Variety (Nov 1928)

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f r-j' 44 VARIETY WOMEN' SPA G E Wednesday, November 7, 1$2^ By Mollie At th6 Broadway \ side saiddla and :a mpdoriv coat and : . ^'iParlpjan. Four.' at the BiOad ^p^^,revolution, RQwnsi .and a man- ::; >ra^ wei^e dblne-ver^ ^^j^ haircut, the list could, reach : opOninff act with their to ifWlywood; Pola. . danoiriB..JUid JugBUne.ana i^^^^J^ Kogri had her moments in-fur - girl decided, tossing.; I^;^.r>^l«lV| 5;^so; :pmba but a. Id ; coyturhe was a toered^tuffant?., .^^.^ Ru>iiiianf5, ^ui ■ VMarie Fern's Arst costvmie Ava3 of jv^r^ . ^ ^^^^ , / ^:gbld cloth;; the coat, lin^ 7^^^^^ nSi^ nSan^i^4f^rmlrrc-paulc .:,t.Y,H .thP aklrfc flo\i^erieJ in. .something "•^^'"^7 no .u»". ,. ■ and -the isklrt flo,^^erie J — .-.-.- -^ . _ , „ . . . : v: the-:aame ^ shade.-; . One bmlt .up J "ffsot.. ■ . ^:shoulder -hadV a- rhlnestonc^ f trap. M^^^^^ should have made a . flaah but when the life i^^^^ •' I of .a f^ric It- makes little . dilfer-: : ' e'nce; . A pihk crepe .de chine frock was prelty : with tight- bodice that- •- had a vesteeof silverv lace..; and whose full skirt ha:d an occasional- ■• : . i;oscbud on; itv and the wide sleeves,; An erfeotive! - cbmblnatlO.n was of ■. ; :1pi-art^e and ereeii. In a Bpani^ilv cpa-]. tuiric arid.hat.' ■ • - Gasper : and; O'Neil^ Finale of - the 'stage; revue, . with sco'ner-y moving .'in and' up; arid a wheel tUinirig. in the "^eround, \v'as-:eff€'ctive,;: '^ ; ' ■ \..;■ . . Biffst Sound, of .All ■Strand bas , ai; -sound prpgfam needing ' ho.Vconforcnces., Sound C(;me from the audience, juSt hon est laughter, the stuff theatres vjre^^^ ■built for: •' '. . Iia,rry Detph's Vita; short :startied the noise and \yinriie Lightner body^to'i-ehiirid them'; they are not I added . a; little. A called ..piracy oh ' foot or on film ratlier | to exalt the male by .d.pmeanirig the fvriKUe—the easiest . wa>' to do Jt. Therfe'a been so ; many drinkink, cfieafing herorne/3 lately; Q.f course thejr do change toward the reel hut that't .remove the.vSGar,. .. Marion, most likeat>le girl- ordi-, narilv, dressed asi thbugh. she had just ' tome into a fortune and wanted to wear it all at once... One instahcc was' in a , lonj? very fu)l spuhglod: gown. worn under a . black velvet wrap With. collar of , (ermine which also made a large bow: and long ends: that almost covered the hack of it. She was. all clothes and G,6Uld have been ^uddy.. Rogers' mttther instead .or'sweetheaTt. Her Gry$tal bea;d fringe, gown while, stin too sophisticated fOr ji college heroine at leasrt gave.' her chance to appear ;m6re inip6rtant than the fJOWlii;.- . ■ - Fem-me"Trib' Great There is infinitely iTlbre to. the. pic- ture than that tabloid title . "Dancing Daughters'! -#ould Indicate' but: It's a gbod tiUe. What a- s^^ they are; J^an Crawford,- Dorothy Sebastian £in;d Anita Page, each; cpti- News From the this department contain* rewritten theatrical flewsjtems. as pul>^ lished durina the week In the daily papers of New York, Ch.cagb, Sai^ Francisco. Los Angeles and London; Variety takes -no credit for these news items: each has been rewritten from a daily paper NEW YORK radOi tioii. , No chance of a Northesk-Peggy Joyce . alliance; but Peggy's state- ment it couldn't bo good for half a column" of ta.b gush. Twenty-six indictnierits, livvpiying .123 night club defendants, will be brought to trial in the Federa^ Court during November. Statement was made In connection with jail sentences for Charles Fern, four months, Frank Jorrie, two months, and Pierre Pierce and Ben Gordon iO days. Trio was Indicted charged with selling hooch bought from longshoremen, at the Ferndale and At-t clubs., ; playing staLgs. C. F. Zlttel,' departing; lessee . of the ;Central Park CaslnO, supplied an affidavit In an. iniuncf ion suit , ..brought by another, to prevent ex- vlnclng In her character /and .ea,ch pcutioh of a new lease on the road Irene.yermiUion and:her girl;or-| ^ a .six girl dance number, but | ^^^s^'^j,^ ^oiind; and; ^^^^ alleges a ''secret" lease was ^chestravare an ambitious group, the, k<^^ upthe. good humor any way. U^^^^^^i^^t^^nr^riiVer cloth In a made to the. Dieppe Corporation .- -dancer, especially Since they ap- And "Show . Girl," with Alice black ^^1^^^_^^^> ^^'^^1,^^^^^^^ ' ^Sar tath& young they'll .probably W . • achieve, their ambitions; Frocks imoua vote. Except for the revue - bordered yvltlj ; white. were tastefully simple; each a dif^; \ scenes the camera means little, voluminous cloth Qt Soia^couu i au , . -BpHanca ; aircraft^ corporation, ferentcblor and all ma[de the a^me even the assortment of legs losing | small t^ows ^and/lpng Roger Kahn. is to ,be a. director in : 5ie skirts-'^Da discarded a blue I a;nd ■ hlack; lace . and fringe, and a I and jacayy; - Anita's evening ensem ostrich skirt. durin< one number I - . - . "--^ I.t,i>. ,^ Mrs. Frazler charged deser*- and net during anpther. ;: Big. and Good ''Gypsy Life,'' as Rpxy.: sees. it> la dancing, singing and smuggling. wrap of black velvet lined .with. silver. ble. in tulle , and lace had the .cape -. Arthur Earl King and his .wife . Claire Windsor granted final de« cree of divorce from Bert Lytell, Latter permitted the suit for dl, vorce, on charges 6f mental cruelty,.. to go by default, Interlocutory de« cree was 'granted Miss. Windsor In' August, 1927; Couple were marrle4 ■ ' in jaurez, Mexico, in 1925.; Financial disagreements between Mrs. Karl. Dane (Thais Valdemar)^ . screen actress* and Dr. Josef Glns^ . burig. have been settled out of court, Attorney Joseph Warner, repre- senting the physician, has aske4 dismissal of the doctor's suit. Gina- burg charged that Mrs. Dane owed/ him $500 for ptpfeaslonal servicei ; in rembdesllng ;her»iiose and lips. . . Bob Roper, pugilist^ In Municipal ' Judge Sherman's .court. When twa local newspaper advertising agen- cies were' awarded judgment* ftgaihst him. amounting' to $72.04. It •was asserted Roper;'accrued thesi . debts on advertising contracts whll« he was operating > the Wilshlr* Physical Culture Studio. . • Mrs. Victoria,.Mix can have any* thing from her husband,' .Tom Mi^ except a Paris divorce. Mix has in- formed title ./French ',<?Qurts thatH she wants .a divorce the only one lie will cbuntehance will -be one de- . qreed in .the; :S;.. ■ . ; r^ass o^'iulle ruffles though the I and.; vaudeville partner,; Martha skirt was-straight; Kathleen were taken to the lams - wore Nena's Eyes ; The Red/Mark"'; will; probab^^ . .. , down that way - on the books. But it | on one shoulder. a stunning black satin hospital after both arc said to have ..a. stunnmg^ u a ^ t.ikoa poison ..during a quarrel. In go>vn.with hip. length cape,that tied All very. W.^^ ^JLTu^S isn't a. total loss as far as .Nona Dancers; :iiv..ribb(m^ ,^hit^.pverb ouses eJg^A^ beautiful eyes 'arid the ciimera. was ^^^^ to boots and f.eathere« hats A Joixn^^ picture each lash individually. One '^^'v ■ •^Jp'^rtnfiuif^lS^v^^^ picture where the eyes have U. Her P^'^'nlvlJ^^ide^ b^ ^"<i i" «- r^-^ther g?Hs "as vtry'good on hai^ivony. old fashioned way It adds to her Solo and chorus singing is always ciuaint charm. .-. - . eaK on the° ears here, A giant,I Rose Diorie Is. good, as always, moon sheds itj Influence over a pic- turesque finale. " 'j.-'' j-•' On a stage within a stage Gladys poi the apartment' in the Lahseer. : Both will recover, doctors said. - ■ ' a Seeond,. suit for: $5,195 damage* has been filed against Frltzi Ki.dge- ; way, by .Jarhes - XJeahan, process server. Jjeahan's first suit was , ilisr,. - rnissed when he failed to appear, NEW Story Is that Mildred Berrl tind ■ y.rioz Scabury, actress, will be Dale Jones were wed at• the;; Ne\v.kpari-icd; to. W broker, . | . Y'ork Municipal Biiildirig Oct.'lo and ht has been anno^uriced. Miss Sea- : \ haVe parted, already. They wore in bdry's last stage appearance Avas in . Lots .«f Paper Hippodrome's show was on; lo- Harrlson; and Matthews' have re united. .- - \ ':■ Holmes and Lee, mixed two-act. "The Way Out." comedy skit with Bill ilemmihgSv .'TWee In support. . Mundy and Hayes, two-act. . "Radio .Murder," revival, eight pecple. •; -^J ' ; ,;:>Ti,;^<,Wnn ori^d I tiiiir^B v-p, and Luise Sill Green and Marshall (Wat-shall and | cox, sec-treasurer. Just a- Minute," rUns. the saga, but thcii"^ courtship quarrels led to Mil- dred's bowing out at the: suggestion of Brpnson Douglais^/ComDany man- ager. . ..; ] "His Blossom Bride." Rice sang and the' Kentucky Jubl- 1 cation last week - in the Green | Lee), two-act. . -yjn, lee Choir offered spirituals. "High- | Mountains/Toby ^Wilson's act car-I George Ha.ssell, from legit, will Superior judge Edward Bishop has dismissed a siilt fpr. $5,195 dam- ages," brought by James .Leahan, . process, server, : against Fi'itzi^ Ridgcway, stage arid screen actress., According to Leahan^s papers.. Mlss^- - Ridgcway slammed - a door on his hand 'when .he- tried to serve her Edward Royce, ■'RiO.Rita'• stag.r^ ^wi^^^ Authors' League - of America elected Arthur Train, president; Ar and ;the Roxycttes, made up ijn-. I. . i i way presslona; of a Music Hall," Mr. Mlnta^s. crepe paper creations. f^^' — '^ =v^trih M^rkerts Wchanics were dressed I ^ sKe.icn, in' orange satin with black vests, further aided . the summer resort . Rf^ Aa^"^^ ^ith Harry grcein.:boW9 :bn the- backs/O^ | BlUy Wilson reunited with Harry handa and, mirrors on- the top of r^^^ paper pageant has a= star Bond, twO"^^*- . partner in the close fitting ;cap3. .Since naost .^The Paper Fashion .Al Shean wUh . gl^^ partner m of the exercises .were done sitting pj^^^ ,, picnic gone manne- ] skit by George Kaufman on stools / some new figures were quin who turns out, to be the pos-v added; to the dahce account. sessor of a; voice like .toe Hum- ' -.-. ■■: . ' phrles. Fire and tear insurance must Tragedy Becomes farce- . | be h«ayy but the act should be a frivolous and without merit, andde-I . _ T>.,ffn« • film stiint manded summary judgment. Zicg- William ,. R. • P^^^^^V^-i^i,'^^^^^^^ -V asks jury trial; ■ / /man^. lost , his $74,000 damage .smv „y asics jury iriai. . .. , kgiingt the Southern pacific raihvay Actors' Theatre directors meet by a jury yt?n3iQt in. Jud^ Fridtty: to;; elect ofilcers to replace ^J^^L.-^"^^ "^"^^^^^ INGORPORATIONS ; really a tragedy, and not great attraction for those who al- an iaolated one either, became a — hope for the worst spoiled by standardized plots ■laughed at ;'Mi Quail•:■^when_^e^l^ fought to .keep Sally to jy ' resembling ostrich In - se%'eral Maiov^nsky & Drlscoll. •Tlmea Square, didn't, believe her when she ac-. g'^^ng.fashionable ruffles, flounces. n.'^i/ rh*»t«pW^ Corp.. Manhat- knowlcdged . her / mistake .^fnd f°alns 'dr^ "•'''T i^Wh ''^i^ Tr'^ ^"^f f ''MbSr KnJwt even 'a Ion? bo'J'were also there. ^^^"3.^ 8 with her .familiar . Mother Knows color and > novel exhibit Inon, no valuerRuth iviund -Xo i^-Dresser is splendid as^^ W^^ -mS- 5nd iSadge Bel^^^^^^ I «troat. New Yorlc. '^?'&^Sc ^JolS^ ^lot^tlfe ^es Kood. looking knitted frock of brown 1 '^.^^i^ii^ r^^ii^^. ^"'^ 1 bishop" of tl ■ ^.W low^; nS^Sf i'r sSoM and White- ^^iPft^^tJer'i ^hite V^'^^^i'l^^^^^^^ those who bowed out.. These in- fered injuries when he was fore blf eluded Francis Wilson,- Guthrie Mc- ejected' from. a. ti-ain; in a. contrpr Clintic, Grant Mitchell and Edith vcrsy over whether Fatten hem a. Wynne Matthison./ After McGlin- ticket . tic blew outfit reorganized with re- . . . ; ported Shubert support ' : John A-' Wood, 45, picture acton NEW YdKK .- : |. ' . ^- . ,' ; , .pleaded guilty to charge of murder-. ' i^oWhittan the- : Westwbod, N; J., voted yesterday ;'^'^r°^rndan?°''m^t1oh^^^^P^^^^^ oh i referendum for or against sun- ceived a life sentenced San Quen- atr.cai . P«-od«P}'°",3'.,^"*i°i)"°^re common day movies. Council last summer ' '''' common no par I passed ordinance against Sunday Freel./ Chaa^ Ber^, I pictures. ; Then k popular postcar(3 poll showed residents for them' 1,223. to 705. Now the ballot. will settle it farce becaiise audiences have :becn I:"^,;'"7^hV'*hi',;ds''that- fashioned |:M"rWw.v;^«V wWch^lJ |4ay nioyies. Co.uncU..U^\..8ummpr y^^^^ ■Ma Quail'. wl^.l'SS^^I "ot only 6apes ^ahd ^^-and-wigs-l .t^-P^^^^ SAN FRANCISCO Caroline - Patterson . McGylnnes!* Show people and their friends to in Oakland e number of .1.500 attended the] sta^^^^at^^ .^^^^ Har- cGulnness, charging fr""*' and too much familiarity. the numoer ui .i.ouu titiviiuvu »■"<= i 4,;:;.t,, from her first annual memorial service to ij>J ^^XpnlnnTss charging drunk- players who died during the. year, ry J. McGulnness, cnarg Oils Skinner delivered a eulogy and 1 ^"jJ^^J^her women '!j"-'^^'°"M;n^^='o,,nm'hW i.;;r'^oUonrp(tturesr:^u^/plc^^^ dozen mothers could have made f*^^'^ /■ '.^';~. " ..vr..., irt $iod.OOO;. Chas, U.-.RopcrsV Samuel Sax, a star with them.: Coatumihg was collar . and a. hem, ..,M^l ^>*?|,.|" R,W;:SirtaU.. Fli^d by-Arthur E;.Bchwart?.. iike^ 4 fashion revile; before the^^^^ like a war.' ' Chancy Tops Anita'^s Figure . Lon Chancy achieves his pinnacle In "While/ the .City • Sleeps," but A.iita• 'PrtRC- Is disappointing. Frocks .' are all - scant in chai-.i-ctcr, sio ' MisJS - Page's - figure may have, boon thd "rcastVn sho got the role. . "Iinaglno My' -EmbarrasanVont,'* a Cha^e comcdyi also at the' Capitol, had 'some laughs .as. Avell . as the decorallon of Vivian Oakland in a own. brown , stockings apd sued^ R^^iin^^«^ ffii^^^oTd slippers and another member sport- n,hK o^ ^whtch aSO ate . preferred »100 I ed the mountain of green ostrich par ynlue, .700 common ^no par ■valYc; ' ■ ■ ■ ' Samuol Datlowe, Etlicl Shubkln, LiUcn Tsaacs. Fljod, by. :Bon-J. '.P. • laaacs, .1T76 I'Jrriatlway,'Now Tork. - ^ .. ^ /. lUix Oflloe IJooHters, Inc.,. Manhattan. after: showing , a .figure in; a black bathing suit. ' .'- House ciiargcd, hot el - rato-; . to thc- sleepers. ' ^ the Episcopal Diocese, i . • ■ , * ■it...„oc*^ Enot .copgregation. . ^^^^^^ . drank poison when theW_frlena 1 rtC ANnFI FS . ignored her, It is alleged, /nys* XJJ:> AlNlalLL.IL3 : I ctans say the girl wi ll, recover. . After six hectic years, of marriiBdi southern Pacific railroad levied life, Mrs; Luther Reed, filed suit for attachment against Gv M. (Bro^e"^ divorce against Luthei* A. Reed, su- ^jjj v Anderson's raclnpf stable .f)Grvisor at the Fex Mrs. rp-_f'_„_ tritck. Anderson^ one timw Redd, charging desertion, submit- nlctSres ^s said tb have shipped ted to the Aourt,aj^roperty.settle-.| Running horses. . V ■ / / Rather Silly ■ "Moran of the Marines" couldn't have been sillller -if it. were trying for such a prize. ■ Ruth Kldo'r ' looks^ host;. when Rinarf coiffure and black rtpangled.I smiling, 't^he: drcjifted . well,: being rather smart in a grey cloth en- sohible. Hip kMmth cape fitted at gown. . Film M.ixed on Periods ■ Mo«t interesting item of tluv Piyr- ampuht .show was the oyci-.thre with Richard Bonelll sliigih;< th(> opor- atic arias from tlie c'.i.irQhization oftlier'thcjfrcr oi'vTtr^ tra with the singer wns very Kood and the ■ voice . pxccllont. Ruby Kceler • tappr'r ■ through tw-o num- -b.n-3, ahsa on tho - screen, good re- 'suits,:- but the stage, in-es^MU.allt.n. "lilue Kcvue," -was nothing oxct-p- tional. Film feature, .'•Woman from Moscow," was only noticeable for its total lack of Interest on any point. , „ Among the strange film fellow.s were oil lamps and cigarette hgbt- era, a heavy velvet riding gown for sirublc N<>\v York . ■ . . I support of their son; Peter. Uljj 4 Film Corp., Manhattan, motion Reeds have been separated since; tiirture.s . ancV; talking pictures, 30,000 September-20, 1927. Mrs. Reed was flhn /.actress. . Naomi Filed by SIdnoy S. Bobbe. 36 West.44th Childers. .. St.. Ni'w York, / ./■ /. .-. . - —— '.r .-^. - . . ' Stbrlirtsr Motion ricture Appnrtvtus Theodore Ray, whose (liquor Is r«rp., .Manh.!ittan. motion and talklnp: ^ have blinded June;i3uck- , . , ■i;^';:,^^^^,^!!'^v«^^^''^ "^^ Vhe HhouUlerH was: collared irikrim- ,Pu^lj> ^Itr^TJlS"?. ^rr^jurt^ "^^..^^^}^^J1^^. 1 •„^Ml,.1livi^ iiio frlmminir on the $i;ii.non;.Abft Coiii-n, liarry i';bh(.>n.-.Sai and inatcued Uie u imminh i . ,i;,,>„),sort. Kllcd .l>y Anna: II. ZacUsj, hlotise. .Chio of lu-r frii-n.iis'had an uiiUsmtl'. shdwUli^' <1t>r.orntii.m. ;.of l>la<d(i'coke fi-aLhern.'on. a'blai'ic lace frown. • - oct^if? muol 230 Cheating Heroines . Wliat a 'liVicl apiainst l.'.nslon is Cynthia (ir/iv as played by .Marion Nixon in ' lied J.lii.*?," K «hc had <'ome fronvN<'W York it niiijht have been lu'lii'vaUlc llu.u.uii si ill unae- There must bo a con- I iro.ailw.iS', N'ow York'. JUDGMENTS Aross- AiiiuS. Co.; Unltc^d Artists Coi'p.; ^ . - ■ •, tlotiv Tlioafro Corp.; same; $250. Wi'bxtcr TliiMitrff, Inc.; same; *i9!. Mascot .\nuis. Co.; O; Ptowart; »:,035. .Mcx. l*iin»iiK«<8; Gene Mason; $3,502, AWstlmry THoiitrc Corp.; Greater,N. Y. Kxiwirt ll.mso, Inc. i J937, - onv4) Amu*. Corp.; Travelers ins. Co.; »818. . '^"m'o3"of' '\Vitnace^i:ieery:-a , Harriet Howard in Beverly Hills,- a young man, giving his name as i'^rank. X-.aSal.leVl.'j being clotainod by the pel lee for investigation. TjaSalle, w-ho used the naiiie of Frank' How ard as. an rt)iiis, .wa.£i arrested driv- ing ah automobile he. is alletred to have stolon from Mr^. Howard Because, her husband, Ben Fra zier, studio electrician, told her he was In Inve with a film extra, Mrs Nellie Fra'/ler-has been granted a | armory. ^ "1.^. .^..^ . divorce by Superior Judge Alva- about 25,000 people ^cti- CHICAGO , Jeaiv;Mtirpby.::cabaret ciit^t.^ crashed into Co"^ '^^".'•■^,'^,i.tod tout dolph street after an "'^ S boy of - local: speakeasies .with JH^r^ j friend-;Following the "^'f" "^.the fijur . warrants against; ^"^^ fiiso: truck , drivers, her .^>o> ^J. ^XivinS signed one chat'PUig s^h<^ lvis._car withou t, . !5l<;ttinff- and Combination roller (lance. m.aralhons at :tb<- / 'po- merit . Armory ^yc-r^- ,» 'T^Iaf: lice last week when ^V;','''''.'" i,hded 5^ano.- ^1"^ two weM<s^ ^oe Brown, the nt;rlU ^nan.K.^. murdered by an Brown. ■ : ■- Skaters and dancet.s cmilin"f;d nd «-f"tit moving after the munler. ;>n>^^^ home only after drawing ^vmory. Contests.had l;r'C"