Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 7, 1928 MUSIC-RADIO VARIETY 57 SHUBERTS' MUSIC FIRM AGAINST HARM3^ RIGHTS The Shuberts arp -engfiffed. In irtu- pic: puijlishlns; on thciir own/ the -i.: • C. L.. A. *»uislic CpI n(*,,.;wi th - om<:e;? In the Shubert theatre buUains, "is- suing tlie eomposlti.bilis .; of. "The;, Queen'3 Tast^" by, Alljerta'.Nlcholis' arid Mann HOlUner; ''Music in;'May," by J,' kejrn Brcnnan; arid .MU^^ Ruben^, and "lieadin: • South,"- the Mclrityi^e and Heath show* by ]A}- fred Bryan and Jean SchWjaptsi. These are the: sdrigwrltefs, y^^^ book adthors* namcis , omitted,; , Litigation Mvith .Hai nis^ m^ ensue, . tliat firm, headed by Max aijd Loui^ . breyfuss, haying hM exclusive con- tra ctual rights to the Shubert' mji". :Siciils until';now;', ■■.■] ' V What the I. G. X.; 'A; of the^flrni ijame stands .for is. probiematical; . Maurle Rubens,, stiubcvt . hack;- poser, is in charge .of thia now der partment. .■ ' . '■" ■ ■ Shiiberts for long, aspired to; a cur ~ on; the . .Arhpi-lcan ; Socieity <it ■ Composers. Authors and Publishers' , reve.nuo, . but without success-,In vleW of Harms being the copyright owners of all . Shubert slib^Sv. music. ~ Shuberts at one time ^had i tlie Tr.e- buhs Mufsic Co. in the held, Trebuhs .being Shubeirt Spelled baickwards, but ■ that. so'on . died;. ■ ' ;. ; JIarms;' by: contract," has certa^in rights to certain ! musical / shows. . These three are rtot covered by .con- tract, dthers ;to: ^iome' are and will . be publlshed as before.;; ... ' Shubefts. hope to ;conduct . their own music : publlsh.inig ' ;busines3 . in - time, taking the .cWe from . the. pic- ;. ture corhpanles' subsidized iriUsife. ■ -firnris.-■ .'.■ '■ Ray MiB^r Bankrupt , By •;a , cpiricidence, slmuitahebus wi..» the: news of Arrioli} -.H^VSt stein's ■ .'i.ssassi: ' n,, . .•d; ■'.: -li £)otroit ."reached .New. York that: Rfvy Riillor,.' the, bandman, was in .ybl-: urilary, ;- .bankruptcy. ,• ■ .Jiiiller and Rpth.<?t^in . 'wcrfe closely . in, fausiiless Bonie^-earsjagp/with Rpth- stoin. financing .the orchestri- leader^ ta the extent pf-many thpijsa,nd.s of dollars.' '■' '. . ■ •.■.,: ■'.':■: .''.■•.. '.v-. ' A- $l-2,pob;.- ,suit...' by ,R^^^ agflinst. Brjiiiswick rbcords, . -oyer Miller's; contract,.; IS still pc!i.ding.' '■ Julian t• Abeles. former counsel for Miller In New York,; states, that several of the tondnian's Greditors have'. retained him. to proceed against his former client oh. seyeral checks which Miller , issued. ■ MONTANA SPECIAL ROY SMEGK STAGE MQEMgL ''SILVER BELL IIIUBtpated Lists FREE THE BACOpA^^ GROTONrCQNN. ; Angla-Americari Union Entente Against Sounder ';■ A ■ formal .• corrimuniiiUe fniin .thie Arriericah Fedei-ation ofMusicians Moriday, outlined :an understand - ing between the ■ organization and the British Musieiaris' Union, to cp-: piierate In opposing m.pchanical mia- sio, : reproduction, .The s.tatem,erit says;.':-":" . :';- ■ "The . new understanding>. reached by cable .and mail,' has resulted," in exchange .b£ •strategii:;j)luns for, in- truding in music fields, by the new talker invention. Musicians, of any; nationality; 'may remain at , home ,?ind still .he thrown into competi.- t i on, wi th. their . f el lows ; th r o u gh 6u t the world' through the medium of hiechahical music. . Ilithertb: Imnii- gratioh restrictions .have -been , re- lied upon, to ', prevent- such',"', ' . '.'The'. . statcm:ent adds, that thu spread; of synclironizatibn' has been handicapped in England- by the mulr ticipliciiy of cievicos. offered rind tho ffsar of exhibitors; to chpse any spe- cific ..type;',, ■■ ;;.::;, •':.■.■;•.■ .;.'.;■ er AVith ; "picture' thehic'. songs >vluit thoy are -.tbday, tht". d.ay bf vaudevilie act. :;lander. 1^ near- its: end or will: be ;cprisidorably . minimized, .vWhen.iftn Irying, liprlin; ballad. likc;> ,"Roses : of .: Testorday"..,' becomes: '.swamjibd ' by, two of the; firm's' picttn;e. sprigs,: "Rainbow; ,'Rpund My ,ShQtiid<'r.'' -froin ''Si.rigihg/F^^^ ■and . '.1 Loved, l^o'u Thien as; :1 : Love; Yo-u lioyv" itpm: ''Ont Dancing: Daughters," .it's an .; idea ;6f tlie .jo,syer .;of, the scroeh, to riiake ,sbng hits at^ little ;,,exW, pensoi or-labor.' ; . .., ■:' ; The case of "Diarie/' VChar-, malrie.'* .;'.;,"RariiOnaiV ., "Ankfla : lil la," ''Sonny ,Bpy,'!.«tal:ir,bve^^ how, ;thb music . pubiisher, can sit back arid With a;.,few,,.darice; (vrc'lu'sti-ations and- a fraction, of the h u ge overhead previpii sr ly .i'r.f'iirred; ca.ri have .the ppwof of tlio :$:rroc.n iir«,d;uce. song; a.ftO)-' s.on'g hie-, for, hirii. Harniis ^eaUzf;s^;■this.• ,r now,; .through, .not putting ,:on ',anyhpdy■ to .h,an,dle ltf<; profos- ; sibrial;'rtriient,. ; ; • ; ■: ./Hctwciiri the'radio piuKS aiul the picture house stage., ba.nds and . organ presentations, . en- joying the, good will arid CO-, operation' as they iare,' the:pub- lishing conip.any• doesn't /need any act-men, to -land :siriging plugs. ■Whi'.e .the absence of tlie ordinary 50.' to 105 acts p'ii a song 'hcivcn't ; helped,. , neither hhs it hurt their, publiciitipns.,. Crown to. Owes $1$6,896 , Pohodult^si' filod in the ,r.-. P.'Dis-, :t)"]i,'t Court this, wtH-k by th,o; Cri'Nvi> >[n.sic :C'o.; the important ,No^y, York jobbing house which is in. r'ocoivi^r- ship, iridii'.itb.s $200,901 in assols and f 1 Vi G;S5tC in, 1 ia l.iii t i'l'?. -VN'rii 10 ■ vlI .•P(\t.«;: •exc'pod. tho dv,\.ts.. t)ie -fpniivi'-. are ,iriti\rigible. .Accounts■ riHioiyaliK' ■fbtal- $l50.:i7.4 and .there" aro other, Items •. credited ,fqr value' ;».vf. '.t.h,i.' stock,. nxVur<.'si, otc,;v';s:-. ' ; d f. t lie princi pal crodiVOr-Sv'th'livii- ;slc ' ■; p\ibl islvcrs AVi th ■ •' tljo la.i'gost •claims , include-. A.t^tfc ; & 'Bbriistoiri; .JiQ/pSO; l^erlin,; :Iiie:, it)! ; D e S y.\ Vi\, V f 6 w'n j't 11 (Mi d i^- s,(i n, $li,92>5 ■ Kbist, J2.1,tJS;, Harriis. $lfl,- 248; Jacic Mills, $5,619; Vilja;Moret, ■ 514;026; ,iiomi<;'kv\ ; $2.127; ,Shvriuan- Clay. $5,327; Shapiro-BerTisteip. $5*- 03S. Tlu'SP total $142,ISO; - Of the notes diie, \Vatorspn,.;Ber- lin ■ Snydpr .••has soverivl .totalirig $i:4.5.00; Kcioii'k, : :$2;"),aaO,. cinCi ,thie iillu.M-;? bi-ing .1 lie grosS Ui $^j;0,i>l.0' in (lu'tstanding; h(i.terf.;. ■ : CauRlry-WWe For New Paramount , A film arid radio , tie-up by Kerry Conway, radio; announcer and liec- turer, will Introduce; a Series op talks on -VGorii-ect English." Pathe - will release a reel of this subject as a talking short. , and, thei Columbia: Broadcasting ^ Sy.stem,. with a- dic^r tibiiary doriipany' for the . comriior-; cial' sponsor, will etherize Cori way's talks. . ■'■ - ., .;■■'.■■■;.;: ■■■'; ■ :'' : The lecturer Introdnced the ; first fjrammar cartoon when Macfa.dden'.s New York Qraphij syndicated his "Laff and Learn." Conway's playet, ."The ' March of the •; Words," piib- Samuel FrenGli, Is a stand- ard educatlb.rial; playlet us.ed in riiany schools and dealing with the com- mon errors, in Engl is^h speech. - , A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT lS6.a WEST 48TH StBEET Eait *f Bro«dw«y Jesse Stafford AND HIS ORCHEp.^ Fopmerly Herb.; Wjedpeft's Now at Cindferella Roof • Los Angeles, Calif. EXCLUSIVE Brunswick and Vitaplibne Eecording TALKS ON ENGLISH Kerry Convt^ay's , .Work . •pn Air And Film ■ ^27 MUSIC OTPUT IIP 10 p. C. OVER '25 TOTAL ■ ,- WashhVgt'iiv, .Xiiy. C. • rubli>hiM-s of slrtM't. music j-,iiriped Uu-ir outinit 10.; pt^r cvnt., in 1'.'27, u'l-onlin.a I.) ih>^ li^urea cV'inpiiod by the; corisus iMvriviui. over- tigviri'.'^, }'*■' ■ ■. onlod in . ia2j, . :rtie:; last;; i^rt^Vibus;. census,taUin;g ^■^oar.v' . : .; ;Dni.eial.-'sta!viuvnl, says: : '■ .]-:^!taMis,hmorits eng.i.ui'.i primarily in the VHib)ii=hing or. in th.o printing iiul. ptibVif==).iirig .of music in..;.li'>27 rop<''\v; a lotiil outpiU. 'valuod : at $ir).ss;i.G33.. ;.;;. :... ■■ ' :■ ■' :■ -. ■■ :.v..' The Value of .sheet. mu.sjo and h.o,b.ks -,Qf ' m\i!'ic Shows ..'an ■iiiorotise',.- of 10 per cent. , as Gon-ii>.arod,. with $13,835,375 .for. ,1925,.'.thc> last .preced-; liig census; yoar. • v ;;;..■ ■ FurtluT; •daia .;djs.clpsb3 ..thir' ;nuni-.-. her' of p:ulilislicrs 'iricrenl.s'ifd^from 109 to :it9, .or Pi?; B3 of. th«:ii9, were In New* Viirk: W.ige' ear.ners iricreased •3:.4- i^i.or'^ cent; while '.the. wages: of $l,(>77.f).>;o wore l-ivS, per, cent, higher than in '1,923.: V' ' ' • ■ ' • ' . JOLSON'S $75,000 RECORD Getting 10% on Brunswick Double , ■;Disk-^2%- f ronfr, pther Go's., :• Using Sarhe Numbers '•'■ Chicago, Nov, 6.- Al ■■jb.lf'bn st.ands to. receive around. $75,000 • from : his .double- BrtmsvviVik. record : of ;'."Sonny Boy" and '"JMiere's a Rainbow 'Hound Aly SJioulder." .He's drawing - a- straight 10 per cent, on each disk that's sold, i^osi'desi Jolsori .will get two :pcr j^ent. from .any -. other, rbeording conii)any ;;using : either : number. Arid that cornea from Al. ■ ; .- New and extensive publicity' for a theatre's ppenirig: will -'be '.the ''Sfilute-to - Brooklyn," proposed by Publl:. from.' ifirb.urid 200 radip sta- tions all over .the country during week of Nov. 18, ■'• - '.••;:/;.'' ;; In that week the' new arid mam- moth Paramount theatre pyer there opens. .:•:;•:; . ■:■;: .:: . Locally ;the P^^ will issue an ( annual ;pass to the Brpoklynites who listen, in- to' the large3t;'n;ufnbcr of- sta^tioJis -"Saluting" fOr the perlbd. , Piibtix estimates that since the stations will each "salute'* six or more times during the week; oyer one hundred millions of listeners- in will hear of. the new Paramount. . '!Salutes" from outside of B:r< lyn will come, from cities wher.e there is i P'ublix.: theatre; A sftlut(' vvlll be in the form, of an entertain- ing number ori the ^ther, as a Pub- iix house current act will do the radioing,' thi^Ough a request of ' the local manager. •. ■ • . Joey Ray's Records jbey.Ray of "Vanities" has signed with Columbia to make records. He will turn out 12 numbers in six months. Bay will be released both on the Columbia and the Velvet Tone labels. : . Rapee*s Scdres Errio; .Rapi^'C is to do .st.ore.s for six: features each' for Paramount and M-O-M., ^ ', llapee's musical ability, pluo his flair. for, pbp ;scing:. ,cbiri,ppsition, .'as, evidenced by picture thernc songs of;late, makes him. extremely valu- able for this sort of scoring. ■ ■ Rapeo 'c(>riliriu<'S art.general, riiusi- cal conductor at the' Roxy, New York. : . ;•■ .' • :'; -.■.' ':;;■■' . . Ben Ross in J. C. Ben Ross Is the m. c. at;th"e Rtari- ley, Jersey City, replacing Al Be- lasco, who expected. to go to Milr wau'kee. ' Ross Is alternating with Chark:.^ Melson, m, c at the Branford, New- ark. ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ; '■'■. Forced Rolfe's Name R. ,v. I.vulfc. is now annoiinoc.l as the dii-('('tor-Of ihp;.Lu.cky 'SlVlke or- clu'stni.' - The ' Aincrican:'; Tbba Co; originally planned - to plug the. Lucky name, but ; With Rolfe annbiincing and . hi.s voice 'now a r.adio ' siaiid;ird, public 'ms.ponso. forced the frank .identincatl'bn of KolCb as the miisical conductor.. ■ 'Kucky Strike, is; also going after Rplfe on a- huSP. publicity and ad- y,brlising;.;eanVpaign ; In, connoclibn witli " the Lucky Strike brcliostra: of 32;;wW^h hc,;dirpbt3. The Outstanding Song Hits ^ from the > HERE AND THERE Tonrimy ,Christia(n and band , have, beori', ■t);ooked for a ;Locw. toUr by Creatbro, .Lcnetsk.a. &; Martin, Inc. - New 1928 Earl Carroll's "Vanities" ' "Blue Shadows" "Once in a Lifetime' ii Sing Them—Play Them— Buy Therri •-..; K| RpBBiNS Music Corporation n fiukiiJtcrdy ~J99 ScvCTith Avtinit«.><o»YoA. \ I I . Screen Theme Hurts Prof. Dept. The professional department is threatened by the growth, of the film song' ' With tho pictures making.the hits quickly arid In.expensively fro,m the silver sheet plug, the ,profe.«siorial, staff becomes secondary, although the orchestra, radio, etc., .is still important for broadcasting aiid :dance band foliow-ups. ..Otherwise/ in'.the history .of. the song buslne??! has some of the biggest hits cost so little to; "make," In rlew of the corking free plug given the theme hunabers by the picture*. Howard Wurlitzer, 57, who (Jied In New York Oct..30/ was not actively with the AVurlitzer firm at- deatli. ; Mis interest had been purchaapd. some months before. Mr.- Wurlitzer dibd of. a ; spleen dl.scase. ; He suffered from it for- several years, but had found a way to ea^ .the pam. durjrjK the past two years. ■, ' ',] ', Highly thought of in the Wurlitzer, his death was aom.c- what of a shock although not'entirely unoxpeeted at any time: riif deceased was a brother of the Itudolph Wurlitzer, the firm's head. A Visitor's Viewpoint Billy Arnold, former'-Atneritan bandman and-tlie- ra^il^Wbit*|man of the French and Mediterranean rohorts,, now on a brief: vlslt_ to Amerlfia, nn,..mnnt« tlie nonular the moment doesn t com- ■ last year's.. . . Arnold comes ovor .almo.ct annual)>-,-for new .songs,-buslnet-j .arrariM - ments and ft hometown visit. . Ho ^also: brings back some e^tip'-rif;- ; riurtiherR 'fo'r American exploitation. ' Arnbld ; w?is paralyzed ,by thr eff.-t <Jf sound pictures dnd .thnir themo'songs on the oUtiJUt.. - Guarding the Strike Fund A guard for the strike fund provided for by the Amerirvin Fed. r-*'H,n o£ Musicians Is a tax fund receipt book It riotates «ich payment of v .per cent of the weekly salary a thf-atro musician Is exp^-cted to 'fi.ul.v/r.V-r Whenever applying, for another .Job. the applicant must exhibit hiS , tax book to display payments op to date. If not, no Job. OF f ill fe Issued in • * * #W'irrn?-ar^r^ TTr i*r * # > *' % •* •* * * Announcements al regulaf ad' % . vertising rates may be left at or ■:. ■if-' '. : •• \'- ■■: f forwarded to any Variety office