Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 14, 1928 V A R 1 E T Y 63 HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED $ 8 and Up Single $12 and Up Double Hen and Cold Water and Telepbone to Sactt Room 102 WEST 44th STREET : NEW YORK CITY phone; BRYANT 7228-291 HOTEL FULTON (In tile itenri ut Nev» fork) $ 9 and Up Single . $14 and Up Double Showei Datbs, Hot and Cold Water and Tolepnone El«ctrlv Fan In eucli room 264-268 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY PlioAe: Lni-kawaniia UOd.O-'l Opposite N. y. A. ^^^^^ * ' ^^^^^^ Just East of Broadway — = CoMiploloIy reiiio(l(—cver>'llilng.,__I ~"' of the best—Simmons fiirnltiiro ~ • -~ ■■ ■ . (nenutyrcat iimttrcs8CE)i hot and ' — ■ cold wnlct, tiilcplibhes. showers. - •' — $12 for Single Room • ■ — ■ $15-$17 for UouMe Room ~= — ■ ¥l(i-$18-$20 for Uouhlc Room - ' ~ ' (with Privnte Bath) —^ ~~' ' Summer Concessions • ■ i ' ~ This Is the Idciil. hotel for (he—^ pmfeiislon—In the lieart of ""* ' — theatrical sei tlon ■ - ■ —- . Phones Bryant 0573-4-<5 HOTEL ELK 205 West 53rd Street Just East of Broadway . Running Water—Telephone In Every Room—Bath Adjacent Model Day and . Night Service Wnekly, ?'J, $10. $11 With pvivate bath. $12, $14, »1B. TranslentB 11.50 up Tel. CIRcIe 0210 .; LORRAINE R1>GI.B R04)M. BATH, »2,00 VP DOl'BLR ROOM, BATH. $17.60 AND $21.00 WKKHL.X DOt;Ul.K WlTHOl'T RATH; S14.00 WKEKLV LEONARD UlCKS Proetdeiit GRANT SlNOiJE ROOM WITHOI"! IIATH. $1.25 AJCM $1.50 PER. D'Al SINtJKK ROOM, IIATll. $2.00 PKR l>AV DOVRKIS ROOM WlTHOl 'J RATH. $14.00 PBR «KKK DOrULK ROOM WITU HATH. $17.60 AND $21.00 WKKKl.l . NEW HOTEL 100 Rooms 100 Showere and Tubs Double Rooms ' $3—$4—$5. >- Single Rooms $2.50 and $3,00 In HOTEL KILKEARY, Pittsburgh PiTTSBURGH'S HOTEL FOR THE PROFESSION Conveniently Located Within Five Minutes of All DOWNTOWN THEATRES Announcing the Opening of Nevv Restaurant and Coffee Shop THE FAYETTE Connection .with the Hotel—Something Different, Good Food, Reasonable Prices Absolutely , Fireproof Artistic Steel Furniture Proprietor NINTH ST. and PENN AVE J. F. KILKEARY A REAL HOME FOR THE PROFESSION MARYLAND HOTEL 104 W 49th St.. New York City.-^wnership Management I^rge Rooms Ruiihiiig Water Newly Decorated '2 .00 a day . and up (mniacnlately Clean S Courteous Treatment Newly Furnished Special Weekly ^ Rates OS .50 day .and up Double Room for 2, Until and Shower Phone: l<ONGAC'RE C80S COMPI.JOTH FOR UOtSEKKEPINO. _325--V!^-St_43rdJStjfee^^ 3-4 Rooms. G£0. P. SCHNELDER. Prop FURNISHED APARTMENTS CLEAN AN^ AIRT. NEW YORK CITY Private Bath Cnterfne to the comfort . and convenience ' ot the lirofessloti. STT,A.M HKAl AND ELECTRIC LIGHT- > - - 915.00 OP , LOU HOLTZ'S 241 WEST 43D STREET. NEW YORK CITY PHONE LACKAWANNA 7740 RATES REDCCED One and Three Rooms, Bath, Kitchen Completely Furnished In the Heart of Times Square $15.00 UP For Two Persona WRITE, PHONE OR WIRE FOB BESEBVATION 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LANDSEER APTS. 245 West 51st Street Cohimbus 8950 IRVINGTON HALL 3,"),"i Wpsi " jst .'^iroict . CohniTbiis 3 300 BENDOR COURT 343 West Soth Street ■Columlnis COCG HENRI COURT 312 Wert !Stb Street 3330 Longacre RUANO APARTMENTS 800 Eighth Ave. (49th St.) CHICK ER1NO 3650 2-3 Rooms. Bath nnd Kiteheoette. Accommodate S-5 Pernons. Complete Hotel Service. Attractively Furnished l-nrter New Management REDUCED RENTALS BILLS NEXT WEEK (Continned from page 43) LETTERS When SewUnv foe MaU to TARIETX. addreu MaU OleA. rOSTCABDB, ADVBRTIBIMO m OlBCCiiAB UTTKBS WIUL HO* BB ADVBBTISED UgiTBRS ADVBBTI8KD IB ONB IBSUB OMI^V fialnsfalr F E Clinton Dorothj EuBtice Betty •Kli/palr!cU J D Oaede I> Gordon Helen He.nly John iloward Joseph E J.inies F C KrasB Jean. LeRoy Al I^l.ste Mnrgaret Perry Jack .Samora Mr.s Harry Smyth Mrs I> .Swann Ilus-seil i'yler & St Claire Walden William Wallace Mabel CHICAGO OFFICE Bell* & CoRtes Mruhnies Morrctt BucUloy ■ Jack Burke Minnie. f'juhro J L ... <' Billy Clifton Herbert Conlcy Harry . Keonzo "Wm DeWaync Polly Downey Esther . TJoyie Jiinniy Duncan Sis Dunn Bernle nupont."j The Dye Ruth Kdwnrd.s Gus lOrncr & Fisher . Erslicn. Jack Fields Muriel Foley Thomas Ford Wallic For.-jyth & Kelly Fr( Bort Fuller & Jewell (lifford Wm Oilbeit nprt H;mi inond Al Ilcrt-/. I,!!li;in 11ip;,'an Ktnnloy Howard May Il(/\vard Myrtle Iriin.vjf Warrcri Irving Rose Ivrrsfin Fritzlo Ivr»lioc MIs.s King Catherine Knight Frank I-aMare Jackie IiJingo Howard l.-'iurt'Tt fr T..fiT).Tr<.' l.f'.n/ird Alliert '-••M'-r H & C Mack Granville Mack Harvey Marshall George Martin Freddie May Janet- McCarthey Frank Mendelson ■ Jess Mignon Helene Miller Bob Moore Al & Band Morgan Chas MorcDO & Mona MiiriJliy ' O'Connell. Bland Owen Dick Palmer Henry Pprry Harry' Petrella T O Powell Albert Sr I'lircoUChiis I'ymm F & P Randall .Ml.'dred Ilankln Billy Rogers & King Rogers J (Air Mall) Rogcr.s Wilson Rome & Dunn Roslt.T Mile Ruih.fcli'oth John Ilyan Buddy K oh ram Thomas .ScfUt Isobi'l .'Sherman & Wal'ce Sliorniiin Frank , ^iKh'i.fe / :, .' - ■ Sn'Vock'Roy • ■ .Smiili ThoniaB Ptelnhock Bruno .'Elevens Oo Sylvcitcr & Vance Terrell Ken Younger Jock White Mabel White Piorre Wright Goo M Wynn Ray LOS .4NGK1.ES . Vantages (ID) Dash'ton's Animals Dorothea .Summers Hilller & i:"orte Strains .& Strings SAN DIEGO, CAL. Pontages (19) .S.ianley Bios & A Dixon & Morelll Pease & Nelson Ray Hughes & E ■L. BR,\CH, CAL. Pantages (10) Hightower 3 NIblo & Spencer Tom. Kelly Rev Unusual SALT LAKE CITIf - Pantages (1») Aalbu Sis & Carter Brady A; Mahoney Knorr & Rella Ford & Cunning'm The De Toregos LOGAN, UTAH (19-20) (Same bill play." O d ge n , 21-221 Cheyenne, 23-24) Jack &. Sol Freed Irene Stone Mildred &• Maurice Soott Bros '& V E Xursham Bd OMAHA, N^ni.. Pnnt4ige8 (10) Mazie Lunette Coll an & ■ Garretpon Sojsl Bros & Trova Joe Roberts Fantasy Rev KANSAS Cine Pantages (10) Mttlejohns 4 Caddies Harry Downing Rogers Rev Alexandria & Olson ME.MPHIS, TENN., Pnnfagcs (19) Richard Vlntour Sterling Saxo 4 Joe. Bernard ICrma Powell THE DUPLEX HOUSEI^EEPING FURNISHED APARTMENTS 330 West 43rd Street^ New York Longacre 7132 . • Three .and four rooms with bath, complete kitchen. Modern In every particular. Will accommodate four . or more adulta S12.00 DP WEEKLl HILDONA COURT 341.-.317 vyest 4&.th Street. 3560 Longacre 1-2-3-4-icom apartnionis:. lOach apartment with private bath, phone. _ ■ ■ kitchen, kitchenette. Stanley Fabian Butterfield 1 ANN AR R'R. M'll. .MIcltignn , . Isi half (18-21) Kellar .^is & Lynch The Briant.s (Owe to nil) U'tLE C'K. MICH. BIJOH . let half (18-21) , The Agemos Tod & Al W aid man Myers & Bonjohris. 2d half (22-24) Billy Hallen. ; ■ GarciaMfirimba Bd (One to mi) BAY (^iTY. >ricn. Regent Jat half (18-21) . Mfiidc & Ray Mtllo Jack Little TIebor's Seal? id half (22-24) Wm Desmond Co I Two to .fill) n!T:>Ln^B:R,,,jMui. liberty 2d half (22-24) Ted & Al Waldm.m TiuUor'H !it>nl3. (One to--nil)' ' FLINT, MICH. Capitol let half (18-21) 6 Mounter.s Hewitt & Hall (One to fill; 2d half. (22-24) P.f.deo Boys Edna W Hopper (One to fill) KTAM'ZOO, MICH. Stale ' 1st half. (18-2i) Foster & Peggy Clara K- Young. Zastro. White Rev 2d half (22-24) The Agemos Kellar Sis &. Lyneh (One to nil) LANSING, MICH. Strand iat halt (18-21) Hayes & Cody' (Two to fill) 2cl half (22-'24) c:ara Howard Z.'iS-tro While Rev (One to .fill) owo.sso. Mien. Capitol. 2d' half. (22-24) Ilewilt &■ Hall (One to nil) I'ONTIAC, MICH. Stale 1 al^h a IX (i8_rll JL, Bdn.T W IIopi'cT fjevan & Boios Orig Honey Boys 2d hjilt (22-24) Hayes & Cody ': ■. Altro'.-k &i Schacht ((ine to fill) .'jAdl.NAW, . MK'll Temple iHt half f 18-21) Rodeo Hoys Wm D(-"»mond t;o ((;ne to (111) 2d half (22-24) '^ Mounf»;i-fi , LUtlo Jack LIttlfr I (One to fill) BAYONNE, N. J., Opera House 1st half (19-21) Dixie 4 (Others to fill) ELIZABETH, N. j. Rite Ist half (19-21) Hudson Wonders Claude & Uarlbn J Rankin & Blue B (Two to fill) 2d half (22-26) Clifford & Marlon Honey (Three to fill) HACKENS'K, N..J. LyHc 2d half (22-2C) Holly Hudson Wonders <Three to All) UOBOKEN, N. Jl. . PalfMe let halt (19-21) Henry Santrey Rev .(Others to fill) ; 2d halt (22-26) Primrose Btmon (Others to flll) JER.SEY CITY Central let half (19-21) Red Donahue Jerome & Evelyn Lewis ^ Van Diane & De' Mar (One to till) 2d half (22-26) . McGrath & Travcrs (Others to fill) PASSAIC. N. i. Montauk let half (19-21) Qulzey Dance Parade Mcdrath A Travers (Two to All) 2d halt (22-26) Buck & Bubbles Hudson Wonders (Three to fill) PATEB80N, N. J. Regent let halt (19-21) Cll'ftord A Marion Honey (Three to fill) 2d half (22-26) Henry Santro.y Rev (Others to fill) Fox-Pofi ItRlDGXa>ORT I'ala«e (12) Jairles Barton Tjight Fantastic . Stan .Stanley Poll 2d half (16-18) Harrison A Dakin Kelly & Jackson (Three to fill) HARTFORD " Capitol (12) Emory Manley Co .M'.-Kay & Ardlne Raccooners Palace Id half (15-18) GC'Orgie Price Ryan *. Wil.soh f'Three to fill) SPRINGFrKI.D : I'alHce ■ 2d half (16-18) Joe Browning Hon Mr Wu Ens (Three to fill) WATERBlRY Palare- (11) Champlaln. A H Sin Billy Farrell Co D Paskman'H MinNt worck.'<tf:r Palaee (11) Oscar Lorraine Chan Aiiearn Bd Mediterr'n'n Plng'r.f Cabarets NEW YORE -• CaHai>0\n Club ', ■ Helen "Kiane Mft.'urthy Sis dlive McClure .Morton Downey J'n Carter-Waddf ;i Jerry Friedman (T' Chutonn Madrid :.\cM. White Kr:inee» Bhell'-y ./^lire Koulden CInb Harney Walter ffKoofe H;il» Byer* Or( h "Cluh -iJdo Ro.vita. A-."' Itaiui'Ti' Clir- Kndiir H /loserithdi On.l. Clnb Montorej Vic Alli n Otto 'W-illier Jerry (j; h'^rrm Frarih.e ,\1<irn'< .Norn.a ,M;ix;rje Kay K'..-J.»r Jur.e i':firi. (Tub Kicliiii;in Harry R.' f r- • f' $18;00 up WEEKLY—$70.00 UP MONTHLY The niaintaincr of houseKeoping furnlshecJ apartments directly under the siipoi-vjsiOh of the bwnei*. Located In the center of the theatrica) district. All fireproof buildings. Add[ all communlcatlone to CHARLES TENENBAUM Principal Office: Landseer Apts., 245 West Sist Street, New York Apartnients. can be seen evenings. Oince in each building. - U'Ul Lease by the . Week. Month or Vear—ITamlBhed or Unfurnished. TH E ARTA, 50 West 112th Street THE HAMILTON, 201-203 We«t 117th Street, N. Y. C. lUKhi oiitsUl? roiiKc'Stcd (11>:trirt; gubwny to Tlmc6 t><Ju,ire'KleraUir; llii'-, •~\u>n diflanoo to Park, ' ' - SAVE 50% ON RENTS Single Roomi; )6 to }/: Some for $5.50; Double Large Rooms. 17 to 110 Apartments, 2 and 3 Rooms, with Real Kitchen, $12 to $10 Weekly At 201-203 \Vi.'St ll'Ui .St. ><Mi Clin Kol. Bomo Tonlly bcitutlful front iiarlor.s. with lunintlflront yark view; for only $12, Itclliioil. eleui^, (jijlft, iirlviitc: friendly managomeiit, irniihlo rDoms by liny, $:i. ' TcUuliono Moiiuini'iit 7202. ■' . MONTREAL, Canada Make Your Home at the LA SALLE APARTMENT HOTEL Drummond'^Street .Special weekly rates to the profcbsion H<e*>tuurant In conuovtion Hotel Metropolitan 315 TREMONT STREET At Broadway BOSTON, MASS. "In tli<> Heiirt of riieatr«-lnnd" lowest Tlieatrlcal lUites In Boston Franclfl Williams Aaron.son's Com'd'rs Frivolity N T (} Rev Tom .Timothy. Bd. Hotel AinliuHMidor Yacht Club Boys Van Der Znnden Or Hotel BIItnior«> , Korthway & Chiles B Cummins Or Mlrodor • Roy. Miiek Rev J & M Jennings Bee -.Ja<'kt!on -; Bve.lyn M.frtin. Marguerite -Howard- Arthur (;.ii'don'i - ShlfldH A,- Toung Meyer Davis fJrch Oakland's Terrace Will Oakland Landau's Bd Parti- C4'iilra1 "Hdt<'l Cliff O'Rourlie. The Cnrltons P.ulh. Wllll.'ims D^n Pollack Or Silver Slipper Jlmiiiie liuraiite Lou Clayton .Kddio JaoliHfm Jjurante's Rev Dura'Tite'p (ir<h ■ St, R4>g|M Ilulrl VIneent I.oiicy, Or Kow ler K- 'r.'iniat-.-i Reduced Rates ROOM AND BATH TWO PERSONS 15 :00 WEEK HOTEL AMERICA 149 West 47th St., New York City Bryant 7690 JACKSON COURT GARDEN APARTMENT 3 ROO>ISi $110 Ilcdnctlon on 0 Months' I>euse Bi'ijutlful new furnilurp, con.MlsOiig of modern kitchen, bedroom, living room and breaUfaHt sets, Iheludiiig rugs, curtains., lamps, etc. 37-31 8J»th St., JACKSON HEIOHTH One block from KlmhurHt Ave. sub- way station (Flushing Line) from Times S(iUHre. Phones Pomeroy 0309, Nf-wlown 9091. CHICAGO Alnl)ain" Dale i>}'i r Ollu' - Dottle I);ilc y.'^'mii Willie Tyler .Bd BliK'kiiauk Coon-Santltri< Hd (oll'ege Inn Ray .Vliller lid nI' \v Jl;-.^' IM iiolden riitnpliln AI ft"M,old.>j Bahy l'"-ira V,'i.ll<. .^•.•.■li 2. l!!i'l Th' III ii 'I' r 1V lid . tir.-inadii (,re<-n .Mill Tiji.v ,v I,i-(iri;ipd Ad'li Wn.lw r I/r: !i-(i ri /'..'. r r,'-;; . Alary.- .^K.itf - * •;<)<■ i A .flj:!.!fl I' ,(!■;: 1- !ie, Hd - keilj'H >luliM->i .J<,i r.'.y Jj . )'! J!') -<)rl«<nlal-l)ii» is AI H;indlei- I,-(-e Ji ICM-nv •Sill AVtigner Bd l.ldo Tex M (irn."ey .' rlann- Myrtif Ij<in.virig f JI a d > s .M i I z Kay 1 111 vi<lKf,ii . Jo<,- All'T. Terrtic-c (burdens fJlive O'.V' li: <;'Jh r J'M'.Wir.l P,<! TurkiHli Villiigr A. c;;rii;i. ,).,-»i-k i|iil!'.i'i Kik:>-n ■J'anri'r Ff ddii- ,Ii,ri ■ Ud Xiinll.v lair l,;ii 1: \',r,' ' i;' G' rii- - <,-. H- • ■ -• - l«.ii\ .J-.t.i', .laj-i'- l';it . I"' Lotus Irv Boernsttin Or Venns '.' Wright -Orch ; Warclmnn ,.1'ark - S^vanee > .Max Lowe .Ent M<-Wll iiiiiiH . Orch I M<-yer t>nvlH Orch -n .M A I. Id ROCHESTER, N. Y. By DON RECORD Lyceum—Tliur>lon .'^hmv. Temple—"I^aff Tlmt Off." . Rochester (vvirf-fl)-—"Air Clrc.i.s"- vaudc. ; Eastman -: "Wliilft the Oily .Slr'<'i)s;" • Regent—"Tli*' I'"irrt I\iK.<--," Piecadilly-T-:MU'^t Ariirrifd,'? Fay's (wired) — 'Tlir; .Midnight , Tiixi," j Victoria- IMil'-.'^'r:" <^<i<''\<). I Gayety—J{iJr)i'.'-:<|i"" i--l"'')-:.!, ! r-)i)<'>;-K<iii<I"ir (•('. iiii.^ Ilnrland ■ Til'ki'r a.v n'-w I'-iidiiif.' man for "J^iilf Thai Off." ..■:»-jil'.firi« Wallace '"T-n^^i?"'<'Ti^nli ;Trv^Vyivr-rv =vi-=fTTit-l Tines- r.f/,;.('! .■,'.<•( k -i^ l";i'iirii.' \\ ijn;;in. I" l''.'^''.-;M-'-tifi:ril'-;<,' ni.a;ti.'iji'-r. Ij>> : "-I 'i;i,!i:.';Tiii;r:'rI'.<-''!(i!'' tii..:^.: »-i's..v'-,ir.«. h^is . I'^-j.'.'ii'II. lI" rii.iy r'-i'UT. to I'm.-iliC • (■;i'-;.' \^'.:<]>: \\'i: •'.'"•■ )!' I i."- ■'')!- ; 1 / • ((I " J' ■ ? rii \) ! • .WASHINGTON, D. C. \K(or I-- !■ j r.Tiiot). ( li:;riti-rl> C ( : .1) M.. -Ii i: Ji-ii ' .11 I : I : I. r.!.' r .-.•' f - -.- V; ! • * I'