Variety (Nov 1928)

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8 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, November 7, 1928 at $5; Grind u ipU I=all Off-^^JBichelbrs/* . • ■ : -- ijbs' AriRo.lpSjv Nov; 6.' . (Drawing PopufatipnV .1,450,000); . '■ \A/eathe'r:!-;Fair.:-; ; i"!o'r , the ■ l-ourt h : suO.oOS'sivft'. week; .' f'Siiifiini; Fb61V..;i.cid; tivfi'-t<)wn: J-lc'-. aruppc'd ubtjut .$|5-,ObO,- biJt Jt 'Avn-s '. still. ,pi,it .' frbnti' "j.loKJi'ftrts jLirc;'' iiio jil'ot, -wtiS'hoxt iiitd $'4,,- .;OUD -Dehinfl at. ?24.100;:.. ■ ..■ ' ■ ■ As ..ur.wUule- ti'iulo-. \v.;i;s; .':w;iy', bit- Town iJi .pc.ituyg, ;JL !iUlc. ■ ll.u- A\'iiic'l>-. h;is: prcvai,l('d in Krin • I'^^vncfsco. tlVc. •piist nirintii, ft. .makps folk^ Paw-^ itioiis invd liVc* thr-atrts Eec.l It... ■;. :Tha t .thoy ,\vill not. iacce'pt .any- .•.tlTing turned- .bii't .-for .a talker; was- domrinstnttt'^d'. .at. the-..Stutc w)iO:m;. W'avnei'ij .' prcmi.orcdV.: .^'Jjewai'q:•. oT . Ba,cll(■lbrs;■^;.Tliik.■as ;n^o^^^ :pvi: ..cerft: talkerV.;. \ ■ Grainrtaiv's Cliindsc;' pot uway tiftoi-.. a -.10 .!.day slUitd'oAv.n AVith . ''Noa.lV.jr . Ark'' to a ' $.5.- top . 'J'lvurKday ' ■nixiit' Dom.iind •, rest of. .w'pek was tremen- ■ •dous .\vith .^iround ..$7,000 in for!-the'-. .first: niirht;. ' Cartl.fay: fMrclei. the' .b.llior. $1150. 'Kouge, . finished' '.with' : "Mbtlier jvnows,' Best" / on Sunday .Sixth/and. llnal'.Avc'e^^ • Xvas ji6orc-=?! ■.ii'ouRC .: has had in ;-i.tfl '. .career.:'.- i>Jo. e'rfiiVt "mad.e hy ho'isf'; ptitilicit.v. iiti'd /exploitation staff to. KtinTi,Ulate tJic 'Ahishinfi: stanza.- ,'■. . ..•.' v.Kjng .Of KJnffs,'' with SQU rid, took a div'e .aitV'tlib Crit.erl.on. .. 'V'Vrth ; J^Wr. opfibsitibn, this BeMilJeyisivcc.iriV ■ quit, sifter :liineV days at jiist. :.bvc.; $10.OflO. ' . Second w^ec'k of Woirvi'iv ' DIspi.i"t<>'d"' held .proat.: ht • the.. t' A h.ou*!P. /""Pocks of ^"brk" p.-ivc .the.; .Epyplian .cbn-sidorable'. prriiv. ■ Jibulc.y'arci .pot- ' little . bctrer th.'t". av<;r!iP'e 'with: .'ircftrt- to Hoart'.' aii'i , •Lynn'CbwaiV,,now-ni.. o. . . Estimates, for; Last Week • '■ Boulevard. (WG)' ' iloart to l-leal>" : (FN) -.(2,11)4; ■ ::u-0'0);/;Npthin{j to , Iielp house; most of ihcrtase ■cj;e<);- ited tor Liynji- Cowan, ni,Vc.; - close -io .'$0,000. ;■ • .'"" .Garth a y C..i r c ( e (WiG-'MUtdv) ''Mother Knows'VBo,st'' -.(Fox Ii;[oivi(>- tone) (1'.500.;.. nO-fl.SO). ,^lxUi and' Una! week,, just It'.ft :thi3;-pne bn. t'lje limb.; .bowed..' but .to' around- .Sfjj.OOO. "Ihtorforenice" (Par) cui-rent, . .Criterixjii (.WC); 'fKing of. Klntv^i (sound) ;(Pa;thc) ;,(:i;6.a0i' M-JUno).' .1)1.(1 not;attract ihiich -atteHtibn. .Li' time at pbi> pi ic.os;" lasted nine ; da.ys .. .and . pot . $lO,r>00; .."VVeddlri ^Slarch" .(.I'ar) .curr.ifiit;. ., : Egyptisn . (WC-UA) : "bbuks. . eif ..ISfew York"' (l:'ar) : (i;iSbo; i^-J\>). Very .{rood \Vith V'iligh Y.allei'," stuKt' 'si)0>\'', .h.elpinp ; -iiit'e profit ■.at $.v,r)0.'1i • Gragniah's Chinese (UA) "Noah's Ai'k" (WB-Vita) ■ (1,b;00;' 60-$l.'50), prr to, $5 , top. 'on TlUirsday and did $7:,.p00 .;for that . ()ciirb.rma.ncG.; de : ihand:bip; : '■ '.• ' Loew's State rWC-Locw) ''Be ware of: Baichoiyi-s'! 'Vita ( WB) (2,- li42;. 25t75.). 'With small. perccntdBe : of ta'lk, .;this . one .a brodie at ...HH ■ more;than $10,00.0 • stapc...slv6w. (j.bod ; but. could not ovorcoinG raps on picture. Met (Pub-WCyvRcRpars bf Life (sound) (Par) (3,595; 2r)-7.5.)/ With Wallace, Beery did fairly v. ol! ■ 'at f24;100. . -" • United .Artists (UA) "Woman 'Disputed:' sound. (:UA) (2,100; 2;'; $1),. Second.-week helrl up great; : s.tape show :iid.ed; $14,S00. . ..Warner ,Pros ."Sinpinp Fool" \' 1 (;i .; (WB,).. (2i75.6 ;: 25-70)... .Trade slack .ened^-off-^- niiinlicr- ()f,d.e^ . C: clit,'week d;i ys; f <> iii'tli week. $S; 0 (Hi Lbs 'Anpr-les, Nov. '6;., .'\y. J. 'I/OGke,: Jl^Miplishvaiithbr. ■ pueSt at; the .last-' Ayaini)as ■ . meetliip, ■ ■ in. • addre.ssing. • .the-. boys;v:vsaid':' "I. cali. ;ybu - broth<M>- of..' the ■;. ■pen. The only .difference, be-., ■ tween.'us: j\s tiKit I write fiction . and: you'^wiMtc facts.'' ■; • ' . :, 'A- roar w;hen thoi^e .'\vbrUs.- ..po.urea forth 'from 'the Ehglish Writer. ^MTTIE DROPS OFFr; ^S$13,80ttL0W ; En PLEJN JOtJR Tlie elepance of the ebntlnent— ■ The. splendor 6f -the Gr-lentr-r- . .; /•Fhe . siTiartn^ss of thb- American (ditd— y-. ■ ■ . ■'.''..-. .■ All . contribute, to the popularity of New York's • fashionable PARK LANE .HOTEL where a MEYElt DAVIS ORClIESTRAi is the fea- tured entertainment for i,ts ihtbr- •na,tional >pdtr'bhage.. ■ ' . ■ ;• ... - t'^HoMsliaiand To 3d in K. IJ^OOO '} ■ '-,:■ ;Kahsas: City',;^N'ovi':'6. . Last.Wpolc sbr oveiii Cul one.' for .. th(i tlieatre-S.;; Jiach had: some .sort of eelebnitibn.. ..iVlid.lahd's first birth-. ddy.v'■ Orpheum .belebrated "Found- ..; ers.';.^V;6ek,'rN.cwrnan had thircl.week .v.- of .'VSlnpii^ifi-Fb.ol.'' 'only picliii'c ever that lonp in tlie house; .Isis its jnv ->rilerc'. Avith .son.hd. and Orivlieum 'bjJeiVinp.;.- \Vkh tlie bbt-rreldor-Lveth 6.m stock. ■ ■ ' •.. Desiiite th^ events, returns hot so - ;fprte; In some houses quite dopTorH /:'ubi(v' ... .; - •■; ■■ . .. . XewtSpaper reviewers did not likr tlife M id land's'.."WbnKMi: They Ta'l About," hoi--"Melody of. Love," at the Itoyal. Papers were stronp for ■^Shmv=::GJijjXla't- tlic-j\l.aiiist:re(-t , ''Air . . Circus" at Globe, and, ..of eoiirse, ■'Sinpinp Fool." thouph about writ- ■ ten <)ut on Jblson feature. ■ Alibi.s plentiful for the bad, busl '; ne.s;s, viz., ratlib sho.w-at Con Vent int; liall,, .liumorous. poiiti.i'.al.• nH>otin:!.-;, liaTlowe'en pnr.f ies and bjid \\'(*ath<'~i after Wediiesday. All did their .<5hiu'e . of the dirty .work, . Estimates for Last: Week . Mainstreet—"Show Girl" (.1,200: 25-50-CO)—Uoldinp up consistenlly nhd picture beat barpain bet in toVvn, f 20.000, Loew's Midland-^" Women Thcj 'Mother Knows Best' Lets 5th Ave. Down^*Beggars' $16,- 3dO^BIue Mouse $7,500 .'.-.■ ■■ ' . . Seattle, Nov; C. ' - (Drayving poisulatidn, 500,000) : • • Weather: Stornfiy iM'b-.dleclion exbiti-meiit.. hit, a.t^ I jai i.di.ih;,ce' somewhat.., No■ wild ,mu 1/ .my wricrtj. • ' .■''...■';.•';.? ■ ■. *'•' I'i'O.sid^cnt started .witii best biz oi fti'.son. Ay 1th' new play,; .^.'S'kiddirip'- I'iid'c'ritics liked ;it. .: ■ ' - Estimates for Last Week Seattle. tAViJ-Pu.brL) .'(3,100;: 25.^. iu) "iJcgp:lrs of-.Life". (Par),.- SOriir' iiltc'd . pietuie aiid t?oine tbought .it Lrainpy: .''P^enver' 'Beauties". .bii sl.'ig.o. .. Fur . 'fashion reyiie. helped 11'ii w. .Bi7. started ciiT. s:trbng,':.-v\'eak- cning .tbvvard end; $16,300. : Fifth ,Avc. (WCI (.2.'iro'6; 2'5-66) ..'■ilother ,Knows Best" (Fox)v Firsl l''ox witiv dialbgi. Some didn''t likf; (L'jbro.vifLted. • talk. ; a:nRl.e,;' e'xpectinp morel .Picture not liked; $13,800.. CcHs'eiim'-.( W.'tM. ,( 1 ..-vOd;" .25): ''Boa'u Brbiadway'^ (Gol,).. No punch; ^3,r OOO..:.'-.:: '..•.-. ■ ■:. ■ ■."■ ' . :■•■.: ;: •■' •.■■ Columbia (U) (3,000; 25^60) "Do .Yovir' Duty" '(FN). Seems; hard. Xk... s\Ving moba to this off location; $3,300; '- ■ '.■,'.-. " ■ . ' •: -: BlUe; Mouse (Hamrlck) (950; 50- .^.j)) ^'Ilbmc Towhorsv (Vita), (wired). iVi/.. sl.umped second week. . AUt talker good; $7,500, ' ■ Music Box . (Ilarrii-ick) (liOOO; 5Q- 7.^) .=VSiiipij>p J-'obr,' (WB). ■ Al jQlsbh still big noise here. Fifth week; $11,000. ■■■ • : ■;■ •. ■ V/inter. Gairden (U chain) (fiSO:; 5.) "W.arminp TTpV -..(Par).- .. With Richard ■ DIx popular, biz up. little; $2,050. ■ ' P'an'tages (1.500; 25-00.) . ''Streett-: o.C Jllusio.n" (Col). Not as pood a show as week tcforc so biz dropped; $6,500. -.^ Orpheum .(2,7,0.0; 25-$l) "The Whip" (FN). JtobiM-t Warwick On stage; Fair <at $0,000, —.President (l>ufl'y) (1,800;.25-$l^25) "Skid'dinp"' (Duffy l-'layers). New piece liked better than an.vthinp-at (his house in loiig tlrne;/$3,50b,. ' GRADUATE AS ASSisTANT '. ■. ' ' ; : • "Omalrar-T^oyi~6 ~" . Jpnos •wiil succ^'ed .;Harry as inan.nper of "the; Riviera.' Ray AVatts .'\V"att3. recently resigned, to. enter a lUCW'b,uslriC|ss.'\'' .■• ■..:^.-.; ;:.'■ .' , ' W.. ..M. Gellner, just pr.aduated from .the iPiiblix school; will ■ ais-sist Everett R. Cumniiiipis,. of Blahk-Publix latest house, Qapitol, at Rapid.s, ;Iar LAST WEEK OF ST. VAUD i IN MGNtRMI^ $13^ ;'.i:'. '..:;' Mohtrcal;...NbY^ C^'r , (Drawing Pop., 690,000) . Weather: Fine All houses Were^dow-ri frpm; pre- vious week, although not by; a .lot. imperial; on. its last ', week ',. of straight yaudie,- picked, up consider- able, due largisly to tHo three leads, fronj "'Our Gang." This brought i'l bss into lino with - the .big. first runs, -hbt; far -short, of■ $13,00.0;. ' ■ Palace, with sounded ."Sunrike, ' did not score as ■lieayily as, usual, despite high praise fi'om lociil 'press. While topping" town ait- $l'6,00,U;.';npt- mueh better . than "ih.e .hoWbye'r of tlie previous week, . Talker short of Bernard. Shaw prolDably pulled quite a nutnber who do riot oi'diharily atr 'tend movies.. Chic Salle and Kuby Kueler also: got good hand. House will likely pick ; up. this week on Lilac, Time.'* . ■ . "Reyenge.V at the' Capitol, vvat, helped out by locally popular Do, lores del Rio, but fell below pre- vious week's Barrymbre film, Bal- lyliObed as a ■world: premiere, it got; big houses first two nights, but feil off later in the week. Ended around; $15,000, :■: ■■ ■: ^: -:.-- •.Good Buster Keatoh feature and above average yaude helped Loew's to' a fair gross, in-ia. dull week.. • Princess put on "Paris Bound;''; and Madge. Kennedy scored another success -for the, ho,use. .,; This;' the- atr,e is hbldirig . Its own, well under the change of managefnent, and while except for the Stratford-oh- Avbn. players, so far has not given anything out of the way, is rapi^lly coming back to;4ts oid Position as one of the most popular houses . 'n town. Good at $12,00(), • His Majes- ty's Concluded itsi four weeks of Frehoh playi^ and dark, this weeit Strand and Empress with changed fllrns twice .'a weiek field their .au dienccs and .continue tp; gross around $3,500 and $2,Q00 respect ively, A good public for .these smaller houses with first runs at- ,low prices.. Orpheum stock house not so good as week; before, but satisfactory, as u.sual. Gayefy burlesque .up to av erape. ■ ' ■ ■ ■■ ' Neighborhoods fell, off a little, but still .welt; above grosses of this time last year. " ~" "Estimates-for. l^ast Week- - . Palace (FP) (2,700;. 45-75) "Sunrise" (B'oX) (wired), Sound picture, :nbt going as well as two 'tallcer. fotituress recently. First time, since sound, films picture has .not mm rooi, mm 4 wks. in Pre-Election Felt All Over Chi "Angel's** Anniversary Los Angeles, Nov, 6, : Caddo • thiploy^^ the .first ahni'Vei^Bait-y bt start- ing: ;^^felirs:Arigels'(: by: pre-: sohting Howard '■. ' 'H ughes with whitt; «eemod . to be. a huge ■ cake, frbsted and labeled. •;. - When Hughes, tried a knife on the mass, he discovered it Was ihad'e of wood, ,• POLITICS HURT BALm; ^'WINGS/^ $7,00^ Holds Up After Stanley Week T.alk About" (4,000; .25-35-50). Who ever titled this one may have known what it Is all about, but none of the audience could • figure it out, Pic- ture : just fair entertainment, hut t;ilUinp shorts best ". house .' .has .•^IvoAYU. Adverse- nowsp.aper repoi'ts hurt. .1!12,000. ■■ Newman—"Sinpinp Fool," 3d weoit (l,9Sfi;. 40-(;0). Jn addition to bl-eak- ing house rooords first two .Weeks, p.icturo look another when hold for t.liii'd: week,. Now held for fourth, i'ontinued to liold -up litrely, but,' of coiivse. npt with the: heavy . lines in fr-ontJ\;.b() X,ofti(-e n 3„dur ing the lirsl two weeks: JlSJ&To.T' ■ Pantages—"Stormy. Waters" (25- 3.r)-l)i)). Like Main.streot, house hold- inp up , nicely ..'ipaliist hot comi>eli- 1 ion ivnd. sei jns vnudo. doing it, ,as umAOt Pan's li.'iuros have not been anytliliii,' to ra v<\ over. $7i'J00, ■ Royal "Melod.v of I^ytn-v'." (920; 35-r.n). t'niv<-rsar« first talker, and not so pood. Business reported ns s.Mtisractory; $.|.0()0 Uptown, rniversar.-^ first riiri su- burban,; presi-nled "Kelly," together Willi stage show. (;iobe had "Air Cir<-us." . - held over. .Reason likely public fell awiiy latter part of week; ^16,000. Capitol (FP) (2,700; 4(3.-60)^"Rer. \en}?c''.- (UA),. Dblores • del 5i^io broiipht ,lh fans; alth'ouph picture heralded as world premiere helped some. Press had .'no j^reat prais for picture, but. fans riot influericed lot by that. Started oiit like a: win ner; but fell off later in week. Fa<r R^ross at. $15,0.00-... Loew's ,(Kl') (3,26.0; ,35-75)—''The Cameraman"' (M-G-M). Buster Ke.-iton picked this hOiisb out of tlie doldrums brought about by Hallow- e'en holiday arid long run. of firie weather. .Better houses end thao beginning of Week. Vaude also above average; $15,006; good.. Strand (.l.^A) (,S00;. ;{0-40) — "Sli;ido'w.«i . of Nipbt"' (M'-G-M) "Say It With Fables" (C"!.); "Th TTTrm~"-^rM^^r-M)-T^--''Thtr--Wrlpht' Idea" (FN). ; Fine program do served its gro.s.s' Of around $3,560: Empress (CA) (1.500;, 25-35) — ,' TJio Cop" (Pathe) ; ."Cabaret. Kid t Urifish); ■ "Home Jane" . (IT), and ■•Kitty Gone WUd" (Par), Around $2,(HI0, ;■• His .Majesty's (legit)'—Fourth week of French jilays.; Further change of program and cohelusibn of visit. Company just about held its own, deserving better support. Princess (legit) (2,300; B0-$2.50) — "I'aria Bound." Lively farce, with Baltlmoie, Noy; 6, • (Drawing Population, 800,000) * Weather: >'air Serious coriipotition of the pbliti-: cal 'campaigns was domoristrated here last ;weeic; .. T wo main . causes, th.f> :iritei-est of woriie'n'. in 'politics arid . the, radio stimulation: of Cam-: paigri. intei-est.;.. Women have, been cutting' .nibvie ,riiatinees '• to- attend; daytime pbliiical rallies;, ■ At night hdth;'sexes; hij'g a.- -loud ,'.speaker -or jarii a h.'ili'tb' ho;li(;r.;10t ti'ieir . respec- tive - candidates; ' • Between times tiiey .stand' on .a .ciii^b; to'watch, their candidates go by.v. Meanwhile, :pie'- t'ure.s .a re. nowhere', . . ',■••: 'l*he PaliicoV wiiich went d'ark- siid,!- dcnly two- w'Ceks ago,Ms-ope.n brice■ m'orev with ■ one of tl>bse sex shock- ■ ers?,; It-ii a seprepated audience af- i:air. garribling' ori.. the overhead while, sbriie. future vPolicy' tor the house is" being .vi-brked . out,-. Ted. Claire,- m.c. . ■at the ;C.ontury, cele- brates, his 40th Week there this weeit. Jt's h. consecutive run and a record. '■. Last w:eek; . was generally • .off. Even the Century; .pace setter for this • toSvn, felt the let-up, "The Night : Watch.V •..tailing .-to. duplicate the: preVious .w*eck. Stanley. slumped with , "Woman . ■ Disputed,". . and Si 01hei: Mtiehree'' got off to a lame opening; week .at the: New. ' . ' Garden was 'way off but the other cbmbo -house, £hc. Hipp, ran counter to the general trend and turned ,iri a, good week. The Valencia, taking Wings" after; ;ts big week at the Stanley, also turned in .Ef gbod b.b; account. Uptown Parkway was off with ''Battle of the. Sexes.'■ "Sing-, ing Fool" completed a fourth week at the Met arid secrris strong enough to continue indefinitely. , , Matinees have eased up', but ;riigbt trade is still capacity. • ' '„ •' ': Estimates for Last. Week Century (LoeW) . "The Night. Watch" (FN) (3,200; 25-60). Billie Dove staiited off with hig Mond^iv night in . spilii: of Al Smith mass' meeting; probably got big political overflow; Unable to. maintain pace against opposition, however;. about $20,500. • Stanley (Loew, Stanley, Craridall) '.'A Woman Disputed" wired - (UA) (3.600; ,;2&-,60); , Time was- when Noi'ma T. coiiid jam any first Irun here for day time shows; didn't h.tve power to offset political oppo- sition , last week ; fair■ tu.siness at night, ■ Grbss,' is dive f'rOm^"Wings" -thivj)r_evimi?j,w_e,ek ;_abovit_$17,r>(KL, ; New (Whitehursts) "Mother' Ma- chreo'' wir6d (Fox) (1,800; 25-50). .Mother pictures overdone In this cove. ' (iiobd opening Sat. • grossed about two grand, but the first full week ■ slumped under the ^ oiitside cbmpeti.li6ri; Surid.ay midnight show only fail",; about $S,006- last week, or about $10,000 including ing Saturday; looks to build this wfeek. .': ,-■ : Valencia . (Loew, U.A.) "Wirigs" wired, (Par) (1,500; 25-50). Took this . big one after a near record opening week ; at . the Stanley; V.Tlenoia \running under par for .«?onK> tim.e; "Wings" pulled it out of the rut in face" pf a general down- ward trend, at about $7,000. ' .New G a rd e n (Schnnbergers) "Nip,ht Bird" and K-O vaude (3,300; :2:.-r,0.), 'Way off; $9,000 Is liberal. Parkway. (Loew,. XJ-.A.) "Battle of the Sexe.s'.'. wired ' (UA) > (1,000 •' 15- 3o). Couldn't click downtown and ditto up here; general depressibn. .^o slump can't be wholly blariied on film; ..about ?;5,000. • i fiptadcaniB=(.Pear.<>e=&:^ "Driftwood" (3,200; 25-50). Sur- pnsed; picture topped stage, show attraction and; had satisfaclory a.s weolc. M.adge Kennedy starring. Rated high, Avflrapc $12,000, Imperial (Keith) (1,900; 35 —Last week str.ilght vaude. With, three leads of "Our Catiacity practically all week, to former highs:at $13,000. Neighborhoods, little down. $1.50) Big. Gang." Back •"'.■- .v/: .'•■. ' ' ■• • Criicago, Nov! c. ' Weather: Cold, Unsettled Customary pre-election week bug, aboo apparent. Only house to es- caiiie was .McViqker'Si playing, fotji-th week of ''aingirie Fool", to $50,000— only $1,000 under the opening week*a gross. Piled-up bookings for ■ the house! necessifafe leaving. - ■ ■ "Varsity"' at the Chicago showed som,e Obstinate: qualities in the face' of weathet' arid eiectibri. It p.'tve tlie house; . $4a,0Q0^about an average fair-\veather gr6^5"si but-$7,000 below previoU.-Ti week. , "Woriiari Disputed" blew iafter two. weeks. in United Artists, slipping to $18,500 in final ;: Opening of 'iVIother Knows Best'' among those- taking, it in the nc^ck with $18,000. at.the Roo.'^eyclt. Quite a di.sappiointnient, . but exeuaable, Monroe did pretty-good with ari un- known star In "The Farmer's '.Daughter,';,: collecting $4,700." Or-, pheurii" wa.s.-.Very:: unfortunate :. in.. having itis front obstructed by bon- struction: wbrk. -'Beware -of Bacjh- eiors," • getting • $8,500, :: fiist; .sound picture to, lidaVe; this pioneer ; wired, .hpu.^e .ciftor ; brie'-, ."week,;; ye,t- such .a :-flbck of -A'Iibis! " : .■ '- - - ' '■■ '; .■ "The Perfect Crime'' and Paul,A^h were included in th^ :sluriip,f with th© Orienfial slipping to $38,00,0. : St;ite- Lake, also dropped. ' , . ■ , . . Estimates for Last Week Chicago (publix)—"Varsity" (Par) wired, and "Bitter-sweet BlUe.'5,•^ Publix unit (4,400;: 50-75). I-et house drop $,7,000- to $43,000. .pretty good, maybe. .McVicker's .-Fool" (W. B.) fourth week), orie, $50,000. pOcity. business it must -be soon to let.sorrietliirig'else in. 000 in; fbur • weekSi -, '. '■' .,; : ; , Monrde (Fox)—'^Farmer's 'Daugh- ter" (Fox): wired (OTCf; 50). Collect- ed $4,7.00. witli cast of new facfs; no squawk, ; . Oriental (Publix)—"Perfect Crime"- (FBO) wired, .'and. "Pickin' Peaches," Publix unit (3,200; 50r75).' First big booking break FBO has had ilrpund here; in -long, tiijie.. Notices good de- spito-gross sluri-ip; $38,000, with Paul Ash bn stage.' . Orpheuhi ('V\'^arrier)-^'.'Bew.;ire bit Bachelors" (W,- B;) (wired (760; 50);. One weekly only, $8,500. not bad for 760 seats. .. '-. .;-'-.-' R 0 O S e v e I t (Publix) —-"ijother Knows Best" (Fox) wired (1,700; 50-75). Disappointing start at $18,- 000, Fine cornmcnt;. getting' good exploitation. - ' .' , : • .. . . S t a t'e. (Keith) r-'.'Power" (P.-iithe) :.and. ■yaude (2.20,0; 50-75). William Boyd comedy arid acts brought, $20,000; about $3,000 drop.' over week before. / United Artists ("U. A.)—"Woman Disputed" (U; A.) wired (i.762; 50- 75). $18,006 last week .after' $27,-. 000 opening, a:nd put;: start; waa good; "Revenge" in. (Publix)— "Singing wired, (2,200; ;50-75;; Nbthing affected this Despite almost 6a- ' pulled • ■•$2'05,- 'Waterfront,' Earle, $6,000 ; Reg. Gross Cut in Two ■yVashington; Nov. 6. (White Pop., 450,000) ■ Weather:. Fair and Rain.. Always admittedly bad. for capital week before election. H.iyoc in most instance.'^." - ; • • - '. .Earle with, "Waterfront" took the prize drop, about one-half; of the \vbek before.-: "Lilac Time" was one of the Joy bringers for a repeat at. tlie Metro- politan, following the Earle. : \ ; A-nrither-^good-rfigurer^GoAsiderln?..: ■\va.^ ."T\vo Lovers" at .the Columbia. ' ' Fox held lits? own,..:g'ettinii!c>.lmb3t; ;,mn('h ;as it - did ti-ie prevlouB wee'lc; :. Estimates fop Last Week ' Columbia (Loe-vv) "Two Lovers) wired, (U.: A.) (1,232; 35'-00);. Right well .:.: tirtder conditions; '■ topp.ed $10,000. :arid . sticking. : . ■.. Earle t Stanley-Crandal 1)"Water- front." wired (F. N.) (2,244; .35-50). WoJ"st hrodio of town,; re vert ing to fifTures of pre-sound (Jays; :around ■$6,000. V: . - Fox (Fox) "W:omen They TalK About" wired (W. B.) ' stage .shoW (3,432; 35-50-75). Started ;s!ow but picked tip eVerv night to $17';.000. Keith's (K-A) "Gjinp War" ana musical tab (1,938; 35-50).; Oot^U along with others, • Not $6,000. Schedult^d for closing Saturday., Met' ; (StanleyrCfandall) "J-Iiac 'Time" wii-cd (FN) (1.518; 35-50). W :for i-epeat after taking house rerora at Ea rio.. At smaller houf^e,,$.11 ,000. Palace (Loew) "Take Ml' Home ' ~ agr=^siiw==-(-Sf37'5 u';ider I'>'i'-V'P"^ too, bdt still .last .s<.-ason} wired (Par..)', s anr'50). Five grand Week-; $16,300i Rialto (U) "Whip" fl.d.78;.: 35.-50).., Down, above 'X)ld fipiires of^ $6,200,- "Song of B'way" Title :Los Anpele.^, Ni'V Pinal title for the Hai-r.v man picture to hb filmed, by. Artists in New "York will of Broadway." 6. •Tilcli- rnitpa be ."Sonff