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Wednesday, November 7, 1928 FILM HOUSE REVIEWS VARIETY 37 i2; Stitrts as' a iiuisical,:como^y with plot and wlhils xiti as th« retTii- Jar stagehand affair, Iri kcping With, the plot. . ■ Trade should "be bol.stcrd tup by. the film -feature, "The Racket'; (ipar),' which <iidh't play .Chioago in legit .for. ppli tidal. rta sons. It' con+. cei"ns the. dri'me''politics alliance, iit Chicaifo, aitivough the :city is not ihentloheS in the filrn. . , ■' . Pltvo.rohestral feature was. ".Con- .fluest of • the .Westi'.'. rnecUey of v^;arly Ariierfcan . huhibers- <1 irectecl. by JilUrcelli with^.class/,^ .M displayed - poor-, judgment "Th- '::ix-. tcnfjltiiig: to, acconipany Movietone- shots' -of ;th<i. l^avy-Penn . fp.bflVall erame. He. kill cd the sdil hd e ff cg ts— • still, new enough to be a. great nov- elty.-. ;v.-"^:-;: ■' C.anaoity^niain flour early ■Saturr 4jSy'aftcrnpqii.'^ ' '^^ . - -ifp^Q:'- Little; Cariiegie PlayKoU^e ^-Nevir-York, ^«;ov^^.^ •.■ , when blto Kahn gets - a ibad :pt: thf.s iayoiit - iv^H ..'up and; give the. live grand for a hi 1 hard. ro.o.m. and harber shop that Mike.,^^iiu^lin hds in hiind as an added, sei'^vice for •the cuHtomers.: The joint looks like. opr position to llVe ji'-riars' Cluh,. especi-' allv the'card roonr. , ." , . ; ' . .'. Miniilin has created tlie linest'Tit- tle .art pieture house in. th.e, c.ouhtry, It\s\ the ,;raHt-g.a.spr te: de strongest, m«)st- empliatic ■ contribur tioh to. the. rurthciHVncc pf . artistic ♦fi'ideavOr, alsd; towards, the exh.tbi- tlon Qt the world's worst pictures; It' looks' as if for bnce-.Kahn; hag picked- a -winner, in spite of. the loud.. Incessant wail about, art, and thd use. of prodijct that Vhash';t - a chunce in^ any half decent neighpor- hood or downtowh house at two -bits a throw, th.e Carnegie should piie. up plenty of kale for all concerned. , ;: ■ I t's .siippioeed to bo a -theatre. but It has a ping-pong courts. tastefully decorated.- a .miniatui'e Hall a-oorn.. a card.room; ah art exhibit, a barber ishbp-. (coming.)^ an.d!.AljkcV::^ Miiidlih has .the right idea; he says he cah throw the pic:,ture out. thpse weeks, when its. particuiarly rptteri and still rhaJte money as lOhg as the. free cpffee and ci^carettcs are tliere. In. a pihch he can throw in..sandr , .Tlie iiittle Ciiriiogic; has apptdx-. inialoly 4.50 . seats,.. There, is rooni. for OSO seat.s at the very: least but ■the floor .ha>s been divided :so. as to allow for a ■ long, spacious fpycr,; a large lounge and coffee room ..and other side shows; The house has been constructed -alpn^ rnpdetnistic linesi the furniture,' dccoratiphs and '~cgim'—^he mfe . a ll-^-—eohtri-hVit-ihg- tovvards this eff6ot. It is located on co'.ursc in,hls ib'bby and hire iJaiiby .Jont-'S- plus a, couple'of "VVan Stm-ot ;br.()kers as, instructors, - Babe Iluilv Avp.uJd b<i -hired, by- the raraiiidiint ■ tb. . biit,, bails', into . tlie l>ii]o.bnit-,s; 'Alaj.or Bdwes -Svould'.^ e.staliiisih-a .pult.' ilol'd,. char.tring . 2';') •■c^'hi.s f.dr ho'r.sos, and , the St raii^ would.:, liavc • Koil Griiinge . bhar.ging. -frcim -. 10 ' to: -i-]- higbtly. ■ -....V ; ■ Mori. '■■ ioviat*' ■Mat'i'latrv'."': wcli dunv , an |- miii'h Ukod.' DnV; Ininilri:*! ahif. iw>-ui>'' mliiUto..'*. .triwni .(.>n''.wd!' 5Yth streeti'A few dbbrs away-, firbiih Carnegie Hall.^ . 'It . ppbried Friday . nipbf.- Nbvv-2.'- ■ \'? ' This is the right picture house in the,right kind.of.a nejghborhbpd. It should draw generally as well: oh Its'. Jiovelty; .. If .Uhe-; pppiila'rlty of the ping-pong cburt .-increases in the same ratio as shown^in the first two d^ys of operation, a couple ~of rovi/s of seats may . come Out to make room 'or .more courts. Mindlin' has turned down an cbricpssibn Offers on. the ground that ..he didn't think it ■ofbuld be good business" tb get $8,- OOi) or H0,000 a ybaV from'cpnccs-* sionaires and build uiD $15,000'worth . of .opposUiohi '- ' ■ . House operate;; ■ .at ; a rxOCi to $1 scale under a nut of approximately $1,200, a wee:k/ : That. mciVna. .con . sldering . eyerythlng, that it'A .. ^ . moneymaker .from the start. . •.. butstandihe . screen hit - Sattirday p. nr. was a colored lad, facially decorated with kihkly whiskers, en- titled Bay Tafari. He turned out lo be the latest ruler oif .Abyssinia I-Ic made a hit, presumably .with the smart elemie'nt who; iiitended the ap- plause as ironic disapprovai of a . cb.uple Of:, deriipni^frativ.e. Hobver supporters. "Ten Days That Shook the -NVprld," ■ a^^ittil^aTr-^lTnT^dijaling d • overthrow' of. the kereh.-jky govern- . mpnti ser.ve',s' as the .'chief -grounds • for :the bpehingweek..Ituns .ilike a . Ji'-wsrocl arid doesn't mean a. thing. "•Haridlcapped," -a, novelty shbrt done in gestures of hands-oniy, i.S:..a.clever and meritbrlous' o.fCerlng. ; It: con ■vey.s -thc impression tha^; tlie sure se;il operators khbw what they Should have in -the way' of .product , for; their kind of patronage. . • •'•'mackmail," or '.•Urokchhea.rted,'-' i.s the. title of .an >.arly Mary-'Pickr ford'. It is a tou'ching romindor Of the changes which time'ha.s,wroug;Ht in America's; s\veotlu'art's^ audience ;.Mi.s.s iMckford's mo,s.t mclpdranrivatic moments wei-e' grpoted ; only, .with loud g»ffa\vs. her kind<'«t -smilo.s rou.sed titters, and even whoii the .stress of cireunistahces iiifoiight on mi.sfortiihe ahd hiIridposs' thf^'re;.was hb .softening in .the auiiicnco's high- ; hat anLagoni.«!nri... Maybo the bustles bristles, or whatever it wa.s- .they wore tinker the waist/in flio.sc.days did it, maybe thp nuriiike ..xilothes or. the saucepan stylo, of l ia.it'ilres.s insi, h'ut-mainly it wa-v "IhCTntiprrinK- What Was drrtrhatfo .t«'n.Ki(>ii tii^n .i« farcical now.: Mindiin used thi.« rffl ••■ in Chicago. .' .; • ■ Ah overtiTre and a. ncvs-.^'rc'l round out the program. ' Tht'i'c i.s^ al.'f) screen announcenVcnt to the off.fi't that as .<f0f)n as plans for fhr* Litth Camogii' Playhou.«o w-.er<;' arm"'-'nc"d an Indignation mei'tin.iir oC paiiicy .f'Xhihs.\v.a,«i .h<'ld iri .Madison JJrniai"'' 'Ifu-dr-n. Tt w-a.s diw-idf (1.- accrirdin.ir '<> the r"l"irt. Hi.-it in order to nif-ct ' ''niix-iitiim fidiii tbU surc.-'-;it"r IU>xy would buiid an Jh-hole golf c.:\-:'iv;-;:pRiENTA -("Bits of• Broadway"-nit) ■ • . .;• •(■W.fR.Ep);/■ ■ .■■ •' .i^ •ChicagO;-';NoyV '^3;-;; .'^ ' '-Stage units, .'starting' froin ' thi.-» point,.; arc., b.ecohuh.^ •Stereotyped: iVodvictioris weaytr iii arid-out;.cath . week,' layishly hiourited,. elaborately., ■desigriod. -. arid . protonsiously.; Con.-: glornGrated, .yet they appear as from orie; pattern.' 2S'ew. l.dii?iis niay. not he a -ciiich; ■ but ^wheri • aii ■ uu- dierice: tlvihiis •..o.ric;-- i^tcM)'. ithc-ad of \vhat-'}» gplng pn sph'iethirig should, .be .donei ■': ■".':■ ■.■■'■,■■'■'■/.,}.! ■:■'.'■../■>■.. ■'' . This. Avee.k's .Stago.-•.sHpNv '.serves for as gbO(l apv exiiriiple as .any of. tlie pthers that, ..pass -in reVio-w, at this .houae. It .is.-a' Will..•J. l-larrlf! . p.i'prfuctibn arid looks niOre experi-. s i ve -.t h an 6 th ers> •: >J p thi n g' .pa rti c.\i' - la'rly \vrong, but a regulation, ti-uo tb form routine. ,No retlectibn oh the~ act;s-, 'ftecaUse iridividuauy ; tlio .:Pasciualcvl3rps.. a.rid; JVichy, Craig .dii cause.a.stir Jj). :the .b.thenylKe .liltliar- gic .iDrbceediiigs.. ' . The P.aftciuales. ,c'onie ;pri ..early • in Ihif; layout and, •.sho\v -fpi-i.n, -:,si)o.etl arid. . cnvck ab.ility; iJi acrobatic, twists aijd angleSi iNb .(i.liestiori thai thl>s .-turn; .stands but , front .of a ba.rid. ' than it; does- .'in vande'.' '. .■ ',:' ■■--.■-,- ■..'.':./ "';,•" :Graig,. ;bn- 'th-& ; oth.(;r.'.;en(i, c 1 icks just ao. handily. • :-His : dro,U • story, telling arid sU iiva - liersbnallty catch on •arid.; pro'd'u,cis, blg;. iau(j;lis. ;'iMi.at'..s. what.^eburits'/ (^raig':a':yiirn.s .ai-c, liV no meajii.s serisatibnal in prigiViality.. They dpn't-.-have'tb be thcr way h'o tells T ■.cm. V.'Por-. the picture' hbu.w>- Graig^ ; looks, - like ; a] riatiii'aK .StUlt. clea^n.ahdVsriappy.■—^'^ ---:■ -r.\-- ■ ■■ -. P.itul Ash, ;:t\v0y wefeks .-off ' f rbiri his departure here". Works. :in : hi.< cU'stbriiary; ■ per.sonality. ■'style-' .;.of bringing ori acts and .wnding: thohi off..:' First ■ .was. Vera Vari,;.: blonde arid.'cute, ■Ririgiri..g.. a light ■ ditty • wh ilo playing; up ' to Asih. \Vi.th .-.A.sh giv- ing his. stuff two ericPres. W'erc easy for ,. Rii'.ss; Vah.-'Cbast; product. ' whii has-.Since; hecn iri New .York. .An-, other -gal -of . a difOercrit .typo wa.-< Agnes Gilrny, -hot' stepper, in abbr^;- viated cpiKtume; . N.eiit .looker' anV; fa:st on her to<^s; ■ ■ ■ . :: Q.pe riin^ set carried a flash, drop %YiTTrT:lTe-M'tlTiTrfPfe^ outfit, ii) a taxi street ••'icche. ;;Tliese^ gals go thrb.ugh . staiidard . rbiitiries, but good iri;.executiph; ■ They, are a distinctive.; reliet from; the Abbott Girls, who'. have' been -.hie.re. to the point of\J).bre:dOhi;; '•;: . .v iPaul. 'Small, a.ide to Ash, is her<^ iri.- his usual, fix^tUriXed ' ppiiitiori :pf vyorkihg \vith the ?^'t.ed . head'' an;d .'dellyerin^ Sob songs. Is'ic.k Ijan^, forriierly Of: L^arig a-nd.Voelk, is an- other b.all.Tidist used in a- picture number with the- line girls./Clothes parade, hy ,the .fiirls. Avinds up the: allow to,no butstariding flaish. : *'Cbni.panibna'te. M-arriage,'' touted Ju d ge i>i rid sey s 10ry, ■ isc rc e n fd.'i t u re. Shorts Included a TifTStahi color classic, -'^The - .Tendbrfpbt,'V: and Poiajj^purit newsreeli'; . Ipfestbh. ScTicTS - offered Tnlhc mTii- ute "organ, recital' tb.. cfim.muiiity Av^arMirig.-^ , ' ' .'', iijoop, -"- y:■'■,;(NEwy...''' :■; '■ \■. Srooklyny.:?^. nr,;-NoV;/-^ ;^ . - .'A. 11.; Schwartz.'-s rii'\y"^.:iOp si:;U'^v, . tlie 24th: link, in ..th.il growihg:.i.'haia. ('t" t I'le OeritLtry.::Cireuit, .Xii'c.,. ai?, tho Sclnvartz. eriterpris.bs arc ' .form:<lly. k n bw n; ■: fOrnial 1 y o pencd -. if« dppr«, tonisbt to" aii 'invifaaipn^-aUdi.c^nce. XPt yet 'vvired, it. is expected that by the llri5t of. the year "th.e \>'.ei<ti'r.ri Electric'system will b.c. in.^tallcd. , The Patio, as the nanve'i.mpVii*i5,;ls in'thu Spnai^h ;nvotiC..w,ith the.iniijor half; of the .capacj,t>v .avvoiuhioilats on the . baleoriy a.nd . in t he -.logcs.. ilbusiv is •■situated-;in tbc- h'oairt .>.i". Fla.hush at MidWobd^ sti-oi>t -and lojiUbush averiue, hard by tho.i.in.-- den, Albomarle;. Rialto .and Ifari-a- Ut, from "Which'- ueish'horh'pbd ; plc-r' tUre. hbijses. the. ■Scinv:irt;z' . cin-uif ^ doveli'ipe^. . .;Sci.iW;i.i'lz. .'Js" >'i,ru'ln liv Jiis o\vn ,'cpnipctiii'vti l.n .ihis.ro.valitv with .. the exceiil'ic>iV..-v;o'f ■:'ii^V).t !v->r. riMihhorhbpdi ..: tlie ;• Parksidc, xv r.randt .'hbuse. ■sli.ittKl;. tb■ .b:('f.-onyo .a Fo.x, spoke under a. r.cHM'Ut .;tM^ijTvititvo. ,, i''pr' a, ;ri.eighhp,r.hoo.d.(.M', -iTVo ;' l^iii u> is ';.prplentious; ..'.It )>h^^i ;-a)r . the •>io luxe :trinlniiri.g.s-of '.OldlV)r.ivicd;:iVjili tary,- 'st'lvjpied .'hi.'jj.e;.'i.if^,t!.«''i s4 1 h'l 17rd 'vx ay-^palte;'ri.cd. :divt:;hji.^scriiv'^i>i-..<'«^ considering the looaic,-the choii.-o:.u" the,-' ci'oani of.: .feat.ure -..fliv.Uors;. !j?chwartz^ buys, what.-hf' wants'.oit the open market; his. npeiVci; 'lirin.g' "The ■ Tonii)e.'5t'v:-: (:1'''A) . with' -."■lCx<>:tw.s; iViKga.ge"' " (M-.aV;.^ —The. >;iglu WatGh"' (.FN), and Uih'dred' type; fo.a- turcs slated to folloW.' on . a. split-: Week rchange SUridays; ..'■iriol Thurs- d'ayf?. ;•' '■ ... ■ v-y--^^. .; For •hi.s presentatlort; - ihaih.'^.l.'xyv a, ;crack versatile 'pit orchestra,: headed by Howard Km'ersPn. Ofli-- ^'iates,; . Emerson .wa.«> ^ for 22 ■ -vvooks - at Sch-wartz.'s M.er,rick, :Jaju.aica;' ajid' .:haa:' beeh arbund in.-;pther Sch'vvartz'': 'Tiouses'.-T iri' •; Btooli lyn: ICnicrson soerriingly /takes '.himiiolf and his work (luite.seribusl^^^ ingi considerable tini'e and: lahor to. properly orchestrating' arid ;pres ih!?' his stuff.. '■ :. : ■ '."' . Frbm .the::.pjt;. Emersbn;'irifr()duc'.'s the .acjts.Avhich the. Pa.tio .will pkiy rcftularly. 'Henry Marshall, .produce, tiori: supervisor and .perlii.a jtentilvihis'iv ;iUtache. does - the a.('t 'hUyin.Lf riiuV staging •with Emersbri's assistance. Opening show had Phyjtis Newkh-k, soprano; .(iei'trude;.Fishei%, a lirriber, contortive dance -siieciailst, .and- the Foiir Jjeaif Clovers, a hew string-; -weal--q u n,r,tejL-^<in the Ya eh t- < Uti r. IJoys'idca. Teddy King, one;-of;the .A\ illiaii) Kau, designer and decora-' , live ai t:.»st:. TiT.f.s'a. Ju>;JvS'in,-Jiitori.iir: f ur.nisiiing.< and. very 'tasteful, too,- l'at,io's lop i.s HUi cont^ aiid pro- simts. ,iV siiff^. convpoiition . itb , .iho- dow.nto'wn Rrpt'vklyn. houso;;;' the ;{f^traiid, the ncAV Kox and- the fbrth- cotn.thg iVrooklyn' i?ai-a;iri(.nint,;-all 'of which draw from the rci'identiai. swiiopi^.-- ■ To.u^h ' . propositio'iv oVt-r .here 'as :tlie.-.Ih-oVikiyiilteV.i.f. 1h> .must, travel, w.pUid just; as- spon crpsis the Ui'Mge'.lII tp Ti"1 <;.s Sij \U\i\\ ■ 'Tiuv otvl.\- break • the :. dwyritoAVi'i ,, J^v,ool>lyi'v ;hoiises; i;et iXii' •.wecliciV'.is,^ in vieW of the. l^i^oailwa.V;. (.M-ONvds:-. - The ; oth«n' live : .day.s it's, a" toSs-uv^ i.betwecii /A;ia!ili'at'-tan.'.s rialto^^: (ir . thelr .'.'o'wiv . .npighbbrh.bod. ii^ehwarta'.has •been winriiri.g. but by keCpirig th«*h^ i" t'H> n"eiKhh(;H-h.iurd, ■, •.;. JXbrl:, - PARAMOUNT tUhit^-Biue-RcvueV); •'. (WIRED) . • Ne\v'.:York.. :Nov lioi^lsi P«>trprf's. /v';liui|i; iii<viie' .i.l:<' iui.iri'enl.^-of' Si)oci;ilty^^^^^^ e 1-! 11 ■ fit; I ra e I e.r i t .is • ;r o U ti n\ BRANFORD \: • ■;V xcNv.iw:k. n; . '.y.; .Nov; '3; . = : Harry Oruii'.s latest,, 'liri.the Air." depends bhfefly..Upori"Madeiyri.,Kil- icen arid ^ Charlie Nelson to- get it ■across; wliich they db. It shows the band in this cabin of a diri.gibl'f with, miovjrig: :ClQuds.;'at. .the sides. -Jj:bwc%»;fe.:_-the ..l inHtatlahji. ' of lih': 1 i r.ah f (')i-d . stage .hurt the .scenic cl-.; feet and ^spbii th.e • fipfilci . v.-iivch i.^- said: to. have pripinaliy; consistod. of the. i>I o'w i rig, up" of the; h a) ^oi.jh • \y 11 U-] i .A\'(:uidn''t ■work -herc^.V: ' A :srxiali dirigible gpe.S; !ic^'>>'- fo,r. the .bpcjiing with, the; tcri,Xr>.'h.<- f'.arri girl.s' daricingi. I'DUgari l^iik/MV. fo.i- . lows' witli-'-furiny. coniedy 'daii;ci m 'rriSrrcd by heedless Vulgarity, Next A ri rift..- - Gh a rig;. :Ch i n esc; ,g I'rl . fl r.c-s sod in gi'pen .trousers sings .to a -Wg hit The' dancing girls .eiad In. blii^' jc-;i7i's' interpret "The Spjrit Of ^ra^•hin^•ry" for.a rioveity that just inissed hdng ■a^ big things • .:Wilh the ' barid to act -'vvith Idni Charlie puts.; oyer-' a comedy ^s.onfr atiiih«frigly. ■:Mem.b.-r.< of lIm b.-rnd do' lmi)or.-5,r>nationR'pf;politie'al fliar- .;i"ctc.rs from..bf'hirid a. srijal). sfi-fen Madelyn and Charlie tiiki- tif) the r(\«t-.of th'o;sIio\v -jivrth whj.it nnv^nr!':: to an :.act; The' housV. ^^iif-.K ;\yiM' <ivpr thoni;. ■Madolyn finally «t-)i'- ping:.f-.bo show,: :;.:.- A Avild . sf oi rii. ifi Stiiti'd .Willi ore jirirl ...dn jvi-ing .Jri jibiiri-.i'-ri - a n 1 ll.v /ith^r."': foflosvinir w!t h .f-Nlni'^ for- 'curfa in.;' '-"l-Vif b.'irid ~ is C'-uni.'. bfttor.. T,hi,rty-'.itrht niir'il'-'-' ' : An an-'i'ly^h-?. ir.f th-e-■.'-•li.'jw .fl'-r.-; n, .•.fim'mentar'y 'urV>n (/mil a.--- a' -■■•■v.;- niah.^. lie- has ifs^d c,nly tli; • <■ 'i * nrid fhr ■ trit-l.-^ arid yr-t .^o ■\vf-ll !-• 1'. t.hfTt'^'^ifil I'lav/'d iip tl. !*• nil (>ri • i f f n':"In;i-' of the <-)ir.;-:-;.;-' fjf ♦ ; And i'b'. 'P-F; 'b r. i'-'.h'irrllv. d> i-'-'i li'-it't.i-r' irae.rf-ytint,' 'n'-\v' • ' " '. " iu'ii? mIt :'."-•. fv.o f\h.''' lv.' '•■ • -II' ^T-'l i' l'i.." and T'iii.'i <' ■'■ or"d fa;'f .' n pi"t irf-!' tlif f-.'i pibneerinff;: quartet pierforniers. • and recently '.a .Puhii.x- m.. e.,. is recpg-; ri ized as the head- riian P f the. cj iia r tet. Limited by timer here..; they whanged oyer two' riUrrthers but :W.ill no t .he. re vie wed in ;de ta i 1 u ri t il - a. hiore cb'nipjbte act i.S 'se.en. ; - . v' .• •Show bperied, after the,' ..iisuai "iStar-^Spangled Banner," with Emer- sbri'..ri orchestra- ■eicCllcritly Inters preting "Rhapsody, iri liluo." Intor- hational ri^wsreel and: a. Grfintlarid- Rice Spprtllght , followed; - EftiM Velazco, art- attracfiori in himself; is. at the Kiriiball console. . Vol.-iy.cP is ^lUite -a., raidib;name, hi.s .WOK bi^oad- c.astirigs of Sattirdays: from his own. :organ? school cHPklhg via. the ether:' Vbl.azco Is al.'50..an exrtvjsive GoltiTri,-; bia. artist.'and' set:bim.self in right with : "Ari; .Organ: "Demoh.sti-alio'rt'.'. wherein he takes ea<:h, Instrifn'ieut in the giant Kiriiball and-;cails, it ,to special^ atterition. Devoid of- ^ ny song^plugglng onus, it .-inipressed; niightil>*. Later, with a" vVic'iUst, •Ray King, Veiazcb aii'cd '^l"5i-:oadway riyp.sy" in .song:slide fashion. Fitz^ .Patrick music master twin-rcflor, "Songs , of Spairi," was :a- pleasant siiort,- followed by ari M -<} - M, C(ini-, ,Cdy starrlrig Stan Laui'ol. Emerson's .pre.seritatLon, running 25 mlputes, woM\'ed. .lie has 17 nien. uriilcii-_hJ3 hatbri, air.ybung^ and ,per- ^sonable afid; 'w;Ritt'H mW<v"v*Ti'sri;i:iIer- and capahle'..', Fpr the ,sp'.-'<''jarty: tliey. w.ere in - appropria tV^ < S p:iri I sh. jack -: ,ets, gay - ^Basifje's- arift .cabal lero bell- ikittbms, making a. colorful ensernble; oh the'-elevated .orV.'he.str.'i. lift: .TbO; ' popular keynote' 1 s s(ru (■]< throuKh a ; quart'it of ;sax'e;s', all la'ter. doiiblirig. for...trie ■ioirie.ma'ti;c acebmii.'uilments. Emcr-'^on, hbw<!ver. does, everything^ in thb Jrioderri rriaririer, arid; the life ■ p^rid sria'p. that- it. centriViutes to a scrt^eriing' is. reriiarkalile; ■. l.Ii.s .is an idea for the T^ereenVthat's; e(jmpar-: •'able to the George AVhitf .and Ai'iron:? & ..Frt-edley . ide.a iri; nuisjeal com.- edy 'brche'.strations. .'.- ;': .. ■ I'xa.tib goes in'for.'.sevfiral Wrlnkh'S- that ar<» .:new, .not alone to. F.l:<t'"i^.h but - even;- to'. Uroadwiy.. K't., in-; "stance, ■ the; Countess.. - lie l.'Miiri-^; liiigne is .sociar: dlperires.s -or bo's-': tes.^;; ju.'it a httli^ nif'-.v rpr.th.it J't'ive- th.e' Patio a big hand'.' routiTie. J'<'r- sopnl eq.ii.'itibn Idea and ;aTl .tbat. A. fireerie, ■the .mhn.'icfOK dir*-etor I witli f<el>w;iTf7- at th/- VurrnOfii jiml: foj m' riy with. F<ixJ s.-.ys I;};'- ''nun- jess;a js Ori Ihe up- t i Tid-wr!. l^p'.-Fri't "rririTt"" e'rHier 'W.'iT',. Iiij'r."')'l'i-'' a"^"noi-l= .•-•tujit. Williarn -H; Ap'irl'-KO'ite.. .Ir-: \'(--t Ibf 'a tre man'." Iv •f.''-ner':. I. r,'! r-'-j of Tlie. Century f-rif iiit,; Iri'-' s'iji'envi.sin« alt Seb'-vfiri'/, I 'Vii" 2.'itb ho'i«"; I."? i.;rid/ 'r e; Siif f p^.b'.•?ld (V'.y, y'> >':'>'- f ;r-'jher ■. i"^' ^'i'.;! " 'n i?:'-:- '( 3. ha>: in gen- .l)i-.o.f lit Hie yo' reiii'v.i^' the.: dea.r.th^ of tiiveh,- :u■^•s^i■ ill; v.l.iiv. :fi\i Viii\e;.-■'■.Tlii^ ■W'oiuaii. (■j;<viiv; •\lrike(^v,''.;ri.Vir:H.ii:iiiiiu's; yer-; •si'iiji 'of: Sufdini'.s "i'.'^edora.';':. i'i.ctiiri li;:vs ari^ iin))i\p.py.: eiiilin^i" ;tiiid: 'eiilU; .rm-.. iiil. I'M-iSili'lv t'liiiVeily.-' piti'e". in. tlii' .i'iin-uVi. iif ;pry;:r.i;;i.ui. lt..lsii;t .ihii-i. :n\d;whi/iv; is ai c iir-iViri.iil'y; soiulier:.-." ;:i'iddie l'e^i;)w\(ly'/ in;::.e.,:. sui/i.iiiiMl ■.■■.\ liriKhi; >f\> <\. '.'\v,itiv: h,'S\o\V-n.":;.s;i,i.^M.'i^ ■b:i'hjp; salp l)i.'rori-i the;;st:alji.e,; .l'\':i iTil: .Sina li 1 h-os.'i btii■■l'ei:s.-,.v.xti'.;;ord i t\\\yy. sjiniuUrted'; tii.e; aii'iVi.eiveiv t() (joiv ol the fe\v'; i'\vi(liI,vU'^ liur.st^?; ;pf iipplii.ii.se, l;5pb'iTic!. •"^V'kc'.' ;llerisha\V ;;alsp sl()c).d out;;' Crowd" resi)im(led .with a .•;ihow of ;iiitci"ost ;tp . the l'l.)rief .M.fn'ii-tone' record of .Uiihy Ko«,'ler's tap danc- ing, a'etii;.! led,■. prol'ia.l'jly nvost ;hy: tlie: pniminenCc; ut live (iii,ncw^^ tlie r<<-. C^^nt news bX . hei^ hiarrla iR:e-. to AI ;rolsori. Ite.'^t -was. rixutirie Unit pri)- diieirig, pr:i.'tty effect.s .witji tlu.i ^Mrls^ ji.grce.ayile ' v.oc;il .• liit.(;|i'iud.O!?': " and' plenty, 'of • flashy .sfag.e ■ • pic(ur<>s Api^b])o)s:()f, t;i)e;.|>lue.s;;lb.enif , riibst of ;the ligbting .vyiis I.!*• :thatVp<ripr,-iicljir ing. to givo-itiie .';ho,w' ne.Utrifl t'Orie's •Qverture wa;s .lu'lcf, .blending intu the Mo^'letone record of. llielmrd lionelli. Cliicago. (Mvie ppC'ra; bari-; tori:e in a siilendid renderiri'g;of th.'- Pagliac<'i";prelvidf*. (T(i 1 icirig Slipvts). j'-.oll o wed ;iQ ■ rii i riu b^s v Of- Pa rani b.ii i il new.s,.-- ,f.e.nMiro o'f.-.whii'Mi -. is: V-ilp. of ( Joy. : i^riiith's .ifp.riuiri'oUs; Ne\y ' York. welccinre.V^ . M'o'..-preserve.; tlie, .screen rieUirii.lity; in the ; campaign, hoiisc boi'rbwed .a clip froin . Aictro-riiihl: Wy.ri showing IlobVer on the AVhile llotise lawn with President. (Toolr idgo, C.'tl waving his hand toward the White House for the tilh- "That AWliTii: •I I-..- .1.: s; i,'i oa .. ■•'.^ o.^u-h- ,-}\\: ; /i.'.:. i'r>.ira' ;1...;:i-;; It.is -.'•■"I I rum ■ I il ,";u •- '•.mali-- .s:v..r;.i';... ivyi'lty •■ A g_:-ii,-il pri:.r;i..iui w<.eis-:d..i,v nieinnl^■.^ oyec.ii.g at 11. . IHii; 1.0fi .. niMiUles.; to t w u lUiido up- o.f..a ..l\ .it iil-. Viri'adxs lij' Alii, ;i e ■ airer i ;i;t.i 1hiv>1v .i.t;■ • a and ri'i;:\\'si'i-j'l:. .. As';iii;:lWsii';ati>>n of .the hi-..t;, the/' A o t' '■ ■ ■:' I' he - ;.i 'a i i: i o t." ■ ,. i i i' . v".i I \; ' 11 all 'rbui..'Ml.iy iuUi' l-jij.iv.. .iii.'j,S;v'<;;ptioh" to • tlio; ^ riiii/ 'wliioh.: \> ;';<.;i'?- a -dally:' Vhviiijiii-.';'.,.-'; ■.: •: -.^;•; .■;:.. ;;-. ■ 'i'lHv wii.-irijr iti"i;i^iU-;nii-:iias.-.iiiit; theiU;.. giiiii;!;- in'iyv'.. liliy- Vi;. I.m fi"/; >ii.V.ver: ex- ■.•■ .l.^l■llilll^^^;' -:.'^ui-e:,. till .V 'di'iv i': Jiced' .it^- Vuil.ll.ii'.y -Hli.e 'uv'ketvp ubi-i-,\f.{ of tho'.' iinies,^ .-'lU'it, ' tli.v'y , \v;iii't ■to; bO -sure;-' :il>o.iH iiltei;eliii.n,iie;i.liiVliy,be1^.^^' they . •sitiiv. a'ny ..e.oi>ti-;t:i-^'i',- If th'e;y ,■-had .Iviip w'n '; ^vil^lt'. ihi.-^. Sya-^- - alll- aiiput; ; (li-ree m.onth'.'j ai;o. ;iiiry:',wi-iylii .haye^ si^iW'd I'Ueii; ;'-l.<iit.Miii-y; diiliiH .theri :i nil they; (lori't .k^l.o.u^.M.lld/ti>.<•y;■\vbri't ' un'i ir.tliey:.d.o, . .Wbieiii'ver "thi-y sign.' up. for .wi.i.l go tp'•^^^•,•4li'l■n iOlo.i'tric or li.cA,- tiio. mariiiger vpui'Hes.- •'' As ifpr th<' house, it.self; There la,. <.vn<->. tlobr,:\yiih' a. pian:o: ■\vhii'!v-plays durl.iig. tiie... shorts •.■Yiriti-; . an • pi'gati' Wli'i'i-11. i^? work»!d' dii'inrig .t II'tv I'vatui'e; .V ...couple, of ; hiale; lishorAS ai-e sup-^. po.s.tki to- iitv-in .a tt.<'ridai.u.:x'\' Ji Ithoiigh th(\v •d(i ..ivot.: inti.-iidi.' ..oiVs.ivi.tjli - to . be ; '■ Tb*"^. :e.ri.i.\vd; iu ; lUe after- i'.fdefly.; •Sniivi'-. dl" t ijo; :gUR-.-' wiiTai' .<.u'ips;;-. (i.fhers ; carry. Sl iist : 'heni-; "-.'e ^thetr ' ' o;t'i : ' v.-he.ii ■ ■ th.e.v-..' i-" '..-^;; ■ .the , vi'-'U'-l ;(;in,i|ilj(.'i:. ■ N'i>.;-.!'!'•■' ■ ■ : " .. ■ ^'■.^M:lv<,^ i>:r' fbe i'';Y>:n.:ri^V.;i";iiir' :4i;nd . >vti;ee:t. V / .■';..;.:;; ■'", Wnlt/, B^WAY PALACE not;l.-i-d; iviion . i.s ■.t'f.i.lKM'S <Min';.><.: . Vii'pSVf'.r.r will b(; .about .y(mr next. nome. for. ; the political coii- I .'. lo( \ ndi" ' ■ '< i'ii:; <:]< ■ I .;<;'-r eb!..f- r.f 'on thi- ; ;;'.e M. , .'i:-, r. f 'fi'-a I rev- .r-( ti''>n in OH-1 S'.ir!i ; ■; I " I " M-;-v- ivf. T'l ..- d. ( :teiiders. - -:: ;;; : .- ■ ■• .;;■'•■.. .. .Ruby Cowan . supplied pp'''''i'i1 :,miisic :and ;jyrte.^ fiir'.a -iri'lef.; irilro;: ductory for- the--; presehtatiori, isiinji . by :• Fr.arik'-.,Slevf-r, tjio :G.-imby-H;il( i^ii'ls; suppleraeriting. JT.bifl out in ' one^ h'e'fo.re. a..filigree, drop In 'blue tono.s; . iirbp (lew to rAveal. thb' b/ind ;with Eddie Peabpd.y. ;in; iriiTd .co'm- :edy costijlrie- leading .and r.ahrioilnc- ih|r the-t.ii.rns. S.iicce.s.vipri of spc- <-ja-)fles^.. w,"!s . dlvfM-ting, Avltli, ..I'clCfi and :Cpla,. two -riian acirohJLtie ; turii wi th sriior>th o'('Jillh.rl.sfJc and ha rid-- : to-h.arid feats.'^'- weien^^ - variation froni the eternal .nd.ogib .speci,'* .i'Mri.'ile. .w;)S u.-^Ual tal.dcan .with riiucli. : I irisel -a rid ; colored •.lights, oiitdojng Liirta: Park itvself ;jn : prpdlgal dls- ■play;^ •■;.: -'. . ■•: ;. A.s: untls find:, fe'fitures .come a;nd gO; the ;i>ar.a.rilburit has .brie standby in. jesse andMi s; Crttwford at the organ. Tiii." wckts lilt'1.4 short, bii*. ,'eriwHfing, Wit h- ,orr/an trbatyriont o.f Via Mild .-m'»'"l odi.es Ihorpiighly .enjoy-' .able. .Vocal -.,acef)riipanirn.ent - had-, th^c .siriL'or undisclp.sed and Unprogram- med! Jtunti. ;.' •;v-'-("Sfl(ly!v;rt^bY .;.;-■,;,;-; '■ ■; V •■. J,;i)V- ^■;i\■ ■^ :^','^K<>y,■ '•■ ,Mii,->l( 111 c.oniiMly.: .Ill' fidii.; !»i-Wu'.«.^ '-liy -ljullon. \vlli\ nru-slL'. by.'Ji'TMHio K<M'H. ■|iu<-i.'ii: iuxl ift«Kc<i. ■t>y .ivio., iJKitiiii.o.-^; UM-lly UiiUot niu.iio liy lor ■JUm.I'cVI Pnlnco. s'aiiy \>r tfic Aiii-y); ; - -■ . ,:: ; . Siil.ly-or 11)0. Alicyj MiiU'. .Vdckcr.ova )■.,..■ lU.'iii- Kai-.tiuio'..'iv:. .,i; 1)1 i.M -.IluoiiiT....,. i . H.'saUixl lUiItorty,-... Mi-j). ■'J"tMi-l"ro''l<... ... MI'. lUOItn'rd t-'ariiuar "i'MjiH' ■...,.. '..; .Ilniiiiy. :U. JU>ii<'i"tor.. Siiai?lia;^: Violinist..;-,.■, <3uy Proi Uut-. '■ Af. ..; N.iillnf!.: ;'Wayn* , .-.l ii)iikI:is' K<^iit!Jn >;.■..'. . ivi'O -Urwwne ;i I'.ucUlii'.Mayem Kiouirnre I/.'iwrciAca .■. ;-., ,. l'"i.ti// Adama ;,;;t'in(M. li?: cross .. .MV.t Aielcara ..■.-.-... ..■.•:;\rGwt; CITY HALL ■ (GRIND) ■■ • '■. ,; ■^■..- vNew; York, ?Nov; Z- ^i : ' Thiri<'(M) 'years -ago on Park Row. (jpposite City llall, a pi^ice :6f-^irbp-r crty;:,wa.s sna-piiedy up. .. On! - it',•wa.s /erected;;the pre'sci'it theatre, bearing tlie; title of the b.i.iildtng hbusirig the.' Mayor'S;/r>.n)ce, • .; ; •,■ -v;.;"; . ;;. ■ ' ; . .,'KincV.' .tb'it tim;e ;rnan-y ififfers hiive been riiade.- by- varioii.s .exhibitfaiid clrcuitH tfir its, ;fU''fti|i.'ii.tion,.-. but Vti. e o.r fi bra t i o ri 11 (rad;'i b y . J-fj.s e pli We I n . Ktpckj wiio Jii.«o has; ."rfivera'li'upt'jAyii houses. uri'ler ;iiO<;w 'jiirisdi/'tlpn, iVa.« held on to it lIghtly, Mlguring it a gpid •riirn''^^ from;;whi.<-h;diggings will only iriei;Ca.'-;e' tlie. 'rini'.njrit of 'rinetal. ;. . What. the C'li y Hall th'e.'ilre : aji- .iri'ii.'ii'ly. Kr(j!<sf-.s - is -;vi<;:w',d a.s an' In- •sl.df- m;i,l.ler' by its i)rf.«ent niJvnager, l.icrtiie Slifipirp. -;Th^i houK<r ha.s no '• o fri p c li M fI n, e (• t a11 -..s, for I h e;»I m j) h • ■re;,'!,"--/)!! 1 )i.'it .uqiiare feet- in. tbe finan- <-ial district pull in. to^r/ mu<.'h,^:ev<-ii Tor a .Roxy, . tb'-f;'- day.<<. . . iva.'-t': .l'"ri(l;iy; af t'-riif/on at ■ pru- pri>-e', .';/le. u-)ien. every pM<! of tfr- ':.'''i a i.<j wfi..'.- filb d find pioi <- -.vi-'- ^■^:■.iJ";tJ.^l_lr■-■■ if) ■,_stooj) 1." rir) ei'itfi-i i • 11 If IC. ' 1,1. r)i'.. ■r. .-*bfi|;>iro vou<;.hr'.M, C^uite iifiejj -eVti; Vire fillt d ft.tr'd l.ber/.. ).■.-.;, .iIj'c- bf,x otliei-;; ; irf t\ii: (■y>-f\iriir ^\;i i (r ]y }ty .Tcrtt a; ili'rici'rid f'lC tlif- .«.■• ■ ;:iari.'ii'i-.i' r-: ;;rri:-' I-'lv;; e<-^;■|.■ .•; l-'7i'.''k<:d off.'>i'''-;i>i < t;:'- '-' 'il.-- fi;'.- ' (iM! i .r'-i ed for ' !<• •.'.-.■.;!e ; *f,i. ■ e-. I riif'i'-j rti-i- . ri' :i '■: > ]■: f.-u <■ rii> 'i' •:]•<■ ■hi-'-'- 'ui'.! f ■'•Til^;- .'1' I? '; :;i I <];*'. !■'•''•■</t ■ p" ■ ■ ■!-.rir.j' .!!.• ir- ii..-;(.:i^!v' ): ; '. : rh<- liii'- ■.. Iniiuguratipg' a new. policy .at ^Pal-' ;uv\ .that -.(Vf /a'iir.st riii.i iiuivle: hoiisb - a lid -nuisieal' tajj .'oomhi in-d,' "SaUy; ' IIk; J'MpiHMi-/ iflicg.l^.ehr inu.sioal coih-^ cily, open.c at a; lil'ty cehi top tp a r<'eepl.i'v'c-,,.;f uil'hOu.«e.; ,-' S^cheduied tp run four llriies' dally, it has necessarily bel-n. chopped; d(i\vn ;f rprii thc.'grlffinlil .\larilyn Mil'- ler■ success;-^sti 1 i • the - meat; of. the-; i^ad^^iL.v._iir]L)-duc ti()n is; lie ro and used arid dij^iiiaycd to tlie greateBt;- lidvantagc. ■■■■ ', ; . • Co-^.starring Nadlne '\\'ayne, home •to.wii girl, and Douglas J-t.eato.ri, the i) I ayiet got ■ 'off to a vwli irl wind start; wilh a perfect chorus hu'ek routirie;.. Where ' the gals; pifk<'d uf) ..'their technique: wili. always remain a; riiy«ttu-y, but the 2;o worked as one. ^ The' buck- nuriiber , was daintily "led by, Mi.ss , Wayne, and, 6aUed down the; hou.sc. It seemed a bit -odd to. this .reviewer, wliO;had seen tlie o rl g i na t Sal I y,.; w h e ji' tl i o ch or us. i-eturned- -.*!aiis • M|ss vA^ ;ttnd , knocked put a r>crfectly beautiful biicfc ('ncprc tb: the tunp of -"Grazy, Rhythm,'.' ..written Ib.ng after, the, original V'Sally'V had bpwed, out, • -1 iowcyer, dcsiii:t(!; a' few rnodfim gags pUlie<l by Ken^ :Jtr.owrie, whib .scores as a cbmic,'and :fieveral places' wiicvre the; orlglrial, ^^c^^pt ii.'id been obvlou.sly cut, the show i,s- tlib same as' it was 'when ;pr('seritcd. for $0.60 .top;^; .•.:.■'.-"-'•. . './ ■ .'. )''or ;yolce,:: Dougl.'is Ke.'iton holds the spot,: Nadlne ■VVay-ne,.nlce little hfibfer, arid ri.cat iooker, iiasn't the pipes for a Bololead, I ler diction; !irid enuriciation'. good; her bearing. and stage; presence (Inc.; ; still her vpeal .soIo.H do riot clleli;. ■ ; Only pric touch of tiie 5JieKfcldIan. harid I.s ■ ribticeable -In the cpstum-, sccnvj.v pperi-sv with a cliorai ,'ha.llet. iMiii, gals are deekt'd : iri'. ostrich ■plijrn.eH, exposing legs and' tor.sos a lii. Forty-'aecbnd Btrtiet.; ' ,,; ';'';• ..>•- ;^ Lueiiie May;e.s, ;aotirig 'as foil; .fpr ' .Rrowric, had- 111 tkf to. do. Tiiough , .prbgr.'iriied to K.lrig .seve'iill nniiibei"S, slic ■rt'a.s proVriineritl.y;. )n■ the..,; back-., k'roundi her rriu.sleal. riUTriber.s. belrit?- . f'-ridered.. by, Miss; Wayne. • She ..Is not ariy; too strong j'l.x a'"fon,,;.eithcr,; •.^'•veral. of■ Tiro'w'ne'fi j'oijii gag.s get- ■ting-ilttle better tb.'iri a- titter where .b'-lly la.iigli.s ■Vvere' exp'..".'l"'1. • . A • rirnic -.fl^uarlet,'-.. wlio.se ri.ariries were . left .nff (he pniuhim.. dciiiblcd" vip' bra.'^f and did ensr-nililr' ;riiirfibers:. ■;i s fi .t;I(I e-1 ine ,tb. :tlieI t\Vo warblIntf offf'TiriprS. • ••' ,-..•;'■'"-■ The - eii.fire prodii' iIon : ruh.s . JU* i.> .'in hour, With .. no. , h-'''l» hetweerlv ■;•-I*.,..J-j>..<!_. ftvS fhe qii.-j.rie'. .M and 'a, t);iir- of the f'ii-;« (i.Mie;- '.-' ;i Ti':' . 'rb' V/:- !•• ^Ti:..;' •.I ;v ! -!.i.;,fi1. ;-.lv '■ i ■.^v: • Work in .one for . ICe.'ltOri various a scene »j-liO',v!i t; '1: Tb/.' i;iiiri/;tIon- .Maiinee -.'•okaiile. fji'- ■ Siiii '))nn:' , ii... will I.- tfll», ,'• ifi,-! rill' ■If ' w the . VV i i h a .'I Mil the • ri. w.hblo ■; -; ;:rtesa • l-'r-r-iee •. -.1 ni-- '-.ind