Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 14, 1928 PICTURE GROSSES VARIETY 9 Nothnig Hot on B way Last Wk.; Par., $75 M and Roxy, BUFFALO NORMAL Grosses 'Distributed in Houses Last Week Except Warners Cot Nearly $5d,060 in 8th Week of "Singing Fool'V at Winter Garden Little doubt that tlie.public is re- acting unfavorably to some of the glorified victrola music ballyhooed under the magic word "sound." Much comment from laymen is audible around town. They express confusion; and resentment over the . sound arid dialog distinctions, still Inadequately Identified by the movie parlors. .; That' the dew is already off the rose becomes more apparent. The shoppers appear to be ignoring those "see and hear" banners to some ex- tent. The failui;e of "Home.Town- ers" to stir Up. any excitement may i^have a significance. , This, picture wa$ regarded a;s tlie best, all-talker to date but remained only two weeks at Warner's. Grb.sses along. th6 main stem last week were at pre-sound levels. Parambimt got $75,2Q0 and probably thankful, as the picture, ♦'Woman from Moscow," was generally razzed. Capitol had a good week, with lill- llan Gish ih"The Wind," at $78,400. . Roxy at $95,600, off. House is sensitive to picture bookings, sag- ging as sharply for ordinary jpro^ gram pictures as it gears .for the big smash .films. "Dry Martini" Without names had limited appeal. - "Show Girl" clicked at the Strand for $44,000. Popularity 6f the Mc- , Evoy novel plus probable interest of show people themselves seemingly aided. This is better money than the Strand has been getting with dialog pictures. Tiffany-Stahl continues its ten ancy of the Embassy. "Marriage by Contract" followed "The Cavalier, quick and sad flop. 'VMan-iage" is regarded as good box ofTlce property for T^s: Eric Von Stroheim'a "Wedding March" blew town, after three weeks and six days. Attracted some fair takings but never in the wow division. Estimate's for Last Week Astor—"White ShadoWs," sound (Co^mo-M-G-M) (1,129; $l-$2) (15th and final Aveek). South sea film did very well. oii run and take. House crammed in five shows Election day which, helped gross to come back to $14,200. . Gets "Jimmy Valentine'.' tonight (Wednesday), first M-G-M picture with dialog sequences,. Cameo—"Shadows of Pear". (FN) (549; 50-75). .First National's Ger man department produced this one $6,4 Capitol—"The Wind" (M-GtM) (4,620; 35-50-75-$1.50)'—Lillian Gish stronger than anticipated, $78,400 JJUsi film by star before going to United Artists. House changing m. c. Walt Roesner leaving after, year on Broadway. Dave Schooler replacing next week. Central — "Lilac Time," sound (FN) (922; $l7$2) (15th week). Ex tra shows jumped attraction over $4,000 from previous week. Quoted $14,200. Colony—''Man, Woman and Wife' (U) (1,980; 35-50-60-75-$!). Grad uation day in electoral colleg helped here as elsewhere.: $2,800 Tuesday; $15,200 reported on week . Embassy—"Marriage by Contract' (Tiffany', sound (596; $1-$1.50) ^First" two- da;y8 "$2,60a. ; "Cavalier' . Bcramnied in hurry. "Marriage" in dcf if clicking. , Gaiety — "Four Devils" (Fo^), Wired (808; $l-$2) (7th week). Moderate at $12,200. Paramount—"Woman From Mos- cow" with Pola Negri (Par), sound . (3,666; . 40-65-75-85-$l). Wouldn't have been so impressive without holiday. House has climbed last two wccl<s after slumping. Little line on Piddle Peabody, m. c., as possible factor In reckoning. $75,200. Rialto—"Wings" (Par), sound (1,960; 35-50-75-85-$!) (3d week>. Not much off strong opening week. Daddy of aviation pictures still has plenty of magnetism after over year al Criterion. . Reported $39,400. Rivoli—"Woman Disputed" (tj. A.), sound (2,200; 35-50-60-75-85- $!). Oppned'.for charity Fr-iday. Started briskly 'Saturday and close to $20,000 on wcek-'end. Theme song omitted from, synchronized score. Got radio ballyhoo prior to opening, "Wedding March," final six days, Roxy—"Dry ' Martini" (Fox), wired (6,205; 50-75-$l-$1.50). No SfTOPn -strength for this stand. $95,- , COft. '.■ - •: Strand—-'Show Girl" fPN), sound (2,900; 3S-50-65-75). . Big wook at $44,000. Warners — "Home Towncrs" (WIV), vita (1.360; $l-$2) (3d and fln,Tl week). Warners not forcing T>i'.tiirf>. Holiday sent to $19.- SOn. r^id not shape up as strong ap;>'>id, although praised as best of "WMe SliadoWij" Dreiv WeH; $23,000, Balto. Baltimore, Nov. .13. (Drawing Pop., 800,000) Weather: Fair While the pre-election week in Baltimore reveled that . the b. o.'s were badly slowed by the radio, campiaign speech competition, con- ditions were reversed on election nigh t.. Howard iPrice K;ingsmore, loir Loew, declares. that his houses successfully competed!... iFrank Price, Jr., nianager of the KlVoli, also re- ports excellent business, on the big niglit. '• . Shift in the Loe\v, ipcal publicity dcpiaL.rtmeht; Junior McGeehan, .here for tiie ' better part of. a, .year, is transferred to the Loew theatres in Clevclahd, succeeded by lial Oiver, idehtilied with the Loew houses in Kansas .City and various New Eng- land . cities. Parkway,: Loew'a.. up toAvh, is figured to benefit by t'lc opening this week of , the North Avenue. Market,' million dollkr en terprise, diagonally across North avenue (Lincoln Highway) from %h<i theatre.' Business was upi from the previ ous week. "White Sliadows," at the Stanlej', out in front with a good dr^LW. Century was upgrade/with Moran. of the Marines." "Mother Knows Best" clicked at Rivoli aiul "Wings" got a good second week at Valencia. The combo. New Garden was up \^Ith "Cheer Leader" on the screen^ "While the City Sleeps" was only faif at the.Parkway. "The Singing Fool", clicked off its fifth week at the Metropolitan and keeps right on I'.unning. : . . Estimates for Last Week Century (Loew), "Moran of Ma rlnes" (wired) (3,200; 25-60). Mid night show Election Day., tremen- dous. Picture clicked and bill gen erally . excellent. Satisfactory at about $21,500. .. Stanley (LoewrStanley-Crahdall) "White ■:. Shadows" (wired) (3.500; 25-60). Drew very well.. Reception justified another downtown show ing, so picture moved to Valencia Monday; $^3,00.0. Rivoli (Wilson Amusement Co.) "Mother Knows Best" (wired) (2,500; 25-60).. Got part of Michi- gan football crowd Friday night Best week in many. Holding over. Valencia (Loew, IT. A ), "Wing.s' (wired) (1,500; 25-50). Second week "Third conf?ecutlve bne .at the Loew downtown houses.. Not up to previ- oii.s, but good for holdover with $4.r,ao. ," New Garden (Schnnberge.r's), "The Cheer Leader" and vaude (3,200; 25-50). Picture reported pleasing; $11,500. Parkway (Loew, U. A.). "While the City Sleeps" (wired) (1,000; i5 35). Not up to downtown draw of this one; below expectations; $2,800 Under average Fox Charges Duping After Buying Foreign Title Fox Film Corp. charges John Milo, Dullo Marazzi and James Crapanzano (Dora Film Co., Inc.) Clement Gigllo and the Producers Security Co., with "duping a nega tlve" of a German film titled "The Four Daredevils." Fox paid, th Primus Co., Berlin producers,. $400 for all rights and the Inter-Occah Film Co. another.$250 in order to eliminate the film with that title from the market In view of Fox Own $2 "Four Devils" current at the Globe, New York. PDC's states' rights expired April 27, last, but the defendants are charged with having duped the neeative and circulated prints in Vloiixlifjn f.if Fox's owner.ship rights. Fox'.s "Four Devils" has nothing to do with "The Four Daredevils," which was an A. W. Strlndbcrg story. :Fox purchased the latter to ^rixmo.V-aJt^r,anu_thti.-^QPfin^market-ln eonfllclion with its special produc- tion. • Buffalo, Nov, 13.. Takings at. normal last week. AH downtown houses how wired aivl leaning heii.viiy in advertising on .sound features. Estimates for Last Week . Buffalo (Publix) (3,600'; 30-40-75) Docks of New York" (Par),, stage show. . Lagged somewhat, but extra, show sent gross to $2(5,000. H»p (Publix). (2,400; 60)—"Moran Of Marines" (Par) and vaude. Busi- ness held steady for' good week's ross, $19,000. Great Lakes (Fpx) (3,400; 30-40- 75)_"Tne Terror" (WB). Notice- ble pick-up last week. Held. for second week. . Over $20,000. Lafayette (Inde) (3,0(C; 40-60)- Show Girl" (FN), vaude. Change' of opening to Saturday. $21,000. $33,500 for Keith's New Boston House . Boston, Nov. 13!- (Drawing Pop., 850,0<)0) ; Weather: Fair . Keith Memorlar theatre did a clean-up with its reserved seat pol- icy whilO: the Metiropolltan did the it had recorded for the past few weeks last week,. - Estimates for Last Week Metropolitan (4,000; 60-75). Started off. strong. Good gross at $39,300. "Varsity" (Par):,. State (4,000;: 50-65). Fair week with '.;Napoleoh" (M.-G-M). Staigc, show.'. $14,'900, . ' B. F. Keith Memorial (vaudfilm). Chopping some big money in town with reserved seat policy, novelty of house, and combination of better vaudeville than anywhere else in town. "The Night Watch" (FN), feature picture, $33,500. , Keith-Albee (vaudfilm) — "Lone- some'.' (U). Vaudeville. $24,000. Olympia. No stopping of "Sing-, ihg Fool";, 4th week. Cleaning , up. town. .■ Fenv/ciy-Uptown house using "Sihglng Fool" to excellent busi- ness. ..■ 9 Pubfix Houses Divorced oii Slop from West Coast Operation "Disputed Woman," Silent, 2nd in Montreal, $16,600 mHe Shadows; $1M Way Ont in Front talkers to date. "On Trial", ojjpns tonight (Wednesday), Winter Garden—"Singing Fool" (WB), wired (1,433; $l-$a-$3) ('Jlh wpck). Kverybody, Including th';. .SliuhfTt!^,-making plenty on this f-n- giitrpmcnt. J' under $50,000 week with extra showa. :. Syracuse, N. T., Nov. 13. (Drawing Pop., 220,000) VVeather: Inclement "White Shadows" was the picture of the .\veek for the box office, hit ting $16,000 at Loewls State, about twice that, of any other local screen. It also brought a $4,000 jump at the State, "The Woman Disputed" grossing $12,000 the pi'ecedlng week. Election night special midnight performances wore, as a rule, flops, and It is doubtful If the experiment will be I'epeated here. , Estimates for Last Week. Keith's (vaudfilm) (2,595; 30-50) —Another $14,000. week. First half none too strOng. Last half helped. Strand (wired) (1,700: 40)—"Be- ware of Bachelors" (WB). Rather weak. Down to $7,000. Supporting bill better recelyed than feature. Empire (wired) (1,600; 40)—"Mel- ody of Love" ;(U). At $7,000 profit- able week. State (wired) (3,300; .20-50)- "White Shadows- (M-G-M). Real business $16,000. Eckel (wired) (1,500; S5)—"Night Wa£ch" (FN), over $6,500; not so good. , Brighton (films) (1,750; 20-35) — City's first de luxe neighborhood house, with silent fare, about $3,000, Considered good. Loew's State, Prov., Gets Big Week With $24,200 ' . . ■ l'i;tiv!df!nce,;N:''- l.'i.' (Drawing Population, 315,000) Weather; Cool Instead of hurting biislnessi the election brought It to the movie buslne.S3 here, per midnight, shows Locw'a State, with "A Woman Disputed." did tremendous business at $24,200. Strand concentrated more oh billing '.'Shbw; Girl" for thig week than on a two-featured bill hvadcd by "JJutter and Egg Man." Viotory did good and the Majf'stic, with "Four Sons," held up fine. Estimates for Last Week Loew'B. Stfite (lx>ew) (3,ij0p; 15- ."I'l. I xci'ilf-Til . v. i.f'k, Vvilh Norniii Talrfiadge In "Woman. Lis "IJutKr >iMd- }-:gg Man" (Par), Good for wr-f.^k :a.$lO,700. • JVlajestic:'.(Fay), (2.200,; • 15-75).— A'riMilit'r''f;ii>ficlty week for tliia blg- I. ,.' u-i'th "l-'>*ur .Soii (F'iX).' Ov'.-r $14,000. Victory fK-0) (1.500; 15-50)— LifUc. housf, onoe pride of the city, pf-;iriut coriiii.'tred with ntiwor th*.-- ■ ;ifr"S, hiU p'lMic likr-s'It .Mtill.' Wil lii.m H.':iri'-.s In "Telling the World" i (M-<J-M; In right at $8,000. ^Montreal, Nov, 13. : (Drawing Pop., 600,000) Weather: Fine Combination' of Colloon. "Moore aiid sound at the Palace in 'Lilac Time" puUod an extra $4,000 on previous week's grotrs, .and rated best seller in town at $20,000. Week of fine cold weather also did its bit for grosses. "Disputed Woman" at the Capitol got most of ronuiining coin. Good total of $16,000. :. Imperial starti-d out fit-at vaudiv inm.wi>elc with "tiliow CJirl," whioli .rated w^>ll■ with the fans, but the hit .of the bill wont to Marloo Du- pree. and her "MiisioaV Follios," which ran proity ni>arly as long a.'? the tilm. . Thoy put over a tubloiil musicui whi'ch wiMit pvor as woU iis anything, in town. I'rio'os liavo been, dropped from $1.50 .to COo lop,, aiul tliere art now tUroe. perrornv- ances against the former two-a- dai'. But even with, cut groas came out well at $9.500.. Strand had better week than usual, although this house has dohe oonsi>jtently well till year by putting on Briti-sh picture, "Battle .of Somme," which with authentic w^^r Items brought a lot of soldier cus- tom and was baliyhobpd In presa. Neighborhoods back in stride. Estimates for Last Week Palace (FP) (2,700; 45-75)' "Lilac Time" (F.N.) wired. Went over big. Ficture good and full of ac- tion. House only fell off in mati- neea. ileld over; $20,000 excellent. Capitol (FD (2,700; 40-60) "Woman Disputed" (UA). One of the best Norma Talin.adge pictures in lOhg time. Built up to capacity during week; $16,000. ' ■Loew's (FF) (3,200; .35-75) "Woman From Moscow" (Par) vaudefilm. A good picture that held its own with any silent film in. town. Also out of average vaude with program full of attractive iterh.s. Pulled house out of usual gross, up to $15,000 with matinees good. Imperiar (Keith) (1,900; 35-60) "Show Girl" (F.N.) vaudefilm. lie- version to old-time vaudefilm nhow with three-a-day and big cut in prices has riot toppled the gross much. Headline act of Marty Du- prce In "Musical Follies" with 20 in cast; $9,500. Strand (UA) (800;. 30-40) ."Vir- gin Lips" (CoD; "Phyllis of tho Follies" (U). "Mah-Made. Woman" (PJ)C) and "Battle of the Somme" ( Grof/s over usual to about $4,500, much above average. Empress (CA) (l.COO; 25-35) "Married Life" (Tiff), "The , Gau- cho" (UA), "The Chocr Leader" fGotham) and "Gypsy.Love" (UA), $2,000. T.os Aii.i;i>li>s, Nov. .13, . Keports. re;u'.hing horp and said to have t'onvo' from Harold H. Franklin, . who is in Now York, say that _lhc nine Pul'lix hou.srs on this slope iiorotDforo oporato*! hy Wost Coast .(.•ii'e.uit. of which Franklin ia presU dent, liavo .booh, div'orood from W.. C; by mutual undorstanding.. It will take ciYoct fuoni tho. story around pec. 1, when Publix. will commehce its own operation onco more but here. • The Loew theatres, Warfield in San Francisco, and IjOOw's State, this olty, will remain with West Coast as now. The departing Publix theatres are .Motropolitiin andMilllon Dollar, Los Angeles; . Imperial, California, St. l''i;aneis, Granada and I'orlola, San Franeiseo; Seattle, Seattle, and. I'm-lland. Portland. .. West ; Coast hiis ;, operated the Piihli.v aud Loew •houses, it- Is said, on a percentage arrangement; with W, C. to have one-third of any profit anfi pay the same share of any less. Tlirough the dissolution, the I'ubllx northwestern houses will be left to their own stage, shb^y de- vices. Publl.\ units.formerly played thoso house.s, but were lately dis- ' cohtihucd. Tlip Publix units now appear here and In Sah Francisco. Chances arc they \vlli be restored to the northwest, since West Coast wi\] roqulro its Fanchon and Marco unfts In its own theatres.. lleport.s have credited government. intervention and the Federal Tr.ide Comml.s.«;lon's action against West 'oast as the of the Publix sevoranec. It Is unknown locally as to this version. Rather . It appears to bo a mutual deal to sepa.rate >ubllx from its W. C. working afflll^ atlon. Topeka Is Trying to Recover from Election Tojieka,. Nov. 13. (Drawing' Population, 80,000) Weather: Clear Whether the tcrrifilc slump of tho two weeks prior to election has been overcome will not be Tihown until this week Is over. "Lights Of New York" and "Singing Fool" are the next bookings, for the wired Grand. Estimates for Last Week Graftd (1,400; - 50)'-(Nartlonial).:^ '"rondorlolrir'' half didn't draw "Bachelors" last half brought totail up to $4,000. , Jayhawk (1,500; 40) (Jayhawk)— •"Mora-n -of'^ .Mounted" h;id' no li.elp oh stage. "Rod Lips" panned heav- ily but with revue on stage, helped to $3,800, Novelty (1.10.0; 40) (Crawford)- "Submarine," first picture to get week's run since change to vaude film, stood up r.ilrly under aovorc opposition; $2,200. Orpheum (1,200; 40) .(National)— "Farmer's Daughter" no rc.-ison for getting, business and didn't. Last half "None But BraVc"; $800. - . Cozy (400; 25) (Lawrence). Fifth showing of "G.randma'.s Boy" In To- peka. but cleaned up, espef;i,iily with the kids out of school for' two days during teachers' convention. First lialf "Show Folks" w-as liked by who saw it but they. werr few; $1,000.. "^U^akes^Up Ojpf idris" Los Angelit's. Nov. 13. , Uniyorsal has exorcised its optiot for .six' imjnths .on 3;;Vrb,ara'-"J\< rit. Mary Philbin, George J./ewiH, J-M-li'- Phlllip.s, Churchill llos.s, JJ'lh L'lemmle, Kathryn Crawford 'ind lOlene Arlstl. At the pr's-'ent tiiii'^ V. has 2.1 ; I ^.'ivt.-rs under contracL . fcJovon are I Etara. 'Mask of Devil' Raised Warfield Up to $27,000 San FrancIscOj Nov, 13. (Drawing Pop., 75O,0(»). Weather: CooJ. Picture houses fared a trifle bet- ter last \s%ek, but thei-e's still plenty of sickness In town. Klectlon night helped everybody a,s returns were delivered direct from the news- ));ipers and the radio. But the few. diiys jireccdlng and the several days alter weren't any too strong. Outstanding was the Embassy, for second week of ".Singing Fool," within a few dollars of the record opening week. Warfield continued to- lead the town, several thousands bettor than preceding week. WarllchV had John GillVrt! on serc<'n and with Rube Wolf clowning on .stage, highly ac- ceptable., ran about ten grand ahead of the Granada, de luxe house block away. 'Lilac Time" had Its first screen- ing locally and gave the California .a substantial week. Francis only fair with second run of "Dancing Daughters." Thl.s house can't seem to hit its stride. Neighborhood houses none too forte, manager.s in the. districts complaining of docreaKed .__...E8timate8 for Last Week , Warfield (Loew-W, C.)—"Masks of Devil" (M-G-M), (2,672;. 50-65- 90),. Old reliable, clicked .satisfac- torily. Fanchon and Marco stage -Hhovr pleasing,- and with Gilbert on screen fiappers out In force.. .$27,000. Embassy (Wagnoti)—"Singing Fool" (W B). (1,307; .50.-65-90). Another terrific week. Second week, $24,300; exeelleiit;. ' California (Publix-W. C.)—"LUac Time" (F. N.), (2,200; 65-90). This house always cli'-ks when it has the pictures. • Opening week close to ,$19,000; very good. ^ . Granada (['ubIix-W. G.>-'"J?iittle of S^xes" (L'A), ('2,785; 50-Cu-:?l). Henry Bu.sse, now stage hand lc.;i«ler, ha.H caiipht on.and l.s click- ing but f-fiven fare not Huflleiently .si rong to pull. "Week ■ not ovf-r $17,000. :H:i(l. , ,„ ^ ,, St. Francis fPubllx - W C.)- "Dar.-ing Daughter-s' .(.M-G-.Mj, {]■>.':>; .3.';-C5-90). Kvidf'iitly .sliot bolt wlien at Warfield r-eentiy. Ill re didn't mean much as week at 7;.'; ') O^at test^d.^^^^:^^^^- —^^^: ^ - C OSTU M E 9 F*oR hire; IIT.ODTTOTTON.'J . ' ' I . EXl'J.OJl ATION8 I PUK«i:.NTATION8 [ Ia w.^^ota ST, Ni ._v