Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November X4, 1928 V A U b E VI Lt ^ VARIETY 35 Peabody Replacing Fay, St. L—Lowry's Record St. Louis, Nov. 13. The m. c. situation here is about to undergo a. shake-up, with Frank Fay scheduled to depart hence from the Missouri, Eddie Peabody, known here mostly for his talking shorts takes up the m. c. work at the Missouri. Only sure thing about the^ m. c. business herie Is that Ed Lowry, entering upon his seco.nd year In. that capacity at the Skbiiras Brothers' Ambassador, can just about stay there as long as he pleases. . Since Lowry's teniancy of the Am- bassador began over a year ago, grosses have run from $10,000 to 115,000 over the. figureg at any of the other three big exclusively pic- ture houses. The mystery—to some—of why Fay .has failed to click at the Mis- BOiirl probably hever will be solved. In a . nutarhell/ the best solution seems to be that Fay was rather "over the heads" of the Missouri patrons. Another reason may be his woeful attempts to alng ballads, which run Into high notes, as bal- lads 'will. FiASH WITH 19 Douglass Leayitt and M^ry Lock- wood have joined forces with Harry Stoddard and his .orchestra for a flash act of 19 people, titled, "Hit Bits of 1928." ; There are four other principals in support, including another Lock- wood sister, Helen. Lyons ,& Lyons booking. TINSEL FOR DROPS 36 in. wide at 75c a yd. and up A full line ot gold and silver bro- cades, irietal cloths, gold and allver trimmlngB. rhlnedtones, • p a n c 1 • ■• Mgrhts, opera boae, etc., etc., <or stase costumes. Samples upon request. J. J. Wyle & Bros., Inc. . (SoccesHorB to SleKiiian St Well). . 18-20 East 27th Street NEW YORK Pan Agents Organize Agents booking In the New York Pantages offices have effected an organization. . At a, meeting the agents agreed to eliminate the booking confusion, that has existed on the Pan floor; the understanding that they must take turns; first In line to be given consideration by the Pan bookers with other agents waiting not to encroach or butt in until the agent ahead has received attention. Another thing the tvgents will give 100 per cent, attention to their Pan franchise by agreeing upon the list of acts to be offered for Pan booking. This will eraso duplicate names where agents oubmit the same- acts. Several other things considered more of a minor character were up for consideration, with the agents agreed to assemble whenever an important matter arises. The aasociatibn is In full accord with the booking office; It will benefit by the adoption of booking plans primarily suggested by the Pan representatives to make book- ing in New York .on an equitable basis.' MARRIAGES Fritzl Schenk, ai-tist*s .model,' of Portland, and George Thomas Cor- coran, actor, married at Tia .Tuana Nov, .1, Tiie groom is with a Fan- chon and Marco unit. Albert Russell, picture director, brother of William Ruasell, to Dorothea Tank, non-professional, in Tia Juana Nov, 6.' Mohita Gray, ex-wife of Robert M. Lawton, . Boston, to . Monte Gowthorpe, London, Eng., In New York, Nov, 3, Bride is daughter of late William P, Gray, president, Maine & N. H, Theatres Co. Groom, former auditor Gray Co., now with Paramount. . Maybelle Bain, ex-show girl and former secretary to Max Hayes, to Jaines L, Ring, non-pro, Oct, 19, in Lo3 Angeles, Ben "DugoU, bass player, Morey'a stage band, Chicago,: to Rose Witz (non-pro), Oct. 28 in Benton Har- bor, Mich, . Edna Rothwell to Franklin Ford in New York Nov. 6, Bride is radio pianist. Groom is president ahd manager of Station WHAP. SPOT BOOKINGS NOW BY LOEWS AND PAN'S Giving the advent of the sound films as the main reason the Loow and Pan vaude offices In New York are working on the spot booking plan. With Pan pretty well, booked up to Janliary «. halt on immodiato route booking has been called. Loew Is not doing *u^y long period routing at this time, taking the turns on what Is styled "spot book- ings." All the Loew houses are getting a readju£Ttment of booking .plans where talkers are more thun one hour long. Xollins Loses Franchise lUBAL EARLY Miss EXCLUSITB HATEBIAL BX WU. K. WELLS PLAYING KEITH-ALBEE-ORPHEUM CIRCUIT With the non-failuro of Johnny Collins to , appear .. bh the Loo\y vaude booking floor, Sdm Howard, his business associate, was last week denied further booking privi- leges. The report had gone out thai Howard had been granted a franchise. The conduct of Collins vexed the booking heads and with the elimiliation of • Howard,_ tlio Loew offices Immediately dropped all business with the Collins otHcc. Howard, upon his notice that ho could no longer sell acts or repre- sent Collins bii the floor, assumod the attitude that the repoi-t .of a Loew franchise had caused the ban. This was not so, according to a statement by J, H. Lubin to. a Variety reporter Monday afternoon. Lubin said that Howard was not entitled to floor privileges for the simple reason no previous permis- sion, had been given. Keith's, Wash., Quits Washington, Nov. 13. Keith's quit Saturday after soy- eral weeks ot prind policy. American Opera Co. in on rental Nov. 19-21. . Crew down from Manhattan Saturday tearing all iirojoction out of the newly enlarged booth, • Final week of grind got under ?5,000, Peaches Kept Out of BuffiBiIo for 2nd Time Burfnlo, Nov.; 13. Mayor Schwab, for the second time, has declared against Peachc.'^ Browriin.g apoo'.iring proiesoionally in this city,: The first time it Avas for a thoatro (.-rigapemeiiT, Ti in time it Is a Main street daice pkicei- IRVING ACKERMAN IN N. Y. Irving Ackoririan, of Ackorman and Harris on the coast, is in'Now York. Ackorman usually cornea for the horse or dog shows. The Horse Show is at the Garden'this week. Assistant Agents Can't Return En Masse Billy Barker Re-elected Boston, Nov. 13. • Billy Barker lias been re-olocted Assemblyman to the Massachusetts State Legislature. Barker was for- mcrely of Barker and' Dunn, in vaudeville. Belasco Off M. C ; Now Back with Unit Al Belasco, former m. c.. Is re-, turning to vaudeville . in a unit financed by himself and produced in association with Ned Norwoi-th.. Unit Is to carry about 16 Jjeoplc, Including a band. Title is "Sharps and Flats." Belasco got about two years of work put of the m, c, thing. Audition Night Dies !Ben Lundy and Abe Meyer laughed oft the closing of the "Au- ditlonis of 1928," midnight at the Carroll, by sending out notices of the closing in the form of an obit- uary, notice. EDDIE SHAYNE FREE Chicago, Nov. 13. Eddie Shayne, one of the original association staff members, has given up the Denver Keith office and Is In Chlcacrp considering a future connection. Shayne lis reputed among the best showmen In his line. Fox Qets Lew Cody Lew Cody, picture star, was booked Monday by the Fox offices through Sam Lyons (Lyons & Ly- ons) to open in New York next Monday at the Audubon. . Other Fox advance dates include Riith Royc^ Jerome and Gray and Jimmy Savo.' "Semi-Final" for Sharkey "The Seml-Flnal" and not "The Star isout" will be Jack Sharkey's vaudo skit when the former ban- tamweight champ makes his stage debut a few weeks hence under di- rection of Sam Green, Talbot with Kahl . Chicago, Nov. 13. Andy Talbot, former assistant to Sam Kahl, but left over in the cleanup, will Join the Kahl-Levy stock enterprises, according to re- ports. As the fTKiliU of tlio meeting of li iHinniiiilCf of i\uu' Kvilh agenis with John J. Ford, Ihero seems Httl« chanoe for a return of disonfran- ehi.sed artists' . representative:; ta Keith's in any. capacity. ' The oonnmltoo meeting Ford wa« ooniposod of Muritay ■ Foil, N. E. Manwar'in.ij, Frank:Kvans and Hairy Koem; Tliey sciu.uht to gain Ford'« consent I'or the- return of .several former Keith agents as a-ssistant aprents to those still holding fran- ehises. From, reports Ford stated tliat, in his opinion,..if the .men in .question were incompetent- nis full-Hedged agents, there was no reason, to be- lieve . lliey. Avbuld . be otherwise iui assistants. .' ■ Shortly after the first exodus In. the Keith onice last summer nu- merous disenfranchised agent.s were permitted to return it's assistants— booking acts on franchises held by otliers. Wliile there is a posaibillty. of Individual, reinstateniorit of ousted agents, tliore. is practically.- no ehanee for their return to the Keith oHice in a body. RAJAH RABOID Thfl Erie (Pa.) "Dispatch" »aid: "A viiudcvUlo performer who can and did-close the •how without, a walk-out; . One man working .In full ntaRo nclUng .an audience 36. inlnutoa of the most rapid aiid Iriterestlng talk we have ever heard. Ilia articulation Is perfect. . He la oi thowman of the ftrst rank." Direction MARTY F0RKIN8 Paluco Tlieatre Bldf. , Jack. Welner, AMt. BORN TO BE LAUGHED AT HARRY HOWARD STATE, ^lEW YORK Next Week (Nov. 19) RIVA and ORR Revue; Dances 16 Mins^; Full (Special) . 8l8t St. (V-P) Superlative and de luxe. Dance act oozing with class, geared to run at high tension and without a dull moment. Alfredo Rlva and Jeanle Qrr were formerly surrounded' with a string orchestra. Their neW support con- sists of four young women. Miss Orr handles herf^elf like a million dollars. She possesses that rare . combo, daintiness with sure- nesis, Mr. Rlva won applause with l^ls distinguished use of a red-lined black toreador's cloak. Whole act Is mounted and dressed With a Bplash and flash of colorful effects id achieves the maximum of Bhcwmanly success In leaving nobod;- unimpressed. It Is a rich and tasty dish. Land. INTERNATIONAL DANGERS ALFREDO JEANNE RIVA 8 ORR HEADLINING OVER K-A-O CIRCUIT BOOKED SOLID THIS WEEK (NOV. 11) HIPPODROME, NEW YORK A Few Lines from the Press cf Last Week: ...*^Standing out by reason of its glamorous color and racing tempo was the Riva and Orr Revue".. ."Dancing as superior in execution as in conception".. ."Wholly removed from the two-for-a-nickel typ.e of mechanicalized hoofer so prevalent these days." Our Thanks to HARRY ROYE Direction LEW COLDER LOU and PEGGY WITH WALLY COYLE m THE>R "1929 EDITION OF *SAY IT WHILE DANCING^ WITH ARTHUR GUILMET RETURN ENGAGEMENT, KEITH PALACE, NEW YORK, THIS WEEK (NOV. 11) Direction; HARRY A. ROMM