Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 14, 1928 VARIETY 59 VARIEH'S CHICAGO OFFICE HAL HALPERIN in Charge Woods Bldg., S^ite 604 Phones; Central 0644^4401 CHICAGO Professionals have the free Use of Variety's Chicago Officei for intormation. Mail may be addressod care Variety, Woods BIdg., Chicago. It Will be held subject to call, forwarded or advertised in Variety's Letter -List- : Palace A couplG of bright highlights alibi B. slow-moving and sorheti'ines. tedi- ous program here this week. Most potent interval, likewise the big draw, was Sophie ;Twcker holding down fifth spot for her second week. Soph brought out a, new drop and changed most of her huinbcrs for the repeat, and went even bigger than last week, mini singing band, 17 collegians from Illinois university, followed Intermission and impressed as a lirst class novelty act, espiecially for this territory. The boys feature a vocal and instrumental medley of Big 10 college song's,, and close with two pop numbers. Costumes are . military, and further flash in pro- vided T)y ah acrobatic drum major. jBill didn't run as. programmed. Zastro and White revue, mixture o.f dance and song worked, by. four girls end ;th(2 featured nriale tearri, Is weak In the interlude held by the song girls Avhb spoil a good act. " Paxton, youthful memory expert, was shoved from sixth to deuce and naturally slowed things consider-; ably there^ His giving pop- ulation and information about a;ny city named, and memorizing num- bers on dollar bills. Audience is provided with a sheet bearing popu- lation figures, and incidental talk is done by William Smythe, Who erroneously claims this is the boy's first vaude appearance, . Seen at least '18 months ago. at the ilialto. Best bookings for the act are where it may be.exjpected as feature stuff. ^ Maria Valente, third', sechas new to this city and is advertised as a. European vfiude star. She's a com- bination of comedienne •and tricif musician, using accordion, concer- tina, metal plates, xylophone ■ and tarribourine. An accordionist as- sists. Scored big here despite the sometimes . intine European panto- mime antics. Bud Harris and. Van, coloi'ed comedy team applying blackl^ce on black; opened strOn.? as a pair Of. illiterate piano moyerS: but weakened a little, later with a bunch of songs. -Mary Haynos . held . next-t9-clos- Ing, losing part of her usual results because of the earlier appearance of Sophie Tucker. When two femme ditty singers with boys at the piano get on one bill, one has to take, it in the neck. Miss Haynes for all that is a standard comody single. Uessems, head-balancing and jug- gling act, closed. Almost full house. Bing. present material is well knit and provokes high percentage of laughs. Shaw and Carroll Revue . went strong to a corking finish. Carl Sliaw's tanglefoot hoofing Is tlie outstanding thing In the tiu'n, while Jean Carroll is there with the graceful movehients, too. Bright, upright flash. Bert Hanlon In the pre-shut posi- tion to a cycle of laughs, guffaws and snickers. Hanlon's stuff is ,of th6 smart atid wise crackin' type that should be a pushover in big towns. Charles Bennington and newsboy harmonica band closed to good re- turns, holding 'em in. . Boys are cleyer. Bennington does some buck and wings oh his peg leg in credi- table style, then brings out; his- ti'oupe with fake stumps for a nov- elty dance di-lll. Franklyn D'Amore and Rosalind ■Ruby not taught this show. Pic- ture, "Singapore Mutiny." LOop, American Wednesday night is bargain night. Plenty entertainment for 30c. is a di'a-w. Feature picture and seven or eight vaude acts. Resides, girls, and onis of the cboys was a Madi.spn St. wow with a comedy ditty. • : Ling Joey, opening ^Ts'ew Acts), plays a uke and sings with little merit. Second were Skipper and Hall, male team of tenor stvaighi and fat singing comic. Tenor's solo is best, with humor just about right for, les!5er time spots. Dorothy Olive' and CO., third, is a mother-father-. daughter act with the daughter fea- tured and going after versatility. She sings poorly, plays fiddle and sax-clarinet fairly, and dances slightly. Pa plays piano and gags' while mother assists generally. Mext-to-closing were Price and Gilmore, dead-pan girl comedienne and ma,le straight. Ai..ied at tlie lower houses, and should carry. "Black. Butterflies"- (Quality) film feature, Toll, two-bits. ning^ Chiragp Comedy Club will hold a .general meeting Wednesday night for the .selection of candidates fbr eleftion of ofncyrs. ' Plenty of changes jn South Bend theatres. Chas. A.. McDaniols, man- ager of Granada, (pictures) replaces State-Lake Good all around entertainment in the seven acts this week. Sunday noon found everyone on time with not as many stage waits as usual. ' WulfC and Jerome, two men acro- clowns, started off with snappy rou- tines of calesthenlcs. Including mid- air tumbling perfectly timed. Ates and Darling, next, with familiar hoke patter and incidental , instru- ments. Miss Darling foils brightly ■while showing off a neat figure and considerable looks. She has a sweet toned voice.^ ■Francis Renault hasn't played this house In several years, so unfamil- iar to a good many. Didn't make much difference. Renault know.'ii how to sell his wares. Works alone this year. Piano player could bo used handily, though, between his changes. Eddie Allen and Doris Canfield followed and clicked easily. Their We Serve Only What We Know How to Make Best MOVIE GRILL Where All the Stars Meet iand Eat Delicious and Wholesome. FOOD 171 No. Dearborn St. the house has undergone some changes, and now Is airy and a com- fortable spot. Last Wednesday the rain couldn't stop .t capacity main floor by 8 o'clock. Eight turns on. the stage followed in monotonous order and didn't bring out anything hovel. Openers were the O'Brien Sisters and Mack, musical trio feat- uring saxophones. Got by to mod- erate returns. Waiter Springer, monoldgist, next With character studies and time- worn Scotch gags. Springer is not a forcible talker, so he must depend on better material for delivery. Colored quartet, "So Different FodrJ' were not so different after all. > Regulation harmony numbers. Boys aire not modern enough in feithef dress or demeanor. La Vigle & Co.; name doesn't mean anything, but the blonde cutle who warbles coloratura notes while dropping gently lady-like ' cuss words does. The gal carries the act, two males who are secondary. Taylor and Kane, just two boys trying hard for laughs with cross- fire quips and rehashed gags. Good opening, but can't stand up after that. Gladys Conrad & Co. was the wc.'ik sister on the layout. Two adagio couples anjl a pianist'e are just that and no more. Too slow. Some more wise cracks, mcstly too wise, were handed out by Mohr and Buhl, mixed team in blackface and tan. "Blue" yearns ahd' gags are not Just ,the thing for family audi- ences. Closing turn, the Pour Bradnas, standard novelty act around for years. Should be working the fam- ily vaude houses without trouble: Well routined with an effectively strong-finish. • Emil Jannlngs in "Street of Sin" (Par), :on the screen. , Loop. Academy Genteel audience for tnls Halsted and Madison stand Thursday night, marred . by .' one bloke referring ,fluently to somebody behind him a.s a dirty several times. Also the usual guard to stop flaming youth from banging time with the metal rings supporting the box cur- tains. The management presewes admirable ordipr considering this Is a .spot where anything can happen— and oftfen does. Among the vaudeville the Six Mullens, juvenile vocal act with fqtir girls and two boys, showed n1 ij y^In"€l oSlng'^BiTotr =^Rcal ly-good folk harmony is handled by the Che Clarldae 1244 N. DEARBORN, CHICAGO. SUPERIOR 4980 Swimming Pool—Gymnasium—'Rehearsal Hall RofAO WaaL-Iw ^Single—$9.00 to $15.00 . nanes wveeKiy looubie—$10.50 to $21.00 We pay your transportation by taxi from any statioo in the cHy George Gordon at Palace (Keith vaude), LeKoy Williams . moves to Granada from Orpheum (pic- tures); latter is reported to close in two -weeks. Giffbrd-Jaclcson Co., dramatic stock, nine weeks at Blackstone, moves to Oliver,^ clo-sed so far this season. Bob Sherman is hianager. Blackstone books Sun musical tab for a try. Max Goldin Co. opening 11. H. S. Cohen, manager Oliver, goes to Springfield, 111., to assist Dinty jyioore with Orpheum houses. ,Klrk Lucas, new leading man for Gifford-Jackson, opens in "Apple- sauce" 11. Albert Patterson comes from Flint, Mich., as new director. Colfax with sound pictures still clicking. •With the. CongreiSpB, L&T house, discounting vaude for sound policy- and eliminating its 1»it orchestra, the 11 musicians in the band are being, paid full salaries for the next three weeks and not working. The Provincetown Players of New York have taken a .^liort term lease on the and will, open Nov. 19 with "In Abraham's Bosom." Company has been on the road usually playing under au.spice.s of societies and organizations. Johnny Petrone and his Musical Kings replaced Don Morgan's outfit at the Club. Royale. L Dave VCurley" Ross, associated with Roy Mack the past two years, has taken over Mack's office here. Johnny Bernero, for years treas- urer at the Studcbakcr, i.s now man- ager of the Playhouse, next door. . Armo theatre, new helghborhoorl,/South Bend, Irid., opens till:-- week with grind picture policy. - Ar- thur and Morris Lehrman are owner.«!. "The Shannons of Broadway" opened at the. Cort Nov. 31, replac- ing "TbfvQueon'sIIusbanfl.'' - T. H. RUbln of Flnkelsteln. and Rubin circuit has made a new con- tract with the Diamond-Sun ofllfo for the continuation of vaude book- ing.s. Temporary pwitching of B. & K. m. c.'s this week includr's ark Fl.<<hf>r from Paradise to A1 Kv.<ile ■ from -Nor,«hDrc=^t<l.^^ (Ilpo, and Al Mor^y from Harding to Nor.°hr)re. • MINNEAPOLIS By LESTER REES Hennepin—"Show People"vaude. Metropolitan—Dark. Shubert—Driimatic stock. Pantages^—' Court Muriial"-vaude, Palace—Comedy tab. Gayety—Mut\ial bur. Minnesota^-Docks. Of N. Y."- .stage show. State—"Sunrise." Strand—"Biittle of Soxes." Lyric—"TakeMe ilome." Grand—"Daughter" Ud loop run). Betty Compson in two pictures this .week—"J.ioeks." at Minne.sota,' ;ind "Court Martial," at I'antages. . irnited ArtLsts. was very .much out in front along the local rialto, last \voelc with, its product oh view at both ihe leading film ho.use.s here. Minnesota, "Woman Disiniteil," and State, ."Tempest." Seldom any pro- ducing firm gets such a breaic, . Following "The Wedding March" ,'and "Wings," the Strahd lowered Its night price from COc. to uOo. liouse wired, .without ..Orchestra or stage, show; . ' . , ' Seventh Street, former Ass'h viiudfilm house, continues to remain dark. ' Garrick, former lirst-ruh F. & R, movie house, 2,000-sea ter, across, the street and adjoining the Strand, also remu Ins dark as far .as tlie silent ■ drama, is concerned. Rented frequently. State announces midnight .show as regUlar Saturday feature. F. .& R.-Publlx. rotating pit or- chestra directors of the Minnesota, State and. St. Paul Capitol. As "guests," directors will remain at a house several weekis at a. stretch. The Grand, second-run loop F. & R. house, now advertises first loop run of M-G-M pictures, with, sound, Pictures show at Hennepin without sound, Keith theatre lacking wire equipment, , Metropolitan will be dark until Nov. 26. Thanksgiving, week, "Hit the Deck." . Local theatres agreed to charge advanced holiday prices for the first time on- any election day, Nov. 6. The tilted antes helped to swell grosses, business was blg.all aro%ntl and there -were no squawks by the public. Finkelstein & Ruben have moved into their new general office build- ing. AH executive departments a,re housed in the new structure, ' ' . SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP Eight-page .section of the Van- couver Star recently devoted , to the Henry Duffy theatres of the west. Earl Coo]*, manager for Pan at Tacoma, Is now northwest manager and in charge directly of the Seattle PantageS) succeeding J. Lloyd Dearth, who resigned to accept a managerial job at the Capitol, Van- couver, Canadlah-F.-P. Ch.auncey Smith man.ager of Cheerio, V chain house In suburb. K. L. BUrke, manager for U chain, hack from Oregon where he helped Mike. .Ne\vman for a short time in several towns'thSt had the Sunday .closing law up for a vote.. '.Showboat, Seattle's newest night club. Colored orchestra. Jar'k Reid, m. c. at Erhba.ssy. Thirty minute stage show, includ- ing girl clior.u.s. " Datiny Dimc.'m ta-b'-''.tn'i'--IrTil -hqji J h^en rout»^d ovf-r th" Cirf-nt ."^tati-H ' time as a variation from va'idf*. Pitf.i nf ihf Rialto and Fox the- ntrrs in Aurora, III., rin: b'-i";,' ra/i-d for construrfIon by drf-at St.'ifr'« nf a .1/iOn-s''.at hou,<=o to bo cillod th" Venoflan, Rlalfo wa.c rulnf-d and j th*» Fox was damaged by fire sev- eral weeks ago. NEWARK, N. J. r By C. R. AUSTIN Broad—"Much Ado. About Noth- ing." Shubert—"My Maryland." Proctor's — Vaude — "His Private Life." . Loew's State—Vau(3e—"Win That- Oirl." Newark — Vaude — "Man Who Laut-'li.s." Branford — ".Show Girl"— M. C. policy. . Mosque — "\A'odding March" — " Fo>rTer"mrh"a'I".?'.T^7"irf°-So W'.-fk). t^lialto—"Hubniarinr," rrid wrt-ky. , . Xjapitol.r:'.\<.>vf.r ih*- }i}l]:'-.-:'i;<:!ni- but DiJ'rni'r." . ' • Goodwin--'T/K- Tenor." Empire ''I/iflln Thru." Orpheum- (^Jll>r^d t.'il^—rfih/is. Sanford, Irving ton—" VValerfrortt" —M. C. polioy. did well, .>ranager Knule, Procior'e, sousiiig thu bad busiiu'.ss, sent out a bus with a.ballyhoo to factories n n d olUce build inKs. AV hen tlie ballyhoo had dnho its work tickeits for the show were sold from the bus. After spending a year plugging the ."iOc toi) in evoVy bit of cOpy. used,. Proctor's has gone to 60c top evenings. 'Rumored the liouse will run five, shows Sundays; Business Sundays has jumped since the fbange to Sunday openings from Mondays. Plioiotone rept)rted to jstart Dec. I. An action has been started In the I'nitod States Court in Trenton by the Roxy Theatres Corporation .tind Samuel I. Rotbafel of New York asking tiiat the Roxy -Theatrical- Enterprises, Inc. (Ix)uis CVoIdfarb and Morton M. Bratter) be re- straiived from operating a theatre in Ii\vingt6h under the name Roxe. Edward M. Waldron, contractor, has . inirclui.'^od the: old Essex Club building on P;irk pl.ace next to the Rolvci't Treat Hot<'l iind plans.a n.ew. theatre, with other buildihg.s. .. Ralph. Kellard, playing with thie Duffy .stock company In California, has sold his hoine in Rye, N. Y., and will live perm.ariently on the Coast,, whither his wife and children presently will journey. When in Chicago Viait These Hit* SAAI H. . Matlneps Weilnosilay . and ARRIS Satura.ay; Arthur Kopkins Presents; l)lr<!c-t from a year's run *n New Vork; tlie Great Comedy Success ■ Xnllod "KUKLKSQUE," with .: Hal Skelly and Barbara Stanwyck SELWYN Mats. Thnra. and Eat. SCHVI^AB and .MANDEL Brlnii Tou THE NKtV COIXEGIATB MUSICAL COMKUT "GOOD NEWS" with on ALL-AMERICAN TEAM OF PLAYEBS FORTY FlyAITER l-'RBSHIEg VnE LYMAN (UlmNcIf) A IIIS ORCB. A. H. WOOD.S' ADELPHI MATS. •WED. and SAT. A. H. WOODS' "The TRIAL OF MAEY DUGAN" By nayard Velller with ANN HARDING end Original New York Caat STUDEBAKER Mat. Today MART BASIL Violet Kemple NASH EATHBONE , COOPEE IIKNIIY FEKDINAND STEPHENSON GOTTSCHALK AnolHted by Original Cast In tli« Coiitlnentul Comedy HonHutlon The Command to Love WOODS Wfvtlnee !?aturday Only Tho Aristocrat of Musical ComcdIoB I'hlUp OoodiTi.Tri I'rfscniH MAUY AND . OSPAR EATON SHAW in THE 5 O'CLOCK GIRL" with Port KftUon Sha\v & Lee J.'i':lc Norton' IJUriny Dare Orlt'irial New York Ca^t and Production ILLINOIS it.. f,. KrlanKcr & TInrry J. Poworii; .VlKre. . ZIEGFELO SENSATIONAL SUCCESS RIO RITA ■ A.s ■pri'.sciiU'il 2 s<'H'flns In Zlcsfrtd , Tlirairn, New York, wllh this grnat cart; hilielhid Terry • J. Ilsrolil .MUrrny llcTt Wlicc'lcr ' Jldlicrt Wiyihcy Vln<-inl Scrrnho .' Mario Dayiie IC - AM'.HJtTINA nAfiCnDA.NC Bna-18 I'ifi y.l|.Kfp|d ItiaiiUea—.mo . Mri.<-t. of (liP lif)'lf.r.«:, r;ir> I;if'll.i:-'l)t liov.- '!'.!i'in rii"Iit f'. 'li-.-iMrou-■ ifMjU.-. Only Locw'n uik) I'roi.uu-'.^ I GARRICK GILBERT MILLER Presents Interference A Melodrama of the.Upperworld —niTir— Phoebe Fog.ter Hilda Moore • €RLANGER 7^;"~"- I'OIUCM'iI-T (.:< iT.i'flKT) (•.(•MTf'S - Miller & Lyles in "KEEP SHUFFLIN'" tN co.Ml'AJsr moc.tI/Y gxkm