Variety (Nov 1928)

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60 VARIETY Wednesday, November 14, }B28 TORONTO By GORDON SINCLAIR Royal Alexandra—"Lovely Lady" (tuuKicul; $3.30 top). .. ■ Pi{incess—•'tfiri-il)a"-Mr.. and . Mr3. Martin Johnson. ■ Pahtages — '•Qbey the Law - , Vaude.' ' „ ; ■ v ,. Ertipir-e — "Whispering Fnends .(Kpppie' fjt.ock). ,', ' ^ ' / Hip—'Captain Swagger'.'-vaude. Loew's—"Brotherly. Loyf"-vaude.. Uptown—"Mother Knows Best"- M.ovietone (2d week). . .• Tivoli _ "Four Sons"-Movietone .(2d week); .„, Regent^"Carry On. Sergeant -. Canadian film (first shovvine:). / ■ - Victoria-—"Lady Be Good". (st6ck). Massey; Hall—Toronto Symphony Orchestra. After two seasons of sinker and; coffee va.udevillo. Palace, ace FP nel£?hborhood here, retyrns to alleged amateur stuff while the Eastwood has gone In for Oppor- tunity Night"—also .alleged. Uptown ■ has stuck a half dollar flat rate oh admissions between^ » and 6:30 p: m.^ Four main sreni grind housoshave gone in for program.? startmg SI a. m. Dimes. A. 1.200 seater to cost '$200,000 with additional $25,000 set aside for an organ is to be built by Empire Theatres. Ltd., at Lethbridge, Al- berta,, ■ . 4lthou^h not . on censors!; order, •'Underworld" (Par) is being re- leased, bv Regal Films in Ontario, as ' Obey the Law," with cfertain ob- vious Americanisms deleted, Biz ■■fair* :' ■ Hon. w; E. N. Sinclair, Liberal leader (out oi ..ofRce) in the On- tario Parliament, has taken up .the fight by picture hi:en against Con- . tinuation of the 10 per cent amus(^- ment tax here arid will demand its repeal by the governnient this win- ter,.. - " ■ . Premiere of International Films first Canadian effort, "Carry On, Sergeant," was big Thanksgivln* dav event. Running on two-a-day scale at $1.65 ton with Bruce Bairnsfather,, director and author, making personal appearances. ' Charles Eriimerson Cooke closes tiext week and takes his musical stock to the Belasco theatre, Wash ihgton. It was brought here by !• P to fill the Victoria after a good sum- mer In Montreal. Returns failed to satisfy F. P. . Erlanger'3 Princess had a poor- week with try-out of "The Royal Box" with Walker Whiteside. Toronto Star Weekly linked, up with acts at Sho;i's-Hippodroiac to b r d a d c a 9 t o n e - hour program v'ockly.' • For first time in history of Up- town, ace' FP bouse ivere,^ picture holding over this week. ^fother Knows Best" (Fox:) being first dia- log picture, drew on curiosity. BOSTON MINERS MAKE XJP Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. New magazine, patterned after the Xew. Vorker, made its Ijow with a November i^jsue. It's called The New Englander. Ray Shanahan^ Whose drawings, are used m^several New York drama pages, did the cover design and does the makeup. Elliot Norton, a well-known by-line man on The Boston Post, is another contributor. In. a 32-page issue, it carried about 12 pages of advertis- ing. A member of a promlnient ad- vertising concern is interested in the magazine. The business manager of a morn- ing and afternoon paper here didri t like the Idea of so much advertis- ing and left orders that no publicity be given the new mag. Boston also ha sanother literary monthly. The Bostonlan, which has been running over a year now, Boston also has another literary atop the new North Station, opens Nov 17. Crosscup-Pishon Ameri- can 'Legion Post is sponsoring the first program.. ^'Honeyboy" Finne- gan and Bruce Flowers card. Shel- doh Fairbanks is the managing di- rector of the Boston Garden, as it is to be known. Alec WooUcott will be in town Nov. 19. He's addressing the Har- vard boys at the Harvard Union in the evening on the Drahmah. Boston Traveler dramatic section is two pages this year, instead of three, while the Boston Herald has dropped fron^ four to three. In spite of this, they are both getting full theatrical copy;. Possibility of a new leading lady eoing. into the "Connecticut Yan- kee," now playing the Majestic here to capacity. Record run of the season is.held by Olive's players at the Copley, where "The Bellamy Trial" chalked up 12 weeks. Only hit in Boston so far this season.. VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE WARFIELD BUILDING Telephone Prospect 1353 JACK EDWARDS in Charge I will be blended Into presentation faJhlon built abound heedllner. with I orchestra in pit Fox Mldwesco theatre building project being supervised by Vlce- Prosident Joe Leo will extend Into Michigan peninsula. Ed Kvoole has been promoted by Jack Leo to a district nianagershlp on the Fox/-Midwesco-cIrcult, suc- VARIETY BUREAU [WASHINGTON, a C. 41S Th« Argonn* 1629 Columbia Read, N. W. T*l«phon« Columbia 4M0 Imperial ^ , ceeding Stan Brown, resigned. Vaude bill ciirrenUy away below | ceeaing _ standard. Bud SchaflEer's ^Revue topping, ran heayily to on: coior , -^j^ gj^cuit nouse uib»" i " lines, Dahcihg and musical features new w^^^ employees In R o I i'a (S h u b e r t)-18. •-•SlI«iH _« fi.t-r. worA RfltlsfactOry. bUt r-">"'"''^~ t^«- +V.a, tltnA hftlnff TTniifjA " By HARDIE MEAKIN B • I a s c o (Shubert) —" Baore^ Flame" (new). N a t i P n a I (Brlahger-Raple]r>^ of the turn were satisfactory, but the burlesque hotel bit waa of Jhe I '^ublTcaUon ^s "being printed honky-tonk order, and not to keep- in a v -^jniam Fox home ofllce ing with the Bert Levey standard from^m the,direction of Schaffer does a Hebe comic with im in i , . i MONTREAL £Sf O'iJI^d" ^nr'SaSr i?o^r Ferri. sales promotional man- Janet Havens is featured "femnae' ager. , ■ . - with line of four sirla, good step- , vote of about 60 to 1 Mll- pers with fair voices Same troupe By a vote o^^^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ played this house only,a few weeks hC^^^^^^^^^^'^^J^^^ increasing the %jr";'le'nftrS TS*?e%uo. bill |gop^?atlon \y about'12,000. was cut from 5 to 4 acts. Aerial Bartletts opened and mopped., "Bum," educated canine, introduced" as having been found in the trenches in France. Dog Ifl well trained. His master, a disabled vet The pay customers were lavish. Frances St. George, radio enter-^ tainer, billed as "the originajl jazz- mania girl," was here not long ago with a Fanchon aiid Marco stage idea. Miss St. George works in front of a "mike," attached to radio loud speaker on stage, with an- other wire leading to loud speaker in outside lobby, and serving aa a good ballyhoo. Pleasing for radio fans. •. . . ., Screen feature, "The Way of. the Strong" (Col.). , Edwards. Gayety—Stock bur. Strand—'Mutual bur. Pictures Columbia—"W.hite Shadows^ Earle—"Show Girl." Fox—"Caught in Fog.- Little—"Q-Ships." Met—"Beggars." Palace—"Docks N. T." Rialto—"Magnificent Flirf — -- 1 Maxim P. Lowe, fornier booking' Palace—(Wired). "Lilac Time" agent but now entertainment maa- (F N ) 2d week. I ager for Meyer Davis, had his car Capitol—"While the City Sleeps" wrecked early last Sunday morning (M-G-M). when returning from Wardman l_oew's—Excess Baggage" (M-G- park Hotel after getting his floor jl) show set. He was slightly injured Imperial—"The Perfect Crime" hjut "Bill" Hayden, Davis's personal (F.B.O.). secretary, with Lowe was badly cut Princess—Dark. i,.. "P' though hospital treatment not Prpheum^"Th6 Nervous Wreck necessary. Another car shot out of (stock). ' V a side street. Gayety—"Red Hots" (burlesque); _ Strand—" R o a d h o u s e ''_(Fox). Keith's, after a try at two-a-day "Stocks and Blondes VoTi r^\' and then grind closed oh Satur_day 'The Ba;by Cyclone. ^Jfi^i^-' night last: All house employees, ex- 'Charge of the Gauchos XF.U.O.)- ^g^^. manager, Harry McDonaW Em I fge OI me uivu^jnyo . ^^^^^ manager, Harry McDonald, press—"Triumph of the Kai ^j^ii^^ jj^^q the N. Y. office, uncon- With new Iceland (ice skating "Figures Don't Lie" (Par.). GooQ | , . . , . irv-_ ir .o„,,o I jujornlng, Judge" (U). rink) ready to open Dec. 15, plans are under way to organize a Pacific coast winter hockey league. Homer Curran, operating the Cur- ran and Geary (legit) here, in asso- ■ ioi wiuuihb «."^ — , elation with Belasco & Butler of under 16 to picture houses advanced Sears Taylor, once here doing pub- nf© managers and Hcity for the Fox, and whose mother Efforts of theatre manage^^^ one of the war-time rent co;n.- ot^'JfHnn^llS of tL nJov^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Ziegfeld'.s "Ro- ffidS admLfon ^t National next week. Warner's may take over the Ma- jestic here after the holidays for their Vitaphone. elation witn Jbteiasco at uucier oi under lt> to picture nuuaea ««.y«..v--^ Ttt^-^n here Indefinltelv Los Angeles, secured Pacific Coast a further step last week when 30 ^^.Ma»y Read _ s !"'L^"f\^^^ production rights for "The Front motions, representing 30 theatres witlv her 16 gi.l^^^^^^^ Page," and will put the newspaper here, were presented before the Fox a.s the 'Tilleiette-s. . Miss Uead play in immediate rehearsal for the Practice Division of the Superior trains the glilS; Belasco, Los Angeles, in December. Court to have only one case taken through the courts. One of the town's high hat night Though having grossed around Premier Taschereau, of the prov- clubs (there are only two, other $12,000 on its first two weeks, and ince of Quebec, was represented in being Meyer Davis' Chantecler) has with third week good for another court and objected to the case being ^qj^^ jnto bankruptcy. Such a peti- five grand. "The Dybbuk," produced grouped on the ground that the the- ^iQ^ was fried by the Club St. Marks here under local auspices by the atre owners not directly concerned ^j^g^ week. Place owes, according to Temple Playhouse, forced to close in the case to be tried might repudi- Kj^g petition, $41,000 and has $8,000 Saturday through Irving Pichel, ate judgment when rendered. The jj, assets. lead, obliged to fulfill another en- Premier admitted that at present ■ gagement in Los Angeles. Produc- the Province of Quebec Children's ' tion cost some $14,000,. entirely un- Act is in abeyance owing to writs derwritten by subscribers. Possi- of prohibition. having been issued bility of play being revived shortly by the Superior Court to restrain in. Los Angeles for the new L. A. the Recorder's Court from proceed- Operatory theatre. ing with complaints laid agajnst ' theatre owners. The judge of the Market strieet, long known as one Practice Court passed tlie buck to of the greatest ballyhoo streets in another judge before whom the. the country, has blossomed out merits of the writs are to be argued, with a full-fledged musee of wax ftOLD ME^L COLUMN VaSFety's BLLJE R. IB BOM - LIST WHEFtE. -TO-SMOF»r/\MD - DIINE iJ 1 i Call for— works. It is advertised as a repro duction of Madam Taussand's musee of London, and occupies an empty store. So. far play moderate. George Arliiss in "The Merchant of Venice," booked by Homer Cur- ran for the Geary, starting Dec. 2. fo follow "The SqualL" Harry P. MuUer, American book- ing representative, J. C. Williamson, Ltd., Australia, left for "Vancouver, en route to New York. APPAREL MISCH Theatrical Clennor and Dyer Work Dono, Dvernlght Qoods Called tor and Delivered tZH \V. 47th St. Ijtckivwnnna 3802 EAVES COSTUME CO. Coatumei of Every Description For Every Occasion lSl-153 Went 40th Street—Eaves nWtr. SCENERY Baron Hartsough, organist, back from a six months' stay in Panama, is now associate organist here at Loew's Warfleld. . MENDELSOHN*S TEXTILE CORP. SCENICKT AND COH'TUMlt FABBICS Silks—Tinsel Cloth—Plushee 150 W. iBth St.. . .. Bry. 7a72-52S4 With opening of "Desert Song" for repeat engagement at the Cur- ra:n> house resumes Sunday night performances which were eliminated during run of "Good News" to offset Both legitimate houses are dark this week. His Majesty's opens'the last of the month. The Princess, however, shows Porte St. Martin, French playeris in six plays week Nov. 19. His Majesty's has George Robey booked for Nov. 26. 1 Princess (legit) has several pic- tures booked. The first is Nov. 25 with "Simba." INDIANAPOLIS By EDVyiN V. O'NEEL English's—"Silent House." Indiana—"Mating Call." Circle—"The Wedding March." Apollo—"Fazil" (2d, week). Palace—"Revenge." Lyric—"Silence"-vaude. Mutual—Bur. "The Front Page," here a,t Eng- i_ the musicians': union demands off hsh's Nov. 22-4. Hit the Deck A WIIOI.lESAT.E FCR HOUSE Offers Theatrical Profession FUR COATS and SCARFS at etrlctly, wholesale prlcpa GHAS. E. MOlliliS 880 7th At©., Corner 30th St. 7th Floor SOWNS and WRAPS ot EVERY DESCRIPTION Rented for All Occasloris WldMt Selection, Knclusl»e Deslgni Rnd VEUY MOUEUATE IIATKS — You WUl Find II Interostlng »nd Kronomlcal to Call at MME. NAFTAL «»>_\yont.4'>th Street Br.vaiit 0('.70ji41.C3 ACCESSORIES DAZiAN'S, Inc. TIUCATRICAI. OOOnS Bryant 1002-3037-5177 H2'1H West Forty-fourth Street MISCELLANEOUS The Approitriote Gift WARDENDOBFF, INC. six-day week for the Fischer jazz. Nov. 26 band " " ' ' ' ' '' ' OSTEINS' ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED •-iErnd be assured of receiving th« best materials properly blended SOLD EVERYWHERE Manufactured by Stein Cosmetic Co., N> Y. .Hotel Atitor Control of Indiana, Circle and Ohio passed from Skoiiras-Publix to Warner Brothers. No local changes expected. Demolay Dramatic club will pre- I sent "Joseph and His Brethren" Dec. 28 at Athenaeum. 1643-4 onVANT E. HEMMENDINGER, INC. JBWELEtIg 38 WcKt 40th Street John Murray Anderson-Robt. Milton SrUnol of the Theiiir* and Unnee A .rrofcs.Hlonal School for Prnfeanlooala Diction. Actlns, DnnclnK of All Type* Routliioa Armnced Acta Staited 128-130 ICust 58th St. Plazn 4524-4525 MILWAUKEE New Pabst—"Vagabond King." Garrick—"In Abraham's Bosom." Gayety—Burlesque CMutual). Empress—Stock burlesque. . Alhambra—"Man Who Laughs,' ■ sound (2d week). Sells-FlotO, John Robinson and Garden—"Singing Fool,^ sound Hagenbeck-Wallace circuses, three I 6th week). tent shows owned by the American Majestic—"Masks of Devil." Circus Corp., are at Peru winter Merrill—"Romance of the Under- headquarters. About 400 circus per- I world." formers scattered with the arrival. Palace—"Take Me Home"-vaude. Each show traveled' over 15,000 Riverside—Vaude, miles this season. Strand—"Wings,'- sound (4th Moving of John Robinson head- I week). quarters from West Baden made Wisconsin-"Moran of Marines," necessary erection of additional J; J. WYLE & BROS., INC. A full line of Qbld and Silver Broeadea, Met^l-^Cloths.^-lSbia^^dSa-^^BIl^rEr^TrlW mlnpa, Uhlneatones, Spangles.. TIghta, Opera Hose, otc. for, etage coBtuiT>ee 14-20 Kodt 27th St., New Sork City SCENERY ->FOR RBNT- S*enery, Stnce Settings, Deeorntlon PREMIER SCENERY STUDIOS 340 West 41st St. Lack. 9233 NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS Draperies, Sconory, Stage Settings MO West 4l8t St. Lack. 9S33 The LITTLEJOHNS Rhinestones Anything in Rhinestones Al.'io Perfect Ariichlno for ScttlnB 2r>4 WeHt 4(ltli St. C'hlekerlng 1725 sound (stage show). buildings costing $75,000. Harry Howard BORN TO BE LAUGHED AT STATE, NEW YORK Next Week CNdVrl9) DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W. 72d St., New York City The Sunshine Shoppe OPERA LENGTH HOSIERY and the dainty thinfls milady loves iT; Rr CEANeYr lncv^ STAGE HARDWARE SYRACUSE, N. V. Teresa Meyer, featured organist at Univcrsal's Alhambra, has been [signed by Brin's Majestic. Seventy-five reels of M-(j-M shorts aiid--the -Hearst-thrcc^rcelcrr: "Making of - a Newspaper" were screened d,urlng the election .night return 15road.caBting. in,, 'an outdoor movie by Heart's 'Wisconsin ' News. DUWICO "r^VERVTllINO ELECXniCAI. FOR TIIK TllKATUE" 315-317 W. 47th Street Tonn. 2150-1500 40th St.—llroflrtway—44th St. Dhilnx. Diuielng—No Cover Clinrge Lorraine Brown, daughter of Shorman Brown, manager New Pabst and Davidson theatres, and Uoss Coles, exploitation man, will be married here next Saturday night. Change In policy at Wisconsin (Fox-Wesco) from m. e. and band to Fox presentation policy; names surrounded with act* on stage that A Personality Frock Awaiting You At GOWNS AND DRESSES AND FROCKS for all occasions 1536 Broadway, State Theatre BIdg., N. Y. City Phone Bryant 6265-6