Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 14, 1928 VARIETY Reservecl for Professional Patrons Two Entire Floors in the Forty-six Story Tower of the CHICAGO The Most Central Location in Town Atop the TaUest Hotel in CLOSE to the top of the gigantic Mor rison Tower, and surrounded by the purest air ever breathed, the 40th arid 41st floors are set apart entirely for theatrical guests. Out of earshot of street noises, you can steep undisturbed until a late hour of the morning. You can also entertain your friends in perfect seclu- sion, securie against interruption. 1,944 Outside Rooms—^Each With Bath Rates $2,50 Up EvenTrOTT-fe-outsidBT-^th-ba^ lamp and Servidor. The last named is particularly appreciated by professional guests. It completely prevents contact between patrons and hotel employees ^yhen laundry, shoes, etc., are sent out or retur ned. Nearest Hotel to Downtown Theatres Th6 Morrison starids closer than any other hotel ^^h^«^,stores^n^ra^ stations Yet at this central location, rooms are rented for $2.50 to tnat wou u S^^to^'inUy^ther leadmg hotel: Store sub-rent^ here ^^^^^.^^^^^ \he^W «« the groun rent,'and the saving is passed on to the guests. The Terrace Garden and Boston Oyster House At these two famous ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^Sl^^g^Sm^shlve'S^^ and after-theatre parties. Programs broadcast daily from WBBM. ALL PATRONS ENJOY GARAGE PRIVILEGES The New Morrison, when completed, willU the large- mnd tallest hotel in the world, containing 3,400 ropme, SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN Wieting—"Good News"; next week, Thurston. ■ B. F. Keith's—Vaude-films. Syracuse (Ind)—^Vaude-films. Savoy-T-Stock Burlesque-films. Tempie—Reopens Nov. 26 with Mutual burlesque. . ^ . Strand—"Submarine"-Eh-nie Mills Debs stage band-Movietone-Vita- **^rnpire—"The River Pirate"- Movietone. „ . Loevi/'s State—"Revenge"-Movie- tone-Bruce Brummitt and orches- tra. ■ " Eckel—"Wings." Brighton—"Love Me and the World IS,Mlne." „ Riviera — "The Terror"-Vita- phone-Movietone. . _ Regent—"Good Mornmg, Judge - "His Tiger Lady." ■ Harvard—"Sportmg Goods. Avon-"The Joy Girl"-' Thunder- Inp Through." • ^ „ Palace—"The Divine Woman. Installation, of Movietone-Vita- THEATRICAL OUTFITTEES 1580 Broadway New York City 1 1 RENT A GOWN WRAP COSTUME foe. dance, ball, mannnerade. »»natear theatrical, movie ensraRemcnt. *'^eHi Karm«ntB of umarteat styles. Complete Belectlons. MME. NAFTAL m West 45th St.. N-J- C- Dryant 0268-6269 phone in the Regent (Kallet house) is set for mid-January, The new Riviera opens with sound this week. Two other theatres here, the' new Brighton and the Syracuse, have contracted for Photophone. The Syracuse (combo) will be the first downtown repeat house to go sound. Gladys M. Beardsley, former re- lief organist at the Eckel, is now featured at Kallet's Regent. Syracuse's .first atmospheric the- atre, thp Riviera, built and operated by Harry Gilbert, former owner of the Regent, opened Monday night with a free performance of Thci •Terror." The Riviera seats about 1,000. Scale is 25c. The Regent drops films two days this week to accommodate rentals. On Thursday, Boar's Head Dramatic Society of Syracuse University pre- sents Galsworthy's "Loyalties. Friday, the Junior League, presents Jean Gros' French Marionettes. The Broadway players, new Ma- jestic stock, Utica, is resorting to cut rate couppns in an effort to build up Monday night feminine patronage. The , company wcludes Gregory Deane. Frank Drew, ■Elea- nor Payne, Howard Eagan._Gene Lido, FeroU Moore, William Wolf*-, William Thompson Hughes, Maurice Penfold, Donaia Potter, Alan Archer. Jack Curry is staging "Convlc-. tions of ,1028." annual ^Aubyrn. Prison revue, produced by the Mu- tual Welfare League, for three nights at the prison, opening Nov. 19. . . ____ "Wings" opeas at Oswego Nov. 18 for five days.: The booking fol- lows hard upon the record set at the same house by "Lilac Time, which played to 7,851 people In five days. Hippo-drome (wired) — "U n cl e •Tom's Cabin." _,, j„ Keith's 105th—"Gang War"7vaude. Columbia—Burlesque (Mutual). Loew's Stillman last week broke its house record with "Singinfe Fool," Keld over. Harland Fend has resigned as publicity director of Loew's Ponn and Aldine theatres here to return to Cleveland. J. j; Harwood was elected presi dent of Cleveland Motion Picture Exhibitors' Association, for the fourth consecutive time; Henry Leeatig re-elected vice-president; B. Z. Levine, treasurer; George W. Erdman appointed secretary anfl business manager. W'illiam Watson Is new manager of Keith's Hippodrome. The new music hall addition to the civic auditorium is how open, It has theatrical attractions and seating capacity of 3,000. A new $1,000,000 theatre will be built by Young Wolfe Amusemoni Co., of Springfield, O. , SAN ANTONIO By joe" M. ESTES y^^tec _ "Outcast" (FN)-9taBC show. . i ■ • Palace—"Barker" (stock). Majestic—Vaude-pictures. Texas—"White Shadows." Empire—Pictures'"sound." Princess—Pictures. Rialto—Pictures. . St. Anthony Hotel Herman Waldman's Band. Mel Ruick, formerly of Long Beach, Cal., is th6 nfew master of I ceremonies at the Aztec theatre. Helena Stmkova, dancer, has gone to Chicago for a 'lental opera- tion. The local Publix house, "The Texas, hua discontinued itH units and relying on Vitnphono talkers and a small orchestra. to assistant general managership of the Fourth Avenue Amusement Co., as Strand manager. Robert Wayne, manager, National, sovcral years ago, returned to ■.otiisvllle this week as an actor with •The IDth Hole." FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL STAGE DANCING ^StreTcliinKnand Limbering Exercises Now. at 132^136 W. "43d'St. . New York SCENERY and DRAPERIES OCHELI. SC£N10 STCUIO. Colnnibufl, O, Warner Bros, have opened a new subsidiary exchange for the distri- bullon of Vitaphone short subjects and scorei3, in the local Film Ex change Bldg. Norman Moray super vising. Tho two Keith houses in Akron and Youngstown, being wired for Photophone by RQA, -^viH be ready for sound films by middle of Dc comber. CLEVELAND By GLENN C. PULLEN Hanna—"Golden Dawn." Ohio—"Volpone." ^ . Little—.F ntz Ix;ibei^s Hh^^ can Rep. „ . „' , . Gordon Square-'-Puii.n" (Stock). Play House—"Tu4-andof' ( Kepor- Colonial- -(wirf^d)—.'•$)mba'.' fSth Stillman (wircff;—"Sinfiinf; I'ool (2d week). ,, . Allen fwlrod)—"Kf'vc-nf-"'. Palace—"Varslty"-vaude. State. fwircd)—"Woman from Moscow"-P-ubHx unit. Cameo (yircd)—"Homclowners. Peter Tender has sold his Pa.n- thoon house in LOraln to . W. V Maginnis. Harry Clifton's new Clifton i.s movie theatre In Circlevllle opcnf^d \vor;k. With the aid of an automatic and knn\vl«'dgo of. the ho.use a sint'l-; robi.'-r invaded the Strand, in th'; hf-art of Akron's downtown distrift U,\>ni\ and Kagged the mantiirrr and 'lTpa-yiiF»-rs^-a-nd=madcaiJdearL[ia-Ui«:;Lil Willi $:i,000. Hny ('. l^rown. theatre mi^wit-'-v. arid "Mrf- fl/irvcy .I.,awron<:'-, ti'.;:<v c',.:if.r :md trr-fisur'-r,-were th.e vj-t. tini« .Thf-y, w';rc counting th'.. d.-iy- ■rcf( Irit.s wli'fn tho rol.bfr (m.-x.- irit' U:'-'."ocond floor oflloc nri-l t^'uc,: them up. After forcing tho tr';:i'- iir'-r ojion the nnfo, he ;i.dli'--iv" • t;ii.. d l.oth and lamrnod It withcut holnr by any of the theatre af- tendrnta. The stage hands, operators and musicians are out .at the Majestic (Interstate). The Empire, former 10-15c house, has installed sound efiulpmont, and bocsted the admis.slon to 50c.. Ka;thlo.en Mulqueen is the .-new leading lady of the Palace Play- ens. This, makes the fourth icml- nirie lead this season. The Aztec is. the only house still offering a symphony orchestra, .st.'ige band, and stage show. These, with . the . talkies, are. giving the house'a "break." "Gay Parce" Is booked for the AudiLfirium Nov. 24. This Is th<> first tr:i.v<-lit)g fihow of the ■ .season. Its. advertising borders on the risfiiie. ' ' Midnight show bu.siness has dc- vf-l'jpod into such a bloomer and Inot a .«inglft theatre in the city will attempt one this season. LOUISVILLE Brown—' HMh .ITolo" and "(ireen- wich Vin.'<?;<- Kolli'-s." Gaycty— 'itound-the Town ..(MU' tiiiil). ■ Rialto-- "Avalanrhc;^-va_i:do. Mary Anderson—"J^ilac Tini','' -Strand.v1-M"thvr;.. Knpwa.-.r««;M . I '/, i: <'fl j.' .' • .■ ■ , ' Alamo'- "Tfi'.- . .Ml.:lil>'an Kid I V. i '•' d ). ' ■ ,, M.ljo^ti'; "Tlir- fj;irdf n of Ed'-n. Wain Lit-•• Tab.s James Parrlsh and Dick Brown have Joined Lehr and Mason Play- ers. . . The Player.s' Club's second play, llenryHei-bert Davies* "The Mojr luso," opens at .Woman's Cltib Audi- torium Nov. 30. The University of Loul.svillo Players present "Hell'a Bell.s" Nov. IG-i? at the University Playhouse. A night club, under the name of the University Club, is being organ- ized here with N, G. Rochester as president. William Iloke Camp has been named manager of the Loui.sviUe Memorial Auditorium, which will be oompleted by Jan. 1. Next Week (Nov. 19) Harry Howard BORN TO BE LAUGHED AT STATE, NEW YORK WANTED AGENT to book well known radio Rerformers, high class club work. Chicago district. Apply Box 343 Variety, Woods BIdg.r Chicago, III. r,vol>rowi nn** , LnhlioM .OurkonoU I'epnioncntly f.,;.„.r', rlntk'n-i them PofmanenOy wjlh j^"}' ^vri li .' -rU OWT .hM>f. SOO. (501 Of Coloura v.H, in'tr..t.<.rt», 11.25 V*'vM 8plro'»,20 W 381h 61. t34 W. 46<h St.. N. Y. , f (' AM'lr;<-ftn h.'i". y-Mi-'i-:"-]"' IG'.oigfc A, Sine, reoenlly prumotid ON RF.NT.Vr. COSTUMES ■ : vf i.s ir'f v—nKM'Khu^s NEO WAYBURN I Office Inc. IHIJ IJr<>!i<lw»> nif r.Olh St.l. New Vork