Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 7, 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 9 IIAKESSIAP; Minnesota's Big Show $24,000—Everything Down but Henn-Orph / ■'v-MinncapoUs'. V ■ (Qfawing■ PbFiuiatioh> 475^000) :.. \ Weather,:. Fayo'*^'''.^^^^ ; ; After a . stretch of prbspi^rity - the axe^ fell-ftsairi last', \ycek.-' AVith tije exception of .'; the nenn-yjin-^Or^ Vbiieum, ail lib uses-siifCerea Blam'o -for the slump is placo.d.on •tii'6' son>en attrac,tion^ as \yf;llva^ ■ electi.iri.^ . . "Wcdilinr.' Mnl^on'^ VJvit<i '"Beskai-ii of ■Life'.'.-showvrt nothing ■ at aii: ■■ .'•Air:.:.Cirpxis.^;;the.;.^liri^^ Vsbta's^sci-tjen ' iattraction, .hiiso' -dis- . played \\-e(tkness/:. SShdyed down the . ladder f rdiu; the'75-ccht; :MinncsGta: to 'tlie -Sn-cbnt Lyric, .Hi:i;hard. Dix, :too; didn't demonstrate; nvu:?ih rmU : XiieyVoy^or "Mjbran pt .ahc ^Ala Estimates for Last; Week. . . Minnesota . (jy.;;;. H -Publix) (4,200; 75)—"Air..,.Circua'; sound (Fox). ■ MarioTi .'Harris in ,perso.n ■: Boh Benchley in - Movietone^, and . -Publlx : stage. : show.: unU,.^ AV:ost Pbiiit; Days.*' Wlia^^J ,bt an . ^11 . aF^uml—show! sUimp__M, busmcsh, ■.-howcvei^. due to^VgeneraUy ^ . - condlti^jns. and feature, photoplay s .Skness; -gave fair ^^ati^nxpt^n.t^ -fans- without- proving any kind ,o£,a ; ihasnet; • Miss .Harris-, .p.luyed up • S)oVe pictiire-; -urst ■ tune . since : ■ opening this house has fldlaried outside act in addition ^to unit. Whiteman having been a paK . fr^bm previbns week, when, house deserved better fate.: ■ : ■ State .(F. & ;R.-.Publix): (2,^001 ;C0) ' ,; ^'fyeggars. of Life^' (L-ac). • ^ot Okay With ^Lbvvry V Absen^;F^ Ambassador—Talmadge, $21^00 . ■■■: :\St. Louis,. Nov. (brawirigvPopulation, 1,O25,bQ0)- ; . ■ Weaihcr: :Fai.r..and...Cpol. With. 'Norinai • Talnfa'dgcrs : "Tlxi Woman TJisputcfl" adjud.ged by .t.lic reviewers as the pictui-e of the week, •-tilings :v\^er(.; rather, on thi-- up-ai>d-up at thd .big. pictui-e . piil;^ ..CCS liorc ia.s.T.week. Svitli, the jieisih-,, boi-hbod tH(?ati-es. holding tI)f>ir. own. .• Estjriiat'es for; Last Week Ambassador ( Skuuras)- .(li.O.OO ; ..35-:' 50-'6uT.7a) "Show; Girl."- ■ ;0.n6^;.•re•= Viewer ■ called ■ this;- RiOturixation' oi ■McEv'Oy'^ hovel.; "dry and for . the most ijart iinintoi-estingi" Ed l^ow- x'y^s on- viicaiion . in; Meiv. York and ■Ainba- sail-in'. wUh • ICd- a\v;iy:.. is liUe the circus, without; the elephants: ^-Locw's. State r;.(a^300 ;:;. ;25.-35-^5 ^ "^Vf'nian TiispiU't^'ct."'. Xornia ..T:tl- mad-i?e ' pictxire drew ' for. her .. fol-; 1 ■ \vcr.<.;• ; Vtury ;)-r.o(her -«n . ; tli(; licensed. free • love. thinfe's;. $2l/'JO0;'• r Misiburi (BkuurasV (3-,8pa;.--35-50.-. 65-75) •''AlahhiUtan .Cocktaih'.' • - rro- lOg calli^-d-best. pai't and picture only fair. : t^t.:-. !.;(>: show sorhow.liat •lim- lprb'/Gid- $22.000.' : :-.; V-^- ' ■ .. ';^„>;\ - - - • rSkovtrasy n.TOO: (Par) . (4th week). Bi^ Foiir Shbrt of $3po;^Op '/■'..^X^trjaL'nd Goiripiratiy<s^ Lfeadei^ at $39,000r-^xy : $6SiQ0QP a r A : -$71 ^06-—X:axnep Only Si- ■ ';i«iit..^ajor •;Hous(^;vV <:AMPAKiN TALKS Met. Boston, $10,100; ;.. : ;;.. ; . ' . /Boston, 'Xov ■^'Warm. with- sdniie' rain." ' -■ ^ VTli'e. Sinking K061,": ihAj-- Al .l^HfttHi pu't\iro, iila>'ih>;. siimiluuu'uUfity ..a' tiie;i'enNVuy,. u'lUown. aiid tUi' (.>'>■'."■• pia.\do,wuvo\yil^;ole:»nod •uiv hL't'r .U'l Llie'-secon.d :AV( .»-'lv. . ;• . - , ■ outside' bt lHi^' - bu;sjne^'B-.,arinin(l town nUh^M- ofriast NVtH'U,di.o. :soMi*. lielieved. to f.prfi' .vlv;<.'tu|n radio listonori^. ; .. ;..■. ; .'.; :::,; ■; - . .■. - At: the ;xtotr<>iH>!.i(ah the* gnii^s for ■tile :Av-ev',k- was VMHO ■hot. • Tlie.-. idoturo,, .Mavihosi;'' fiiilod. 10 ^ 1 y • Thr> • (-)riih''"Mni. ; T..V>w. -:;di>\vnt\»vv n v^.^^ i.^,^^^, '-house: did ;i A-)r \vrek wU-h '.I'-n.^;''^.: ^ .. . .ji-ii'i^aj^oi" luii- ini.) th'\ honso;S-i!i;i.ii iiHo'V 'l^f'i'^S y^hown u;ptt.>\vn. :W,ilu fi^>.\^U^^. iFilrtis Srump^Paiace $22,0Q0; ---''F'oor' ^Tbm^' Both ^ -tumbi^-^Wis, $ .whi.i^;iv i;"^- '■MAiraii oC IU>1 50-75)' ''Wings".. r))cl;-?j2,500. ■ strbng. enough to :dra^y public un supported by Vahy -stage, stuff-. Movietone news and Vita shor.s on : pi-ogram;;iiked by those who.;saw. it, but^ box: olfice;. told : of; ;lacH: of ^fltre^lgtli; about .Jl^iOOOv; . . -. .- Strand CP. & B'-Publix) (1,500 Oeo)-^ Weddtog: March" .;sotind iPar V Very bad;; didn't seem to in •;terest screen fans-in the least; oh^V about $6,000, ..less .;.than sixth, and flhal week of "Wings," and out H e ri ne p i n - Orpheum .(Keith) (2 890- 40-60)—"Tenth , Avenue' . (Pathe) and;vaude. Picture far from tot and.all credit to stage; nearly . -• $15;000;: stiff increase oyer, previous ■ "^Pantages: (Pa^ BD)—"Street of Illusion" (Col) .and - vaude. Pleasing.-picture;and, satis ■ factory show minus puHms power, ' around $5.100;„no4:S-0:.f^*'.^?; ,nft^ ^SV . Lyric (F. & B.-Pubhx> (1.300 ^^^^ .^"Moran^ of the MarinesV - (Par) iocal - lDoy, Dix and. I^^th.^ld^r failed as magnets; come down, for Dix: picture okayed by those seeln It; aroimd, $ 1,700; . fair.- Fh Emdemic Spoils ^^^^ ft^^ . I^ew.-brleans. Noy: 6.' ;-. Drawing: l^opulation, 500,000 , ' ' Weather:; Clear .and. :CpoLy ..- . AU tiainls; the .reUgiuus day'cele- brated' here when thousands , repair- to. the place' .lerings, alWay's: reacts -poculuiLrly. on the bbxofhces. :• Days preceding AI) Saints; are generally ligl.vt: -in-: the. theatres -as •.: the . .populace . .saves something' for flowers; irpm. the customary outlay.. All. Saints' Day itaolf is. ordinarily .very . big,, extra, perfb'rmahces given bf :14 ..Broadway film.. KoUses 13: last week had sound pictures.^^^^^ E^ ception was; the, Cainrteo, where "three Pomrades,"- . Russian' fiim, WsLS playing. iVs the first;or second time the Broadway sound count has been so high. Nothing; Mi: to- tals' for- the, week ihdreated the .new. wrinkle has tak6n, Broadway by storm as a novelty. . > . : ^ : ;'., ■•Busin(<s.s .im POin.W tp the political ' campaigns. K.eporu from - all over, the; country, say. the bi-oadcast speech«!3 ■ ■ of national i.y. know^f men. cttt^rt-feOr^h^t-h-L^-Uyi^- froin 20 to '40 ' per cent.^ .On . ono night . alon6 last week. ..there .\yeiv tour-"namos-' on'-.the ,air ..with wnlyh tha'tlK'atres couldn't comp.cte, • ' Tip off on Broadway's business that - -the. aiig Fbur (-ipxyv .-C-^^'^f Paramount ' and;'.Strand) . hit :i)00. and trade.;not :,so .falls .shy Of $iOO.O.O.O. Fair ; , nothing more, . : : . . AVeathor .favbried ftini - attendant:;;; ijay but they,;wcre staying home to hear with what the candidates had to say ann 1 what others had tb say about .them '; . Last 'WieU's; Estimates ' ■ . ^ TVI etr0 p oi i th n. I■»,0 0 0;'.:<<' I -''? •> \. !'': ran bf the:Ma;rii?i-s"'(.l•ary.^^ p<ym<:'^-^^ dr!nha ■ witfi . lUiilv-' ^•^>^^^\^^:'^|:"S with Dix: - Piolii.rtv-soloctqd f!>«; t'l' celebration >.r th«;..thh'd aniny.-i;sary Of: the big^ ;Hoyse, ^ . V sod trp J 'i'iiir.thda-y . ..Hl.ues;', on . the: ; ( . Witli All Saints .Occurring;.-Ijist If tHaney took ajJrop-^f ^500. on week but iyne house escaped, a drop and thilt .was the Saenffcr, where "Four 'Sons" went :Over $24,000'. Midnight Halloween show helped... L'oew's State was ■ at sixes and sevens; 'With. ''Tho^^ Biye'r : Pirate, Which eased' that house tb, a trifle jiboVe $15,000, less,.; thani . recent -weeks. - Orpheutn came pretty close to $10i000 with "Taxi 13." although 300. '"-M other .Knows Best" ,'Was ju^ft .$700 shy of $ltfQ,000 at the Koxy •and- ''Varsity'' barely eased the I ar amount past $71,000. .Comparatively the Strand made the .best; showing with $39;000 for "Midnight; Taxi.: ■ "Wings'' had a good first ^viEok ut the riialtoV when considering -that the picture moved directly • oyer Cheister - Conklin> featured,; has. .from;the: Criterlorv^lthout Ipsme T""' — ; San^.FraTiCi??iriyrN;Oj^T (Drawing Population, 73,000) Weather: Fair. With approximately il.OOO. ca^es Of flu roported;.ahd' a broadcast that, people shun crowded places .and with prbspcct of brie or more of thp larger sohbols being oV:derod-.clbsed piendinfr 'a letup- in - the epidenvic. local p-icture hbtises •were hard hii • last; Week. .; Single - exccvtioii' was : Eml>.T.ssy.. ; ■ - ' ' •-•; ; Xi'it5hhorhood ■ >Qu.sps ..rep o r.t ; greally ■ reduced. rcvonuc's. last we_eK and Oakland was also heavily'de- pressed. Estimates for Last Week : Warfield (Loevv-\V. GO ^'The Ah . Circus" (Fox) 'F.;.& M,. :Ktagc .show < 2,07 2; 50 - G 5 - 'JO);* .Good eno ugh en - tertaiDment but $25;oo6. Low... . : Embassy ;'(Wagnbn) . ' Singing : Pool" wired (W. H,). (1,307; : 50-f.u .90). '. Hit hew- hijjh ' at $24,9(0 ; (aetual). Should be good for long Btnv. ^ Granada (Publix-W. C.) "Moran ^.^^ 1 r i n o K: ^ VH -l-;^r.4- >~ I AUb lI j C ,„ . - S U V gj - ; performance; .442,600, strong;staTt ^ "Wedding March" winds up late this week;to let ^'WomaTi Disputed come in at the RivoU for a special Friday night performance :; In „ it^ third week the. Von Strohelm ; film nailed - $23,300. slide of $7,600. "M.el- . .^v,., ..odyVLove" called It^^ rim^nttor (3,21S; 50) 'Paver {^vo.weeks, a bit h.^^t .Not liked; business l.tVir tbarj $13,000; at t^e Coion^^ "Three . Comrades" duplicated,, th.vt Atav and deTparted after^ a holdover to |6,otio. V ^^ . Changes "Lilac Time" is down to ;around XlOyOOOO and; will' be. :fo1]o^V(^l A.y the Barker." near Dec.; !,, Liko w^se^^ "White.; Shadows" i3..^raw.n^ i to W conclusion,: diie to .makp.^ay fbr - ";TimmV Valentine."- porhap nJv 14/^-Four'Devils" is, holding iU own and $11,100 Isn't too had at tSs^t&^ although "The W ^^^ i V ni ■ ;- .i.r ; iin- . ; l the; probable successor, Fool, TpT)mar4th""^^^^^ never been a -: panic here. . "Lior. and, the Mouse'.' \vas not so hot at the Tudor •during its firwt AVf'ck when it went slightly above $4,000 " Estimates for Last Week :; Saenger (3.568; 65). "Four. Sons,' sound (Fox). A real draw in face of All Saints', week; did $24,100 Loew's State Pirate" (Fox). but $15;300. ' . . HO Orpheum (2,400; BO)-, "Taxt 1^ (WB). .Jusjt so-^so and - aided by surrounding vaude; total $y.70q. Tudor (800; 50) "Lion and the Mouse" (Vita-WB). Did not ap proach pictures that have preceded in point of returns; in first week got $4,400. .' •. • : _: ■ Strand (2.200; 50) "Docks of New York" (Par).; Not bad all things considered; $4:200. . Jrbss, $40,100-: - ■ .;State ' (4:000; ; 50-^5)T7^T;^^d."y|>;"- marihc" (Columbia). With Jack 11 featured for the st-reen. with l^hc- Juvenile Steppers"- for- the leadin;; vaudeville -support;.::;'(lro!3S. v$-l,fUD. B F. Keith. .Memorial (vaudlilm) -^Opening. weeU of this, lip'^^^to business; :with top l^ri.ce of. $1 and t wo show.s a day - except fpr batiir- davs a-hd.Kun(V;iys...when-contlnuoUt- -vaudeville.. hous«V -used .' Qh -W'^y; (FN.) for a; pictui-e, ■ v ; ' - .\ ■ 'Keith (vaudnim)-l.louso s.howed some.of the effort, bf^the.opening o the hew house, reneoted^in ^^"^^^ ^ ness. X'sed :!IHt bf tlie Show, (!• l-O)- for picture. -'.;■ ■'. dlympia—Ahbiher . crashing -^^''^<'H with.- the- Al . Jols.on picture, . '1 h" Sinking ■ Fool." with- hoiiSe:. dnhu,' wonderful during the driy and: furhaway at nlghtn:^^ , . ■ ; , , • • Fenway-^Al>o usin.g, .''The .f^lng>nu' Fool"- and'- collecting uptown iho business that the Olymplavwas do^ insi downtown. ' '. ■■■■ .. :■ .' ■;,',. ; >v, : ..drpHeum '(M.500.;- sn.^!50)-^\^ry:.OU week ;wifh ;"Kx<>oss'Bajxgage. f .. M) • (.silent). - Saine :.p').cture -shown Vith sound-at the bther^.oe;jrhouso.. State', previous.week.. .CrroPP; $V^.^OJ. V Sco!lay-r«(^«^ '"'^^^ (Par), which - went: o.ver. -so' .Wg at the Met a : few weeks ba^ v fill;! which dupiicrited the good business at this dowrttbw.n hon.=;e._ .. : . Modern ,ind Beaoon-^SmaU tw n, .houses. ■;Steady;. ;>i;5^«« "The Perfect .r;rim.e" (PBO); .;■ ; ::N:i:ilu'a:uUiH',- Nv>V. ■ G. - . ,;; (Drawing Populatipn,' 655,000) ■. VVoatiiet-;- ■ Goto'and .l>.a:n . :;:^;'.- ;' i ;iisii.ii.'ss :i«;iuM'iiH d' .hi.:H . 's.Voi'X tor thv ;nt) ■eNpliiiiKiUU' .;ivks.>iv. . Wvutht-V.^^ . • ' rwits- idi'al -hill. -(lu\v.-:ilidu't.:.'v:tM). nil)-;' Hlf ut ;tlic 'i'laii; -ILaioNvv'i^n. nitVht; Mi;ij'^vi t j' *'V'''*;"'^^v-ba'^v-;; ..n.H liv)iiiO'iiavlios-.'::'. , - ' • -•■•.Siiip'iiii; f oul'".-ii'i. ilh tou.i'l.h.week; at; ;'ilu' - il'irvl'-n; • (-•.oii-t i'luu-d.; .Iii'g- -aiid' ^wiii ;stick Vi:no\h>'i::' rirtin-e" to^'k :'i :[>.<'\) riTiip";I.I'v;. iw ■ it m -'th ii:A,\ i-ok.;; :; :u;viiNi'i^ 'i>» '-.l^'''^■d^'a; - ihii d.:.vvi:i;k.-'';il- ViVnii(^ii ■ Uu\ ^•.l.>n.l;,.WaiV 'iio.t, ,as -big i.\s.-. ft.vv.c .1: ;f»>r; -•' ^'MSallle of.',.S'e?il?:s." ', ■■•l;'o\ v.s; 'of aiv .\i''li-e-^:^',' . and.'"Al'S :. .Uaimst'or" ..I'.'li; by thi: ' way>»ido.-; palace -did::;wVlI d.iii,': ;tO Tod: Lewvis.'. liost ■ inVsinesfj . iii! \Vo'cKs: at :t.hiii., Keiiii ;• :iu>iisoi V ■ .r Ai'inual; - Teac;hei->i' ; ytauv ewns-oi'uioii . miu.U i-lootioii :aro.: r-xViei'led Id. put -tliv -io^v-n -pvcr. big: '.lliis.'weiOv^-'. ';■. ;■.■•/■■ ---'. Estimates, fpr Last Week Alhambra - (i:> ;; "(:aicli<;: Ttini's; ■CabiH"'souiid.,'(ll>..Xi;,S00;:.25-^3:>-5p).-. Second week tfiirry drup;: arouiul -$.5;oD0.'" ■ .'• . ■ -.■ .- :'■' - ^Garden' (Tlfiij) '■'.Sln.i^^hg.- Fool':' 7yiia-W-l..5) ( \ 2.5;-r.tir7fi); .-Fourth, week and still 4)k:iy: Ino'k.s :like; six; ^:^l:6^)-^H^t:^of^ fihfvjii- In.itjjlc^irc^ sho;w (:;,785; 50-65-$!)'. About nor (It- this house of late. $20,000 Gaiifornia (Publix-W. C.) "Wed- dinjr March" (Par:) (2,.20rj,;. 65.-90) Two. wf>(k3 -plenty. Final ween abi.iu $12,50.0. "Lilac Time" current St. Francis. ; (PubliX'W. C.) "^•ing.s" (Par.) (1,375; 35-50-65-90) Air feature about played out here P^an two weeks and five days on third engagement in town. ; SC-QOii on fm;il. ^ "Dancing Daughters' moved in. ^ings,' 1st tiine, ; ;;'Tacbmn,. Nov. 6. . (Drawing Popuiatiori,. 125,000) Weather: Rainy . Fourth- -week strong for 'Singing Fool." show, event-of -scaspn. - Wings" went for great b.ix at the IUaItb,ilot.King;;c|ahgcn^u.a.fotvhM^^ record, Advertising: ^'^'''f^*^^ tiss bf acneral - Pelroleu,m C;orp. helped , greatly wlth^ ad tic-up that brought results to the: box^W^- . , Estimates for Las*.Week_ . Broadway (WC) (1.500; 2o-6p)- t^SlSanrLover".(M-(3.^>l;..^^^ helped in draw.^Stage; s^iow; Pantages . (1:,500^ -^^^V ^^r^ MaVtial'-. (tJ). :.lack llolt .';draw ytago show, ^^^^i^v V^; '^^^..-rrt, Blue Mouse f»a,'?;»^VvvpV^ &eat 75)-"tfinginS For.r ..:(\VB). threat '°;i^Kt?"(W(l^''(i.^no;; Wgo)^ '^SlbSal^^WC) ^850; 25^ Dancer" (Par). Not so devlLlsh. at b. o..;, $2,000: ;... ■siiir .iii^ove- $i.(;,inH).... .... ' Majestic tlirin) ."H.dtle ofrSexea' CUA). (1.5011;-: Mir,0^7;,). • Started" slowly . si iui. ne Ver. picked' up;, in • ^jn.ooO'Class. '. ;;-'-■■ MerriU (Fox) ;"Love.'ii;; br . an.: Aci(•es.'i" .(P:i'r) .( 1,255; 25.-40). Negri ; waslie(l up' a.s.I'iu: ..Ms this town goes;. lilin - ^pieascd... somp^ but not. rnany s;iw il; luCUy; to' f,'<U |i3,000,. . •' ■ ■ ,' • Palace (Iv't-Ilh)-. "Through .the; ]',i-eakers". (I'athe) (2,41)0; ,25-50- . ">').,. ., Ted. -T.,e\vi¥i:;.lhe big ivpise;:, house, \vent ;a'b()ve $22,(.)0C^. ; . R verside : ( 1^' e i t h ) "Power:" , (Pafhe) (;5,000;;.25-:40-Ti0ra()). Vaude ' show altractod:. above $10,000^ Strand (-Kox) "Wlnga'-' (Par) (1'200; 25-50-CO). .SocOhd-week and : iini all. right altiiough. never;, •went- i;ub<.ve, $,15,000. .; Wisconsin (l'''ox) "Me, Cnngator' <]>\H 00.;:;; 25:-35r5ij-60-75).,. ;I'^'.are-sVell. for. I')ave S('i.inol,er • and band oh fttage;: film -wcht ^so-so . with com- ment about c(|uall'y .divided; .worked liai-d to get above. $11,GOO. . - anil FRAKKUN ABRIVES, Harold B. Franklin .got in today from the coast. He is concerned with di.ssolvlng the "four , in one deal whereby West Coast is oper- ating the Publix and Loew houses. g^^^.^Vg;t'V^90Mrthe F 'ifter opening . Tue-sday night.- It wS ho^^Secfeded: this,;iy. ^y '^LrSge By. -Contract.-; another Tiffany-Stahl picture. .. . ^ Botlf Warner pictures haVQ^ ^ .t^^^^^ hold .lolson lopping • off another for Warners, but svbstantl.ak . Estimates for Last Week Astor—"White Shadows," .S'>un'J liottorti. hasn't d^bpry^;^ . hut 'picture getting ready to ..sail. $ ^500 okro^. in :14th week, butten^ tatively listed to be .suceeedjid by ••Alias Oimmy ^ 'Valent.n^i":: :(Al-(^^ ^■^^m^?^^i^>ree-Comrades'V; rAn.-: vtn^r n49' 50-75):-; I<UHf=.l;in. fllin •d!^vUi a?t:er ^o.'weeks;..^lV^^^^ ^^'^^^ ^^lA^^'^J^iie' 'r:ny>:^ S;.S2n^S«Ii^^ ' ■Cei;irat-"Lila<i ■ :Tlme;-H'.uhd fkse to $10,000 marlc.and .• 1- il^d la b* followed by "Tlie. BcO^- (FN.r nther la:»t week, of this 000 and out; VMatt.\Worhan \Vlfe"-.(TJ)-rur.rcnt..:; :■ .:-,... Fr^bai^'-"The ;-CnvfllIer/':.-oiiml <T^S) " yfi;' $1 -51^!iW -^^nd week). .Took bad lading- from daiUes. jn-om- to kid It; quit in time to l<^t Mar r^^e Bv ;cUtract'' (T-S); in: Fr,ga^ IvS; opening;'rt,esday, v';Civalf. cot .$4,900 ; on week: .' ' ; , Gaiety-"Four - -Devils," •Movietone fTv^x) (80R;. $ir^2)r (.eth; we^o; Hold hg on and $11,100 okay;. 'The River" (Fox) nrimOd .. f.a . probable. suceesspr:;niay. arrive before end .;of "par^m^unt;-:''Vnrslty- (Par) (3:CfiG;. 4i)^05-75:-f;5.?l). Im- portant corner still hnying Its.trou^ bie.s returning , to f-.»^t. pare otjf;^ t^rocT<r^J?ortTTliT^^ so'rted dialog s.r.'fnea.; cou'.dn t. do U, but Improved 'on preylbus-week. lii in getting $71,300. . . V- H Rialto—"Winces." sound (PJir) (1. 9G0; .'',5-50^75-h5-$l) (2nd week). Air smash ^ moved d 1 rectly over .fi;om •rrlterloh nnd st;irted-.on grind,n.ex -mornlng; $1:2,200, strong;; ^^'■Rlvon^'Hveddtn March," -sp;und (Par) (-".ifrO; 3r;-50-7".'-S5-$l) .(-Hh week). . ] I as - Ho he f al r)y w.e.) L here hut will 'eilt foiuMli week .shr,rt. tt let "Wfini.-in ; Dis.fiuted",: (T*A > in. rit spcpial Fridoy; night showing; . last week. $23/300: ; :', ' ; ■■--;'' - ., v„ . - .Rdxy-T-'.-Moth^-r Know.s^^-^ .jsest, ''5^-$^- :than " "■ . .. .. Topeka, ,vNov; 6. . : .;- (Draiving pop., -SO.QOO) ' ; : Weather: Snow -. Weil tlvr' with polllles Ifjst. week.-; -. 'Estimates fbr Last Week,- ' 'drand. (-1-,'i0«;. T>Q), (Natlomil)—' . Street; Angel" all .week, . .Sound. ; Outside attractl.ons too much. Only $3.,ioo:;' \':': ".y '- .' ; • ^ , V ' " Jayhawk (l,nOO; 40) (Jayhawk)^ "Oli Ksiy". fell 'way. down. '"Dock* of N.. Y.," half,' hot b.(!t- Ler; $2,'70(). , ; : - ■ •' '<, • ^^ - - "■ Novelty (1,100; 40) (Crawford) — Another poor weeki,. tii'-ugh fibb.ut : $200 better th.-m "Sinners'. Pa- rade,'' first half,, panned, and poor : vaiitlc .gljo w spo ile d any- dia nCe.; ■i;,ast luiif. "exer'ilent' V;uid(i;-;piill'Td— to'$i,fio.o'. .. ; ■ , •' : Orpheum (l-,'200;. 25) (Nat.l'<nal)-^ Buster ■• ■ Keaton's. "Cameraniap,'.-. good break and drew well'. "Siiad-. ows of Night." :iast h;ilf, a hiiSinesH . repelleF, arid: recr'ipts. dropjied again to Ifist Week's .level. ::$'i5". er rnonth or fi^Ht of , ^ .. _ ■ Prtlnnv "Mflbdy of T>>v»>, (.TJ) n 35.50-fi0-75-'j9>., IJ.I.'.^"T .some in second week; Just o.ver $13,. iOO. Mo'vietonft' (Fox) .(6;205; 50-1 $1 50). Siioi^t of $100,00,0'lf».«s expeeted;' hoiis-e; also fflt radio, op position; $ri^300: and "JDry. Martini'. (Krjx) ciirrf-nt. ;' ^-■ 'Strahd"^"MidnJght ..Taxi,;*;; >l^to (Wli) (2.900; 35-50-C5-.i5), All- •sfiuhd pro'-MTim, Comriii-ratively h".'t showing oh.'Stre'-t ;at $39;000.;' dldn l I sn ,v. in. ^^^^^ ..^show OIrl''■ (FN) . .><r.;-,rfip<:*U<^Witlgtt'-St-S-'U- nvilny m'ldrilKht .show to diite, pro- fe.--sl'orial ■Interest probably r':8p.on- Sible. ' ;..,.■ ' • ' ;•' -rVi,,.: .Warners-~:"IToTii|» Towners.',' A (WB) (1,310; $L-$2) .(Srd : Wee'r^ i full .weeK. $15;200; not ut:.i;- ■.sually big, but .solid. . ::.■■:.,'], Winter G'ardcn^"f-Mnglnf', Fi/oV VltA (WI'.) n.V.-ft- $l-.$2-$3) --^u. w^iek). Aiiotiier huge at T(')peka;.-Kah., ;Nov, .3. •-■ -The I'ala'-'e Tlieatr", opened.lyabor Day; by the, N;itloriri1 .ri'hcs.iti'rs :f.'om- - . Ii.'iny for';eolored,. tr.'ide. >v.'is" soh] tlii.s' week to Kranl<lTn Wliitt.'.iin ;'.'jf ii.'insaa (Mty, wlio ;took - charge^ Sat^ iirdav. Whlttam f'.Tj'nerly w-.[ntip'fi ;. the- Strand' and J',:i(.^da.(.- Ih ;'"'• :'-••'' and has openif <1 In i'.onrier hprlngs:. iuid Junction. Cily, KaMS;is.- He la r:hanKlhg the ; I'uhir- p..hcy;. irom Htralght T>i''tui-^-s tc) cori.Dlrllvti'm vau<ie J^p.l (ilM)^." Tl,iv Is tl..^.-'•;■•.rtd : s-ile annoiinff.d .b>^ the NaD-.riiil Tli<-Vitfrs^(:dnip:iny in 10 d:ivs'.Jhj^e^; A week aro tlii>f iHiiirin.v' soi'i ■iiMir- jri't<Te;-t ir/ the N-.M-hy. vaSi'l.'-film,, to T./ M- .Or.'i ^v.f'.rd, own»'r"i '•'!'■'--. foui:'h: itjti;r'-; !. ■ . . ' ' ' d O STU M E S O R M I R JS I . ■ priorvTjmo.N's . j ■I- . ,: KXi'r.nn '\:y:- '.vs ■., j j PRKHWNTAri'.».'^8 0 0 «TA)^/NArVt:r