Variety (Nov 1928)

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60 V A R I E T y . ' . ^ ,... ■ u ■ Wednesday, November 7, 1928 VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE HAL HALPERIN in Charge Woods BIdg., Suite 604 Phones: Central 0644-4401 > CHICAGO Profesaionala hay* the .fr«e um of Variaty's Chicago OfFiot for information. Mail may b« addrested: care Variety, Woods BIdg., Chicago. .. It will, be held •ubjeet to call, forwarded or advertised in Variety's Letter List:- ■Palace:':' .. Sophio Tucker; one. of' .the few najjRv^. able tp .dt'^ Ibcai vutidc- 'Viil.o, bri-rught. a near ■tiapacity turn- bui fe'iinclAS' afternbdn. First hand- ing /oyit 'live .well . browned' lyrics, .wont, .into full .for a '.sketeh , in, which she cphviticps . a cheatinp;... wife that -it'is, not .wise. fool: with tJre^k, tieckei's; Few of thL'.-. crowd, knew , that Sopli just .camo - back ' from: Europe .until. slie told 'eni,. fewer yet were able to uii-. dersliimi her- sthattering; of B'wuy cracks, but the reception and ap-. .'preoiatioh-. were great. , '..:•■■. . Lady Tucker closed the first half, prob;ibly placed; there' because it woiild .be .tough' for anybody to tdlr' Idwi Preceding here -were IJilly and Klsa .Novve'll,. with; the past . and: ■ present; coniody Jyrlcs that have; bet-n. changed slightly since.recorded fbr Vitaphone. • Act; is: better . in person, find legitlriiately ■ivcht to 3. speech. v Anpther Vitaphdne subject, >H;aixy Conley, also' wbrks slightly': different in person than as part .oj a. four bit film bill. . His act con^ perns .a \ selfTcstejemed,.' . coxinti'y. •sli,<:'ke^r. wlio. hits 'New' ^otk to s'bw his oats aiid ^ylnda'iup .uhlhtentio.n- jally -in, .his doctor Irjend'.s' apJtrt.r: itivnt ■ with the. doc's >yife, .Gag Is that the (l.PG, told- him' to sow. the. .oats. ; .Act ;usos Va'.flock ot. scenery and/is long- without' saggihg. . ' \ Opcninsj were Monroe and Grant, coinodj: trampoline:worker^. Gbotl, Ashioy. ^ Paige, ^ dancing . with.' his xyioi'il.voiie,' '-was.; sa.tlsfactory.' iLee. C;ail: -JOn,sorhble, five people dance act,, is. '.pnecd and.has talent assist- ing tljo featured Gail team. ..The latter hixve adaigo. Apache and .ball-^: ..robnv routiiies, all; carrying ,clasis.. ^Supporting ar^. Thb Sheltons, aero-; balic . mixed' p.air'; Edna lilae, solo dariociS'a'nd' Dave' Steiner, ■•bouncing hoofciv' ." '. ' .Jim i\ItWilliH,ips, clowning with ii piano, is timely with' hia burlcsq.ue on campaigin speeches; He ■tvas im-' ' pcirtant ne'xt-to-ciosing. iFranklyn P'Amorp, assisted .by. man and' girl ■ in comedy dance.and abrdbiitii^ act, " cloijoa. ^; ■ ' ;■. •;" . • ■ Blrig: have: a'.rnu.sical:'cbnvedy,;:-.skit, that runs smoothly.- . Boys are.twins, lind . two nioe...lbbking gal's round bUt the. troupe. Nothing unusual biit gUi^y. . Paul ■ Whiternah's . Rhythm lloys. would. hfi^Ve been show stoppers -i^iih .more life lii. the ^iiidiehce. Corking perfbriners, who know, how,' •when and w^here. Ijjpr X\\<t plcturo. hPiises a, binch.'.: Noariil Itay arid : Kd.die Harrison were next tb shut. 'Usual- ly a big laugh Itern, and suffered along., with the. rc-st^-ahd . for :the saine r'easori. Openers were Hashl and Osai, mixed Jap .team doing perch work, hand -balancihg .and tumbling. .'Carry, an attractive set. ' In No. 2 was Billy. Shone and Betty Rich In the same act Shotic fornieriy did 'Vvith':. Miss Squires. Shone's materiaMs Jstill .spotted.with, riiw. edges, .apparently f rom which; he ciiTi't get away. • Reni© . Riano •and jay yelie riot ciaCught at this performance.:"Show"Pollcs" (Pathe), feature, picture. Biz picking up Sunday, afterrioon. ' . ..' •- '■"••;: Englewobd;,;\ This is a heighborhbbd R--K-6 stand, and Its bills have progressed from awful to prbtty good in recerit moriths. Ditto, for biz. ,; : George La Follette, quick change wbek-ond, stage band policy. . la us- ing Weinberg'9 Revusiciildi 'with I5illy \Veiriberg Yri. c. . j!iok.; "I'eacock" Kelly, former m. c;, at the Senate, has rejoined the Mark Fisher strtgeband as d^^ril^ie^.^ . Higgie. Co., bbtweeri vaudo date.s, playing this week at the Col- ;.lef*b.. Inn., ' ■■, ' ^. A.scher' Levy and Sam Kahl's twb stoclc houses . In South Bend, Irid., and ^Madison, Wi.%, dre reported turning In a combined weekly profit bf around $800. . • .' .: •':. ,H.irry Gburfai.(n, production man^ ager. Regal, .Ghlcagb,. is iri New York lodkirig over local, shows. • Gray -Faniily was attached for $345 at the Paritages, .Kansas City, by Marty t)eem3, costuriier. . Old Olympic, to be-known as the ApPllo \vhen alterations are finished, will-not be ready before the middle of December. Ofiginally anhounced to :operi this mprith'- ■ ■ An ordinatice in Abingdon, .III., pfphibiting unnecessary labbr on iState.. Liake ■■'/■...■■■. , Just an eyorily balanced bill this week-; ripthirig .outstanding. Sun- Aay '. mornirig* mbb .was • scarce; '■ in riumbLn- and' in mood, . making it :to.ugh on the iicts; .. . TbpUners were, Nick AltrocU arid Al Schaclit, baseball clowns. Shbrt tfrtiler. on screen sends .the boys? but on- the stage info a ringed';arcna for sbmc. burlesquing .with gloves; Joe .Erigel\dpc3 all the talking. Alt- robk and Schacht provide enough bbmedy to Satisfy, though tpO bad rthey. didn't get a chance to talk.. , In closing, Muriel ; Kaye , Co easily the best looking turn in the layout. Why a brilliant dancer like Miss Kaye >should close shows is one more .qubstiori, . Act is class from :every angle and deserves a better break. -^.Toni . and .Ray ^Roriialn Co. GHICAGO World's talleat, 1944 rooms and baths ST. REGIS HOTEL 81nf;1e lloom without IliitU.. $7, $8, fiO.Ofi SiliKlo Itoom with Itnth. ,..$lt).SO. $l-,i.OU Twin licrts without Hnth.., ;., ..$11,01) nuulile Itoom without llatb. . ;$10,. $1>^.U0 Double. Koom with lliith.,.:.. .$14.0U vXwIii liocis .with llitth.. . , .;, .., $t4;06 . JlUnning. \vatcr,.In all rooms. ', • Conveiilonily! iocated to all ihealrcs . ■\yithln 'walking dl.stanco of the loop •N. CInrk vSl„ ri>oiid—Superior - 133Z We Serve Only W^hat-VU. Know Hdtv io Make Best Where All the Stars .'Meet an"d Eat. Delicious -and Wholesome 171 No. Dbarborii St. CHICAGO, ILL. CdRRESPONDE ]"■■■ A)i Tiatter in COR rIe SPJQ otherwise iriijicated, . ^ THe cities under Cprresp foMows and \oh pages:' BALTIMORE 'BRONX ....... SRObkLYN; ..... rV: CHICAGO .........y... CLEYELANb DALLAS ........ EpMONTON . . INDIANAPOLIS . JERSEY CITY ..: KANSAS CITY .. NDENCE refers to current week unless bndence in this issue of Variety are as 63 60 63 60 61 61 60 61 63 61 LOS ANGELES;.. LOUISVILLE MILWAUKEE .... MINNEAPOLIS MONTREAL ...... NEWARK ...... PORTLAND, ORE. ROCHESTER .. .' SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE .. SYRACUSE ...... WASHINGTON «-«••• • • • . • * t ■ «. • • .• • ' * ^ .* • « •' • i '*' • • • **••'• • • « •'» IS • I « • • * « 4 «'•«-«.'•. c!^ • t • • • < « •.• •*• I f;^'* • • Si • «^« • _ • « • > * • « • «' I '•'•••is • • • * •■.« • ' ■ •• • • .■ I • • • • « 62 62 61 61 61 60 63 61 61 61 63 .61 artist arid, illusibriist, headed the last half bill last week, working a fine act with faded scenery and dirty props. With the aid' of a pairit bucket the act would be able to ap- pear in the best spots without look- ing like a poor relation. Another good turn was Nina and Revue, closing, with considerjvbly more variety than 'the average dance act. Niria worlts: toe,, eccentric, and Snake roujtlries. and is supported by si;c ,clioriries, gbnt hoofer and drunk dancer on skates. Pos-sesses dress- ing, novelty and talent, and is worth the better hoiisbs. Pi-inceton and Yale, next to "clbsing, had no. trouble with slang dialog delivered in front of a f peak nii^h t club.; Princetori has a ■wprth-while habit, bf reading the dallies, and his current event gags are timely, something :'no sound short can eveir be. Gilson arid McCrce, femme com- edy and song team, deuced, looked and went fairly. Attempting too much subtlety in some of the gags for family time, .■ 'Three Fi'eeharids, pole balancing trio, opened okay. "Domestic Meddlers" (T-S) film feature. Sizeable crowd of families and blokes in the house. Bing. Sunday, was ruled illegal when th<. town's 84-year-old ' mayor caused tlie: arrest of Percy Gladden, theatre, manager, for exhibiting films on Sunday. ■' Keystorie theatre, on road, started with .wired last week. , ... Sheridan proigrams Harry Graham, former assistarit branch manager of Pathe's Chicago office; has been p'rbmoted to manager bf that firm's Ihdlanapolis territory, Graham's plabie in Chicago has been filled by J. J. Clark, promoted from suburban salesman. Censors , in this dity. Complaint.'^ .igainst:; the type: of poiitor. used by tiieatres have been fairly riumeroiis lhrb,ughoUt;thfi. prpvirice of Quebec and in the local press, hence this uction l>y the Quebec Government. 'G.ii y Wbad lck;: nianager :of the Gal - gaiy Stampede, has ! directed : the' moving picture production of i5rttishrCana'diian Pictures, entitled "His Destiny." It; was' given a pri- vate ishowing by Associated Screen Ne\V!5 in this city, which htid done the phot' . ■--^hy.. It is a vivid pic- ture packed with thrills and comes nearest' tb: a genuine western film luin most, with'" many shots of bucking horses and . stampeding herds at range. Neil Hart and Barb.ara Kent are the stars. Some shots of the last Calgary stampede. Taken IH on the stage tiiis week. Maurice Meorte, leader pf the or- chestra at the Palace, has been or- dered for complete rest. His pldcfi lias been filled for the time being by arrangement between Manager H.oi-ry .bahn and the. WiridsPr Hotel, by .Danny Yates, " lieader; ,of .the \Vindsor Hotel' orchestra, " ■ Ari average bf . 5,000 people a per- formance attfend moving picture :theatres in this city, George Rbtsky, manager pf the i Palace, told the Llbn's .Ci.ut) at their weekly which he was speaker this week. Little Theatre Playcr.«j bneri in tliia . citv. middle pC nibnth ,with "Plots. iind Playwriplit.<<." ' EDMONTON, CAN. " Two : siicGessive good crops in weisterri , Curinda ha^e turned eastr orn producers' eyes towards, the iir.airips. Se.isbri looks . particularly attractive. City has an urban pop- ulation of about 70,000 to draw from, and, in addition ariothpr. 25,000 : in the surrpunding couritry, served by good roadsi , ' Pnntages, under ' le.ise to P;. P.- Canadian, is under a policy bt three days pictures .and a lllce period of Pantfiges vaude, jamming them, es- pecially :'f or vaude. Walter P. Wil- son, rinanager; Famous Playci's' biggest Edmon- tori first-riin picture house, Capitol, riianaged by Harold Bishop,, is to be wired this auturnn. ,Gallery may bo htiilt to increase capacity to 1;- 500. ■ .■• :. . '. ' :'• Goodman Memorial, theatre pro - duped Gogol's "The Inspector Gen- eral" Npv,. 6.. B. Iden Payne in lead role. :: ■- '.." .;.'■:■- . ' Congress . R.T.l.n. Thursday night dampened business at.this neighborhood stand. House just about half filled. A toss-up betwe en radio and a show 4ri--we.ather .iilte-^lhi-S.,; ....''" Nothing .special tb'.iLttracTTiv tTT?' five . vaude tui:ns. Only one act caused the aUdlL>nce .to.; sit. up. " Stir was Rpss Wysci.'.jr., comedy acrobat and dancer. Hia head pirouettes, !iloric, would bo sufllcierif, but he iias: appearance. .^nd . slVbWm bosidbs. ;Act includes three people. Rolctta Hoyi?,'-:openers, were : too islow.- Both play accordions, and while proficlpnt fail to arouse/ New numbers would As is, the boys rod off live or-si.^ tunes w'ith- :out a lot-tip; liomaine and^' Ca.stlo, two beys /around for years, are siill ,doing tlve same stuff. . Koriiiilrie's colored fcinme impersonation usu- ally gets rt: laugh; Didn't, scorn to c;vtch. here; "Noitiior did Castle's talk and piano playing. Kvolyn I'hilllp.s Co.. song and dance affair with two boys .a.ssjjat- ing; did not. Impress, eilhori Uou- tiriOs not. fast' onongh, with no ox- : Coptional daiu'in.g Ijits by any'orie.' "^Closing wtMvb J-^'ra-ivv-o.-arid-Jua I.»«li;, than'and won)aii, the girl on the Dorrh;. yojuomat work by the lat- r.=tei?=.wjiil t'-hiir-.i>arl nc-tMioldsj lio jvolo, Ok.T-y on oillior o.ji(l of, :i .snmTTllTiIl^ show. PvOjiiiiaUl 1 )t\iiny. iu. "Niglit r.jl'd-'.iD the- Tili'lunv. MONTREAL Palace—"Lilac Time;" wired. ■ .: Capitol—"Woman Disputed." Locw's—-"Woman Frbm Moscow." tniperial—''Show GirL" Princess—"Why Worry?" Orpheum—Stock. Gayety—Burlesque. Strand—Change filnis. Empress—Chang© films. AllKMll "LI. ., .Tulp.s at; llio .'^luithnidi'lf litUo l.uigi's, Detroit, Nny. .1-1. orohoslr'a/ foi;tnorly open .at Ti .x^- K'» . i.'cilli'f;i.'i (o fi for ClvicMgo .Masfors, m. Midway. r(t\V(M" tlii'alro running 11 i (Ss* • 'I-1111 ('.•id ay n l.gli ts r. stiiih^hts, ,:.l'"'rjirikie c;, iinc'6 slopt on. the Hooaici', Whiting, Ind,. staru-d a Children's Act barring youngsters under 16 from attending moving picture houses, after, being Ignored lor - the -l>ast-, tlxreei.-months, : haji oroppe.d up again. Thlrtv Morttroal thea tre managers moved last'week bofpre. a Superior Court justice for su,spensiori of procedure? agairist them in the Recorder's Court until the Superior Court shall have de- livered, judgment against Jules Du'-: hamol, manager of the Pastime the- atre. 'The • latter toofc .^hls case to ,lll.e_Suporib,r Court some months a:g(i to . eh.allenge the jurisdiction of tho Ttocordbr's Court arid ithe constitu- tionality oC;:the Quebec law. I'roriiior. I'aachereau, ■ also Attor- ney G.oncrai of the Prpvince of Que^- hec, will. It is understood, content the action of the managers which o.orifios.up for hearing this week. Du- haniol has secured a writ of pro- liibilion fluspendirig:the Recordor'.'-' Court from prbcceding agairist him ;ind .the other .managers who In,- oludo the largest theatres in. Mon- treal are also asking suspension 01' '_; . Province of Quebec Board nf ■L'-4.T.iv;m-><|ijp ^^riyy^n^Vinp] jyna ter.s_i^n sdlutod thi's wbck"ln ^i^oiTtreitl^un^ tier nn .iiiiondmcnt to the Quebec .Moving ricturos Act pa.ised at ■ th'- livst .so.'^sinn of the provincial logi-^- ''aluio. rosters ate at p'roaont sub^ ioct to (ho .sbrutiriy of.Jjoards naiiriof'' I'V the v.'iripu.s munlrlpalitlos,' hu these Ixinrds will automatically d!s- apponr with; thb creation of the now provincKal body. Personnel of th npw bo.ard nnmed within thr. tv^xt two W'ookfl. Headnufirter.q of tho now organl55ation will be nt tho ofTlcp of the present Board of Film Eriipress, F; P.. house,, working gift nightj couritry store and con- test idea to good effect. Owing to live mariagement pf S'am . Binder, turning them away. . Cpming attractions at the Empire include the Stratford - on - Avon Players, and Gordon McLeod, Eng- lish actor. "Hit ; The Deck," and "Desert Sopg" also bboked. Dr; Maxirriillan liarigsner, Vien- nese criminblbgist; who broke Into fanrie by assisting the Alberta Pro- vincial Police to solve the quadruple Manriviile mufcler, started a lecture tour here to good business. He la .at present working on the mys- terious disappearance of Ambrose Small, Toronto theatrical magnate and has been getting columns of publicity In the papers. NEWARK, N. J. By C. R. AUSTIN Broad—-"Mary Dugan" (2nd wk); : "SfiuBert=''Tlre--J?alous^rMobh/^-^ Proctors—Vaudefllm - LocVs State^Vaud, ''City Sleeps:'' Newark — Vaud, . "Freedom of Press." .'■■ • • ■ Mosquer^"Battle of: Sexes," wired. Brariford:—'^Conipaiilonate Mar riago,". Khow. - ■ ..v Fox Terminal—"Four Sons (3rd wk), wired." ... '•'. . Riaito—"Submaririe" (2nd wk); ; 'Caipitelr^"Apaches of Paris." ■Gobdwin—r"Street.Arigel." - ..Empire—"Ginper Girls.',' . Orpheum—Colored tabs,; ;films. "Flighting the. White Slave Tra,f- fic" did very well the- first woex at tlve Capitol without ondarigering tho house; record at all; but' the second week showed quite a drop.' .Heavy exjiloltation .and ihs; n.ame account- oil for the draw but the picture'it- t^olf'is not thou.t;ht much of. " StarilT'y'enmp;«vy la-goirig-tp-oroat. house on tliC. property eat tho .rorn(>r-of Broad and Lafayette "^?r^^^Tt^:^J5rTrgc-=•fepft(^t•==is=wH^ L .about the cornor which is not involved; Thoatvo.. vvill nat- urally' have 'ontrancci on both siivot.5,.:aI)hoiig)i no iil.ans liave.bco'n, uiV>''n' out. t'onsftrucfion, ■vvlH go riglit ahead. so popular th.'it Crull has hir.'M a dancing teacher to continue thetn. In place of Al Bohisoo H.arry Crull has installed•J'lenny .Rcs.s, re- CMvlly .with "Kxcosa Baggage" as ni. c. alternating w'lth Cho.fli? Mol- son. The Sunday morriine dnncltig classes inaugurated by Bclasuu aire ' Harry Schwartz, orchestra .lead- er, of Union City, Is suirig his wife Gloria, .chorus girl and dancer, bf 84 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn, , for divorce on the grounds of miscon- duct. Mrs.., Schwartz is suing him for separate maintenance. Schwartz admitted he had aban- doned his wife but :alleged that she had told hlrii before marriage she was Jewish, which he found to be untrue. The misconduct Mrs. Schwartz ia accused of, she stited, was a frame- up by agents of. her husband Schwartz has twice been cited, here for contempt of coiTrt and on one bccasion Vice Chancellor Church said Schwkrtz' aflfidavit was a de- liberate He. -becisibii has been re- served .by the court.. BRONX, N, Y. C; Bronx; is to have a new subWay circuit house, in spite Pf imriiirient clbsirijg of. Bronx opera house. New- one' will be in the Fordham section, at the .Grand concourse and i<?2nd street, built by Sam Greenberg, owner of the Park Plaza, vaudefilm. In association with J. Lask. ; First instance of a New York city Neighborhood theatre with branch ticket offices is the Keith Coliseum; bn Washington Heights.. HPiise has estiahlished two: such's in the Bronx along the carline routes loading to it. .' : . Intlriiate; Pl.iyhouse, in the Bronx, which flopped as an art theiitr-j, has re-opened as a Yiddish legit house, again operated, by Sidney.'.gtavrbf. House is currently sheltering the Vilna Troupe. ' , " • . Wheti in Chicago These Hits M'SAX .H,' . 'Matlneea 'Wedneadn.y ^and . ARRIS . Saturday. Arthur Hopkins Presents •.'■ '. nirect : troni'a year's'run in New. York, the Croat Comedy .Succosa Called "BORI.ESQUE," with Hal Skelly and Barbara Stanwyck SELWYN Mats. ■ Thura. and Sat.' BCHWAB and ;MANbEt, Bring ■jToti Tire NTCW COIXEGIATE MUSICAL COMEDY "GOOD NEWS'^ : with nn . %LL-ASreRICAN TEAM OF ;PLATEB3 rOBTT FLAPPER FHESII1E8 ABE LTMAN (Illmiielf) ft III8 ORCH. A. H.. WOODS' ADELPHI .MATS. yi'ED, ;aha s' t. : A. H. WOODS' "The TRIAI OF MARY DUGAN*' . By nitynrit Yelller : > ■' ''■ with ANN nAKpiSO and Original New York Cant , STUDEBAKER Mat. foday MARY BASIti Violet kempie NASH EATHBONE COOPER HENRY STEPHENSON FERDINAND GOTTSCHAIK AfifliNted by Original Cnet ln~^ the Continental Comedy. : SenAatloB The Command fQ l^e WOODS Mat'neo .Saturday Only ■ The' Arigt0er.1t of Musical ComodldB . . ■ :rhnip rriiflcntM' : ^ . : . MAUY . ' AST) ■ ' O'^f'AR . EATON SHAW THE 5 O'CLOCK G1RI-" ■■. with- ■■ ■•, . ; ..:.„ . PertKelton ■ Shdw .VLej .Tack Norton :. . . . Pnnny Dare Original: New York Cast and rroJu.ctipo I L LI NO IS A. T„ Krlntmrr * Hurry J.. •■r<.'«;.;fA--*i|^*'' •. ZIECTELD SENSATIONAL SUCC.ESS RIO RITA Ah iirr-.^ciil-'il '2 sn-.^.'^'ii.-i . -Th£,\IJv-,' NiAT 1'urk, wllh lliN I'ri al'. ,7'',',,. KtlioiliHl Tffry.~-'—-1. -lUr-jlj Miirr_ay_ ItPrt Wl r-.-or . . 11 •■.r*, ^V^J?^ Vliirciit .'^('truno . . M'-'''. .1' ,=JiL—AIJtKftTl.N'.V i: V,<i'U: .1>,\N' KK,- \" ERLANQER Mai * s!1^ JVniv . Y»«'C. 'Next MindMj. '>;.'\ -^'li,-- - World'H Futuiirst ColiDrtMl < ""i" MILLER AND LYLES In tlw lifiH .III// ^ „, "KEEP SHUFFLIN" . Company of, lni.«Uy Sit-,;;.:vn l : Iii)nc(<rs--Mi..«ny ''^rW <—'■•"-„ ,„i,iin« .llmmy Jfohn-'on nn<l lli^. 0"«> K<'<or.iin* Band ot 4azz