Variety (Nov 1928)

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56 VARIETY MUSIC-RADIO Wednesday, November X4, 1928 LONDON COP SUSPENDED; RAID TIPS SUSPECTED Several Nite Clubs Now Just Restaurants—Send Out for Booze .London,•Nov. 2. Followinfi: on, the 'exiample of the kit. Cat and the Silver Slippor, the Stage Door Club is to open in a few weeks as a. restaurant. As there Is no pos.sibility of an excise license being granted the new concern un- der any circumstances,, the manage- ment will have to form a sort, of al- liance with one of several nearby public houses and employ runners to-meet spirituous needs of patrons. The Stage Poor was, more se- verely treated than other, clubs have been, the fines amounting to' close on 15,660, As is. now usual In such cases, the prosecution , claimed the club had been warned on a previous occasion that a raid was to talce place, with the result nothing was to be found until the club was again lulled into security and ah unex- MONTANA SPECIAL Vetoes Theme Songs ACUTE UNION MAHER (Continued from p9-ge 51) representing the A." F. L.. the union agents and managera' body ,com- municated with thd stage hands u:.ioh, the musicians union, team-. ] 3ters and Eqiilty, asking for moral support. The letter to the afflllated unions stated that moral suppoirt might be requested but a clause did more than imply that request. .It read: "Tou arid the members of your organization can be of great help to us, if when a show plays your waiter. ,1" ^^ory case recently alle po^^^^ trades unionism, gatiohs have boon made that, tne | Pt j-.a»ur club authorities: have, been previ- Unvisual angle In "The Wo- man Disputed." After exploi- tation department, of Uiritod Arti.sts had- arrang.ed and pub- li.shod a theme song for picture Dr; Hugo RiC'senfoId refused to the th.cme song in the syn^ • chronized score. liiosenfcld also rejected an otilcial thcmie song for 'Temp- est" when .sync^hronizing, that picture f6'r U. A. ■ ously warned and this has led to a sort of court martial at Scotland Yard. One officer, who strenuously deriies. the allegations, is said to be which means you." Action-Threatened The communication further stated that the producers refused to rec- International Reps An Intornatlonar reputation is becoming about the most valuable asset of class night club performers. , Three or four are now in Nev* York. It is noticed In the early draw 6f their place^ that the majority of the high paying couvertis are those Who have seen the floor people In cafes of London and Paris. Many of these are foreigners and more, returned Ne^ York- ers from abroad. . Should the nite club .thing eridure in Europe and in New York, it is but a, matter of, time these specialized perform- ers will open their own clubs, in order that their name shall be the sole draw,, as it will be, FRIENDLY DATE Clayton, Jackson and Durante's opening Sunday at the Silver Slip- Leonard at Mirador Bill Duffy gave Bobby Her.shad • and his Meyer Davis Orchestra two weeks' notice, although satisfied with tho band, In order to bring Harold Leonard and his orchestra Ir. for the opening of the new show at the Club Mirador Nov. 22. Roy Mack Is staging a reyue, re- taining most of tho people current at the Mirador, with Arthur Gor- donl a? rn. c. and The Jennings, dancers. Bee Jackson, Evelyn Mar- tin and Marguerite Howard among them. ■ Harry , J. Susskind is managing the Mirador aithough Duffy is sub- stantially interested. Duffy had Leonard out with tha McCarthy, Sisters in vaudeville. Act split up, both going It alone. Leonard Is current in Keith vaude- ville and may continue doubling around from the cafe. 4.aiu.. i^^-y i.^ -ha}^"^'- y'.""^'-'^^^'' —', " . nnpnine- Sunday at the saver owp- deriies.. the allegations, is said to be \ union and enter. m * oer fo? the Bill Duffy crowd is a suspected and has been suspended eontracfbecause of their fe^^^hat P^r for ^^^^^'^^^ ^^he Shnozzle from .duty until he.oither proves his ^^^^^ company man- J^j^"^^^ Jj^f "frg'^eaexclualve^ for innocence of'■running^^^^^^ through their afltlliatlon with 1^.° 'hf tl Sm^^ and hunting with the hounds, or his superiors prove his guilt.. ROY SMEGK STAGE MODEL "SILVER BELL 99 Illustrated Lists FREE THE BACONBANJO CO. tne. GROTON, CONN. Hunter Island Now Leader Of Pelham Roadhduses the A. F. of L. might benefit the membership of your organization. I In substance we were told the ar- bitrary and unfair actions of mem- bers of your organization in past years made It Impossible for pro- r- . -, , ducers to grant recognition to this Chic Goldman is running the organization aa long as we were Vanities nite club at 7th avenue, affiliated with the American Feder- and 5Dth street, his brother. Jack, Ution of Labor,. .Within a short having, withdrawn. • time unless there Is a decided Mcanwiiile Jack is continuing change in the attitude of th© pro- with the Castillian up Pelham road, ducers towards this organization, It not having sold to Gene Geiger as will be necessary for us to take, reported. .drastic action.- Gelger, who operates Woodman- claimed the producers of- sten Inn and the Pelham, Heath Inn, U^j-eA ^ closed shop agreement, siml- the latter opposite Castillian, Is re- lar In point to that with the Dra- ported dissatisfied ' with conditions L^g^^jg^g Guild but with the proviso as found at the Pelham Heath. He UYvKt the A. t! A. M. withdraw, from The Outstanding Sonfl Hi! from the . New 1928 Earl Caproll's "Vanities" "Blue Shadows" "Once in a Lifetime" "Rapel" Sing Them—Play Them— Buy Them RpBBiNS Music Corporation 799 Seventh Avcmig.WcwYoik ♦ ^=TT.'BFrT. i;iag.ra=rf°° nite clubs to Tommy Marlowe, but unable to find a suitable spot they inade an amicable arrangement with the Slipper management. The boys didn't like the Parody any more and turned down Geiger's Rendezvous- The Slipper will have a floor show surrounding the boys. JImmie Durante's band will officiate on the dance music, replacing Jimmy Carr. Wilfred C Heck Is organizing' a string jazz orchestra of 11, pieces. Meyer Davis* Yacht Club Boys, under the direction of Billy Mann, switch from the Ambassador Hotel to the Club Mirador-. tomorrow night. Van Senden's orchestra as iouna,ai tne x-cmam ~- | tnat me a:, x. a. iu,. wivnut^aw. xium i w'lll . succeed the Davis unit , at the niay bounce that road house back kj^g A. F. L. The closed shop Idea lAmbalssador. to its former owner, Dave Broun-I promptly denied by the pro- ' stein.' I ducers. Concessions as to work- Woodmansten'Is having fair trade conditions, notice of dismissal, during the week,, balancing with its salary wer© conceded week-end business. I by the managers' association. The Up the Pelham . road. Hunter 1 has been offered to the Thear Island Inn Is re-establishing itself, .! ^^^^3,1 Press Representatives Asso- It Is again under the sole direction j ^j^^ it has been claimed, of Arthur MacLean and with the I ^j^j^^^^ that not until the Dinty Moore orchestra returned. I ^j^j^^ .^J^3 formed did the man- Between the two. Hunter Island la jagers make the .«5onces8lons regaining its fading prestige. It is ACHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERFT VtM WEST 48TH STREET Eail .f Breadwa/ LEADING ORCHESTRAS DIRECTORY IRVING AASQNSil now reported as about the most con-r The producers take the attitude and HIS COMMANDERS Now featured with Irene Bordoni's "Pari*" --— ^ ■ ^ lof not belleviniBr that union agents slstent business getter on the roafl. company managers cannot be . ^ »„,^„ v^^n v having taken that honor away from ^n^^^^ P^J^ who own attractions MUSIC BOX, NEW YORK Woodmansten within the past two . the same-time carry out Th«»tr«. Club Richman months. VANITY FAIR OPENING- ^ Chicago, Nev. 13. Vanity Fair cafe opens the win- ter season with a new shoilj? to- night (Tuesday). Floor show in- cludes Buddy Whelan, Helen Sav and at the . same - time carry out allegiance to the A. F. of L. The producers say that most of their difficulties are traceable to unions associated with the the theatre^ stage hands, musicians, transfer men and actors , (E3quity) the same blame ao^plylng to present condi- tions on tour and the virtual col- lapse of the road. Thie A- T. A, M. PHIL FABELLO age, Charlotte Van Dal. Jean An- I contend that through organization trim, Jane McAllister, Emma I—^ — *u- and His <• ORCHESTRA LOEWS 7th AVENUE THEATRE New York City I Adams, Edna White and Mary Graliam. Keith Beechoir's orchestra. BORN TO BE LAUGHED AT Uexi Week (Nov, 19) Harry Howard STATE, NEW YORK MOEEIS BOOKING FROLICS Chicago, Nov. la. Local William Morris office will book and supervise all the shows at tirtj Frolics cafe, which reopens Nov. 21. Ohio's Radio Censor I fruitful in that the producers in Out in Ohio they censor thS Word „ . concessions, really admlt- and co-operation with the pro- ducers they can labor for the come- back oic the road. What action may bo taken by allied stage unions in support of the A. T. A- M. will be Indicated at the A., of Im national convention, opening Nov. It at New Orleans. Importance The agents and managers feel that while union recognition was hot granted, the conference Was MAL BALLET I 1 AND HIS ORCHESTRA TOURING N. E. BALLROOMS Personal Management CHARLES SHRIBMAN Salem, Mass. 1 "bootlegger" in radio talks. Gen. offering concessions, really admit- GEORGE LIPSCHULTZ Leading Organists in New York B ILLY ARNES "bnr.ANTSTK MODERNB" I uuuLitfc,c,v^' V" — • —i ted the A. T. A. M. to be a body Jacob S. Coxcy of "Coxcy's Army iniportant in the theaitre. fame found this out in his pre- \. „ i, . ^ , * Section deposit of $70,000 for a 15-. ^. No strikes are anUc pated at this minute spiel over the air at Massll- time, .So far as Equity s con- ion, O. It was refunded when he ^emed, no syinpathetic strike can nslsted on using the •'bootie" term occur untir 193V The I- V- *^ +v,^> f^rya "rvaTrin" 1 ^Horal support leave Equity In a m his speech to the fans. Damn ^^^^^ delicate position. The basic [also was out. 'Minimum Agreement with the Managers' Protective Association, Belle Mann's Contract I comprising 50 per cent of Broad- Belle Mann, syncopating warbler, hvay-s producers stipulates ^against through her singing of numbers In stnke participation for 10 years the sjT}chroni7.ed Dart of -show starting May, 1924. Girl" at the Strand, New York, last j . : nnd Ula Sm FRANCIS DRAKE HOtBX ; ' , Concert Orchestra, Also Doubling Royal Tlieatr« SAN .FRANCISCO THE ORIGINAL DINTY MOORE now at ARTHUR MacLEAN'S HUNTER ISLAND INN Pelham Shore Road, N. Y. FROM DETROIT JEAN GOLPKETTEI Orchestras VICTOR RECORDS Office: 812 Book Tovyer DETROIT DICK GASPARREI and His ORCHESTRA HOTEL PLAZA, New York City Pereonnl R«p.: H. SCOTT PATON , Permanent Address: 48 W. 60th St., N. T. C. Circle 10307 FRANK" JENKS'l M. C. and Orchestra I<eader Now In 21»t Week Appearing with PubUx Units METROPOLITAN THEATRE LOS ANGELES VINCENT LOPEZl and His ORCHESTRA Exclusive Brunswick Artist WOODMANSTEN INN Pelham Parkway, N. Y. Loew'a Stato Thontro, Times Sq., N. T. weok, landed an exclusive contract with A'ictor for one year. Eddie Schwartz Keith-Albee Theatres, . N.CMV York : Proctor*s Fifth AyeV Theatre JACK SKELLY At the Wurlitzer Keith-Albee WHITE PLAINS THEATRE Jacoby Moves to Marks Fritxi Jiicoby, formerly with Tliirms, Is now professional man- ager for K. B. Marks. INCORPORATIONS N^IiW YOHK .Movio I'^ililors, .Manhiittnn, pictures; Arlllur 11. LouclcS, Joliu A. Norllrig, WiilUT Hall. ^ I'uulNoii AnUisomont Co., Mnnntttian, lievlci's, $2ii,0OU; Ainics Atartln, May KelUy, - Jiiool) /ixloriul. Crotou AiuiiHoinont Co., M;inhaltan, [ devloos, $2i),0O0; AcnoH Wiirtln, JAny llellly, Jiu-ol) Axl(>ni(l, I.*HSor-\Vari)<>i- I'rodiu-Init Corp., Now York, iiiclur ^»ino Hiolifl, Uolls Dal»- tow, Serena Kloia. JUDGMENTS RIJa Operating Corp.'and L. I. M. P. Co, Inc.; B, Hoffman; costs; I $115. Sam Sax; S. Ungrerlolder et aL; $789, Commodore Athletic Club> Inc.; a3nywiviiVgrIvliTg="& e6vV?^$B08 Irving Theatre Corp.; Eldredge Co.; $549. , Irving Lesser; Eleael Holding "Co., Inc.; $1,874. Same; Rit«-Carlton Hdtel Corp.; $h'G!). Walter GL Douglas; Henry Water- aon; $4,183. Isa Kremerj Musical Courier Co., Inc.; $256. Steeplechase Amus. Co, InM J. Murphy, by gdrt.; costa, $83. GEORGE OLSEN JEllYROLL.MQlfflll and His Eed Hot Peppers victor Becordlne Artist* ^ The Originator of Jax« and Stomp* S4th Week, Itose Dniicolftiid Communicate for Open Tim* Management M. O. A. ^ Permanent Address: Vorloty. New AND HIS MUSIC SOON F. ZIEGFELD'S "WHOOPEE" Starring Eddie Cantor -"=---- omeM-^o'-\vost 43a>'tFoei= -- New Xork city PARISIAN RED^HEADS I America's Greatest Girl Band This Week, Albee, Cincinnati Week Nov. 11, Tnlnce, So. Bend, Ind., and Capitol, I)iivi>ni>ort, Iowa Pcrnmnpnt AddrcBn tt West North St.. Indlanopolls. IndL WILL PRIOR And His Concert Orchestra at JJnited Jk^tk: IJi^^ Los Angeles PAUL WHITEMANl And His Greater Orchestra CONCERT TOUR Office: 1660 BROADWAY, N. V. 6. T'orsoiial Dlrortirfn. JA.MES r. ClM-ESl'ITS