Variety (Nov 1928)

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8 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, November 14, 1928 Minnesota, by Strengthening BiDs, And *-Woman Disputed" to Minneapolis, Nov. 13. (Dravvi'ng Popylatiori, 475,000) . Wleather: Mild -Business spurted mildly last weeK- •Midnight shows, election day liollH^u to lift grosses, somewhat above the .lever of. the preceding >cven .d;>j-s, ■ KTo-strong box-oince magnets, but ;the average of "ff^rings good. . Pre-election radio bi^oadcastinj. undoubtedly - cut into^ ^^'^V'^f In the week, i-'ine out-of-.doois weather,, conducive to motoring..also took toll Sundaj'. Under all tne cir- cumstances box/.office showing ac- counted satisfactory; . . l„.rf,,_pfi Theatres here, perhaps, suffered Toronto's UptQwn-s 2 Records; One Is $20,000 Toronto/Noy. 13. (brawing Population, 70P»000), Weather: Fair Jack Arthur's Uptown • In. wcelc as wired house broke house record at ' $;<0,000. Held over film for first time. ".^Vlothcr. Knovv-^^ Pest'* " Other main stem houses <li(V not Theatres here, pemiipa. o-..- , „uffcr by big increase at Uptovvn less duSnl t^he period prior to t^)0 Lithough two sound^ pictures grab- KtW thanVmost. lines of trade, i,^^. most of the oacl^.;, ... ■ ronslderinff general business condi- r^^^yoU, iiUhough only 1.400-seater. t^oi"; nrve !4n hone too prosperous, $ii.oOO oh "Four Sons.'' for ^ec- tEhowhouscs have done very well, ond week and again heUI .over ^vith ■One the week's outstanding h^nj^ht change in, news .shots .Foi Pvents was the return to normalcy years critics here ho%yled . against of^he Minnesota. "The Woman Absence of Canadian ^neWs from Dismited" and all-around good sup- weekly reel issues. , Th'3:„^va3_ si- .foVtmg show turned the trick, bring- i^^ced by Daly at 'Fivoll; whose n? the grQss back around $30,000 L..hort^ ^ere always 50 P«^r, ,fent fof the ffrst time in weeks. Some. Canadian. This now .impossible on credit for the recovery at this house Movietone stuff as "o mjcraphone muS go to the pictures; and show|. oauipment yet in use this sWe_of S the immediate preceding weeks. Hnc. Canadian stuff silent at Tiv- Joim Barrymore's name demon- 0.11. . at ■> fiov «:trTLted strength at the State. While Loew's came back with $12,50C ''Temis?' rates first, class and "Show Peo:ple" and fair vaude DleaTed It also fits as a class pic-I Morning matinees proving worth- ture Tlie public here feels that it L^vhile at 25c flat. . has " been fed up on the Russian Estimates for Last Week stuff and c,o.stu:me drainas always ^p^^^^ (^pj, ...wired, "Mothei have a hard time of Jt. ^ T}ie^.?i4.oou | ^^^^^^ 3^3^,, (p^x) " Ali'lliO, Tops Bad WeekinPhiUy; No Film Outstander FAIT ACCOMPLI The axis of Philadelphia's social •snhcre ia the luxuriously mo-gnifi- cSt BElWuE - STRATFOIID HOTEL—the background for tiie gayest and most brilliant functions held in the Quaker City. . . Here, too; MEYER DAVIS' OR- CHESTRAS play regularly for the entertainment of guests and for sp- cial affairs that are fea.tured in the newsprints from cpast to coast. gross, therefore, is a tribute to B^i rymore's pulling power and the pic- ture's high quality. ■ .■ ■ In this. particular town, Irene Rich's name is a box oflice liability rather than an asset, notwiinstand- ing Miss Rich is a very pleasing actress. But "Wotnen They Talk About" had such a good title ar>ci - V- Broke house rVcoi'd' ^^"bctter than $20,000 on slightly' increased: prices and ca- pacity; Now. 35-"^S with .SOc 5^ to C:30 p. m. and .3,200 seats. Held Q Y p r ■ • Shea's Hip (FP) (2.600: 30-CO) ■■Win That Girl." Picture amusinpr and timely. St.age show smart About" had such^^a Bood t tie ana ^^.^^ plugging v-as such, a corking pictuie that ^^^^ ^.^^ Toronto Star " " th^ nfnremontloned <>1>-I ?J^ekly lielp. Loew's (?;3pO; 30-60) ."Show it overcame the aforemontloned ob staclo and drew moderately satis factory, patronage. t^„,h«c I People" ■'(MG')7 Regulars liked I^^^^ William Hrtines-Marlpn, .^^^^^f,^ iVwbdd inside stuff and house built picture. "Show People," brought after flop of last, week; them in to the Hennep n-Orpheum ste^^^^^^^ Stage show poor to fair in paying.numbers, despite mediocre I ^i-S'"""- ° »=> —-^s Los Angeles, Nov. 13. (Drawing Population, 1,450,000) Weather: Fair Election day helped some of the • grosses in first run houses. Elec- tion -daiy on the coast is not as it Philadelphia Nov. l is in the 6a9t. .There are no mid- Philadeipj>ia, xNov. i.. ^^^^^ performances, as there is Business badly oil m tne. aown- ^^^^^^ j^^^^.^. In time be- : town picture houses last week. Fri- tween here and the eastern sea- dav showed improvement. Election board. ' aay snowcu '"^ , ^omo For the WQftk top money was night shows well attended in some ^^^^^^ "Noak's Ark" at the Chi- cases, biit nothing like the old days, nescs due to an opening at $5 top of Whatever the theatries gained by almost $7,0iD0. . extra Shows was lost the next tough for all theatres, ) 1 & f „. . 'Companionate Marriage' Didn't Hold Up in Wasb. Washington. Nov.; 13. (White Pop., 450,000). Weather: Right. Things pei^ed tip a;fter tlie Gov- ernment employees, high and low, saw that everything was all right with their jobs for another four years. They stepped to spend a little ih the picture houses. No sensational grosses Monday before election terrible, but mid- night shows Tuesday and the re- "Docks oiE New York," at the Stanley, Won nice notices but not business. About $28,000, not so forte for this time of the- season. Two Fox houses were in the gen- eral slump; The Fox had a novelty in ^'The End of St; Petersburg" but 4id not do the business expected. Ground $25,000. No liresentation. Fox-Locust;took a .nose-dive with the third week of "Mother Knows Best," Which dropped to $8,000, '.'The Wedding March," announced for'the Aldine, comes to the Stanley .next week. 1 Estimates for Last Week Stanley (4,000; /3B-50-75)—"Docks of New York" (Par). Notices good; business fair. "Jazz Frolic," with liMlly Glason, stage. $28,000. ■. Aldine (1,500; 50-75)-''Sub-. marine" (Col, .1st week). Third local house for this underseas spec- tacle. $14,000. • Stanton (1,700; 35-50-75)—"Wings" (Par, 1st week). Third house to show this aviation thriller. Busi- ness moderate, but film held for three weeks.. $14,500. - _ Fox (3,000; 90)^"End of St prevfous week. Has one w,eek to go. "Interference" opened at Carth.ay Circle. Monday night to $5 toi) and had fairly good returns ,on the week, though doing $7,000 less than the house's, high gross. Loew's State was the. downtown leader with John Gilbert's '"fhe Mask of the Devil," with Metropolis tan falling more than $2,000 behind this house with "Take Me .Home," United Artists for third and final week of "Wpman Disputed" only slipped $3,000 below thi? previous week, excellent with house keeping, put pf the red. Criterlpn got off^to.- a biff statt with "The Wedding March" and this Voti Strbheim pic-, ture looks gobd for four weeks, here. Egyptian had fairly good, week with Griinth's "Battle of the Sexes. Boulevard crept a few hundred dol- lars ahead of the previous week with "Beau Broadway" as screen attraction.,,- • 1 Estimates for Last Week Boulevard (W. C.)-^" Broad- way" (M-G-M) (2,164; 25t50). Lew Cody always bet In this neighbor- hood with extra trade election day, hit $6,400. Carthay Circle (W. C.-Miller)— "Interference" (dialog) (Par) (1,500; 50-$1.50)'. First Par all- vaudeville.. "Mother Machree" also fair draw for Pantages, the weeks gross, due to the picture, showing an increase over that of tne pre- ceding seven days. , "The Watcr- fi-ont" real card for the Lyric and gave the house its best week Ih a long time, ', Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (F. & R.-Publix) (.4,- 200; 75) "Woman Disputed" (UA) and P'ublix stage unit, "Harem Scarem." Norma Talmadge helpexl considerably to get house back, to normal gait. Started sllppmg sev- eral months ago with weak attrac- tions, but the stronger offerings of the past few weeks gradually have been bringing back customers and full effect was felt last week. Pic- ture and stage show excccdHJgly well liked. Chic Salo talking short played up In billing and ads went over nicely. All-around good show. • Nearly $30,000. Very fine. State (F. & R.-Publix) (2,500; 60) "Tempci?t" (UA). - Barrymore draw. Picture high class but Russian story ' detriment. Public here weary of this sort of stuff. Aroused only moderate enthusiasm. M i d n I g h t show election swelled takings. Nearly $14,000, $ 1,000 jump over preceding week and good. Strand (F. & R.-Publlx) (1,500; BO) "Women They Talk About" (Warners). (Generally rated as one of- most pk'u.siitg piiiturps here'in months. I'Viilc'd to draw at oxitsct as Irono Rich no magnet here. P.uilt -up gradually as .a rosuU of wonl-of- mouth boosting. First Chatlie Chasr syi^chronlzed comedy al.'^o stood out In ail-around good show. About $5,000; . Very fair. - Hennepin (Keith's) (3,890; 40-60) f'Show People" (M-G-^M) and va\ide. Despite weak vaude bill, house had big week, picture turning trick. Hit $17,000, Second bipgost week house has had sine© Minnesota's opening over a year ago. Within - Pantaqcs (FP) (3,400; . 3a-60) "Take Me Home'' (Piir). Although Bebe Daniels cold here, picture slightly above house average at $11 .- ■900. Good English acts on stage. Tivoli ,(.FP) (1.400: 35-65), wired "Four Sons" (Fox, 2d week) saw no dro'p in $11,000 pace, practically ca- nacity on first house to go sound here. Neighborhoods fair. covery following made up. , v„, "Terror" proved o okay for the p^^gj-g^jm-g-t. (Russian). Failed to Earle, about tripling the previous g^^Q.^^ g^j-gng^i^ niany figured, $24,500. week's business. ^ Fox-Locust (1.800; $1)—"Mother . .j^^jjg. t»g.;^i.s,u;. mai. *-.x . Palace did not stage comeback ^nows Best" (Fox, 3d week). With- talker caught on fairly well for in expected with trouble- traced to the | ^rawn Saturday. Extensive adver- j^jg^j week, with Eddie Cantpr short tising campaign could not make it ^^jj^^^ Jpts to help. . Around $13,500. winner. Not over $8,000. Criterion (W. C.)—"Wedding Karlton (1,000; 50-75)—"Women K^j^^ch" (Par) (l,600;25-7B)v Von r _ . —-o" , i-ney Talk About" .(WB). Taken off gtrpheim's epic gpt off to big start creating expectatipns prior to show- Saturday, although house plollcy ^j^j^ fl^st stanza showing $14,500.^ ing, did not gather the expected, | galls fpr twp or three weeks. Un-| EavDtian (W. C.-U. A.—' Battle while Colmon-Banky duo in "Two Lovers" did only a fair second week at Cplumbla, "Do Your Duty" Died In Seattle, $2,500 'twas termed, in "Wind up only about $500. 1 rvamun \x,uuv, "CPmpanipnate Marriage," though They Talk Abeut" .(WB) Fox spread bii its stage show and ness for this small house helped "Dry Martini" to jump the ' ^ takings $1,500. Rialto gathered an- other $600 above the previous week. Estimates for Last Week Columbia (Loew)—"Two Lovers" (2d week), wired (U. A.), a,232; 35-50). Got $10,000 first week and maybe $8,000 second. Not con- sidered so hot: for this usually won- der house, , Earle ^^(Stanley-Crandall)—"Ter- - - , Egyptian (W. C.-U. der $5,000 first Week. ^ of Sexes" (U.. A.) (1,800; 2o-75). Arcadia (800; 50)—"Butter: and Upj^jg Griffith product clicked at Egg Man" (FN). Pretty good biisi- I .0 caa $3,500. "Singing Fool's" Run Affects Other Houses Portland, Ore., Nov. 13 Successful run of the "Singing ; Seattle, Nov, 13. (Drawing Population, 500,000) Weather: Warmer Sixth week for "Singing Fool" at Mu:vc i;«x . ar.d he:'.'.: -l fia- c.-cht record long-run for the northwest. Fifth Avenue seems to, go best of the West Coast houses, picture, "Dancing Daughters," liked. Seat- tle and Coliseum started sinking mid-week.. Pantages up somewhat with "Mother Machree" in lights. "Do Your Duty" died at Columbia to $2,500. Estimates for Last Week Seattle (WC-Pub-L) (3,100; 25- 60)—"Moran of Marines" (Par">. A- iolinr Idea on stage. . $ ^ Fifth Ave. (WC) (2,700; 25-60)—, "Dancing Daughters" (MGM). Whoopt-e. what a party. $18,000. . Coliseum (WC) (1,800; 25) — "Sawdust Paradise" (Par). Off for •week. $3,200. . : ' _ - Columbia (U) (1,000; 2d-50)— 'Do Your Duty" (Par). K. L, Burke [ how U manager in. Sc^attlc; $2,55^0. ^^bYuo Mouse (Hamrick) (950;, 50- 75)_"Perfect Crime" (FBO), Wired. $10,000. ror^'wlred Vw. B.), (2,244.;. 35-50): I Fool" at Music Box in fourth week Every report brought praise for putstanding event. Other heuses stpry value with novelty of 100 per have felt the opposition conslder- cent talking Jumping three times as ably. Pacific live stock show also htjh as pfeviou? week, -to almost a wallop. It drew 125.000 people. $18 000 ' Pantages is to start Universal Fox'('Fox)—"Dry Martini" wired talkers next week. Broadway was CFox) and stage sliow (3,432; 35- successful With "Mother Knows .^0-75) Picture met wi'.h varying Best," Its first talking sequence, likes and dislikes while stage show JDufwin will hold "Magnolia" for factor in getting them in to almost two weeRs after which Leo Caixillo JI8 300 leaves for San Francisco, taking Keith's (K-A)— "Street, of IHur .Barbara Luddy with him to appear Sion" and musical tab (1,938; 35- in "Lombard!, Ltd." at the Prcsi- 50), Quit Saturday with final week dent tliere. ' Tbnut S5 000 ^ Estimates for Last Week Met (Stanley-Crandall) — "Com-- Portland (Publix-WC) (3,500; 35- nanionate Marriage" wired (F. N.) 60) "Take Me Home," entertaining Rather disappointing at $10,000. film of stage, folk. Okay. Fanchon P a I a c e (Lpew)—"The Wind" and Marco's "Artists" idea on stage: wifed" • (M-©) stafer^-show^ w Z^C To c^' "^'^ (2 372; 35-50). $17,000. , Broadway (WC) (2,000; .3o-60.) Rialto (U)-^"Man, Woman and [."Mother Knows Best," fivRt film $8,500. Grauman's Chinese CU-^,-A >-T vNoah's Ark"-Vitaphone (W. B.) (1,958; 50-$1.50). Starting off v;ltli $5 top trade very big eves.. I'lrst week around $28,5,00. . .. Loevw'8 State (W. C.-Loew)— "Mask of Devil" (MrG-M) (2.242; 25-75). John Gilbert a natural here and with F. and M. stage show as ballast, $24,500. Good. Metropolitan (W. C.-Pub)-;'Take Me Home" (Par) (wired) X3.595, 25-75). Not so forte for holiday week. Stage show. $2".000. United Artists (U. A.)—"Woinan Disputed" (sound) . (U..^A.) (2,100: 25-75). Third ahd final week thi.s Norma Talmadge picture pulled out Fool"-Vita (W. B.) (2.756; 25-75) (5th week). Jolson sure fire and trade on even keel with preceding stanza. $28,0 00. ST. LOUIS PICKS UP Turned to Fiilr first week.: ^ ^ - w,n,.r, . Music Box (Hamrick) (1,000; 60- openlng over y<^i)V, .^^o. ^,^7'"^^^^ (WB). Wired. $1,600 of record. Rialto attilhutes . ^ '^ ^ holding up. - $!>.;<00. big improvement hci;e to handlmg ^ixth week ami no mng^ big lmp.«.% —- of house bv Frank N; Phelps, dis trict manager, who has remained on ground to assist Frank Burke in ' putting it back cn prpsperity map. M-G-M pictures aiSP a big factpr. Phelps Is getting every ounce of boxoince benefit from thom. Theatre only one in city tP give midnight sliPW election day. Nearly complete ^''Pantagcs (Pantnge.s) (l.GOO; 25- --5 0 )^Mo ther=-Macl n-oe'i^(-Fox)=:-AniL vaude. Picture heavily eJ-ploitod and accounted for Imijrovcmont in gro.'^s over recent preceding weeks 'Vaiule held nb names to lure, bul -satl.sfactory. Picture I'kod hut scoffed at by critics. About $6,200. Better than house has been doing and fair. . ^ Lyric (F. & R,-Publlx) (1,300; 3;)) "W.iterfront" (FN). Mulliall and Mackalll fair cards here, and pic- ture .strpngcst theatre has housed Jn many months. Slrtce return to elngle week showings and improved •Winter Garden (U Chain) (650; 25)—"Michigan Kid" (U). ' UP a Lrlde, $2,600. ^ Pantages (1,500; 25-60)--"MQth- er Machree" (Fox). Fair vaude. Good. $6,300. „; ■ Orpheum. (2,700; 25-$!)—" Wotor- front." Vaudcv. ni.z off. $0,100: President (Duffy) (1,800-. 25- $1.25)—"Unwelcome Guest" (Duffy l>laycr9). Kmma Dunn guest star. Sparklirig ovi.medy went over. Ar- triWTniTim~'"gO with Manager Bondeson now here. Good. $3,000. ■ -. .: .■ • .V -'-, ' . ■ HAYS' FOBEIGN LUJJCH Will Hays. th(f-l)C'<t customer the Union League Club has ever had, gave another linu^lioon yn.'^terd.'iy there. • It was for Louif^ Aubovt,- French producer and exhibitor. All of the foreign managers in New York were Wife"wired (1,978; 35-50)., Slight improvement over week before. $G,800. Tacoma, Wash., Hit Hard by Election Tacoma, Nov. 13. (Dravying Population, 1.25,000) Weather: Favorable Not so hot, with'election keeping sorhe of the night owls home at the radios. Grosses not able last week tb hold up. ■ Estimates for Last Week Broadway (WC) (1.500; 25-50)-- ■River Pirate" (Fox). Roughed Pa^ntade3''°*(l,B00; . 25:50T--"Two -Lovers"-(U..:A.)./ JY^M^^... ^5J|00^ Blue r.'iouse (1 l:inviick.) (i>ii(>: 50- 75)_"Women Talk About" (WB). , . . 1 * Wired $4,000. Marion Photoplay Co. of Marion • Rialto (WC) ■^"Motlw'r Knpws O., has gone into hands of a Best' (FO.X.) (1.250; 25-50). Effec- '" ■ ' '• tlve acting. Wired. $3,1U0. Colonial (WC) (8G0: 25)—"Bog. gars of Life" (Par.) First run on pop grind. Fair. $2,100. elngle week showings and improved jn^nej^ along with some visiting l)lcture policy grosses better. Nearly p,„_opc;ins over oh film business. T2,t)00. Fairly good. j h > with dialog at this house. Over well Stage band; $11,000, Pantages ' (Pan) (2,000; ,35-50) "Silks and Satins," screen. Five arts on stage. Good average show. ?1-2,500. - • Oriental (Tcbbotts) (2,700; 25-35) "Butter and Egg Man," fllni. Went well. Stage show; $9.500; United Artists (Parker-WC) (1,- 2OO; 35-50) "Revenge," screen. Pop ular. Wired; $12,700. • Music Box (Hamrick) (2,000; 35 50) 4th week, "Singing Fool." Still strong; $12,200. , - Blue Mouse (Hamrick.) (1,200; .25- 35) 2d week, "Land of Silver Fox." Fair; $3,500. Dufwin (Henry Duffy) (1,400; 25 $1.25) Henry Duffy Players with Leo Carrillo in "Ma.gnolia." Nicely staged. Did well; $5,500. IpRION, q., CO. RECEIVEESHIP Clcsveiand, Nov. 13. Jutee's Par Dialog Los Angeles, Nov, 13. William Jutee moves from Pathe ray as defendants to Paramount to write dialog for pany's property is valued at $60,000, talkers r^ith total indebtedness of $37,000. coiv'or, as result of two cotirt'peti- tions. Company operates Grand Orpheum an*l Marion theatre. Lat tor will he closed. Edward F. Sharploss, half owner niod one petition, naming Marion I'hotoplay. Co., Foator and McMur It is said com Theatres Smith After Govrf (Drawing Pop., 1,2Ef,<300) . —": -WoatKetT :Fair;- - - - ^ St Louis. Nov. ]3._ St. Louis theatregoers, -who helped' trive Gov. Smith; a ''ly^"' cut local victory, have jumpod on the Anvcrican bandwagon and le- turned to their nightly pastime at the picture houses. Last weeus business seemed to take a big ]unip, especially as far as the two do^^v"- towh and three Grand Boulevard theatre."? were concerned. Estimates for Last Week Loew's State (3.300; 25-35-^65) (3,300; 25-35-65) "Me Gangster. Ambassador fSkouras)^(3,000: 35- 50-65-75) "Sawdust Paradise, i. re- some seven-rceler. Harry Lanpdon.. In person, disappointing in sifiy skit - $34,000. ,»„„A .jr >;n- . Missouri (Skouras) (3 800: 3r.-o0-. 65-75) "Haunted House." Film tjp^ cal of all the mystery pictures amusing without much sense. Mage .-ihow. $23,900. <hvr,.ihpr St. Louis (4,280; 35-65) "l^fother Machree." Vaude'blll. "^eFai¥a^CenWar-CSKOXiTas)-(^^^^^ 50-75). "Wi nga" Fiftil, final week. .SA-IiESMEN'S BALL Motion Picture. Salesmen, repr.^- sentlng a lot of the boys In tho .New York exchanges, is holding n.^ ^ enth annual in. the Hotel Commo- dore. ^ It comes ofl! on Nov. 24. C«"" J" tec hopes there will be a mob. ^me no one will. get by the door for anything under a 10 spot.