Variety (Nov 1928)

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50 VARIETY £ E GI TIM A TF Wednesday, November in N. Y. aiid fenieiit • Figures jestimated and cpmrnent. point to some attrabtioris; being . - successful, 'WhMe the same gf'pss act r^^ to. others might suggest . hiediocl'lt^: or lo_s6. .. The. .variance .is; explained in. the difference in. ;.; housie .capacities, with \the varying overhead. Also •this size .of edst, ■ '■' .with cotisequen't difference" t/> necessary gross: of profit. Variance . jit ;bu$insss; hec'eis^^^ as .against dranhati'c .- p:tay!-is;;ia|s:6, considi^redi'.,,: • ^:V ■.■ ^'^ ' ■ ' Classification .of attraction, house capacity and top. prices;, bf the I scaiij giVeh ;below. K^y; to classificationi ,. C. j(cpmedy);. ~ ,b.;(drama); f! (revAj.e) r.iy^ (musica). comedy); F (farce)i O (oiierett.a). ; A//7|^issi6n;;7aiF applies^on tickQlfi ' over $ J .♦'Americ.anaj" : ^iiih.jjHc-id,. •.(Rri,,050- .■•'$5.50.), Tivkon. oft abrup;i.i;y.: ,^Ionclay •;,:aftoi■no•tJl^.; -pracl'od- five. Jiiy'';, <lr'-''>^": . . mUd:;^^^^ . hoyi'^Uioa; in .roviio, . tradx; ;firsfc seven, perforinanc-es ;orily iabnut. .. $13,000 ;.; ; 33road\v.iy;'s ... trado vuff" gen'orully-^tM V'Animal Crackers/' .■i-iftiv St; ;O.rd ■ V wQok);'. il.M-iiSilij. ■: ■ $C;60>V. .-Aiarx. bbftlier.s ilrtiAriii.if b.ifr ti'aclt^^at.nia- .V. tineeK.' \vl\i:c'h;' .tliey ■ 4idh't. rip - .In . previc'us^ siiows.; " .niajor L ■ mu-sical r .h-lt. \vith^taki'nt^><^'^^>b..v.<J; i^3.p00, ^ \yc:ok.: -4--^/ '. '^Billie,'' firliiniyor. ( we^k)V(^^-.i,- ~ ■.■5.20r$3.S5.):'. ;'.ConTPotitlorv^,.()!..• hlKh; . scale musicals . fihrtiiki; >hp;t • affeci .,;CGhh.h • ; at.trac.tipn, : popularly. ■ • pricfecj:; . gettihg $25,000; . VBIackbirdsV' Eltinge^^^ .(27th ; week) . .. (R-S92-$3,85)... .{ 'Regarded. ..: cinch through .wlhte-r - and Into. spring; i .get.tirtg ; iiipa"?. nidhey ' tlian .. any •J colored "rev.ue ever, presented ; 'oiX "comparatively ^ little last : wCeki ■ ■$.18;500;:.■■:,';■•■ ."Courage;''; Ritz (Oth. week) (D-045- ■. . $3). ; .Cut rate^ airptments w ;; drawn; • Irist week ■ • •ivlien - tradf elairned to have jumped to. $10,- OftO; improved\6ver ■o.penih& Weeks isihd ^ tliat cohtihues, .w;!!! stick, v "Crashing . Through/'' Republic (iZpol .' week) (C-.901-$.3).^Tipped. as.good / thing hut notiees rather mtideratie; ; .lip. ca reported in. agencies^ b\lt; ;, this,. WOe'k 'should; afEord^ better. .' ^line; ■.'..,',.,::.■•■■■•:. / .;.. ^ '. ' \ "Cross . ' (Vly Heart," XCnickerboc kor • (8fh. kee'O (.M-l,4i2-$4.40)-; Final We!ek;^" ;m ., like., • wihne^^ in .Jlostori, hut. fe(i down; here:;; house .;dilrk-next week; gets ■;• -"Maebrtii'- Ncv... 19.-: ;.-■•:/•.. . *'Diampnd. .Lil," .Royale (31st week) ■. ;C'r)-l,iI7..r.?3). Regarded .deing Ex- cellent, Ci'pp of. attrjictionsi last ; ■ week takings ; ifirbun;d ;'.$l2';00D. :. ■ '.'Exceeding: Shiall,'* Comedy ' (.3ra : .. week) :.(.C-682V$3) .i Actor's T.hofftre .' thinidng- of. replacing this show •^\Mth•revIyal of"'\The Wild Duck''; . little chfiiice; un.(ter $5i0.00. • "F.aust,'V ^Juild (5th. week): (.bvgi-iV ;$3)< Anolher:Aveek- with no. chance ; mov^' to ; anbthei'" house after . . subscrlptibrt period ; • around".$13;- ■ 500-; "\rajpr - i:5arl)ara," revival, to . ■^Piiyw;-■. .; ■• . .■ •.•:.;,;• . .;'; fFrpnt .Page," Times, Square (13th' • ■wook).', (.C'-l,()57-$3.8&). ■ Rugged • Ppmedy -. approximates" caparity riiglitiy .- and .will; dpubtlCss- last ^through' season; has been pff and . last we<?k caspd down "tp $21,000;. .' of ;driim<as'.'^ ■ ' . ■ •fGeritlemen; of the Press," 48t.h • Street (11th. weo.k> . (0^96!)-$3). Sli PlM ng i ly. but may do bet -: ter aft(?r . election;' . rharingerial -. hope on =Rroadway;. $6/000. :/ *'GlfI TroubI.e," Relmcint ;(3rd week) ; (C.-S'l Gr$3.85). .Tteputed better than . ..fir;?t. indir.'itrons, trade improving -last, week, first': fun weak;. $.5,000 . ■ oT;n.mod..v-. ■ .. fGobd.. Bpy," TT.ammerstein's (10th ..week) ,-.(.M-.i,400-f.6.60). Perform-' ance; ae.ser.vlnig - of better busi- ness; ..hi irh' .!^cale 'may hi; ahswei- hero (ind,'with, .sohi.e blhers; rated around. $;;5,GOO.. ■ '^Gpds of the Light'ninig," T^lltle (SrO Aveelc) 11:>r.530.-.$3.85>.; M(idc'rate 'to ^--da Le,.:UGon.sin^^^ ;■ ,$5).5O0. .cliiimed last .,\veel ; . agen'oy . buy. .figured." ■ "Good Nevvsr" Chanln's 4Cth ' St. .. (.62nd.. . . w<^ek) ;..:.(M.^:T;4;|-3-$5.50) ■Another rh.onth .:oir; so .w'ith a ;neW; miisical: due here in Decomhor by / sfiin 0. .nia.n.{ men t (Si'h \va b a tid ': ■; ^Tnnilel); ./holdoVor ■..>^till ' ni;iking •;•.•. mo.iif.>y.; about $20,000. ."Hello..Voiirself;" f2nd wo(-iv) ■V ; (M,-i;, t77-ij5;n(iW CpnllitfUt of tilts • nilisical.., landing;; Vtth 'audiences .....bop.'iting;-; tierfcn'mdjio . . l.nitlat .. week," iii>l' criterion because, of lag- ..;g;ing. -trade :g(M,HM7^^^ ru.ted over ;; $ 1 S.Od'O.. in; .first seyon ,pei'f()rih • . .n'tifios;; c.'.tpacity - fuil: werk . abvuii H o 1 .d Evcrything,';' V, roadIni rst (51 li '...Wi'ck). (..\r-l,M.S.--$r,T»0), lyivitig roal ■ ;l)usin6>i>4 though- under. ;('apaiMi;y ;betlor .lino .' of .sluiw'a ' slrehglh from n'lvw (wi; $2(i,()00 x'.l.-ilnied. VHo.tbed.V. .'.FnIuu:; ,'(iHt 'wcoU) (fi-SlfO . ■. $ii);..• i;i-f.son 10(1.. 1)y l.!rp(• K- Poin 1 km.' - '■. ton; Vvrjlteii liy.lViil.Oslior.n; pro .-' ilupi'i'''s ..(5(i(nmd. tr.v this* seasoji i-o:netT.'; .''riiuv.s<iav.-( N'nv. X) **Jarncgan,"^.>oiij;a(ri goiid att<;U( in bi'Tit-r iVrU'V'l •'■'.'■• .«<i';i1.^;'!irMi (iiiKiit ,to n.Vakt' run .ol' i .;; it; 3!.l2;'i(H) wrUkJ;. ^ 'i " " . .' .'.'Jealptrsy," -.M.-ixine . .EUlDtt-- (;',ril '. .; W(V(.-Ky (i-*3);.MuiuIiiy niKlifs '. per.rrinniiiii'iv nut, (iiroU;rli illiU'Ss of joiii). Jial!i(l;xy. .who i.^ o. k.- now-. ^nl.Mi^("-H .coii.sJil(>rcil very - -.gnod for. two-in-rsoji play, with ■pacp of; ,$SV0.()0 last .week,' less ui's-'^'i'd p( rrdrnianVo. ., ''Ju?t A lyiirtutc,'' Amliass;idi)r I'.Mh ■ week) ' AT-1,2on-,5;:';). Terrornvnifc . in riiuoli lietter sliape than at .; ■preihiere. .witii bu.'^'int^^nttlc.;' Im- proved however ; qiioted.. arbUnd ■ •$13,,()1)0/ not profital>Ib for;nTusical; . ;Sf'aIe ipw'ored tlvi.s. \veeif. ■', "Littlie AccidWht,r';"Mcvrosc6' (5 th ; Vveek) - (t;;-S98 t $3). • G<»t ting ..clasiJ ti"ade, with indications ; will' stick wtUI. into,: winterr la;iifTh .show e.stt- ;■ milted. a.r«urnl■ $ l O.OOO. or, bettei-. - ' "Luckfiel.Girl," ilai'ris .(.StU week) .-■(M-i-,()57v$4,4.());, An. - in-between . shovv";; nriatierial. for suc- ce.«)S ;;biit produeti.on ; not . Up ' to what it .should;;be;; mayhe .$15,000. "Machinal," IMymouth (ibcri week); (P-l,012-;$3).; .Siippe.d last. w6ek after •having picked up previous .\vepk •; .approximately. $ 12.000; pro -. . ; fitable but.-.«5iio^ld do muclv better!' "Mr. . Mprieypehny,'*.; ijibe'rty (4th >v^eky (Pt1,202-$2:56). .Climbed tp $15,000 last week, .\Vhich souadi' . fill: right at ;sc.a^b^but witli; flpck Pf sta.go hands; requirpd, no prbfit indicated as yet.. "Night Hostess/' Martin Beck (9th week) (CD-I,i89-$3.).: . .'Little .off last w^ek from previoiis .wceji; . nibdera;telj' . suc.cessful; .. . $9.,d0Q . again last; week. .; ■ V "Olynipia/' .Fnipire (4th week) (D^. . 1,099-$4.40). Another two or .tiiree ;. Xveek-s;' pf $8,000 ;aimost .en- ^ tirel.v frpm agencies \vho bVer-. .bouglvt before.premiere; "The Ag« b£ Ihriocence'' prbbably soon;.' ■ - "On Call," Waldprf (1st AVeek); (CD- l,l()I-$3). .Ihdepenaently,, pre :ed; first attraction: for'houae'' this .seasbrt ; writt.en. by Roland Ollyer; . opens ;Friday(Xov/3)i\ "Paris," Music Box (5th week) .(C- . l,00p-$4.40);.- Getting, big mPniPy; . ;. grb.sses 'olbso • to . ahythlng exciipt ■. nu^sica]s; dipped under i20;000. but willvcbme biick.' - . : ''f ossessipn," -Henry Miller . (6th \Vebk) i (:cp-9.l6r:$3).. Pinal . week; .; mpviS'd li,ere fromi Booth last, week .; and .pabe bit better-; grpss ap-. proxima;tcly $.8,000;; VThb. SAcr.(?d iriatne,-'-due;, ; "ftain or Shine,'' CTebrg& M.,■ (40th week) <Mrl,37l-$5.56), 'H6\v: in. lOtU mb.nth and will ,,pro,bably make year's run bUsInbss around $25,000/ but should pick; up riPw, "Relatipns,".AV.\llack's .(12th week) :(.C:-770-$3); 'Tough time of-lt, but- \\:itri: ciit; rates /and p.irties'.'Stick- Ihg longer tliaii: e.\pected; .under $5,000: ;■ •• . ; '^Revolt/'- Yiiride.rbilt ■■ (2nd .week) Cp-38.2-$3). 3?i'ew: rather favorable notices as -whole and box- office should . beiieflt; opened.; Oct, 31 with; liglit trade thereafter. "Scandals," ATPollo CI9th week) (R- :lvl.68-$6.60), Agency, buy appearis to have been main - support • df revui?; , around. .$43,000 claimed; week drbp expected as ,-,buy will expire.' . - "Straight Through the Door,'' 49th St. (6t.h week) (C-708-$3). Final week; high; at $7/000 . then slipped ' downward. "Show. .. Boat," ZlegfeTd (46th week) (x^1:-l,^50,^$G.60). remains best of ,aU' pn; off sbmftwha:t through , eloctibh.'intoreKt . but flg- ,urod. to 'Vci'oVer and remain for balance of season; $45,000, "Skidding,"; ijayes (2oth .week) XO- yfil-JS). ;Ciit .rates are keeping ;, .t.hiH show going;, bosls lilU« • to operate rind .b<\ii.vK'spotted in' roof . . (vatl n-i.Mlcr^l'tT^ltiHntriTt'y^witli-- smali . griissi.^!*;;., under. $1,00.0; h'is.t '. Wi.M'k... , "Stran'ge ' .Inferrude.".. John . Golden . ' \ve(<ls.;> -(:iJ-.'.)00-,$ L'iOV.-- r.'i- .pablty attendance continui'.«!; $16,- - .0.0.1); - only. ;.-cli"una . trreditpdi-witli . tliat. kind of tradb; -six; periTorm- ..aiu-es Weekly'; O'N'uill's nino-a'ot - i>kiy..:. ;. . .'■''A ho Grey Fox,'' I'liivliniisiS ■\y('<;kf ((rrS79\$:n. -..(Jettihg'fsom.. eojri ))Ut; niust iini)ri>ve to'get' lntc. ■n»nn(>y r.-il liit;;. last week ;iiypri)Xi- ,- . mated .$7,500. . ';'.,. . .- ; '-'The High Road," .Fulton;r!ith'.Aveek)' . .n'•91 i;$3.>;5)... ('.-lass di-aw| (>jcoeir ; ■l<'n/t.:h.nsiiie.K.'^.sii(C(' start.;'a':.$IS,fitli) VliJiniecl; tiU'iigh, siMileNvhat vm'h.'l' . ■'j'aiiai'il-y:.■,: "The, Ladder,** Cbrt : (i07th: week) ■;(<;i)Vtji.:>..|.5.;i);; .. l.-;i,al. \v.;-(;k .. f..i \\ nrlil'v: .■vu.'iirVl.'. lii,p; 111) llii,\s-/i-; ■'''rhesc'• 1 );iy.v" next \v(>ei;<, ."The'-. Now-; lyiooh,"; imp.-rial ' f'sih' W ■.'{')•; V 'l nV]., 'lui) ,<;.-,.r)i)). I'dLeilt.iall.'i'; ,rep»)i-leil off. last _ >Vf-i'U. line lo- e|(-eiii>n; gros.s. well i~^\rmrr['. "'\ >v fi? .'mmi— - - ..-i. i. — -• 'The Threo M iiskotc'crs." 1,yri<> 'i.,!'!.! h \v(-.'')< t I r).. 1 .:;Tir;rSrt:iiin. —i-Vn-firili i'|)er(>tl:i, uiili'l, ".New .^^(),^lt^■ iii': '. jrived; r-'pnvtvil .'!,H"!it ',liL-.-:ii<iu; . i.'\-eii ;tr $.'tii.niMi; will ixri.lKil.iy itiv- .p; live . thi..; w... 1; ' .-i.ll:! ' : Iviu'-i ' l.jyl -ii- :i ' ••V .•;..-.•, "The War Song," XaiLinal ilVn, xv. . K ) •( ('!) i;i I r';..i. i'r.-.<..,.i.- ,| liy ni;iiiy 11ll Ml'-i' p •'bu-; ties;> liifltis to .fair rirni'iii-tiuri.s. . Ui-ii.s.^ . l-,.>-t nvi I" Ifll.llOO. "These Few Ashes," P.nt.l' cM wi-i'l 1 e;!|)p'-d li\- p!'e-"''-el!.-M ■^l.iW ing; paeeil under $.".iiOi) \,\\\ man- Shubert Contracts Restrict Players . All Shubert'bo.n isisued.. now . carry extra clauses for; rtidvie .talker services - by the talent, it is iaid. ShubertsV i rn t^e n d i n g deal with : Warner Brothers for the Vitaphpne re.-" prodiictiiifn 6f. $hubert' produc: ;ti6ns; may accbunt for*.'this. It also .ties up the Shubert- play-;, ers, either for Warrers. pr to .hold: them away', from . other - tia.l ker prbdu'cers.- •''■ ;The clause restrict' ShubeH^ acts from rendei*inQ; seryites for .cpmjjetitive talkers." There- is;, nb specifib mentibn made: of Vitaphbne,: |}ut the understands ing is. that ^ShMbiirt^^ VyoMld v "releasis" av player 9nly;;for a". Vita prbdMctioh. \ rtgement . hopeful of sticking ; 'ovbr, .'■ ; ■ ■ ' ■ \ - ■ -'- - . '•;. ; '- -■' ^'This Thing Called Lpve,": Bi^ou (Sfh .week) CC-605-$3..8&)^ IVIpcl.r e.Vaiteiy paced ,shb>v that may sticit tiirpugh autum'n.becausp o.f lo\yc.r ' . floor busincsis; $7,00'():'estlmatcdi "This- Year of Grace," SelVvyn (Ist; :■■ week) (■R-l,oa7-$6). Presfcuted by Arch Sel\'vyn arid' C. B. Coch.rart.;; Lphdbh revue smash has Noel .Coward and Bbatrice tillie -Head- ing ;:cast; oipeiiis Wednesday (Nov. ; 7) .nit .i22 tbp;: flrst .ihow. a.t.;.$7.70 . top ; for.. frpnt. ; raws. , ioni^lVt ■ '■ (.Wednesday)^,; '.. - • ■ • -.s;,'. ^ "Tin Pan Alley/' Biltmore;(-2d week). (CJ>-liOQO-$3), : Prarna of; Brpad^ wayi ;night li;fe.,; g.iinjplay; o1>.en cil ;NpV. 1 \Vith notices modeI'.atfsly, fa-'. - .vorable.' '\- . ::''y "Treasure Girl,'' Alvin '(1st week) . (M-.i,387,-$:6..0).. ..Presented' b^r Aar ; rohs ;;ahd Preedley; -their, secbncl ■ repent musical presentation ;'(ais,c . hfiye "Hold, lEverything", a,t Broad- ■ .hUrst); ; .Gertriide ;, L a, w r,e n c c • sfai-red;;.opens Thursday,'(Nov; 8), "Three , Cheers," .(3lbbe" (4th -w-eek) :-, (M-l,416-$C;e'0).; . Off.- to,- .fiyihg .; staj't and ouf^ht '.tp. be cinch; for , long run'; Standee business in '. eveningK; oyer $4p,000i.' ' > , '. - " U ps-A - Da isy," Shubert (5 th week) (M-lv395-$5;5Q). : Performance re- : vised Monday ; ■ William Kent but, .' through, niisbeli.avior arid Frarikbr; Wood in; business ' not. what if' should bpi ijnder $20,000. ; "Vanities," Eart earrbll (14th week) .;. (R-9:68^^,$,7.70). '. ; Hea;vy ; musical oompetitlon ; has - dropped; pace here' somewhat; ,icla.iriSed to be get- ting $36,000; arid ;bVpr,;.hpw'ever>. .'. *^VVh.ite Lilads,? Jolsori's (9th; week) . (O-l,776-$5.50). Averaging; around . :$2.0,OpO with little' variance ;-may be slightly profitable with aid bl" ■ ,ci»t;ratea. . , : '^Voiing . Lovej'' Msisque (2d .week) . . (GP-700-$3). , Critics;; ' ;reyersed; in Chlcaigo, "'show liked; . . chances better iridieated frPm. nbw . on;; $8,000 first s.bycri times.- ,. .Special Attr>actiohi5—Little Theatres "The VelJow. Jacket/' revivpd by Mi-. , and Mrs, Charles Cbburri; bpeiiis ■ - Wednesday at GobtiVn Tiieatro , renamed from ,;r)aly'a 63d Street.; "Ari Enemy of the Pebple,'.' revived at Walter Hampden's Monday, • "A Man With Red Hair," succeednl '•Whcri Crummies Played/'.'; Oar- . rick; opens Thurisday. • . ; , - ■'The Dark Mirror/' by Irving Stone;- presented at ,:Gherry I.ane lMay- house -by ,Ijennojt Hill' Player's; opens Friday;, . "The Unknown Warrior,'' Chaiios Hopking; clo.sed .last Saturday; one -Week' Civic .llepertory. 14th. S^trce.t;^Kyrt;rl^ae"'(4aliienn<iUs--Gon^^ . ;,pahyi;.. ■ "The;Fiha| Balance," Pi-pviricelbwn '^Sun-up/' Tjuciilc La T:Prhe (rrin-- . -.eioiss)'. -;- .-; .■^;--.. ' ■ ■■ ' ' ' . 'fBlack Scandals,'' closed' (.Tbtten). Cochran Revue Big IhBalta,at^^^^ .-'. -; .^•;: ; .... Balti'rriPro;-Nov-.'G. ■ Arph . Sel.wyn.'ij ;iriipori-alion .oi ('pciiran'.s ';Thi3, year'of .("irat (?.,'' goi off .at the. Mairyliui.d. to the ritz-h-si (ipening.of the' season. '..Tlvo top'lafi- ilT ;.w;is $4.00. and'lli.ey ,paid it, ar.O proiu{iin\.'?. at. th'.e. ,hotPl.s-;for- cholei; Iuca;.!Li.pns, In; sev.on. pe.rfnrtna he^s' live liiightnand • two' matinoos-Aiii..- show grossed'$29,000. ; ■ ■ .Tlu> .Theatro Ciiild, playing '.tlvV. .^'TVT7nd of " --.sul+.n-r+piiiul se:is(in .at Ford's, opened to 'a Ipiir. .';er ; Monday than that of tiie -(ii-si ■=UVT^lrr"htTt=^rrrlT>Tl^to--=-nwiifta=in=^ paeo.;. The subscriptions. itKsnre ;• israelory. .s(>a.son- '.ITirst wiv''k;;j-i' piij'ieil in th^sb ebliiinns,' JI'Ii.Omi' w,Ts pt'-fh.a.p."?; .1. llttlA I'ibe.r-'il.. S.'e'.ii:' . \V(^^(<k (>,-Asod of*!*;.sii-.t;lYtly.". -TIie ;(;11;• play.-^ the secprid pair of weeks i,,..: . '.aVi> in November,' • -., Tyl it fi m (iolored Actor Engaged ' I/08 Angeles, Nov. fi; / Stephen Fetchlt, negro ' daiie>-r and rh.'Vi'aeter. actor, ha.s been sl.!;ned l^y Fox for five contract. : .;v;:; ; ..;;i>hiJadelpliia,.; Nov, fi;. ; Ail ..'doubt as to the ability Pf a .stroivg . show . to.- draw., to. .f.the. fOrlanger .were dis.sipafbtl last Aveek Avheri;. Ziegfeid's ''Rosalie," its first weekm .Philiy, got. about $44,000 at; M.'^p top,: $5.50 Satui-day ;riight. The .Erlangei* .had been a corii- plete "'f , all .se(i.qon; -to date, playing' pictures, i^eturn, enfirage- ritents of old , shows and brily one new iegit. offering - ('^Prbserit ;Arms'') • which ;was a flop. Consideriher lipw bad bu.sine^s has. b.een here all seasbn, it w'as >;sur- prising :to find.fwo^ shows lAst w.ebk asking f4.40. The other was George Tylep^s "Macbettv;. at ; .the Broad S.trebtiSi ;T'i?l^ a.bout; .an •upset—this bhb ibd the .VVay. Mail orders feave every indibatibri ;Pf .ariothbr record suclx a-i "The Rivals'' aind "TrcT lawny" ,,sot • for . Tylei"; When^ the show ppenod; and the d.(?mai)d cbrtsed: V in " fact, except . fbr '. the m.atineesV attendance- \vas far ^Glow expbctatlbns... ; On; one ' night, V less than 100 people in the. Prchestra,-. Adydnce .sale; prevented, a complete I'Out^.. but gross on- ;week repoi-ted at less than .$1.1,000 with bapacity' figure iDrobiibly $32,000 s^t this, scale. . ''Rainbow'- did; not; get open; until l^u'esday .night, and, of course,; Sul- fbi-ed . thei-eby. . The critics, ad^ milting tliat the profluctton far froiii reddy, raivefl about the .shbw's possibilitiesJ. Wc;d- riesday matinee; was way off, . but- by-the evening, trade improved, and. there.'tfter every-perfbrniarice .^show- ed a. distinct-gain; f,';:- "Musib in ..May,"' he w opt. .■etta by .the;;, ishuberts,.; wbri^.. great .notices froin; some of . the: . second-string critics,, ^htit 'hardly upheld by the sebprid-tliouglxt; cbriim Standay, CiY .by . a:ttendarice Vduriri^ tlie week. The, shPw;.is modeled closbly after. ';The -Studertt Prinpe," with, a good' scoi-e but :.a weak book, in first week, ^around $22,000. , .An indication oE' just how biid bu.siness' is in Plillly .is to be found in thb fact that altliciugh: the The-: atre O-uild; has ;been highly >succbss.'- :flil in', its subscription bampaign; haviTig..^ .iEilmb3t reached ^ $5,000, the adyanc;e; box.:' office sale has • bfeen very disappoiritirig. .- Their ^initial ^ .bffiering dt;; the Garrick this. .week: is;. .''The ;G u,ainlsma.n" 'With ;"Arms find thp:. Man'- -following . in.; twb weeks.-,. .'-■'-• ',,.■■•. . Other: openings this, week are .''Polly," rie>v.; Hnmmersteih musical show, at . ;the -'Shubert, and' "The I;Q:dy , T.yies," dramatic , trv-'Out,. i£t the';Walniit/; > - .• " ■ Next' Monday .brings "Drabula" to' thb Broad, patilino -Frbderick . in .''Tlie : Scarlet „ Woman'-' to the Adelphi,/' and; *?Tho Right Girr! (formerly known as "Tlie Queen's Taste") tP tlie Chestniit Nbv. 19: In addition tp "Arms and thb Man,'.' there will be "The Bpa;ux' Strata- eni" at Erlanger and '"Arid So to l-Jod"; at Walnut; Nov. 2C will bring- .'IGang.Wai-", to. the I.yric, and "Jim the Penman" to tlie Erlanger; Estimates for Last Week- . "Macbeth", (liruad, 2d wobk).^ .(iCorgo ■ Tyler's aminlious . -rbviyal looked like whirhvina Avitli wh:ile Of mail order snlei but did not show a, tillng-,.after it opened; $4.40 s^'ale ■ ■ila m M^.- -. ■. Tf^" .(fc5.h.ubei^frTsR\nj(^ ri.ammci\s.i;'oin musieul show in foi- four . w.ebks' run. ■'•Tr'eusuro'- -.Clirl," •hit. .hard. .;b.y-. -mU!^i,cni''..--Conipetiti6n, ii)-opped to .r24.'.O00;.in;.llhal week. : . VThe .,.G.uardsinan", (Garrick, 1 si .week).; 'Thoa.lre cruifd sturang; eight' .u-(M-'k.s'. Pngageriu-nt' libi-e. two weoUs ! '''•-.: orfcli '.' i»t.'iy.. ; ,Sul)seri.ptiari com- P.aign iiighl^-. su.(-c'essr.ul,' ..but pulilie' ... .■^"jVluSic ; .|n . MayV'. CForrestl ^2d '.« (< k). Th-i.s. operetta.; I'liuted as rtu- .>th(>r -"Sliiilont; I'rineo/' f:iik>d- n. ^h..w;stren•rtlv;exj>bet.edV althtnitrh iiv lU) -nieaiis; a l)iis:t. .'J'his week Vviii 1) the, lal.\^-$::^:;nrfi rejioi-ir-il -. ' V'VMary Dugan" ( K'eiNi'.v:,. .'id weeki .::VHMy.d so.n,e.]ast;\veMc, anil niati- :' ,.f .ivi.etit using Iie;ivy adverti^iti:- •ampaig-n: $.|,S,i)(iO to $10,000 : "The L: dy Lies" f W'alhiit. 'Isi. •v-,, ■-.;),; T\vo Week lirmking; tor- tlii-i ; ry-oat:.-1 ram;u . "(rr;ind sil•,^,;t ^^^,\-.■ .1'iviiirui .last wei-k ill ii;:(nrr) . , -'-;'!;Ra:mb6yv'^ a^h-^-si.n'tri;■ -•tr-\ M'i.-:ic;il . i-cipi.-niee. uinMied . Tm'.^din- =^^^4^'^''* i'''' '>'-'l U't) sli'ad - I'lr, . ra'^niT^rMi'i"" h.-'-'Sii ''".^'^7Trr^T^l'^''™" . . Rosalie' . .iMi-lMiiger. Ve .].• i -i v^.ii's n;i;).'i;n.dln.r s,„;,'sh ' Vvii:!' .--"■"'•-i ..flM^rM.-i| . ;jr .R1..1it .t^)i. M..-: !•)•>' ti, sta.y kuiirel- thaii tlircv .;\r,'i1-v. ■ •..■M-nn-O,:- . ' . V ' ■ --■ "■■ . ■ -■ ;"The.- Royai; Fnmily" a^vi ie:, --.V ■ ve- kV. - Shiiu,-,! sii-cii:'th, a'thiKi ^'.'Uie;, wu.i .-.y ill i.s:|,p,.s.^,.,i .•. . I i' •'. t n 1.. :,1 v;p f,,,. J-,,,,,. "^;.> t>.0 ]. ,.1;V,1 v> l^V yv.-. t "Ccnfiai" < .V.l-'.plii. :m %'\,.,.Ki d,.,.,. >v fi-.v.<.t,( V. (ii, 1] |, • •-•! sive.v.) :MiMl,liiir .n.uel: h-:-^ ?^.'!')0 Ami $1),OUO. ■ :..:;,Pblitit?s shoved^lbgit ti^uile far-lip;!- .low nPniial last week. CoUpled witii the opening of the Civic Opera Se'i^ .spri, evbri. tlie, high,..'?teppers; save one/ >vet-e ,' 'vvay ; beloiw :' preyibus week's'.grosses,.'■ ■;-. . Of theHhree new n.ttrictiohs, one goes into the disbiird fibibk. '•(tanir .. W'Jitr" (Majestic) - suffered' 'pi-bnSot ■disaster, :"T.li6;,Skull,": while hut^ tered by tlie~ critics, . showed life midweek, , to; .the',: extent that a switch to the. Piiricess was. CfrntPrn- i>latbd: .wlipn: v'Interfbrence" w.i.i mjirked fpr the Garrick,, IsToy. '{{ This riibve \vas tb be definitely .de-* .teV:mined on this .week:;^ =gros.4 o'ClpPk C^i'rl" -is- only mpdc'i?ate,. nV the WoPds. . A b^d stage ja.m bh the, bDcriihg, -night sent.', the first , riightbrs. but in a bad liu.m'.or,. ' Ssieprfpid's: "Rlc/; Rita;'' AvoaUiered -the -infii'ked . .general slump alone There's .n^ fear of "Rita" not hbld- ing capacity. for at .s;ix weeks ■ more. ."Rita" Is Ziegfbld's strongest- pull in Chipagb rn ;j:ears. - ; /. ''^Ifinhattan • Mary,'*; ■ i^umyer^-up cPnsiders ll we<>ks enough fbi--bi^ coin. "Golden Dawn'.' is listed to Iqllovr^- ,^ ■ ; . ■'■^-v \-. ,'.'GbPd i^ew.s" was caught - in,: th^ \yeck\s . jam bf the slowdown, but siri;be'plans are. to; hbld this .one in for the year',s;,.ruh mbmentar.v di-bp is of no corisequpnbc! Thb Selu-.yn hit .stands out. all .the greater the ..aiTiynl and; oicit bf pbwbrful> riiusicai draw. sIioaVs, '. '. "My .M.iryland;''' w(ml.tP aho\it' the smallest gross of the lO week.s.'.stay, but the.chances of the Great; North- ern piece clinibing "back ;are. okay. .. ..After 10 weeks pf high ' pressure trade, 'ICPmmarid to Love" -goes out. Jit;,the end .of the- 1.2th w-eek (Nov, 24),.but a high, gait has heen/rivain--. tainedf althbufirJi; business w as bad; last wbek when the stands \vent . panicky, -''-':'' '-• - ^'The,ve(^ ;(ii; th''- lin\\n\s [ ii -^- '.'hi- sUini'p . wslS best ^ checked Jtt; ;! Mtlry Dugan."^' Co.nsecutive' . ; bfC-high:ts wei-e. marked in . tho bdlcoriy ball. ''Burlesque," .which has bbbn - cult- ,ting good,, gross capers ;since the publicity, ciariipaigri. got iihdei: way; went downward in gross- : ;but the • irii5ide febling is that the . Harris bard w ilI retti rn to a nbrriia 1 $ 16,000 and higher. ;' • .., -.'; . . .-,; Unlike 'Ne\v ' York, .Chi .jsri-t a vbox office bet. ^in- election, .and: the' .ihanag;ers; IrelleA-e ho. ' itriproyoment will bo forthcomine until the latter part' of this week. With both '■Cdin- ma'nd" and ''Ma.nhattan..;M.'iry': . go- ing put the; .24th. and ..the: iincer.' ta,inty of i:hree; other attractiohs, it figtit'es . the.:. ■tb'\vi^'s legit ..'calendar. Will faccimportarit bha-ri'ges to. bfC the new month's list; .which, will, be shaped, for the - gijiti.-' uti.ds.o.apon -trade;-'v -,■;,-'-.■■ ;.; \ Ua'sf, Week's ;-Esti.rihates;' ' ; "Volpone-' (Black.stone, .2d and final Aveek> :6th'.•week: fbr^ Theatre <Tuild); I-lxbeptfbr the ifjulTscriptipn .list tickets, marked slpwup,' .opera seasori'.s. bpefiing, orie -reason, li'ig: tired $16,000'gross.. - :■ '• : "Mary Dugan" (Adolphi.: ; 11th week).: 'Below avetMgb,.but; fbrce'of. real demand kept .it above'$:!.O.O.oO. .: -. . "The .Qiieen's Husband", '(Cort.. 8th week). . Jixpected. tb; r"n ''ver the hoiidays.: Approached $10,000. ; "Gomrhand to Love". (Studebaker, 10th week). Hecent: slump caused defiriitb decision TO leave iii: two. weeks. : Was high-gea,red in grbss"? ■ piilling for: fir!3t:. six.. weeks. rRe- poi'ted.around '$14,000 gross. ^.J ^uHes^ue'' ;:(HaATi3.' «th week). Ra J) I (1 ga 1 n o t'if h rfre ■pnn-ib\is^woeks halted for; time being;, .sizihg- ui)-as : prub' .$] 4iOO0 groSs';'. Expebtea. to .. ret ui-'n.. to •no.rriVar;$l 6,000- after. «le'b.-' , tibn'r ■■ ' : - .■ ■■ ■■': '. ^"Five o'clock Oirl?'-(Woods, v2d. Week:); . Aho'fh'er openin.g- nighf niis? h,ap: back-stage .diill(?.d edge of 'wb'.rd-. -of-'mbuth.pUiggin.g .from :fjrst' night* ,-; er.i. -.. Ca ugiit 'inHie town's': gi^ner.iii. .weelv'.=i slTnnp.'^ Arbuhrt $lj;,ono.gross, ■if-t'hat "v.^ ■■■ •'■' -^v.,- — ".Gang .War" ' fMo jKst.l.'-. ' 2d. and final weolc);: Out quick on ti-iidV? ber;. Ipw.;!i;n,0(li0.'gi-oss. . ' •. ■ u -1- "The Skull" (Garrick: 2d ;ind; finnl ; w;e(>k).; .Spotty .g.r.n.ssoR -.after pppri'-. ing, . .<;purling'' giving siinic - hope. May -he tran.sferi'ed ;to .Ptanocs-'*. '"^i^-- dejibndin.g on. this week'.s grosses, Around $n,000.- ' '--'-.:': ^V: • ."Gbod News": iSeiwyn. «<t.l> wcf^k'- Politics e.nt«'red here .wr.Mi .slipping; to little heVter- th;ih ?-iyiU"-. i)ut nothih? nlarmiriLr.'. . . ' .-:-?liyiy_Maryland". ((".reat N';.:-thi;rn. 10( ii week). "iOdg'p~i)rTTig^.-.Tl^"H.'^kciV.. .i>ff hf^i-e with i;r(i.s!J> (li'Wtr ^23.0(>(>. hu t .milId and one of li.i'' •I ay - wei tI'.'ietions (lii^to eTThiiF^'frrl" • "Manhattan Mary" f i'! i.;..< lul week) W'll <'' short Ia'.'k;' heni'C,", 'lli^hly • suiti'-^sI'ij Tiient. bidding ihe tbwn's li Wei'K.i^.. iiv ;; -. TiiUeh; evi-ii; in the sluh-.p. "Rio Rita" • (lllinoi.-*. 1 About'only, attraction ^Z':'-\- didn't tmieh. Slain-l>.iiiui !!; J0.0'>0, wil.h . Iremeivcli'! ■ihi'iid.'. lie;il .sHia.sli of ih-. '■Baby Cyclonb" week). Didn't figure ;■• $4.f)()0. six .^.•■:l^>^ -:!Mnip .- a -fat .•IS I-'... •:d