Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 7, 1928 V A R I E T Y 61 VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE yVARFIELD BUiLDING Telephone Prospect 1353 ; JACK EDWARDS |n Charge • Imperial' ■ With' a, single^ oxception. curvorii. biil . is to stifmlai-d. :. pnb clusap- • puintment .\yiis the. oponcr Jjillvd - a. Anetilo■ Armonti but not-tlvo (Ji'ignia; tumbler of the. same na.hici. Armcnt; ^ocs .thrbUfrh a r(>utine of lumbliny- vi^ith.'apph,ron't carcMos.sncss.; His aii^ nounbemerits arc. inclislinct iancl. aci" '■■ fell flat. - ^jeuce allotted to- Granville, nuxed ' ^'odollers,;.-. avcI! liked., 'lleeder and Spa^jcr,. two. boy piano playei\s,-. ...•hdyo ' pprsonailtidti . and - play. .^Finale . i.s: . npYel> switch- • jn(?.from one, keyboard t6 :tho othai- arid .windirig .up by;, eueh '.hrtvi.ij.'. one hand on-each pia no -while play- ,. Iris.". Clicked. ... . Oilt^tandiriff -was, 1^obert . Carlspri . ^ Swede iriionolp.''ist and .s'ori|?.ster,: a'nci Glbsinp:. -was J'>or.6tfiy's Circus, jibny-. dbg turn utilizing a. one ring idea .."S.Uver Slave" (AVB); on screen.... . ■ ' ■■■ '. ... EdiCands! .. ;. San Ffanciscp Symphony orclies-, tra inaugurated its eighteenth'seal- son Nov. 2 with-a program at the . euri-aTi theatre.. Alfred Hertz .con ducted. . Despite they .were.:.!.,nriarried ^n Mexiiijo two years ago, John Davis, fiirofes.slonaliy Coffee Din, of that, cife,- in Sari Francisco'and Los An,- gelesi:; and Ruby Adams, ,forrhcr stage actress, were ■ married . a sec- ' bhd time • here. •: moriagor for Henry Duffy, is en- route to New York to lineup plays and guest stars fur tlio winter sea- .;(ln. Hti will ho away.,about three works.- Warfield and (liiannda-Avill haVe a' nioi-ry stage- war next week .with the former prci^enting Charlie Murr ray' ait the hc-n d-. (if- a. Fanchpn- and Marcw idea and the Granada wath Charlie Ghiisei: A\!^o' a; lUm ^ coiftie. .;n ~ addition to tiie regular .Publix -unit. INDtANAPOLIS ; ; By, EDWIN V, p^NEEL V •■;Engiish's^"The lOth .irdie." ,. ' C.irclie—'.':Mo.tlror. Kn.iiws^ -.Ko/sti" ■ l-h'dfana—''ShPW Girl.'.' •• '.^ ^ ; ,, . \ Lyr ic--".Th e. St rcPtP of .111 u siph,' 'vauilevill.e; " . Keith's—"Road .. to -, Ruin'' (2n() •week); ■ ■•''...., ..'. '■'■ . ApollQ—"Caught In. the 'Fog.'*. ■ , . LoeW's Parace-T-"A^'hite Shadows | in. the South- teeas;'' ' Mutual—13urlo.s(Uie.. ' Gplonial — "Bare . Fapts,'! -■ Jack 1 Kane, stock revue, :• . ' ' VARIETY BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. C. ; 416 The Argonne 1029 Columbia Road/ N. W. Telephone ColMtnbia 4630 By hAROlE; WiEaKIN Belascb—"Scarlet-•^\'i.»ni;in-v . next/ S.n.ored- Fl.ame." ■;.'.■ Nati.orial-^"irit Deck"V next, Mac-*' •' -.■ .- Poi;i's—:'Abi.i:;"s. Irish Rose,*". ' Gayety-^Stook bur. Strand—Mutual bur... • Pictures Coiumbla—"'I^overs'' (Lid WL-eU). . Earle—".Te.tTpr.''' ' . Fox—"Dr'y -^lartini." Keith's—"St. oC Illusion." . Little—"Xaiuro anil Ijove". CJiT we I'10. .■■ ■ ■ -:' ;■ Met—"Companionate Marriage". Palace—''-The Wind." ' -..■. ..v . . R fa,lto-^"M>'\ri, AVottiari jind - Wife.." RivieiM, Opening, Nov. 10. Seats "State Street Sadie.' 1,400. AVith the: liivicTiv'.s opening there will be three St. I'aul, loop theatres equipped for spuiul. t-apitol and Tiiwer,'othoi-s., :.. Hip (wired)—"Kihgs" ('id week)* State. <,wired)—"Moran"-uivit. . Keith's. .:ip5th--"Tako Me lb..ine"-' vauiie. , . Columbia--MuU>al bur.. . . . Ingram'■ arid ree.toi-s at. the arid- St. ' i»a'ul .u-iul'ed. tvlaoes-: billed at each dtiu-.tATs;- ■'. - ''sky,. niiisie.ViI' di . : .Si in.n'eii ilo 1 i.s St.1111. P11.CI 1. rcspec I i s' C;:ly. this :wei'k a'lVd- were as g.ueiit .c.o.u^ "The • Silent llpiise,". at.'.'' ■.".Hit . tlijC ..Deck-':,. Will Tharilisgivirig attVactiori llsh's. ■ ■ ; be the at Eng- .Kxodus beginning 'at; ICeith's with ■ver>v';ihdication. pointing to a' clos- ,1 ng,:-"satvi.rday.. .(Nov. I'O) at' the end u.I;, ih(>. t.wo. weeks' rifitVe.o.'. Ivitisi.: t< le..'1-C-e' ik': Fred 'Clark, -.toi':. almost 1- years nrasical dii'ector: ;/He ,g(,ves It. Keith'.s l^ps.ton^ -tp -ihulil- down -"tin. iri^t violin chair iri^ tlvivpit cVrelyesir.iv' •SEATTLE:^ i;ive ' .rnweioiiniv' •Ai.\r,ii)i:'s;'. of :. P.r e s i d -c^ n t, .! li.e s V '•' i; !^ i V) i 'k ) .• '. Seia.ttle M.ii.rari ^vtagiv sUo\v. ■ v.-■ '^ rpifth Avenue- .-••l>a'iK-iiig . l^augli- Xel-s.'' ^- '.■ ■ -: -^---v.- .■ . Biuc ,Mouse—''lIiAnVe .To\vii>;rs"I Aveeli)., .-■' . r^;: - . ' .. Miisic ■ Bcix.--:-SihgiMg- Foul"- ' (ll,t!■ week) . ivivd 'Vita. - . ■ '-. : ', •. . Coliseurn—■•Saw' I'aradise,'' Cblumbia —,".Do Vour nuty.". .: Vy.intcp. Garden.f;-".\l Kjd.'V ; Pa-ntages.-,'-''iVlv>th('r -Vja'i-hree'! a.ui ^■!tnlle.■■■:.. .' ; . ' ' Prplieum-7^ ••'rive AV,;iter-'Ki-ojvt" am": Va-udo'-■ ' ^ . ■- ' " .. Jose Aeo.sia,' ,lva.der ■ of r a d lo ' s y n »i < h i> n y, ore h o s i ra :•il^^ie;ii . ilireetor lif .neVs ■ :;:'.00 -s< a( er , nei^ilihorhOod,. at Thalikst;iving. . \VTAM'3 .' u i.ll', ,be .i'i-!u\yn., '.eji'-.ning ■ -■ ,^M1',( v\\\<!. v'li l';i ir i;e!'>p<^us. .V"v. . I I fur ■ v\ uieriea.' I "i^uien, Vire!;' A:vt))i;t.-x!; ;w;tr: 111 in,, ii ni.i'er ; :aisjilee.s or -ivie;(l .X ii ie'ri;-; Three Clevrli'ind -uiade .i dUv-:'>,t'iiiii.U ; (ilh-is; j)'riyiiu;ed:' l>.y'■ .llio'- ri IFriiri' ^^u)dii's,.V.Ti r St-it"-: ;ii)d A;liili:i , Mo-; .liiui i''}elvrr<^'.sr;iHiut;;. \vil'!. 'L''i-'^s^^^^^ in ail.tM.iwelaiui.iWeat lies-during th*'. I \mt'i in u n 1 t.y.; ' I-'u-ivvl ■■' ea tiiDaiiVti-. ■:>.\' ov.,-; 1 !l - J 7, Si'i''n<yr i>1s ■ w..vre ^.wi'it.t'o'n by.' \y illian) -Guiiscn lio'^ie,.. chajri'n.'.vn, .of ; llio I'ujia's tn'oyiiv division; ■ ..■.'■■,•; . - Oil rill in; IUM'i>kert,^act(Vr, iKis'.aii- noun^SHl. .nHv lopetiing. of .'V •■ 'of inst I'.uecioiv in, laiUeP' tochri.iViii.e.. ait r his'Ohi.6. School, Pf Stage Art.s... ; ; RoItfiiVe .'Rgglcs'tori,:-former Keith n-ianjigcr; returning tP.this,' city from Atlanta,.AVhere he was with Jveith's. to . enter private ■business;. . .. ' ; Tiotel ■ Iltimilto.ri lirt.'S ■ jiiined nli;htV club bper.a.tprs.. pi'voned liaseirient ...rooi-n Sivtur^hVy with ''. V) i 1 i h res t - Stri ck 1 and- q r c h b s (r.a. the it- .iht ■ ■, New . che.sfra . Tork booked Philliarriioriic at Murat for. Or- iN'o'y.-' giotisa will he nacle Nov., .2«. Bpoking department !ot . We-st; : Cpast Theatres, ^p^prtile^ri Cf>.hfornia / division, mbyed: from second to • third! flbpr, vpf . Granada Thisatre ■building, to - take : aidvantage of larger quarter's. Move, is temRorary, as with Publix taking^ver. opera- . tlpri of its local hou-ses pri: or before Jan, 1, West excess -v^-il 1 moye ■ .to new quarters in th.e Loew-'s War- flbld building.- Nick, "riirner's f.orj.e. '■; now cbmpriscs,. (Mrs.) Mabel Kahri; ; bbbicer; ibthbl Seavei'.'?, fbrrrierly Iri-. . formatibri' clerk, and in :.charge of local Fanbhon and Marco bopkings. as assistant, and H; Pin^r, clerk. Coonby Eros. Theatre , Cp.- wi-ll wire' the Gary-^ theatre,' Gii.ry,;. T.nd. thlis mbnth';: ^bu^sc has been redec; ■brated.■ "'■■;■ '.. .:• ■•' ■; • .-;' ... Local Paramount iaccourits, are iiow'\'-^oihg supplied with-;a new..type of three sheet posters by that, cbrh- pany, •. Heretofore, threes alway were printed In three sections', (one . sheet eiich:)'. -' New: style printS; a two-sheet sbctiori and a. orii sheet sbctibn; either top or. bottoriri, there ,by overcoming any in faces or Jieads, which has been a .bugaboo in the past. All Pararnount paper is now supplied with extra "siipts!! for. sound houses. " ..... v. .John Philip Sousa-. plays four; co.n- .cei;ts .at Dfeaml.arid-.Aiidilori'iun hcih and two concerts in' Oiakland start- ing ;Npv,-3.'■•:;• ■ . •■ Sam .nnd Bcatty •'-."oriod the now ' El, Camiuo - at Antibch, .Cai;,. Nov, I .3,3Q0-.seater. Straight-pictii.r.e.. R; A. .(DjcK) 'Marshal^ geno.ra It the. Cadle Tal>'er- LittlCi Theatre, will ~ open : season Nov; 12. with "Thfi .Qu.cenis Hus- band.'.' Geprge.Sbmnes will direct again*..■ ■ ; ■ ;■' :' v ;'., ]<ltHel Earrymbfe V had . lunchebv .\Oith ::th"b Pre.sidc.nt- .nnd. ■Mrs....(;oo1-^. idge last .week, ;Fi'rst. lady' ((f tiie !;,(rid is getting to'.bp.a' rcgiU^^^ pati^oni .: catching the" . boniliiinc'ii- scrben, . and st.ogf^ show '^a.imo;^^t \\.e.c''"l\ ly,'\vith her biri<?ial escort ^VI - J.'Fitzgerald;' ,; : ;. Cbrbih credited Shiel4, p; a., hereabouts bf .■the WiUv Rial to having Frectlon of a new house' at La- fayette; . Ind., i.s. planned '.by .- local cbmpariy, headed: by Carl Mote, .at tOHney, . Fitzpa'ti:ick and .- MciSlroy, Chicagb^, will lease; the ;house.. . Mi-s. Miirgaret; .Ktirtkle; . 25, -vvijis fined . .,$100., h'ei-b. ^bbfiatise Judgt' (^eorg'e . Denpy believed her dance wa;sri'f nieb-" -:Fd Galligahj Rialtb m.anager,. pakl the fine. .' , enjiiriecred the 'picture ,of; Barbar;i Kent with. th.b . President " and . :^Tr? the nriiritary' circus;.lia- '\-et,. t b. h ea r pf '. any' com plain t.s', i'l-om the White House. ' Mahelle; Jen- l. nin.iTs,' d; e,: of the'.News, "crtmrii.entc('! on the' repotted: presidential, iVrovrtl and febalied the time "Rno'olc- 11 rns" 'climbed all : oyer., the persoT:^ f.-the' .dhief exbcutlye "arid th;erolV';' knocking presidential taciturnity '(vr' a .rb-<v..of be.ah. pipts.'.'. . .loliri 'linnivick is in.;Now Yovk. 'm ; uti. ;ii')tn.i:!l vi.'i'l.i; 1 l,e -plans yisiiin:- lyos -..■\ hge.l(-s; jiririr tu VA'liiririni;- hi-vi-. .. Arlh.ur V'>;i.^iiU /Iin-i'Vi's ■ iliis;' >>;.e'e' fur -J^os .■\.ii~i-'l«'s .Ai lKiri^- is will, tmm ii ' M'lie.. the I 'rrsiilc'tit' fur• '11 (■ tir.V ':i-Tnrr.v-: .Me will be suee.vM'di'd hei-L;, by Kri'n ■l.!on-desi)'i'i.. i:. , ■ V -:'. ' ■ ■■ .. ICANSAS CITY ;-. >frs, ("lei-rrg.f li<).gov(iy, .wife i)r-thi, n-)usi.c.a! . director- .'it .l!i', w.i. Ixa<i.l.v, .iujui'v-i'l when ^fstriii'l; .iiy .a hii and .i'uiv .au,to driver who w.iH .iatei- arrested. Arri<Vld Flink ;l.s now ,as'slsta-nt .J iin . € icmm er - ;it 111e Fi f 11 i ■ Ay e.-.. . :; By WILL,-Rt. Mid l a nd - •. •:AV-t,)inaTV - Mai nstreet - -'-.'rbs\ : . ISl cw ma n — "Si in:i lij : Pa'ntnges—V;tU(iliirii. ' • Royal;; - fielvu-es.y , U.p'fov\/n - ."llriA-ii i e .;I. Ji'e. ■;(jibbe,-^:r'ietures.' .^ ' ' (irpheum Slpek.: ■'....- (jayetyv.-Mutiiul.hvir'. HUGHES,: - ■;.; l.)isiiiiu?d..'.V, •■ Ci-asl'i'-vii i.ule; ; .;;l'-iiur: '■' t-Jlh P. . J. Remb,, Shelby viUe chain operator,;; :hea<i^ ■ the ; Cbhimunity P.hbtbiVlay llouses, Iric.,; which: h.'is liebn. fpnned to -30 houses' .in CO-bperatlon with the Hayes organ izatibri. ■■. '■• ROCHESTER, N. RECORD Y. I MAKE;;;IJP Esti Henry ; C. Miner, inc By DON -Lyceum—.Dark. . /; : Temple—"Tommy'' (stock) Rbcheste*;(Wii:bd)^"W:oman Di.? puted" and.; vauide.; Eastrrian—".Oiir Dancing Daugh .ters." ■ -■ '; - ■ ;• ■■- ■' 'Fay's (vvired)—"The •''iSIhging Fool" (3d week). -. Regent—"Mot-an of .the Marines, Piccadilly—"The Naughty. Duch - ess."- ' ■ -' '. - •Vic.toria^Stbck .burlesque* Gayety—.Stock ;b:ijrlestive, •. '. . Louis. ■ Calhei-n, . hei-e . 'oneweek with the Cukbr Kondolf : company; fstock), has returned ,to .Nbw .York.. Wallace Ford will be leading, man and Charlotte Wynlrr.s, reebvered from, a rocbrit .illness, leadirig woman. V MILWAUKEE ^rjevv'Pabst—''Gtiy; Piiroe;":. v; Garrick-^",In, Abraham's Bosom.'* ,Empp;ess—Burlesque stock;. , Gayety—-Mutual bUrlestiue. . . AJharnbrii—"Man ; :Wha Laughs' I'tsvii'bd;).- '■ . v..'■■:■;■;;■ '.^ ■ Garden—Slriging / Fool" ^ ,CGth wc'bk). .;, ■ • -■ . MajeS,tic—"Wornan Disputed." .MQrrill-^'.'First Kiss." , .; . Pa|a;ce--^."(>h, Kiiy'-'-vaude. . . fiiverside—■'Carhcramari".-Vaude iStrahd^!'"Wirigs'' (3d:;weck-wired). : V/isconsin—'Women.. They . Talk Fiske;, O'Hara, . Whose "Molly arid ..Me" .closed, after playing the; New l'.-.:l).st two .weeks ago;, is at . thi VVis'consiri this week. . With .Dav( 'choolor: out' as m, . c, band Jti»y 1.(1 eh returned to the pit.'for the iirsi tirne.' ih; two .yefjurs. Ho.use w:ill run .lire.s.critatiohs .with : barid'.- off sta,t;i: ■oni ;rtbw. on.; ^ ; - ^.-^ CLEVELAND ;•• OipeniiiK ■ of ' .the ,()bcrfelrter-Ket- cham i?t()ck iit 'ihe .OrpluHinv in: the ■ "Baby Cyclone.'' .regula,r society, '.raiP;'..; l..prig time :sin,oe. this.'; town ♦ (j^i;is given , any ; real supiiprt. tp , a •^■t ocii;. tried, .a;. ■ niimher; ;pf l i.mcs; • With, -tlio visitrng ;Kt;ir p.blicy and. riigh C:la(.is; jvlays •pnmii.sbd, .outlpok mi!i^c^l)l:l>hli,s^ng.. ■■ -,;v .-'.•:;..;...:..; By GLENN G; POLLEN ;: .Ohio—'Mai-<:6: .ilillions.'! Hann'a-^"ljeadin' Soiilh.'* . " ^Little—Leibci' cbv' . :; - Atharnbra—fetock. .-. Gordon'. Sq.-.-Stock;',- -- ■ vColbnial^-'ISiinba" (4lh. Week)- .. vPlay Hbuse:-^-Ri'Pi ,nd week). ; . Sti.llma'ri ' (wlrbd)--'--''Sin'gin Fool," Aneh. (wir(-d)--''IIbme Tpwne.i-s.'' Palace-—;"J"en.lh A venue".-yaude; '. 'Carrieb (wiredj^-''C-Tiught in Fog.'. .; wage ';s<;ale fiir.'^uriron plK>i;atpr^; hangfuM: .siiico. thnvn.--town .hiiUscs juit in t.'tlk'ers, how settled, 'irenr.. i-itive' scale-.of; from JiVO; to. f 1 ;irt. pflid.. by. the. in aria .g'^rs' awaiting. ;id(M:>t|pn of a-scale.'.''\■■.''. ■;.;■ " ■ .; ..■ . '. '•'•■ ' Cliic.'.S;ile .'strongly advertl.sed .as; -siai- ii'f . "(lay;' i'ar'H--* .ru-kl: at the Sl.uiiiert (• l-i;re). but :(.;Kvi>e-, piivi jir<;s. is'- showing: iiih.i' iis. a . L'ox in.lUihg shoi'tV ;.'. ' r.■ ■■;,'■ ■ \ . GOLD ^^^^COLUMN y'. D L-LJE: Ft 1 B BOP^I - I—I ST ■WHEFtE,-TO'SMOI=»-AND-DlrSE, .Cieorge Arlis.s, scheduh'd. liere.lasi we.');, c'lhcelied diie to illness.. Piibs* as;: dark. .■' ':.'■' , THEATRICAL ■1580 Broadway OUTFITTERS New York.;City MxTrgaret ;Gusack, summer ; favorite here sov.erar years.ago, quit her domestic role to play week's run with this company: in -'Yeilow."- Her husband, -E; :P. S.chlegel,; approved. Lyman .Ballard, former TTA rei).'; teseutative, and Sam -Abrains,- foi'.- iner exchange; chief here for l-'BO: h;i,ve. joined; Gbth.arii , and , .are "oin scMijnp- B'ristplphbnbs..;. ;Mot-e: tli.'-ir- jS ri re, r.e.pprted , 6bld ..'to. Miiwaukei's. ' ■ . Sbermari. Brown ahnouriced. t.h'v !^.^vid.-v'on \vill be completed by;.th Charles Curti;^ and barid:are play- 1 -'rid .bf; this jribrith and a-Ten.;e'Mn -iTi^^tr^th-R-^(Ddtnr1nvch--rbst-n.uran-f^-=Pi£By^.-^^^^ With Jerry' Frank-s, ehtertaincr, arid 1 TU'Use,. for years,; has been town, Catherihe''Rich,,' iteaturcd.. I .('>;! 11 y 1 eg it. th e'.a t r e. Lr g' t 1 rn p'ved; to the, Ne'^y- F-'^'^-'^t- has .-bcfm ^ RENT. A v^-.,.-:. ., GOWNWK\P.C0STtMf ' f oi- dance>; baill, jnii^naernde, . .nmhlpdr -tliontrical,, -hiovle bnBUKemo.nt. .. t'lnoBt Ciirm^ntH of Hrhnrtc<it st.vlifs. Complete i Hi«l«(tl6us. MME, NAFTAL 60 West 4.'itli St., n; Y;. C. (Est. 1893) . Uryaht 6208-C2C9 FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL . STAGE DANCING SfretchiiiR nh.d. LImboring .ExerCl.<)«,• '..—IJow ^tt . _: 132^135 W. 43d St; New York SGEWERY and DRAPERIES S( HKM. siPE.NlC STtTDlo:. Tolnmbns. O. -: Gene; Fosarty and eiilertainers.j' are. featured, this "week b-t. the': new,^ Marigold..reStauraht. . ; By HARRY GOLDBERG , ■ Palace—f"Varsit;y:" '-.: "';' „. ' .:, -; Old Mill—"'iMie Whiii". (wh'ed),: - Capito1-^"Thc Nigii.t Bir.O." : Ritz—'.'Glorious Hetsy.!' 0 Wired)., ; . Melba — "The - Singing ;. r.Fool." (wired.)...; ;.-; Majestic.- r"- (wirc'i)'. ■ . ' . . Arcadia--Pict.ur'es,. ' . Showhouse-^l'Tii-e Firefly' show). .. ■ . ■; -. Ph'tiires ■' .ami valid. ; ( rbfid -r; MINNEAPOLIS By LESTER RE^S / l.s.t half; Bosom;" Jaclc North ret," .Puitlix Wef-lw ■;: ■ j)-iin<'il unit;- the in "fv.'it Kalia- lJallas :la;-t Met.—'!Vagal)ond King (.VcDrgb; Arlls.s, ;2d.'.half., Garrick — "Abriharrt's 'i-r:: \ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ .' Shubert^Stock.;. .. ' ■';'Herinepin "£?hoW ;.;,Falks" ;;.an.d lld■^'; ; .; ■;' • " Paritages-T-^".J*I;othf>r M.'ic.hreV:" ana; vaude..-^; .' Palace-—Comedy. Tab. Gayety-;-(Mutu-'il bur.).' . ..Minnesota — "XN'oman Di.siS^nt* i Ih. 1 sI;I ge .sii o w,. "11 arem r Se-'t re tri. • State-."TerrUjest." - ■;Strand—"Womfn." ■ ■ Lyric--'-"Watorfront." ■ Grand—"The ;Tbrror," 2d run. APPAREL MISCH .Theafrioal Cl^nner ami; Dy.w.' WorK Done Overnight ; fOooOs Callcd for.And Delivered t2li W. ;47th Kt IjirkawuiuiH 3H92 EAVES COSTUME CO. Costumes ot E.very Description :For. Every Occasion 1.51-15$' West; 40rl» Stri-el —Kuveo ,I»Wb. .•^liiliiK Slvlpn Now on rUsplr j . ' > T-ic .iiriii: li-.ilic i SDi'ipi-rn of Kiprv nr'rrlDll'in 8.jB 7th Avcriue. lit 54fh . "hont Circle 9H7I A WJIOIJ'IHAI.K ri'U HOUSE Ofrpr.<i TlK-airi'-ai IT.Off.Hsion .KU.R COAT.S arid .SCAIIKS at . Hlriclly wholCHalc-prlcftH ,;■ ; CHAS;,;!':. V;;, :330"7tir~ATe"rt;."rifPT-20tii SCENERY 8cenery;j HMij^o fic.tllnirH, Dccorutlon" PREMIER SCENERY STUDIOS .\tii \VrHt;4iHt .fit, l^iclt. t»2.'l8 NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS DrmicrloM. Scenery./Stnitc: Pell ln(t* 'tlO WrHt 4I«t Ht. I,ieU. 0238 . G 0 W.N S ino W R A PS. 01 t V E R V . 0 E SC BI 0 N . . - . ■ Hcnt>a tot. A[\ Occasiorit ;. WKiest 'S' li'i-iloh, Rii-IUsl?e Denlnnt- .anO,. V-EIIV MOIJKK.M'K ..U.M'KS. . -: You. W.ill. h\w\ ; ;ii I"it'r(-'«lliiK" "Olid (.^-ononili-'ai. to . CalJ. »t. ; MME; NAFTAL '00 U-fht'4rr()i .Sireeiv iJryatit «r»70-1.1f..'t MENDELSOHN'S TEXTtlE CORP. : M'K.Virit* AND COS'riJMH FAIIItlCS BlUiB^'rinHel Clblh—PJiiHDfB 150 W OQi Ht. i*ry/ T; t7ar«aa4_ ' ■ ; MISCELLANEOVk a -'A.- .'I III- A|it>r<inriiii«' <aft.' ;. WARDENDORFF, INC.; ; AHtor' ; .. . ' ■ y -, l<n''»i ■ ABO*. . HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD .: THEATRE SEATING Nrw '.York, <"lil*ri(ro', ItoHlon iiiWI Otli^T l^rlnflpiil (•itlcf* DAZli!^N^S.;;Ihc;''. TIlKA'iltirM.vOOOnH : . Hiyaril .ific; 3r;1r-ji,]7 7 .' . •' . . 1-12-141: AVc'Ht l'<ir(y.-f<iur«li Strret \ ■.1543-4;. MitvANT:... ■;-.. E. HEMMENDINGER. INC. ' ■ .~ /: ;j,KW|CI.KRfi-. ';■'.;'■ 33 .VV.oHl 4<5tii flitree.* John Murray Anderson: Ppbt. Milton Sfho»>r of lUe I'lx'rttre rini) .Hiinc*-, A :i• roffhHtlin;i I - .S'-h»/<■ I - fOT ,. I'mr^.- •■ ..nftl• . . nirljoii Aollnt!; I'f n'.'jhft of A)I.Ty_pe»- . nouilnp." Ar.r:in«(".d.;; Arf..«..S<nR<''1.: , IIR-II'.O ICiist .-»H||i St. : ..fhiT/fl l.S'.M-.tnZS ' The MTTLEJOHNS ^RhiliestQ^ea;: . 'Anything in Rhincstoh^^^^ 'a ---'. .I'lTfiv't \r-.'-Mii<' f""" '^"''lii'^-. 25i «'«•<.( 4n(li S(. -,<:hkk«>.rlfrK 7729 I > rn 1 i-' rl y t h c O za i' k W.jfh' :tl')ree 1 r.'n i !-"irrs lu-re flrst thi.s clas."5 week. i'jlu a-ftcr.a-il cos"-] ■'-V.'itait.'ond King'.' and- "M<--r''.h.'(nt i.f I ^^ . . Lar T'^ roafllifjuscT (ire lIallo\\e'(-n nu .... , , tnmcr.s h'-ft Thn-ii cooks, who- sk'Kji. Vcni,-c at. Metropolitan., at th.; iiiace.' wre burned .t'o death }irinr>j Hosom" at CarTlck C'-dri'r l^-ll■M-c hud Vv-cp a'pni.ukii:' rfn-lcz'.'-'i;- for tl:e l.'i--^;t -j.x y.-'irs. It opci'aiwV'i.s'a d-i;>' ci:;i!l '.Mid chick<--ri t, Wiis oiifraifd by ;Il''!i ri<.\v at- rf""-: . J. J. WYLE & BROS., INC, a' full llr.e of Ooi') and Kllvor Hror»irt«H Miial .CloiiiB fi-'l'l uriii Silyor Trjin ^r,,^l^Jl, ILhi-aeM'—SU'-'UgletL-l-('JKh-tJ.. (ji'-in HoHt-, fif for -ataBe' eo»turi-«i IH-liO Kaui 27tb St.. New VorU City J. R. CLANCt. Inc. STACg HARDW ARE SYRACUSE. N. V^S T111MM1N.GS^ In AJ-ra- arden. ' '.-intrcsK, Fire I liryan mated- df'Stroycil th'' ['i'-al and I'f.'ik st.r<-cl. Lo.s.^ th"atM is esti- I Tv'ith the TTenrippfn-OrY'.h'-ur.M anO I',Mii;i;?'.s pl.-ycil I'P th'ri,- sc; ....-11 -nt.; ' 1 r.'i'-ti'.iis above .their v,;.iU'1f-viii" a: ;! : spl.iirL'sd on . their expl'ji'atifn 'trn ='k. Consolidated Trimming. Co;, Ine. 1 - v.. .,r:i. r ;jr<..r.' ;i n't Di'.t'v.'r-t, . I . ■Uph'o.!stery. ^:Drapfer3^TriTnmin{«:!i.,^,': -: West 2:5(1. St.' ,; , ■ -; .; -• BLUMENFIELD'SV' : I l-iir f oiifs (iHiiJii-fl, K 1)1-/1'(I find rcUiied, $ iO . R s.-. rt. ' all-."30and -I'libllx open: Ti'-'A St. -Paul, loop Uiiutrc, . ..... . !..|. :.. • .. . t ;; .f , . , .. ■ ... -I-; ■■' 1 ■ ■2I>1 *-(;(lr-f.uUf IHilj,'.. .C lii<:.»i;o I'Jioiie. iitxulxjprii I'ibi : .: DUWICO "ic VKitvririNc; ,Ki-KCtKir,Vi- ; rOK ;■);"•" T"^'^ M''^'- i ! ; •: •Xt \\. it'll^^' ;'r<'iih \':>W inih lUiiiujc. t( —-IlriKtdu-iiv—nih f.liuii'liiK— .No Cover Chiirr»