Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wedriesday, November 7, 1928 OUT DOORS VARIETY 59 Geiitry and Main Shows Gpnsolklated by Kings ■ Dayton, O., Nov. 6. Day ton will become the. prod uciiiK center for . a . new circus In the spring wlien..theri;?ontry X3f6vhr:rs' ■ shows; and :' Iho Walter . ■ K . ilivi n ^ 'ishows' join: into one circus. IJoth are .owned; by- -Ilbward . and .Flay'a :;i^ing:and both - will winter in Day- ton In ^tuarters at the old Barney .& • Smith .car cprijiVa plant. . The Gentry .HhpW' ciine jn Siiipday , /froni ;-HiRh : Point,./ S, Ovy.:-lt;s jlast^ i stiind.; The Waltbr L.; ■\^Ialn.^^'^^ ■ arrived..Monday f^^ / 'U the ..Teors-rtnlzqction: " one larse circus : to., .be : known, as . the Oehtry .liroiiicrs', show wili' rcpult; ■. ?X*hi!3: Av.ill ooon. in paytojit . ih -tlie .-spring ■■wit]a..14: elenhantf^; /2P' <'f]iSOS • <»£;animals,.-.lO'v^ca^^ two water; ■ • bijf^'ilcies ^lUid. pthor :\mals.- ..■-■,;'- A-- -. '.. ' : A.' 'C.; i^radloy; Is -a ssislant ; man- . ;aK<^r oi ;the-VMaWi- MioWi?. aiid ^wHJ; r' .Dayto.ri:^^;,^^^ ••■te^'.^''•■- . ■ -.; Murphy Fades as Show Strands in St. John ■: :, \ ' . St- John X E./Nqv. 6. .It tdok.. thrf'C, b.on'clljt.s .to Kr.'t" the s.trandod pei'tprt^iiers of the' ilurphy .Bro.^;*. Cavnivdl .to ' tlU-ir lioiuG* in- tiie. Stiites. Th^^se., p'oWormors fou,rid. tlVeniBolyes i,AVithout nioney' "SYhilc. playi.ris tihdec. auspices Ihd'o.i)^ local rink.. iiiigehe ^.:M mdt(?r ot ^the sllpws, hiid. faded, ^ciwr ins not; 6nly ■ srtlarief! .for four wepk.< but ItOO :to'.a. hotel and ;frpi.lV $'119._ to'$-400 • to. four. nierchivn't.S' .of; this .b^tj^■ TUt^^e^iUipmpnt: 'is^Ht'Linjri -hock,, hiving^lDecn -^^eiz^d'for. the:'bilb?. ■.: I; Gompluirii's:: that, heiavy,Itrssef?- hiid been made on .money whevls, wiUi. ©rie nxii-n .losing >$i;00(y; .brouKht; .{i dolegat.idn ici-oni . - the iietfiil ' MoVr chants' Assooi-Tilicih to tht; .loc.a.i '.po.- .Ucei- cjviefi and' roijue^t- Waf;, ■. madu; .for: .eloping ■■ bf ,thp..''mon'oy dcvicop.. .This was done on tbc' last -day U '• ■". . (Continued f r.o ni pa go 40) " -; ■.>..;.•,..-•■; ' the Rambler :6bi<^ted- to the 'Ibctttion- of. .the wheels.. sjiy^ng . lliat; in :.a . r^^Sn S6«sie,>he^lugb :percen tngc:;w heel^- wbuld bo;nearest thp^aOQ?. :v Mississippi'..J'drtes/..Sm - Miiss^ifisjppi Jbhes, owner of a sea;going hack, probably kpAWn. to mprp stirs, stews' and .diplomats than any other,,cphyeyance in-, Times,. rccpived a' greit • breiik at the Smith mefetihg at' MadisPn Sq^uare -.Garden. •Mississippi, in the last fevir.yeirs,: has ha.d sortie . bad . >setbacks. .~ His .^^yesif^ht.failed; he was taken''sick, sent to a hospital; -Miss bankroll ':very low and tlje bills' ifor the-hprse at the stable-worryinghiiri. ■ In- despair' he wrote to Al Smith in Albany. Back came. an expression ■ .ot. regret and a. check .from ,M:i\' Smith; {who::also saw .that the:. blllS: for ;^he"hx5rse-.W'ere"taken; care of.-,-:;-. :,'- ./■ ' - ,■ ■ .; ■ \- . z;^ ;;'^ - jfississipjpi; on l<^aVing the hospitrtl prpvifpy exhibited the Iptter^^t^ mPb around -the Square: - . •. ' Mississippi, in the . best dress: suit he could., obt.-^in, with a; high . hat ■ Smith-^butfori-coVer^d, Mis startied Tfor: the. Garden in his taxi, to, hSsar bis friend speaki AUhough-^huridred.'?: of maphine.s were turned- baiclC) when ^ the g4nda,rnies.gpt brie Ipok^ at "Mississippi, in: his prayer me^eting, clothes; ■.i^lice. lines'stepped asidev-;.;^ i^^' ■^i'-"'.'-,' • Wh^nVMlss reached:;the Garden of the .taxi the ,mob :;;jraye'liim ;t^-cheer and the police escoirted-hirii inside. 'v; :•■ v^;.-• ■.J; ^T^■mes'■^Rib.bon^.Sigh;.;' ' ' jrimes - building, in the -S gone - comm.erciaT, a. ::mpyirig band ' sign^ circling^ the ' building;. h!tying.:bc^eri . erected oii^t belpw .-the ■ secoiid " floor. : sieri was/used, las^ Times to flash .ejection return^: :Hereaftpr> it. will be given over tp adyertlsing aipcpunts In ad- ^ I'dition-ttf.announcements by: the; n^w^^ ' ■■■ Midnight Medicine, Shbvv ;- A hdt trip' has taken over .i thPatre lobby o.n the Snua^:-e-;for midnight medicine Shows; . selling paper : Jumping jajiks.. One boy- work^ the ';'niaKltc,-Btrinp3. And a; i?mallor: boy. playfi a :mea;h barp^; yt > Thay get'.'a:'crowd arid :':frntcle,;:.' \. >:-^ •" y;'-.''f:/' r;:'- \ \ Gbluiribia's Noisy Bail^ The raucous; scjiiawky,: grinding i->hPnbgraphIc noises, that had been trebly magninc:d :by amplifier.s .in the GGlumbia,:.Ne.\y Yorki, lobby have ./.been-, stopped. .: ' '- ■ ; • ' I■ - '^i Neighborhood: complaints by business interests to th^ policy resulted > ln the- hPUSe oiDeratprsTjeing toM; to Put;^ .^blaby. ballybop. . . - .:.- '■■. ' ■' ■■.:-.'■■■■.:.- '-:. '•.:■. •■: .Gamp'::Ch-air''Cohcessiori 'Aired''• ;.:; ' A smart niiig -with, business sense kied' to cop the: camp,chair priyilege ' at the Movietone political. rally sponsored: by. the. N'atipnal.. Di'moPratic ;doni:inittee'In Tirne^^^^ ^'^.^^ ^^"^ ■'■'-gave-hirii ozonc^.: -' : • ■ . .-■':: ' •'••'■ ■■■ ' , .'■ -v ^ been .i^nting chairs at 25 cents an,hour.. It. would have been iucratiye' if .it.hadn't-been: for the gendcirmes.- ::■ ; ■•. , :. ; -: . • .. '.•:■- •. Enterprising Wire Manager : : , One. of-•the' telegraph ofricos aroiind . the tSiiuaire tbat cator.s . largely ■' to shpwrbiks and thoatrerKPei^s anntmrfci^s ,U dates of pronviores in its ' • display Svindbvvs . and- urgx-s that.. cpngratMlatovy. messages- bp -^ont -^the plavcrs oponirtg - nights/, Form' mcssagos .are .suggested, for -those;.can-1 ' cir- Won't take tinvi- to Itl'U'nk- f<.rVlhcnififc!vf^S;:, ;Th'e idea- has.-ajrought-new b\i«lncss to the. :ofnoe accordiirg to th:e. manag^^ as many as 800 mt'sv; ■ ./f ^cif'sl'MiMgygfJif on njirhts wh'en thPr.6 wer e five opj\ningg;. ^ .; ■; . _ ; CARNIVALS For current Week (Woy. 5) vyhen not otherwise indicated, Alabama Am.' Co., Xatolioz. Miss. ■ Beatty Greater, Tyv.onzii, A-i k. ■■ Bruce Greater, :,U''alr) LitI'li-toil; N; x:.':■ V. • ■ .:-■. Byers. Brcs., .CTnvksviHo., Ti'.xi Cetlin & .Wiisori,:Al"aiVJ! Diiiori, i?. Cl;' ] J.-Waicrboro,. : ■.. -'. . -" - ■ Co(5per-:StateV lI'aii'Y Itasca,. 'I'l'-tv Craft's:;-Greater, .i>.r 1 Si'' l^Vin:'l^iogt), ■(?ai. : ^ • ■ ■ ,^ '■ ■ ...'. . :■■■-: ■:: ■■ : ■ Dixieland, (Fiiip) MaiYklioia;.T.a, .; -Dpdsoh's VVorldrs • Fair,: Italtli'S- t-'urgv Miss; .; -- .•: ■ .-. v ^ - . ■ Gloth ;.Greate.r; .0,\'rbi^l., .X. C;.:::.1.P- Scotland- Xoi-k.. -■ '* ■''•■ '-' -', .. -. • -• '> . -.' Great - Western, Osi-oola,. Ark.;.:. ' • .Gr<;er|i?ur9 .Ani. Co;, .pis'x-o.'Ar.ii?-.- . .Gruberg, Max,'M.aidi-n,..N;\(.\ ,' V- Hill,' Hugh: W,> No. Tallapoosa ^ <;,a;--■•: :■' ' ■.■■...:■ - -" Son es;. Jo hti n y J. A u g u;S t a, iV.i, . -Kranse Greatef^, -tf \V.a'in,'<lioro, (:;a. .- -LaMance's... Attractipns, .AKairV. .CiTiriii'Sville,:Ga.^ ' . :•;'. ■ ^::' :?■ ^'.L6ggette:;^Q/,'R;.;;i-:al>v Ch>vivl(;-.s.. .I:.a.'. . Metrbpolitaih Shows, H:vif.<>.r.'d..;( 'ra. lyiill^ir,. .B-alp>i- R:, irajisfVj.-hl.^^T.aV/ ■t!2.'i.bngviewj,.Trx.- : ;•; ;;: ■'■ Mofris .4. 'Castre,;...( I'-airV AV;icav Tox.^ : ■■.■■-■■';-■■-.•■;■. ::.:.Niill,'C\.^W.:rCaliJ^'-sloii. T<^x; .'. :pcsge,'-J.^-j.,;rFaivj NicAyl\e):r>>?>' ^} Pofliei. "M.'ir.ia.nna, ■ A-r}?-.-..::- ;: . ; Rice. Drbs,, (FairV As^bbuin., Ga,. - . 'Rock' City,. ( Ft ■ .V ^latt1.s(m; Fla . : R >.".<>I Palm-Am..Co-.-, .j;K-ks())n-iU(>; •Fla;'- • ..■ ::■::' V: /' > y: R ii bi n ■ •S,""'C berry,-. (Fli i r);: ^9y\X : ^ornvry, A.jYi.:.'-..■: -.-::.-v.- Snodgrass, T. T... Fufaiila; Okl.a.. . ; atone, W.. T;, ^Vbitcvillc; ts'. C. . Wa4e, W. G;, ■:(Ffvlr);:.Blaicoloy, i.G:i •.W.ise,.T!i:<-nson. 'I'^lO-- . ■ .V:':-. ■ ; Arcplat Carries pn ■ Arcoiia- Parlt, Rochelle;-Par.k^^ .J., predic.ted fPr ;>craj)iping...;will f pnC- ; tipn tills summen: A ne\V. .mariage^;. m'ent will, carry . , on: . wJtb Joh'n , IjUS tig, ■ Paterspri.. -X; 'J;; -biUlder, vifbp had cphstructed .'. t^.. arnus|ement park dn: note.sf;a.s5?vijning control and Mpe Ivatz; .promoter, :oy:t, .... The sw.lmrning ' pOQl,: : v;;lticii: - got-, uridei- construction, top late for the; 102& seaiton; .will opffrate;' thi« win.- ter as a skating rink-. and. .°aa; ft mat.^tbrium. :\ .the .pfir .the latter' part o^ .n:e'xt ..April. ' . ' JAME.S H. L.EWIS.' s: Jaino^ l^^ (liadiU-'V: i'<^^\ li^. ^Sv'^vt; vr;in a.Otor biV slai;v:ahd siTi't-n. 'y>\^<-' ni:-iilo bis libiiW tri-: the .TnlnK;^^t \:1ia;>s-. tVr II.ouso''in:;'pa\v.tUc;Ui>t, :K. T,;.-foj;. the--..'pai^t .\:yOar;-. - diod Sa-t^irdtiy :ixov/:;.3)...- ;■::.'■■ ;- ': • .^';,;-'- ";;;';.■'' l^oiw'jr .siuii-io.d 'hii< siay^v oari^Avi;.- l-T aftin- Kp'^Tuliiig a :to\v.y.M.i-s;iiiuli^;. UiO: :.t)igf Uip jnirryilijr- \\:all■V■::^V'^ (!loph::.u-i.t-.s;.II.o-;.was ].i:ici.vji;.) in ' ••Gra^usiavl<.'': P^>>>*'.1 'Wiij^ ^y'l- liani :.ili;d£::<;' in ■ '■• A L-Viri\ n-r ;V'ur^' tiiilos,". : 'jun,l: luViryil ■-tVi*;-^<-!-t . :iu "••^^i^;or.l-ipsts;-':.''; ....:. ■'..::■'■ . ■".■.■'' :/ Ti>o' oiui-v^auio. suii(U'ni-y.;::i.ii\ s^a;. prcparinsi' .;v. spcooh.. for C.oiii-; ■ nuiiMVy- "(1^: a 1"> >\"b';stri(-kvn. Si'iHV-- r^^^iriugi^ abiait '>]i..":'.y<:-ai^' iV^r'V Ivowis. busii'il biiiisc^lf^. ill '>i'<\aK.n>^i. it.V :V'|>;iril: \!"Viv ^virl(MU'risVs -filul.pjll- .i-c'i-iiiv^ iv'iuiU- 'u'.iih. it. :\:.t;-n --i:or -.tlii' siatrci;.'; ',/;•■- ..-r ^ ^]■^lil)^T('^ 'islvvvui pivss ■ .spiOa-:: --'l^iul-:- ■<l-y.'s';-1; ii liiiy- ^Vv■^.'^l\^u^n^5■■^lT^^•<i^^>^i> ■ liiii'iai: in . XUnint ,i>t:..;:MMr>-^.s;:comv- .ti'rK-.:.-i'a>VlM''l^.'^t,- i.!t'?^idov^ ^'py.^ ;iain.(!s; :ivt'\visi.>'^ r,i>afsp .n^C ni.c ;PVi.- ri.'f?: Mni: who- d1<';d-:-2.0 yocM-s :iiio,■ .. !• j 'Xoy. -i:^.; Sbi' i,'!.i>i ;.ivi>.l in iuu- :• ;il - vlu'W s \uul v.uiilvA iUiV.' O'"" /3Q \ :- n-\\r<. .1 l^-.r lais.hi\.ni]V'.C);ii<V VVr.)>sii-in, .. s;ir\ivos.•. ■':;. '.■ .■; ':.:. . /.v::^. ■:':;.■/:: .'•:■ .; .. 'lnii;i;nvvatill: '^'w^ A;!;'i'l"s;-. l-'aiid pica itt.-Krus'it.'o i'<!iii'v.ivry,^N;:; Y^. .■ -. . ^ tcbntinupd from piige 39) ;';■;.|iS CLEUGH .i^pnnis V^lough.-taiU>n^^.i rchearsail o.f' 'IMea.scd.'to Meet Vou" at the itiaito theatre, llohokeri,; X- j:, died Nov.: ?: ojf a boiVi't .attack in a taxiv whlie/.gping tp .JiIs 'home, in Xcw: Xork. / Hcv'iast ajipcaVi'd:. pn Brpad wdy . in^' a :revivar iiC; '.'W.hat Ei-pry ■ ^VomAri' Kiib^iVS.'', HLs .cour te'sy :made :hiro p'«P.uiar with. fellow players in the: Kia.lfo .stock. /• . ■■ :As\ the.' -<>:ib; :rirare.d' tlve ; \yaldorf Ai<i/ ~ ■ I hotel- .Cl«nigii cpllapsed .afU-i:::-;^aylng: ;'Tm:;sp-sorry,^^ bis. last, word.s; A . fellow . prbfession.'il sought the hptei: doctor whP /pro- h(»iihcod .the. . •, : ; Tile 'deceased played the. .lead in iMeased tP .Meet :Y.ou.^' \Vvitten by Ohristbpber Moiiey, who " though wilho.nt experience fitepped into;tbc roie. wifhbut Informing the company of Cleugb's .death nritil after .the nigbt'8.. perfprroari:ce..- • : v; Mlvbtgun ^ist half •tli.-''l4) . Walter - C Kenoy (Two- to flu) - _ ; . Tzd . halt- (16^17),..-- 'Myers &- UdnJohns BAY ;ritV, MICJI. . Keeent ■. iat hrtlf. (.1.1-14): ■Jlcwit't lliill.- MyeM & I'.onJ^bhns (Ohfe, to fill)' . ..• 2(1'. half •( 15.-1.7). ' nodftb iJoys ' Plrij-a i-Iow.iird ■• lf tJ.15' V'K, , MICH. - Hljou : r^l half (11-14) ~ ■ TA\n. C'olk'.nni>s. ■-. '.. rl.lra IJQW.'iriV - ticHor"."). .Seal? . ..L'll half . (.10-17) •. ■>rwt.p * Hay. (jrli; lldnoy . ni-iys ((■Jhn- lo ■ illl)' - Ii f .N JMVIt. M'il. . -. riborty.: 2.i:o>;iir :(i-:.-;i7) ' Tlif>' Aii' : ■ ■ X.--\\'lKiCr * :Pho1i.55 - \,y-n)' l.ii'.«)ii.''r.4. *■. ■ -Isi ■~}:j.!f ' M-1 4) . .I'aul . Vlcimis -'"o Ilfinnor (>ali.:h.olt cori'!. Uy fill.) ■■ 1 ■MIL^ilg-AI):., ■:■■■ '•:7 ''Bb>iing'.-Bi6uts .bn: St.ceei■; ,■■ Bpxing. "contests -have- supplani'x'd:. tl)P former- .(•harlest^n.. ahd - black.-^ iKjttorii: fcxhiUiiibns 'ariiong:. theV sti-Pet^^un-ivint* ,t,hroiigii. the; :av;enwe.. of : ^imprplnptu cntprtainriipnt by , working-tlip: side, ^^^r(•et .off. the.. >^iu^!ir<:; ■■ during intcl-miPtyon:-,timt.': .;:y^ • ■.■..- ■• . :■.:. ■.: • - ■ . T-he -kid .units jire cari^ying. fiVe urthiiis .for the n.ew ra con,- .• testarits;ana^: a-'c6liectOr :-Aftcr the d:uet. sot-tps. .theVki.(l«v engaff<:. in;;a; ;:i battle royal ir: the thj^w :monpy warrants. \. The:. tiolU'Ctor aUf>rnat<?s as • kjpvp catripr: ahd% ^ watcbi-i': as wolV:a4..coin;coll'^cti)^^ ' ■■.. :• • -. '; " '-.:•■■ : ;.■:;•'■' ■ •■:Ri)ad'^D:og -'dGiiits; Pirich^d'-^br^'lIiquPr'■'■' - ■ . AVo\ind' dcs -Moiii(<s -within the piist- ip (li^ s,:: 4S ^burbecuc.road. .jilarcs^ ..• h.ave: had'.'liq'i'ioV ..iniunctibn.^ .is^ ^hem^ inu-y' are. cqwivalent to ■ the. hot'dO£r road plat^it/a in-the ea«ty/: T ■:;.:.. - .r : :.-;.; ' : '> - . . 'A:barbcctie' i-oart':plaf:e servos, rbasti, .pork/.long.turned von; a; spindlerJis ■a sandwich. 'X'sualiy it is lo'^atcd-in- a.l.arge frame-'.to^^^ fb.i'V. > nishod,. with tables around , the' walls,- while tlio 'center 'muy bo ..eniplpycd Music u.sually is gottoii frpm a ni'kd -slot pianoV - Tiie placos aroiinil iJfS Muin'^s A\icr(.- fouii..l .lo raU-r iiiairily to s.Hiool :.>hil(lr(-n-who bad. drinking . <)rgi.'>i in:\t)if-in.; Tliv inJuncLl'-ns: fi'll<;svi-.l an :::.^"Xp()siiro by a Moinc's;.dai;ly. ■' iJHIy" TlaTftV. t'l-wp -to' li-ir). Stiita . .lat half :(li:-14.) Eflnft W ITopppr drlgr Honey Boys (One to nm : . ' .2.d :half (15-17) .Krlley (Two to flu) : ■ 'I..ANSlN(i, - MICH. ' Stranrt half (11-14) 5 .SlountcTS . I.lttle .iarlc .Uttle (One to fill) .- .- I'd lialf. (l.')-17) TT-cw,Ht.--& Uall l-Vilna W: Tlunper; <c)n.p. to fill). OnOSisO, :.«TCII.; ■ OapUoI 2rt .htil£'.(in-nyi .- 'l'h'ii ('"oIlpari.QB .(Twr). to (III) .- , I'ONXI.VC, MM-'II; .•^tntc,. • , iBt. half: (M.-14) l''o.«rpp A/- I't^nKy ' sNi'wliort .t- I'lieli's. (.Ono .10 lliiy. ... . •: 2(1: half .(i;-17)' :(}: Mriunit'r.'i '.■ -Jlitllo .liick Uttio ((jp" ^Ifi -(lU.) ' ■, >;A<;rN.\M . Mh ii ' Tomplo ■, ■: • : ipl l.alt. ( I lrJ4).. -Till' 'H(-ianla H l;y Ifall'T)'- .(OiiP -to. fill.) . ■ 2(1 h.tlf. ■Tli'hoj"'y->■(«'i.s ,•. "ri oT i lVv' r A ' JX -^'-T'^K-rr.l-t^ I'uiils.-iiijjii'i,-!, t^y p. HENRY CLARKE P, :il»\nry AMiirko, :aouljr;: fi.Vr.^J^ :\-oar^i .U.(M<ct: -takor^.atV:tbe .;t;\iplV^ : ■ tb'v-airi-;: IVston^/liiis ili(;(^ rcr ;' I'lt-iiig strVi.o.l<-i>y:''a'n avn'>ind-. . a^nioiitli i'^jsu. ■ Cl.vrkc ■.inuib' liis . -ilaii\'- dc!\iit -at lO \<,itji i.b(? vyanv of • ' Olarkc and Hanu-y/,- llr saiiir .ti-npr .. i-(.li<s :]Vl]lvivj(> . Viib^l'-'i^^ :aiid' ; Uniri'ii ^ Kiiropiv^wtth hiMV iiv VrM'y -:. SWi'Kluiart-/^ - :nv .iva>!-Aviylv^^ , iiOr .'^r.'i yoaus aud'^tlie. soi'ii'ilil An)e''i-" oaII .uv, sliig •.-Xanki:..'ri?P • .i" '-''Tlve; JiikaxTp."^ ' Aftvr . viniVi'ryi;n>7 :'^U';*-^i'^- IS-Vniiiiv :4ii ■yviti^s n>?o:::ibi'y:; .fornied :. jflvir-K^arii oi: (*livi^ii:p a'tid -T('nii.}lc. Tlie; . Okivk.t^>< wi-'iit: tel. r!o^!t<; :i::V. years ; ;:^}iO .i:(y:i(vc- - llis-Wl:fe: and: ilaVijli.tfr.... S\irvi-vi>v ;. ■■.'■ ' ' -: • ■■ . . ■■•:.K:.'^-;::'aNN----DAV: r-a-RHV;/:;' ■(;/ .-*ay:^iH'rry..7.9, logltfmiite. i'V-ss: iVnpwn prorossioiially as Anna Uh'ner; dietV/rece.nUy on Vo.ak'.s Is- : Iand, ;mc; ; I iot last; ■stiige appear- anee wa.s: in ri-'ittle. Misfprt.une"; iaiiPut-eight yefirs! ogP.--; ;•. ■ ',- /.;, ■■ ' V' Miss uimcr, wa.s a grad:uate pf the, SSar.ueiit School Of. :Orft.t«)ry,V ^>W.. Yoi-k, and; was, also'an. accoriipUahed^^^^' . ;. • ■ ■ ' $AL1:Y MpRRlis ALLW(>Gi> V.'. S;iliy-^^. .M^ actress, died : Oct/irO ilt . her horiiP. In: ;Cpl- , unibus.' O; , -V'■-" .; ■,::. ;• .Miss - Allwood- had : been with . a. iniiViber ot, .sbowSf- liaving. startfd- w11b l''raIlk T)arilcls in '"l A ttic. I'lick" and alsp appearing, with York and' Ada'ms; Sli,e \vas the si.ster of .Ruth .Tarvis;,: now with' the .trtrvis Rievue; A^RTHJJR p. FbX ■ Ai-tbtir ' p. Fox, 53.^ mogaliihe wi^i£<T: and ■ sCfenaiirtti died ■ Xby...1 frbm aifi attack of hpart di-seasoi, at the Ovia'tlHotel, T.Ps . Angeles, ■; ■ Pox was employcd: for many year.s Pn the Denver .and Rip Grande lliill- way until h,e was injured in a ^iVi-eck and doctors informed iil.m that hi< Would never be able to do p.l/yslca| l.Tb.or again, lie tiirnod, anil-■ critics : predicted; (i. bright tii- .iui-cvf<>r'. him'. V ■' :'.•■;■< . \- ; About thrc!e ycars- ago^ he came tj) Los Ahgoies' aind ■ lias Vincp dcvoK-d bis'}tim<v.writing -for Universal.-.; . • lie is s'ur.vivod by .a s'ist''iy -Mrs C.'^A.-Wagn'er, of I.os Angeb^ft.Mti- tei-iucut at ..Hollywood <:fmelcry. LiLLlAN REMINGTON ■ 11 i:in 1 tcni 1 ngtfm; T, -foa- surric tiiH'.V dixvfl .ib . iVctri'SS/' l-lj -X(;\"/.: Vork Mrsr Fanrtie. Weiasager, mother of. Lawrc>nce inrid- Miltpn Sbubert,: and .sister of-tee aiid J. .T..'Sbubert,. di(^d JSunday :(Xpy, 4) iit Syraci'ise of • heart ti.ouble.;:'J Mrs; Weiasager. was the wife of.Vwilliam II. Wei.ssagcri of the liotei Ra,nci;bft, Xcw. York. . .Kbe h.'id gohe ,:honi.e : to attend the. f urioral of Wihlam ;Ru.bln,- S.iiUbert altpViu'y in 'Syraouscv: Svho was an : old friend of theiS^hnik^rt faiiiilVv; . Mrs. Wc.l.sftagec is survi.yed by her' ■sons a lid brotlicrs, . : ' ' ' ••,.'■- . -Milton . Hbijiie'ri: wa-S in .Syi")c.iis.e.-: \vl ( h a' show, at the• tiine .hiM mptber .di'f'd:■';:■'•■..•.. . .:' ; ,'■• ; ■ • .; iritci-ini'iit in :Xcw York.:: • . - A Memorial; aicryice for the latP Ij'ixlf J l ifK's .wjii be 'lictd; Monday lififl'-r (). A., yi) ;it .1 b'(\iovk in tli.i).. l,ie : tb<vitr('i -.West: '3(n;h «ti-('<.-t,. the ausiiici;>{ 'pf- tb;e ,T. 1';: R. of wbi<'b be >\;as (I. foi|iid<-r. : Marguerite . Rdbbrtson,; "IK, dra- ni.-i(l'- dirf ct'nr .and >vril.f);, .d''"'! .at • t ii <> I' I a >M IM11 f c , 1 \ < li i' • w .< •! 1. .11 I II < • 11 on,. .^X;V.,-X(;y.;.I.- ■'■:-■.■.: ls;;iv ivih-<-n (■'"'; . - 1). .l';i,<'!:Mr;!n"?i'- :. Ta'king|: Care:;of 'Natives All A mfrir..ins cnc^agM iii-ibi'. .jpt-ralliig: oi" f;aiiii.ti;r b:<>'r.:<-s; ra<-( f-.'l i'lDllS aiK (1 c..nnii'-rcial (■■iil.-rnn:-=^s: ' ll.i Tllljui l .ili l ,. jU.n T ■ trai-k.5 yWO-NNP, N. .J. -.. Oncru l|<»tiHO ..!: < ]«•(. l,alf.-fl.2..-l-l) .llijfis'on'Wijn.'Vf'rs. ■ i r.)i lu-r.s ^o IVll) ■ ; . 2triiitVf-M.?-!"*)- irayn«'H T/lini.'^n & J>. -ff-llllPI-!* to lUI) ■. .. KI.l/.VItKTKi J- ■■■■ Kilj:' - 1.«t halC- (1-2. Matio A- -T.nV.aruH. M(-<ir.i.'h'Ti-:i\,'^rr' (Two' l'> -lili.i ■ KtvNSfK, N. J. - ■ I'vrir- -iPt h:,if \y, \ Ki-rid'-'ly- (^' l-'iati" is M .'--.:. •:. "I j.v-r ■ : . I- M i.:'ir -f 4 ••■;<') .. ' . i-'ln \V-,i..V -rM- ■ ■ . r:-- .1 ■ ! il) • J':ilii(-<' , 1. ■ f (.IMD - .'M'aKiih li;x<-pn-,C6 ■ ,.(Tv,-rr. .to-:.(lll) • . '■2il' hiiif;.- ( in-.iRV .Jfr/ird'.' K- ICvflyn' Ki-:ink.-}<!ili-.rte..-("(i . .. frill''"*' -to ill! I •.': ; F.\SS\-I(", ;N'. j. ■ •■.: • MrtntiiiiU. - ■ .1.11 half (I'r'.-H) . Tt"( il * .! )ii':.i Vi<-rM.' Tfn'^ ftc' ''Jf-f-'-p -. . .M ;i vi-rti .R- :. ill tV.(iir.. <lo-.l»-), ii..xi'-' .1. .1. ,li:in-.\r..- f.- H^O:'-;* N-: n\- (I'l.vaf.. rrwo t'l CM) . f'ATIJOOV. 1. ■ f{<'i;i->>f h;-ir c;: -'-t): a-.r., - I f . • ; '■'.'' ■■.-'2.1 iiaif :rH-.iJ ).:.-: 'i*r(-urih(l iv' l.'al •■ Wa-ll.v. >-M>ari.i V-.s:('<>:. (t - l." ,.''Kt-a .M..i'lci h' •. CiiKlci-'-H.?'... (dp." L'l Illl). - ■. .- ■ ■ sJ'itiNViKiiPi.n . '. ■ ■ ■; I'Hlut^. : 2(1, liall* ■(«.-ll). .. vy-i.Jr'ii .l-;i.''l'l.iajil« .■I:i (V«.- (ifdi'i-iri.-in -. l-ci nri an 'Ai''^''01 .-l-l (TvVir tirfrii) . ■: "'■■^ -.wA'rKitiit. HV ',]■.<'' .l-'fi(^)-<-.n {.•"rfjli-!! . r.uiu<.'<« (iiL Rr.i'trv. .M.l'pif y- ■ .•:iiiri.<--liin'- aj/i-riiy ■ IlDnoi.Hi.l": -Mr WU. CHICAGO Cabarets -1-1 . Mcxii-an 'iiovf-rntiiciit iu e.uiu!.'jy 1""'U-, n;= tiy- s.^to .!'-i"'..A.i">^i7';"^';\: : _ 'l'l,is d.-iviand it 1-^ s;U'l ii:-('!<'-s iV .^init<- n.-.:^•^■-al•y f-.r Hi' jc-jj-lr :f^.'i^';fl in^.vari'ji'i.J.''iVl.(->i'i'r;:---^^^^^ «", ' -'rry thr'-<; .Uinv; a-: niai.y ''»! ihoir pa'yroU iis- Jiff. iV'd; to c'-Mi.r-ly wiii: ti).<,' -r'l ■i'>!J''-ni' uif. ■ K-:l>- .V' I"-> !'.M.',' ,v- I V 'i::-!!. .' - (■ -H— "t I |. ''H Ji i-ir.- .:ri .'K-:- v;: V :Si. '".11 n;.\- ■ • ■; ,<ili.>... ..%)■ ciMrv ■ ■■ SVi.i '- "tl : f >••:■'■ . -.1 11 ( '-I r'l i-r-^SVi-'Ifli-; I if..-, i j ■ j; •-■■ir'. i.Fi ' :. < li'ii(<-.iiii ■\iii.(lrlil.- 1 l.'i '--M I.' r'l '-" .; . !.' \V).:'.v. - ' i I • .-'i 'Ji' y .-,\ - ■ i' ; li- ' -f-lirlr^^jriH-y • ..'' :•.•■' . V i jf.-r.- i:.-' -. '''1. Il: ( li(li -|. iilii . NEW YORK ■'J">.iii 'J Tiiiti'-liy . I'll ll.<it<'l ,\iril)iiHWt.<l<)r V!i.'Ill: ''Illl,. - .r{-.; V . .VV' '1 I 'i<-v.y.ii U'y<-tr -• Ir .Jliitft Iuilmor»' r-.>r.l l..-. ;jy A- (..'hil- !'' •H i 'iMi. iii.riM .. < )r '-■ ■ .Mlriiiblr. iM'.lti S.:-< i'H-ri ;j ■-il. ;.i. lli.T-! i'; Mi.-'.' ■ . A.IiiTkimi . ,: -TVlffc^i'yVrl' ■ • - OKit' ,I:iii;<i!<;J> ... I H.ll ! il;: / lii'lc'': //(..Vna .Icnw-n . -. . SVilli" 'rylcr . I 'Kdn .:;.i>i!li.-r.". H"l : li.iy. M lli<-.r. U'l ' . Uli.'W .iir<-,.WfK.M. ' ; ■.\.i .■J^'•yn■'•J'll.<i■ T,^:l:^ly I'.clrsi .'' vviiic Na'M- • : .-2 l!;ii| lUiyv . ■; ■Tir.c.lina ..T.i'.rrv- iJ»1" . Criihiidii' ' ;uy • r.iiiiii)!! I 'i.'« i''<i <ir<<>n -Mill ■I'iriy. Vir I.''t'iiai(l - .\(|'c|i. Wall'cr ..- I ii;:.'iri. rii'C' . :, .\f;tVy .';-a.uii.. A- .Iti'l.l li : ■ ■ iM.Mv ' -1- H'l -■|vi-II\'m .^(.llirl("5 |.1.|: (>H«>liliil-nil%J'H: J\ l> 1 |ji.ntlJ<'.i.' I ,i.-c I'. ,K.\ - II'-'. - l-'frl- .W.i(;ii^rr J ld.;: .'.'.Miii) Tf'X, MorriHi'V ' l(;iii): ■ , :■' S\ v, r i- ■rwi i.jtiri'e; ■ .rJlii'lV'i - Alj:^ . ■Kd'y. i 'a v.i'lH'i'n •jiM!;Ari.pii..:. Torruc.r' <.«i.»nl»>'i»() . -o'i'jVii'-' <l'.v^';ir .: •: fjitsf JyiwaiVls Ud. Tiirlcish VIIIUBe Al. fiiiilil .. .I:;t' It . H.-urilli.'.'n ... Kilfri'n Tanrt'-r :■ Alarm" - f«:- u-ti. . .- ■[■■"irciMT" ;,I(l.ri.s. Tld AuiiM.v,.' Kiillr. . r.;iii-y yiii.c.'-ii.t. i.iiMI" *. 11 .J ii;'ir-.- fi' •. I.I ..n- ' '/ .(-.lir.:' li. ■ • '- • ■ 1.1 r.c y. ■ ' ' 'T ■ ■ I' ■ J K'( .111 J'"'- i:"r ■nd. .'J'- ••••It: .1 <: ■■i- ' .V'...-.(.r-.l> •, ■' ••! <!,. I..I,, . I ■ r.r-iLi!— r<.!.iii.>. I >','!.! ^ WASmNGTON. D-C.;, . /: ■ .\sior - ' .• I . • - : ,-; ii.V-i - iv, ; II.V Ji-.--'. :■• :.i.>'(r ■ . iV. • ^-I. .;.;-,,.' ■'- ( luni.'pc IiT. .-; •V<;riti.', :! I >'■ -I ' 1.,. < 111),. .\Iaii,li-£i-.;.. i . ...I ■ •i (' " 1 i',irU.((-Mtbil I ,.|-| < ! i.', 1 . ' I. *-.» .'''- • !' I (• Mill, Madrlilo" , ' ^' • l- i:ii>. •tiiii.-r.- • 1 Loveiorn Racket A b'w .s'-rvico b' li-'-r S'lld in ♦)•■• .'^■iii tij fb.'wi-1' ir:iii'-ri 1": ;,':tiririJ--, ■tbW director of tlic bureau di.-Jliin? /.ut li;fo on l.nw to bo. l'..ipl'y tli'.ii^'ii rii iri-i.-d and al.«o i-laiininy tl." ability t... .-olv.- th.- biv iin.l.b-n.s of ^-in:;!*- bi.irrii-d.nien and wonrcn. T.m.ks ljke-sojii':oiiu i.s trjfi'ng to C'iriini"'n;iab;ic tlio advice to tlie lovcloj-n racl''>t. . lUttlK.M'MllT ! I';llil<-" '"l I T'.-' • A- ir ••: 1 ■.' l,'-ri .■ ti'- ;.!•• ..• ri • i' • •■ . I • i'i,\y I 2,1. ) .■•' r- :i . !■ i! ..-I, .-.•1 1 UWLtl'OUU I f HJlltof f.'i) .('lull ' Hu'tiMiiili U l; i rn iilll V T- U 1.... •Mil"!-: ^tifi|)i'it. ; I; r; .- ' .' 11. M;.| !• Tl - F.'JT Bool'lnq Ais'n, In-:,, ! ;[ •*(>.. ' l.irU >■( , * liii.i"" • •- . . WANTEI)- FOR 1920 SEASON :■ STANDARD NOVELTY ACTS .SUITABLE FOR OUTDOORS • • I.itrifi:-)! i iiir IJ'ooltini; Ag< "< J bi AttiOiic*