Variety (Nov 1928)

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52 VARIETY LEOi 11 M A TE Wednesday, November 7/ 1928 s on REVOLT ■ WaesUtft f.ill/lilo.: at \?in«lorb..U. tlicur HOpC v' . . ■ . . . i r . Charily. . Mrt.; i'a^t6(?l;,. ,.i, -HdnpL .*'. * -« > • a • ■•.'*.* * * • •Pjiui ..i:.-y. . r i ; . ' • • > V Sol Bost^nUioorri,.".. ■..«. i • Pr.' ■ bj< 1 tv r.;. ■.i-'. .• < '•. ItevV Joiin llainnipii'l'•' ..IJlTxiibeth. AlKM^ liuiiilofe Stoddnrd /.llufih Bucklfr ,ll. li>iie. tackayi' ... Anita "PuRaiiy .ACkianfl ■ rowcTl , .. JOlllolt Uoljie. .-. A.' tJ'.: AnOi;ew!i. ..I'aiil aiiiltriyle ■ This is a slricerc and worthy en-, deavor which' will. Bt't .>io money, . ■ The-'plbt deals wrth a fund.aineiv- ftaUst fiTiiatic, . a pripacliei'; AvhO; trios . to i-fii so hi!3 three ■ daugh tprg; accord- ihg' to the gospel: he' proaolips .and. hp, ■.ium.''(?lf,' oarnestiy: lives. .Bpt the siiirit of thei timos .boats liJm aYid ' .drivo.s. hiin,'. in the enfl-, . to take his • .life, after he .has lost Jifs"pulpit,- the support of Jiis Intimates and the. afr ' fection of .his famiily.- V . ' - : : . • Far more honest ancl.uixrjjjht than ■ the stf<ge 'Version .6f . ''Either Gan-. .try.'"' tills play is not lacking in fire and motion. . Clean' as a' Whistle, It Rtlll has ah undereuiirent of sex and .ybuthi -though this element is not featured. The audience enjoys every breath of It, and In the second act, wU^n the girl. evangelist goes into Tier hysteria, this, effect is; intensely :thrininff.'. . . ■ .That -scene .Is .Written, directed and acted,.with as profound skill as any on the Hying stage of, today. , The little Thountebjaink. who thinks she i9 inspired, but wJfo is really under a sort of hypribsis rswayed by her wowser mother, Is a ringmg and real human as essayed by, Anita Fu- gfizy, a serious and beautiful young- ster. To - her and Elizabeth. Allen, the forerntist rebel of the minliater s daughters, go the feminine, acpng honorsr . Hugh Buckler, as the .preacher, gives the outstanding per fprmatice of the cast with au difncult role playedi with consistency .and pbwen, ■■■ '■ ■ " " '. Hiirry Wagstaff Grlbble, veteran fellow of letters^ has done a grand job herei- but unfortunately, select- ed a theme which i3 not box office. Rellglort gets across bnly when It Is spectacular In the extreme and even then la.precarlous. The church dred foray with youn^. Uayid^ bu. :tlie latter doosri't .c-voa- broaph ;t,iw: idea; to his friend's wife, and dpcssn t ihlnk that. Fay. will have tlio; gump- tion to go thfough ;with ■ It. c*n her It^all nnishcs. with J'oiing ■ lov.o vajg'Uoly triumphant over , soinetluns or other; leaving ah audicn.ce uncer- tain' what it's an aboutv ype tnmg Is certain: .biological .details.,of tho niating call .were "ot SP^"'«<^.' v,;>,.v Raphaelsoh, as/did baxon Klint in the other play, sensei that moclr erhistic / standards • -aMff. : the younger married or about-to-be- inarried-set present an: ulU-armod^ problem all its own; that; somchpw; or another the yesteryear-, sanctity of the maiital relationship;io^^ ened by sonie .new-fangled, trend of /'houi-ht. .From .thi.s. a good' stage i orbs's-scctioh '.of thing-.s-.-may y^t eventuate,;but. not as ' handled oy l^phaelsph. Shows in Reh© . "Jingles" : (C. B. Dillingham). • ■ "The:' Bairn": (OcbrisO M..: Cohan). " r . "The Cdmehack'^ ..XWm. A. 'iBrady),'•'•^'■"^■f „ ■ .; >4-„'' : •; i'Caie :\ De Oanse" (Ben ■■•■l^etriiO);'-^^ v •'. ,. \ '-' ■"Mimi" (David Belasco). ■ <<Bare Facts" (Kathleen Kirk-; wood).. •. . ■■ ;-i: ^ "the Joy Peddler^' (1. B- • Franklyh). " ,• ■'.' •■ ■ [ „ "improvisations in ..June (Civic Repertory). .■ , ; "Queen of Sheba" (M. Mind- ."^'The .Last Lover" (Pdgar ■ Solwyn). ■ "Honest Thievery" (Hartley Productions, Inc.). ..: ■■■ . , "FastidioMS Lover" (E. Ray Goetz). • r •' .trance girl who fell - for . him so concerned, tt should do well even It '?S??t frit^-^^tSI^S n^^li^ctlon I. merely a bl, "i^^'^v^'^f.^nnV fMnan?^ fiiAfitlou^ zarre, hysterical bid tor tears. But the bedroom, finally - limited appeal it might be I'"^'^rrL'hf^ i2tainKy> t^ hokum. It strikes home every I of bad debts reta-ineu by me "'^' v' -. Lj^^^gj. ^ow. Not a sensible or a clev- oroditors. ' thin "Young Love", gi^op^s som^^ . .about'which the co-educatinma: iiie that appears to be beyond lU • . ^^kes ^so much of the P'^.^"'^^- lfnmN^Vm°l3fortunes of the average pal.for the romantic clinch. • ; h>,ntlUr . . . .■ : m the caKt there ik ^'^lyoj^^g^^V r^^he redeeming: bit Is; the boob ■■ Who has, the veryRc^ni^i^ rorin portrayal of Abe Guzlk (Mnashe creating bland apd^ debonair com-^M . edy scenes. -He .is .l^i^Mih i^ockc. ^.^^ who makes ;the^'ench .hysbarid/a ^^^^^. Skulnlck was cpnVul.?lng : -l)rilllant frolic. Hu«,ni Sinelalr, ^^^^^ house with, laughter^ . .. : - iruensely; British aPtor.;?,«: ^^i^ K llSckr^ frbm his. perfornianc© . . ■ of his element as the ■I'.'ngiisn uon jj^'^^j^jg show, looms M a, potential iJtian. . " : .. w i l,\ star In the Yiddish flrmarnent... His I . The. women are all pretty O-'?'* -^'7 nomedv Is universal and sure-fire, Vacious, painstaking but without^"^"g^ it isn't in the linos but in sppntaneity. The J.ap servant >n-a. L j_ jp^esistible faculty .fpr mimicry. - . long and important role conveys tne gj^yinjck hasn't a smart line during . impression that all the. naturalness j. entire period, but, as he repeats that: Japanese type . players hayo g'^ often, "'tshatting," he'd be jiist : has been coached out of hjm;^ ite- funny dumb and in any languag.e. •^iilt .a. stiff and uninspired perform- .The play deals with this 'question . . ance all aroiind into which Locke ? I ^ ^ jjiother's wisdom Ip s.aerlficing: V .single iscene an e.tilivenlnp. u^^_ jlfg for her: children. ^It,- is spark,;- . .'n'sn.- promising subject for a Yiddlsh,.the- ■ ; and as stage ■ farg. rt^isses o"^^': ?;^^^at{on and \he heroine, ^hosc, pletcly. . . A"c»v I „.,,u5,_ «„ « •Rrnnfiwav uroduccT. ratr^ buTthe play and staging nepd propping; : ■ ■. .' ^ -.^ 1' gtory pf .a widow who wouldn't remarry because \ of . the fear : she . ii'Sli^€lfe^:i^^ !ier boy friehd's ■ t>lay produced .by v-jehman, iettings by.Mprdccal GoreJlk. ^rVat'tiule. • qf the ch.i.dvtm. • v.;. h^r sire'^^'^^^ ■■ : . : . ' ^ i.aborbr..^- Er'w.h^^triefoWn up is Intended as an. example .ler. sire. .. * I «--xha„t's Wlte;.,:......^^ haiit','. HELLO YpURSELF Cieorge: Choos' mu.slcii J^j;^oS'e^iS'cSS^^ bo-^a.::n^plesthig>Cicerp^h,. > .WarlnO ,Pennsylvaniw>s.^:Bjwk _b^^^^^ .famiViar_snvall . time ^ Roorner's Wife........ _ ., ,, .i^^..^..^.. —,-- — . . ■ • Money lender.... • • WluUim /j?"rieement is running a contest offer- ::::^riMni which- l^rnot quite, as broadly: real- .hcrne .Lienrow hgtic as Intended. , . , .Erniiy _Graham ■ bolster attendance the, lnan« ^^h^-^^i^^^^^^ I .^ri:in^UV^:^udent.; For t^e^es^. dfrectb" l„ iwo.aci8 a'ld^^ nr^^Sr^lsto the juVs and the Ingenues^^might bo Third Aeint.. the Casino, N. Y,, starling Oct, 30, okav fOr flash acts but not for..$5,5C . Kaiirth Agent. ..George P, Shoemaker answering the, query, > Jshpuiq.. ,a okay f Or flash ^I^J^'opa-' Warren -iBittine <:qrdner. The ■ one scpre .possibility, "You vo I4cii;........ ^^. ..VV '^S^y'J^^B^: :and plugged. '-TrueJ^lue!! i^^UiVfi-"• •"n:^v.t^thjK Lee tinguisl^d: by Fred Waring and h| ■ Minister... Mayor.;;.... Cousin... ...'..>.. Water Carrier ,, ' People of the Towrn ..Samuel s.. Bonncn sacrifice herself for her chli —= Bonhell I "- yinalow^ i^rfrti^K^vBrow^ . i.-...; • • Samuel S;. ;i3uiii»:i.t i:, , ■■_;.«». ^•••™^g^Sl?^e::i,PU35:noW^ which Malirica. Art theatre, In^ ^. , Schwartz,: Otto Kahn and- a. few. N;nibio dlcka. Fred Wiarlng'9 Orchestra; Between this musical and. ^''Ju^t a Minute." opinions by Philadelphm at any time, the play . cqncerns, : i>ividPiriskf, heretofore,idehtIfieq other.^^^^^^ with modern Yiddish drama, steps losses to the extenrof ^PP^''^g^g, ut in this experimental: theatre as Uy $6^ American dramatist, the^ removal^of Scjiv^^^ ,i^t„^^i,^^ tncnnUv nrirl I mnriifestatlOnS tO . rpxa- .v.'tiy^ present management • • w,-V.-" «i;iH.Vfc I self" has too; much siuraier, cjni- i ^pVer gripping or Gonvmcing, I'layeu i wun u. .i'"V"ipover°sOi^^^ Dul.e...^.;vy.v.,,..wj^^^tcr^<W^ on, Uic. street to survive ^a^r^it^,.^ : Weatleyana-Jlmmy Bay, The K ^ times it appears ludicrous v ^^^i^^nN^fkind cf patrSh ' ■ . : Described as-a.tragi-comedy wittV f^'^!;^,J^ tlie: action taking place anywhere. M^vdr^^'^gf^^^j^ . ?ytS^^emS Saturday nigM, :pea^^ ;&i"b5SJ^nd soda bottles ^agom- .. panylhg. ■■ TIN PAN ALLEY drama : (gy® • if«?Sf\ii}er i^rierRahv ;Blltmorc. N;. .:*3.S5 .t°^^^ McKay - Peggy Lpree>- HertMjri Heywood- Pete.....••••»••.•.•••'•.•.•.".. . . Curtis KarP« Tony. Costero... ..... y^^y^ -watah "Bio Rita" OlrlB. i MlWred Waterbury. • . •■ (.\mold GOo.arow ■ . Escorte..;• «• •.♦ •' ' VHehry Ilamtnona ■ *rHFSF FEW ■ * * 'f ", ' 1"": I wealthy man's search . for spiritual a Mmute, opinion*, .u, x ...-: -r:---T ■ S»»aw-l^'athan Productlona, J^^ happiness through tho cv^.. ...... , arid Bostooi audiences; seem tP. .thia ^^^^ command of poSver. .Its. construe- es, themselves, with the real goods .^^^ variance with the Broadway acta, prolog and epi- tlon is a twisting of the old adage have a hard time*gettlng houses at -^^-^j^^,^ of musical comedy diver- ^t Booth, Oct. .30, ' „vi, that those things can't be . bought giver what-you-like rates;. «o tissciricnt, for ''Hello Yourself . is Mme.oeS^^^^ price but must be. developea theatres, at.\ regular . prices, c«n M^^^ -Henrietta, uo—_ | _ hardly outcompete . the . genuine. ..^ ^^^j^^^ .^ooa^^^ ,.t. ....Goo Chong from within. ... ^ . , , i:,u,t.. -x»jor..iV••NataUe &:h^^ A merchant . grown weary from works, ' • . V. I hess the Chops entry , enaoye^ ?n o,ga Bakarav......v.*.v..:v.-L«n>^ chasing arid harassed by a Had the same problem been pre- phUly simmers down to having.been J?w.n w»»»iney• • • -"Hugh SinclairInaggi wife, scheirieg to. be rid aented with the mher a lay crank WaHng's I^nrtr Ij^jJ^th^ v?.n nelghbpr*s: wife the Instead of a Irpcked, gospelmpnger, ^ jy :^j3^^^^^^^ Collegiate,: band .is pierre D^seguin............Ralph J. l^^ If. corrallng a one dame and "win the other. A frothy trifle In the French man- I . In a dream his dead mother tells Instead or a irocKea, Boapeiiuuue;=», I gyjvariians. Collegiate,: oana i pferre DeSeguin the reaction, would have been pjiiny'a pwh arid a | victor jjepreoa more, happy for the financial ^e- throughout Pennsylvania, partment. Mixing the word of God course, the collegiate motif Into it clouds and cohfuses^the^ of «iVilb?etto 'made it perfect from iro^nrtnne m^«^ I him" ttiat everybody who eats bread sue; whlr-h Is essentially Puritanism of view. : ■,.. . . . "ff^';„l*'?'L-l-1^^^^^^^ made frpm hew. flout; will go cra^^y versus flapperlsnri, and not Chris-1^ ^^^^ only.curfe for the plague mi\^d \p -^eiriOnSrate. ) I Sao^proaSxTal^^^ ma^rl^ ^ix wed^s or so^ ^<>„^?^S^ ^al , There appears to be spme ay™- n'grtlcSly to ^ t stock, where it looks like, a val jathetic If not financial "aison. be- partiPV^^^^ v Uable piece pf prpperty; tweeh the prcducer and the theatre f^^,JJ°VpurSe r^^^^ o^ book. Chances greatly against any^Im , . . Ben Welden pathetic tweeh tl management, so As his drearii comes true arid everybody goes- . nuts, he grows wealthy selling the old flour at ex plish what, appears to be almost|In^andput^existence .^^lei span.r^^^^^^^^^.^^.^^ who loves her hus ^'^K'S'wSut talent and, out Small. Tlmero; Lait. YOUKG LOVE Kenneth Ma cgowan and Slilney Row pro ■eni Siimson :Ilapha"ol§on'a three-act com edy (two mbLs), stagod . by Georgo Cukor tiettlngs by Watson Barrett. Opened Oct.. 80 at the Theatre Musqu^ N. Y... »3: toiv i, .* '''H: "-^'^^'^fflVi^-^^^ Would' have revelled In. , Fay Hilary,...Poroiliy c.lah: and dresses like a John Held, Jr., wouia- "'J;,^. is other ' Davia Hniiovvell.....' .Tom Dougi.ns cartoon- The other is a hopfing makes a hlghhght in wnai is oiner ... .Tom Dougi.ns I cartoon ' :, V . -Waring bunch is about all you. re- Having a cast of four,, the. gag tnfvnibcr fvohi "Hcllo:>'0urseaf.'.': . .. .... -pj^yg . Qo:^i,^_- :thQ (, deserves';Individual credit oh the creative end; His. pep and Rpeed On roil tines creatifd a reason- able doubt: about the merits pt the musicaV In the fiv.^^t act. .That's, the iTOod half "aTthou/th laeklng^ the ncc- ■^ssary wallop. Second; iact lets clown loo much to miake ahy .'differences Waring'ii PCnnsylyaiiiahs, however, at''to 11, scored , with a .20- minute specialty. A flashlight ef- foct. similar to their ."Dancing 'Tam bourinoa" routine, cinched It. i^and was . novelly Introduced . In "cap and gown and: diplomas ..made of hardwood sub.stance which were omplovod for an elTootivp CQncertPd routine with 'tlio dliilomas: tapped v>Tl the xinivprHlty cap.:. ' -.Plot is. baHlcally awry, Sinco llmo immemorial,-thci ounvpus and fo.othall have boon cloa«>ly linked in the populivf ;.mlhd; iSTo . amouhl of dthorwi.'Ao f.illl\r\iV oxpusltlo.n will :thc ^riasi;ek.^o.;-anytl)iiV r that thlii.Shoiild'be twiCe.tiS good; as "JealoUsy'V (tvvo characters) doesn't go. . Even with- the advantage: of ■ number.^, the tempo . of "Young: ' Love" is. tediOus and't make :■ for sturdy , stixge fare. . AVhlle Miss Gish . 'and Reriril^ - aire :.namcs,. and -ypurik 'i^of" ehjoys a certain vogue, the combination of \ cast, moderate ri.ut and the titlp AVlU . not offset the thinness and the talkl- ;: ness oif RaphaplsOh's play. ^ ^ : • Auth^^ of "The: Jazz Singer/:' deivihg into sociological exposition, has skirted: a thenie upon' which : Saioh Kling, in "Crashing Throiigh, ' ■ dwelt uppn only one evening pre-. ■ ceding this prbml.ere; It is modern : " ybutli's problem with true .love, how to preserve it, how to insure its lon- gevity; how to forestall the sham Of a jaded mated existence, with its twb-tlniing. double^dealirig and - rmatrimonial eheaUngv hcw-to c-ir- ■ cumvojit - the iuovltablc diyorco courts which seems to be _the fate Here .V, - - , , , i.j fake or a frameup and. makes ms ,vic« o fiv.Attv performance .iflnal-. exit carrying, .a rope- with the na5 l^^ally^a^^of ^Picy eiil^|iritent .of givlner hlmseir onlqode havlnff to do with a sepr.lf^hant and .Mary .Michael as? his wife a?aS^cS?Jr^U: adv^ntu^ the doOIver .'str^nAJotis ;perfprmances hS^ K>?^S^'^U hIdVe efferv^s- hanailn^^hplr dlfflpult assignments cent . quality-of the second act, it in neat fashipn. No conilc,relief I,n ^ould^ be a^ exhilarating evening: I thIs^.so-cal e(^tragl-c(^edy^ ^ it^ One is a- forced and false Intriguo real Is limited to subscription play^ with a lady gambler and the. otherl goers who want their drama .on ^e. is^mushyrsentimental affalft They, art^tk;..,socialistic, or; symbolistic^ take the edge Off this really ani.uslng j half shell, ihcldent that is ,the play's-rna sup • She proposes-another with a married couiile acquaintance and Peter Bird, as would any aver. I'M 1. age male, goes through with the young girl's- proposition. They spend the ni/ht In hii studio. Mrs- Bird Ui fetilJpoSfed to be indulging in a Kin Isadore JwarKo... < • • •.• r'.• • V/i\v.ia MannlnK Ruthl^^Day...... . .. ... (SeHe^ColbVit Jin:;O^I>Rre....» ... ...>.. •<^'^^f^ihn ■ Wray Jfoe Prlviai.., •. v^-'v;, Alexander Charlie Roseberg.;.,..., 'M^l^^^Vman Ko^ «' Fred Mor^n........-.rf .v---N™".^g,,on Johnny JpolBji Dumb I>ora;:.,..^.,r.^r..'-.^^[^\rKO RIalto Roundeni....... j WlVlVani Trudft . ■TTorbert Har\v«»o4. Gyp. .... ..... i i..... • • • •: r Gialre Farrell srs.. . . . .......... t M^;^^. -oaliy . . ■ . ;Sai;a Floyd . Georgle Dunn...;....•....:Z*^ i,.v|np SUlar Nick........... ... ... •. • wiitpr Power* Wop......... f •' •-.r v"• •n-vlil Manning. JaKe..... ........... • ^'.^wilUam Nally v. null. ;.. r.: vy V.. • • 'i).; ewltt Brakeman....i....rv..-v.f-.jy ,g presion Marian l-Monmc*. ArWne: Wjy;^^ J, . . Florence Cyrn.eii . .7ohn GviVham Altoh Hami ton; Gwrge M. V.oya Conductor... - . i r«*VV*TW<ithv .Fnr"""* Old Lady.... ^ogeV "^co* Her son.... V . T • 'fQeirge BlrnsJalt.: ^^ffiiievrsiiraW-i^"«''»^t^^;*? PorterB,...... ■ .•»• ^■• '■^.K^^ rOonrtld ..L*?*''?/ . ' ■ (Mdrtliner '.HW^/ Mr* and-Mra.> i Mftrjyrlc- :UUben •^gt;/Dillon; .....i >;Wimnin^^ DttectVve: Hogan...; . v..X^ioo^^^ telephone :VTrou.blehunter": < • S^" 'A^' :• : Siiburbanltee. The h Eterhitl MbtKer (YIDDISH) port. . ■ ■ . ..; •■. ^ . • ■. Scene Is In St. Morltz . where young EngHshman . invites a . frlv- Oloiis y^ ^^l^Ssl^'by^^ I Melodrama In three, acte and f6ur scenes to luncheon, She Is pursued by tne i^^.^^^^^ i.ucv and Mirha Gehmian. husband, described as insanely jeai- -written by Harry Kaimonovitph. Directed bus You expect bl£l,ckmall. In- by Mlchii Gohrman. Starring. Lucy ;and ViiKih-inrt la onlv anxious M^Ticha Gahrman, .L,yrlcij by Israel Roaon. stead , the husbanci 13 oniy anJ^^^^^ berg;. Music by Harry Lubln- :At TUldlsh to reconcile his wife and her Jover. j^oiitg theatre. New York. Nov. ^3, $2.r>0 s6 thnt he (the husband) may bo top. /. . . fpp<» trt nursue his own fancy In Frieda Blumberg............ T.Ucy Gehrman S^iop!lt£" Ws ii^ricatp. sitii^ion ^^lonie Fradkln...,.....„ynrtH .Mnsky Is deftly unfolded for chu.ckles ga- lore and 1.9 a gem. • - -SrhenTC of- thc-whohj-irlay omrvmys- thc movi<^ flash-back. At the open- ing foui' ladios of the hero's acquain- ]*"nlgfl Malke,.,. Abrnhnrtli. .... Naithan Rosenberg. .Ktiaon:: .Storn—''. r.onTrlro.... i. .. , ;:■ li;Uor. .. "Tin Pa:n: Alley* -is a misnomer for this 0PU3 of :the n"*! club^.^^ a*- :. another of the "Broadway'- 1^^" Hostess*' series with: ita^rru'n dOUe smuggling machinations,;, un - derworld sinisternessi; guerilla^miir. . derers, ■: meaodrariiatic detectives, .» virtuously loyal heroine, a^sjn^Pj^^ thetlc tramp songwriter JJl! title) and the other IriBredient^.. i^»^ lowing the Phil Dunning Pan Alley," in theme, must^n^a^s^ sarily suffer 'comparison. ye r.t.*.o^riPfl "Rroadway" it would h^v^ >vor. hi3. supiJO.Sod ., ,pn a. M,nnle>... .i.,.G<?ri-ni.>f. Kr.-iti.-» thousand milon. for tho. wlnnln,<r tnuohdown in the. Inst few mliuites of play, hut they want it over and over again. , Few witnossor.s will ho ronoo'-ned with the no-gambling edict InWost- ov^, . - - , ^ oohtor t.ible hiH Jap servant h.Ts placed . tho' urn. p.uPPoRod.' hold Ills ri-:hoR. All the girls demand H.'^ c'uslody; In pro^^enllnlT iholr clalrns. 1hc- .«'tage poe.a dark-rand . that -par- tioulat-fiL-mmo's claim is presontod In fjtago action. First is a woman gambler who has trimmed hlnri and plans to trim him further. Long and laborious scene that misses completely. Then the episode of the Fi-cnch wife for half an hour of unalloyed high com- edy. Third sentimental episode with Iii».l(.'r, ■ Mlnnlo'. Wrnbaum '. .vM'na.M.he Skuliilck • i .-. Mloha Oohrman ...-iWolrt- OOldladilcn.. ..'..;: .;T,u.llior : A(ller , .;Ijoalfi. Rf)!--on7.wcig Julia Artlt'r, r: iti."»6. .-...Holon- Bley Pan Alley," in theme, m*»stVn^a jt sarily suffer 'comparison. preceded "Broadway" it .wopW^^^j^ rated well, ^.although tlia^.^^masn meller would have bpen able. to something which "Tin Pan:^^"^^ This la .a play .(•haracterized : by curiously striking p'henoniona. It'ils not a good play; hn incapable star hogs the. stage \vith ' a opntlnuoua exhibition of delirium tremens In- tended as dramatic art, and Avhilt there ai"p two or. three good players, thelt" effort.? aro overshadowed , by the .flood of imprpperly cast and dl rccted members of the company Yet It establishes good entertain mont a« far sJi the Yiddish trade is room. Aureu ui. lhv- ^ -rou-*- T)iace.ih Ahe.Foptiisiu, cnu^^ r^^^^ Chioago.: The show Is a hodge-iu)d^': "^.j!,.,, things. .Tliat.C.rand Conli.iri|j^^ Inal .«iGene • is rpmin sca n^ ^ daylight holdup in ;Cri^rne. In'-^ll^^,, ,herfe, a quartet Vl .rin l^ut murderers l^V/o^^^'^^^r.ij" of the even they, being the prld< oi (<3ontlnued on pac© 54)