Variety (Nov 1928)

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62 VARIETY = 7 I I » f * •• .JUL _1 L EG IT I MATE Wednesday, November 14, 1928 in N. Y. and Comment . Figures estimated and comment point to some attractions being successful, while the same gross accredited to others^might suggest mediocrity or loss. The variance is explained in the difference in house capacities vN/ith the varying overhead,' Also the size of cast, with : conseqaertt ! difference in necessary gross of profit. Variance in business necessary ^9*' attraction as agaTnst draniatic .play, is also'considered.. -. Classification of attraction, house capacity and top prices of the admissiorr scale giyisn belpyv, Key to^ classifrcatibn: C (comedy) ; O (drama) ; r: (revue) ; M (musical, c ; F (farce) ; Q (operetta).; . -Admission tax-applies on tickets over $3.. "Animal . Crackers," 44th St; (4th . .wofk) • (M-l,323-$6.60). Although football crowds made for list • week's good finish, election week saw further drop in grossed; some' 'cxcepfioris; ■ "Animal Crackers' held to more than $43,000; right •with- mugicar leaders,. . ■ . *'Billie," ..Erlahger (7th week) . (M- , 1.5:i0-$3.85). Closed..stron.srJy, but business not : up to: expectation.^; . at inbdisrate scale and on merit of performance should climb; .$22,000 .estimated. "Blackbirds," Eltinge (2Sth vyeek) (J^-892-?3.85). Tried extra mid- night show Tuesday, but election night trade "off;: colored revue virtual caipacity otherwise;. ?19,'- 000. ■■. '•Courage," Rltz (6th week) (D-945- J3). Strength . of feminine draw : ; Indicates chances for . sticking; climbed to jprofit prpportiohs lia^t >ft'eek; claimed to have exceeded ' $12,500. , "Craishing Through," Republic (3d week) (G-901-$3). House loca- tion counted of. value, but looks like dut-ratef; claims some im- ■. prbvement. "Diamond Lil," Royalo (32d week) : (CD-r,117-$3). Run attraction that slipped again : like most of 6thez-a; approximated ?11,0()0, lowest mark since summer; man-, agemenf expectant;. oi\ sticking through winter. '^Exceeding Smiall," Comedy (4th week) (C-682-$3). Sunday com- ment praising author and play drew patrons; last week up to $6,000; Actors' Theatre will re- Vive "The Wild Duck" next week, spotting It at 49th Street Instead of here as Intended. "Faust," Guild (6th week) (D-914- $3). Final week; drew only sub- scribers; revival of "Major Bar- bara' 'next week. "Front Page," Times Square (14th week) (C-l,057-$3.86). Out In front of non-nmusicals with only one contender thus far (^'Parls," partly musical) ; last week, over $22,000. "Gentlenien of the Press," 48th Street (12th week) (C-969-$3). , Extra advertising credited with jump In takings which approxi- m.hted $7,500; "claimed to be bet- tering even break. "Girl Trouble," Belmont (4th week) .(C-515-$3.85>. Will be withdrawn Wednesday; played three and one-half weeks; followed in next by revival of "The Royal Box." "Good Boy," Hammerstein'a (11th week) ■(M-l,400-$6.60). Doing moderately well with some cut- rate aid; may last until Christr mas. with "Pollv." new mnaloal. figured to. tollow; over $26,000 last week. - "Gods of the Lightning," Little (4th week) (D-530-$3.85). Has not shown much strength as yet ex- cept In balcony; some cut rates last week; takings estimated at $6,500, • "Good News," Chanln's 46th Street (63d week) (M-l,413-$5.50). "F.ol- low Thru," musical, readied to follow in here, jwrhaps next month; holdover "News" about $20,000. . "High Road," Fulton. (10th Week) (C-'Jl4r$3.85,). .Comniandea oxcel- lont trade from start;; class pat- ronage ; claimed weokly pace .$18,000 aind over.. "Hello Yourself," Casino (3d week) (M-1,4.77-$B.50). Appears to be doubtful; takings estimated around $.20,000, but: musical must gross more to break even; *^Hold Everything," Broadhurst (6th . week) . (M-1,118-$5,B0), Reported getting larger agency demand; no doubt ahout this mijslcal sticking because of comedy >strcngrth and score; nearly $30,000 l.-u-jt week. "Hotbed," Klaw (2d weelt) (D-830- $3).. Opened Nov. 9; flrst-nlght- er.s and critics skeptical. . "Jarnegan," Lohgacre (8th week) ..(O.D-l,019-?3.85). While not rated with smaaheis, indications for run; lower floor holding up; gal ted o ver $12,000.- . "Jealousy," Maxlne Elliott (4 th week) (D-924-$3). Two-person play con.sldored doing well; near- . ly $9,500, figured prpUtable both •^Just a Mm'irte,'^~2Lm"15as^xrinr^(6th week) (M-l,200-$3). Move to Century .next Monday, but may get another Broadway hous*; has • bC'ort '' getllng , around .$12,000; Alexander Mplssij 'German, fol- lows in next Vkreek in "The Living Corpse." "Littls Accident,* Morocco (6th Week) (C-898-$3), Looks set for engagement through winter; not big, but good lower floor trade developing and profitable at |10,- 000 or more. "Luckee Girl," Harris (9th week) (M-l,067-$4.40). Moderate money musical, aupiwted by agency buy; $15;000 estimatedj. "Congai" mentioned next; Nov. 20. "Machinal," Plymouth (11th week) CD-l,0l2-$3). Has not climbed in. measure expected, but making ■ moncy and will stick;. $10,000: ap- proximated..' ■ ■ '.'Mr. Moneypenny,'' Liberty (5th .. .M'Gek) (D-l,202-$2.50). . .Though business.has improved, hb'use due to get "Americana" NbyJ 26, revue being revived; "Moneypenny" may be moved to another house; $15,000 claimed. "Night Hostess/' Martin Beck (10th we^ek) (CD-l,189-$3). May move after.. .another two weeks, house . going over 'to Theatre Guild Dec. 1 if latter ha:s attraction ready; melodrama moderately success- ful;. $9,000. "Olympia," Empire (5th week) (D- l,099-$4.40).. Perhaps another week; takings a;round $8,000, hardly profitable; expected to be followed by "The Age of Inno- cence," Ndv. 26, ; "On Call," Waldorf (2nd week) (CD-l,101-$3>. Opened late last week (Friday); reviews not fa- vorable, but better line this Week! "Paris,?' Music Box (6th week) (C- l,000r$4.40). Climbed .with Sat- urday going to standee lyuslness; .close to $21,500. Rain or Shine," George M. Cohan (41st week) (M-l,371-$5.50). Vir- tually sure year's run holdover musical getting around $25,000 weekly of late. Relations," Wallack's (13th week) (C-770t$3). Getting by and will probably be well established for stock purposes; over $4,000. "Revolt," Vanderbilt . (3rd week) (D-882-13). Doubtful, but spon- sors hbpeful; second vpeek, first full .period, estimated under $5,000". "Scandals," Apollo, (20th week) (R- l,168-$6.60). Another agency buy reported made; starting next week scale revised downward to. $5.50 top; under $39,000 for first tinie. • "Showf Boat," Ziegfeld (47th week) (M^l,150-$6.60). Holdover shows especially affected through, elec- tion excitement; leader included but approximated $45,000 again. "Skidding," Bayea (26th week) (Cr 861t$3). Running along at har- row; margin, satisfied to turn small weekly profit; $4,000 esti- mated; principally cut rates. "Strange Interlude," John Golden (42nd week) (D-900-$4.40). Vir- tually capacity deapit© depres- sion; six performances weekly for _nine-act p^^eil drama; $16,000. 'The Grey Fox," Playhotjse (4th week) (C-879-$3). Moderate de- mand reported in agencies for costume piece; about $7,500 again. The. New Moon," Imperial 9fh week), O-l,400-$5.50). Gained In gross last week. $,38,000; Indica- tions for (Season's run. The^ Squealer," Forrest (Ist week), D-l,015-$3). Only three attrac- tions arrive this week; this one ^ opened Monday. ^ "The Three Musketeers," Lyric (36th ■week), (O-1.305 - $0.60). About breaking even lately, though last week dipped under $30,000; ex- pected to come back. "The War Song," National (8th week), (CD-l,164-$3). Good un- til middle of next rriOhth; agencies and theatre parties account for _falrly good trade; over $10,000. •These Days," Cprt ( 1st week), (C- l,094-$3.85). Presented by Arthur Hopkins; written by Katherlne Clugstoni opened Monday. These Few Ashes," Booth (3rd .week), (C-708-$3). Has shown . little strength but management hopeful; $5,000 estimated; new play, "One. Day," or "A Play Without a Title'' mentioned for uJl'^^*' ^f<^lt- "Ashes" may move. "This Thing Called Love," Bijou (9th wec.k)i C-605-?:3.85). Doing moderate business; - with better .than even break indicated; last week about $8,000. "This Year of Grace," Selwyn (2nd week), (R-l,lG7-$6.60). Critics raved over EnglL^ih revue and agency call bi.^'; opened Nov. 7; standee trade first six perform- ances;, got $34,500. "Tin Pan Alley," Biltmore (3rd ^^xiek^j^_j;Crl,000^-$3). In doubt; agency buy €lccouhWfor"flFs"r"ruXl week's $7,00.0; this week should , furnish bettor line. "Tonight at' Twelve." HtldSQtt • (1st weejf), (D-l,0'94-j;3). - .Presented by Hemiain Shiimiln; written by Owen Davis; opens Thursday (Nov. 15), "Treasure Girl," Alvln (2nd week). M-l,387-$5.50). Opened late last week; good agency call but nev musical in need of fixing; over $21,000 quoted for first four per- formances. "Thred Cheers," Globe (5th week). (M-l,416-|6.60>. One of leaders in demand at agencies, tickets commanding h i gh . premiums; competition will hardly afCect heavy money pace here; about $42,000, "UpsaDaisy," . Shubert (Cth week), (>I-l,3t»5-$6.&0), Still , trying to better this musical which started mildly and slipped instead of im- . proving; again under $20,000, . "Vanities," Earl Carroll .(15th week), (R-968-$7.70)., Box olTlce scale on. Saturday nights boosted to $8:30; probably because of foot- ball visitors; applies to. front rows; $35,000 estimated. "White Lilacs," Jolson'a (10 th week), (O-l,776-$5,50). Average around $20,000; considerable cut rating and theatre parties. f'Young Love," Masque^ (3rd week), (CD-.700-$3). . Have faith in this show, which got over $9,500 second week; expected to develop more agency trade. Special Attractions—>Little Theatres "The Yellovv Jacket," Coburn (Daly'.i 03i-d Street), (2nd week), revival. "An Enemy of the People," Walter Hampden's; revival; final week. "A Man with Hair," Garrick (2nd week) ; has poaslbllltles. "The Final Balance," Prbvlncetbwn. Civic Repertory; 14th Street; re- vival of "The Would-Be Gentle- man".added to bill Monday. "The Dark Mirror," Cherry Lans; opened last week to little promise. "SuhUp," Lucille L* .Verne (Prin- cess); revival.. Chi Aggregate Below For 12 Houses; 15 P. C, Drop 'mckbirds," $12,000 For 4 Boston Shows Boston, Nov. is. Business last week, while not as strong as the previouis wee.k. was still good enough to indicate that trade has turned the corner.. ■ ■The highest gross in town went to "Connecticut Yankee" at the Ma- jestic. Did t22,000, as compared with $24,000 the week before. "The Red Robe," also musical, again grossed $20,000. . The best bet of the week, how- ever, seemed to be "Blackbirds" at the "Tremont. Opening Thursday night, went through to capacity for the four performances, piling up better, than $12,t)00. It Is hailed as a hit- Playing at a $3 top, it can do better than $30,000 for the week, and this will be thousands better than any show has done in Boston this season. Last Week's Estimates ^A Connecticut Yankee" (Majes- tic, 3d week). Did $22,000, the big- gest money maker , in town. *The Red Robe" (Shubert, 3d week). Runner up with. $20,000, the same as recorded previous week. "Coquette" (Wilbur, 3d n week). Helen Hayes Is getting the play of the smart money in., town and grossed $17,000 last week, $1,000 un- der the high figure of the w'eek be- fore. . "Straight Thru the Door"" (Plym- outh, 1st week). In final week, "Si- lent House,'.' gross about $9,000. 'The Bachelor Father" (Hollls, last week). Show has held up vei*y well here; last week $16,000, off about $1,000, "Blackbirds'* (Tremont, 2d week). Big hit, gross about $12,000 for four performances and a great prospect. "The Ladder" (Boston Opera House, 1st week). Came here In a blaze of publicity, dilating on what a flop it had been In New Tork. Booked into a house where flops are not uncommon, including that of the Dempsey show a few weeks back. LA. . Lios Angeles, Nov. 13. Belasco and Mayan, neighboring show shops, .continue to lead the town in point of consistent business. Belasco with "Royal Family," sec- ond week, reported $15,000. Mayan, fourth Week,: "The. Marriage Bed," to $iO,000. Guy Bates Post ■ engagement In "The Play's the Thing" doing pretty well at Blltmbre. Second week, $9,500, Among pop priced ($1.25) attrac- tions "Night Stick," opening week at Prenldent, quoted $5,800. "Shan- nons of. Broadway,*' seventh week at liJl Capitan, holding strong at $5,500. "Best People," fifth week, TTpllywood Playhouse, completing Henry Duffy's local representation, fair at $4,600. Vine Street grossed $5,sno fifth week of "On Approval." "Desert Song" exited at Majestic after 22 weeks. Down to $8,000 final week, but got profitable takings along the route, and a long route ^for=thlS-.b.urg. -- . _ ^ _ JOHN EEINHAEfiT'S FILIIS r'- . Lofl Angeles, Nov. 1$. • J'dhn Rclnhardt, former acton has turned picture producer and la now directing hla own original story, "Satancsque" at the Metropolitan studios. Includes I?S:^ncis Ford, Nor- man Trevor, Florence Allen, Dlmltrl Alexia, Ferdinand Schuman Helnck and Jack Hoylo. It will be released on state rlffbte. Chicago, Nov. 13. . Tilings are 'way off In the legit field. The .sharp drop, of the previ- ous fortnight went still further, checking probably 16 per cent, lower than the prcvlbiis week. Over- night .iswitching is making for the added unsteo-diness Of the local pro- gram. ■• _ The total f^ross for the town (12 houses open) fell below $200,000, This figure was checked even ih- cjudlng the iwo fa;st steppers, "Rio Rita" and "Manhattan Mary" In the musical field; "Mary Dugan" and "The Gommund to Love" in .the dramatic lineup, , \ "Rio Rita" was Included in the 15 per cent, slip, although what mo- nientum the tpwn',s sales hiadi went to the Illinois, attraction. Checking $34,000, thei Zlegfeld show kept the town's total gross for the week from going dov^n, to a record low level. "Manhattan - Mary" (out In an- other, week) cjung to the runner-up spot, but" slipped slightly under $25,000.^ . "Gang War" got the booby prize, not figuring better than $3,000 in ill- fated two weeks at the Majestic. "Good News" has taken advantage of the situation of the pkst J three .weeks to sidestep thoughts of .a year's i-un. "The Selwyn piece of record-Breaking diniensibns goes out Thanksgiving week,: giving the at- traction- 41 weekis in Chicago at $4.40 top. -This is within six weeks of the house's record made by the Duncan Sisters at $3.30 top; Into the high-geared ."The Trial of Mary Dugan" the depression"also crept. Here the marked slow-up at the stands brought down the gross; coupled with the decline of the heavy balcony call. "Dugan," how- ever, looks safe until midyear. "The Command to Love" is wisely going out at the right time. The edge has been off "Command" for three weeks, but the early pace sends away this piece with splendid profits. "Command" should be a clean-up on the week stands to fol- low Chicago. "Queen's Husband" folded up quick, even after the reported slice in company salaries. ''Shannons of Broadway" moved Into the Cort Sunday. Of three other hew plays to arrive this week, both the Erlanger ("Keep Shufflln'") and the Maijes- tic ("Headin* South") had wretched advance sales, but were saved by the Sunday street niob at the win- dow. 'Interference" will have to de- pend upon the stand trade. Hardly a ripple was made in the balcony- seat charts for the first week up to Saturday afternoon. The first bunch of street scalpers popped up In front of the Woods last Week, selling tickets below box- bfflce prices for "Five o'clock Girl" "Porgy" will finish up the excel- lent engagement of the Theatre Guild at the Blackstone, sticking for five w^ks more, making six in all for the Guild. ». X Week's Estimates interference" (Garrick, 1st week) —Stepped into a fairly good Sunday opening gross (last minute sales), but not supported by satisfactory advance sales; ^^"The Skull" (Princess, 1st week, 3d week in town),—Switched from Garrick where spurty trade first week encouraged a further try. Operating expenses permit special ticket stunts to hold around $8,000 to $9,000, "He^fdin' SoTuth" (Majestic, let week),—Appeal made with $2.50 .scale. Plenty of capacity at this house if scale strikes right, "The Shannons of Broadway" (Cort, 1st week).—Quick decision after reported salary cut, removed Queen's Husband," which held okay for four weeks out of the eight, then blooey. "Keep Shufflin'" (Erlanger, list week). Limited two weeks may place this one In real coin column Roaring audience: generally checked for colored entertainment turned the highest opening attraction gross of the Week, „V*Porgy" (Blackstone. 2nd week, 8th week for Theatre Guild). Con- sidered strong enough around $20.- 000 to fulfill the Guild's booking time at this house, five weeks more. "(3ood News" (Selwyn. 39th week). Last two weeks. Edge off the last seven weeks, with slip first coming In balcony matinee call. Under $20,000 gross. "Burlesque" (Harris. 9th week). Hft^n't^Wffflr^thir^-eoiM" €xt)ected= hTit^ always on the profit side. Still be- ll.eve will go up again with the turn of general conditions. Around $13,000, ■ '\ ' ■ - ' "6 O'clock GJrr (Woods, Sd week). Marked sales In balconv slowed up week's grdas which got Its only help by a slight stand buy. Moderate around $18,000 "Rio Rita'* (nilnolS, 6th week) Out In front of everything. $34,000 proved the stren.gth of the can. "The Command to Love" (Studa- bftker, 11th week). Another week to go, seven weeks were high-geared $13 00?* .down around "Manhattan Mary" (Grand loth week) -Still going at good clip for an ordinary rigged, show but any- thing under $25,000 la time for this one to go to. next stand. About $2G.50O last week. . T *'Triai of Mary Dugan" (Woorto sidering the plugging piece has re- ceived. Should recover over $20O0ft which it didn't do last week -"^y Maryland" (Great Northern, nth week). Has slipped With the same rapidity with which It as- cended to sensation figures at the start, best illustration of the town'* uncertainty. Slightly under $i20.0 00 '1%"Miot " First Wk. in PhiOy Phlla:delphla;, Nov. 13. . Business in the 10 legit theatres showed promise of Improvement last week, but. not until Thursda.y night. Wednesday, day after election, marked the low ebb of attendance, bad all fall, gome of the grosses were, pitiful. Last week's . only smash again "Rosalie,"' at. the Erlanger. About $43,000. . VPolly," the big Hammerstein mu- sical comedy at the Shubert. was a disiappolntnient. "Polly" is not an- other "(Sblden Dawn" or "Good Boy," iand word-of-mouth has said so plenty. This week's openings Include Dracula," at the Broad; '"The Right Girl," at Chestnut, and"The Scarlet Woman," at Adelphi; Next Monday will also have three openings—"The Beaux's Strategem," at the Erlanger (one week only); "And So to Bed," at the Walnut, and ^'Arms and the Man," by the Guild at the Garrick. . The question is. How are they going to book Philly's 10 legit houses after the holidays, when the tryouts begin to fall off?. Estimates for Last Week . "Dracula" (Broad, Ist week)— Thriller in. for probably six weeks. "Macbeth" big disappointment; scale blanied. "Polly" (Shubert, 2d week)— Hamnnerstein musical comedy off to bad start. Chances against it beln?^ kept In for four .weeks planned, Around $15,000. "The' Guardsman" (Garrick, 2d week)—Theatre Guild's first bad surprisingly ismall window sale, al- though subscription campaign gave promise. Couldn't hit $15,000. "The Lady Lies" (Walnut, 2d week)^New. drama found going rough and lucky to get $5,000. Given outside chance by the critics. '■■ "The Right Girl" (Ch^tnut, 1st week)—This one shoved In for two weeks prior to New York opening. "Mary Dugan" (Keith's, 4th week) ^Sure to set long run record of fall season. Still-strong at $16,000. "Music in May" (Forrest, 3d week) —Operetta still in uncertain class. Plugged for run, but go far In-and- outer. $18,000 claimed.. "Rosalie" (Erlanger, 3d week)-r« Only real musical smash this fali Got $43,000 In siecond week. "The Soarlet Woman" (Adelphi, 1st week)—Pauline Frederick drama in for two weeks. "The Royal Family" (Lyric, 3d week)—Dramatic leader of towTv last week; $16,000,. . ^^...^'/....^..^^u: Mus. Stock at Belasco Washington, Nov, 13, Pauline Frederick in "Tiie Scar- let Woman" got about $8,600 last week at the Belasco. House sched- uled, for musical stock opening Thanksgiving week, with the trans- ference here from Toronto of Charles Emerson Cooke's company. Poll's had "Abie's Irish Rose" for a repeat and got $6,800. Real money getter was "Hit tM Deck," first musical An town m many a month. At $3 top $24,000 on six nights and two ma.tlnees. Two Weeks With Pay . Vancouver, Nov. 13. , Duffy's stock players are havln* a two weeks' vacation on full sal- ary. ""Tt'»:=:l)ecSa8« kelth's--wanted^^^ play the DeMIlle special film, "Klntf of Klng^i" for that period at tb« Orpheiim. . ^ . " To accommodate the owner of thei.' house, Henry Duffy told hla folk* to enjoy themselves nieanwhll* They reopen next week* Musical "Scaramouch*" Charlea I* Wagner is to produo* a musical version ot "Scar** mouche,"