Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 7, 1928 PICTURES VARIETY 19 WEST COAST NOTES OriginaJ by Anita Ijoos, of jjve," purchascd Tay Col, , FN Hais purchased scrben rights to "Fast Life": by Samuel Sliipman and John B. Hymer. : ; ' DeWitt Jennings and Sojin added tb ''Seven Footprints, to SRtan," FN,. Torn ' Miranda titling' "Shop .Worn. Angeli" I'Jir, For samO : corhpany ' Randolph Bar'tlett■. titling:. "Looping the liOop," German subject. jiary Astor's feature length talker fpr "Fox is "'New Year's. Eye," Henry Lehrmarin directing. Eddie Cline will direct Reginald Denny in VKis Lucky Day" at Uni;^ versal. Eleanor Griffith, newcomer to screen, will bie co-featured with Pat O'Malley iW United Artls.ts' "Xight Stick.". In cast are Mae. Busch >nd four other' stage players—Regie Toomey, Harry Stubbs, Charles Mor House Organ's Advice Unlvorsal's houise .organt Gold Mine, edited' bj*'''Ben Grimm, is urging company managers .to use their, checkers to. get piay> .(iatcs for the company as Well. . .it says: '.. ■'■ '' ' ■ ■ ."The checker, sri.ehding' sev- era! days with the exhibitor . has. a. wbnderf ul chance , to get under his skin. Q.nd get. the playdates you Vant—possibly a better, chance than the '.salesr: man." . ■■ ■ ■ V ' ris and Purnell Pratt,. . Production starts Nov. 15 on silent and talking version.- \'ictor MeLaglen" starred; Loatrioe Joy .opiiosit6... Lumsden Hare In. "False Colors." Cissy Fitzgerald In "Seven. Foot- prints, to Satan" (FN). . Betty' Compson and'. William Holden- for FN's '^Weary River.", y Thomas.Reed is tiUing ''Syhthetic. Sin." ^;.FN,' ', . . ' Par: renewed option for year oh Baclanova,-^ - t • . - : ■ • _ Jed - Prputy added . to "Broadway. Melody,". MGM., ■ . Title., of "Little : Angel," ' starring Norma Shearer for MGM,. changed to ''Lady of Chance." ^ ^ Title of Fox Movietone , with, all- colored cast headed by Charles Gil- pin is "North of Dixie." • Fox picture to be directed by John .Ford changes title from '<T:he Bag- gage Smasher"' to "Strong :Boy." Conrad-. Nagel ■ opposite Norma Shearfer .in '!Mr3. Cheriey'' (MG). Titlb- of "Gold : Braid" (MGM) cha:nBied to "The Flying: Fleet." Ruth Cherlngton added "Spirit of ..Youth".'.(TS). RKO's Strong Board Xame--^ ai-e .lu-oaominant in: the Invirj,! ; of . : dirooim:.^ an - ■ ncnincod for the liow liadio-' Koit)i-CVi;pluMitn. Oorpi-irivU.oiy.- , It . is tiie .sfro!ige.<?t )>oai-(l..:of.. ..dvi-oo-tors the 'viiudeville Held /.has ■Over,.seoivi ,:^.. ; . -.Iii it./i\re 'listed, leailcrs of the ; ele.otric woria aiul in;Vny luuuo's asi'.rufniliar .to ^^ali• -t^Vroot ■ as ; Trinity Chiiroh. ;; ,;. . - Thb hoiVrd . - coiists ■. of 21 members; ■. . '; and CO nt i luu t >-" for "Mary Duga n" (MGM).: ■'• . ■. Becky Gardner wrltlhg adaptation "' Paul Perez titlihg "Three Week Endsr.■(Par);.,\..■: ;:;. .■;;■:■■.■'■ Vernon piont,: ooniio, lias .returned to tbo: Sennett lot for. t\vo-reel talk- li;igK:6niedics, .Kill;; to (liroi't. "ronfos.sltins of x' KxrelN iU,. t."a?:t . nvohules lleliMie (.'!i.ulv\ i.'lv, i:(.liel (.Vrey Terry ;ind NValtei- M<-i.;rail.. .•\iuio Pi'li;ii\fi^v and Alma Tell adilid "S;itn:-d.i.v"s CUiUlron" (FN).; Vralik Austin ;uhU.'d "The Driftor" iFl'lO.), . .Ktt.i. TA-.o fir. "jieat." Direetod by ;Aidney;i'Vani^lin (M(VM)..; ^ Jll.'^ef: Su-iokViivl added ''Fro'/en-: River•^ i^WWi.. /- . . ■ 'j;viie. DulS' .(Jaoaiieliive Gad.sdon) Tidded "MrsrCheney" (.M(IM), ' • ^Taii,dc \Tlirner . ^Gordon' ivddbd "Alimony .Ann": (\VB-Vita)..Mio.luaol turtlz'will direct/; { : : .: ChiiR. Seilon aad6d. "The Big.: Scoop': (Par). ' .Oliver ll. P, Garrett an.dyi,.eb Bir- ihskl, Par scenario staff, preparhig prigiival as George Bancroft's ticxt. A. J. . ICelley sighed by Burton Fritzl Jiidgeway and Liicleh: Llt- tlenejd signed for featured parts In (Continued oh page 26),' ' K:; BORIS PETROFF Announces HlSiJ^ if A SENSATION AT I'M • . FEATURING THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS BOBBY ''UKE'' HENSHAW .'.\.':.-^:--:V--. / A SURE CURE FOR THE BLUES Thanks to Mr. Direction ED HOPCRAFT HORWITZ OFFICE Partington, Earl Sanders, Mark Leddy and Harry Hollender BORIS PETROFF says: "Yov^re a good doctor. for hi A LITTLE GIRL FROM THE SOUTH IRENE SINGING THE BLUES Hear My Latest Victor Record "MISSISSIPPI mud: LOUIS aiid STEVE Many Thanks to MARK LEDDY After Ming l^ W^^ in PETROFF'S CHEATlONS^-again chosen by him for the LEADING BARITONE role in "BLUE REVUE" Thank, to You, BORIS BEN SMALL BROS HARRY SMALL in Name but BIG in Stepping NOW WINGING THEIR WAY THROUGH THE "BLUE REVUE" Our sincere thanks to BORIS PETROFF Direction: SAM KESSLER, EDDY ELKHART Our Sincere Appreciation to a Great Little Showr^an and a Regular Fellow