Variety (Nov 1928)

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12 VARIETY PICTURES V^ednesday» November 14, 1928 More and Bigger Pictures Looked For from BO with R-K4) IVirectbra' meetings -scheduled to be held today (14) . or Nov. 20 by Radio-Keith-.OiT>he\am win probably result In a decisive arrangement for the operation of the combined radio, -vaudeville (Keith;s) and picture cdnipany (FBO). ' Executive meetings have been held continuously for the last two Pictiire production plans for 1' BO are said to be laid out oh ah exten- sive scale. It is believed that with the theatres protect the sale of General Electric Photophone equipmeTJt- arid.:p]an9 being confeid ered for the; purchase of more the atres to provide a; greater outlet, [ Lew Rand's Bouncers- Posing as Warner Rep. . Kansas City, Nov. 13. : A couple registering as Mr. -and Mrs. Lew Rand, claiming to be a I representative 6f Warner Brothers, scattered; several hot (•hecks in Lawrence^, Kansas, last week and I disappeared. Immediately afUT arriving . in i Lawrence, the home of the Kansas State University, Rand got in touch P^awnil^cSleSp^'^ a far gi-gater number of pictures There .i-s now. little doubt that R-K-Q Is in the' field for .jnore ther atres and ready . to awiuire substan- tial properties^ whether through a tieiip with/ M'arrier Bros, or the Stanley coiiipaiiy or otherwise. It is uhderstood that: practicallv nil FBO pictures tiJ be made for next season will be talkers. R-K-O is practically forced to plaining that he was there to nhd speaking talent for the talking' pic- tures among the students of the college. He stated that he would have; to stay there feix months, and would rent a home, and* that also he was to ^ook for a site for a nfew IheatrV. . A real estate agent arijanged for him to get a house, and be spent R-K-0 Over blace FBO production on a new. s.ome time conferring with pro higher basis. The independent, the atre field which FBO has been sell liig to has be6n reduced in the past two years, owing to. the merger.s and outright purchases. TO .protect fessors, in the dramatic a.rt depart- ment relativie to talent.. LateiVRand appeared at a local bank with the real estate agent and gave a check on the Boatman's Ka- Wlth the announcement Mon- day by Radio-Keith-Orpheum It had sequred 51 per cent of Keith-Albee-Orpheum and FBO through exchanges of stock, R-K-O Is over. It will be the holding isompany for the,vaude circuit and picture iproducer. R-K-O had a time limit until Nov. 15 to complete its deal. A board of directors had been selected, with the o.fflclal single vacancy, post of R-K-O presi- dent. , David Sarnoft, chairman ol the board, will be active in the direction of both organizations. John Ford is Ukely to con- tiiiue as the directing head of Keith's, and Joe Schnitzer is to similarly remain with FBO. SarnofC is. at White Sulphur Springs, Va., this week. The presidential R-K-O appoint- ment may not be announced before his return. Jos. P. Kennedy, now on the coast, is expected in New York next Monday. He held control of FBO and is sUll interested as well as operating Pathe. Pathe is closely though not of- flcially aligned with R-K-O:- The official transfer will like- ly occur Thursday (15th). On that day R-K-O will supplant Keith-Albee-Orpheum on the Stock Exchange board. Hot Ads for "Sunrise" and "Sexes'* Bro#t No Protests in Minneapolis anu uuLLiB'4<- jju* - ^ " it»"V^ <t-—^ the picture subsidiary R-K-O is tio^al Bank, of St. Louis, for.$1,100, obliged to finance it oh a. hig:her stating he was transferring his. ae- rating for the production of pictures, ^.o^^t to , Lawrehce. The bank for its own theatres , as well '^^- - ,others. Can't Decide on Local Effect of New Fox, St L. St. Louis, Nov. 13. With the new Fox in Grand boule vard opening Christmas night, an nouncements as to the personnel of ' cashed a- smair check for him, and he also cashed several more pmall ones before leaving the lintel, where he said he-was going to Topeka, leaving in a Pontiac car which they had been driving. ,Soon after word came from St. Loui.s that there was no account in the ba,nk on, which he. had written the personal check. It is explained that the Chamber of Commerce bfflcials Avere so gul Wb. Wants Names Milwaukee, Nov; 13. Bad business and the loss of 1 severar big picture contracts caused the Wisconsin theatre to discon- tiiiue its m. c. and stage show pol- icy. The ^ouse is now after names ^'l^ances White and Fiske O'Hara I are the first two 'ihn Agents Advised On New Call Bureau Minneapolis, Nov. IS. Newspaper ads for "Sunrise" aiiit "The Battle of Sexes," current at State iand Strand, were hotter than anything thla town ever has seen In the same line, even going those of "The Greenwich Village Follies'* and "Night In Spain'; severial bet- ter. They were the cause of mucit: comment, but, as far as is known» no protests. Local newspapers at- tempt no censorship of theatrical Los Angeles, Nov. <B. As reported, last week, 35 artists' representatives in Hollywood were informed by Fred W. Beetson at a meeting held in the office of the As- sociation of Motion Picture Pro- ducers of the estab'lishment of an artists' Call Bureau on Jan. 1. r^he initial "Sunrise" ads had the He told the. agents there would L^^jy^ "Sexl" emblazoned across be no charge for the services for K^gij. in screamingly large, let- the artists or agents by this bureau, Uers. U"*'®*^"'^**'* explained and that its purpose would be to ^y^^^ is "the lure that makes attempt to eliminate a number of U man forget home and hearth for alleged unscrupulous agents in the Kj^g passing pleasures." picture field. Telling of "Sunrise," the ads re- Beetsbn informed the. agents no jj^^g^i; "Enthralled by desire, en- endeavor would be made to interfere slaved by passion, wife, cTiildr with their business, as the produc-I h^jjnej all were nothing against ers felt that the agents were a ne- cessity to the industry, and as long as the agent operated on a legiti- mate, basis the producer would al- ways do business with them. ' After the agents were apprised | (.j^e they requested permission to form a committee to consult with Beetson on various, complaints they felt they would have regarding the operation of the bureau. . Grant Dodge is chairman, with other members, F.^ Fralick, Eddie Silton, Guy Cbburn, Isabele John- stone. This committee is to hold a meeting to listen to the agents protests at the association's head- quarters Nov. 15. After that meet- temptation," Later "Sunrise" ads were even stronger. One' carried the heading, in large type "Ever and Ever Came the call of the. Flesh." It topped following paragraph: "She Loved Him More Than Life...He was her all, her man... Life was a rosy dream untili..Along came the Siren.. .Voluptuous, Alluring.,. Her eyes were deep pools of pas- sion.,.Her Voice, the Voice of Sin . .He was tempted.. .Led Astray ...She lured him, even to murder ... and . so he planned... but see for youiself what happens., .when . Sex reigns supreme. . ." Headings of "The Battle of the Quariers i^uv. ji.,. — ■ —— ing they will make a report to Beet- seJces" "^'^P^P"., ,,^*',?. J?, son. "Ghost Talks," in December Los Angeles, Nov. 13. "Th^ Ghost Talks," Fox's first all- talker/ will be premiered in Decem- ber in New York. lible by the fact that a bona fide the magnificent house are coming ^^p,^ made to Lawrence a out. The latest says Meyer Davis, gj^^j.^ time ago by Kansas City.the- miislcal director ^ for. Fox theatres I ^^.^ .promoters investigating sites throughout the country, has been j^pj^^j.^^ selected by William Fox and Jbhn Zanft as supervising director of the i60-piece symphony orchestra for the new Fox. Davis recently scl^ctied the orchestra for the new Fox thea- tre in Detroit. What effect the new thetitre will have, oh the already oversoated sit- uation is being discussed without . any decision reached by anyone Avho isn't prejudiced one way or the other. Added to that situation is the fact' that the Empress, around the corner from the Fox, is soon to reopen as the Midtown theatre tm^- der the Skouras banner. Jolson's "Singing Fool" win open the Mid- town, which was the home of the, National stock company last season. OPERATORS' DEMAND Trouble Again With Talker Booths in Minneapolis Mlnneapolip, Kov. 13. Film and ■ vaudeville houses are thro.'iH-ned, with their second stvikc ot picture machine bpei'atOVH with- in two seasons. Operators aiid theatre owners ,ap parcntly .-we unable ' to reach an aKr('<>nVent regarding the number ■ of uion to bo utscil in the booths of sound equipped houses and the in- . crease in pay.., Harry Whoi-.nuvii.. in .charge of la- ■ bor ..-ilTaii-H for PubliX hnH trlfd in vain .to induce the local union to agi fc. to let the international organ- Izatlfin of operator-s .settle th<; con- U'ovcr.'^.v.. The demand.s do not effect, silent • houHesi- but in . case of a strike it iH regavded as a certainty that op- erators would be culled out of every . theatre in symi>athy. NEW SPbKANE HOUSE ' \Vi .<it Coast Theatres Circuit . ha.s ' "puTiTiasod the" property at Monroe and Spring .strffts. Spokane, for -i J-tiiea^i=e:--I^-^''-liQK*JJ^ to lujild the hou,se for the oompanv. As Fox wants to own all hi.s theatre . pi'opcrtiea outright, it was. dpelded to', purchase the ' groinid, The' liouso will be ready in »h<^i\ nix montlis and is to seat ^,'.00. John lOber.^on is the architect.) F. N. NOT BENEWING Los Angelc.«, Nov. 13. Fir.-^t N'ational will not renew rontraets of Thelnia Todd and Dons Davv.son at expirntion. U's Sound Stages Ready; "Give and Take" 1st Los Angeles, Nov. 13. rniversal opened its sound stages this week. The first picture iS; a talker veruion of "Give and Take," starring George Sidney and. Jean Hersholt. The silent version was completea about four months ago . under the direction of Frank Beaudine. Talker is being directed by A. B. Heath, who made the first of the talkers for Universal two months ago. •Upon the completion of this talker verfiion. Universal has six more pictures ready for synchro- liix.'ition-.- None of the directors who made the silent versions of these pic- tures will be used for the talking versions. Warners $1234,412 DeScit Made $81(1^9 Suniliis •Sex Appeal—And Hpiy!" The ads ex- plained: "A passionate war of life .i,fought only with woriian's wea- pons. . .Charm.. .Sex appeal... Another "Sunrise" ad carried the heading "The Call of the Flesh" in large type and contained' the fol- lowing: 'Wife. ..Child.. .Home... All Were Nothing to the Lures of the Love Thief. . .Warm (Besses ...Tempting lips...Led him to the precipice of mad lust and. utter ruin..." But the wind-up "Sum-ise" news- paper copy was hottest of all. This time the head declared in large type "Blinded By Desire, He Listened to the Temptations of the Siren." Beneath this, reading like an ei- cerpt from a "true confession" yarn, was the following: "Husband and Wife. ..Their Life was a Rosy $3.72 per share on the combmed 550,000 snares oi a » which are ibout to be consolidated Net before chgs Amort & dept. Balance ...... Other income BALANCE SHEET Assets •Aug. 31, '28 , .$10,286,684 .. 7,012,784 Aug. 27,'27 Aug. 28,*26 Total income . Int & misc chgs, Cont reserve .... I Federal tax res., I Min int subs..... $3,273,900, 90.484 $3,364,384 1,039,543 , 115,000 165.000 $815,798 775,735 9,637 Par's Shorte of Playlets Net Profit and loss surp.. ♦Deficit. fLoss. $2,044,841 810,429 Paramount's plans for talkirtg r.^, bVdgs, I'sehlds, eq,, etc, shoi-ts) -[jroduolions- ;i.s along the | cash lines of snappy playlets and cur- tain raisers with established leigit rthmes, rather than .solo enter- tainor.s. ' ■ _ The field for slellai' niun<-\» to. do .shorts has . abovit become ex- hausted, it is said. Hence Parn- mount's decision to concentrate on the playlets with compara'tivply in- cxpen.sive talent from legit ranks. . JACKSON'S TERM CONTRACT Los Angeles, Nov.'13. yrv([ .laekson. creator of special effects for pictures, has a long term coiili-a^ef" x\ifnr Warncr-lirotluTS. .Tarkson was rosponsildt.' for the is now workini; on a scene for "No Defense," which will show a train collision tin a trestle ever a ■ anyon a linlo dei-i). • Notes rec .... • • • v* I Accts Tec ..... • • • • Advances to emp.... Adv to producers ... Inventories .. Rights and scenarios. Cash for c'st c'ntrcts. Accts rec in instal.,. Dcp to sec contracts. Investments ........ Deferred charges .... (ioodwill • • . ■ ' ' ' Total ..... - Aug. 31, '28 . $-),009,177 .822',755: 108,319 . ^)'37,032 PICTURE CLUB'S ELECTION The rieturo Club. New Vork, holds its annual election Doc. 4. Members will elect new dirf < iorH, who in turn will de< ide. on oHieers from name,«? submitted hy the iiomi- miting lommittee. •Class A stock • Common stock -. -. ^. .■•■—« Mort & funded debt. «. • No^es. payab le . - ; • Accts" payable sundry accriuVTs'.. money oblig • ■ • Conistruction contracts payable. Royalties payable v\ ......... Fed tax rca, • Adv payments for filni serv. etc. Loans from officers Prop applic to min* stockholders Surp arising from apprais of prop p & L surplus Total . 6,143.133 92,135 '. 100,000. 251,97(S. 295,930 . 1,000.094 , 1,025,250. .$15,7 8 5.'8 01 Liabilities . $1,991,400 ,^...;f 142,151 ...... ,. 2,936,100 ,. e,934.0S3, TfM52T598=^-^= 257,5(10 . $30,426 •1,234,412 Aug. 27. '27 $4,889,469 345,783 183.563 680.342 75,185 . *6,169,994 20.325 497.577. 353,216 24i027 . , 1,510.916 .1,162,827. $25,850 304,173 7'73 t$279,0?,6 .•i,264i,83Si Aug. 28. '26 $3,601,242 332,229 15,926 482,930 64,022 68,437 4.462.193 85,825 came... Voluptuous, A M u r ing... Her Voice, the Voice of Sin...He listened...The touch of her lips and warm caresses swept aside all vows to wife and child...En- thralled , by Desire, Enslaved by Pa.ssion, he planned and plotted... even murder... but Fate took a hand...See for yourself what hap- pens when a man loses his soul to' .. .A Modern Siren " SHIFTS IN CAST Los Angeles. Nov. 13. Fox has made two shifts in cast- ing. Lumsden Hare goes from "False Colors^'- to VExile- direqte^ 1 by William Beaudine, and Rjchara Alexander replaces Ivan LinoW "White Silence,": LA ROCQUE WITH F. N. . Los Angeles, N ov. 13. Rod I,^Roc(iue; formei^ pathe star, I goes with First National to star m ."The Man and the Moment," under Ithe direction of George Fitzmaurlce. .j4.04.C . 223,095 59.521 7.804 711.174 S10.429 .$15,785,801 $15,913,224 $1,997,800 155.751 7.021.506 . 4,529,312 -lf2485315- . 307,617 619;318 105,^63 . 289,652 51,000 110,234 711.174 il.234.412 $15!913,224 HARRY MYERS' SHORTS , Los Angeles, Nov. 13. Harry Myers goes with Educa tional for two-reel comedies $10,754,395 ^y^'-^' firft in sh0rt.s. 280.810 595.590 626.159 139.032 It'.** $1,999,800 153.752 ~ ■ 4^939.527 2.268,612 ..^839,572: 591,778 . 62,344 278,589 46,000 138,086 711,174 Jl,264,839 ' "Sand Pile" Starting . - Los Anijeles,^. Nov 13, First picture to be made on F.B.C s •29-'30 program of • TM^r" -plrtui-es-will-be^The^^Sand.-.IJ??^^^ $10,754,395 • VlO. 'tRepro.sent.'d 'by 350,860 no-par .'-hares. ^Deficit, magazine story - of prison Ute, py Mary Synon. • „ , ^, -It will be directed by Ralph ince. '. ■ ■ . . . Setter's 8 for F. N. ■ . Los Angeles, Nov, 13. First National signs a new con- tract with William A. Seiter to dv- rect four Corrlne GrifiUh pictuj^ and the same number for Colleen Moore.