Variety (Nov 1928)

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62 V A R I E T y Wednesday, November 14, 1928 VARIETY'S LOS Af^GELES OFFICE ARTHUR UNGAR in Charge Loew'a State Bldg., Suite 1221-22 707 So, Broadway, Trinity 3711-3712 Professional* hav« th« free use of Variety'a Los Angeles Office for information. Mail triay be addressed care Variety. Loew's State Bldg., Suite 1221-22, Los Angeles. It will be held subject to call or forwarded, or adver- tised in Variety's Letter List. prpheum Herman Tiinbertr and his Varie- ties, programed for the entire lust half .of the bill, with, six "spasms" pf humorous nonsense, riiade the Orpheuni bill last week an outstand- ing show. Herman himself is the show; Still, Brother Sammy holds his- end cred- -lably. For almost an hour and , a .lalf'the Tirhberg boys held the ros- crum. ahd the full house gave them plenty of encouragement. Mulroy, McXeece ..and Ridgs, skaters, opened. Block and Sully, deucing, .sound pke. Arturo De La- Plaza and Jiianita, Spanish dancers, third. Newsreel and .Topics filled out the riin. Buster Keaton s "Spite .Marriage'' at M-G-M \vill be isupei'vlsed. by Larry Weingarten: in place of Eddie .Mannix, ab.^ Now .York. : Pema:nding $52,000 damages for Injuries, he claims to h.ave suffered In an auto crash, H. E. Green, mu- sician, ,and his wife, Cody Green, have instituted siiit against K. R Wyker, . Wealthy business ' man. Green-elalms~-\A^yker.-Cj:'ai}.he.(1.Jnt^ their automobile while driving at ah uhlaw£*)l rate of speed. Green suffered a fractured skull an^ a per-, rnanently injured' right hand,, which he asserts prevents him from mak- ing a living as a musician. Wyker filed cross-suit, for $2,700 for dam- age to himself and his car. Jack Oakle, screen actor, has been, borrowed from Paramount by Uni-. versal for two talking pictures, "The Play Goes On," to be directed by George Hill, and "Shannons of Broadway." Wesley. Ruggles will direct, ' ■ '■ John Halloran will play the juve- nile lead in "The Silver Cord" for thes L. A. Repertory Theatre.: Philip Strange added to the cast. . An unsuccessful attempt to rob the box office of the Lark theatre, neighborhood movie house, resulte-J in the arrest of A. .T. Hall. Hall accosted B. H. Lincoln, the- atre cashier, as he was counting up In .'the box . office. Hall, with one hand In his coat pocket, ordered the treasurer to throw., up his hands. Instead, Lincoln attracted the af- tetitfon of. a policeman with a sud- den yell. In Hall's pocket. Instead of a gun, Avas a pocket comb; Earl T. Montgomery, film actor and director, didn't pay $500 ali- mony to Beulah Beatrice Montgom- ery because he "was not in the rLght frame of mind," he tblci Su- Gueri'ini & Co The Leading and Largest ACCORDEON FACTORY in tho United State; Tlio only F'aotorj llvit inakcs any : fct ■jf Uccds — made by 277.279'Columbut Avenue San Francisco, Cai I'rce Catnloguee perior Judge Rosehkrani:. Mont- gomery admitted he was capable of earning $3,000 a week as his Wife had claimed, but told the judge that he. was a comody actor. and then asked him "how can I be fiinhy when the woman I am married io tries to c.ommit day?" Judge Rbsenkrariz dismissed the; alimony charge and ordered Mont- gomery to kick in. alimony of $100 a week In the future, Bill DUnn,, Holly%yood players' agent, has recovered froni a three months' illness. Louis Mercior, baritone, engageu by First National as technical di- rector for the opez-a scenes in "The Comedy of Life," being directed by Alexander Korda, Charges of combining in restraint of trade have been made against six of the largest film production and distributing, .companies in a suit filed in the Superior Court by Charles A, Ferry, owner of the Granada, . Alhambra. . The defendants are M.etro-Gold- wyn-Mayer; First National, Par- -ajiu3ar)Lt,_U riited Ai-t i sts, F ox, and Principal Theatres, Inc. — Ferry charges that the defendant companies refuse to sell him a pic- ture until sL year after its release, leaving liim nothing to exhibit but old pictures. He claims to have suffered considerable damage and financial .loss as a; result. Suit has merely been filed. No date set for trial. . Ethel Kent (Mrs. Robert . Arm- strong), seriously ill with pneu- monia at bsteoiiathic hospital, Hollywood.. Wampas is expected to Indorse at its next meeting a plan to have the annual Wampas'ball.a costume masquerade this year. It's a riovelty suggestion with th(? idea for prom- inent stars to wear costumes in \vhich they appeared in one of their productions. Event scheduled for February at Biltmore. With tickets at $10, lim- ited to 2,500 persons. Terms are being discussed be- tween Al G. Barnes and Cy Masters, whereby the Barnes Circus wbuld open Dec. 1 at the Olympic Audi- torium here and play through until Lent. set Dec. 11 aa the trial date for the $50,000 3.1ienatIon . of affections suit ?n-ought by Olive Day (screen) against Mrs., MilHbent Sunday, :.3r- mer daUghter^ln-law of Billy Sun- day, evangelist. Miss Day charges Mrs. Sunday stole the husbandly affectiop.s of George Day, motor- cycle cop. Emmett Flynn's . nc5ct piriture to be directed for Fox will be "From Hell Came a Lady;" Earl Wingart of the P^ox NeAf York publicity office how on the coast to act as assistant to joe Shea, special publicity .director at Fox's west coast studios.' •The Wanipas stole a inarch On the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Science^ by obtaining the first practical demonstration of television broadcast oh the coast over a radius of five miles. ^ This was denionstrated last week before an audience of represientative film people as an entertainment feature to one of the regulai- Wam- pas meetings. Starting date on "The Baggage Smasher'^-for-t\)X—is-heing .held-up. for the recovery of John Ford, the director, jilt homi? with the flii: Con Conrad, New York song writer, who arrived in Hollywood i>ecently to write for Fox, now con- fined to his home with flu. Gaipden, will have charge of install latioh, to be done by Research Products. Alterations and installa- tion are not expected to be com- pleted before Jan. L . Cirl Fulton, president of E. E. Fulton Coriipany of Chicago, picture equipment, is here. Mary Ann Jackson is tl^e: second member of Roach's Our Gang to be sent to bed with flu, little Wheezer having, preceded her. Troupe was in the middle Of a pictute. nouncement has not as yet been made public, but severil teams of professional, marathon dancers have been broached with offers to nar- ticipate. ■ Pathe has started "High Voltage," with Tay Garnett directing. Marie Prevost is opposite William. Boyd, with Alan Hale In support. The picture Is to be part dialog.'Story and contintiity are by Elliott Claw- son and Dudley Murphy. Paramount purchased the screen rights to "Close Harmony,'.' written by Elsie Jahis and Gene Markey for Red Book. Stewart Gilmore became the vic- tbir in a handball match with Jack de Colcondo in the Paramount studio's handball tournament. Score's were iZl—5 a.gainst 21—7; The run for '^'On. Approval," ward Everett Horton show at the Vine' Street, Hollywood, has beein extended until "The Cardboard Bovier;" Horton's next, opens Dec. 1. The Ken-Geki Co., Japanese dra- matic stock, will tour California, Oregon and Washington, beginning -Nov.-15.—w-lth.._a_ four-da v enfjap^-^ ment at Long Beach. Ed wrHow- manager. Lou Holtz, vaude actor, -who came to the coast to play five weeks in Los Angeles and San. Francisco, will stay In L. A. after finishing a week at the Hillstreet, Nov. 24, long enough to have his tonsils removed. Virginia McGee, in "Rosalie" in Ne>v York, drove to Los^Anigeles by auto. She lilade one picture appear- ance some years; ago opposite Bar- thelmess in "The Bond Boy." William Powell and Evelyn Brent have signed new Paramount contracts. Monte Salmon, manager of Boule- vardi transferred to supervise three houses in Tacoma for West Coast. Steve Peretz, formerly in charge of Tacoma, goes east to join Hershel Stuart's staff in N6w Haven. W. F. Jeffers of Butte, .Mont,, also- will transfer to the Fox-Poll chain. MOST ORIGIN.II. COFFEE SHOP in tlir (iolilon WoHt Carl—MULLER'S—LiU "TWO OLD TIMERS" Dli'fect from Tialn oi.Thentre Vo« .Arc Woii-omc 724 So. Hill jsi.: Los' Angeles Raoul Walsh, Fox director; eon- fined to his home with his left eye blinded by peculiar windshield ac- cident, as reported, has been sched- uled to direct "The Cock-Eyed World," sequel to "What Price Glory." Date hinges upon Walsh's recov- ery. Mickey Bennett, juvenile player, in preparation for his first talking picture has been spending two hours daily studying deaf and dumo language. Mickey has the name part In "The . Dummy," a Paramount all talker. Edward Cironjaqrer, Parahiount cameraman, had a narrow escape from serious injury when thrown Irom a plotform built, on the side of a big bus Into opposing traffic in busy downtown Hill street. The in- cident was caiised by a car getting in front of the bus causing It sharp- ly to swerve. The cameraman was picked up with the fender of a street. car but a few Inches from him. "Prisoners," by Franz Molnar, will by Corlnne Griffith's next for First National. Forrest Halsey adapted and William Seiter will direct. Fanchon and Marco are switch- ing a number of m. c.'s In West Coast houses this week. Gene Mor- gan to the Portland theatre, Port- land, with Dqn and Iris Wilkins go- ing from the Portland to the Broad- way, "Tacoma. Phil Lampkin goes to Seattle. Bobbie Gillette, banjolst, win get a try at the m. c; stunts-at the Glendale houise. Wilfred Noy, who wrote "Circum- stantial Evidence," will direct that Story for Chesterfield, starting Nov. 15. Sydney Howard is here to write dialog for "Condemned to Devil's Island," by Blair Niles, Goldwyn's next for Ronald Col.mart; Treatnieht and continuity were wi-Itten by Dan Totheroh In conference with the author. . Lane Chandler, film nctor, has re- covered from an attack of flu which kept him off the set of "The Wolf of Wall Street,", at the Paramount studio, for nearly a week. . Harry M. Gould has joined Ben Hershfleld, players'* agent, as asso- ciate. Gardenia tkeatre. Garden Grove Cal., sold by William Ball to D Aaron Schmltz.' Buena theatre Los Angeles,,sold by W. E. Emmick to John Slddall. ^ ■ Lois Wilson is being starred by Columbia in "Object Alimony," by Sig Herzig, who also wrote the'con- tinuity.. . Scott Diinlap directs. Columbia has finished "The Side- show," with, Marie Prevost, Ralph Graves and Little JBllly, . and '*The Younger Generation,", with Jean Hersholt. Prince Serge M'Dlvani, husband of Pola Negri, is in Los Angeles on business. Miss Negri is expected here for the holidays. She starts \vork on a film in France next week the prince said. . ' "The Lady Next Door/*^ next Henry Duffy attraction at the Hol- lywood Playhouse, Opens Nov. 18, succeeding "The Best People." The cast Includ.ei9 James Spottswoode, Isabel Withers, OliVe Cooper, John McKenzie and Leah Winslow. Wheezer, of iEial Roach's "Our. Gang Comedies," is how ill and un- able to work. The comedies are.held up until his return. BUFFALO By SIDNEY BURtON Teck—"Age of Innocence.*' Erlanger—"Royal Box." Buffalo—"Woman Disputed.". Hipp—"Cralg'a Wife." Great Lakes—"Tei-ror" (2d week). Lafayette—'IGang War." Gayety—"Moonlight Maids." Court St.—(Stock). Century,, formerly "Loew's, discon- tinued Pantages vaude last week. House has gone to split week of pictures and vaude, latter booked through local agency. Sidney Samson has returned. to handle the local Fox office, suc- ceeding John Nolan. Edna Purvlance has returned from a vacation In Honolulu. Agnes Auld, daughter of' Harry AuUI, former territorial representa- tive of Hawaii, arrived from Ilono- hilu to dance in an M-G-M picture. Bcoiniiio tho opposing counsel was -tied lip . with- • other .cases for., n month, Superior. Judge Yankwifch A. H. Giebler has written the dialog for"Sweet and Low Down," which Mack. Scnnett will make into a. short talker comedy. Story adapted from magazine. Continuing his screen comeback, Theodore Roberts has a role in C. B. be Mine's "Dynamite" for M-G-M, Norma Shearer's latest for M-G-M, "The Little Angel," has been changed to "Lady of Chance." STRICTLY UNION MADE Iy n 9 Hartinanii, O&likosb ft Mendel Trunki ALL tyiODELS—ALL SIZES ON HAND AT GRKATLT REDUCED PIUCR!) ALSO 1,000 USED TRUNKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WB Od RRPAllUNti. iVKITK FOR CATAI.OQ. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc. 568 Sevonth Avenue, betweitin 40th and 4l6t Streets, Now :Yorl< Citv SOJ.K Adl'INTS I'OK II & .M TKI NKS IN Till'. KAST ■ .. Plnmos; I.oncriicro (I1U7, IVniiKylvanin' IXXlt . Theodore Von Eltz, conceded to be the best tennis player among the actors of Hollywood's film colony, has been compelled to give up the game for an indefinite period. He developed a neuritis ailment in his right arm. It does not interfere with his-film work. : Complete cast of "Trial Marriage," starring Louise Gla;um at tlxe Eagan, includes Paul Fix, Paul Kruger, Hedee and Dorothy WoOlworth. Tay. Garnett,^Pathe director, con fined to home with Injured shoulder loceivod when he fell from a. life boat to the deck of his yacht during a rou.crh sea while en route to Gata lin.a Island. . FANCHON and MARCO COSTUME CO. Specialize in creating the most attractive costumes for chorus and j _ehsemble groups in stage presentations and tabloid ontertainmcnt. They' "are'^used'eSCl tnsiveiy'^ by-the=^^^^ made to order and can either be purchased or loaned to responsible producers for single pcrfonmances, a week, month or year. ■ •• :••; FANCHON . and - -MARCOv COSTUME' CO: . _^643-So. Olive Street " . ' LOS aNgEIIes, CALIF. The troupe which will make Vilmai l>.:niky's next picture for Samuel Golrtwyn, tentatively titled *'Childs — I''irLh. Avenue," is en. rOutis to New York. .. ; Two weeks will be spent there .Tlio pl.aycrs east are Vilma l?anky Lnc'h'n Littleficld and Fritzi Uldgc way: itdbort Montgomery, loadin,:; -111; III s-signed=-i n^Ncw^Y.QElc^^Al .Stiiili'll will direct. I .N S T I 1' U T I O IV I N T li 1< N .V T I 0 N A I- K c>%oes for the Stage am/ (^^tmt SHOWFOLK'S* SHOKSHOP — 1 552 JiROADWAY I'audo anhi'-- A dance marathon will follow tho Shrine circus at the Shrine Audi- torium after Thanksgiving. An- In support of Walker Whiteside in revival" of "The Royal Box" at Erlanger, arei Franc Hale, Lulu Mae Hubbard," Daisy Belmore, Hugb Bentley and Charles Penman. Alec Hyde back in Buffalo at Rlti ball room. now features ALL STYLES Oaneing Flata Ballet Slippers Opera Pump* fheo Tie*. :": Shown above. Practical Stage Style whh Hat, baby, Cuban or high heel—$5* ALLMATERIALS Black; White or Dy«d Satin. Stt- yer and Geld or Whit* Kid iand Bro«ados. Hoole from eno inch to thro* lneho8.(Rhinostono hools SLold or silver studdod—$5 a pair J Dy*|nK,Tap«,RubbererWpodsn soles at special prices. Enters eency service at ail hours. MaU orJ$raJ^djarnsLdayjro^^ ■ Coi li.sK .ralmor will make .a-v.' vill<.> t(),.a,s:kotch. "Tlie M; iinin," -liy N;\noy 'P.hulford . Virginia Valll, lllm actrct^.s,. will pl.iy the Keith circuit for .10 weeks in aiiolhcr of Nancy llrad ford's .'<i<ol('lH\'<, "Keeping a Husbiinil." KliiiiH" R. RiigiKsc, rcconlin.^ at- tai'lic fi'oin Victor, is at the Hal Kii.'ii'h studio supervising alloraflons in st.t.ucs to ho dm'oti'd (o .snund p wiirk. \V. W. Clark, oiiyiiUTi- i'lriMu Theatrical Shops 727 Seventh Avenue . . Times Square 1206 Chestnut St. . , . , Philadelphia so stores in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania'and New England