Variety (Nov 1928)

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46 VARIETY BURLESQUE Wednesday, November 7, 1928 .(Coiilinuotl -ti'Din pa>?e 35) comeilv, hwch of it . fanviliar fri)m the fwraor Allman ..amV Ifttrvey act todkod '• like- they. chop-.iH'd ■ pLonty,. too; bh . the t.alk- stufC-.aiva Avci^t into hot harmonica and iKUitar nuniljor.s much sooner than custb.mai:y.. ,Qi-. ,fered to good,applause.-. . ..■ / Shiith and. . DalG., ..rfsurrectod ■♦'Hungarian Rhapsody" \vith Mano, Lazfii-ih and a blonde .poach in syp;- pbrt. The foodery ia ...a.; \YClcomc retiii^h. It v,'as. never- . niore. nvu-t i r ■■provoking, with ovefyhody laiiph- Ihg ,aa .thouRh new.- For a comedy :cli3.sic ■ nhd . perfect : propellor . for •.Shiith and . Dale, they'll have, to dii; far. deeper to equal, lif) A^fS p<"''1^''<' "The I^crfect Crime" (FPO) screen. . ■• ,: ■ ■: .■ lUJba.. ■ 81st ST. ACADEMY •/. (Vau.dfilm) - ' Th^ltvinoinest of all mean .peopl^; the Ijciicony ■ smart al.cck,, of. his. ro.tton .work some night. .while Ninr f;ut . ili . Sunday. niKuu Gordon i,::lyi;u:: •solraiio, was slngihff.: , T6.,the cre^« of 'the • neighbortvopd .fi'om . .. which the Sist . Street dva>v3-its patronfige is the.' facit that tlie:/audienc(}: .im- mbrtiately iniposcd; seU-.discrplimj. suppre.ssing the .boorish eU<ment aiid applauding roundly at; the. con- clusioh of .the. humber. ■ •. • : : . Cordoni (Iscw Ac.<-s>; ing her \ debut; to vaudeville, - de- served kinder treatment. . She has an: Intprosting and unusual,soprano voicc,.has dressed her .turn sumptu- ously and possesses an. accomP4nrst I jicavrly - outstanding competence,- _:Not |. jfjj^yQ^ -.rig^^ ■ i ;insw(>rs. flew-Vfast^intir; Miss .'Lee; inally took the air. As .sh<^:. was : o ;^ng. thev.m. : c... . who . «ta.ids;^. Ylu" sla^'e, passed .a nifty to the ef- Ivc^ tbat ilisij- .Lc^ had :<x, Jr:dDo(i. Vo'iw.-T^for: b'ooze." . - t'* . x^ ' • yho was followed hy. a bright, on- tof-prisihg young, lad who Pi>'S>^^5V: tii r the cogribmen of . John i>.i aiiJ , .\lr. Brady hoofed .lipon ,ro(l.uost, un- h^sitatinijly. He virtually .dived.l.ntp Ivis :ro,utine, :.which consisted, Qf.oM. <iiot>. To . 'show .versatility :,in THE BOHEMIANS (MUTUAL) • ■ . librb's a show that's a good pat- tern for Mutual prpducers to go after if thby^waptvthe Whc^l to.sur- | ''^SurieMque as 12. ..The Kinda .s^^^ IbVed at'the- old London. Bowery. - The pruvclpals,trotted on in prolog to - join the chorus ih. opening ^en- scitvblc. fbrcgpingL the f()rmal.:intro. ductioh 0f. names., Perfeet hear fo- OFCOUIBIA 2 Weeks^ NoWce^hru Nov; 17^^- Burlesque will s|op. at .the. Gp- lumbia,. Ne>v. Ydrk, Nov. 17. A two w:eeks' . notice tp ^ this teffect waa ;t;ip (if sp'o.bhs, which he used ; as cUp- traps. - drumming : ; a/ hairCyt and shave around .i .-little: boy jcarcely over eight years' old. : Th.l« idea suf-: .fpred, however, whfeh .he hegan the .shayihg' pfocesai most... of; the cys- lomers:.i|guHh/1oud^^ l^^^tlngehrVho^^ust^ also;:Bb. mis- [served pn L . H. Herk^s ofilce Mon- l,o3^fcouldn\t^ possibly .need a sha.yc . c^^^ this review., but may :get ^^y^ .^ov. .5, hy . Walter Reade, .^n early in lifc; -. . ' .. . ^.««,.,v,r^..A Mr« i .. « . - (Missi) Lee Da,ly then.gave^a vo- p;il .. f'xhibition ac.cdTrtpamcd by xivakes. The . boys apfirpvcd of the '•ilri and Hp mbvement but the m. c. hnlloTod.' to ::lay off. Miss Daly la featured comic Was Aft Mayer and the haughtiest, of. the seubfet cpn- thigent S^rankie Moore. There, were, toc^ other, sex. appealy^gals: wearing l every. whit as little aa Prankie. faome other riiUles also- rounded out_ th^ nomer in- una-i«=y ^.^••■.-t'.- - uay, xyvy. ■ .t> cvilvf iwuue, their name breaks :elsewhere, iNo jesgee..and ppera,tbr ^ pf. the Columi 1 programs at this economy house. , . ■ The show starts-, out Tegulation M^^a. V-.-. : ; .-. (Vaudfilm) . ' ■.■v.-.-';V. -(wiREqi^'-' ' -if :^nch a thing ais ^top much ;show Is possible, there's more than too niiiph at the Acaden-iy. And for one- half a plunk downstairs.. ■ : The current, jflr-st half shpW con> i)rises a full .length screen feature '^The Toilers" (Tiffany-Stahl), with : RCA ^ Photophone: souhdlrig. Movie- ■ tone newsreel, some real music^from. W 19 - piece pit orchestra and ex- cfellont .vaudeville.. - The show runs ■ close to three hours and a halfr or . longer than that in any yaude, him or •vaudnim house, in town. - ^ • ' : Fox's Academy gives the b.est Bhbw in. New; York for thei money. ' \ Shfiw's -Hawaiians. (New ^Acts) . - ifrailest turn .in' the lineup,: thouga :■: itot, had; at. alU 'openech, .'Its: T^aiwe^ to this bill is. the :fact tnat iti precedes instead pf following: an . acrobaUc troup,e., ' The Alhsons (91 ■ -Bhauld establish themselves as_the . best bf their .lclnd ,ln ,vaude..^They are^ wonders:. at ground tumhUns and bbdv risley* hut attract rtostly beGauae ' oi thQlr speed and-yput . .ful appearance, all seeming.ln their ■ V 20's or less. Stopped the show, cold, feat for any-physical tumi.- and in ■^.th.b deuce, \ : , j^^c^i.^ Tyler ' Mason, blackface single f ovind i nh streets hospitable, not- withstanding his familiar style and ; ■anpoaranciB.. Formerly a* miniature . bopv bf Honey Boy JSvans, hesjipw driftin'cr Into the footsteps : Of Al Herman.. That.means he's.gomrto ■• find it £oush follpvirlng Herman,, for Herman Is still aroiind,; unless they I J. lie -f---" v^.,,,---:;,^ hack I When : thei Mutual' shows cease Shdled Perfectly.. ■.: : ■ ^ , : : Arat time Jn 17 .years that .a :,cir.. After lntf.<iductpfy Mayer and as- cuit burlesque troupe hasiri't besen iociate comlp get down tb; business 1 jjo^^ed: it., is uhderstppd burlesque fpr a flirtatlpn blt^. not new, but' - - ■ - a nirtaiion oii^not new, out 5^00^ and picturies. may be the rieyf Ifunny as handled, With Frahk«. p^^jj^^^ strutting her; stuff pften a^^ Reade's ^notice to. Helrk gave aa ■ sSSJ Ssb-rJte^Well frpm the s. a; j tlon; .expenses being so-.high; that a cbnilitlon whiclv of outstanding comj»euc..v«=, .Not'l ^.^^y": -f^^^^ fortunate in her.'choice. of numbers, .^^j^^i^p^t from the. ruder, element. ,^ although possibly it is. because., she. , An^^ther young ; songster,; Freddie Avas trying to ;. pick; ■.vaudeville-tpothJ adapted Songs, that her . .miaterial iriterfetehce . and:, a repertoire llm- Lbdmed light and ineffectual. Heavy .,itp^v-,tb two. selectl^ stuff would have been preferable.. with the . chorus of the first .■num- The bill in tota was smart and ; - Stiu slant handling - numbers -well and Mutual bopkings cpuld ribt be cPii zippy. Standing ;out by reason, of. Miss Whit.fe. .cbloredrfilled In.^ Tne as • the law ti^uedi Irt additlOh. tp i the. .Mutual.: Its ;elambrpus, ..color . ;vand> : .melng . nfferts. a .red , shlrt apd macu -jj^ tempo ^Nras the Riva ^^-^ -skii-t. ; .She : ^^^^-"^^.^1^ ^"^^^^ hav^ng^ah6^r idea .pn;,the l^ssiew ,^ stagehands^^ind musiciana ^ New;^cts^,.prpduced. .by.._lIarTy [^^^^ S'^shll&^^co^T^hen'Sb^oofi b^S^^^.dy scenes had Mayi^r ho^se twp weeks, frpin i^y. 5.^ . ?thd hovved Off in the sanje.veiji. .: .|^^^^.«^^ the hop thrpughput. Seven,v^^gehands /h^ beei^ Clyde Vlcliers, pontortlonist;. and \^^^^[^ mpstiy familiars, thev chcked, Laraiw $.196 apiece, overtime con- acrobat,, blosed, .. . Mori., k^gyertheless, especially the .bpiidoir . tinuing-.while t^ have ■ ■. ' .. --. : ■ .' blackputs, which had .ITrankie and heen running between shpWs. another.'Jane jumping intp^MOjy.e^^^ .. rj-.^ere are ten iheri: and a leader ^Lostermoor :container and the. trayf: t^e. orchestra, in on a. seven day esty on "Shooting of, Dan. McGrew. I Roye. Here' is dancing. of the qual- ity seen more often .in highbi-ow recitals than in vaudeville,. • E.acn of four; young ^^^omen;. the support to th e featu red teamV is a soloist. It is dancing as superior In ,con ceptiori as In execution, stirring th.e imagination, and wholly, removed from- the . two-for-a-nickle type, ol mechanicalized vaUdoville - hoofer, so prevalent, these days HIPPODROME (Vaudfiim) Good ■ turhoxit Sunday ' i^atlnee.:| |;y;^'iheh: -oh:.if w^ <r»in..: "The • Cop" 1 nf sdnir :ensembles and blackouts despite Steady. ■ rain. ' i'emininity was- amply- represent- I ^iiathe) ^ori , sbreeii. No •. pverture. :aiternatine. and all handled enter- ed . throughout the bill.'. lHye^ gals ^5^,^ ..- unbelievably: .. asinine ,FBOi t^iningly \yell. ,.-; ^ • -^^ ■ ° — - - • - -K^-i-I ... « L -Ml.. fn. i Erin Jackson, house runway souD., contract, the musicians getting the $75-. weekly. scale and ;the leader, $103.. ^ \ Frank Illo Is; .stage inanager. He has; been at the C.blumbla tlifee in the Tliva-Orr agt. five with Ldr ghort.; based on the s.Uly . and ,.In-,. . .,,v^^.,„.., "r~\o««« the l die Dale,- one with Harry Burns J f;^njile antics pf' Barney: Google spaced the .double^ stanzas of tne. yp^rs. ... "'e ,+^x>.. . . — ^„..„ /vTv« I , -—t,,^. ■ir.«nv,T«'«.ri hvl.r..:-T:_;. «r.v.,.o with mpre . pr less. . p^.^gj.^^ is mTislcil. director. a patience-straining 25 minute^im terlude between the yaude and filni. Mason-i)ixpn Dalhcers /New Acts) two in the opening turn and ^Miss ; proved house :emptyer. .Followed by traveling opera, vvlth mprp . Gordonl.' Excepting from the ,:cpunt g .^f thbse Aesop's things, it .-t^as of a novice crew that in.mMtt the'opera singer, it.wais a bombard-1 ■•-*—-•-«-- oc -v^i«„f» inw.l.,_v_._—,„v,»n>i would hav< ment of gals. .There never.Avas and. never will he a. bad ,,vaudeville , bi" when so .many cixppsed. shanks, are about.. ■' ■■ ' ,'':'■'■■■■:■■■ ■-'.■ ■ ■ j j . New acts on the hill ., included Ujnt as to the act's name, , Phillips and Sheldon,, two girl ^.^e Echedrpm©- was a. difflr*^ trapezists hlore than:;wbrthy of any ^,^^^1^,^ fOlive. .Glespn (Ne*-; vaude bill. Anether showing turn .;^ctsy^vhose voice and me rer was Morgan.: Stphe iand Connors, q^ire- more .intimacy . l^jet^een the . . Wi^-ii^sdue First two fbrmerly did a banjo turn, .forking and passive sides pf the the rejuvenation of bU''esque — . .V,. . „ ■ - _^„qi 1 Ho has a cpntract with the'R^^ ?Kn^Erin ihe tbok.i^ gpt twp weeks';notice. . uiS'^d^ihonst^^i^^spmef^^^^ ^^"^^S^:^ IbPd ti^Taiiclng but np;.clue p^ Despite, a corklng. show from^alV] ^olu be Billy. Watson's. -„ ix. +1,^ ov^fa natri*.. . I giantS; : Plenty, .of Tood fun ana riothing vulgar, which proyes: that- :?£rbu1-lesque instead prihisma^^^^^ ulated dirt can; eriterta.ln. . . A few mpre like this one cpuld bring, about "Chicken Trust. Connors is a .ukulele virtuoso ad dition, to his banjo-twanging. : Turn did nicely. . . ' , : - :: ■ , - . xicnu*!... o.... - , "Eddie Dale's hpdge podge .act like his - singiiig elsewHere as ^^cll founS "favor despite or possibly pe-. as they did-down here, . As-an .en- cause of Its fragmentary, charge- core he asked ;the' audience what :Harry Burns' . familiar-routine thev wanted to her^"Sonny Boy was the; laugh wow. ;of . the . bill; : p'r ■"King- for a Day." "So he sang nejehe Grant, ah indifferent black bbth..V.The :talk they had heard ber Ujottomer but .a nifty figgcr,; helpS fore and signified as'.m:uch; _ at the finale. The next four Item's were; natural Hpuse wals sold house wreckers-^.Kltty Doner, Par ker and Butler, Carl; Freed and or- chiestra and Collins .and Peterson.: j Nothing less than a. big time fEont. That's' 50 cents' Worth alone. Wil- linrn FOX must hive leased his • Acad em V to Santa Claus.; Qf the lot Miss Doner rates par- ticular commendation. She is ^york- Ihg very hard, shoulderint* the bur- den of a highly polished flash her- soif and giving them more and bet- V ter :dancih.g than they generally see : In half a dozbh shows. . _ . Sherman Revue, dance'act that - should stick to dancing and forgot , the home-made lyrics, without ■ •which it should be immeasurably better, nhishod (New. Act9)i . - - . Due to' the Mate hour JVIonday - night (11 when the vaude ended)' the sound newsreel ^yas chpped niidw.'iy at the third «hot and the ope.i'f^tbi- danced rightjnto his. fea- '■r *^N>> A-aftors.h ere, /but they; could . •-. tise them.- ■ ■ ■• ■ ■.^V The rhotophoTie ; a.ooorapanlmoTiT .- to the feature, made oxre^ of the W. e; .MOvlOtone: wiring, if V -that: mbahs^ anything ^P Xhe_int^v- .chahdbahility situation. < Jf;(/«• . • (Vaudfilm) - ': ■ . r- Kithoi- /Ernll Jannings ("The Pa- triot") is ai.big draw, or the Yo"^^ from orchestra pit tb projection : booth .Sunday night, , and not.: so .. deslraMe .box seats cost $1.50 each. "Mating C^l (Par) on -screen,:, ' Jjond. ■ fobtlight pan. By keeping on the triove Miss Oleson held the audi- ence's attention better^ than might be expected from a femme single with a quiietist style; and hot-too- rpbust punch -lines. She is pf ..the newer geheratipn of "In phe'' ceme- diennes. ' •■ ■ : ': , ■.' VYestertheughts,'* prPduced by C; R. Maddpck, ranges all the way frpm an ultra-tppical. ra,dlo brpad- cast burlesque to finale; with ypur old acquaintance, the silver comet and trombone ensenible, hpt seen White's dancing; gets over 1 either when pn his own or with tne around since the; Taft administra-.l^ j a comedy, rube dance, with tibn. Act was well regarded by ;the I 6 - « ^anin for Hippbdrpmera aind the radio part MUrpSCANrrH^ (dpntlhued from page 3i4). ' . J local ^'bolitics .the Mutuais suffe^ kum and nianipulatlon pf freak in- censprship, while the ; sky:^ may be strumehts;: :Did well but were oniy. Umit: for. the .stocks,, save; in -lSve?^ie and: White Hawks, clSf contributed a niftsr revue ■ ■, .Prices that got over big. The act com^ cheap quality of entertainment prises Bavey^ aAternatii^^as the burlesques; at $1 and -$1^68 bind is acceptable pn instnimenUv^^^ shews CHALONER (Vaudfilm) >'ew York, Nov.; 2. was a comedy highlight of the bill. Chevalier .Brothers, : striainless equilibrists, won . a plurality from the matjnee crowd;: Applause . .wa;s closer to unanimity, more sustained fpr less money,. . offered bf competitors practically ail along the . , f , A number of hpuses no^ the one of the gals ; was .a panic lor Urheel confess they're there . for Ijuighs. ^ r. i*u<... V-i?ROV ^^oreeh I want. of a better policy, haylne : "Perfect Crime, - (^^O) ^^|c^n 1 ^^^^ the' wiggle showp; feature. Friday is Opportunity Nite: on 9th and more frequent ;..thah f.or._ any other turn, Including the featured comedy headliner, Toney arid man. ■ . . , Axel Mlranp, with a trick aero- plane apparatus, , climaxed when avenue in a two-bit. house, showing six or seven-pictures and eight acts Of oiit and out yaudovillo. .-. . , ■; , No one has. ever; heard of the eiialonbr and it may be that no pnc has ever heard of Tony See, but on this particular :Friday night Tony. . . „ . . , .. uhconsciously appeared in the guise .I Interesting seven; minutes of a gladiator with: the Ta;n>blinR. ugly, uninspiring: Chaioner as ; the .arena and a •wild,::Unbouth,;. ill-man- rjered 9th avenue audience as his judge. ■ ' . ■■ , ; ToiTy Ibokcfl like a product pi the ,^^,-ain:iyoliahadi,-J5.Vi£^^ BROADWAY (Vaudfiim) Sunday's dismal weather affected after flopping with several previoua policies and - not cutting any heavy cbupbhs on the change either;; : With ■consolidation of the former Columbia wheel with Mutual last season a.nd eventually absorbed by the Br oadway's^ inat Ji^^brutaUy . - - - - ^^p^^ ^ames or ^*'t?".^e^"bells When tff^^^^^ office attractions l^oJd^g'^^i^;'^^to;^"tra^^^ "Sm^ must .have this division passed into more lu- . swinging rapidly; around; the stage- chased the nativies out for a "ttie prative fields. . . ; ,.-„.- _ _.i_...L-^ r—J 1 ' The real prpduccrs. also: cieare* 125th ST. .Uempt, and : uhivwiiro ,.b£: the u.sages. ^^qw. (Vaudfilm) . : ^ Rain walloped. a,ttendance at the. first stiow ..iSuhday ; afternoon, but the'-house--ftllcd-before-.the -.supper, no- ibie ta"sectKeir w;iy clear on shpWJ Its l.that; should be shows at the .^" 'of the stage.-'. But he; sah'g; with a depth, rpsohance;. feeling and;; sin-; ('critS' worthy, of a vastly .. supcr.ipr hiudienoe ttml' a- mbre sumplvious stage. Not knowing what: he . was doing this boy walked but oh the l-flbor of a: barren stage, cold,.in hjim | street' clothes, ho. makeup, sang, to; Corking bill for first half, for type of house. Also "The Perfect Crime ■; oh. screen.- i."': ... '■i- - :'■ .i;.^-- ■: Gbrdoh and t)ay, mixed, .team; opened with clowning and: cycling. They .sent the show-; flying,'•- ^ ■■ •Three: Black Abes; unbleached mate trio, whooped things up. in Even in nice weather the Sunday Ly> ^j^^ former Columbia mob un opening hasnit been Vpanmng. ' - _ .u„..„ •well 'with the Broadway. A i^^^^frbmSl^^'l^P-^ ^"^r'"' .ome real because of^he- picture house over- shoves that are shows, some real flow on the week-end. . With the,-pj-oaucers and a better money ar^ ^ve^atheF':^^^WOt^^as Times Square was j,PartlGuiariy K.—burlesque . over another .sea^ I-rushed.: until around ;^^:"'^Sr^^^Tft^ sbn. A^ some herculean. scoutlnK ■ Broadway: seemedv ^to. su^er-^, th^ ^ ^ ^ biick some: real .talent, to this brknch bi thbvshbw; business.. the son. ; most. iVwa?ierllect £pr thb ripigin ^''"^ bPi-hooi houses, the .rain and in- iblemency brooking no siibway travel downtown. .■ -,:-/ . ' -, , Current sho-w is mediocre,; Includ- "The Air street ClOines, no inii;is.<. iiw, n-.m^ >■< : ni;ue inu, wi.ywiivv* ■ ili«V i^^ -> flrwrMr nf tipw acts "Tho Air the toughest, meanest, x Tottchcst J next: notch with; some ni^ty whirl-J fe* J^fl' 1^ ^fi^t of^"a. series^ of avidippee in NeW.;Ypi-k. ah audience wind stepping.. ^ . , - ^ •• lwkv hliii-^featureS booked in at this rrun , k. .. ... - , of mbced; ^citlonalities,; <M>lorS. and | ^-MeiyUe-^^^ ville babbittry is inhured^ to early creeds, art audience ready. to cry l^ iv.s Th6 Sunday breakfast frolic down what it dishkes with uncom- starting before: 1.30 saw a sizeable . promising, vehemence, and stopped attendahcei. .about , half . eapaolty, plenty pennies at four bits consider- ing' the - sl-/e of the house; •-., With .Tannings, one act; Huphlc Clark unit, comprised the.stage pres- ehtatiOn. The personnel has DlpK Lucke'fl Arcadi.ans. nine pieces. Jo-, sephine Davis,, coniedienne, and Ja7,/ Xips Richardson, spade under Cork, eccentric stepper. Other minor spe- cialists .are the Taylor Sisters, very a la Williams kids; Ann;r.ronson ^-and-.DQtLte.LUQlt,o:;..nQ34iy.:Tpy^''^V;'".- otb.or jazz dancer, and Aiarie ius- iron too s'toppenste. " . ' -The rotuml Clark is that type ,of m. c: who goes^in for. Sc;ot(:lv gags. Detnpsbv-Tunhey qiiipH..; which: dwells on puns 'coUrerninK chifUi^n 'croquotto (croak: yet), ami bon mots of a type li'iv'ivff. to do with "il's a living, anyway- .1' ; >r ing to a heterogenous nioh* ( laiK seems to .appeal to the popular mmd, and so is offrt'tive in his sphere of endeavor, . ■ . „. StimuorTTeggen is hou.^T conductor; William CIilroy, "^-[JJi. . the show. . : -There is sortiethlng- pi'ptesquely; peculiar about the lilces and dis- likes Of the 'average .audience,, an unfaliiomablc quirk of nature.whiclv hafnen reaspnin.g. Tony brought it to light, iirrhaps mor.e conspicubusly than it has even, been bofore. . He sang .and: they • cried, howledv stampod, whistled and . rioted . :fpr mor<^. When.he had exhausted his .'itnlted repertoire they rouldn't - sei followed and got over ;: so-sp; with comedy and songs. Comedy handled by Miss Melville and gained mpstly. through her slams at her near skeleton partner. .Got a :61pw start here a:t the session reviewed but did better before offing. It's, practically the f( mor. Melville and Higglns. act, comedy -wow" some years hack. Times and a,udience ha-ve changed. Billy Wells and ' the Four; Fays, latter three sisters and ■ brbthor. stopped the show. Althpugh pat- terned as the usual dance revue, it develops art . Unusual one which eaiight the palm slammer> . heavy . ;• (Cpntlnued Trojp page;34)^ v, Geneva, 15-17.. Oswego|J,^?0. Sc^ne . MbulTn lutiial.': .NauBhty NHUee- MutuaK I"^l?n°P°l]^p,re, Toledo; V^ C^^ later, when. thp.-prizes for.the Win nbrs' were :T>(Mng . distrihuted 'tboy i-iad all -hut fiM-gott.on rhe one .wltr^ V^voved tVuM.u to .such,;:frf^n?.ie,'V emotion s.rir'-pfVon.: hpf;)ro::.and yotrO lirst prize to' an Irish trip of medi- ■>(MV e.alihor. ' ,1 felen I-oe opened the . show wllV a plaintive thou:L;h unpi-pduf'tivi-. hailed' entHiod ."Vou Wanted. S.ome- :(ine To Play With Whil<^ 1 AVanted "^nmeono To T.ove." The hoys in the rear immedLTtely aeeopted it as a noliMPir'theme., and started nn "Ask mo another" contest. QutvUion.*? .and stepper, has ieft nothing.:amiss in this one. Pie carries, .enough scenic eriuipnient tp outfit a Driiry Lane spet't^iele. • - ; •■ - , ■ Wells'. cloWnfng and hoofing got them on entrance, and grew ujnm (hem. for an ovatibrt wind-up; The Fay foursome should not by any means be left out in the cold on credit. The gals are looker.s. .shapMy ami: have, unusual dancing talent. S.Mme goes for the brother, act that should el irk anywhere. itawthorne and Cook.-nut eomles next to Shut with their familiar ho- Keith .house Joe and Ida St: Onge. iStuart Girls and Lioe Maspn and "Sunny' run- ning: dnfe-two-three -Amder -New Acts. - Anthony and Hpwland fbtirth. with wop comedy; Jack; Anthony has been around with fi number of partners. His new straight is ex- cellent, handling the ballad spot okaiyr and; foiling welU Anthony goes in for too much native ad lib which. Avhethcf mildly profane ; as seems to he. the general tenor of the asides or some other form of dialect cornedv, got some returns from what ■h.npcarcd -toJxe.aisize.a.hJe_conlu igont_ of Italians in the meagre ^ttend^^rJ Wy._^j._^^_^^^j^^y ance. :" ■■■ -• . • . .. . Irene'Ricardp with her Pagliacci routine :was the comedy clean-up. Her dialect " numlver.s are sturdy framework for her typ'e bf clowninR- Whilft the'ohyious , desiro. to pllug. her authors, T.owis and YoUti;,''s nevN h;ill;ul, "Iving for a I>ay,'' is com- mendahle,: the comedienne is a bit bevond her depth: with a heavy song of" that nature, although Miss Ri- ciirdo iTot awav with it well enough. "Cuckoo," Rni?er 10. Murrcl's flash revue (New Act.s) closed. Ahel, lumbla, Cleveland. _ i nMio N. Nile Club . Girls-H. & S. v APOUo.. C, i 12, .Kmpfre, Brpolclyn. ^ vonfrcaU Ntte Life' In ..parls-Gayety., 12, Howard. Bostpni - , 5^ „fle]a; IJ, Grand. Akron. . . i>' Gayetr/: Fuss Puss-Gayety, Sdranton,.!-. Wllke«-13arre. ,, / „h„ Albanyt Radium . Queena-Majcstlc. Aioanj/ . Colonial, unci. ^ HaVen; nccord nrOakera-Hyperlon, 12,. Lyric. BrldBeport. . . 2 Qny^tT, Red Hot9-Col(,nia!. ulKa, i-. Montreal. . . - 1, -■■•inclnnfttlS Round the: l\)wn-Eni prcaa. c i" ic-if. (.:oiumuua.. _,„„.„,. rt'irre; I-''.". Jirlfl-^Jaytay. WllUe-;-i;''-'^'^^Vontoii. \Vli1mv.4—Cftdlll!t*.. . - -^ >^^- • 12, SW.?* Lycipiim. (;olumbus.. Speed Cir Lyi-lP..: Alio..... ,. Sporty -Wtdow-^—Cftdl Slep . Along-Plaza. Worcfster, 'Pprlngfleld.- r ■■ o • ' ■.StPp Mvcly Glrls-.U. A. Akron.- V,. „c>i- 12. Cadif. Step On It-rJmpfes8..C'lil.aR». la:o,- I'etrolt. ; rr';^"'-lf"*'" St. . Stolon swctts-l?:mplro, Gnypty, P-nston. ,^ ' H;ihl(.!>-<1arrli-k, r.iiyoty. K:inH:is r\iy. ^ Wino,. Wom.nn .nntl .v"'^V,.,,,^e- N. X. C; la. Bmplrc, Provlu<..i^e- |1A ^laCA