Variety (Nov 1928)

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6 VARIETY PICTURE GROSSES Wednesday, November 21, 1928 te 1st Downtown Wired House Us Rialto, Wash.; Overhead Didit Washington,.Nov. .20. (White Pop., 450i000)' Weather: Hot Vn'^'<^'"Siii is closing its downtown Rialto Friday. (Nov. :i3>, ^.'uvor a .niont'y.:Settc'r, . and out during llio past, summeri. house was wired for. the now seasdn. . Grosses recorded .some iilTin'ovcinent, but. not suili- cielit t:o tal<e care of -the overhea.'! created by the demands of tlie musi- cians' iind statre hands' Unions. For- mer domauded 17 men, while th3 .;cro.-vv lijid to be h.old at seven. With all sound - programs, house has en- deavored to get from under this, but vi-ith no avail. ■ .;Mpney-gottei- was the Fox, A four-grand increase, bver the pre- ceding week with Conrad Napel in a Warner talker, "Caught in. the- I'Vs," ahd an elaborate tjtage show.. i'a^ ah upward trend with •'Docks of X6,w York." .Columbia, other Loew, got plenty of help from Hearst's two.dailies on "Whit? Shadows." ■ •'Show Girl" somewhat of disap- ppiiitment at the Earle, though gel- ting rriuch above previous normal. Metropolitan, other S-C theatre, didn't 'do well with '.'Seggars of Life.v : V Estimates for Last Week . Columbia {Lbew)--''\Vhite' Shad- ow.s" (wh-cd) (M-G-Cbsmo.) (1,232: 3o-f)0). No discounting Hearst help for $13,000. Held over. Earle (Stanley-^Crandall) — "Shd-A' Girl" (wired) (F. N.) (2,244; 35-50). This MacAvoy story did not get all expected, but {I'arnered rospectablo portions figure for this previous low house; $15,000. Fox—"Caught in the Fog" (wired) (W. B.> and atage (3,432; 35-50-75) Stage show materially aiding. $22.- 300. Very good. Met (Stanley-Grandall)—"Beggars of TMfc" (wired) (Par) (1,518; 35- 60) Not much comment; $9,000; .Rialto . (U)—"Magnificent . Flirt' (wired) -arid stage attraction (Par). Another low one a.hd closing Nov. 23. Not quite $6,600. $16 Gels Good ,500 for Mainstreet Kansa.s City, Nov..20;. . (Drawing Population, 7bo,(X)0) . Weather: Fair . All houses featured Arni.lstice Day music and other patriotic features. In addition to the break of Monday, holiday for the banks, board pf trade and some commercial Institutions, theatres helped by a Thursdaly and Friday school holiday. State teach- ers' convfsntion brought several thousand visitors. , For the first time in many weeks Malnstreet billed a vaudo act over the picture. Uaie SArhucls was the star t'lnd easily drew the business. Estimates for Last Week Loew^s Midland—"Revenge" (4,- 000; 25-35-50). Feature descriptive overture "I^est We Forget" by Julius Leib's orciipstra. Koacllon on fea- ture about 50-50. Thvoo shorts.and Fox Movietone; $18,000. 'Mainstrcc-t—"The Cayalior" (3,- 200; . 25-50-60). This, picture has hioi e action, and less entertainment llian any hero for. months. llac Siimuels oh stage and di'ew $16,500, giving house its best profit in weeks. Hard for it to get $14,000 to break as a rule. Newman—"Fleet's In"-(1,980; .25- 35-1)6).. Made no difference to Ncw- ninh regiilur.s .that this Clara Bow feature had boetv shown, in many oE, tVve towns around here several '.v.-'vks ago. I'^uNst run hero, and Clara can draw 'erri in; $14,000, P-.ntagcs^"St()()l' Pi.-veon" ('i.-JpO;. 2.")—'J5-50). Another - underworld; Pan's regulars . ale it\ up. Bta.s;'; Bh(iw good. - -.. Royal—".Midni.tfht Taxi" (020; 35- 50) wired. (^ro!.-.k p!av f.-.i.«it onoiigh for those who like it; $4,000.. Pathe Jumps to $350,000 ''Private Life" $15,500 'Way Off at Granada San Francisco, Nov. 20.. (Drawing Populatipn, 756,d00) Weather: Heavy rains V- Getting away to a wh.^le. of a start oyer the week end,.most of the; Mar-^. ket street houses piled, up .satisfac- tory, grosses, despite torrential rains Monday and Tuesday, \Vith floods .prevalentaho.latter night. Saturday and. Sunday grosses were" big . and the Monday holiday gave, the picture houses a, heavy Intake. ■ Two of the five de luxe houses' rated .strong. Granada had one of its poorest w^cks for this: year, run- ning about $12,000 behind the War- field, which jumped closed to $2;0.00 over the preceding week- St.". Fran- cis did so-so oVi second and final week .of "Our Dancing Daughters" (2d run^n town). Embassy clicked solidly with Singing jrool," with third week only a few hundred off. Looks easy for a,nother fjye Weeks, possibly longer. . . : . Estimates for Last Week . Warfiel'd (Loew-W. C.)—"Beggars of Life" (Par). (2,672;-; ■50'-65-96.), Good program f (mature, but not heavy draw. Increased revenue ait-: tributcd to Charlie Murray in per-. sbH: oil : stage and strong Fanchdh. and..Marco show; $27,500. Embassy • (Wagnon) —"Singing Fool." .Wired. (W. B.) (1,367; 50-65- 90); 3d week; $22,0.00. Exceptional. Granada. (Publix-W. C.) — "His Private Life',' (l^ar) '.2,785; .50-65- $1).. . Cdmbiiiatipn - of week, screen, feature and ordinary. Publix stage unit would have boon evon/more fa- tal \vithout Charlie Chase (screen comic), appearing in pdrson., however,- np draw alongis.ide .Murray' at Warfieid; $15,000; 'way off.. CaliiFornia (Publix-W. C.) ^ "Li- lac Time" (F N) (2.200; .65-90);. 2d, last, week fared well at. $14,000; "Ablc'.s Rose" cvu'rent. St. Francis (Publix-W. C,)--"Our Dancing .Daughters" (]\r^(3-M) (1,375; 35-65-90). Didn't lose any dough on second and final week; $6,000. Reserved Seat Idea At Keith's takes Bostott Lowry and "Marriage" Draw $37,500 to Ambas. St. Loiiis, Nov. 20. (Drawing Population, 1,250,000) Weather: Fair With the four big picture the- atres In full swing and another Ppening this week as the Midtown, formerly Smpress, takes on "Sing- ing. Fool", talker, late fall season promises to set some new attend- ance and fihancla.1 records. Estimates for Last \A/eek Ambassadbp (Skouras) (3,000; 35- 50-65-75) ."Compaiilonate Marriage" aind Ed Lowry stage show.. Lowry's hoirtecoming stage production, a;fter two weeks in New York, signal for outpouring of Lowry fans. $37,500. . Loew's. State (3,360; . 25-35-Q5) 'Forbidden Houra/' This. Ramon Novarro picture called true-to-Nb- varro-type, with Renee Addree akso. rheitre has been doing remarkably well recently considering stage shows abandoned. $16,900. Missouri (Skouras) ('J.JjOO; 35-50- U5-75) "Varsity" arid Frank Fay stage show. $25,700. Grand-Central (Skouras). (1,700; G0-V5) "King Of Kings." First week at pop. WilKstay awhile. ■ $9,700. Balto's 1st Dialog Film No Panic at $21,500 Heavily and Boldly Exploited Films Brodie Hard in Minneapolis "Crime" on H. 0. $7,000; "Air Circus" Seattle's FBy Do.stpn, Nov. i2Q. (Drawing Pop, 850,0(W) (Weather—Fair) New Keith Memorial theatre hung up its record last week when busl ncsa fell just short of $40,000. Big grer by about $6,000 than «any busi ness recprded at the house since opening a few weeks back. Indica tlohs around town were that the reserved seat policy has given: it an edge that Svill be hard to beat and that when things are smoothed out .at the house, the public will give; it plenty of support. Only other hoXise in town at all in the class of the Keith Mf'mPrial was the Metropolitan, biggest house in town by far. grossing $46,300. Estimates for Last Week Metropolitan (4,000; 50-60-75.) —"Wodding March" (Tar) respons- ible for niost of $46,300. Nothing special on stage. Keith-Memorial (vaudfilm; 3,000; 50-$I).—lilggcst Week yet, close to $40,000. Ted Lewis the draw. Bebc Daniels in "Take Ale llouie" (Par) oh screen. Keith-Albee (vaudlilm; 3,P0(t; 25- 60).~L!ist week jiot quite .so strong as previous week, .b'l.gured at $22,000. State (4.000i 56-65).—Norma Tal- ntadc in "The Woman Disputed' (I'A)' $:'3,.S00. Olympia and FehWay. — S til 1 clcahing up with "Singing Fool." • . : ■ . T.os Angoics, Nov. 20. ' Within the past thr<;c- months weekly .«;alos of Pathe pictures have juniptHl $160,000..Kxacll.v throe nionllis ago the oxchan.ges handled a t()tal of $1-90,000. The week end- ing Nov. 10, Tallie had t.'iken. in $3n0,.()O0.' . ■ T)ie reason for tlw. large increase l.s ssaid to be the general of =^Ki ng^uif^K-ing^^r^^an dJiTlvo^Clutllcyii-: Girl." ■ • PRODUCTIONS EXPLOITATIONS PIIKSIONTATIONS .COSXUAAES "Gang War" Got Indie in Buffalo $21,000, Good .Buffalo, Nov. .20. ; Husiness- took a slight upward turn again last week. Buffalo and l^afayelte showed material in- creases Willi the IJip dropping somewhat Vuvder Us previous top notch hu.siui'ss and the (ireat Tjakes sliding with tin- stH-ond week of "The Terriu-." Estimates for Last Week Buffalo (Tumlm) ci.iii'O; ■;!n--in- ^7=;").).-— l;-VV" 11 n\: 111==- lo is | »u (retlr^'■—(-t=%r-\?-)^ "I'.oaux Ai-ls l'"rolies," I'j) jill. wci-k, _ $;i2,0()0. Coiid. C O-S T U E S I \Vifi''^ (l'iU)H-) and vaiKlfV. .OlT, to Great Lakes (Vn\) Cl.-ioh; :)0-»0- !?,"),--"The T«-n'.()r" i Wanu-rl. 2d j svi'.i-k of talker- (li'(ipp''d. iMinsldcr- ;il)lv to $15,ti0u. Lafayctt.e (Indc.) (3,000; ^0-60). "(Jang War" (Kl!()) and vaudc, (lot ;nv;)y to sensational start. Quieted toward ctuI, $21,(iuO. (.Jood. ■ Baltimore, Nov. 20. (Draw. Pop., 800,000) .VVeather: Fair Howard. Price Kingsmore,. for the Loow houses here,- has. consum-^ mated a contract with local radio station WI'^BR, whereby the Cen- tury enters into a radio tie-up with the radio studio. The Roxy niethod will be used, Kingsmore performing over the mike Monday nights from 7 to 8, announced as H. P. K;, the Invisible Master of . Ceremonies." Hal Oliver, Lkjcw's new. publicity man for this city, will vice. Rings- more at the mike. The tie-up in- cludes a stunt every night from eleven to midnight with entertain- ment by Ted Claire, and his Century Joy Makers. Claire is the theatre's m. of c. Palace, forriier burlesque house, screerting a sfex-shocker for few weeks, Is apparently out of that risky game, for the present, at least. Auditorium, legit : stock, started In this week with a sex film. The ultimate affect of the talkers on the local first run di-aw is still anybody's guess but the showing of the first talking se- quence film at the Century last week, ("Varsity"), gave the opportunity to study the effect of the talkers at this popular house. The result was not wholly to the credit of the dialog film. While "Varsity" turned in a good week, if was no better than many recent weeks with silent fllnis, and below "Excess Baggage,""Docks of N. Y." and'"The City Sleeps," all reciently playing here. The answer seems to be that a good silent film, plus a .satisfactory surrounding bill, can still hold its owri against the talk- ers in a popular house, and the Cen- tury Is a popular house. Business mixed here la.s't week. Century was satisfactory with "Varsity," but "Revenge" wai, under house average at the Stanley. "Melody of Love" pretty good at thd .\ow, "Woman. Disputed" had good week at Parkway. The combo, New Garden was pretty good with Rose's Midgets. on the stage over- .shado.wing as a draw "Hot Heels" on the screen, "Singing Fool" ran its sixth consecutive week at the Metropolitan and continues. "' Estiitrate^s fOT ■ Las Week ' Century (Loew), "Varsity" — wired—(3,200; 25-60). talking sequence picture In this house. Bill as a whole: clicked. Stage show "Step On It," reported very fair. Got off to groat start aided by Armistice Day. About .$21,500, very satisfactory, but not outstand ing. Stanley, (Loew, S-C), "Revenge" —wired (3,6<l6i 25-60). E.vpecta tion for this one not realized. Del Rio failed to r-epeat "Ramona" suc- cess. Gypsy .venge.anco 'theme not Wholly successful while alisence of song success earlier film left void Under house average at $16,000. New (Whitehursts), "Melody of Love"—wired (1.800; 25-50). Bet- tered .'showing of. second week of "Mother Machree." but hplow hi.i; weeks of earlv f:ill here, $.S.0nn; Valencia—(Loow, V. A.), '■White .Shadows"—wired (1,500: 25-50)-. Moved here following couii week tit Stanley, an(i clic'ked again, {ivl good second we(<k. House rcvt^rts =t(r--1 i I's t^uvi n S"1-l 1 i s--wei 5? () 0 (V.=^==^= New Garden, (Sehanhcrsiersi. "llof ITei-ls" v;nule; . (r>.2O0; 25-r.i)). i\ iD'otty go(i(l Wi'ck, v/i.l.h Udse'?; .Mrd.m-ts on s'lMpe gcttin.u:. .<'r(:dil rather th;m vi^'ture. • Not up to Iircvidus week lint faii'l.v s.-itisfnc- torv !it Jiliout $.S,0(1.0. Parkway, (Loew, IT. A.), "Wom- !in l)isi)ut(>d"--wired (1.000; in-li:"))! Tlous-.* baek in stride after (wo. off weok.q. Opening of lii.g new retail market in neighborhood figured to boost trade here. $3,700, Seattle, Nov. 20. (Drawing Population, 500,000) .,. VVeather: 5<)-50, rain, fair "Giant and Midget" Farichon .& Marco stage show at the Seattle started biz off like a house on fire last week, opening four days threatening record. "Troupe talented. The little ones go even bigger than the big fellow. Combination star- lilihg, to say the least. Biz at nriost ordinary and pictures ordinary except Music Box where "Singing Fool" headed for olghth week. - Estimates for Last Week Seattle (WC-Pub) •(3,100; 25-60). "Docks of N. Y.'V(Par). With F. & M. stage show, very good.. First four days broke house records. $18,000. Fifth- Ave. (WC) (2,700; 25-66) "Air Circus" (Fox) wired. Poor; $12,000, Coliseum (WC) (1,800; 25) "Thun- der God'' (Am). Usual Curwood type. Not so good; $3,600. :. .. Blue Mouse (liamrick) (950; 50- 75) "Perfect Crime" wired. Fair for siccond week; $7,000. Music" Box (Hamrick) (1,000; SO- TS) "Singing Fool" wired (7th week). Still good; $8,700. - Winter Garden (U) ' (650; 25) ' I'le-.t's In" (Par). Redhead re- >sponsible for draw; ,$2,900.. Panlages. (1,500; 15-60) "Stool Pjtrooh" (Col). Average stage show. $0,200. ■ . Ui-pheiim (2,700; 25-?l) "Goodbye" (FN).- Vaude as usual; $10,000. . . i-rcsideht (Duffy) (1,800; 25-$l.25) "Mother" (Duffy Players). Emma Dunn featijred heavily. 13mil 7?ohde- son new house manager. $3,100. N. 0. tikes Dialog; liiac Time," $18,000 New Orleans, Nov. 20. (Drawing Pop., 5Q0,000) Weather: Clear Spptty week, with fans lackadai- .■^ical. Offerings no great shakes,' ind the boloney of. the praise agents I little niore horseratlish than usual. This burg has not yet sounded the tocsin for sound, but has been sold completely on all-talkers. "Lilac Time" did not reach expec- tations at Saenger. It barely passed $18,000. Fed up on anything sug- gesting wai\. Another grief early was "Re- vcrigc^'" at Loew's State. State, go- ing great guns in recent weeks, droi^ped to its lowest gross in. many moons. $14,000. "Love Over Night" did .something for the Orpheum, house again stepping above $10,000. A couple of talented locals on stage aided. The-Tudor is slippihg badly and only went above $3,000 with. ''Beg- gars of Life" last week. It was taken off after seven days, although pointed for ruii; Strand is just aliout breaking even. It got $4,000 with Dix In "Moran of the Marines." Estimates for Last Week. Saenger (3,568; 65)—"Lilac Time.' —Much expected, but played along sluggishly. $18,400. _._.l:,(0.ew's.^jStaAe„_13.2M;..^ .venge." loolore.s Del Rio no' card. K'liled to click and gross dropped to §14.300.. ■ : ■ Orpheum (2(400; 50)—"Love Over Night." Helped' some by stage show.. $16,200. (3ood. Tudop (800;- 50)—"Beggars. -Jf Life." Little house, started talker craze here; in doldrums again. Needs lifesaver quick. ; siiowcd loss at $3,100. ■ Strand (2,200; 50)—"Moran of Ma- rines." Ileld to recent average.';. $4,000, . Allnneapolis, Nov. 20. (Drawing P'op., 500,000) Weiather: Favorable Business not sp forte last week. Two pictures of which considerable was expected did brbdies, "Sun- rlfie," at the State; was one, and "Battle of the Sexes." at the Strand, the other. "The flops of. these attractions were all the more surprising in view of the heavy play-up of their sex an- gles in advertising . niatter. They were heralded as sexy and daring. It was the first time within mem- ory, toQ, that P. & Q.-Publix has emphasized sexiness.In th6 exploita- tion of any of their screen features. The reading matter in the ads was sensational in the. exti-eme. Minnesota and the Plennepin-Or- pheum came through the week. For- mer house off froni big previous week, but still spelled a nice prolit. "The Cameraman" put the; Henn.epin over. ' \ Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (F. & R.-Publix). (4,- 200; 75)—r"Docks of New York" (Par). Publix stage unit, "Babes'.on Brdadway." Good picture but woineri not taking' kindly to this sor* of fare. Stage show scored. Trade moder- ately brisk at about f27,000. Some $3,000 off froni previous week, but very good. State (F. & R.-Publix) (2,500; 60) —"Sunt-ise" (Fox). Critics lauded picture and urged the public to scia it. Exploitation and advertising oh tremendous scale, overlooking noth.r mg. Janet Gay nor great card here!;- Wlth It all, custom^;rs stayed away. Slight increase over previous week, but very disappointing: for pictura of. this importance. Hen.nepin (Keith) (2,890; 40-60) — 'The Cameraman" (.\I-G-.M) and vaude.-. This Buster Keaton picture real draw. Vaudeville modprate, but not magnet. $16,000. Trifle off from previous week, but good. Strand (F. & K.-Publix) (1.600; 50)—"Battle of Sexes" (U. A.). This Griffith picture flivvered. lOven fell ■ down more badly than ' its Von Stroheim predecessor, "Wedding March." Not much praise from the critics and not much ehthusiasin among the few fans who did attend. Around $4,000. Bad. Good exploita- tion .and advertising didn't help. Lyric (F, & R.-Publix) (1,300; .■^5) —"Tfike Me Home." Bebe Daniels lipping again after brief come-back. Failed to pull them In even at 35c. She has dropped several rungs on the local theatrical ladder, some of her prcvloiis recent pictures having been shown at the Minnesota and State. Around $1,600. P'antages. (Pantages) (1,600;' 25- 50)—"Court Martial" and vaude. Weak picture and vaude. Below house standard. Poor at $4,900. "WIGHT BIRD" TOPS P.'aces Film Oyer Vaude ir, Tacoma ' Tacoma, Nov. 20. (Drav.'ing Pcpulatipn, 125 OCO) Weather: Rainy l,(ils-i.f rain cut a little into at- < u(:-uir>e. "I\f';ran of ^larinc^sV wont •'•Pj' t_JJX''"'i<l.^y-y-.Y' "Air _Cii'eus" TTiO'rir(iTrn'd"~dldiT't~Tift~7rn"y(ihe" ( il"'i.lieir ^eals at the. lUalto luirhad .'.•lir ..aUr.oetivi-.iie.^s. lllue !\Inii:'. ii.(,'ed to .\Varnei:.s' "Cau.ulit in'tli'- •••og." Ectimates fcr Last Week Broadway iWC) -(l,5li0; 23-60) ■.Mdian til' ,M;iiiiies" (i'ar). F. it M. sta.i^e show; $3,000. 1 nnLagcs (15'Hi; 25-60) "Ni,i;lit !'.i-il" (I'l, I'ietiiro featured ovei vaude; $5,200. Blue Mouse (.Ilann-ick) (650; 50- Portland Grosses High; Jolson's $80,000 on Run Portland, Ore., Nov. 20. After grossing nearly $70,000 in four weeks "Singing Fool" ran big for fifth and last week at Afusic Box. Duffy Players held Leo Carrlllo "for second week of "Magnolia," and got good $5,000. A run of road shows at Heilig continues, Hellig had Colbourne's English company first half of last wcekrand"RDT?c Marie"' second half. It did $6,000. on 3 days. George Ar- liss opened current with "Merchant of Venice" for full week. - Estimates for Last Week Portland (Publix-W. C-) (3,500; 35-60)—"Beggars of . Life," screen. Fair. F. & M.'s "Orientalc" stage idea colorfur arid entertaining. Sl"?;- 500. . . -, Broadway (W. C.) (2,000; 35-60.)-^ "Show People," screen.^ Good laugh picture. Bradfield and band. $13,000. Pantages (Pan) (2,000; 35-50) — "Stool Pigeon," screen. Vaude. $13,- 006. ■ . Oriental (Toiibel.t.s) (2.700; 25- 35)—"The; Co'p," ..screen. Not ovi't-.. standing. Sympiiony orchestra. $10,500. United Artists (Parker-W. C.) (1,200; 35-5(1) ~ r-eeond week ' of "L'evenge." Sound. Did well. $10.."OO. Music Box illaniri'.'k) (2,000; .3.")- 50)—Fifth week of "Siniring Fool," $iii.nrin. Blue Mouse . (Kaniriek.) 11,000; 2.5-3^5)- Return of ^"'- lazz J5jng er."_ (fetid, $1.SW). Dtifwln (Duff.x-'i (1,400; 25-?1.23) — l.Jcnry Duffy riaycrs in: "M.-ignn- lia," 2d iro'Ml wcelc. $-"..oii(). 7:i> .••(';Mi",lit in 111!' Ki'n" ^vi^ed (Wl.n. .Fair for program picture; $4,500. Rialto (WC) (1 ,"• : l3 .".01 ".Vir Circu.'^" (Fox); $3,0n0. Colonial iWr i ' •; 25) "Out of lUilna" (FN); $2,000.