbt; '. The song riiust be reprised .sufti'cieritly for. thb obvious: value of., the .'plbf;' .That's the reasbriV.VArigela , >iia''... (My ;Arige^^^^^^ from ■"Streets •Angel''. was: sb; decisive .a^/hit .o'r - "NeapPlitan: ISTights''^ from "Fazil" bir any other 'cf the .theine so rig;, hit's. It orbh'estrated into the picture, it carinpt miss- because of the r.cpetit|pu& exploitation-: prPvidirig: the. song has basic appeal. / • -' ..':''■ \-:/' The spng publisher admits the Ihaisterice..for fbr":selftsh /purposep/but/it i&^^ /. ; ..■'/:. ;..-'-- -.' . ist Real; Test . Those picture companies ;iElffiliated with th^li" niuslc publis^^^ jj-ub'sidiaries such as I'arariount'-HajrriiS and Metrp^Robbins are naturally doing fill ppssibJe.t.o/co-ppei:ute, not prily by synchrorii^^tipri but actual music sales pf. th^ song sheets in};the theatre lobbies w^hereyer. th^ feay. turcS are booked.. / '/ • ' ;■..;' '.■.;: " ' .."'.'-' ■■;. ■ The first real test of . the Famous Music/ Corp. (a3/ the..lIarnisrPara- mourit alliance is kribwn) will be the iyeek. of Nov; 24 when: "^ianhattqin - Cocktail" (Nancy .Cai-rrolIrKichard . Arleri) plays . both the .; Maiiliattari . ; Pa-rairipunt; arid- the / new Brbbklyri /Parampurit siriitiltancously, ■ ;it is the .bporiing .attraction of ' tiie;.. Bi'bbkiyri . Para,riib"unt and 'has '\Mctbr S'ch'crtzirigev';s.;,".Another. .K^ ■ '. -' : . , ' Playing to a coriibined 'cstima 300,600 at. both h.b^ during that , week, .as yreU £is ■ in the other key ipities, Harms (Henry. /Spitzer has- tliis department in .charge ;fbr the firm) expects - tb sticK bver^ one hit-; aftoy another rtlu' the suriultancbusly conccntrateiV plugging in/thc.-.iriipOrtarit .key .cities, /-v.; • ■ / ■ ■/■ -■ : ■ ... ' ; ^ . / '. ' :-ilctro's'- :ncxt . '$2 feature' at t)ie Astbr, Ne\v York, is "Alias -..limmy. .Valentine:' AV' "Love; Dream.s'.' by. Mort llarris, . 'Ray ; Klagc-fi,.;David Mcndoza; arid. \Villiam Axt as .th.e theme ^vhl(.■h; Lbew-Metro will further- plug via; its pw'n.'station' \VI1N^^ /Westell Gurdan, poiioert artist,, AVill "Jiirimy'.," ;,a.' radio sinijer,;-. for • the ,:.br6;idi'.-vst pWfff at: least: tln-ico weekly. xMotrb ' thrpug its- a^li^, .RbbJjipis' JNliis^ will publish;tlViis theriie aloiiij./ with: "liive and L()v6" froni JohiV (lil.l.ierts : "Alnsk and' the iJovili"- "Crbs.s Ro'acl.s".;frum.. "yhoW ..roople," oiH'nitig. at/ thd CiMMtol/ Now' York, SaliiiHla/y, and "Jrlbney^.T.and'i Ix-cim "l^alielujalv" By; Franks Tilley . - r^ Siritzehich in India \Vasliin.i:t.on, Nov. fi. . : ilai'iild A', <\ ..^intzcniiilv,;(MK^ tiinc c.-viucnurian to J). \V. (irifriih,' is now' repi-('.9<-ntiJig; Kodaks Ltd.,- in llotnbay and CiilciVlta, r(>piirts Ceorgo f'iuUy to the .1 )(<paylnii'iit of Cpnvincro.o. iSiinl/.cnifh, an Kn.glislnnan. l)u( In some lu years in Hollywood. ; iioridpri; /Get.: 26. : lt;;h.a.s. hithbrlp. beeii' .icci'viihirod. diinciiU to. impbsslblp to i)reak:-B i.^^.h - lilm.s ' iritb' ;thp\. South .Africari. iri-yrket^'. ;exc(*pt -for; an.; qc.c'.asiPnar ^v.■^^'^, gciilesinger'si. S^butli African. ..I<'.ilm .Triia.t ;:dbrivin.ates thtr tnarkct, / a/ri'd- . '-th;p . Jjpndb.ix. / olHce, Uunigh it looK-M at 'nib.'it libnie-niadiv fiinip,./ S(!ldo)iy biiy.s -.orie.' 'Maylip, tl\n l.iuU ; i.-s 'witli.: th.c pictures/—C)r the pru;<.'S.'. .- .■. :.; : •■ '■ ■ -.' .. ... ■ ;■ i^ritisli.. Tntoru-i'ttiorial; . iin\yev».'r, Vva.s mana};<'.<'l 'to ..jnalciv ;i:;de!n \yitli S<-liii'.sin:f:",r' ftn; .. a. yijtir'.s - .out put, .iT\ iM-otUii-liuii ..iM' scli>Ml.ii!icd,' 1 li-ji.lsh 1 ilti'.rnatiivnal: lius ;f'onn('rly 'sold it.^ pic Hi n -.s i in 1 i:\- i i 111 ally, '.<; t > 111 o - t <i. 1111.' l-'ilnr 'ryu^^t -iiiii'l /nil)<M's^lo' l,l:rydtMi's Vi'iifl) .■Vfri^^^^I) .K':lriyiri^'i.,^'i'iiuVan.v, ail iir.!;.ini}',.:Vfliiii. '.\\ iiiyi'i/- aims .. to. iMv.-il the .t>(/lilc.«ini,'('r' ^tMinrcni ahd'. to l")f<'ak 11.^ (•.iin-li;i>l xM' 11i:umarket,; Additionally i'l'itiM'i; hittTn.i'notial has sold JtO .fvalures, ;nin'do ;>tid to liiv made, to 'l-nlon 'Phc!i(rr:A of Atis- (Coiitinufd on iiago 20) And French like It has :■ I'iiris, 'Nov, 6/,/ - 'faU'eri' for the-- ii:rind .Paris poli'cy; ; /', r . , . ' ;■ 'ParainoUnt,'..:- Intnwciiy^^ five ..shows. a day ;. foi- l)u^' li m iinw in France, did a •! bii.'^incss/las'l •v:.-;.ekV^;/.V. :-.y .'^':'' ' • ' It jH'i/V('S'tiii\-iri''lrcaii be rii;uli> •irilo-rc;ir. pii-l inv fji.iis.'. .. .. Gonnoliy*s Shorts • -. ■'■ ■■' / . ;. - / .r,>'iMiiiM,; Nii\;. c, ^ J.!ii-k.';(."<itin((ll> . (I (i;ri tln.:' '.'l.i yi;i1iia;ii'' l''r/id;ry/ ( Xov: : I') . .Avll li eni<M.!',li. •MiiyiflniiV' .■jIhiVIh On' bii;i r-d to .."- ink t lie: ^ '- - . '.. ]\Vn; (- of thc'Sf lyyi'. of F'.rili.-li ;i(id .I-',uro|H';:n cfh-lirllief, tn.idc di'n'iDir roniiolly'.s lai-t trl|) ov'^r li'r(\ in fliidhii.: a fi-w niiMUti.H; witli Lloyd ^"isnt^irm^ : ;: . ' /Los Ang<';lei4,..'Noy. G.- ;/' Siiiri' Biscliprr I^roductipps is at.- - tonipting tb assernblc a .lOO per' cent iiritish ;cast, for. an untitlbd ■Eriglisn' liit;Hii;e to / b.C: riwulc in A'ancouver.. X),' C/ . . . /'/'■;.:•■.? •/■ : .:- .■'';;. " . .-T'allung/st'qUt'ri'ccs'vnecc'Bsi all-Uritlsh -'flnyor In ..the .player line-, up.. ' ;-■■-.;■; ., .; .' ■ ■ ■ ■ '/ '■■'■ • ■ ■;;■.. V. :l\ JIc(5o>Vfi:ri''w^ witlr Carbl Sax supcrviKiori.- IIUNGA^IAN LANDS •■- ',/. L6.S Ari{;;o.U',s, Nov, '6. ' lli'la ^;r;iigozi, Hungarian stage a(;t(ir, Will be Tcaturcd in Fox's "The VcilC'.'d . Woman," '^lOinnieti l-'lyiMi \vin .(lu'cct. Li,-i;.T()nt and:ra/ul Vinriviili . hayo. iK'en- addy-d -to' the '-Jiiijri'zi. ;it:tyjii-l('d tin .'itti-ntion (\i ■nrnr in Simise^ at ;Five /<.!i:ibo'-n; X .:^livd:;lli houses in Bpriibaiy- :-and: 'CiilcuitaV -India, will ■be- wired- by, .'VVesftirn. KlerUi.i", ' /.: .;: MiVdcVn- 'has 'i)la'ced'' .the coiitract' lOach t^ieatrb calls, for an; iiistalla-^- -tlon cost of jis.o.oct;' ' ' : .It ,is/:Raid- wl iC. Will send .an en- gineer to ilndia.' to' wat'ciy the. oper-. ation/pf 'thp:er[uipnient,'rtfter it ..shall havejiebri iri.stallod.■ : .;' ■/ "/■ in • iM-a pi iidiiiTi K" - ^ n lin'.-il- ; Ic; •Ilia. it ,pri'.-:i'niaii>ni of Distribution Here f)ti' Ills rc'turjf from aliroarl, Mil h:ifl ^;(ll)l•l:(od, aU of Aniliiited; I-:mi ;in I'n.duVcrs, staled tliat 12 I'lnropc.-iii tiliri in-oduciiri.g ;('(unpa;. nli;K will hi'p..;ifior dislrllm((X their l.r.idmls In ihiH ccumtry through hia firm. Novelty for Lohtlon ■:A special njovii-tiiiK.' u":. <•"'•>* .^.''''^ bi'cri niade,^by M-G-M for the open- ing' of the now l-impiro, London, Nov.' S. Tho:.:movirMiu.-.ti 'is .:fvanvea as if ■ <:;ieh 'of/; M-(.!-M"/' :.!';' ii-s an<^ m.'lUinS •a- pers(M)al ■■xu)p<'ar!,nici.', ■ :• The Knipire ' \yiU liv tl;--. w ii?ed'-h.iiUse in the -lOm'-li^i Arthur I^oi'\v : v/i-iit lii-r- larly to attriul, the (ip.-t;.iiii :'::.-t bis paVtli-'U' "Jazz Singer" in Paris riirir:, Nev AVarrier's "Jazz Siiii'."'; idiono, Is exp'eeli'd: t'l -o; shortly at trip Aubert r.i';^ (5. .Viti^- ,-, here