Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, Novc?nl?er 7, 1928 W O M E N' S P A G E VARIETY 45 By Ruth Mprris 'Cheap a^d -Not Chic ' ^ [ idaglo^ team, whpse. costunres, were Fashion ih^Fui^ Is the; current not very be coming. ;.; , t^rest at the Palace, in. conjunction „ .; Trtth. a Retail Euri^rsV ^sspc^^ behind^ Fasluorr^jgaj^^^Pcd vue.. For a ^pfessed> ^sty^, coinfortahie as it .ia chic Made^ tertaJnmeHt ::the presentation l^j i^. J^^^.^^^^^ hand-Hnlf ^h, very . little Ghic^scenlc •... effects | J^J^ .^J^^^-^ >ha hpafl. it cheapt talent, medllbcre^chief-inter eat lying >rnairily r'iii ;the idea of a stage fashldn show, ;, . ;^ ^ ..".^^^ conies and drapes the: tur- Benhy aiid . WeiSteiTi ,(.danclne)^ ^j,^^^^ ^^^j. ^gad. A fewmih- ie Gauthier'. Sisters (harmonists^, ^^£3. :^alt for - sewing" securely Into go'ra; 'swath ed. about the head, it sells .fctr" $25.. ..YOU select the. de^- sired shade, of. wool, ■. thien" Mme Gofhiaipfe comes and drapes the- tur- the Gauthier'. Sisters (harmpnist?^,, y^gg. :^alt for - sewing" securely Into and the Wright Dcincers (.Precl?i6n, . . finished. unit) furnished. ,incldenla,l . enter- is.svelte and sophis- tsLinment that seemed only SP-SP. ypa^^tg^ good tor town wear as The dance : unit's costuming -was 1^^^^^ J.,;„i;,r - Kiilb-ir :fllT .Cliff-*! dACOratine 'a 1 i,. . . tacky—bulky :f ur suits decorating a flo-calied - ice-skating number.^ be tV'ahamaker is, also, shpying a smiirt. hat from iReb'oux, GDriibihes flo-caiiea i>:c-ot^a.v'^?a sjnart hat irom iveooux. t-omoijie& draggled ballet cbstum^j .be^decklng. satin ahtique^more fa- another; arid abbreviated suits;th£vt. jniliarly xxnd less elek^^ntly -known if memory, ser-ves. flrsti saw the light.[as "hatter's plusli;" The : brlin of of 'Mazdas in "Harry P.elmar's Key-. j^^^^^,. ^^^.^ turns: hack against the. «ls,'v di-essiirtg a, third. "- felt crown arid elonigates;.on , the : ; ]Vlrs. 'Morris and da.aghter, . Wil- of a tricorn. helritilna; were clad in- .evening; very smart.' .' gp.wns in the Williarin: Morris act—. . ——. . tii6 >iriother in, black and/Miss Mor-> ::: 'skjn- Ypu Love 'to Touch ■ri^ ill .a simple frock bf a bepoixilng Reptile skins having been trans ..ehade of bluev .. : . \; •. ■ . ' - '^^^ symbpl Pfoall that's .. Ohe-wPnderS if thei-e can be a .jo.b, L:^^^^^^j humanity td the last yrord .^jnaore ungirateful. than that Pf Joan, ^^i^ ifashlon. "We now have glov^s^ of .S^ranza, who, in simple black rldmg: ^ ^^^^^^^ with itiatching habit.: does A.:slnglrie^ ''straight., - the tragic .rhinihg of that, terriwy, 1 v jjp .no^ believe these are yet-Pn lunny' : comic: Jinimy :. S.ayPi W^P <iale in America but ,they doubtless wilts, folds up^ cavorts-a^^ T^rts:.W%h;th©: riiiQSt o^^^ nesg 'iios Angeles, Nov. 6.- . At ii. party .when the tongue . •of a studio head's wife grew. looSe, .the riaine of a picture star of; prominence was hanr diled carele^s'sly as to her stand-; . irig with the lorgahiz'ation. ■ ' Assumed a reflectiph/o.f : the hu^ibahd'S opinion,, the star happens to be ihlerisely iriipor- tant to' the produoing firm and also haS" a husbtind in the same,; . studio. . . ■ An aftermath lai) anticipated. will want somipthlng a-little heavier and more exotic. •.>.■ ' / ^ ' ■ .-Ahd. sp;lf.Boos. ; ••; .: Saiespedple are ■ tremendously in- terested, so they say, in th.e ma,fchr ing Of perfume and personality. an<l are specially tr?iined to .study ..their .customers in order to iaiil selection, if ybii want to.:belieye all you hear. ptherwIsc -it sounds Brazllish. The . shop is triterestixig. . Behutl- fUllSr.. appointed ■ in , moderniistio styi^^with' blaclc and silv'el^ .lit; tings, subdued lighting ;and lioaior- fabircked furniture. .... ■ Gone \Gia-'Ga The. JPhn Held.' JrV, .coRtiimirig for^ '^Americana';-:was. one.: of. ;tht> best .things about the new .McEVoy shbwV Frbrri ,.old-fashioned . tihtypc; .thigh-high .skirls' arid saucy ,ber-rUffled panties, the; llHd costuriics . cortipletely gamutcd tlH' styles "of Now arid Then, . and pf- fered habilimerits ior the Willianis Sisters r that, fit their . perso^alitie!> to perfection. What the words^ pf ilr, Gilbert 'are to. the music of Mr. Sulliyan, what the first pro.npiin. is to Swaf£er,.the, sriapiiy flapper Held RITZY The oiH-iivinp; auilionco of t.ho oporu ^. lloiui'.iit,.; "S\v seas>\lV '^t.vthe ^letrbpolttan / found ■ w»^aUh>>" many ' imlivixluals with • liroiulway iiflllrations.'. ■. Mr. and. ' Mrs. ' Fyanti \\ance "Stolrrs \vVre. in tlielr ,bo.\-. >>h.«^ bliiztni;.;ini.: Jewels. ne!.aceiiuuilatra .„.. f ijYrUihe: • • ji'ul vlish liig.". .^ihwlre-; pr.o«i prams, arid•' cjlidiigc'd hi>. Cli'n'i i^lrauss..' ':■ . AVitli .Mr., .arid; Mrs, ;II... KrtVVn wcro . Mr. andV Mrs. '/Colo . iHvrlor. i^ort'or ■ Is .\vrito.r who siip- Kordoivi's now ao\\-, '.i'.itris.".';. iVr?^- Portc-r'. was the b£ Mve tliree wivi'S of tiic^ late .1^. ThoinAs, ..; .With Ogden 'Mills' ^S:us. Ohai;lcs IDaiia p.raper,/ S.v oT. Chtu'los A.; rianai -tliv editor;'; and brothor of iluth ^Driippr,:'tiii? .mW>i.<>Pi«t; v\ . : WiUi.. Mr. -aiui- ^Irs, bornoHus .X. j 'Bliss wis, At i-s. Au£?ust'.HeVniont, tUe former IClpanor .UoU.sori, ariross.. ,..| VWiIti M >^^-Kll^-'iry : 1 i>HI>yr ;.>yas I'inR'^n I Ti^w editor . of ; l^:v^•pcl•'^» Biiviaiar; .;, ■Alit or .tii<oso 'nolii^lesi in. tlv parterre boves,' AvhtUi Hu' Uio' siimv 1.^ .rrv>iir<-vl '...•i.iiitf.* ■ .As. a silirht •e'viilone.oiOf thi.'';f.»ct, •this Tall stu.i'i^u^ ; ^iMlASiliit rtii)ii:iVi» - testate '>!;irid.s". l^uint, t;;/i;,.'ih wh.ioh'>!i>oU\!'ir;ui:t.)iho^^^ i^iii.lji'i^hi^^i-, .\\' i'liiaill Ii;ii;idolil.l ■.•vi'rst; • ■ .has;;aiv^ esH^^:to'^iK>^l!iht^^ ;Mrs^ ■01iy>%-l'einii'>nt. ■ ■ .' nrul-: Mrs;-;S^•^■op<^ , aii.l -vtholr';; t5im;andVda^?j:!Ui'r. UerHort..- .^l^.^;:»nd; J■ane^ 'are in liie^Social'l{'ouis;U'r;' ;.;"■■ Sn^;B.uce,^p^^ vveek, c osed; ^'^^'^^fj^: • pictuVe^ has! been, held pver.for a ^^'^nS^-^ic^^i^bn^ the ;be ..a: shame for. anyone iriterested L^^i^nes are- tp the ga-ga techni ,8ist ori^^oipg.. Wa|^^W^.o^ ^^^^^ legends upon/; which: L^f the Williams listers; " ^ . IflS. W^^ik Sf^oriiedy^^ ■ —^ . - W^-?>.r^in/^athb^ SS Sat '*R^^^ 1:0 ; mis^-. this ;;gorgeous . . Three In One . J^^^s^S spmewhat-heavy::presenta- . ; m. .Leseyeux. designer, .and- co, ..eomedy) ^^^^^^.j^t^'pl- - producer,: and the'Casino .dc Paris J^'^^^^r^^rs fflSt^^^tJ- - Action is'.superb, :direc^^ ^n^^6c/S^6tJS^t T^ificeri of colossar in town sporting spThething new -^^n'^ nnd ^e ^^mffiS ^^Pf effects^ contrived put of simplicity. i^; what ^ BO.OOO.OOa,' weU ; dressed ^-My; Man -j-and . the . illusion oi l .Throughout the picture, the dom-lFfenchmcn will soon- be ,^roi^ ^^co^S^ T^adv^buval-^ady ihn^^nt pefsoriaiity .is one. who ap- .it's a brie .piece shirt Xor chemise as ^r ^^.?S^I^^Ssts^ftecuJSy^^ hav^ it) that combines ^^''i ^Jiv brtSl tSS /ct fried, murdered in the previous pic'-, shirt.. collar, -and tie^the tie,; at-. o^^nJrr^S tn^SSff^^ t^ Prespnt one is tached nndcr the: collar, being made appears-well.gojned and dlsp^^^ sequel. The dead hero might be I of the- shlrt material which appears ^Qe^ voice^ tn^ ^^uSJ VmS' M^V. e^ry sequence; however, so ;defi- to be a light .Madras. .• : . First dress ^'*?_f,. his. personality pervade Tone of the new chemise, is very ^^' P^^'^i '^'^,}^^ film; ^ .;: gay-executed in largish checks of -eithwvof which wpuld have suffice^, -the .nim. ., . g y ^j^^^. ,,1- .^^ ^hifo;; or . An eriorhious feather fan In,Amerir; . . . ; ■ . . ■ - . . ™p„n and White' Ties Either four- • can Beauty- shades clasTied horribly • ■ ■■ . :. Gunning, but Faddy . euner vu ' Sh^fSJ red Slippers. ;;Gown |; ^^ ;;;:^r.. • Basiiaidbs:'iri^ New^Yprk'; .-.;.^ ... MiV and, Mrs.;t;:;u-los-;;l5asliaUlOf'arei ; ; in. ^Tevv: ;Vork-■for'.a^ yisit>.,i:rv> ^'''elr j.' viila. (in tlie..It.i.viera, bofor.o pnye'eodr ; Iti'g tb ■ hiA- llot.Wo tir liiKM.ios '.A ft-e.s. :; She iooii55 quite as^'pretty {\s NYhcii-., sh.e';\V^itH the.late ; ,In 'lli.ll' MaUrie6■■d:Wced, at -.Mar-r ;/ tin's. ^^iU1 M:ideieirie.\n>xt aplVeair--: inK^iii; DilJinKhiim aritV Zoli^reld pro- duct^ions vWitlv: ilooii .Sav\;ye.r, ■.:After .. tean.viiiK WUh l>-Jor*\ya'ti()n.,: .who. ■'had ■ ■^nydu.iiUHl: ifVorii;;'the'■ ehoriis;;. M iii'.y.: 'wcM-i-' . .iiiarrii''d . a.nd d.i;vi)reod; • :.^h.<.>■ ■ litter., .innri-vihir .r.<Mvii T.i.i'.tVim.'■ ; and now •Tls^int;. i.ii •Paj-is, .i-ii'tuiiiig -iX: •; ■ ' ■ ;■ ' n ' ■ t i'km-\ . t t-ame'd-■ ■ a guVsi: 'iVr:Mrs:. ,Wil- |.\vith:'LeptiniW;iaii^lK'S;- a; Ijonf: i^^and. ;•■ IJiVli-d^ is a^nTukic i'teleplibne operalor. 'who liad ..danypd .-. ■' • ■ '■-'•• ■■ ■ ■ ■ -"in /ensivuvbkv .kt.Mui-n^^^ .- After: she : marriod ; T-iasnaldo, ' .MJiu'rieo m;i;rried. 101ea;npr AiVvh \y ho ;'.:is',.. cici^e' Sablii. ; ThcvIJasualdys havo ohtorr tairied ..many Amcrioaris .at. their vlUa. :ih(?l,ud|ng -Harriot^H 11 arlerrti Kh c;. was I? h p \v n: a s 1J ;\ rriet . Hewitt, a •. manneqjiiln; . wlven she; riinrried- Oliver Carley 'ii;(rrim!in. T>ater they .:>vere. di'voreorl. .J^i^h ■Basuriildo,-a -. bVi^ther,- , \ya.s j^eirovtc'd.. engajibd ■; tio ■ liaiira .'Carter,; ; ;U^ dancer, V from -Ard^.iVaV N.= .J., whp; divorced Cieorsp (•;ould;;,,but -S/trs.- ■.GbuiiJ' flnally. married - liby ]l(/>;islbni wlip i.s noW in '^Ups'-a■-^^ais.v.•^ ; >,' ; what; less ;i:apons: K rand; li i^^ m^. J nviUinory" sioviv. art' Baird, was iiam ."VVat.ef .s.,; comedy actor- ,. '■■■■. ['[. ■■■In- Real .Life In- ?'Gra;sh),ng Thi-ovighv'r the x>e\>f play. Ijy^ Saxon K11 rig,' a ybung sb- cict;y girl fa-lis iii. love '.with . a mari entireiy but, of. her class, .a steaniT riveter.. in. TOdt' lifc many" ■ similar cases have QCCiurred,. jTulia. French, cb.usin; of ..Witliain . H. ", married and; divprced , .Tack-; .(Jer- aghtyi. a. chaUff«;ur, ..6iulia . J^Ioro slni, .;.heircRS daughter-. «E .a . NpW ifbrk banker, feli. in love -wi.tii Xr^ thur. Wernpr, a' jpo.H.ceman:. . After Uivbrced he .-ma,n'i<Jd Miss M.orosliii,. but she divorced h.i.m.. ■"'. Yeat-s; !\},'b her s.ister, Victbria-' Mo with . a cb;u^ arid ■yvi'ivt on. the ■singe.;.'.■ ,': The: heiress daughters pE-.the ;la.te Jbhn: BcaVpr We^b, intimate friend of. J. Picrpont Morgan, for whom iic; dosignjKl. yachts, eloped simnVtane busiy • with Thomas:. Ijeonavd and GcorgP. .Miles,, but found :happi.nesa with .their nVal^os, .-vvhy) .h:id .^''*'P :*^.®. family chaufff^ur and ari comq to.Ox the .wires^ ; woi-n later was attractive. In. trans-.; cpntributlbn'. from the style of, the parent blue- velvet, with; graceful past of tpday. Sax Fifth ! eweepirig hem-i.ine. ; . •. .; . .■ Econonhical Highlights : Knuc ls^ bravely ortering >t net 1 ^-^^V^^lf'.Ji^i^l.^e^ gibve for evening : wear-like; the ^ay,;Wherp the slogan Serve Xo^^^^ bid-fashioned mitten, but^ith. fin- self, and Save." gers.. in frail. gossamer net, with teethe ,eco^^ ^TIFE PREiS$ES OUT ; / ■.. JjO^ A nff.eles, N.o.y; fS. : . First: ■ ■National .= hn.«5 di.set^'ycrcd; soiiiO 'dresses . a)-e. so sCifC that: they , craclVlii with sufnc.i.ont onergy. to be picked lip. by ■the' mike. ; ' ' Asj a result several garm.erits pf the girls haVe had ;tP b*- ehariged to softer matcrlalvin making sound ■pictures.'. ■?' ■.;'.■.■■:■. , ■'-■- ■..■; -/:•..' ■ Tlved at Don^ Dickerman'a ;CPunty;^_^^ wrist: Cunning, butcpats. 01 ^^^ ^ - _^ ,. Fair by. Eleanor Shaler who had .so J^^*'!^/^ maybe, for general wear; . Some of the dresses offer a h^|Y^- much fun with a. scarf .in. .the first too iziaay, mayp , r t. . . .^^^ ^^^^^^ than could be Obtained -OarHek GaietiesMiss' Shaler, L' '' ■. ..^ ...^^ - •- anywhere, but, considering , tne ■iSdJ^^llS^n n&straSoh 6ut:6f a^ v " - ' . V v P^'tes. .$4 to :$l5; the laughter should Sfiinr^i Sord?riS plfiases. hat Ornaments .to.,bc „ot too unkind, The S:5Sti?mis?uS^J^ .Ships ^d^ automobiles k^,,^,3 bung Pn racles ^Tbu V il^^.^fn^r w^^^ Moffat and' monograms ..and all manner of take your pick- and march off to a . ence pr her partner H^^^ shaped .^^ttl^ ^^Vobm. -finally: carrying your ^^three perfect^^crc^^^^^ pins. Remained, for J^^Jgon nptP desk where .^; There Isn^t ^^^^^-^^'^^^^.^S some ingenious: -modiste; to go to 'bur packaje ls wrapped and:mpncy Buspicion that the pair. ^^o'^J^Kfrica: for inspiration. Now wild ■ , ., -themselves . funny^h- T^ are,done In deadly; seriousness and 1^^^^^^^ ^jr^iiantg ; arid - twp ^51 ij/.are nothing to snickbr at. .as a result, are panics. ■ : o gij^^ririg red eyes, caravans of Ivory jhcy're mod'ifehly^. devised of. good In -between tlie : elephants In graduatlnj? slzes. ..and enough material arid, probably Ipbk erman keeps .his eu<?sls.amused.^^^^ monkeys-all. Specially [^^^ ^,hen worn. For .long . train aUowing thein l-a^rape arotmd .th^ designed . to .eriharice woman'sUyj^ps^these little sport frocks would dance floor.on- kiddie;cars.. For. ^owning glory.^ More: restful, and K^g exeellent. : ^nipre-darlngr-there^^^^ bicycle^the ldnd that the Bloomer . _ . . Duke' Here '' The D,'e p£ ..^Ianchcsteit• -has .h.oen visiting in ?s'ew Yoi;k, -and e5cpect.s to proceed to; Palm Bpach liiter^on He has tried joiirpallsm and; yari ous scheriies. biit .haV: long been involved in financial difllcuUios., !ils mother was Consuelo Yznaga, pf New 'York,: and his materi>"-l -aunts are. iDmily Yznaga, of Paris; and l>a(iy L.istcr.-,Kay.e, of London.-. A generation ago he. manned Helena. Zimmerman, of Cinelrinati, arid tbok the ^late Mciyille; Kllis pn the' bbneymoon. as secretary. .. He and: the Duchess have beeri sepa rated' many years. - she iivlng in England: .with the 'chi.ldi-eri, .Ladles Xiary and Louise Montagu and Lord ICdward:. Montagu. The- other Kidri, Viscount M.andi'villc,. is married Two ' otht-r Cihcin.naii; hfires^ses. the SlallQ.gltiH, married .tilled foi clignors, f'n-ii.if,c Mii rat, of 1 'aris. and Pririce: Ro.«<pigllbsi, of , Kcw - ^^or.^^,; ■PririGess...Ko8p1gli()ai lost ;Cons|flcr. able money .ctiid..went into buiilncs.s jn.y^w-'iYprky::...-:,.;.:^'^ • Gtir; used to. pedrtl .dbW:n. to; Coney. : Island of'a Sunday--^thatv jiidgin.g, from the attempts niadc the. -^other .. rilght; takes ;nP: little skill .to . jna- : nipulate. ' . ...:.. '■ '. '.'.-' ■-;.■.;-.,' '-■ V. • Girls in Last Half ;'^'^:'': ■ ■ . ,Fcmtnliie -part.-of tiils we.ek.'Si'hiU • at the State all mas.sed'in the last. . .'hfiif, the m'a.iprity: 'pf'; '^the. ;::.young ;. wbinch . .ln ''The^ ji^ ■ which elbscd the bill; ■. . .- ; ':; -'. : Apt uses' a rathof: unusuat open-: . Ihg to.introdiiPe,a female jaz'i; band ;—school scene In which: the lady mu.siclaris, coriiplete; in.'^ cu.te;vcb^^^^^ : giate cbstume/ handle grbupi.sltiging ; And .ebriicdy .tiialog.; Annouricemcnts. nuide over two. dummy a't cither: side of: the. stage sprve: as', the: direct introduetiPn for the f.irJl stage ■ orchestra., .GirlS' dressed for - this in: attractiv e : :whiteand; red less ;iooiui;»v<i.i..iJim3 v — - , . .'i oin; .<Ji. ^y^^,... .- — find- briyx in a. fountain - design and .cord.i'afeeveri-' to the, corispi<--iipus miriierous Combinations:.: ,,:riiarca- gjgn which , reads:Your Money .site; and s'eml-prcclous.;St6nes; ... ' :| Back :f6r Any ileason." ■ ^^oi^r'^i^Jf'"^xfe: Guihta] Uolofes'Dog, :«eocotte,?' 'S^S:.,5S''niS ■:::; row - center, she. was - privileged, to . poloros Pel •Kip-has brought a dog gaze':acro.sS the orehoStra'pit at. bafk- from' Europe tiiat Is going. to simply' horrific :cmgy' of hcr.self?.- .: dot rant from, her. ,i)ublK:ity. It'.s perfectly true- that .Mr.:' Mc- m its own. way the;'dog.:-is .almost Evoy didn't ;da any better by .Tier:- as. charming -as it.a mistress, and is nard Shaw, dummy pieced- rumored to be, half mprikey, a better bd MisS ciuirian's. Allowing fpr-the ingle to It than being.a; T^U-xican. exageeratiori ' of revue teehnie. thcl This e.-mine heaut is .as .exotic a.s co,<5tnmoa. .. ... ilisfj 'White: (of White': .arid :Tier-, . n^v) has two sul-tably 'unpretentious- ■coj-fii'iTK.l; 'that, si.iit her'style.. -.?';It" ' tt!:nn. seemed a- 'pair' of'nice kldi^i . 'hri'.'id; and full, of liff>—a little prazy- ■ hilt, really nice. Audicnee- li.k.ed .tl:-Tii; . . . . • •' ' :^ • ' ■; r>nly other .glrl.<? were 'In the Sarar noTf ■ act-^Kirtter team, who danced ' frr ttily. .in neat, abbi'eviated co?.- tumes. and the feminine of an (Grintinu.ed from pag<! 2'3;) . Transerii)!.,: known as "Hard ' tO.;; I'^'' Is visiting.New YQrk^;• :.^ •■- ■" .:■ ■Blo'graph a Day - ■ -. .Merle -Potteri drama edlto.r. of the Minrieapplls Journal I's asking mo- tion pletUre studio press agents for. 300 Word, hlograpliics ;and . pictures of all their atara, ;to' be. used; In his dnlly toliimn. ; . . 'V : lielbn ir.untt-r is now conducting a faii chatter (•plumn:;. in . thf. Los Angeles. Kvet(irig:10xpre.s.s. . 1'hia ia an; added feaiuro oh the I'-ixp.resfl- drama page. - • • . ^ : Sw.oR.e's L. I. Estate ,;:Uridcr the "'Literati'' .heading in last 'week^s.^ark^tyj it-W«s::;.Klatea", in com nif' nting. ori Hprbert jiayard .Swop<.t \iriiH' si.if"i-f:erlf-d as inana'iilng .(idilor :.'of nhe : World - .by . Itaiplr E. WiUlam KosKin la the-new liters ary editor pf; the New ybri<, .Ever , • Post. : He : will, .also .c'bnduct. .ti)P daily book cbl'uni.n iri:tl.iat-pii.pcr fprmoily, b'poratxjd by lli'Uec ;(jould.. . dondp: ■'N^ist ;lia^ . bPughtThe ; =AmeiEi«taI,Gol£<i^ it,: hi-rPj-ift''r;".fri:)m .his plaV-.e -in :th0 0,rfi y 1 ifir' '--B111 Win k'. ':<;ran'i lirri d ; Jftice; -ia-emriins ;t,3':c''diLor.';\'.-; .■■'■:;..;'.- .:, Guinari reprbductibn was a bit Lpri- chaiieyish. Spoofing . -After a Visit to • the : Lcntheric _.. _ . . _ , parfumerib- .at snooty'' bllh - street. ;h<;r r:lothesm . . ^!^": :ohe may .believe ihc; weirdresR^^^^^^^ they Pome arid wh^.n. she Ost.ri(;tl.y a gal): d<-ns- a hopd'-d !cap'e for slrci-t wear 'She's thp sinartcst ■looklr);^ mult oyer. . - :• You - can - see that the dog,^ got A eapc must: have: b".'-n SVoman -. : - , speelrilly 'created :for-heh -J^be;also T?tfiT5°n7 -r^pr r f u M '. ^ ' " Dolof'-.'?, . Hho ;'d, .vyjth tlie ■oyer\v) 1 <■:'! th irig '.'^ nu111 (>f.- Sp.'inIsl 1 .corre.vpondi ri,t.'<, -who iiiid i:<>inf. 'tp tiro'i{itz tb. see : her/arid Holorf;K ; h'.'id 'J.ier .pif:tur-ft' taken ■ frorn -.every . •arigip,'and'stood for all. sorts : .of ' tomtVoir i-.y . .froin th.'v . sob . i^i.Ql'T s.' -j-rt'.'jf'nt, Who iriaul'Ml her arid ask/^d.' manrifr .Of. euriVjiis..;.quf'.«.liori.'^ 1 about h«;-r' I'nr.i'slan :;.il)r).!'rf'!. : ■ .; I '•. I.)oI.:^rei^ .and. '^Co'^ott'-" had a.; '•.<: curing..t'ltn^; of lt:'w.ith a ''i r<- 1 .rjortf-r from a fa.'ih ion icip'-.r.. \Vb.'-n ■ Dfi'lor.'.:; '.K.'iid h'..r dfe.sV. w.'ik JOi'i'l'- un^ih" b'i'i.« ar;rl. he ..'I'-'ki-il li'i.v yo 1. :. /Th e - fi f ■ w;t)i rid a rd l)i) si n o^s •ptc-^:. :tiot.iai-'y,'' - for which i.Iuliiia ; JSpi'-gel.. liead: . of . th«^. IWrilters l^oan;-.'Triifit ; C.(/rnpany; i's df^Wn' . as; a;ni1i'or;. ;vy;a3 ■ gii.bstT.writt'fn by. -Li.-(jn.: lilurueirfcld,- tiip: theairieai presH: afj'-riU: ■ ..' ' .Wil)l''itnv Fi-. fV^ysori has refiigriod; :ai-; • i h'" si d <■'ri t bT' T';! .V'f; o n 1 n 11 (■' I a r k e,' ^ . thcs..' book :':i:i''i'». .^vit'h ..Josi.-ph' Lrfrw'-r H'li'.'Cfijdlng', . 'rayson - rnay e(ii.(rr. the' 'iii;i^azih'}i: /i'l'ld, \s-:it|»,/hlS; first-'^effort a ela.s.sri)ji'l>i.i':'i"..ll<'.i';,-^e- ' v'fit C'd - ti) I he ■ I )rr'(;(ri n«. of il tie horse.H,, and to U<: <-u\U-<\ ."The i'"I"M." ' : \ -.'iiidrher mood to -t-he.:.tliiie-,bf day.-/ Of a .clear morriing '.fiiiO will don ■(■\vf'ed.'9: and i^et out fo.r a-Walk-in the Kimshin'-, with a tpueh of "Forft; Vle^rge," - pine odor,/ bri!-!.k;'.arid> -.inr yi.gorating-.' F.or luncheon, brldgic or tea, • she will" want .something ii;'ht and fragrarit—pueh. as "AfiphO; delo"-r-tho'; new perfume contrived to comriifrnorato Che -T-Ksntherlc in- vasion of America. For evening sht: by Vionnei.:..and" ^.ne; ;0f ;./th"/ r;ev^ (■•hand gold coilarft.' ■: ■. ;,- ■/. ' ■ AlJ doL's't dre.«.s .so w.l .-Nf;- i-Ti .:^'e "(•or'o^t>;"-'('■•harrj/iri:; nJir:.' i, b..:inrr in the: h}rn~ blisiofKr-; l:: - (Ih/'o'ont frorh .the rurl;.i in ) 00;-: .. I'Vut Dolores arid "CwOM.'-" w-i ■ v-ry' hon<-;it and df.':l.'ir-d 11k fijiDjCS thf.v had bb-Jght at f.};'- ' - torn'x, ■ , - . "Cocotte". is also Just as t<.lit>; a- ' ■7;ui.''-'' [•M-.v.- rd:, IIUTifi.erford, fic- - U<^n: wul-r, -J'.ot |jJs/$12n,J)00 ;SUit aiM if.: ! ']';.'■;■ uiy -Plelu're.s L'^^rpora^; .ti:it"i- in .-.:i:.'-.rior .Judiic. linnb.y's ■ ■«ii.-lt thf^ Word. "('-K-'otle".' lo' 'I. c-oui t: " '< "u.jriied tliat thf - (ilm r,. r. '. VVhen:Die . rioW!-:rf''l ri>an ki'-V ■■ •,'! ■ '^.'--'i' \";''-'tr^/in fur " v-?-]?' u i \ir "(''"'-"ttr-'K" : .>ly;;l'<; i ■<1 '' ^ oint. ri^.al<-l th^it I'.f :J i'.:.ii'"- j '.'Co'-of ir." - i.f.roaiiji-d }■}> > • i.ii;';;-: ,.vlyaei/,ii.'J..tO -iIk-' hi"'i' .>•■ j iJolor'-.".. .';i.-l 1-■••.•:■ ••11; i>i ■ '[■'•'- "■>' j fp.r-T , \vii h the t.;;.M.'j .•■.«!.i.i.v I hiiijior. !i'>. MiOlp ih-'i/ii . 1'. • ..'•■i'f . Ill'' .'■ t nvr^i^nz. . - ■ of ' r:a -Jii^na • f..t -.i pi'-tiire of lli..i' i..,iine,; by • I. r...'' /,and; fJ'-or .] )riim-: i-'Mi;.jy yf■ •i ■:•.•!'•( .T>1- ' ;d ;hfis ' li:':"/! 'signed . Id. .1 ■ '.ti ■^..■1