Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, .November 7, 1928 PI C T U R E S VARIETY The forffe SQUrid^proof stag-e . at M - G - M's u ptown. -New YbrK plant went into - operation ./ Friday night : (Nov, .2^ about t\Vo weeks after. the, start of . syriehrpnizatioh ; worl^.:,in . the sn-iail<>r . stilge ./directly . ainder-; ':■ neath.-"' ' ^ '. '■: :■, : >Ir/-and Mrs. :N6.rman Phillips anU Norhtan Phillips, Jr.^. were the first •actors to appear on the ,Ulg' S;tage> An embellished; y.prsion of their Vaudeville:.. iicts. was . niade under : the suiveryision of .lUiJuis K; ;Sldriey. '-.Eddie Manriixi;^^^^^^ 'the; cpas'. is lo6l:^ng over ' the .M-G-M ; studio which will enter 'lipon ..a period of intense activity- almost immediately.; ..Twenty .br rtore talking shorts are . contracted for. In addition there ■.Tvill be the Uiiiitcd. Ai'tistsV. feature in a manlh or so. Al Laher from. the 'Cuiver Gi«y sltidio, haS arrived, .to o.fricia.te. a.s caiheraman. Charles ■ ilarten ' is- similarlyV engaged, -. .Oavl ■ :struss '!whb,:, .will shoot i the 'U j A ; ih/tpwri.;.;- :. .- . Ah'- assemhly :p^ ■ ■ jjiG^M's. :*';i(i.0Q0 -a^ herfeh" .was ;put tdgelhor at the stu.-; .Vdio' witlV Lady Bi'iiihmbpd.Ilay,; Dr. Eckener 'and • othei^: ••figurjes' in^ . the • Graf .Zrppolin 'flight appbaritig in- . special serenes to. be interpolated ,in :. the special .,Zep. -stuff taken . on, the trip hy Robet-t-Hattman.n, camer.a- : Vhian with;: M-G-M.:.: nowsrcel.v ;The ■Zeppelin^ picture:- wi" . be . a- thr^e- . reeler, it has hot been titled, :. .The' .entire musical library . of the Tialkers Mutes . Ah arigie on dialog pictures- is the: effect they are. .havihg- ■upon deaf • mutes,;;:: .;;;.' . :'With. the 100 per. cent. talk^. ■'.efs iTi^ee from; ebntinuity titles, a great -many of. this unfor-^ tliriate : grbiip have .declared therriselves . discouraged and aiB.satisfied as to wi.rod houses, -Thi?i^. contention that the action, .is .how much si oyer;., there'. a,re ho Explanatory titles for "^thctn to -see and that as • far as lip reading is concerned 'they would- rather ^ attend, a stage" performance tb enjoy the color ' arid ci6$er: proxihiity / of the pertbrmet-s. ; ..- ..There arer20i006' deaf mutes in: New V^brk .and abQut an 'equal number in : Chicago. No Information Obtainable for Better Line-~Fojc*d Ex- tensive Theatre Holclings Against Radio's Present Gbntrot y of Keitb's -r^n- yblves More Production for R. C. A. Photophone TALK WON »T STOP , Talk won't stop oyer the prospect of Radio-Keith-Orpheum or Wil^^ liam Fox making a deal witi? Wdrr n^r Brothers, whereby either two theatr.4 chains may be able to hook in Warners' Stanley Corppaoy, circuit, through merger or purchase, There is ho definite informaticih bn the matter. The several, sides, reply in the haven't heard of it way. Notwithstahdihg there are, stones of meetings and conferences .be- tween parties interested one way or another, Witii the supposition . re- rtiainirig these matters hawB cot^ie ;U'P..,' I R-K-O is inclined; to add to Its ■Tos Angeles, Nov; 6: ■ theatfe holdings,; from the ^ reports.^ . Resuinption^^^SKS> in,- the.,iin^ ^-^I^T"! Heflywood Shops Are Static in talker ;.■ / .,\ Los Angeles,: Nov. (5. [, Techniciahs workiiig.; wilh talking ■ picturoK nrfi ■ cansidor- .ably .>vorrled over. tl\o faiyt tlvat-^ tV .costifmc of .silk, wiuii ; by an a:Pt.or.' before a ■' h\icr()phoiio,. ;i)rodii'ces' a' sta He 'on the .record- qr, .fvim sound ' roproductlon.. .Tlie. ei.ect.ric -in.;ig.iiotic • prop(vrr 'jies of siUc..'cause '..a'-prackling Bound :. sipilikr : to'. the ■ • 1"U<3 : sWisliiTig of-.skirta. ' :. ■ . .K:oar.:that. the 'talker .will is- sue- the: way for; the' demise; of - ♦he ''cost^ihae picture," produ- ' cers-arfe considcra.ijly. perturbed ':ove.r. this uhfprsecn difncuUy. • ■.Static caused from the elec- trical content bf pri the human head ilas been eonibat- ted subeepsfully by: oiling the '•'offending hair; thereby ;drmih,- .ishihg, the- .cuiTcrit producing . activities^. ' Film Writers Superior For ..;^ ' Chic;\g0i NoY.;-.6. ' ;; With conimerciiil ■lirnis llrst rnad.o .' aware ■ of.the. advantage of <the tire.- y utrii'al .stylo .' of . lU'Css.. .'agentry . . ihrovigh ■ exjx'^riohce with radio and . later serlousiy studylhg the;met;h-,. ;. . ;ods ot 'e.yinoitat'ion'' pra;olic;cd by. . sl'iinv; bii'sinesa, 'iniVicatlbns are plain •that the min'iv bocUed; p; ag;ent- . j» : oi)hiihg. into. ;hifl •long-. dela>'ed-; ; heyday; :.' •■; . •:..■ ■ ■". ■■■. •.'. . ••.-.. . Largo coThinervial lirm.s already/ iiaye . Started .cvverbidding yshoW; : business tor' .press hge'nta, Once •,•. g^ttlnii^ the p.. a., .they "'change ■ his:, ititie. to public relatioriia counsel or some sueh Vpyal monicker and tell iiirrt to keep his suit pressed, , but he's..still the samio old. hooey dlshcr. ; Sears Ilocbuck Co;,; operating the largest cliain of retail stores In the : world, besides Its mall .order bpsl- .; . nes.s, has ; taken, on a thcajitrlcal prep.s agent to handle exploitation and get results more in proportion ■ to tVie. amount of money they aire i^pehdlhg ■ .in ; da;ily: • papers;;, and.. , .periodicals.'. "'.'■. . . • -: .'" ' Tins same attitude is tn.ken by humorous! other . firm.s which feol :; they are. not promoted .rightly bcr - ; fore newspaper reiulprs, or to the:.. newspapers them.selvica.; They :. ligure a theatrical press agent's cx- poricnco in- paving gbodwll.l and his traihing In .showmanship will be assets and. dp much to overcorhe . tiic present staid manner of cx- Shlc S6ehi^nbeek,:::fprmor^^^^^^^^^^ for^ the I hi^ B/C.: A. .Photophone contempla- ant to Major ijbwes. is tlte .business. ^^^^^ boulevjard, tibn. .manager for stiidio. The studio particularly the smaller place^. A . Fox^ls i lios -Angeles, Nov. 6. One of the most niarked i.ndloa .. ^,,v,. . . .. . Ltlon.s that film pr.oduc.tloh ii^i goinp ploltatlon liaed by big. buslncBS for. to have a lot of impetus i>efore tlie| now: busine^ raj^idly- accumulatirii: the MfG^M Piowro lo.!« l:S°S-i.«en tip . hit, VfiffiOMt^- | * J. J^^^" zo^S t-eh Fox an- ambition to .. .. . I dominate the east as a theatre low production m pictures. _ . as he is at present dolpg / : -The • talker situation; has ^ ^^^f ^ l^'the wSt Uirough liis ext^nslVe the revolution; in pic-tures. that K?.-^ CoSc^cuitf ' ■ . , kept a lot Of actors out of ^"''H;P;S)SSuSe;^ered point is the l and out of the shops. . -^entity of the negotiators for any Credit -. I . It is said that the first of the year; is fieen In the In cfedsing demnnd from, .all the - big line studios for writers., pilrtlcularly Offers :for Agents .Montgonriery. Ward, o pen in g thou- .sands of retail stbres ; throughout line svuuios 1.UI, >>in.v;io,. i»<v. ki^.>..—-j .sanus oi ruiuii .»lviv:o . i.t".»^"e>'."-- >vho have some knowlc^dge L^^,-, j.Quj^{ry,. i.s in need of tie-up3< M-G-M picture scheduled to pe syn- brighten up a hit. \yithout. ex- tne eAL«..>.. chroniz^d. Made on the coast it PO'^" caption' they blame the .trying per- the metror tains talking sequences.;Backgrourid l ^ presidential year, but ^^^^ ihusic for .theidiaiog^yiii be added.; .pj^^^^es. . : .; ^ Ko"^"?^^,, of dialog. Virtually ey.cry lot is adding a flock of new writers to its staff. Th'^y ;as.signed immediately to productibns scheduled to begin .shooting in the early future hoGktip.s, . reading notices, and plenty of peppy explbltatlon.. Oscar Poob, p.a, for Kunsky - hros,, is reported tq haye been of- fered very important money by on* of the largo; motor -corporations. ■ in talkihg: pic- . ^ , on tho of the parties. It is said that the Jennie Dick- . Therlarger ^stablis^ nienta^j^ the ..^^ ^hpse Jaig;. -William, boulevard .haven't sui:^ored so .. _ .warner-Stanley v^ri :\ttlino .Til^' because they, can control the c^eim . • .^tinuo to be on the alert in Making ".Letter" • At Paramount where **The Let- ter" is being shot the following dramatic actors are making their Initial appearances in talkihg pic- tures; Tom IJomieily; Tiirk- erson, Charles Cr«*«ttr —^—,.i, .. „^ Friend. Harry .Lee.- and ^^^-^V^'^^ SBn'pSty^well, but even, thes^ dent. -All have small roles.. ... ^ ^.i^-'!'"^"^^^^^ picture Alfred L,. Gilks who: organized tb^t i^. ^ .;the camera;.Wbrk:fbr the:^aunbhing Pa rpn^^ Sried: for of sound prpdui^un vat T^r^^^t ^-^^^^^Je 'customary. ;peripd, returned to Hollywood .^l^^]^}' '°"^!,oric was shy. and with it. wearing a wrist watch presented to a^ .him by co-workers. Gilks,came_^ast the^J^ . ^ „ .^ave ; last:May to ^shbpt "The ,F rst.Klss 1 .^.^^^ in. Maryland. He bas been; number .ht^e^piw^o^ ,one cameraman on ,40. ^'^'■^Wti^J^^g t^3S,i^i,ehes^ pictures since 191.9,,a record ion casn uut, _ lOOtmg in me. eui iy !-".>•"• . or ine' -iargo. niui.".i. -v-oi'^f.^^-..^"-'. The frenzy for NcW York play- jj^n, SerkoWich of .the Publix New buy. continue to be on the alert in the theatre field; . •, • With Stanley Company acquis! tipri, R-K-O probably would take over First National, another film producer for R. C. A. Photophone, added to FBO. now held by_iV ^t would give Photophone; another prpduction centre for sound pro duct. While mysterious In Its way, sev oral insiders a.s.sert a deal eventual Wrights seem.s to be passing. Stu dies are discovering it takes longer and is more expensive to toarth the stage writers what pictures are about than to experiment with film writers on the coast: who arc to some, degree convor.saht with dia- log writing and who know picture needs. ' . • ^ The six-'week contract, boys from the east haven't .been any ;slarhped- York office Is being angled for by a large local comntierclal house. ; Tho question, confronting the show business: will It. bo able to . hold its; ace publlcii^y men in the face of this now competition? While admittedly prolific In cpncclylng helps, shoV buslncsK .also, l!^ admittedly uhablc to rctaiii most of the assets. ■ Shew busiriesB • is credited with. me easi. navuii i, .i.;uv-ii a.»ijr ..jv^.....,, — . onun v^-^'i'-^-"" ing riot when -they rah iip against <ii.scovcrlhg the bill ; board; a.s the requirements of film technique! 1 and some have gone back home means of exploitation but only in the e.ast are the billboards still used ana some iiu,vc i \;.>..->.>, ci. ^- v..^ „...„_.-.__ --. -- . Others seeing the pos.slbilitics of to any. .extent. Klscontlnuance was L. A. to N. Y. ilelcn 1.^0 wo 11 pic ure^^ncel91?, a^recow. . I Some tried ^ ^111 arise with the Warners in ; ■ ,9o]int Andre^e. JLimu^^^ as the .credit, continued .^^^ j jl retalningr their pt the; French, embassy ^4n;l^op^o^^ "rganizatiom;^ ; : infSngJoiJ:^^^^ brother to Jean ^0^^^'^"^' plehS ^vhen picture production; is. U^J^^i, to the Warners Is gone .; d^l^Pt ng-The. Lett^^ ..evdoing, fn^t ^J^Kth.; more detail .to another ...S^'iio^'prS.So^'^^^ was pn hand to ipok over Walter production slowly picking W.anger's efforts. . ;: . .;..:;■ '; • • \ merchants are; beginning |o ; ■ .; B. p. : ■ . brighten a little,- as prospects - are .. Little activity -last week at FBO.; ^.^at most of the; studios will be .;Workmen" are rapidly., piitting;; a good paee .In .the;next finishing tbuches to the :9tudio, Pj^Q^th'or" s .conipletely. reconstructed under the — - direction pf^ John; Fitzgibbons, the studio nvanager' .. Dressing .room, ; facilities for 75 and a small lunch room have been provided. Gene Markey and, .Frances Agnew are now working on the script pf "High .Steppers,'' the first feature for FBO , .eastern;; production schedule,, se- lected by Robert Kane, its talker ■ boss. Josiah Ziirp'^s' musical orgarir ization synchronized ."Marlced ; RAMISH^TTLING Laemmle Julian ^0" .Suit \ Settlement For $43,547 Near IINBSEY'S CLAIM . • Judtje Ben Lind.scy has advised ..^Tlffany-Stahl he considers' ">Iar-. riagr; by Contract," /T-S picture, an Infringe.nrir-nt on his book, . "Com-. Paniijiifite Marriage." LiTni,s(.y states; iie has. 1-et.T.incd .Clarc-nco pMrrow to fttart prucei'il- iii.'?s sluMild ..Tny attempt he., made to sl.'i.w the Tiffany-Stahl picture, Los Angeles, Nov.-6. That Carl Laemmlc's -$-13,547 suit a^-airist Adolph Kamish ' would 'sou ed out. of • ;court wa.s indicated. - . i wh.n it came up for trial be ore : . Um-,,,r;A.. Tn,1iTo M.;Lucas. and^attpr. ' neys for both parties re.quesiea ai.- adjournmcnt . until Nov, r iK^^^ of. the possibility of a: settlement. •the suit was for mpnoy alleged to have been ; lost in the Ju Jap. j^oiroleum crash. : Laemmle a.-serts S Kamish sold him .2,000. .hares I Of Julian stock and J.urf<-d to. nrolor-t him a^j.-iihst any .lo.^'? . M. marlc't .l-'lin^. liami..h denied .any such agroernont A.. Brablll :. . HyI3.: Franklin;. Laura llA Plant* .Joe E. Brown ; Jack Luden John W. Cpnsldlne. Jr. Alan Cro-slahd . C. Oardner Sullivan Buck J en OS. •; ;.' Jack Cohen Dave Loew ICdwardVHinall K. M. Asher ..Vlan. Crosland 1 the talkers, haven't decamped when their six weeks were up but arc . sticking around to. learn about films. They expect to crash again, now 1 knowing what it l.s all about. "ftTIEEN^LLY'^ STABTS Los Angeifis,"^*^"^-'"-*'- Gloria. SwansPn's - ''Queen .K<?lly finally is In production .at FBO. starting on what is de.scrlbed aa a, most '' caref ully'.': prepa.rcd. vScrlpt,,' While the .schedule call.s for 10 wtseks* .shooting, it l.s. deemed doubt- ful if thif^ will :b.e; observed on-ac- (punt of the large number of mob snche'ij to be photo'graFihed: out of -doprs-^apd the .sun at this .sea.son is' not depenOrtble., ^ ^ , The period is 1.912 and the Ibcalo; Gorm.any. forced by the. perishable quality and unpertanty of a; shovv's ruii, and by tho increased cost of bill- board advertising, . eventually .be- coming prohibitive for .show busi- ness, made ho through commercial demands. •' .; , - ■: iL;^ar-|cty^receritly-_pElJ3t£xd:th.c.^8tp.ry^;. bf an ;Gniaha reporter taken over by Publix a,hd then called back to his paper at: double the .Publix sal- ' ary. .,.; ; ■.;' ■. It may be a worry for .show busl- nes.s, but It'.s plc.aiaht. for; the p.a.'a. •.? N. Y. to L. A. Denny's Renewal with U > ■■ Los Arigfles. Nov. 6.. Universal has: renewed its option on - Reginald L)onny for; .a.notho'r. vi-ar. ■■: Denny has been with U for five years and. has three :more. years to 'go on, .'his presf-nt five-yar op-- iional contract. Warners' 60 Days Dark ■ . Los Angfiles, Nov.. 6. Following the completion of thr.ea pictures, now set for productjon, which are duo to be finished In Dcfiember, Warner .Brothers sludi© is slated to-closc .fot CO dtiyii, . . Thelma Todd in Lead • lyxH Angelfs, Nov. 6. ■ La.ska Winters: ..slgnod: I).y. I'Mrst- S'ational to play th.f p.'irtvof .>Satan'a^.■ Inl>il;re.s.s.•. in -".Seven ■F'jotpriht.s to Sa.lan." This: action rnovefj; Tod'l, 6rl;;ina))>.' ronsirlered for the B. V. I'.'lnf-man ; Douglas Fairbanks Mary I'lckford D.ito I'arlf) JCarl AV. ll.irnmona Arthur :^"'-l!.'ier N'f-il aM-ir-iy lUchard Currier , Menjpu's Vacation - Boh Arigr-lr.fl, Noy. C. After AOolj/lie M'-njou niii.-h'- ".MarqiilH J;'rr:!crrr-d"' for J'araTri'.'inf will go to New,York onvu.:.'ir/r.. ■;*l'hf: Cori'^frt,"- his h"xt, \yU)i I""! -: '■rif-e yi'lnr fipp''::!''" ;i ri-l .i:)'' '"'l L'lthar M'-t:'l' wi-l ji',\. . '') 'ir[" production u 1.1! il. i-'''-') 'i:i ';:•'. |!7T??rivTo°^i^ -Caslififl "Stepping High" .K.,1,r.rl K:in<- for. FB'J. lias sfjiru-d !'"i-: ^' ;■ i.i (' rr I.Ii :^li." ii di.aJ< 'gcr, - With !;) v;ir.:-'ty '■fiiiiiidi NV.s'in ll.s ra'akoup iur- s' r''fn. A:i. -i ;-' i!'." ' •■flv 7!.-irri"s for Die .' j .M< I ii>\.-'r!"y. i l's will i i... ir; li.i- ;r-<!'-. wUli songs. .; .'