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i I. ' ^ ■:■ 'i, ; I i- ■i ^l; IV -i .- sir II i ;1 ■ J 1-.: I r± 48 VARIETY W O M E N' S PAGE Wednesday, November 14, 1928 Women Folks By MoUie Gray Spm«i Well Dressed Women ,. A good .sliow at the I'aiaL'e-open- ing with Lpekett and. Page (Miss . Page de>serves to have • her. .picture • ' in the lobby too>. and Wally Coyle. No show could. J>eti>; t)ie pace tliey set, the audience probably couldn't stand it either,' but the shbw \va.s good speed anyway. : Peggy's first , frock was of crisp ruffles and bead- ed satin in . that off .white, shade (aucli a convenient sliade .for sliow . • bijsihess), but , the yellow , wlii'cii came next was the most attractive. Made with taffieta bodice and iipron front and big; bow in back -all the rest was tulle in shades of yoUow. An all. .bead one-piece used' green knd white prettily thouglj the feather in her cap was no near color relation to either the beads, or the slippers. Pink, ostrich with touches of blue was;her final change, 'The charming ■ '■■kouns . sisters, Nellie a^id Sara,' Wel-e the delight they have never failed'to be. Their, distinction is even apparent in their ■ gowns, a style the:y usually . wear beciaus.e they can . so gracefully. Made of ..painted cHiffon with the long full skirts wired, near tho bot- . torn where lace finished the skirts and also rvvade the deep collar^. .Large Aowei'ed leghorn hats ^yilh satin ribbons completed a lovely picture,- Rosita . Moreno has a 'simplicity that is very, appealing and in' no way intei-feres witit her grace as a dancier, vather helps it. Even her . makeup is so slightly used she seem- ■ ..ed at first too prilfe but it was a ■ welcome change. Frocks were girl- ish, ■ first a soft siik in a violet shade, then a white with lace edged lys^.tlounces arid finally a natlyei one of narroXv striped material, ■ , Olsen and Johnson are surely a riot in any language. Norman Sis- ters help a little Avith their imita.tLDn '■■ of them and in their dancing. Cbs- tunies were hardly noticed in the excitement though theve; was a. mp- meht in short pink ruffles and. some beads. The theatre has an impressive amount qf. igold velvet in its new ,. curtain. of gold llirough the J'kirt.. ' These wore discarded jtofoi-e. the .audienci- and silver slippers put'on for tho finish;. An amu.sing novelty wtit? Walt koesner talking: to. himself, in picture and in persoii. . iOdettoMyr- til, in the black :. vc4vot pantalette f.psKime she.w'ore in vaudeville., de- Ughted with both voice and violin Uncommon Chatter By Ruth Morris . Near Nude Pose "Sinners' I'aradc" arid auilioiico.. yawn.: .But at that tlu-re is much imagination Used in this repeater A demure school teacher poses practically nude, in a cabaret ap- parently as a aide line. . The rich influontiial Mrs.. Bettei'- tbaii-thou has a da:ughter who gets away, with everytliing because Mother's nose is so high in the air she's safe Under. it. And a sjon bootlegger king. . ■ iD.orbthy Revicr was rather, color- le.ss as the girl, but black is. ber coming to her as her crepe de chine ensemble Indicated. The ri.se of Aniliony J. Di'e.\ol Biddle, Jr., in New York society has boon notable. Son of; the senior Biddle, of Philadelphia, he bestowed his high-sounding name on Mary Duke, hoiross to riiiilion.s, as daugh- ter of Benjamin N. Duke, and niece of'the late Jairies B; Duke, tobacco magnoites. Mary's brother* -the. late Angler B. Duke, married Tony's sis- ter, Cordelia, but they; were di- vorced^ and Angicr was drowiied, Cordelia : Biddle Duke then mar- ried Thomas -Markbe Robertson. MenjoU's Double Header . Gogo de Lys, petite vodeodo-ist» costume designers did their best | is cirte^ln a^^ for Kathryn Carver (Mrs. A. M«n- jou) in the new Menjou .picture,. "His Private Life,", but sbraehpw or other she doesn't quite make the. style grade. ■ That "quelque chose" fashion writers ten isibout is missing. She's pretty and riic4, but negative. So's her old man's picture. trimmed with turquoise blue- <,w- fuUy attractive color combination. .- High:Low Prices Some nice w:Inter ensembles at Franklin Simon's. Unlike most, are^ not in monotone or two or more . shakos but in color contrdsts. One (copy Qf la Chanel) stresses a pale green' frock of ondamiissa. It is combined with a seal brpwn coat of A Hand for Worth i dlagorial ondamussa, trimmed with ■ „ . . ... brown caracul. Agi'eeable color com Worth, of Pans, IS sponsoring me , AnotW is .bination; Another Is more Striking in Craig Biddle is an uncle, so cousins .^j^uturier giove; . Made in two- Uia^ic and red—the former used in are C.ralg, Jr., who s.uped in movies, j j^ned ^uede. or kid, it e^ls for .$8. the ..repe dress and Persian lamb ran an etiquette column In a tabloid j^- fgatun-gg heavy stitching and | coat-trimiming^ and the brilliant red and failed as a theatrical producer, i and George Drexel Biddle, who was assistant cameraman for William C. de Mille and" was in a sensational auto .accident in Newport. , Tony Biddie flrst gained prom- inence ill Palm Beach. Now he con: trols the St, Regis Hotel on 5tii Ave- nue, and heads the new Club St; Regis. Last week the Seaglade res- . , ^ . 4»u I used In wool for the coat. Unusual darker tone trim with long gauntlet, I ^j^j^ having .five pearl buttons running Tbese suits are priced rather high up the back. Trlarigular insertions as are many others on sale in the Pf the deeper tone introduce a flare women's dress department, but in; at either side; Very smart-rglye th^ regular suit section twp-picoe this little Worth a hand. At Saks and three-piece cOmbina.tions may Firth Avenue. > be obtained more reasipnably. An Other gloves of suede on sale here Uw^ully Sood seller has been the are of beautifully soft fabric, with, tweed costume with 33-inch coat. German. Film "Mother"'Scores Here, taurant in thie hotel opened with a j^Qjjg^j^jgjjj, . jjjjpQg^jQ^s ol dark J<^'*sey sweater and wrap-around What grudge have the. German dinner aittendod by the Mayor, Mrs. gyp^j^ g^^^^j |j,tgpgst.|ng tyckirtg.^^ O " " ' " - - picture producers, against manlcind R. T. Wilson (whose, husband heads Hch and awfully smart, is a short or . more 'especially , womankind? the racing contingent at Saratoga), gj^^yj^^j^j perfectly plain, except for I l^W-skih caracul trim "Shadows of Fear" liclcs its lips over Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Urban (he did pgarl button . cuff links at a. piped I ; — a murder andi fades Put on two the decorations), Mr. and Mrs. James ^^^^ opening suicides decorating the floor in front p, Donahue, Mrs. Tucker Duell (Lil- of a paralyzed bid lady. J. Marie- Hah "Tucker, former actress, who Laurent was splendid, she was divorced Charles'H. Duell, long in^ 'Mpthor". in any language and after volved in suits with Lilliari Gish); the stroke when only her eyes M. Dorland Doyle (divorced by could speak she was really rhoi-e Marion Carpenter, now Mrs. C. F Miller's Cute Slippers Stsite Ushers in New Blue Outfits , A nUmijer 6f new things at the State, the ushers' uniforms of light blue with overseas caps that make them look less hard than the formei round , ones, the square spotlight Smith and AUman used and. the way Morris and Campbell combined screen and stage making their old act seem almost nevr. Tlie white frpck Miss Campbell wore on. the screen had the girdle tied too tight giving her a, rhost unbecoming line there. The act was supposed to continue on the stage and her gown tiiero. was the purple chifTo'h she wore when last seen but not the one on the screen. "Colleglana." girls appear first In gowns and caps and diplomas, and for their band numbers sweaters and harmonizing silk scarfs with butterfly pleated skirts. Val Irving, the director, also sings, and Mao Wynn's taps got generous applause. The girls are all attractive and ac- complished. Halstead and Daniels are lovely girls With matching voices which is more, important .than matching ac- cessories, but their tulle and beaded satin gowns were not improved'by the large flower sprays at hip and shoulder. "iMve tulle cut in uneven layers was lightly tinted near the bottom and. hung longer dt the sides. "Mankln" did his best tC disguise hts intentions to play physical crap by supplying himself with a frog's suit the more easily to- play with hjs bones. Opening was an attrac tive country scene" with "an openlrig flower letting the frog out of the pond which seemed a w-aste. skirt Comes in blue, black, red or gray, with black, gray or brow'n 1 caracul trim. NpnrCooking Ladies No. dearth of fringe and fbathers and fashions at the HippPdroma this week. Feminine contingent' .1, IMiller is featuring ^more than U-gts pflE to a bang in the Riya and ever the purse and shoe ensemble— Q^p. ^ct wl^ich opens the show, xecut.ed in bur:>^undy, black, arid the costumeia are, with on^ eloquent, iShe is the first woman in I Keleher), Ja;mes H. R. Cromwell (di- I loveliest shade of blue yet achieved exceptions, lovely, executed in a foreign film that an American vorced . by Delphine Dodge, step- in suede. Purses are fPr. the most guperfluous yards of softness that could feei intimate with- . . Giha daughter bf Hugh Dillrhan, actor), part oif the envelope variety with a^irl gracefully and emphasize tiie Manes .was -the girl .who thought Mr. aiid Mrs. Walter P, ChryslerJ severe siiyer and gold trims. The ^gauty of the da.nce postures, drowning a husband got rid of him, Mr. and Mrs.: MiitPn Holden (she blue ensemble offers a poUch, purse Li^tig details of. accurately match- there being ho tabloids in Germany was Fifi Widener, who divorced with large lapis clasp and neat blue hng giippgrs and to tell her aiffer€!nt. At that it Carter Leidy), Mrs. Theodore Schu- suede oxiiprds with, snake skin com- to have been:thought out carefully sho.iild make hu.sbands safer there miacher, Mr. and Mrs. Aubi-ey L. Eads bination. —again, with only one exception, as the moral is plain and painful. (she is Peggy Hoyt, the milliner). One evening slipper, here is viery someone ought to beg, borrow or It Would be "Prudence" in fact Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan Lee (she cutenrmad? in black velvet with sil-- gteal . the rose satin slippers away as well as filin to chose helghbpr- divorced Hamilton M. Dickinson, ver bar ending in two tiny bows ffo^i the girl who combines them hooda carefully when showing it. who then married Mrs: Genevieve stitched into the vamp. Another in Lp^nh flaming red trimming . on a What might be only nonsense to Bradbury), Mr. and Mrs. Clifford satin sponsors a narrow bow em-.l white satin dress, some could Incense others.. Martha | Bucknam (she divorced R.eid Fell) , broidered diagonally across side:^' Harry Walman's Debutantes re- Sleeper wa,s the girl.. I William John Warburton (divoi-ced front.. Unusual withOut being too veal themselves as . one of those by EJdna Hoyt, now Mrs, Andre ornate. . * lady orchestras whose members do Reel "Wind'' Seoms Uncannily Real I Lord), John Wells Cdlvorced by Rita ' . . ' - ■■ everything but cook. First cos- There has always been something Norrie, now Mrs.'Jacques de lyior- Nice pajama suit in the first act I tiimes are- white satin skirts with ethereal about Lillian Gisb and sier), Mr. and .Mrs. O. O. Mclntyre bf "The Little Accident." Trousers [ sleeveless velvet Jackets of a hone-' "The .Wind"' proves it. She rriust (he the clever columnist). Hale and blouse of pale beige satin and too. a,ttractive sh^^de. of green, be more than human to Stand that Hamilton, actor,.his wife, and Grace three-quarter jacket in jade .green. Troupe , later appears in black and wind and not get. pneumonia, unless La Rue, actress (Hamilton was pre- Flower clusters aippliqued oh pockets white Pierrot costumes that loPk at- It wag heated like the hair driers', viously divorced by Jane Oaker and and Sleeves, adding lovely color. A tractive. If there.must be lady or-: The sand didn't Seem to sting her Myrtle Tannehill, and Grace was pair of silver, kid. mules worn with chestraa, this one is all right, but but the audience cPuld almost feel) the second of the four wives of By- | it, with strapped, heel arid small, |a girl always looks funny blowing it in their, teeth, real ffccomplish- ron Chandler), ment by the camera as well as the One of. the most pretentiou? players. women present was formerly a man- Dorothy Cummlngs brought out nequin at Hlckson's. The usual con- bristlihg silver bows. perfectly the opposite type of wo mani strong, practical a,nd primi tive, yet Lillian, too, conquered "The Wind," which ;had npthlng to do with politics as the name seemed to Indicate. "The Wind," in spite of rather piling on the torture, is tingent of friendly disposed society reporters also much in evidence. ILL AND INJURED the saxophone. Ann Butler in "Driftwood" is _ r »# J .striking in white and jade green New Error of Vaude velvet and a voice like laryngitis. Seems more like the "New Er- The act does a duolog'down in "one" ror of Vaudeville" at'the Riverside> with Hal Parker asking the ques- if this week's bill is any criterion, tions ai,nd Miss Butler, an Anita Dreariness crept inside with the Loos blonde, providing the answers, ralh Monday afternooni Even the Her costume, very smart for stage actors didn't seem to care much. wear—jade green velvet dress with Fashions were few and far be- Ljjagenal silver applications. Three ^iradie Wells broke an ankle in Interesting'even to those who are I a ^^^^ from a horse which delayed I tween. Stuart Glrla, in awful I quarter velvet jacket la white lined not rabid Gishers. her appearance with Metropolitan baby-doll dresses, dispensed "£J|Wig3, with green 'adds the 'richness of Some Bouquets and Brickbats ,'Jewels" was the most dlsap pointing as far as entertainment goes and the least pretentious of _ any C apitol stage presentation in ages," iTrst'^ser^waS^ curtain with a girl posing In scrollwork .frame against it and . some .'glitter dp-^^'iv front before the- stage band, . Finale could be beaten In any Woolworth window froni ' a "jewel" standpoint though the girls certainly would not be Included, not these days Costumes Were* attractive for "Blue Shadows," They wore wild wigs of blue and .j'ellow and fringed skirts the same colors with a short Opera. Clifton Meek, cartooniat, recover- ing from injuries received in' a re- Personality and Curls"—whlch%iay ^hite fox to collar and cuffs, and Some Dress Flaws in "Dry Martini" Of course the field for cameo pro files Is limited but it seems a pity 1 cent fall In Norwalk the. clear-cut features of Mary As- Wesley Eddy, ni.c. at Loew's tor couldn't find a more appropriate Palace, Washington, out during background than "Dry Rlai^tlnij,;^ past >reek due to severe cold. give you a rough idea of that. Later came "rommy Mann, female imper senator, in a musical farce titled, "•The College Flirt," in which he appeared first In a green velvet a green telt cloche completes the turn-out. English Costuming , Costuming if or Chas. Cochran's sports model, later emerging In "xhls Year of Grace" is perfectly Louis Wolhcim's would be aboUt I right. Mary looks stunning, in' a small hat pa.rtly covered with flat feathers, a silk frock whose skirt showed one knee and became longer from there with added fullness coming from a Fred H. McCloy, recently bper atcd upon In New York, noticeably [u^cky trio'o7 evening''dresses 4rouserj3 land, Benhamed shoulders. Girls in the act appeared In a improved. grand. . . . -:"Mr, Cochran's _ Young Ladies" appear in gowns llTat' ,. ^ . , , .might have come right off the Rue Nice lines in the evening dress Ljg palx—nothing a bit Charles Bryant, operated ujpon for Lottie Howell wore for her "Song -<choru«!ev" about them Effect in gallstones, considerably improved. Recital." Dreas. was of flesh taffeta L^ogt of the modern numbers is Danny Collins, Keith agent, par- | jnd nille.^with ^^sllyer^^ g^^ng of the same color single pleat in buck, hips swathed I tially over a. serious, attack of pneu-1.*'°*^^ skirt center. Miss in self material. Her cloth suit had monia, is in Lakewood. N. i., to re- | Howell has a nice Voice arid pleased its gro.Up of amaU pockets . bound Cuperate. In braid as was the lapels too, but her tweed ensemble was marred somewhat by the white lines on the long coat, Jocelyn Lee^s obviously John Schultz of .Keith's Is coh-i fined to his home in New York, uh dergolng treatment for an abcess. the house with coloratura acro- batics. short slip spoiled her white gown. I , ^'""^ Veronica taken suddenly ill " 1 lasit week on the Palace stage, Waterbury, Conn. .James Knight, electrician of Wer- i (or in graduating shades) aga,inst a contrasting velvet drp'p—the only othec note of contrast being in the costume of** the principal leading the number; and the effect is dead swell, •The period dresses designed by Armistice at Paramount It was very obliging of someone to write "Memories of France" as.lDoris Zlnkelsen were one long de- ^„..„ Armistice week iieaded for Broad- ll^ht—looking as though they had 'The Cop'May Set Gang Lady Modes James Kniirht electrician of w^r h^^^'*>«cau3e it gives the Paramount stepped right out of old fashioned Most people will like ''The Cop" ba's Brooklyn, was burned by flashi r^^^ chance to be wistful, engravings, t makes him as stupid as they think light powder used in "The Squealer" P"'^®'"®'*' something about moving Bee LllUe's bathing costume, with he is, that Is until he gets smart Thursday. While adjustnlg an ef- Picture shots, like the ones thrown its modestly ruffled blo'omers, is from associating with crooks. Ho Ucct. a plug was Inserted by another on the screen with the Jesse Craw- thing to enshrine in memory and Isn't pictured with children hang- stage hand and the powder explod- ford organ selection that makes one summon up any time you need a ing around his heck and escorting "Is eyes were marked and face feel like dashing out and joining laugh, old ladles across the street. Proving ^!^/^'^^'^' he was on the. job this the Red Cross. For a peace-time nl£tU£eg^,.^n,^.he _ Tna de_ b y their _ ' .... „ celebration, the effect is pretty war- DIDTUC omission. "~ '■ hlfrt"-iv^^^ Jacqueline Logan, like all gang- seratched"^nn%ye-ball whl!e ^r*ld?ng Mrs. Crawford leaves her upstage Mr. and Mrs. James Condinella, ^ateress.es or is the fomine.of gang- hi^ the subway, perch to preside at a twin-organ in I in New York.- Nov. 5, daughter, ster ..garigsWiic, dres.sos flashily- in- cicero Weaver blT'the OrpheumJ P^** ^lad in becoming fyschla-i.l Mother, la Beatrice Wilson, formerly a white and black ponyskln coat los Angole.*i, bill this week with.] ^^^'^''^'i Bcorgette,. she-nelps along of Wilson ' Sistert and Washburn. a,nd again In a black coat and deep Influenza. Brother Abner and Sister- the patriotism. I Father non-pro. cuffs of wide black and white stripes Elvlry are doing a two-act. As an antidote, stage presenta-l Mr, and Mrs, Bert Lahr at a hps- that was too conspicious for a girl Ed Gallagher (Gallagher and tlon goes Hawaiian pn Paradise "Isle, pltal in New York, Nov* 11, son. trying to avoid notice. Where they | Sheehan), had a second stroke at [complete with hula maidens. . But Mother is professionally known as were meant to be these titles were Rlvercrest Sanitarium, Astoria, L. I., even this peaceful spot develops its Mercedes. Pop is in. "Hold Every the nearest to natural conversation where he has been for the past! flreworks when a backdrop volcano thing." that the silent screen has come, two years. Reported Monday Gal-j explodes lava all over the finale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cummlngs, in Intermission between and later full' William Boyd swung his club like lagher passed- the crlsla and im- Maybe Armistice week, but it looks Hollywood, daughter. Father stage skirt frocks of rose slllc with a band a veteran. J proving. i more like the Fourth ot July. I director at Vine Street theatre.