Variety (Nov 1928)

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38 Wednesday, November 7, 19?. 3 PRESENTAT1C>NS-«1LLS NEXT WEEK (November 12) THIS WEEK (November 5) ■riext ■:';6li.o\\-s . ... witiv sulit wc'cks' also ihaioatfca by. aatos;.-- ■ ■ ■ „, turn roaptioarmg aCtor absence or appearingJpr firht.-tiuie : ScuSS^ liclu^e^: in ::clas?.iilcatipn picture, policy,. JwitU-vaudcvaie. or prcsenl:ition as adjunct ■ .■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ - ^Montii of November ■ fj<'niu" ; /;. > Morir.iHV Hri>s Alt .JUrUson. CJirls . LTttU' Krwl- ' • : BmanXiel Stoinor. Geliner Tr . :■ ; ' •JiiPk Hyllfn ; , GyiiHy Kliounia-je, ■ l, -..M;!< is-« . ' ■ • , ; ■ SviniorBurien- S' Hclil.c-i'iH.' ■ .' ; . .•Kufli'h:) ■ ■■ irairy tfteOln.' ' 3 I,i;ik(pt.ia ' .. • Ci-iiy ' Co •■ rlBttior Bro.s. 4 'ITlit'ra. ., ■' •' ■■ Vt!r:i- - Noiiohmowo: Anion. 'IJolia . P.up.iwav 4- • 3 '.Kii'V>;S 'rci'i-irr .Kftnoon ,i)itr,.si>KN '■■ Ontrtti ■ RDbort Star, Vlctbria.s. ... ' ', .I-Varik & Eugenie.. N'iotiia ' ■. ; Norii ■■ -.. ■, ■ :< ■.: 3 Gtierrea". ' ■ ■ Mac Ture' PARIS i I I: Jant" MftVnac : Goodo -Sis Mllty. & TlUlb . NlTia THyra.!' ■;. .■ •,: Saint Grunref , . Henry. I..Hverne Biic.h-Rlcivux ■ , lifftx Cassyan. Tr r, -TUlpr'H.- Girls: ... DaViesi G.iHb . : . ' Goriioz ■ 3. . .■ iiridjii .7i1hK0.ul. Cbplnv Oroh-; liwUta .Maa ■,. : AnB*litft Ruhlo Maria Bonitbz •. Mftu'ii ;BUrKane. .. Henry : Gurat ; . NIn.otv Cuf^rajct :' FlorellP ~—>•- r — FauleUe Ffanclc Anita .Liibartti ,: •Pierre Sergepl,. ^., ■ paul;.Gas6h OrcJ»: . Cirque d'Hlvier.. (CUft Aerps . .Ben lic'nb ■ ap:oll 2 arins .Mcdlnl Tr .Kanhanpw .Dogs' Piittons. 3 :' GuttenberB Tr . ^ A 'Carre Horaesr I,ittlo & j; Walter. Kratellinl '3 Thea: Madrlgall " Kniplre' : Chariot .lUvela .:. ... Andrcu :./ Valies ,,■ . Chlnesp Sync.o.pat rs GuatoUla Rtim.e'ro ■ • ABube.Gud'/.pft' A.iax'3.:-:;. :•. Pepiho Dogs Ilea'.- .Zoltdna ■: I'pul he.i-hy. war &.Hart .:.v, YvoTihe Diipre Senctrita Elaa :.y- T«ddy &"Dpll/^' ■• Kerrl . 2- : . ■ . .' MaUo Stelljrr , . : J'ahe. ■Ma:rceau ■ i^rank Plchel ; lone & Hrlcur Jilsmat Sia Matlsen • Pollardls 3 B'olla- ■. Mlaa FllWs;. .• .Oraniiilii' (») Chailey Kaloy nd Jiirte. & Kath .IjCC- ■I'-ink.- & A.yre.3 - : Marie & N Kerinoft Sara- Ann. MeCnibe Uiirdlnir "Cuhie On lied". U A I, Mprry Hd lifd' Grinjje Wally. .Tac'Usoh koUogff & I-c.wift Ciiirroll & ~Gr<iinan "Tlic-, Tpnipeaf . . Miirbro (3) ntinny Slcrciff .Bd • Thofmni AVhite: - ■ .Werner .&■ M'ry Ann Strand: 2: '-v ■ .."Bowery .Bl.ui;s" :U. Al Kvhle .Bd' ; Al & Guaalo Bloom Jack LaVler . Ilomay Bailey Oriental BaHet . Wvinga'.*:; ^■^■J.:-' Orifinfal' <3) "iJlta of. B'Way" V PuMl Ash Bd Rlchy Craig Vera Van I'a'iil Klrkland . Foaler- Cilrla' ,.. •• Moran pf Marines I);\IXASi TEX. ruliire (.10) 'Sunny Kiss" . Unit \Vlllle Tlo.iiyn , Maurice <*ollf>ano . Bobble Gilbert Georgia ITayea .. . Ppilro Kqbin Co : Ifranch «r (./Donee I>r>nvei' (») "Malii iSt B'Wtty" U joe Besaer, ; Alniira Sossiong- Cy. Kahn Burday & Norwaiy Ruth Wltiiier .. Arthuir Campbell Wllcla Sorel. Co • DteS MOINKS, lA. CapHol (10) "Xylophohla" Unit Jack Joyce . Prosper & Maret l>pnard...& Jainea. Mualcal Johnatona Foster: Glrla DETROIT. .MICH. : : CapltuI (4>. Con^eteihttoumess t,nd Consideration For the Artist »t AU Time* I . Are the twc» reiwonw of . , _ I aLF T. WILTON'S \ Success iui«ri»eputatlon - . ; AS Amerlon's Foremost Artists, Kepresentattve : ;. , Now l|o<>klnii .; . Proclucttoha; Social Affairs.. Hot.ela, Cabareta, Cluba, Radio.. RecPrds, ■'Locw, Fox and fi.ll Independent Viiiudevlll^ Circuits. - Publlx; Fox. Loew and Stonley • • Picture . Circuits VITAPHOJIE, MOVIETONE find PHOTOPHONE ALF T. "WILTON, Inc. 1600 nrondway nryant %Wt^^i0i9 3 Brox Sla Ilarnum &. Ballef •'SlnKlng Fool" , NEWARK* J. Itranford (3) r.'harlip Mi«l.son M.-wU-lyn Killccn , . Anna c;iianB - ^ Duxan .t I'arker I.ii'bo T<arrl Clrls .. •'C'p'nntc M'rrlaee*.' MoSqiio (3) C Itonry Karlo. • "nanie of Spxea" NEW II^VEN. CT.. Qlympla (15) "Stara'! I'-nlt. C'hjjt Martin, Ufivld Rubinoft- . . lOvana & Poress ■. Darting .2 • -. .i .r.ydori .& Farniiaii . "Night ■W'atch'' • ■ Hhernian (6) ,: Mpniorlpa . of .Opera rilToine Tpynera" N. ORI-KAN.S. I.A. . jSaenser. (10) "Cameo" Unit Ray Pa.lge Novelty Band Idea Tommy Wonder ' Iiett Sis & Ijoulsei Foster Girls . _ OMAHA, NKB. . Hlvlenu-C9) "Step .Thla Way'VU Dictators nob Bob ■&' Bot>ble Bee Sari-ho Francis Wills Nat gpcctpr . Poster Boys & Girls rH'LAD'riiiA.: VA Carman <5) Raymond & Gav'rly Ford & Grace Berk :& Sufcn . Mazda I.iane Ladles Dolan. &• Gale!.;. "Domestic M'dlers" Fay's (5) . Marino & Mona Kathorlne RPse: Co Billy Nash: Dorothy Barnett •.'Mother Slachreo!': : Fox's (5) Ayres: M & Rasche Theodore Steppan'fl Rusaian- .'Salon 4 : : . "End of Petersb'B .Stanley (5) . "Jazz Frolic" Unit Billy Glason ;. Fttunlleroy & : Van George Schreck/.' Danc'p Tamb'rihes •.'j)ocks of N X" l»ITT»Bl'R«M. PA Pienn. (4) "Bl ue G pa.^s"'' Unit Teddy Joyce .. ColemAn Goetz 3 Slate Broa G Griffith & R'aette Irene Wolf Foster Girla v ".'Revenge" ANTONIOi TEX. Texas (10) . Flapporettes ReT lUUy Gcrber lluih DcniHO' .: & V^rdl Foal or Glrl.a.. SAN FUA.NCISCO <>ninii:(Ia (3) H(\nry. Huane Jid. Don George ■ Barnett & Clark. ■Joe - liaaaer ;'- Almira Sos.^Ions-. Ituth Wilmcr jlurUy & Norway, Arthur . Campbell Baltlei of'.. WarnAld (3) Rube Wolf :Bd Tod DPher Varaltx 4 ■'jaie'.-4 :. ■ Alleon. & Evans Bobble Thompson joe Doner . Bill Albright Jere Coef . ..' • . Maak of Devil" ST. I.OOIS, filO. Ambassador (4) "Teeing Oft':' Uitlt Harry Ijangdoh ;•. Dave SUvermttii: Rome &' Dunn > Earl Lavcre : ; "Sawrdust Parapllso' Missouri (4): Baiar t>* Tricks'' U Frank.Fay ' Brooka Johns "Hauhted House\; washton. , d. c Fox (10) Job LaRose ..Pres Fox TlUerettea . Meyer Davta Sy;n I.eon .nruellbft LAwfcnce Downey 'Caught In Fos" . ..... , Fox Tlllcrettes Martha Vaughn ■ Earl & Belt' Max-lnc & Lee . Smith & Hauler Neb Wong. Maml Rollins • Tjcon' Bruslloff Meyer: Davla Sym lifiwrehco Downey. ••Dry Martini" : ■. . Palace (10) "Blue Revue" Unit Bobbie Kenahaw .■ Irene Taylor.; , . Frank Pelle Cola :' '. Smalt Broa Wesley Eddy- •'Docks Pf, N X" -1 ca^.-v.: ■■ "Step On It" Unlt^ Wesley Eddy Paul Mall Burnoft. '& Jos'phlne Helen .Wright Fencld Sorel Girls "The -WIrid" - Lew Wilson: Lew Wilabn Gang ' Oriontal Ipt half (12-14) In Wrong: Calilll ft Wells . Eva Clark Boys CTwo to nil) 2d . halt (1C-X8) . noo Starr . ^ Mabol Withee. Co . Cupid's Oloa.bupa- llobblns & Jewfltt Rboney Sia . Rev Palaco Ist hAlf (12-l*) ICarlo .& Bovcij* Frank Whitman . /.cck & Kanuolp.n Radio-Fancies (One to nil) ■ 2a half. (15,-1,8)^ T!>iVarr. Broa & P R(>rt Gordon Go , (Two to nil) ■ /, ■ I'remler ■ .. lat hailf ■ (ri-,14) GoigaHIa 3 ■ . Lucll'o Benstead Silver King Itobblns & Jbwett; Billy WcUa & Fays . 2d half (15'18) Natharie & Sully R.eatlvo : ... Daltoii .& Craia Ross & Gilbert LeS Geltls Rev . - , ITospoct . . ist half (12714) The Fltageralds Nan vBlackstone I>alton & CralR ., Grindell &.-Esther Juvenile Stepper* , 2d halt (16-18) Cohley 3 Maaon & Gwynne Seymour P ft. Bey Bob Nolabh Do •Jack Donnelly Rev ATLANTA. GA. Grand (13) Al Gordbh'.a DOgs, 3 Ryana Fiber & Mclrttyre Id halt (16-18) .Sullivan ft Mack Royal.Gaflcolgnos Billy Grosa Co Empire Cpinedy; 4 JoHie Flynn'B Mlns CORONA, I- I. PiA74i Ist half (12-14) Kate ft Wiley Hicks ft Uavt Jimmy Lypna: _ Marino ^ Mona Co (One .to fill) 2d half (15-18) jSong. I''a3hl<>n8 Vlllt. ft .Strlngo Prank Dobson Co. Grindell & Eather iVmaa Tr: ; . „' IIOVSTOJJ. TEX; Jloustoh .(r.i) . , Hama & Vnma, Kramer,,*- Fields Robjnaon Connie Ctf Kramer. &. Boyle T (jhrlallan Orch, • JAAIAICA, Ih I. Illltside ; Ist half (12-14) Mwton'- , _ Mabel withee >Co Swartz & Clifford. Ed Sheriff . Co Roonoy :ais ■• 2d half <16-18) 4i Lordehs , . . Hicks ft . Hart : . .. Garaoh .& Wlllard, Membrletr of Opera (One to :flll)_ HEMrHIS, TBNN, Koew's (12) 4 Kadex : . ■ ■ -■: Ed ft Lou Miller Lcoh ft Dawn . . Dave Harris. & F Dttvja «arrl3 Girls MONTREAL. CAN. I.oew'8 (t2)y Pdlermos, Ganlneft Marcus Bqiita. .Crelghton & Ir'Vnn Abbott & Blslatid O'Dunne ft Day.: Royal Welbh Co Cuckoo Polly ft-Oz Harry Burns C» (One to fill) 2d half (16-lT) f'<m CoUcano ■ Foraythe ft Kelly Stop Look: ft Listen (Two to fill) 2d half C*-10) Moaconl Uro6 Unit Ilamtltgd ' ist half Cii-14) Holly • •,. Art Itenry Co, (4) Reed ft. Ijucey Joe Browning Viinhesal Co Bella Baker .(One to nil) Itustiwlok. Ist halt (ll-M> ,, Glfford -ft :Groahara, Olive Olaen Co Capt Donft ' (Two to fill) . 24 half (ICvlT) Polly, ft Wally Carroll Sla EXCLUSlVEl-Y DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE t832 B'wayi at 60th N. V. Citf Co Co LYONS & LYONS' rccogtilzcd maoBtro of tyhcopatlon.. Mr. Yelliiian,. as head of ' our Otclius.tra ; ohd Nlto - Club ddfartineltt, leiida a practical toui-ii ' to cafe Ixiokliiffs. llnnd IcaUcrs. -niutf club tal- ent, radio artlsta, :et al. .are urged to' ' sec Mr.'^: YollmaD for Immediate '.Iwoklntra LYONS & LYONS fAmAMOUHT SlBftMIWTOM LONDON Week of November 5 FINftntRV PARK .J5nipire"- •Frank Melbourne "TESinnrrntryea---- - - . Lep Sax '3. Fred Ben key< , . Fayre 4 " Edwin I.awrenPe Talbot O.'.Fdrreli l,ea- PlPrrotya- • . l^Ni>6N- illppotlrbihe That's- Good. Girl' Victoria -Pftlao© Win Fyffe . / MiEtugham ft .Fehl Victoria Girls Chda-Hayea- Vlctor Ahdro:. 4 Be'nhoa Bertha Wllmott • Evelyn Hardy : , XEW CROSS Empire Between Ouraelves STRATFORD ■ Empire tjn Vent de; Polle: PROVINCIAL Royal ': AilEliDEII^N H. M..-. t White Anna . . ilLACKPOOIi Grand .: Plunder ■ ''■ . . OiwniHouse ■ JJesert .Sotig- :, UIRMINGIKVM: • i Empire . --Stella & Partner Collihaon & ^Deaii "V1 c 10i-ia:" -Ch r tn e n, Dlckenspn Si Cluycr 10' Loonies 4 Golorcd ArlafcfHs Frrink. Faye .■ .kiraku . Itroa . Grand: Juiib . ' ." . • BRAl)l;^)RO Aliiiunhra . BoB'us -I'l'iiii'O- ■ . , . CVKDfM Fv j- ■ :,Hi>iiliirc. .. VbKru'.<i . Viinit ii^s. . Knisiu;K<iii : . Kn'iplrb . nil: (He. l)i!ck ; ■ : t:i,A!S(U)W -^ -^.:.. -AlhumbnV:;-^^^ ...Girl KriiMiVJ ■, ; ■. Kinplro . '. Blub. Sarii-iOva.n .'. • : 11 AN.LKV ' •■ .(irund'. ■ '. "Pllly illue ■. , : ^ in l-L •■ . .■pulucp"' ■ BtudenI Trinre .V : LKEOW,; .v iKniplro .. •. Clbwna i.h Clover Alibi LIVERPOOL .Empire ■ White Caniellla , MANCHESTER • Palace.' Lady Mary Niq^VC.VStLE : 'Kmplre Show.' Boat ■ , .neVvih)rT:' Empire ■ , ■ N«jvclty: Show 1023 ' nottixghah . Empire - George llurd ■ > Mlfjuftl Gal van . • ,);niPl jrtyp .Sarv,v Talo \- (■"<inri\'ir.« rigepria . Soliitii 1 ,K Sis Osborn.n v^' Terrier. .Tu'nf I roK "• . RoyUV (^r;iij;:s .VS'rI't; l*OllTSM()l'Tll Koyal ■Biificaiiji.e.-- WA Ll''OHI> : : l*iilii«'<'. Snlpo oT'. Ucv ,?*ll>/)f|''VK,LU Kiiiplrtv'.,. A'agabnnd. Iving ' ■ !S()liTiisKA: ■ ' •Klng'H'- (>!»' K.-i.v. ..■.:.-.,.-..SwaSsk.v-, .■ ■ Empire ■. vKhakb Your Fei>t. Co I Agnes Gil roy Pasqualfl Bros. ■ Paul Small . Siinshlhe Glrla "C'p'n'ate Mor'ge Paradise (3) -":Plckln—P-^hps^i—ll-l Mark Flaher Bd 3: Diamonds : I Si Wills ■ : 1.3 Keena'Girls^ Geo D Washington Oriental Ballet "Wlriga" Regal (31-. Fess .Williams Bd We no 3 Jerry Gould ■'. . • Mldnlle 3,.. Toin Faxon: Marsh -Rofecra, .: Rialto (5), : WiUbh Crawley Graham ft Couftn'y . '. Stratford . ■ : 2d half (8-10) .• M Hlllblbni Bd : T.ed Leiry I Cook Slaters ' Eveli-n rhllllpa- KeCch ft Wllma Uomaine ft C.istlo TiVOll (3) "Pow Wow" .Unit Vcrno Buck-. Bd. • Ed ft. Morion Beck Uurry Ijohuc . Ifo.rtoh Spur - ir«>lbn I'acl^ai'd Art. DU'kann .^(■irri<V .Glrla ••While C^liy Sl'iis' Tower. (3) ■'Sunri.v Spain'' .\^nlt )''"i-ank.lo Maslora lUl llonrl K";ii"s (;■ &.:M -iElini'" ■ Xavin Noi' ,Un\-il Si-nl'i-r. .\Viil(i>!-.-i RuKsbl.l Del Delbrldgo "iTlpoll 3 - • / •. . Sladler-.ft Rpae Stanley Birhea Geraldlne. & Joe Dick Rolfe. V aralty^ . _-. - Michigan (4) : Oh Tenbher'! Unit; Al Evaiia: ' Ray BoU;tr ■ , .. Hffli'n Kt-nnedy , A ft '.lj Carr . ■ Lucleh La Riie :, . Virginia Lee: • . Maska p£ Deyll" KV'S'SVILLE, INDi Victory 24 half (8-tO) , Raymon<l * Geneva R'ger ft Edni Hurst. Surprise Rfcv - Beck ft Regan . Dorothy Liind Co . FT. WORTH; TEXi Worth <10) ' Seeitjg Things" U Chilton-ft Thomas Allen Raymond. Ln:«, Is'licka- . , , S'ammi ' Cc-hen - ' S ltd Girls - , HOl'STON; TEX. MeinipdIHnn (10) 'Kat Kabarct"; U Bert Nagle ft Omar I'at icraon'. '2 Koi-enoa Murce Hay Walirtnn Kasoh- Gli la IRViN<lTON. N. a, : .Siinford (4), Los Stbvp.'i.ns ' Kay NU-liola. Bd , - ))i)lorL>a LopL''/ (Miapinjin: * Sttyilvi' Tra-vora & Weston l<':Vi'iii> >t nicljivi'il« •'An'rjj'V S"n Kp-Iv '." .LOS AN(JI';i.l''.S ■ lUiu lo.virrd .(:-{l[ -• Picture Theatres -v.. JfEW YORK <;1TV :. CijpHol (10* ".rn/.'/. iioij.iiiiy," -■Wait itponner:. CdtiUolians'. : Hllz Braa.- • JCpi.'iya.. ' Valoilla Ve.'itDfr -ifai'iah . Vaughn. ' -. . ."-Show 1 'p>n)le'' : • ■■■ : (?.) • : - ".Tewols" l.'nit . . W'aU-.nni'finer Capi Kiiia.ti.s-. : iTai'ry: Uo.'^o =I'?i:iVn ««»ft=<»^ln'yilay====i= . Ln.s.'!it(;r. Bros (-)woh x<s-: Anileraoh. '. '."riiQ .Wind" > jPuranjount .(10)-, "Vnicanir ". I'M It. Kdilliv I'l'iiboily .- ■yr» nk M irliiio Co Gil .Wray ■ ■('rOgO !)«' T'VS ' Ted' ft .Jack Dale "Ills Prlvale LUu" (3) , "Blue Ri-'viio" Unit Edille .I'cubody ■Ji'nink Sti'vcr Gaml>y-Tralo Glrla ■Prri!!)! Ilroa nnh 1'i.c llpnsliaw Tfpnc Taylitr '' Wo li.i an M c).'»o(V w'! lioxy (3): . ..: Palrii'ja l.liiwinnn,' »Irliplaa 1 )aks • AlPxi.M ,lli>th(i,vV'ri'tle, Mic'li-iol ' Vl.lanlii K'^nl urky l.'hoir 1 lonrl. Thprri'.-n ,li>:i n'pt,tp .Ciiii'rctto' 32: Uoxypttea ' •,'|li-y Miirl.rni" t'lH(!AGO, ILL. =1=-=/^ -V-'vl-O-"— (3) . Dc;' ! . l.,:\nii'<^ T5H Inez'& lUiWynn ()^isnian Sheppa ijlinp-.3 . Iijiuplj-Q. r<ijnpiliV. 4 CiipHol (3) ' UiVv -iJctTlcli Hd •Will Aubrpy liPi-iub Hros . liyilia-llarrls. Ohlrago (3) ••W.indortul Girl" IT I. Hpltalny Hd Marlon Harris Ilollor ft Ulley A. ft R Saniuola ParagDn -4 li'iinlr-r Girl.s f.ptowu (3) 'llli li'V.^w ' l I.U'Ui-.s" Ui'UniP" Isriii-'Rov J^vl p.^-/.'!! iiiviriM- .-. Kv-plvn \Vi.Tson . \ . WP.Il^i. ft Winthrop ; ('jh\ilil 1 Mini'Pr-M. . "Wliiip ■ Clly Sl"ps". -ATI.AST.V. GA. llitwiiPil (Vi) "Ivnick Knapka".' U. lipp "j: . li".>s'li<r Oli-ls' • UAI.TIMOKIi;. MI). ■(Viitury •(.'») Tpd' Claire . liaiubprl-l - ly ing •«^- i.T>g- • I'li-'nnlK Sis- Roy t'liatioy Gould. CirlH . Miirai\ o'f'Marlnpa" liiRMMiiiAM. Ala; ' Aliihiiiiui (12) •Rith.-Kah .Hall". V Johnny I'pvUlhs r.upiia Al .C.a'-o . Mcl Cdlti'ulalps ■ BOSTON, MA.'^S. Stale (.">) C.llz Uicf .Co Movrl.'i C.imii1>'>H Sri V'lli^iin'■ Ri'Ki ALO, n: V. =-=~-BtHTitl««^)' l/.'Jnn I'dwnn :■ . l)(iV()Ui,v l.t. IMJi'Hi .Inni; V'lyil'' i'.oiili'vaVil,. n.NiuilPs ll.'avr lir<i-;ul\v.;iy'.'.:' CiiPlhny < lr<'lc (."iV Carii lOlitiro'r*Orch ,1 III prfprpnce" ' . ('ri(i>rl«m (R), Bal<alipnlk()ff Croh 'Wpdding -Mari li"-. Kgyplliin' Ci)- : ITiift. ft .Hunt . John ,t H tlrillUh. NEW YORK CITY American ; . .1st half .(12,-14) ,- Metvln. ,81s : SamiTiy Duncan Jdck^Dohnelty Rev Vli:a ft String© . Roud ft .Gilbert ; (t hree tb •flll) . . {;i htiif (16-19) SaTitlago 3 ,- Lill:au Boardman a-tt/l'/r ft Bobbe Walty Siiavi'lea Co ArkanJ^as Charlie PnUih if' Barker- -. Kfl .«;iioi Ifi Co (One to fill) , . : : . n«ul<^^Brd let half (12t14:) - ilomas Tr . jack Lee' ' Cardo ft .Noll . Wllkena ..t WUkens Saianoff Co , 2d half (15^18) . Hubert Dyer; Co Bnrr ft Davis J.po Bill ; Carl li'.cCuliough .Fridkln ft. Rhpda Commodore iPt halt (12-14) Leon'a Dogs Rthcl • Paslor irall ft Tillard ' Hrrt (.'0>>lbn Co' (Tvyc to UliV !d half (15-18). s;nKPr H: I'.lghtnbr Fi'old.x ft Buclllpy '/b;k ft Uandcilph -B Gilbert ft. X Co (.TWQ to l.ill). . .. '' i>eiiiri.<'cy St, . ;i.^t irnlC :(rj-Hr .-.Mi'p Starr,. Hp.^tlvo . ruTiii -Vr-^^l p1 '1 o h Vlllaui' ft ' Vi.'.i;!iii; Pll'crv .IJ'fu'iRl-ifi ft. M 2(i, I: iI(',.(15-VMV Goixiwin. ft.'. :Fitzp'k .VU-yp.r.« ft'Nolan Silver 'King' •,,... Ts'i'lKot.' Kni)x1\t R'.ol oC; Rhyl hin'-. . • T'lilnViount , :. .IsC I'l.lf '(1.2.-14)..' . 'a. 1 .(!• (lo'ns.. . •. ,\ i'l.u-v- ,14 i >;i''|p , Wcial* i!'.' StuiilOn Qo Welforl ic Newton Swartz ft Clifford Elirt.v Dancers (One to fill). : National \ 3t~h-fitf (i2n-4)-"- Jullus First Co . . Henry Tooriier Co Bob Nelson Co , Les GelUs, Rev: (One to flll> 24 haVf (16-18): Bu4 Carlell ' Cahlll ,&: Wells Happiness Glrla (One to fill) ■ Orphenm ; let, half (12-14) Santiago -3 Ryan ft Rosa, Maabn ft Gwynne Prank Dobaon Co Morrla.ft Shaw Lieut GHz Rice Co 2d half (15-18) , VardCll Bros Nan BlaokatP,ne Welat ft Stanton Co JlmmyvLyonH Lorraine ft Mihtp , Stato (12) Man-lKn' Halstead ft :PHniela Weston ft LyonM :- •Dolan & BPnger Co (Two to Till). ; . Victoria . Ist half (.12-14) He'rberta BeP.^'on . Meyers ft .Nolan .Harry Howard Co Lorraine ft. Mlnto; (Onb to 111 I),: 2(\ hiilt .(K'-lS-V- ^S. Cii.stli*.". C'.TrO o. ft . N'mU . , Morria ft: S''ia.w nuz/.ingtbn's Hd - : (-Oti.o:l.to_ail.i Jlmmle Rbdgers . P & M Brittpn Orch, BAY RIDGE ■ ■ ...liOew's.' lat half (-12-14) / Stubblbrtelda ,; Elale Huber Co ,' .Cole ft Ward Co- ■ Nelson ft Knight Wally Shar plea Co , , 2d hAH (15-18) : (iorgallla 3 , 4 I'epper "Shak"ers-^ Brandiels C & Mann Billy Wells ft Fayu nOStON, MASS. ;6rplieum (12) ^S'Nltbs '. Gary ft Bald! Duel dc. Kcrekjairto Brown'& B'm'gh'P^ Olcott: & .Lee . Paris Creations CANTON. O. Locw's (12) Evelyn Phillips Co RPiTialrie & Caatle Keller Slr-& Lynch Ross Wyae J.r Co : Private Slack CLEVELANI). Q. . Granada. 1st half (l'i-14) ..SSuHivan ft Mack Roval Ghscolgnea Billy Grii.xa -Co lOniplre'.Coniedy .4 Joaie Flynn'a Mips 2d halt (15718) Splnia Braatz.. Hi'nry Kcgal Co - Wllao'n Broa Johnny Marvin . Lowe- ft Sargent Co Park l.sL hiil,r. ( li-liv Si-lina - Hnialz UiMir.v Uc,'at -Cp Wilson Brr)S Johnny 'M.-M-vin. - Low.i> ft-; ^j:irgp.nt J. iTBWAAK, N, State (12) , Plbetz Bros ftSIs Mitchell :ft -Mlnch '. Sol Goiild Co milah Morton Joe Fejer Orch NEW -ORl/KANS State (12) Bob Anderabh & P Myrtle Japliind . John Barton Co Kemper & Bayard 'araCeITa~ft"~TK''d'tfltTl NORFOLK, VA> lA>ew's (12) Lohae ft Sterling Geo DuFranne Co Peggy - Mackechnle Johca ft Rea Helen; Arden (Two to .fill): '.. 24 halt <15-tT) Tpung K68, Tr . Chealelgh & Carsbn Skelly Sis Co ; Brown & Lavelle (Oho to fill) 2d half (8-10) G Japsleys Clifford & Marlon Lockett & Page Co (Two. to: fill) ;: : ; , Hlppodronrifli(It) Van de Veld© "rr: Btissey & Caae, H Walman's Debs (Three to fill) .: w.-;'.--. " Mafton ft Dixon Olive - Olsen; Co YesterthouRhts Ghevallor , Bros ' . .. Tohey & Norman Axel Mlranos Co -.-jeffer«on;;' J3t half : (.11-14) , MltchPU-ft Purant Con CpUoano Al'Trahan Co Stop Look .& Listen (One to nil) . - 24 half (16-17) .. & J .McKe.hha': Frankie -Heath Go Harry Burns Co May Wlrfh Co (One to.fill);. /; . 2d half (8-10). . Glbabn- A Prlca _ :- : Teit- McLebd Co Helen Arden Co ■ Art Henry Co Walte Hoyt Co Arthtir Petty . Co , Palace (11). ■ Raateia . Butler .ft :Parker OI .sen. ft Johnson Jack ''Beniiy' • Koun - Sis- ' , • (Others to fill) . . (4) Cortlnl ; Al Trahan Co William. Morris Fanhle Brlce Fur Show (Others to fill) ■ . - ' Keitent- Co Tal Ling Sing BKOOKLVN : Itpilford , Ist llMlC. (1--1 It 'f'asllea. Wplfbi'd .ft .XoWloii. Arthur l^ovoyCi) Wa'Lls ft Ha\\l»>y NoUle Arnaut Ho.vs 2d, half (15rt'«iV Victoria ft .Duprob Fen wii'k'Girls - Sid , riewlii Co Pilcbr; Doiiglaa ft: M' Co Eddie Mayo Gaiif? T6ronto,;can Loews' '(12) The Ba.rdelongs- The Vagrants . Grey ft Byron Lewis ft. Ames Whirl of Splendor W'bifAVBN. JU 1. Wlllard lat half (i2r:14) . Carr Bros ft , Betty Carl ft N-, Fletcher, Cupid's Clbaeupa Rid Lewia Cp: ,., GAutchr ft- Phelpa 24 half (15-18) Thb Fitzgeralda Alexander-ft PeggJ' Clinton ft Rooriey - (One to'nil) YONKER.<. N., Y. Vonki^ra .,' 1st halt (1'2-14') ., Joe Mandis. 3 r.llliari Bnardnian llome ft ("jiint (two to nil) . - . 2rt luilf (ir.-lS) - Katp & Wlloy ' Carl -ft X FK'tcher in: Wrong: K.lilh -Ciirford - . Miitino-ft -Mona Co ft Ah Before Br^akfaet Krafts ft LaMoht Along Broadway (One to fill) . 24: half (16-17) B ft H Skatelle Miirry-'ft Leonard, D ft G Ahearn Lew Kelly Co: -Sonorita- Alcaner 2d half ,(8-10) Al Erhnia ft Morgle Jack Ryan, ., Vlrglnis Rucker Co Boggs ft Weston Geo^Frcderlcks: Co Watts: A Havvlpy Amateur Nite In li . Riverside . 24 half. (16-17) IjPs Galenos ti'ottlco Howell :. (Others, to fill) 2d lualf (8-.10) Rinnd 'Tii^nora.ft B Mario -ft- I..azarin .lust Like a W'man Wiillpr O'Kppfo i;mHh ft Dale Watson , ft Cohan , (Two to fill) .; 24 half (8-10) , Brengk & Bella D Moran .Gr'ma.n' ft- W- - Double-.Expoaura' .Ada.m3.ft .,Rash Joy Qlrlsr.: '' Greeiiipolht . lat, half (11-14) ., Victoria'ft: Dupres ' .darrbll .'Sl,a Brown: ft. Lavello , 1 Young Wong Tr (One tp. nil) Zdi half ilC-U) kughie Clark Unit 24 half (8-10) Howard G'rls Allah' 'Rehb''.': •'■" Gopd: Night Nurale Barrett ft' -Cuheen ,' 7 Stylish Steijpors Kfinmbre ' - lat halt (XI-14): Fynan ■ft.'DorlS Foy Family Just Like a W'man (Two to mi) . 2d halt (15-17) • Art Hbnry Co, Henry Santry Go- (thrce to. fill) d half (S-10) : Mel ,Kle:e . Unit MadlHon. Kst halt (11-14) G'lbsbn ft Price Snpoiier; Jr -. Alanny Kitvg Go .. .:, 'I'iex McLeod Go - . Ireiic Iticardb ..-' May Wirth Co . 2d :half (15-17) ,- Mel Klee Unit 2d half . (8^10) Chas Mac ft Odette, Morrell ft :H'ckwith Thb Little Parade Ppiiy ft Oz Irving Edwarda Ko'alta Orplieum lat hitlf : (11-14), Hughle Clark Unit 2d half (15-17) Glfford & Greaham Oiive Olaeh Co'. ■ Cracker Jacks,, (Two to .fill) r4'-Kfftf-( 8^:101— Victoria : ft Dupreo Carroll Sis Dewey ft Rogers Nally ft. Mack J Thomas Saxotette l'rosp«ct Ist halt (11-14) Mel Kler. Unit- 4 half (15-17). .Shields if Dclaney; Manny King Co . Al'Tr;,' 1 Co'. (Two , ,i 1111) - 24 half (8-10)- ■ KIcfer 3 Holly , ' . Snoozer Jr; ■■ _ Foraythe ft- Kelly Irene ' VormilliPh AKIION. O. Piilaoe:,. lat half (12-14) . Karl Lindsay Rev .Spence ft True , _ Itiith . Robinson -Co Cllft Edwarda (One to nil) „^ . 2d half (IS-IB) "The .Collpgiatea F^-nnk Ilahii.ltoji bFFtCTAL DENTIST TO THE N DR. V. A- 1360 BrOadway.- Mr», uiajvwn Bft, :4fitti.47fh ; 3ti.. . New Vor* . ■-^',.TIiis-..'\Vcek': ,:'.-,: . VuV Slant on ; Mra. WiiU Roe»*ner NEW yOKK CITY Ithiiidwiiy .(11.') - -- '.Iv iisloysi . - .. Villa ft' .f^li-igo 1,-lainr;'^' St- i.'liiir' C^va-ii-'C- .^- -'Fox ." giaven McQuarric . (two. io-,,iui) ; • Tuesdays; 723 7th Ave. New Yofk JACK t; LIPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St;^ fMI^. 3 (iM-r l''rii>ridn. W.-illi'i-, Dradbuiy. .Mavine ICv.-lyn : TiliriMMi Wlifb' 'llatllp of .'^i'XP.y I,»)pw's Stale i'i) ■SilllouPirp" Idoa- I ensiling ft Tiuitiin J,iv Clairo ft Cl'irltn IChlpf KaglP F\Tther "IliiUsp Hoat" i'nlt Dave Apollon Manila String Orch l).'u\r,i CiXixli'li Ciiii'crlo Sprna l^'i-lli i:\ Siirol .'Girls "1 oC \ Y" ljita>«>(l«« (3) Ml.-'a PiilricnliV Jo.sip Flynn'a Mlna Splti> IC .A))il)lprHros "Show r.lrl" CLEVELANU. O. (Stato (3) "Bloasoina" Unit PnTiuiiy LpwIs I'iittl Mdnre '.Mask of l>pvU" . Mplropolltan C^) '•i)i'i.,-in HIuph" V I''ranl( Ji'nks Cfiar).i>y Clia.-i'c' '. .\1 Norman ' . ,\i blone 21 ,l'"iiHtPr (Jirla '•'l'al(p MP Home" 1 nllod Artiata. (7) 'I'hp Uangpra [Wllllatna ft C.llmore i'piirl 2 . H Sludlo Glrla 'The ■ Awakening" Warner Bros. (Tnilpf ) Leo Forhsli'ln Oroh ('i>bRllii9 Preu C.irl -Mi'iT'ullriUirh '.N'atliar.p X- Sully' , 'J.l half (l.V-H) '. Jill!US First Co :, Jnh" ft Jo : Mi)rf.:n ft SheMon WillipP-< ft W.iikpns; I. ,lout tillz Itlco Co (Irnnd ' Vst' h.ilC f 12-14) . CiiiMlwin 'ft FlTljp H Mormo- & Punn ft r,a-Tinir II. viii'in.pss Ciirls ' ,, 2.1 halt (lO-.l.S) tiawl(in .. . ' - ' - I.'not; ft Ilo.'ipvcrci Snrfin'olf Co Wal ta ft Hawlpy Carr Urna ft T'.Ptty Lincoln .S<iuar« 1st halt (12-1-1) VVi'U.s Craven ft . I- l!i-niipe ft l'an.'4py Smllh 'ft Barker Mplvll=i' ft Rule of HliNlliin '.'d Half (15-18) Kar 0 ft' Uovcln AlHh St.. I • 1st half .( I'J-I I) V nul)Pi-.i l>ypr. Co . Fpnwick C.irls Clay lion .<t ' I.oi>n'nr(l ..ft. I''i-i;i;y n'nv/.IriKlon'.* ' lH'. '.:(! .liMlf (if.-1'<| . Iti'i'bc rta O'Ciiiinii .S:s , n riAMi i_o n d_WI 11 'I'l-'j^.^ TTH'n^y~TTT) w irnT^*) linilio F.-inclP.-' ' - Ghlea' A"i-p'.. .' ui halt n'2-1IV .Viinli^li Br.IS .; CiMiW ft '•]<r>-.jn..M P C^firsoii ft.Will.Ir.l MpiiKirlea ot t>t>pt-a (DMP lo Oil) • 2d ha'.f JOl« Mandis 3 - Bornl.i'i' ft Vi\ns.;y , KUIolt ft LaTonr Eva ("lark Buys Mptroi»olllan {VI) 3 Crnntos Cnrli'tcn ft B.-IS'W A If rod Lat pi I Co Pat Hthning Co .Top ( V)-. ft Ilia r ', (. Pf .Sis r,. f ingo 1 v; A.n 'hcin^- ft ll'Wll.nd Sni.ii-h -Allinah if Ti,.'' IVti'Miili) l'lJ.;'i ):> ■ ■ tiipcipr . , i.xt i.riif I ri-1 n. H ft -.11. SU.-UPl|i. ■' r t < v r" \' ^ ,--T T ' r^ r^ ' ■S'-'sl"rrnouullls - I >' iv G Aliparn •lOn- to nil) - , Sd h.\if1 :.-i7) til'P I'laiiu-ji' . Tal Ling S(nir ft H.'fiirp UrpaUf.isi I'ninros" S'> fllllO ti) fill) 2a half (d-IOi U.-iniippr ft iriiim r .'Mv in.'iui'h ft i"ii'r .Miiniiy King <"•.> Dully K.iy .-\l.iTig BrM-xtlw;iy <'('>11soinn Ist lia\i' (11.11 Ciiovulipr Hr.ia ,1'iSn'pv ft Norman \ vnuipr's to nil) . : '2(1 half (15-17) ' Juat Ijll<e:a W'man Mario ft: .Laviarin |.Mi>(>son -ft . Hayba - Mitclibll: ft Durant. Felovia Siiiilh :ft .D.'ilp - - . : 2d half, (K'-iOy. .: T>,wia - ft Wirithrop Ji-hvmy Aliard Cp It.-istPlll . .Tack- Wilson. Co ', : IVr J Robt T'auiinb; (One. tb fill) , .' Rist St. (iiv TTalstpjul. R- ,:l>.'iniela .lohriny Ilym.'in : Hu.'-k ft -BuMilos Fur Shriw ' (two -to nih (\) T'hillipa ft. siieliUin, Royal- - -ist ' )ia 1 f ( U -^1-1 ) ; - Young W.otilt :rr xi.urra.'y ft- T.' Canlpi;': ft. l-)uval . di'o' -BptiUy . Vnrloly rCriris, - 2.1 halt (15-18) - lt.)lly ■■ ■■ ".■ Hilly :Puri Co -:; - Solly ft Thiiinaa . iThrpo lo lilO ' 2d li.nlf .(.SrlO) . Cajit Dolin .. ' ,. Arnold ft'..l.Phman:. N'lario Sabb(ilt Cii . Wilton -Murphy^nl ('hajiiris Mdr'ian' Stonf ft- (" K.MIp l>:tl.> C'l ;. Niiiii .'Cionlanl li.'irry lliirns Co Uiya ."k.prr Co ,, - FprOhum TT:i)) ira-z.ard n.,'iH> n.j.vupr -'. Cl'hrpp . to nil) (1 ll.:llf (10-IT) l.'inan ft 'T>(~)i'is ' . For mi U.-aV-on ili'iirniv Bo.'ilty Jack Wilsvin Co Iliva Orr Co 2d halt ' (S-10) Tiil.-nl Vi- Mprll Ma<M(...-k's Ti |.-kK U.'ivps ft I'lppson T ilov Harix's .V Nil.' at thp r'l;i I'Vitnhlln 1st linlf f 11-11) J .& J MfKcnna • c()SEY island: TUyou ' 1st. h;Alt (1.r-l4). Shlplds ft Dela-nPy Kliig Solomon Jr , J.'orsytho & KPliy RIva ft Orr Co : (l)np to iill 1 ■ . .2(V half (15-17) ' Tpx Mi'l.pod Co I'olly ft ()z .: Cnnipo • Kntnbl.cra ,. (Tv.-o lo, till) ,' :2d' half (t-10) (iihsim .ft PrlPp .: Tal Lihtr Sing ft Ah Ji-an Wnlprs Co ' num.'? ft Kane .'^lop L'onK- ,4- .ListPi^ v!i,.„.« W(^K'^V=!V-¥- =:i'cAiJiJi^^&l>-"i- Millard ft Marlin. ^V.iJl Al ah:'> p p>: : -: (()ii(« to n,M 1 ■ ■, 2d hn)t («-,U) ... 1; RPcUbi s: - - ., - Habcpi'k .ft l'>','">'^„ ' 1" vl!.y ()urainHi>y '^<» .r I'axiPn ll .-Kuii rbd ' -': ':' ALLl'JNrOWN. (voloniiil. ■ : Ipt Jialf (l--l^> . .. .Mari'Us ricv 'ft 'IL ... (Dtliers. Lo nil) ati:anti( / »TY isf. ivai-r .(.i.i-U)' . Cui'.py.'H.'.l,'"'^-', ' FarneJl ft:.!''/'"-^.""*: (three: lo 'i''',n, ' Melb,ll.)Us',M;l^'^ . Natha. ; , . (Two (o fii",^.-: V .Aim It^• N — .liUcrxop ■ ist iiati' '( V'^"'' i» Kr ui.-!.-.- .V !•;<•>'r."-'^ it\vo t.i.nii), ■ U.VL'IIMOIM'^ lilpl>o( . ■ (.12); Jack T-pp- _ ■ Jiu'U I'.-^lr-r ..f^',>.,;, . i! '.'I.!'"" rnrit r Strand • 2d half (15-11) Chvvaiipr' BrnH .VUng .Hro;i'U\ay'.*t N(ii"i:'ian liliirlonH (tirls • 'Two to nil) ' - 2a half, (S-11) Th.> ' Clalri^s , P'ft. r.pathpr Tlo>.- I'rlmroap Si-nion Wall.-r Walters C.> Jop Dnrcy (J'Donnpll ft TUaIr niirioKLYN .Mhee (11 > Kph Murray I'nil rotor Hlggina (Oni". CO I Hrppii lolUD Kil'y AvIlntJ'"''^ ll.iiiipr Itiiiii.. ■ ■ •'■ f: V , 1,11 Hi':' Jnwi'll' ft V'''''-/i-M >,.w iiard'-n (!-' ,Mvn<"- 1 •>•'■'". Hal S'.-im-"" Jl„.^,-'s .Mi'l.'^ (Two;l'' 1.1) Larg." -y 'V (•,i-l(.|7. .V- •' K N 1111-!.:; Until 1'"'"'' lOva Mu'-'-: n- • t:4 i I Mipr 1 ng