Variety (Nov 1928)

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10 VARIETY PICTURE Warpier Goes^^^ as Par.^ Lpew : -The ,%ivc .ahjy tttke : of \buU' ■antl boar throtjgh the- last irioivlh of- i)i:c- election 'tniclin5 ■ crystalUzffd-. ^Muiit. 4ay- ' the^ -ldst . 'dfty 'for dealings ; hr politicaa chatices, ,lnto; a bold. dem - .oii5tration -by . dliques 'in tli6 amusxi- • m6nt. Stocks'; of ;tlfieir'cc^rtUiiity; thtvt \Hoovqr^wo;uld • be- elcbtc-d aud'.. tho .■•'Goiiildge. im^rkotV./^would^"resume Under; the ;ausp.iccs.oPf tlie; ncvy -lie ■ puijUean; Icaderv ; ■y"lt}. V^mjtb' woii,- ^biiins.' ■ frpu^^ chances were- .against 'bad .breiik, Aisti; 'mbii6y\ ei^ 7 to ; per .' cent;; - ; ■ ■ '.•■■ ;■,;' • ■,. .-.'v:" Wirner Bros.- was. pushed . 'ag MONDAY'S Ci^ .Closing priQcs of the loading' •arausemerit storks' listedioii the,- .Ntny . York StO(ik K:ceha.pee o ■Mohilay-were^ ' .■ ■ \- ■ ■ ■ .Net- ■Sal<?s.' Issue. , Hlf^h. I^iW/tfl^t.-.cjige;. . 8.1MI0 Keith- ■^^''^ - ^: •lii.t.ifl.: Warner- .. I^IHV X^^/k Allred: Issue* LM.SOO Kficllo .....2nr.'^ i!2C^ - 234 3<i..eoo victor ■;.1L'7. - .,123% 120',4 -f.o of ^Crashing" Furrier Is Arrested "Thlp man 'crashed' me Thursday find tried. again , Saturday , but didn't get away with; it, this; time," saiid Mai Tiepper, usher at the;Pax;- amount theatrei when he appeared in We^t Side 'CDUrt against.-Hei:mari Taffett, 21, furrier,, of 169 Riving- io-h; street. Tiff^tt ; was, arrested, after a chase, that began at, the Pariamounf 'and- wound up;'.,outsld.e, of thd 45th'v street; entriincie of the Astor hQteh „Taffett Was charged with ■ disorderly cbnduct Tepper partly told, his stoty to PARROT ON JOB AT LAST ' .: Lbs Angeles, Nov.; 6. ; The advent of sound pictures has brought forth, a Mexican- parrot that-iiari- sing and cr- .r'y on . a conversation with<i?^ll ; the clarity of a human warbler: or cdnversatlonalist, ■ ^The own.ier Of the bird lives :Jh HpllywpbdV After 17 yea.r$ of carci she Is about to; be re-^- Warded by;'renting the hird• but for sotind, pictures. , Wednesday, November 7, 1928 iMeON'JN TORONTO SOCK© lOEW'S HENTi "Air Circus," $12,000; ; (Drawing Po700.000) . . Weather: Fair . - : 'Toronto, .Nov. 6. .J Good weather;;saW, gro.s.sos tuinb^^^^ in-, sil<>nt flicker hpusi?s but stand Up. well where sound, stuff is spotted. Uptown did r-ouline .?10,flOO with Revenge." :', ■ ■ ■ ..--y Tlvoli showed, better -thari' $9,000 oh fifth week. with. "Street Angel" and opened strong on "l?Pur Sons" Sa;turday., Movietone he'\vs reel ob-" Jected^to 'as be^iig too much lloover arid Smith, . These gentlcnion are Tepper partly told his story lo ^-^r »> C^O nftfl Rilffalo hoth false alarms tp, flicker, patrons the Court when an attorney tor the , , V arSliy, J^£A3,\J\i\Ji OUU-dlU ^^^-^^ of the woods. ; . A^Hn-^r-n. nelrtiA fnr an n fl ioiimmcnt TJiifPoIrt . -Nrnv . fi. .'a - trifik a-n- -ffWfill. . -wallnninr" Buffalo; ; Nov. 6. (Drawinjg Popurationj 560,000) Weather; Rain .and Cold Keith uhquestionably riioyes at the, ^C'licst of its. sponsors. ;. Their plan oC' canipajg;h :at, ,the ; moment.. is - to; iGtMCeith-ride.";. - : . ,-,-': ; : ^-'-s} , ■ The issue • is well regarded .. in many .. showman quarters, on the logic that the. hew., interests paid. 36 fbr old • Keith /stock, a^id -thPy unless.. It. can't ; make.'.iany, money . , warn.r -----^ .. igoes.'al^ve.Vthcv^ g.^sslvelylhtp:ne.v;:high:gro^^ the •movement at 129 for the com- reason, ot its associates with. BCA . - and in consequence: with .Phpto- nioh and a .friction lo^ve^ for .the '^phoiie arid tJationa! Brpadcastmg A iindci^ large trarisactlons' / Para^. are alsb; cited. //Naflorial-b^^ motint; being-put; througlv its .paces iHg of Keith, programs has -enot^ to attract- investment buying, re--I moua possibilities. Meanwhile,- it- it. covered to better. than BO,, oh sales- announced: in -newspaper,advertise Wriearly i(i,000^sha;rcs. : ■ r.- S oiehts that 46 per cent ofK^h -;■■- Pools in Command . ' . stock has bfeen deposited leaving Pools in .oommaria . - U^iy These twp developments .obvious- J^^g^^ 51 per cent to make ef- ly were frankly , staged under p^on^^ Hnspirat-lpriT^T-he---other-_-stocks_^ which for the moment were permit- . deposited. ^ . '.- ted to. reflect outside ^trading ^enti- I -t-radirig began bh , the Curb late ment, .aid nothlhg whatever, Theory ■ . ^ . ^^e ;stock of the pro- of the bulls is; that timid longs vvho , _.^^^^ . Radio^keith-Orpheum,- stock moved, out because they feared to „ w^^en issued" basis, meanirig ccharice the effect" of the,e ;will'.be back today (Wednesday renew-their .long lines.; In any event the only really ag gressiv.e . attitude ' iii the amuse defense asked for ah adjoiirrimcht which was granted until tbniPrrow (Thursday); T.affett had; been but on npiriihal ball, continued, by Mag- istrate Gotlleb. ' "I remember the defendfint very well. • tWo nights before liis arrest he pulled the sajrie. gag on me when ^ ^ „ I yfa.s taking • tickets," ~ said Tepper. ^somewhat off. to reporters,;^ ''When I stopped him k- ;Last . Week's Estimates Thursday night he saiid hts brother Buffalo (Publix) (3,(500; 30-4dr75) in the rear had his ticket. ' ."Two to vers" (U, A.),, "Oh, Teach-, ' ..T K isr«, -RnV^^r^ ck*" iiriiti This week's line-up pre-; .: VI believed .him. But I co^'"! .h.^t, . ^trohg card . from every Arid his brother. It. was aOlesson. I ?^ .tt:_ r.„i.~ 1 Loew'a took an awful .walloping with '^Napoleon/' Usually, run to. better than $12,0b0> Pari went al-' . most $12,000 '\yitb VT.ha CraPh'^and Business about as uSual .was the stage shoSv. The title wa.q. all report at local' picture houses last against ;''Napplcpn,." and picture .week; ; The grosses pf both Shea simply was not " there. . houses attained excellent heights with the ;other; dowritown houses And t<> 'ihy ;am;azeriieht he : entered the: theatre $a,turdaV forenooh. VHe must tiave foi-gotten; me.. Again he :^a.idi 'My brother .has the ticket.'. 'Nohe of'thiat,' I told him, He /became indignant .and ;threatr .eried mahy dire things. He left to on a ''when issued that buyers get a broker's contract to deliver the stocit "when, as and if" issued^. Prices in Monday's turnbver ot 600 shares ranged from gressive . attitude in , the ^muse-^ ^ the close at 34. flat, .repre- ments-rand.this holds gbod fpr the - a- friGtlorial premium over entire list—wais- the bullish one. -If, .^j^g KL-O <Keith"s), . difference any important Wall Street trading v. purchase oJ. the new element really looke^ for a post^ btock^xlirect ^avoids transfer tax. election, break,, which Wall . Street, i ghubert reached its peak at bet- has been talking. atK)ut for: a long.] j^^j. ^^ 78 %, Monday's final. It.' ought to stabilize soriiewhere - iround that . time,; that Iriterest; didri't have the ■ courage to express itself in timely operations; for a /.decline hPShining | i-^—^^-'-j^-^l^ ^he usual : today;V ; On ,a; count of., plus and j -^^^^^^ : over-discounting the taiiius; sighs at the close, the. so called :cori3tructiye. side had it all .Its own . way. . Stocks . either - advanced or • they didn't , move at all, and the turn- cyer in the neutral issues yi^as a,t a thihlmumi TheVtVvp; most aggres- iprQflt frpm"sale of stage successes slvely vbubyarit issues on ;the vsrhplf 1 mu- T«ii,.^ir, «iVr. inn-np-prnftrit at the board were ruid^io <RCA), ;^hich ad Warn& the excess of enthU- iSiasrii, and also having parsed the Stage, of "wise'' proflt-taklngv .More is beirig: made of Shubert gain in Use of its theitres to exploit War- ner talking productions than in The Devil Dan-cer'- led the town iit Shea's V Hip 'with about 113,000, y,'hich scenied to,bree'/e in with no particular effort. . Neighborhoods strong. Estimates for Last Week iHip (FP)—T"i)evil. Dancer" (M(J) etiuiiK x.v^w. I (2,600; 30-60). Strong, at alri^ angle: Straub and His; Gang were $13,000 to lead town by .more, than well up 'ih the running with, Muir- $1,000 eased up. Jack Bennir help tagh at the brgan also finding wide on stage., . ;■ favor. The week started top-notcni Pantages (PP)—"The Crash (FN) but sagged in the middle, -which, (3,400; 30r.60). Sills UsuaUy -draw kept takings $29,900.' .. . and thjs one better than average« Hipp (Publix) (2,400; 60)-^'Var- oyer .$12,000. .;Singers. . on.,;stage. sity" (Par) and vaude.- .Qhe of helped. , . ' ,ir.C ■ ^ ^ ■ - - - ' Uptbvvn (FP)—"Revenge", (UA) (3.000;. 36-60). Average vveek at ened many dire things. He.left to u.^^^ j^^g^^^gj^jy balanced.programs notify; a;-pattrolman. I went along: g^gj^. here in sorhe time with both to-see If he did. . , . ,• : , ' ; picture and vaudeville standing up. "But instead, he ran to thei Hotel Ethei Wattefs headlining proved a Astor. We went through the Astor good, draw.^ Takings held at .$2(>,0pp and i <»ught hini on the 4BthvSti'eet v/ 6reat Lakes (Fox) (3,400;; 30-40 side " said Tepier ' • ' 75)-^"Alr CircUs" (Fox).; This house Taffett iippeared in Court with an .has been^off^ during the past fort-- ^Sey.7i^id-.friendsv:^He-6tou«^^ denied he Was the "gate crasher.'.* $io;oao. Tivoli (FP) —"Street Angel" (Fox). Fifth week of btlginal sound picture for this town: went better than $9,00.0. Excellent. f'Four Sons'^ (Fox) o^yened Saturday. been Loew's (2.3PQ t:30-60')--"Nanoleo n.'> 'marking extraordinary high grosses Wkterloo. Took one .bn Jaw and for big features with takings sag- sunk, house to $10,000. Bad for this (^ould Havie Held Oh at New State —Jolson $25,000 in, 2 Wks glhg.when only ordinary sound picr j ihgnth, entirely: bl amed on p icture. ..-.k:,*r»>i/*ii l txires are offered. . Thlis -was the. ^ — "2 LOVERS," $24,000, PROV. story of last wreck's gross. Esti . . r . '' 7 ^ I mated around $12,000. . ■ Lafayette (Iridep) (3,000; 40^60) —"Toilers" (Tiffany) and va,ude- ■ville. This house .Changed from iSuhr day tb Saturday openings last week; making, last week's . figures for ."six days only. For that period ta,klngs were, over $10,000 'slst lOOltalkeir^m Proylc'.enoe, Nov.: 6 (Drawing Population, -|15,bo6) ■ .; ; ., W.eathier: Cool Al jblson broke his own record at the Majestic the past two weeks, with "Singing FooV Gross will run close tb $25,000.'. . Business like this is eixceptiohal with many houses showing crack.;bllls; Lpew's. New StateV could:.have held..- over- "Twb Ijovers" another week, . . State is- holding Up, / hitting be tween $22,000 and $25,000. Many but-of-tbwh. visitors drop in to see the big hoiisei: ? ; ; >; Estinriiates for Last Week Majestic ; (Fa;y) v(2,20P; ,15-$i) Jblson. sniashed house record with Girl' Up $3,000 At $10,000, Syracuse : .Syriacuse, T;!.. y,i';.Nov,. ;(5. [ (Drayving Pbp., 220,qOO) ;; Weather; Variahle , Deispite weather none too good, ranging froni the. season's first snow to :rain, business on the Syracuse Philadeiphia, Nov. 6. • Bu.*^lness . generially off last week. Stanley reported, a Tittle off last Week; find "the irbx undqr no,rmal,. The former house had-: "The ,Teri. rbi","' first 100 per cent talking ;pic- tiire, arid also, Tom AVarihg, work- ing alohe here for the first time, Cbmbindtioh kot around $29,000. . Fox had "Dry ; AJartinl" as film feature/ and stage, bill. Estimates for Last Vi/eek Stanley |4,000; 35,'SO ind 75)—. "The Terror" (WB).; First lOO per. cent talking film here. Stage; show. Business nothing oUt of ordinary at under $29,000. . Aldirie- (1;500; 50 ;artd 7.5)—.'Sing- The Jolson film engagement at the winter^ Garden ;is -cited in this con- nection. Further talk ;ol^ the approach of favorable action by the; Loew bpai-d on in extra, but the stock does vahced 7 to 234, and Victor TalWng ;;Maciilne, Svhich climbed B to 127. Both of these are the new allies ahd . **blg brothers'' pf . the theatre stocks, . and ;if they;' express; a definite . trend at a critical mbriient Such as Mon- day afternboriV it bught to .fix the drift of the whble group. ;; v. Radio Leads Advance ^-.-^ . . ^ "Why Radio should JUmi> . and di.yldcnd rate ibr the new; split vU.P Keith rem.Tlrt static Is one of, those stock; : Three dollars is taken for things. ; Radio'is a pool stock and I granted. .. Sumina'ry for week enOlng Saturilcjy, Novcmbpr 3: . STOCK EXCHANGE could have lingered. - - - — •■ ■ . « (M-T). " Best in niohths; $8,500. , __- . - , Strand (Ind). Fair double bill did nbthing to discount such.a develop-, around $10,000; okay for house, nieht except hold; its, gain to, 60 and j which is one of th e town's big four bettor. Stock indicates apphcaflon ' ^' pf the brakes. Paramount directors meet next TUesda;y to ' vote on the on uu.^w.. ^ .Rlalto took-'an upward turn last better than $25,000-for two weeks Kyeek.. Keith's kgdln get $14,000, in. "Singing Fool'; . (Vt-WB). fome $2,000 better ihah the two pre- I Aiame- u>.ovv; S.V^ii Loew's State (3,800; 20.50). "Two.; ceding weeks. . jLoew's State jumped: ing Fool" (WB; .4th week).. . Final Lovers" (UA). .. Great at $24,500; to $12,000 with Norma Talmadge's week found h"Siriess^almost as^q | >uld have'lingered. r :\ ''The Woma^ Disputed," shown here as . ever at^.aro.und ;po>000.._ *-ouia Victory (K-O). "The Cossacks' Ut 50 cents and permitting the town have Stayed' indefinitely. Su.bma_ 16inin. Lobby Box Film For House Ballyhoo ■:-iTigH .. -4!) , - a uvj. .1-10-% . 3T';» :yu\i ■'■ iO!t 110%. .3-1 . .■ n.'. ■. ■?)'. >. : -.. 84 - . .. W.V4. ■ Cl>^*, ■ -101). .' 'l.T-'U ■■104. : 33's .•:sr%. 101 .11-1'4 101 -1.0.2R.- 27%- ■ 'X\ 1(13 •im ■ ir.'A ■ 104 ■■. - Ti 'Z\\(- ■ -■ ■ ■ ■.'4tVi- ■ ii-j ■ 06- - -iiW . .^'^' lo.-.^i : IK) . -^Itmi p. ■ riml-TTi-J p: ~.: - \. -r ■■ 0,700 "ArrnTlciin :Peut. (3).'.y, ■. •■>.. 3.000. C'oh.sdi;. I'-ilm. pW,'-(!.*) . • • •.•••;- 3,'-'00 Kiislman Kodak' (8)i r»• ■ 58,000 -Loew (3)....;. .......^.i,-....,.,; ■ .. .800. Do; pfil. (OVi).i..•.'••.••••<•'•• 80,000 Keith .<....,;,< 3;8(tO I>6. pfii. .(7).«.....••.•.■.••.•-•••.! . .100 First N.ltion.ii r.lcturca (!>)...-.. 0!),300. Fox eiatis A (1). ......... .0,1'Oa Madison ."quaro. IJardvn .(->).>.••. 000 Wct.iOi-M: •iJfd. ,(l.,8!)). . . . .. ... 800 Mollon I'U'l.uro .Cap. 89,4tm ..I>aramoiirit-K,anious.-l.,a.!>Ky, ,.' (o). . Z\, S(KI I'aihc - Exi-ruirib'S • •'• • .■ •■•« Ti.S'^O.. Pn.tho Class A... • iT-S.-'OO SliulxTt ■ (;■)) .. . . • • - i".,!KH»■ Stanley .....: ; • • •«. • • . 3iU) .Vnlvvr-xftl pM. .(«)■• • •.• • it(ii,-<MiO Warnor -Hros'.... ■ • < IrHi.yiO War-ncr Class .^ ■'.......... > • • • • ■; 'CURB; ■'■ Z.'[(>0: Ha .uitan Ka t-.i; (i) .■•'.••>•'<• - : .t.olH) "foiii Kilm. Kiit..., ll.l, TilH) I 'ift Foi-pst U.V'f'o •■" ,• r .27,7lK) , K'dx . 'rhoati'i!:'.. •......... - 1,300' S'aili>nal TJie. ii,ui).,.i.. 1(1(1 I/li(!W ViH. ..... ...i... :i3,.''iOO liaUlo'-K.-O.. w.' \....... .. BONDS - .yo lSG>v. ■■ • ' .10-i=>i. . .3a .. ■lO-t'A - ■10-4T8 ■ >J--;fa ■-. 22% : • i2S(i- - 10 . 00>4 .' , - ■ 27Vi- . - 8.''%. , ' 80-T4 IC^B .21 20 Vi 10 ; 21 34%. .Net -QhK + %. Lo3 Angeles,. Nov. 6. A. 'M. I^evy; bporuting the; Muse, l a; Mili n street prlnA. ihftsi tc igA out fine at to grin'at the $5 opening on Friday rine" In this week. ' Singing D ooi . in NcaV. York. • . goes to Stariley next "Week Two gObd bills were the answer] Stanton (1,700; 35, 5.0 arid 'S)-" at KcitlVs, the last ha;ii; bringing the "Wings" (Par; 1st week).. In^tmra unusual hereabouts—two headline'rs, Philadelphia; hbuse; about $u,uu"; VA^ill Mahoney, and the Four Cam- Fox - (3,000; 90)—"Dry. Mar"n,V erbris; Mahoney tied; 'em at every | (Fox); ; Harshly censored - .nere. show, .continuing through the en- gageriient unhampered by Gene Huclc's threatened injunction. It .was Mahortey's first appearance here in about throe- years, or since his salary jumped from. $350 to $2,500;a week.. • .. Strrind did a flnnricial comeback with "Show .Girl,'V . iahotlier film j33,000 JCcltlv C", MO.........•• «,-i,(!00 I/oew 0'!», '41 2.S,01H) Po, . ox-War. .,• ■ B'J,0(K). !-<lnilji'rt <!>..., • • • • • • •, • . D7'i ni'k 101 8-";» 178.'/4 •' -101% : ;i2^<,. .1)8% 10H%:; oo'a; 21 Vi : iK> - 10 43% ■ 0'/6 2ri% .r.4% 02 . 1111-4 112 .. 11 ■ 15% 10'4 27% 0% 21 33 V4 or.% 110',2 100'.1! ISO ..00% .102 . 33V4 101 . 104%- * «)% . ■ «>2 ■ 2.5 -. - :4i>v£- - .<i% 2.-1'"/!.. 78'/4 ■ ..-iryi/i: 0214 127 • 120% -70% 10 20 27%. 0% 21 34 1)0 111' I'Ol With success a shadow box arid con tii'uK'i'ns 'ni'l-ivn.-U'io' -IC riirn.- '.film cbntaining high lights of his' pic ture. This was pliicod close to the street entrance ;ijcvy' reported th'iit where a breakage in film bcc.urrcd there .was nbticeahle diihjhu.tiori'in the stream -1'^ I of custbrncrs until It;Svus noted and repaired. Under his 'recorivniorida- io^;; I tibn. the plan has'bceh tried by two -1-;^%; other houses :on Boyl.o Ilblghts,; tliv 7^^,, jVIeralta and National. . - +13% The; scheme was doviscd by 'Fi'cd nOckett Of Hollywood of titldrig ap' _ % proximately 250 feet of .outstanding •+' % scenes iind-reducing; that tO lOU fv'.'l .^T J^* ; ori the i.C mm- witn . "Hnow .uin,-. .anomer mm Xhout. Ja 000 GOod ' isiiwtr^iTw"ir-*dWmSi?^f'^tr-^^ —3% .•.-+• %,. -—r- ■! , .- '%■• ' - % Stage bill. .Business off. at about $25,000,- . Fox-Lbcust (l,8(M);.v$i)—'/Mother Knows liost'; (Fox; 2d weelf). Fa.'r- Iv pood, but not what it should De with tremendous advertising caro- paign.; $13,000. . ^ Little (216; 50. . 75)—"^Caligarl. - % -1%- Siieehcin Pinch Hitting ; : iiiOS Aii::'-lrs. X-.\-._ ti,. Howard .;shcchan, . Wc-^t vice-president, hais returned from , Wilh the hope 0|f gnlighterilng its eniiJloyoes so that thoy will he ablo to discuss talkers intolligontly and convincingly. First National today (Wednesday) starts the first of a series, of talker talks In the homo oinc© by 'Western Klectric scientists. DIX, AGAIN ON L. L ; Ijos ' Angeles, Nov.' 6. lUc'h.'vid' Dix returns to Para- mbunf.s Astori.a, I^. 1... studio from which ho departed .reluctantly a.< year ago last April. Ilix will do at loa.«!t one picture, talker, in the This is sched- uled for Dec. 15. during Harold Fninkliii's tonipoi' ary absence. Another on South Seas I./OS Ailgoh^s,. Ni)V'.- C,. ^ "rhc success of "White .Sluvdows" has prompted M-CJ-M to riialie tui- other South Seas sulijovl. Morton Blumcn.';t(;)i;k will wriU> ;m original,, to be known aH"J)i;vils of the Deep." yorU opening; About $10,000; . . ."king of Kings," at the Kckel for. a .second .week,/cashed f.Or $R,000. - Another pulpit plug for the Em- pire by ]>. Hern.o.rd G; Glauseri - of; the I' Raptist Churgh, who liked "I;bno.somc" arid ni.'idc'-it a■ sermon t(ipic, o'h.'ibled..'tho film to hit $0,000. ;;'Th.p: United . Stnfe.s . Marine- bau;!. .1 h t\v'(j H u n(lay cohcerts..gVoss'c.d $2. - 2!?0 .for . tlio imi)resai'io, ;'Melviile etivrlfv .<)f tIie Clark/Mti>!ic Co, /;'■... ; ; Estimates for Last Week Wieting (Siuiherf) ;(i;5l8)^Uriite(l Sl.'itrs . .Marine liarid . ($1.50-50).. About $2,L'.")0 in two Sundav cOricort-';. liontal, with :Mc|vill<? Clark, of ClarJc .Muslc Vo., holding bag. ; Late book- ing; and inadpfiuatc promotion cut (,lo\vn ;ihc gate.. Keith's .(vaudlilm) (2.595.; : 30-5OV : -];iusiii(?ss liark (() $14,000, with Will Al,:il,i()rioy ■ ('rfMliled for major in- (MVii.yc,- 1"i,lin (.)rf(,'rinK.s w,oak, ■ Strand .fw.ired) (1,700; 40)—"Show f;i.ii." .(K, N'.) (Sound). Picture.liked r,- . .. pre (■(•(iiii,^: w.cck. $10,ou.o. Vei'y good — . I'or li*)'. . Ecker (wired). (15-3r))-r"King ; of IsinKs" (l'a'i;i,n<j (soiindi. About $«.- 0(10 for S(.'roiul \vct>k.. .V;a.ti«f;li;tory. , State' (wired) (..1;?,,00;. 20-50)— "\Voiii:in IMsputtHl" U'- A.), (sound). Topped tlio do hixo gros.s for week Avilli $12,000. ■ Empire (wIimhI) (l;(')0O; ' 40)-^ "Loni'sohic". (1-) (sound). About fli'Kin, an.! !i( ihiU figuro' good money ninkcr iox houso. Karitbn ; (1,100; 50 and 75)-y-A^an AVlio Lauphs'V (U;..2d. week). \GpoQ notices arid; good trade in Its. wo week.s;,' Tja'st,week,-.$(),00&., , . Arcadra. (800;. 5'0)-^"Ou"t of Riilns (Isl N; M week)'. ■ $3',000. Near Ctasin^ Tin!* •\yiliiarii Fox's d(?al-'ifor.. tho Ual- t^r lloVidc; houses is; reported- dra\rr ing to I. close, with .an outsioe. chance of; br^.lii.P consum- mat(>d within tiie next f(>rlni.^ht. _ AVhcn the' news of. n<--"^'^^'°y^^ nrst broke, in ^ Soptorii I)rr, Kfna was.'askin£? -$34.500;fl00..; .Tluit still stands, it is said, for .tins cn. oiiit oi: "27 £ii;-atrcs, 17 of ^^ I"*'" Knnipcd'.as'being.;(Ma«« Homsop 'the .'String Is- R V, .Storrs. .Xl)"'^^^ .some . doubt at' one tinir:. whetae ■Storr.s. would . soil his . h..0.1i ^^ f'.^^^ -this. has .^inco boon, (.''i^"!"""*'"!- .'ncs' rop(u-t, ;so that if the. l iiv'Dt .t" Kox it will go intact, .'■ ;,' ^^.^r IncUidtMl In tho chain, i.-' il"' theatre on P-roadway, ronsnl.-i." the trade as the most vnhi->i'i' V^g ntre site iri; Js>\v York. 'rh^>-^^^ has .«ix years to go uridvr a,i«-' • Loew's.^ to.