Variety (Nov 1928)

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54 VARIETY L E G I T I MATE Wednesday, November, 7, 1928. TKe; mtUi Yqrii ^WxtrldT First Commeitds V ;"A' magriificent eicbentric aanee/V skid the; "World." '.Espe.oiilly gobd.'- .. said 'A shiyerhyg.India tvibber , JiiTimy. Ray, who can: be griacpful; oil; four or five diffei'eht parts of thfe stage si m u 1 tan eous 1 ysa.i d ■ "The s: ■:»» ii Casino^NeWi^ ;:; The "Times?' said; "Jim- my Ray was an exGel 1 ent imitation'pf wliat must have been tile inbvenient of the serpent when, still without guilei it's pibgression was erect,"',' '•.■■i "Oct^^j^^ c n t r i c ■ <1 ;ii 1 cOS v\■ h jch liold x\\ e ib rc- ground of Mhe .slagc-"CC)in- nieii(i theinselvcs —,parIicu-' lady tiie work of one Jinihiv ;Ray.'' : y^^'. ;vThrit's!^ tIvc ''ltcra:id - .Also individual praisQ -iii 'Cjraphic/' "Journal," etc. "Take th^ Air" Cold; Mahoney Matter Pends 'A.Uli.iiiitrh . t licre wrro rcjxirts . last vvi^cU -tlrnt "TnkC'.;^he wbiVlil |.l>(' taK-i'ii ovoivliy tlH? Hln'ilxM't.s and .; rj'i-'uinO' uiV- tlio. ro.a(I, AViU j IriiiU'V.. t).H>- sliouv appoat's 'tt; bv .cdIJ, I Uiarj^osi'-ajr:)i/isf the actor i. lviiiiiy )iy t(eho . ].!urk, iirp yet. to, i iii> <.)isi>n>i!o.H orf, I^.lst ■-.wiH'k with ■ :x chani-(V(if ^'.•'ttloriif'nt, llio- majtof' ] u afi'IMJSlporicdv ■. .When.; cVyniplfiint " wa ■ ■.nvade, ■iOqiiity .suir}fosl(>d, that. ^r^lhGrie^' continue lintil; his' dilTi-ron^cs ' with, nviek/could be ,,'irJ)itriited, %vhloh his! fohtract ..provides for,\ Whatever i^harROS. tht'.re are wi ll ^i)robably - not; be considered by the .Council be- i^atisc of the .flrinnrial nnj^Te. to the cphtraic't': bi-each,,. M,;ilioney- cliiiniinf? ib(riit ; $Vl.O,bp; back aaiary. .His furth.or a,?rocn^ent to continue ojI. a. percentUAc iappears .to liaye' been verbal only. It was jntunated that I'lqulty- woiild refommend the case be placed in. arbitration,, thouph . it involve!^ .a large sum. ., Buck did not atterrtpt to restrain. Alahoncy 'froin opening for Keith's xt iJyl-acuse last . Thursday;: saying settlernent was s'tili likely at the time, lie; may atternpt to proceed igamst the "comedian in otlier tands; Buclc declares he will siie Nlahdriey ^pr $200,000 damages, , ' Bradbury, 71, Marrying ^- ■; ,■ ,Los Angclcf!, Nov.: 6. . .Tallies Bfacibury, Sr., 7,l-yeai>61d scrieeii actor, .will 'niai'ry Grdcie. SaundO^rs, 40, N(>v;,8.-. ' Jamqs Briidlniry; Jr., pic- tiires, .is'abou.t. th.o sa,nic age as hix .step-m.otticr-tb-'be;.. .; Shuberts in on "Minute'^ ''J.ust a Miniite," produced by Phil Morris and Harry. Green, is under- stood to have been taken over by the ^huberts,. "with the. presenters re- taining an, intercstv . ■ The. show, opened at the Ambas-.' sador^ New Yorki recently , and will contlntie there for the time being. It \yas handicapped at the start by a ragged first iiight, caused prin- elpially l^ecaijse the production eould not be p,roperly set on the house's triangulalr Stage. John Hailiday 'Better Johri Halilday, whose illness, early last week caii^ed the Monday night performa.tice of "Jealousy" to be called off at .Maxine;,Elliott|s, is re- ported recovered. During the.week he suffered con- siderably, .but physicians pr.o- npxiticed hirn in' exceilent. condition by Satlirday, ^le appeared at all perf^ormances after- Monday:' ".Tealbusy'! Is a .twb-per.son cast. Ha 1,1 id a y jila y i ng J5 ppOsi te Fa.v' Ba i h - ter;; - '. ■ '■ ■': ■ '■ "Way Out,V Out Now ."The Way Ouf' folded last week after a two-wepk ,out of town-, try- out and will bo peVnianently scrap- pod. . V -• , . It was the. second bust for the i)iece.. ■ Thanks/to Wm. Morris Agency Violet Heming*s Short \7o;l('~t ■ 1 leiHiiig, iii; ^'Tliis Thlii;;- C.;\ired- Love.'.' liasi b.een enjiiiucd. fi)r a ,l"\)S:.,t\v')-reel'dramatic tiiiker. ,: .'It 'goe.s iiiio P!:cHHieti(i.n . at tlii.- .Ne\y Yoi'k sfuVlfr) iu'x't week.- . ^ FRED «RGH IN ;FItMS .-. l^os' , Angeles,''. >f()V\ 6. I-'redei'lclc Mi.irch, ,VFrom legit,- lias live 'year ■ conlniot. SvilliA Tara^ 'r)u)unt, after, api)earing in' "Th(* Ihiniiiiy,-: a ,<lialog picture: Mareli is pl;iying-, night.^ .wiiir "Tiie Hoyal Vaivuly" at the flekiseo.: ■ .li'hn . ('niin\VolI, ;imith'<M- ' Vara - .inuiinl ref-uuil from legit, ha.s a part in "'IMie TluMi.fny" but will" eseheV j aclliii; iioe, .:{\lo: take a try at di- '< i-ei'l iM.!4:' t.'ilkiM'.^'. ■ STOCK ASS'N SESSIONS -A , ('( invrntiiiM of ( he' slo ek mepi- i).('rs: or f'lie 'j-iieaIri~il ■?n?nr:''TrnTrf I ager.s' Associatidn 'lir tlie e:'i.'^ (ei-n lijit^JIriet^wiU lie Iteld ill tlie llnt'i'l i<»li.», .X. V.,' Pee. IT.- .- . . ". I • we.'Mcrn '.Hcrliun will nied I laler "in tMiiiM;:.!.- (•.■dh-iT by {''Kijilc tiilZZnlil, Ian Keith Stock Guest.. Ian Kr-ilh; fullowlng' "Tlie Command Perl'nrmanee," is to lilay fno week.'^■ as lowest star with th" new Orpheum stuck, Kansas City, opening Nov. 11, Critics, Old and New . Gilliert C.labrkd started' .on The American -\loiKla.y. 'Salary, i.s.-to be '{L'U.OOO; annually, it is.. ^uiiilUr.stood',^ instead .. of . the.' $14,000. at lirst :rcported.;- lie Is. on a tlu'eerj^'ur; cuntract.^.--. ' •.'Two btlK'r ■■ critics':started on, hew, p;ipers Monday. One was , .Itic'hard '■ Lockri'dS:e,. who : suc- ': eecds .;Cat)l-lel 1 tih' , The ;/ Bvin."- Lo.ckridge \vas a staff .man as- signed to drainatieS; as a third stringer, lie vvu's '.promoted; to " the job over 'Stephen .llathbun,• dramatic editor of the paper : for many years. . 'U'hitney, Bol- ton, who left The Herald Trib- ,.uhe, rei),ortorl,al stixff to succeed S. Jay.Kaufman on The Morn-; Ins;: Telegra:ph, /"also started Mondaj\' He will dp >a dally piece and edit .a SiiintVay page> ENGAGEMENTS Eleanor •Herbort. ;HoVv«»rd. Fr?ink, "Bare Fact.s, of History';" .Ia,ek I'earl, ''\VeU, Well,; ^Velk"' • JVeryl Metx-er, Hubert Druco, Eli?ic J'Vrgu.son, "The Last LoV-er." ,; Jean Dixoii, "The Comeback." . Betty Mi I ford, Ahn.Svalter, .'.'the ■tVar Song,"; V / ' . ^';' , Jjiliian Azair, Harold Smith- I'^anny' Sch.aek.. jE-I.arVy; J.' Marks, II A; ineid,: !'The ipai-lv: Mirror.'' Marian AV:eiIs,' wil'li:vm:-Ji . I^eHy- "ior.ence' C.o-.'en'ti'.v'. ;' -'hn iviears, Lois Arnold, Irene Shirley, "IBroth- ers.v-■..:.:■;;•■;: • ; ; .lennie Goldstein, "Her Broken MfeV" .■ "-': V -: -:' lleibctt Clark, "Relations," -Ali.sbn'aw, JosopHino Hull, •ll-otbed/' ;; ■ Dfiri.s Loqmer, ."lialn or Shine;.".: Hollo Peters,. Kathci-yn, Cornell, "The Age uC innodence." i>rtram l»eac(>ck, William. Diin- forth, Hal. Forde, Helerie Arden. ''The Houseboat on the Styx." ' : Beth Meiikln.s, "Luckee Girl." Mildred. McCoy,' May ■ Buckley "These Da;ys." V ;: ; . : . Franklyn Ardelk, .Charles Irwin Fuzzy Knight... Marshall SL^ters, Shirley Blchards;, William Holbrook. Grace. Bowman, John Byam, Anne Pritchard, Fuzzy. ,Krilgh t, Billy t ay - lor,. Ned Way burn's "Gambols." Oscar, EUinger,' Jack Lawrence. Carrlck Doiiglas, W. E. Crltzeiv "ITpsi-A-Daisy,:*. Anne Shoemaker, OWen Davis. Jr.. Patricia. Barclay, Edward H. :>yever, 'yiola Fr.ayhe, Diane Es- monde, Florence Rittenhouse, Moffat johnstoii, .William Ttoselle, William Da.vld, "Tonight at 12." Mrs; Fiske, Ian MacLareh, Pedr( de Cordoba. Charles TDaltoh, Betty T.indley. Sj'driey Greenstre^t, Dallaf Welford, Geoffrey Wa-rdwell, "Much Ado Abo.ut Nothing.". . . Clarke Silverhail. Ruth Shepley Richard; Skinner, "The Squealer." . Kay Carlin.- "The Night flostess.' H, Cooper Cliffe,. Mark- Schmidt Greta Nis.Teh, IT.'lns Sahdciuist, "The Qiicen of Sheba,". . TiOis Brb\yn, Edward Grandeli, "This Thing called IvbYe." POAST "CORD" NOV. 19 T^os Ange.ies, Nov. 6. On .Nov..; in "The Silver Cord," ftarring .Nance O'Neil, :\yill .open the . .se.ason.' t<ir : tlve I.os Angeles Kepei'tory theatre. - . Sui-iport cast' includes Kay .Tohn- son, Phillip Strange, ,Tiihe Allemus, John TT.illoi-nii and Ruth Eldridge. TIN PAN ALLEY (Co.iitinUeil Xi oii'i j),'vge 52)' -;'-.' . underwoi'liV. eouldiilt cope with the uuthor.. 1C ,yt'ango eieeled; that, the hero, aUhpugh- vi.sjibiy shot, shoulil survive, survive . he will 'for -tlie happy ending.; ■ 'This, p'r(^l)ably, ..wa.'<- the. 1.11'st ,se1;ious. refieetioh;- agi'tin!.:! the deadly: marl<sihansiilp of' these four huskies,.; -• In'tOto, ."Tin l>an Al- ley" is just anotlrer hieller. A good' east, notablj-. -.Clauilelte Colbert. ',rohn .. Wray, - .Con.slanee McKay, M.'irola Alanning and Fos- ter, lenrls it wliatever .important .at--: tention it will comni.-ind at the box- otTiee. ■. ■ li'irst.-act finale spoke ol! a inagieal .click but after tli.'it it let:dowri wi'tii'. a poor .see'iihd iiet. Last aet pi('ke(l it ui> again, partieiibyly in the rail- road terminal scene, well staged by, l..onerjgan, but the wlmlTup is melo- dramatieally. obvious, , The. pse.udo- telephone e.oiiipan.v . nian's' li.yin'g of the booth for a ,diCtaplion<' trans- ini.snioir didn't fool: hiatiy at the pre- nii(ir.e, .. aiiliough: . the dictaphone liooey- always .wa.^: good. , ; .; Several: ..fa.itiifiir touches, and many, more glaring; ifau-v pa,k.' Irv- ing' Be.i-.lin: i.s frequently referred: to. Leo i.s. mentioned as iabout to leaVre on- a - trip -to; Galifprnia :(ln (."onhection with placing a song with liiih) which i.s, .one iniss-out. ; TliCc Silver Slipper, and . Tcxas^ ,Guinan are il)lugged aiid,: .since..this, is suv- posed to be a cbritenipbraneou.'^ •ivlay.^ a t ; le{\st t,he ;Guinan .reference could h«ye' been changed, iri; view of her. te-mpbrary jiite club inactivity. A poke at the Ni: y. /A-, in connec- tion with the hobo songwriterls lung' coriiplications, . has . it , that they stalled because .the hei-o wasn't worklriig in vaudeville at the time, although he's- a- member in- good standing. -• ' ■ Miss' Colbert ga,ye. an-, excellent dramatic performance as Jill O'pare.: the $60 a, week "Scandals" showgirl who brags that "j have too much self-respect fdr myselfi i'li pose in the nude and show off my figure but I won't go out with no- body while rm married." Her loy- alty and affection for! the potential Berlin motivates the play. John Wray as\Privldi, tlie bootleg, king, is the hienace and turned in a fine piece of woj-k. Jilt payrolls herself tQ PrividI ill a P.ark avenue apart- meJit where slie, receives feiay mes- sages for Privldl';' all tViis foUowinm a; falling-o.ut, w'-Uh her sohgwiriter- hiisband. '.'v';',' Norman, Fostek-i. as: the hapless tunesmith. was satisfactbry as. were' MiaS: McKay" idnd vHanhing in flip aiiisignments;. Balance were . virtu- ally bits and extras. If nothing else, " Pan , Alley" is . a cinch , for- the flickers, • It'll make a strong; t^ker and ah;-ar- rarigement to keep it on Broadway for a. run—forced.' if .riecessary—be.- cau.'^e: of the fi 1 m rig jits, rnay be In existence ali'eady. On 'Its merits. It's ^ so-so. . The-$3.85 is against it; would liaye had a better chance for a run at'$3, .although -the size and .of . the east: probably fig- ured against- that.' It may linger a while but will .not- land for a run. ..,'-- '■;• . Abel.' ■ MAYFAIR STOCK . (BRppKLYN) ■ Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 26. Schwartz's Mayfalr, :at Avenue V and Coney Island ayeiiue, but In far Flatbush, is in- - its eighth Vk^eek of stock under Russell Mack's direc- tion, playing shows, first produced by. Mack at. Schwartz's ' Frcepoft and then coming .in to the May fair, thus ; giving, -an attraction:, . tw'ji weeks. ■ ..';. . . Mack .alierhates , dramatic and musical stock,' maintaining a per- manent nucleus at the Mayfair, comprising Maxlne Brown, leads; Belle Sylvia, Vera. • Trett, Fred Strong. .Howard Freeman and Ed- ward Kasper, the latter the heavies , "Bryad:vvay",..-was last week's at- traction io the :usuaii $i;: top, with Mack hitnself doing' - Lee Tracy'.s t-ple; .. Maxine .'Brown as . Billie Moore, and Howard Freeman doing Thomas E. Jackson's iassignment as the hbncst dick,, Dan McCorn. Wal- ter Fennel: plays the heavy,, Stcvo Crandall. who' ppaclies on "Scar" l*:dward-s' .1 iurlem preserves in the beer racket and bumps tlie. latter off. :■ :■.:■ ■■ V.. :':V;-, •• Mack has' a pretty good troupe at the Mayfair, which, while lacki.h.L: ternpo ill si)ots,- :initires.-ics generally. In view of limitations the stock does quite well. ■; The . house,' not ■ exactly perfect for a dramatic .stock, isn't bad. It iseats 1,900 and was formerly a pic- ture theatre. The top Is $1, with mats Thur.^day ■; aild . Saturday , at ^^^c.r■ Only vari.-iiico .i.s^ that niusreal.^ "fetch. $1 for the entire floor and dramatic'pljiys ;get $1 and .tuc, for the orchestra, ; ■ .Tames .Fallon : hs;, stage director and Alvln G.-. Sell 111 itter, art -.di- rector.. The I'after turned lii.-,^ sub- stantial looking set for the "Broad- way" production. .;..: Of the Mack S\',as no Lee Tracy a.s thie egolsfic.hoofoi^, Roy Lane, but did fairly we'll. Kasper w.'ls par- ;ticul.arly :cffeetive : In his brief ses- -slon,, wiiile Fenrier;. as ■ thei ^heavy;, wa.s su{v,yely sinister. : Miss Brown lacked sparkle in a. limited ln,g:eniie role, doing what she did : mildly; Clyde Veaux, as the Greek cab,iret proprietor, missed fire. Others in "Broadway" included Jaines Fallon; Otis Schaefer, M.-iurine May6, Ver.i Clarke. Adele, Hampel, .Tohn Gar- rtSpdy, JuanV-Barro,, Emil llirlsh and Sam Gertzen. .; - '. ' Mack , pays a hlgheir . rbyjilty - In Flatbush. than he does for:t;he .^am*. play In Freepbrt. Otb^r little, wrin.-. kle.s are cropping up ;:tp. tnake. thlri^3 tbughi Equity and the stage hands' union are rriaklng. too fine dl.stiric> tjon^ a.s to whether or . not, playing, the same, show betweer two tireai tres makes It n ,.road, .nttraetion .or a . stock. Equlty; and thie, stage hands are annoying Mack oh : iiil?i, ■ - Ahrl. . AHEAD AND BACK Freddie .McKay,. ,compniny man- ager for "The Sacred-,Flhme,"- h Mesmore - . Kendall-.Gilhert ,. Miiler piece. - '." ,:.. ' Arthiir Ryan: and George H. At- kinson, aliPad of "Strange Iriferr hide'.' headed by Pauline Lord. Ryan' .•^ix weekr ahead and Atkinson tVvo. W; W'. Warner baclviSyith company, is now back Avitli.' Lunt-Fpn unit of Guild Acting Company on tpur. He, will be succeeded; there by Col. Hintbh. '; •■ .Cepha Day, • publicity, and NiPk Hpldei back; With"G6ds' of the Lightning" (I/ittle).. . Oliver Saylpr; publicity- on "Yel- low Jacket'* (Daly's). Anita Grannis, publicity on "Suh- Ur" (Princess). : ■ ' . ', .'■: Martin MOPney,;.publiGity on "Nlte Hostess". (Beet). ."/' ■■'■:: :. Robert Wilder is Sani Harris' new p. ' a. Wilder was latterly with Charles L. Wagner; • I Hor.ace Mpj'.timeV back from .sea- son with tiie Convict Ship. which is moored at New Haven, for the winter, after three years In Great Lake.:portSv.:'::■./.-: ■ -:■-■■* Stock m J. C. Dramatic stock- has supplanted former stock biirle^que at the'. Ma- jestic,/ Jersey City, with Charles E. Blaney installing the stock. . 30N JOUR JACK FORESTER FEATURED CASINO DE PARIS PERROQUET American Plays in Germany .^'i^.iul >lrinu.>fcvli)t.«i- to , KKMV ICI.OC'II KKItKN Horlin, , Wilmcrsdorl 1 ,, ; •,. 4i A^ySbool s/' ^^Q^tie a tre PASADENA COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE ASSOCIA.TION CorfvpUtc co-»jrsa irs. Tkll DruRviktic Arts dlven ir» i>, re((\j|^r prodMclrxO tKitLtrc -sjrNdar co^dUlot\$ raqvlraa b> convinerci&l tKeatnij. 5r>vg«. reKe-^rji^lj dikll/. GiLMOR BROWN,.Svjpervi.firvg Director: WritittoCHAPLES F.PRICKETT, Bus. Mdr. J9SOUTH KL MOLINO AVE ., PASADENA.CALIFORNIA •