Variety (Nov 1928)

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V A R I E T T Wednesday, November 21, 1928 PRESENTATIONS—BILLS NEXT WEEK (November 26) THIS WEEK (November 19) carrying ivumorals such as (25> j>r ^> ^igf. week on S'unday or Monday, date may be. For this week (IS) or with split weeks also Indicated by dates. An asterisk (♦) before name slgh.lflbs act la new to city, dome a new turn, reappearing after absence or appearing for first time , Pictures include In classification picture policy., with vaudeville or pre?entatlon as adjunct ' •' ' ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ GERMANY Month November . Scala , • Monroe Hros . Dowera 2. . : Alt Jackson Glrla Little Fred . •■ Emanuel Sleiner ; ■ GcUncr Tr '. Jack Hylton Qypsy Hljouma-Je ;I« Maiss ■ ■ Mjntorpnrlen t , KwriiMis ■. t;()ta.a •. ■Ci-Oy Go. Plattter. TJ.ro3 . ■I Tcliei's . Vera Npmoliinowa Anton Dolln . Runaway 4 3 Kicft-.nlngs Terrier Rennon DRESDEN . Centrnl Canova Robert Sinr • Amarnntina •Victorla'a . Nifitna N'lini Guerre. . & CuffenI* Or,lrtnn Sr'er . LONDON Week of November 19 riNSJBlRX PARK ISinittr.e .BuUo Tprnmy . ■. Umpire ..Uly Morris Harry Tate . ; ' • ■ June, Dapcers WlLson Ilallett ; "'EBbeTt Bros- "' Skec'ts Martin, ' Carlos Aine'o Percy Val LONDON . 'AlIiiiiubrA . .Ken >Scott Layt'n & J'hnatone D '&\ ,E Barslow '. Cl^rkPo;i Jllsa 4 Bonhoa . <• Fnc.oury ,Sis Wi'lUams & Lotlngs : Colioeum • . ' NIha Payne Cluirton'a M'r'n.'ttea Junetroa Lee .& Tosnit ., ■ Jolin .Bull Calling . Victoria Piilac« Herb Williams Co Violet Essex • Harry Thuratoh OUve Stone Co Victoria Girls Van Bock., Eddy Bkycs Dekker & Pan Austin Sis ■ ■ NEW CROSS Kniplre t'li Vent de Folic SUTH'RDS ItUSK I^mplro Margate Ped'lers ' STRATFORD. Knipire ' : Frank Melbourne Lee Snjc 3'. Osborne -& Perrier GAndey's Clrcua G S Melvin • Talbot O'FaCrell . Ilorshol Ilenlere . WOOD (i RISEN Kin|>ir<) Formby's Nlte Thelma. White Weiss S : Dwight. Robbins The 1-a mays Bradley Bobbins Norsliore (17) •Plckin" P'ches" U't Al KvaleUd 3 Plamonds .SI Wills 3 Kecna'Girls Geo D Washington Oriental Ballet "Two Lov.ersV Oriental (17) 'rfcllo. Brookle' U Brooke. Johns Gd Freem'ri &'Seymo'r Wilton Crawley- Wallace Sis • . ■. Brown, & Bailey "Outcast". ', ParndlHe (17) "Make 'Helievo" U . Mark Fisher Bd .Tohnny Perklhd Wilfrid: DuBols . Dorla Roach . CafCery & Miller Dlcta'tors Bob- Bob & .Bobble Bpo Sarchc Francis ■ Wills .. Nat Specter. Foster ltdy's. & GlrJs DENVER; rOL, Denver (22) "West P't Days" U Josei)h Griflin ' Virginia Johnson- Born & Lawrence Gamby-Hale Co George Nelldoff I>BS. MOINKS. lA. CftlUtol (24) '•Main St to B'y" U Joe Besser Aimira Sessiona ,. Cy Kahn Burday St Norway Ruth AVltmer • Arthur Campbell Felicia. Sorel Co l»ETROIT, MICn. Cnpltol (18) "Bag o' Tricks" U Del Pelbridge G Lucky Boys PROVINCrAL ENGLAND AUEKI>EEN .• H. JVL Cohsitiint Nymph AKDWriv; GREEN ]')mpiiru Ann Sutcr Fields & Rossini Arthur Mack Lewis. Davenport Valentino & Bell Burt lUtcJile ■ PattI Loftiis : ■ UIRMIN(iliAM Empire Come Again 'Orund , : Dam Thing . After Another .BLAOUPOOL Orand , Always- Afternoon Opera' IfonHe 6o Long Tictty . ItRAprORD. Aliminbra Blackbirds Rev llRI!:!TOL lllppiMlronie August 1914 CARDIFt" I'hnplre .Oh- Kny - CHATHAM . Empire eidc Lines ■ CHISWICK • Empire . Oladdy Newell Norman I^^ng Yat Sen Anna Louis .3.. Christine .& Duroy Fred Curran Mary & ISrlk EDINItllROH ICnt'pIre Lady Mary GLASGOW AUiitnibrn Deisert Song, limplrA ' Whlsiierln.iT Wlroa IlANLEY. Griind •. Tlpperury Tim lll'LL Palace .Hit. the Deck LEEDS Empire Bogus Prince - . Royal . Brit Nat Opera Cb LEICIOSXER Polu-co Gaston W Rickdby Amac ^ Penrose & Wliitl'^k Dolinofja . NovcUi '. Billy Kay Clay Keys LIVERPOOL EmptrC: • Show Boat MANCIIESTKR Hippodrome Irish Players Houston' Sis . Blumenfelda. Horace KennCy Miguel Gal vain Joahnys Palnce White Camellia. NKWCAStLB Kmptre Girl Friend NEWPORT rEmpIre Fletcher's R'd Sh'w NOTTINGli.Wrt Empire Short & Dalzlel Tare Nalto Marie I.awton Toms & MeSw'noy Les Plerrbtya' 2 Bobs O II Klllott , Eric Peacock - Royal 2 WhlLo Arms l-ORT-SMOUTH Royal No Other Tiger SALFORD Pulaco . Will o' .Whlrtvere - SWANSEA . Empire ' Brownblr(ia Rev IF VOt WAST QUICK ACTION - FOR TALKING PICTURES LOEW, FOX And All; Independent V*ndevllle Circuit*, Publix, Stanley, Fox and ,''Loew, Picluro Circuits : : Social affairs; hotels, cubnretH, clubft, radio and records Get in Touch With A!f. T. Wilton, lac. 1560 Broadway. Br yant 2027-2028 Joan of France Co irav/lhorne, & Cook Sopya .,.,,' lU'bc Barn Girls -Moran ot M'rinea" M(>s<i«e (IS) <' Henry Karle •I'aiiglit In I-'og"' NEW HAVEN, CT. Olympia (19) , (Ihet Martin Orch •'Woman Disputed" N. ORIyEANS, LA. Saenger (24) Flapperettes Rev nillv Gorber R.uth l.>cnise Coscla & V^rdl blister CJirls OMAHA, NEB. Rlvicn* (23) "Ocean Ulue«;' Unit I'Miarloy Chase Al Norman , Athione 2V Foster Girls PIIILA'PIIIA. PA. Carman (10) Joy Bros & Gloom Jean Warren Illght Joseph 'Herbert . pehee & Hudson -.. 3'Studio Girls Miml Rollins . -Night Bird" Fay's (10) . T,-eah: Maid o" Mist Vic Plant Co Penny Road & Gold Elida Steppers "Sunrise" . . Fox's (10) Smith & Hadlby . Armell -2 Gordon & King A1 Gale Ormonde Sis Jean & Fritz H'bert Gertrude Sis '^Napoleon's B'ber" PITTSBfKGH. PA. Penn (l«i "Step On It" Unit Teddy .Toyco Paul Mall .■ Bernoft & Jos'phtne Helen AVrlght ..- B & J. Pearson "Show People". ' S. ANTONIO. TEX T?xa« (24) ; . "Sunny Kiss" Unit Willie Bobyn. Maurice CoUcano Bobbie Gilbert Georgia H.'iyes Pedro Rubin, Co Branch & O'Donee SAN FRANCLSCO Granada (17) Henry Busse Hd Don George , Joseph Oriltln Virginia Johnson Bore & Lawrence George NelldofI Eddie MaglU ■ Woman Disputed WarOeld (17) RUbe Wolf Bd Volga. Boys-. Cnivanaugh Co Rich DUO Rose Ileatherly Red Corcoran The Outcasts" ST. LOUIS. MO. Ambassador (18) Hd Lowry Art Frank ' , Ginger Rogers Alice Roy Victor Henry Jorrjr Ross : "Beware B'chelors" WASH'TON. D. C. -F0X (24) Jos La Rose Pres Tlllerettea Lawrence Downey Meyer Davla Sym Leon Brusllofi "Romance. U'world" (17) . Johnny Special Morris & Rapp Tyler Maaon ■ Estelle Fratus. Dorothy Neville Tlllerettea Ayres' Mallnoft & R Lawrence Downey Jod LaRoae Pros Meyer Davis Sym ■ Leon Bruslloff ' "Napoleon's B'bier" Ftolac« (?4) 'Crinoline vs J'zz'.U Bayea & Speck John Qulnlan Chapman & Snyder Carl Dohbs Co Nell Jewell • . Sorrell -Girls Colby Har'riman Co Wesl6y Eddy "Mask of Devil" . ..(-17). "Volcano" Unit Wesley Eddy' Frank Meliho Co GU- 'W'ray. ■ Ted & Jack Dale Oogo Dclys Poster Girls "• "Battle of Sexes" loew Piclure Theatres NEW YORK OITY (Capitol (24) •Belles ft. Bells' U't Dave Schooler Cnpitpllans . ■ •'Musks of Devil" •Jaz7, Holiday' Unit "Walt Roosnor ■ Capltollans. Kit-/! Bros 'Harry- Rose M.IUlred La Salle Jane Overton "Show People" Paramount (24) M't'rea of '29' U't. Singers' M.lilgots •Manhattan C'ktall' . (17) "Stars" Unit Eddlt! Peiabody Dave Rubinofr Jerry Ryan Gamby-nalo Glrla^ "TRTiiu reen-X;"SiJtvny— Lyndon & Farman Evnns & Perez "Iloniecomlng" . Rojy (iry " Itarold C Wright Roxy Chonua PSuth Ann Watson Dorothea Edwards Uatrlclu Bowman 1.00 PcrnlkoQ Wan la Volhantn Vodnoy Sergeyeva Vodnoy Balalaika Orch 32 Roxyettes "Red Dance!' CHICAGO, ILL, Avalon (17) Del Lnnipo Bd Billy. Randall -.. Nelson Parrlsh , CiipKoI (17) Roy'' Detvlch Bd Eddie IIm G & M .iSllno Walters & Russel Natalie & Darnell Chicago (17) 'Parisian Nlglit.i' U H L Spltalny Bd, Anita Lnl'iorro. ' Andre & DuVal Henry Mack Novclle Bros Foster Girls "Fa'/ll" Granada (17) CJfarjey Kaloy Bd "A '& J lTa"ni?rn"0'"' J & K Spangler Harry I)ownlnK Olive Fayo Ruth Lyons ~ Harding (17) 'Bits of B'waV U't Al Morcy Hd Rlchy C'ralg Vera Van - Agnes GUroy X>aa<iualll Bros "Wlnga" Morbro (17) Bonny Meroff Bd Conrad & p:ddy unshlne- Girls Show People". Regttl (17) Foss .Williams Bd .Marsh' Rogers AlberllnaPlcklha- Klmlwa Japs' . Jolly Joyce Rlnlto (10) Wright & -Vivian . Walnisley ft Keat'g Stratford 2d linlt (22-21) M Hlllblom Bd ' Ted l-jcary Mills & Shea . ' Mldriight 3. - Wright Douglas Co 't'hoso 3 Fcllnvirs ... Tivoll (17) Wonder?ul Girl" U Voriio Buck Bd .. ! Marlon" Harris Heller .& Riley A & R Samuels Paragon 4 Foster Glile "Show People" Tower (17) "Come On Red" U Prankle Masters Bd Red Grange Wally Jackisoh Kellogg & Lewis Carroll & Groman "Battle of Sexes" Uptown (17) "Teeing Oft" Unit Bennle Kruegor Bd Harry Langdun ' Da-ve Silverman Rome &'. Dunn Earl Ldvero "Show People" ATrANT.\. G.\ Howard C^O) "Canico"' Unit R.ay Paige Novelty Band Idea . Tommy Wonder Lett Sis ft Louise Foster Girls BALTIMORE. HID. Century (10) Ted Claire Bobby Henshaw Irene Taylor Frank - SUtvcr- - Belle ft. Cola Small Bros Gamby H:ile Girls Woman Moscow' It'RM'GHAM, ALA Alabama (2G) "Kat Kabaret" U Bert Nagle & Omar Patterson 2 Kerenos ft Maree Itay 'VValman ■ Rasrh Girls ItOSTON. MASS Mctropolilan (1*7) ''MInlftfrea: 192'J" .U Gone Rdsemlch Singer's Midgets River Pirate" .Stale (10) Martdoi-k's Trii-Ue Weston aI Lyons "Show People". BUFFALO, N. Y. Buffalo (18) "Blue Clrass" Unit Herb's- Gang Colonian' Goetz GrKIln ft Rosette Slate Bros Foster (llrls Irene Wolt l>wlght Brown "White Shiuliiwa" lAfayelte' (10) Cowan ft F^^^y TOI-o--RenSw-=ro""" Rornalne ft Castle 9 Allisons "Hit of .the .'Show" CLEVELAND. O. State (17) ■ "Hou.Mo I^oai" Unit Dave Apollon- DanZI Oodell Manila Oruh Felicia .Sorer Girls .'^tubby Gonlon "His Private T.lfe" DALLAS, TKV. Palare (21) ".Ste'p Th " Way" U Johnny Paino Stanley 2 Lytell ft J'" Mystery Tenor ■ His Private Life" Michigan (18) ,'B . Arts Frolic" U Handera & MllUs Nino Fucile . Gamby-Hale Glrla Dry sal Evans Mlchiganors Bewaro Bachel'ra" FT.. WORTH. TEX; Worth (24) ".JCylophonla" Unit Tack Joyce Prosper ft Marct -Leonard & Illnes Musical Johnstons Foster Girls... HOUSTON, TEX. Metropolitan (24) Seeing Things" U Chilton ft Thomas Allen Raymond Les Klicka Sammy Cohen Sorel Girls IRVINGTON.. N. 3 Sanford (18) Ray Nichols Bd . Los Stevens Clifford & Grey Leon Martov Dewey Rogers Co Hubert Kinney Co 'C'p'n'te Marriage' LOS ANGELES Boulevard (10) Lynn Cowan Moore &■ MOore Johnny Dunn Boulevard Beauties Plast'r'd In Paris' Carthay Circle Carll Elinor Orch "intorferonro" Chinese (Indef.) Atmospheric Tab Stuairt Brady. Mixed Chorus "Noah's. Ark" Criterion (17) C •^ailonlkoff Co "I.ilac Time" Egypt ian (IC) Ch i r o t - &" Mi? r la d o Vtaliih llanaell Monkey Shines; Co ."Uevonpc'. Ijomv's Stitte (10) 12 (Milckona a - la K Al' Lyon ■ Will King. T.ew Duhbar June ; Clyde \ Murray Peck May Tacker "West of 'Zapzlbar'' Motropolittui (10) . "Ilarein ^rarom" U l''rank JehKs . NEW YORK OITY Amoriran 1st half C2C-2S) , Bee Starr. 3 Gobs Melville ft Rule Tohnny. Barry Co Nora Kelly Co ; Rives .&. Arnold ■ Pat . Henning Co -' Anette ft Boys 2d half (20-2). Parker ft Mack Emily Earie Green- & Austin Radio Fancies Walsh & Clark Brown & lAVelle Billy Gilbert Co (One to nil) / Boulevard ■1st half (20-28) Hubcrta Bceson Lucille Behstcad Cole.^&d Ward Co Clayton- ft Leonard CoUegiana 2d halt (29-2) Joe' Mandia -3 Marcus Bcrta ' i Harry Howard Co. Tracy & Hay Co (One to fill) Commodore . Ist half (26-28) Black & Gold (Others to All) 2d half (29-J) Mpntague & V 3U DeBee & Hudson Baron Geo Lloyd Cn:rr Bros & Betty (Two to nil) Delancey St. 1st half (26-2«> 3 Walters 3 Field Bros Stratne & Llla G & B Parks Artie Mehllnger (One to fill) 2d half (29-2) Karle .& RoVeln 3 Students ■ Tlmttiy Lyona '. Cardo '& Noll Sid I^wls Co , (One to fill) Falrmonutt - 1st half (2G-2S) LaFlour & Portia John Walsh Co Anderson &...Grnvcs l''"rances Anns Co Rooney Sis Rev 2d half (29-2) Hama. & Yama ■Mason ft GWynne Raymond Wilbert Paris Greatlona. (One to flin . Grand 1st halt (20-28) Nlobe : ' Vincent ^O'Donnell Sol Gould Co AVIilio & Tlerney Dolnn & Bohgor Rt r'.-)hiirn ft- Co-Eds ew Kelly tJo )no to fill) ^ sa halt (:!9-a) Black it Gold rune ^ Jo ' ,^ ■ Morgan ft Sheldon ane & Harpop lick Donnelly Rev Premier Ifit.hiiif 126-28) Castles Ilazpl Crosby' Co Bond &. Trent Hall ft Pllliird 'ercKcaro i^ls' Rev 2d Ivttlf f29-2) rioel/. Bros ft Sia , John Walsh .Co ■ AI I^'ster Co •arson & Wlllard ohnny Barry Co Prospect • 1st half (20-28) Wills & Holmes ' Bar'r ft Davla Leo Dill . .. Wlnehlll & Briscoe Lieut Getz Rice Go 2d half (29-2) „aFleur ft Portia Hicks & Hart H a Toomer Co' White ft Tierney Btlzzlngton's- Bd , ATlAVlAi, OA. Grand (26) i Aces & a Queen Mitchell & Mlnch Meredith & Snooz'^ Cai-ney & Joan- Juvenile Steppet-s B.^Y BIIKiE Ijoeyv's ist halt. (':5-28) Les. Jardys Halstead & Daniels Morgan & Dunn Carson & Wlllard Tracy ft Hay Co 24 hair C29-2). Castles : Cook ft Rosevore \'lc lAuria I'aris Croalions 2d half 120-2) Perez, & Margaret lllgelow ft Lee .Marty May.s - Perezcaro Sla Rev (One to fill) liVNSVII-LE, IND. IXK>W'ti 1st half ('-',0-28J Bob Anderson Pohy •Myrtle Boland John Barton Co Kemper ft Bayard Gracella & Theo • 2d'.half (29-2) Mahar ft Sylvester Oliver & Van Harvey Henry & G Mike Ames . Ous Kreig's Har Co HOUSTON. Tl-aC. Houston (20) Boyd & Wal.Mh Clark ft O'Nell Vox & Waliera Emlle Boreo Kiddie Rev JAMAICA, L. I. Hillside 1st half (26-28) Carr Bros & Betty Otto & Oretto Nelsion & Knight R'y'l W'ich Gl'inen (One to fill) 2d half <.29-2). Rath Bros , Anderson & . Graves Joe Darcy (Two to ftll> • ME9LTHIS. TEINN. Locw.'s (20), Lohae & Sterling Geo DuFra'nne Co Peggy Mnckechnle- Jones & Rea Eddie Mayo Gang MONTREAL, CAN Loew's (20) Selma Braatz Co Henry Regal Co Glenn & Jcnklna Rlva & Orr (One to fill) 2d half (29-1) ,- Zelda Santley Yestorlhoughta Wells ft 4 Faya (Two to fill) 2d half (22-24) Morcy Ilewett ft L Mabel Tallaterro C'ortlnl Lang ft Haley Dr Pauline Co . Iliunliton ist lialf (25-28) Geo McClennoh Paul Specht <:>rch Al Trahan RuNhwlck lat half (2-5-28) Alice DoGarmo Jack Lee Abbott & BlalanA Jean Costello C« (One to (111), 2d half (29-i) Rose Brill Polly & Oj! For No G'd ReaeoW (Two to nil) 2d half (22-24) Bell Roma Bros Ryan & Rosa OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THtf N. V. A. DR. JUUAN SIEGEL I960 Broadway. Bet 46th-47th 8tt.. Niw YmK ThU We«1c: Holland B. Honnessy; George Fitchett* PICTURE HOUSES Mure tiinn ever acts ara In demand (or ploturas. be It pprsonar .appciiranrcs or 'tnlk- era. Sm our Mr. Leonard Goldstein, one of the Uvest, (lookers In the field, for im- , mediate and successful action, - LYbNS & XYONS PARAMOUNT BLDa NEW YORK Radio Fancies- 2d half (29-2) Hubcrta ' B'eospti Meivin Sis :. Bristol ft Belle . RobblnsL^ Jewett C!ollegl,ana' <>rpl)onm Ist half (26-281 Karoll Bros Bristol & Belle Gardo' ft Noll ' Swartz & CUftord Happiness Qlrla 2d halt (29-2) 3 Walters Resilvo Pat Henning Co •: Frainces Arma Co:.- Rooney Sla .Rev - State (20) 3 Orantos-, Carleton & Bellew Bobby . Barry Co Lillian Morton Cllnt'n & B.'n6y Or (One to fill) ^Victoria lat half (26-28) Karle ft Rovein Joe Wong Double' Exposure Bert Gordon Go Pllcer Doug & M'cK 2d half (29-2) Karoll Bros - Barr St: Davis Otto * Oretto Nelson & Kntgbt Joe Pejer Orch BROOKLYN Bedford Ist half (26-28) Hartxa & Yama : Restlvo Dale Corday Co Wllkena & Wllkens Pan Fare 2d half (29-2) Les Jardya Chaa & Llll Olrard Sol Gould Co •( MclvUIe & Rule (One to fill) 4Gtli St. 1st half (26-28) 3 KltoB Ma.rc,Ua . Berta Green A Austin Morrla & Campbell -Nellie Arnaut Boys 2d half (29-2) ' Co-Eds & Bob. ilazel Crosby Co Prank Dobaon Co Bert Gordon (36 Ed Sheriff Co . Gates Ave. lirt halt (26-28) Rath Broa Maao>i & Gwynhe H B Toomer Co - Robblri'a & Jewett Lenora'a Steppera 2d halt (29-2)/- Nlobe ' .Lucille Benstoad Atlorrla & Campbell Clayton- ft Leonard Fan Farfe (One to fill) BOSTON, MASS. Orphcum (30) The Bardelongs . ■ Llla Campus. . Grey ft Byron I'he'Vagrants Lewis ft Amies Whirl of Splendor C.^XTON, P, Loew's 1st half (26-28) Perrone & Oliver J & K Lee (Three to fill). 2d halt (29-2) ' D'll's W'lker & Sis Joe'Dloler Florida Frolics Ketch ft Wllma 9 Allison's CLBVELAND, O Granada 1st half (26-28) Wilson & Aubrey Barr Wiley ft Sch'l Marietta Craig. Co Ema Barle Harvey Masaueradera. 2d half (29-2) Evelyn Phillips Co Romaine &. Castle Keller Sis & Lynob Rosa Wyse Jr Co Private Slack rbrk lat half (26-28) Evelyn Phillips Co Romalhe &' Castle Keller Sis & Lynch Ross. Wyse Jr Co Private Slack 2d half (29-2) Wilson & Aubrey Barr Wiley & Sch'l Marietta Cralnr Co Etna Earle Harvey Mbsciueradera CORONA. L. I. PInza 1st half (26-28) Parker & Mack Alice Lawlor Co Elddle Carr Co Wilson Bros Johnny Marvin Ijowe ft Sargent Rv (One. to <ill> NKWARK. N. J. . stale (20) Julius Fui'rst . Co- Nan BlacUslo'ne Jn Wrong Carl McCullDugh. Memories of Opera NEW ORI-KANS St4ite (20) Kadex ■Ed. & Lou Miller Leon ft Dawn D Harris ft Fr'nklc Dave Harris .Girls NORFOLK. VA. Jioe^v's (20) Hubert Dyer Co Villa ft . Strlngo W^lst ft St.anton Co Edith Clifford . Les Gellls Rev TORONTO. CAN. I.K>cw'8 (30) Randow: 3. Meyers & Nolan . Millard & Marlln Rome & Gaut Gautschl & Phelps WOODH'VEN, L.I. WUlarrt lat half (26-28) Joe Mandls 3 Kardo Bros . Fred Weber Co .Hairry Hbw-ard Co; Joe Fejer Orch 2d half (29-2) 3 -Nlto9 Stralne & Llla G & E Parks , -Watts ft Haw ley Dolah & Bonger Rv- YONKEltS, N.Y, Yonkors lat half (26-28) Conley 3 June & Joe Alfred Latell Co Watts & Hawley Naro Lockford Co 2d halt (29-2) Plckard & Pal Dale Corday Co Lieut Gll7, Rice Co (Two to fill) Mitoliell & Durant. Dave White Itawka (One to fill) 2d half (29-1) Clayton & Clayton Ray Shaixnon Co Rags & inches (Two to fill) 2d half (22-24) Mljares Morrell ft B'kworth Chlsholm ft Brcen Watson & Coh(sn Nlta Co' Hippodrome (26) Les Galenos Mitchell ft Dove Ike Rose's Midgets Clarence Terhune (Two to fill) (1?) .' . 4 Eastons ■. - Reed & Dulhers . Eddie Dale Co Lahder Bros. PranUle Heath B & G Sherwood - Jefferson lat half (25-28) Zelda "jBantlcy (Othera to fill) 2d halt (29-1) Rankin ft Blue B Lander Bros ■» Mitchell ft Durahl (Three to fill) 2d Half (22-2.1) Schltchl's Wd'ttes Shields ft Delaney Night at the Club Polly .& Oz Jos B Santlcy Co Jerome & Griiy Palace (25) Freda ft Palace May Wlrlh Co Ted. Lewis Orch, Fleeson ft Hayes Dick XTonderson (Others to fllb (IS) Mosconl Bros Co - Hap Hazard Crais-tord & Br'd'k Wni Groh Co Vannessi ■ Belle Baker Tt-lal of .Mary D (Two to fill) Itogont 1st h.alt (25-23) Jewell ft Rita Nathal (Throe to fill) 2d half (29-1) Jane ft Osgood James C Morton Co (Three to fill) 2d half (22-24) Del C5rtoB LoPaul Morgan ft Wood Chas Ctirrer Co Manny King Co Cameo Ramblers lliveralde 1st halt (26-28) Camllla'a Birds . Nat Chlok Haines Olive Olsen O'Donnell & Blair (One to fill) Buhglb. Love ... Mae Usher - Davis Shapiro Bnt Greenpoint lat half (25-28) Ray Marr. Rev . .2d half (29-1) AUce DeGarmo Longfellowa . Lang ft . rialey Jean Costello. Co • (One to fill) 2d half (22^-24) ' 4 Boy Scouts Joe Young Co Geo McClennon Bl Pay Rev (One to fill) - - Kenmore 1st half (25-28) Evans & W'olfte Hap Hazard Co. Tohey & Norman (Two to fill) 2d half (29-1) O'Donnell & Blalc George IJcatty 5 .Tan.sleys .(Two to fill) 2d half (22.-2*). . . Machita. ft Matltll* . - Jack Ryan Itarry Burns' Co Uenie' RIario. Co . Irene RIcard.o - . Along -Broadway . Ma<1iKon Ist half (26-28) . HUghlo Clark's Lrt 2d half (29-1) Felovls Glenn & Jenkins - Night at the Club Harry Burns, (''o B & n Skatelle Rlva ft Orr Co 2d half (22-24) M6rocco Bound . Orpheum- 1st half (25-28) Uosn Brill. Fi'cda & Pal.-ice l''or No G'd Heaaoa B -ft J Brown ' (One to - nil)., .2d half (29-1) Eddie Clark .Abbott ■ & BIsland .' Jimmy Bufchlll C* (Two to fill) 2d half (22-24) Clayton ft Claytoti ' Lydla Harris ' . Harry Jackson Co .Tack Wilson Co S Jah.ileys , Prospect , ,. 1st halt (25-28) , Miss Marcelle Inlander Bros James C Morton Co Neal Sis ft Eileen (One to nil) , .2d half (i9^1) Jewell. & Rita Doc- Baker Co MUt (Sollinj? (Two to nil) 2d half (22-24) Gates & Claire Tex McLeod Lydell & Macy Oo EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN BEN ROCKE 1632 B'way, at 50th St., M- V. City I NFAV YORK CITY Broadway (25) Rich ft Cherio .McGrath ft Traverg Larry Rich Friends (Olhei's to fill) : . (19). . Camllla'a Birds-. Tom & Dolly Ward For'No G'd Reason Tuesdays 723 7th Ave. New York JACK L. UPSHUTZ TAILOR, 908 Walnut St., Phila. Harry Savoy - Ruth Rlahl Tumbling t'li'iwns li'oster Girls ■ l.tia Uu,bertl "His Private Lite" . United ArUHlH (21) Joe 10 Brown U.T.y VVillinina ^ _^ Tra'r^fJri)ti.s^~ ' Tanl Dii-nis ft Inez TroulHp Hansen u; (SlrlH' "Hit 'ot the Show" Warner Bros.. (10) 1,00 .Forbsfeln Orch Cehallos Pros ' 3 Brox .sl.<« . Taylor'.^ Night'g'lei' Marjorle Moore . 0 Sloppinij Foola '•On Trial'; NEWARK, V. .1. Bninftinl .<I7» C|i irlif ■ M>'',>Ji'i;i 2d .halt (29-2) Con ley 3 Joe Wong Co Double Exposure' Wllkens ft Wllkens Ijcnora'8 Steppers Lincoln Sq. 1st half (36-28) . Ploetz Bros & Sla r5olf=&^^-^RtJ!WVT!re=- Jimmy Lyona (^razy Rhythm (One to fill) 2d half (2.9-2) Plelot ft Scofield , Kardo Broa Fred Weber . Co Murray Gordon Co (One to fill) National lat half . (26-28) Plckard ft' Pal C Ik L GIrani Brown ft LaVolle I'M Sheriff Co Nellie Arnaut Boys (One to fill) Metropollinn (20) Kate & Wiley Mabel WIthee Co VlUanl & 'VlUanl Lorraine & MInto Elliott ft Latour Sally Rand Boya Orlontalf^ Ist halt (26-28) Melvln. Sla .Morgan & Sheldon SId.Lewla Co (Twt» to fill) 2d halt (29-2) Wills Se Holmes Haldtead ft Daniels Alfred Liitell Co WlnohUl A Briscoe Naro I/ockford. Co Palace 1st halt (26-28) Plelot ft Rcoflel.l Jim TyrcU ft Hanle'y Kay .Shannon Burt ft Lehman Crackcrjarks Cheirtor Ist half (25-28) Arthur Pot ley Co Lane ft Osgood Harry Burn.s Co I'.W! k0 tt^^SF^I* a ig-ff'Cn (Ono to fill) 2d halt (29-1) .^argent ft I,pwl3, 4 f^amerons . Near KIs ft Eilcpn (Two to fill) 2d halt (22-24) riibson ft Price Miss M.aroolle James C Morton Co Walle Hoyt Co ' Ili.ii-h'.-i Ent (One to filir CollHeum I>5t half r-J.-.-iS) Along Bro.idway riay Sh.annon Co (Throe to. flll) 2d half (29-1) , Camilla's Birds, ,OJlve' Olsen ... J ft' M ilawklna Famll.v Ford, Hap, Hazard 2d half (22,-24) Rlva ft Orr Co Jerome ft Evelyn Nat Chick Haines Ciharlcs Ray 3 Sailors , ,. Jean Rankin Girls . yst St. (25) ■Spencc ft True Jack Benny Belle Baker (Two to llll) (10.' Nolan Til-OS ft V.izlo Jack U.«-hor Co Walter O'Keoff* Ike RoS'.>'s Miilgots (One to mil Ford ham 1st half (25-iS) Kitaro Japs ==1 vnn =■! tiiTi K75tt^r:rs=^"- J ft M Harklns P.amiiy Ford (OnD to fill) . . - 2d half (29-n J C Fllnpen's Unit 2d halt (22-2 1) l/os (i.nloniis Ruth Font ftuth Mix Co , Die Hend'>r.«<)n Roslta Or.h Franklin 1st h.-ilf C.v-iSi Fi41(i\i.e Fran Kit' fTo-idi 2d half (29-1) Kitaro Japs B & J Brown ■ Henry Santrey Or (Two to fill) 2d half (22-24) Bobby May Johns ft Miibley Mary Boland LocUett ft Paige Hal Nolmari Ncll_^Si3 ft Eilcen_ 'Ito.viiT Ist half c 25-28) Clayton ft (MayLon Walto Hoyt Jiarriot Hutchinson Jimmy Jjurch|ll- Co (One to fill I 2d halt (29-11 Snow ft SIgworth Nathal . Freda & Palace • Dave White Ha-.vks (One to fill) . ,2d h.alt (22-24) ' J.Tzz Boat Ilov CONEY ISLAND Tllyon Ui half (25-28) Irene-'V'ennllllon Co B ft H Skatoiie Joe. Young Co ('l'w6 to lill) Cd half (29-1) Iltu'prhle C'lnrk's U't . ill half (22-24) The Brninllii).<s J ft J McKcnnR Zol'l.T, .'iantloy Arthur Pctly Co (One to. nil) F.VR ROCK.VWAY .Si rand 2<l halt (.29-2) Cortlni Stop Look & I.isteh -Na t TiTirs f^--^-^^--^' (Two to nil) 2d half (22-25) Ken'. JIurray I'nii BROOKLYN .\lboo (25) Rosita Orrh Iforke ft Kin'J Mary BoLinil 3 Sailors (TWO to fill"" . (IS) Keep ^lnvln-r ■ MitolM'U 1.)..- - M;iy AVirth Co J;\< k Bonny Georgo Beatty O'Donnell & Blair AKRON. O; Palace lat half (26-28) Chas T Aldrloh C« A'an & Schenck Elton ft Rulort Franklyn D'Amor* (One to nil) 2d half (29-2) Norman IMiilUpa Co Vfnr~ft- s.:Th5nt;lc^ Fred lilndsay Co (Two to nil) ' 2d halt. (22-24) Billy -Batc-h^lor Co The AJayakos' Frank Devoe Go (Two to nil) ALLEN.TOWN. PA. Colonial l.>)t half (20-28) Harris ft C'lnlre (•'ook ft '^'crnoh (Three to fill) ' ' 2d half .(2i)-2) Ada.Bi'own Co Billy Maine Co (Three to llll) . AMST'KD'.M, N. Y. Riiilto 2d half . i :;;'-2) Reynold ft \\'hite Alice n.-ii-n!l'.i>n : Miinjoaii '!"!• (Thi-i 0 to lill i _ Arr.ANT-f (IVY i(<'i:;>'M 1st ha'f (:;i!-.2S') Jo...ii-1-ip ,v. Hvolyn HuiViiiii Wi>n'l''r.-. Collins .<;• I'oiiT'ioB Dan00 P,i:-iiilo (One to til! I 2d half - (:;n-2) Del ton ft l).)» -M argu e r-i tt'^Sy:lv a — Kay ft Di-r Doan • Twn to nil I BALTIMOUl.. Mf>- Bippoilromo . (--'D Hag ft H.r,'i,''i '•' Ryan ft M.-ig>r Th.ix P J;p k> .n f P rarr.c'.i ft K.";"ni-s >; l<ro'.\n Ur.i-' (1: Mt>li,iliiiU.> I|.,;t J Ml :; .1 n W i 1 J 'A II.lM)''~ !• I .M .: !-< > IM 1 '1 I ' I