Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 21, 1928 VARIETY 45 Ijew Garden <2«) •Ken Murray Unit (19) 3 i^elsona rjeorcle Hunter gay & Dot Dean Kenneth Harlan Co Hill DlUlea iWngliamton 1st half (20-28) potson „, ,, Fabor & Well? jTi lcascU Gould Co (TWO to All) „ „^ ^ 2a half <20-2) Wade Booth _ Barry & WhUledge no Meyerj^Co iTwo to nil) BOSTON. MAW). >'ow Boston (20) Black Kal 4 Bu.«3ey & Case , Betty Blytho CO- • Billy Moody Omer Hcb^rt RftV BankB & Burham Maurice Samuela Hilton & Almy^ Jack Kneel'd Orch (One to fill) 2d half (22-2S) Rofjera & Wynn Kthel Waters Enchantment Oriental (26) Chapelle & Carlton Jlriimy Allard Co Pom Waring Paul Tremalno Or Stuart Sis ■ (19) Talmltft & MllU't ("haniUcT Tloys. M'rsh'll M'tBomcry Harris & Van/. Koran ■ ■ Uptown , :«t :half ('iO-28) raulft, PaquUa & C Pearsoh Bros A E Mr Si Mrs PhlUlpa Mlacahuti. ■ ' ChaB Hill Co . ' ia half. (29-4) Pelvey Rla The Colleslatea Chu3 Wilson Co 3 Colicefs • (One to fill) 2d half (22-2B.) Marty Dupi-ee Unit EA8T0N, eA.: Stiito BOOKING FOR tOEW CREATORE, LENETSKA & MARTIN, INC. 1560 Broadway, N, Y. C. Bryant 652!>-6-7 Al Vann and Ul8 Gnnpr Now Playing Fox Circuit BUFFALO Shed's (20) . Byan^Sls •. • Foy Family Sunimers & Hunt Chaney & Fox Geo D'Ormonde Co (19) ■'The KalstonS FrakBon Toby Wilson Co >rt Henry Co Trerhalne'B Orcn CANTON, O. Palace let half (26^28) A & G Falls Xicwta & Wlnthrop Anger & Fair Ben Turpin Palmlta & Millet : 2d half (29-2)' 4 Castlne Stars . Undercurrent Florence Brady (Two to fill) 2d half (22-26) Mlacahua • Frank Hamilton ■. Chas T Aldrlch Spencer & WllUams Down Home CINCINNATI Albw (20) Dance Rhapsodies Brendcl & Gurt Harry Holrrian Co Svans & Mayer (One to All) 09) Joan Elton Co • The Gaudsmlthfl "Will Mahoney Ansrer & Fair Florence Brady Palace (20) Dance Bit's Gilbert & French Kewhoff & Phelps Sam Mann Co Lydla Barry ■' Koran ' (19) Bublo Sis Ann Garrison Babeock & Dolly Ruth Robinson Co Bon Turpin Hayed Marsh & F CLEVBT/AND. O. 105th St. 1st half (26-28) Ann Garrison Co • The Gaulsmlths •T & R Romalne Co Chaa WUaon Co Tamna 2d half (29-2) The Mayakos Chandler. Boys Senator Murphy Billy ^Batchelor Co (One to fill) 2d half (22-2B). Cuby & Smith Sherman & McVey Rich & Cherle Larry Rich Friends (One to fill) Palace (26) Rlgolotto' Bros Jos Re^an Co' Kenneth Harlan Co Winnie LlRhtner (One to fill) (19) ■ The CoUcBlatoa —jlay-Hullng-.& Seal Watson Sis Mr & Mrs Phillips, Van Kf. Schenck COI>UJWBlI9. O. 1st half (26-28) ■ . 4 Casting Stars . ■Undercurrent Watson Sis ■ . Florence Brady • (One to .flll) '2d hialf (29-2) A & O Falls l.ewls & Wlnthrop An'frer .& Fair Ron Turpin Palmlta & Millet . . 2d hnlf (22-2B) Pedro Rubin Co B & J Crelghton ■ Cardlnl Lou TelleKen Co ' Barry & Whltledgc 8 RocUr-ts DAYTON, O. - Keith's 1st half (26-28) Colonial 6 Olrl WantPil Burns & Burchlll Ethel Wntera 6 Rockets 2d half (29-2) Princess Pat Harry J Cqnley Co Turner Bros ■=^KJlFl^;rndsay=^?V Do'oley A Sales 2(1 half (22-25) Achilles &,Newinan ■ Gilbert & Ffenf h IT.irr'y Holman Co fliaa Wllsnn Co Winnie Mfrhtnfi' TInfiva A- Bnlkoff DETROIT. T\nrit Hollywoofl 1st half (26-28) Hflvey Sl^ Pophle TuckPr 2d half (29-2) T,otna Worth Sophie Tucker 1st half (20-28) . Ada Brown. Co. Billy Maine Co (One to fill) 2d half (29-2) Harris & Claire Cook & Vernon ■ , (One to fill) KLMIBA, N.Ti Keeney's 1st half (26-.28) Murray & IrWih Talent & Merit Flo Meyers Co (Two to. flil) 2d half (29-2) Fabcr.& Welia. Frfedsell Gould Co (Three to 1111) FT. WAYNE, IND. New Einboyd . . 1st half (26-28) • The Brtants Fred Huphcs The Collegrlates (Two to fill) 2d half (29-2.) . Pearson Bros & .E3 Ijevari A jJoHes Ethel Waters CoUeano Family (One to nil) 2d half (22-2B) Princess Pat Clara K Young Dooley & Sales The Graduates (One to fim GLENS F'M, N- Blalto 2d half (29-2) Gabby Bros■ Prances Kennedy Carnival of VePlco GLOVERSVILLB Glove : 2d half (29-2) Henry Kelly Palls Reading & B Meow'. Meow Meow (Two to All) GRANB RAPIDS Kielth'H let half (26-28) (Sanie bill plays Toledo 2d half) Marty Dupreo Rev 2d half (22-25) Paula Paqulta &. C Mason & Keeler B & B Newell Rae Samuels . Bracks MU)I)LETOWN New Mlddlelmvn 2(1 half (29-2) ■ ■ FondeU 4 aula & Polly inwey & RoKsrs Watson & Cohan (One to nil) NASHVILLE l^ruice'sB (20) Bracks F X Hush man Jr Fred Helder Co OcvU's Circus- Fciri'& Tennyson - (19) AV Stryker Co Loma Worth Hurry J. Conley Co Walter Wahl Uo Don Lee & Louise NEWiltllClI Academy • 1st half (26-28). (japt Bono Bobbed Forsythe & Kelly (Two to nil) 2d half (29-2) Headlines Hohier Llnd Rev (Three, to lill). - 2d half (22-25) Alice Deparmo . Snow & Sigworth - Nash ■&' O'Donncll B-& J- Brown Jean Coatello Co NORTH ADilAlS, Empire • :2d half (29-2) Janet Reade Co Dixie 4 Little Plplfax Co OTTAWA, CAN. Keith's (26) Ridiculous Rccco Aliaar & Marquee Musical Conserv't'y Plsano & DevHn Princess Wataw'ssa PMIToADELVniA AlleRheny 1st half (26-28). belton &, Dowe ■ Ray & Dot Dean Sub Deb Dancers 2d half (29-2) Reed & Duethdra i (Two to fill) Broa4lway - . 2d half (29-2) Haynes L'mari & K Moore & Rellly (OAe to All). Earle (20) Cooper & CllCton Bernard &. Henry Irene - Rlcardo Mexican- Orch (One to nil) Grand . lat half (26-28) Babe Eerah' Redh'ds (TWO to fill) 2d half (29-2) Reed & Duetbera. (One to All) Nixon . let half (26-28) Reed & Duethers Haynes L'man & K Babe Bean Redh'ds 2d half (29-2) Jerome & Evelyn Claude & Marlon Suib Peb Dancers - PITTSBURGH Davlse (26) Uph'm Whitney Rv Wyeth & Wynn Ruth Robinson Co Frank Hamilton Co Sully & Thomaa Behee & Rubyatte (19) Valencia Ryan Sis Spence & True. Jlmniy AUard Co Freddy Strltt Lanlcre .5 • • ^ PITTSF'UD, MASS. Palace .1st half (2C-28) Chas Carren Kranz & Kaufman i.arre« 014 Fiddlers vs J'z ^i^^^a & Mann ?r*,u'"f^\°n^!ifnrd Scrambled LCBS . S Golfcfa ^ I 2d half (29-2) GR'NF'ijj, MASS. Victoria 2d half (29-2) Pierce & Porter; Broadway Bits (One to. fill) MARRISB'HG, PA. Majestic 2d half (29-2) Marcus Rev & H UOBNETJU N. Y. Sliattuck's 2d half (29-2) Murray & Irwin Talent & Merit Magic Land (Two to fill) ITHACA, N. T. Strand 2d half, (29.-2) Dotaon . . Smith & Sawyer Lucky .4 & Talbot JERSEY CITY " .' State'' 1st half (26-28) . SafRent & Lewis . 4 ; Camerons ■ ' Wostori & Lyons (Two to fill) 2d half (29-2). Evans & Wolffo (Others ■ to fill) 2d half (22-25) ; Burke R- Durkin U LANCASTER, PA. Colonial . 1st half (26-28) Frozlnl Drew & Dowllnfr (Throe to, fill)• 2d hfilf (29-2) BUnBle Love B & J CrelRhton (Three to fill) LOUISVILLE, KY. Keilh'8 ^ 1st half (26-28) Princess Pat Turner'. Bros ■ Harry J Conley Co Earl Lindsay's Rev Dooley & Sales 2d half (29-2) Colonial 6 Girl Wanted Burna & Burchlll B UocketB (One. <o flU) ^-2d-ha 1 f-( 22 -2 &>-^ -riance Bits Hartnim & Saxton Pom Mann Co 'Sully & Thonins ■ N"lMiin'a BlephantK MEMPHIS, TKNS. Orpheum (26) Howpll's CollcKlans Tlydn A Barrel 1 f'r-ole F'ah'n Plate AVnlt'-r Wahl Co T)o« I>C(» & IjouIrc Sul JIarion Co . (19) I>evil'a Circus Jay Velle Hardeen (Two to fill) PLATTSB'G, N. Y. Strand 2d half (29-2) Reynolds & White (Two to fill) POUOHKEEPSIB Avon 1st half (26-28) Chevalier Bros Headlines Homer Llnd Rev (Two to fill) 2d half (29-2) Capt Done , Bobbed Forsythe & Kelly (Two to fill) 2d half (22-25) Chas Ledegar Ann & Frank BxafTger.atlons Mitchell & Durant Artistic Rev . ,- QUEKEC, CAN. Keith's (26) Tod Maroelle Margaret Padula Winchester & Ross (Two to fill) RICHMOND, VA. National 2d halt (:;9-2) Curly- Burns Co Kanplo Ward (One to tlil) SARAT(M>A' - ConBresw 2d halt (i'JrS) The Rulstons 3 Bennett Glrla (One to (111V SPItlN<JKlKLD, O. Paliiee Ist half - (20-28) Paula & Polly .Dewey & Rogers ■. Watson Cohep Adeline Benrton ' Co (One to nil) : 2d half (29-2): , Chiis' Garren *' F,i nt a St i c. F' v ol 11 j es (Three to fill) . SYRACI SE Keilli'a Isf halt (26-'28') S Bennett Bros ;. Brown' McGra'w Bd Pearl Regay . Rallstons . (One to fill) 2d . half (29-2) Larry Rich Friends Paul.T. Paauitxi 5: .C Cuby & Smith . (Two to fill) 'Sd half (22-2-5) . B A R, Gornati Rev Tom ,"Waring- Summers & Hunt Amateur Nlto in L (One to fill) TIIREK RIA'ERS Capitol ist half (20-28) Jackson & NcSyman (Two to fill) 2d half (29-2) Ted Marcelle . (Two to. fill) TOLEDO. O. Keith's 1st half (26-28) (Same bill plays Grand Rapids 2d ,half) Ruth Warrisn Co The' Ghozzls. . Babeock & ^DOlly Down. Homo (Two to fill) 2d half (22-26) Modern Marionettes Lewla & Wlnthrop McManus A HIckey T & R Romalne Evans & Mayer Franklyn D'Amour TORONTO, CAN. Hippodrome (20) Fraksoh Co .Danny Small" Co Lou Telleg'en Co Art Henry Co Enchantment . . (19) Chaney & Fox Talent & Merit Derlckson & Brown Billy Swede Hall Foy Family UNION CITY Oapltol iat half (26-28) D .& B Donna 3 tiOngfellbwa Billy Purl Co (Two to fill) 2d half (29-2) (Jeo McClennon Toney & Norman Dorothy Bush Bd (Two to fill) 2d halt (22-26) .3 Lemaires . Th'mpa'n & L'gr'na Cantor & Duval Lewis & Van Helen Ardcn Co U-nCA, N. Y. Gaiety 2d half (29-2)- Henry Kelly Falla Reading & B (One to fill) . WHITE PLAINS Ke4tl>'8 let half (26-28) Cahlll & Wells Vesterthoughts Mae Usher - (Two to fill) 2d half (29-2) Morocco Bound U't 2d half (22-26) Dance Scandals- Harrington Sis Johnny Hyman Bobby - Barry Co (One to fill) YORK. PA. York O. 11. 1st half (26-28) B & J Crelghton YOUNGSTOWN,' O. Hippodrome 1st half (26-28) Tlie Graduates Chandler Boys Senator Murphy Vreid Lindsay Co (One to fill) 2d half (29-2) Chas T Aldrlch Co Kiton & Ruloff Watson Sis Franklyn D'Amore (One to. illl). 2d half (22-25) The' Arleys Brendel & Burt Les Ghezzls. Lydia Barry Brown McGraw Bd Rose & Thome Gerbcr's Gallics . ' Kdwin George Vales & I/Awley LOS ANGKLI-a Illllstrcet (20) Teck Murdock uiliva - .Marks nobliy Folsom ' Miu'k & Roaslter Uuiz &. Bonlta (lii) Trlxle Frlpanza i'aul Nolan M.Trion Wllkins Al k Hall ■ . Kaye & Sayre (One to nil) Orphipnm (26) Gruber's. Oddities Si'ed & Austin Manuel Vcca- -. -lliipe Vernon. Davis & Darnell Eulile Blake- Bob Hall (One to fill) (19) Weaver Bros Roy D'Arcy Co Hums Allen R((iz A Bonlta Bobby Folsom Mack & Bosslter Jarvis & Harrison Serco Flash MILWAUKEE Pntace (20) : Monroe ife Grant Dave Bernle Orch McLallen & Sarah Lou Cameron' Co Lubin Larry & And 4 Uessems (19) AVolff & Jerome Ashley Paige Ship Ahoy Kane & Ellis . Sophie Tucker (Otio to fill) OAKLAND, . CAIi. Orplieum (26) Norman Thomas' Povrers & -Wallace Bokcn Dancers Block .& Sully Beritell & Gould ■ (19)-v - Herman Tlmberg V OMAHA, NEBi Orpheum (20) Yates & Lawley Rose & Thorne Paxton Orth & Codes Croeikett's . Mount'rs (One to fill) (19) Geo Wong Co Norwood &. Hall. Rosalind Ruby Juliet Chaz Chase l-l Brlckloi'S SAN FRANCISCO Golden Gate (20) Herman Tinjberg C - (IS) ' Teck MurUook Odlva . Joe ^larks .Til (10 ("Jri'cn Bi-niril i^i Gould IIoiu^ ViM-non ()rph(Mmi (3(i) Bcni\y Davis .tlanp Robert Warwick' Olyn I/inilii-k Hick'cy liriia. - Yvette Knu'el (One to i\i:) •. (19) .B(>nnv Davis Boll Hall S(<j'd Austin Manuel Veira Block Sully Powora & Wallace SEATTLK, "^VASH. Orplieinn CiO) Harry (rai riill X'nit .- (l'!>y Rnnor, Inihoff Co Willoii &. Weber, - W,h''*-'l*-'»" * t>:ina3 Don Cunvmlngs Jorry * Bfiliy Grs, Wutch ilvc lUiythm ST. LOIIS St. I>oniH (20) CUpnnington Orch Al Aljbott Shi)) Ahoy, Eva-Tanguoy Gerbcr's-(Vailics . . (19)' . . Hector .^t Pals Alien & Canfield I Music Art ROvuo Illinois State Bd Bert Ilanlon VA>C«LVKB. u. c: - Orpheum (20) Llta tlray Chaiilin Everett Snn(le(-aon Harry & F lusher (jracie Dcagon Byron &. Willis Chambisrlain A H : . (19.) Harry ('nviroll T.TnIt JVINXIPBG, CAN. Orpheum (26) .GllfE Edwards . Harry & F Seamon Wll«on & Dbbson Ashley P.aige P Oukralnaky Bal (One to fill) (19) Johnny Berkos Muriel Kaye Jack Nor..worth Frankle & Dunlevy Bobby Rowland- . LKjyal's Dogs TI LSA. OKI..\. Orpheum fJO) Slii'Wl.ui Ucft it Ti I'lunUett IT ,lacl-s (..•uccii llari'v lli.l;iiO!» WICHITA. KAN, Majciitlc 1st ha.( t26-28) Banjdiun il (Two ti) HID :a half tJ;l-2) Ke.'ior iMi'nd'n & D \Two to IVU) Association nL'MlV'tiT'N, ILL. MoJCNl Ic 1st halt U0-;.<) . Oliarm 4 . Tjvno Byron - Kink's Mules 2d half ('.>I»-1) M-idnct I/and . . Val. Harris Co -1 Ball r.ros CIIAMPAKSN. ILL Orpheum • Ist half (.20-2S) • .. Ci.'raliline .I"0 . mini Ktnte Bd (One to fill) M half (20-1) 'I'olO Morton * Stout tOne to mi) 2(1 half (22-;^) Bennlniiton's Bd Fred 'HuKhos A F .steilnian (Two til nil) Ca>'R RAPIDS.IA. Iowa 1st half (2fi^28•) ' Larimer Hudson i B Hamp Co . I\ iiMn l$rws (Two tfi lill) 2d half (29-1) Kay & Siiyro (Others to fill) CHICAGO. ILL. it(>lmont .' " 1st.half (2i;-':8) . 3 . Muskctccers Doiina Bt'reo Girls CChreo to fill) 2d half (29-1) MADISON. WIS (>rpho«ii)) Ist h.tlt 'f:(>-2S) IM.^.Mi Cook . Uov 'Uo^ers- '.. , Lvitlie Ma.\ > r' Gii Is (Two to tlVll 2d hail' \29-l), Ja I'U . l lalilcy AUi-h (,'auncld . Music' Art Ucv Hcfi Ha.hlon' . i'i'ter the. t;reat - ' id half .f 22-2 0 Whi(eiivan's R IJoys kt Leo A l\'Msems (Two to nr.) MILWIKIVE. WIS. .Riverside Vir,) Dan Fitch Mln PEOKl \, H'L, I'lihvco. - 1st hnlf (2fi'-2S), - Billv Hallen : . lliulriKO ^ l.ila Go 1 Tlu-ci> to niD. ,2d half Ci'J-l) ("iaudn Dct'ar Co' Will - Aulu ey snaw .t Crrroll Rv Cl'wo 111 nil). . UOCKTOKD, IIX Palace - . ■ lal half (20-28) J-.iVk Hauley Allen * CanOold ■\lusic - Art Kev Ttcrl lianlon ' i'etcr- th'> Great . 2d half. (29-1) Eileen ■ Cduk Iliiy Rogers TORONTO, CAN. runtagett C-O) (■^nsit.iig CaiiiplicP.a Tci'in & Mii-'ann T\\iiis li-.iin.-i i<- K.ine Ki>v ^'. Hur-ual'n <"<! UXMIl.rON. CAN. rnntiiues (-0) \\ Ml l;;;..!i;-.- K.lKlv H..h(:iian ^*IIC1\IU1 (•lift>-in * Br.-.nt Ka'hciine l!.i\le.Co TO-LKIU), <). I'lVnlnges (^(i) - Bcic J^!-iari Co Clu,^ Ku'liai-il'» SMiTcir HroM .V Sis Murtoh ."C- .firccn DIehl Sis &^McD^d little ^Mayer GlrlS OPENED THIS WEEK BOQEBS and DONNELLY "THE COUNT" LOEW CIRCUIT Direction Joe—LEDDY & SMITH—Ed 226 West 41tb St., Suite 901 Proctor NEW YORK CITY 6th Ave. 1st half (26-28) . Allan Reno (Others to fill) 2d half (29-1) Ixiuise Wright Cahlll & ■Wells Along Broadway (Three to fill) '86th St. 1st half (26-28). Marqulta & M Bros Tango Shoes Night at the Club Al Trahan Co Cortlnl 2d half (29-1) Lar^e & Morgner Virginia Bacon Co Meyers & Hanaford Vsneaal Co (One to fill) ■ . \VE.STCIIESTBaft Hew Rochelle 1st half (26-28) Morocco Bound . 2d half (29-2) Melody Friends Montana Al Trahan Co Marqulta & M Bros (One to fill) Mt. Vernon lat half (26-28) Henry Santrey Co 2d half (29-2) Chevalier Bros I'^rankie Heath (Three to fill) _. Yonkors ist half '(26-'2^j ;' 5 JanaleyS Grace & B Forrest Wells & 4 Fays Loulae Wright (One to fill) 2d half (29^2) Allan Reno Baker cS: Francis Tango .Shoes Honey (One to nil) NEWARK, N. J. Proctor's (26) Johnny Hyman Florence Moore. Anthony & Howl'd Helen Arden Co (One to fill) ALBAN^Y, N. Y. Grand let half (26-28) Janet Roade Claire Vincent Co Smith & Sayor Broadway Bits (One to fill) H. nieecker Hnll lat half (26-28) Dixie 4 (Two to fill) TROY. N. Y, Proclor'H (20) Marcus Rev SCH'N'C^T'Y, N. Y. Proctor's 1st halt (26-28) Wade Booth Frances l^cnnedy Carnival of Venice •2d half (29-2) Claire Vincent Co Wdwh' MsriyjlV ""'^ (One to fill) , BOSTON, MASS. Memorial (20) Walter McNally Ol.sen & Johnson (Others to fill) ■ ,(19) ' Honey Tr ' Sargent & l.ew.13 Demarcos 4 Camerons William Morris Co Hays & Fleeaoh CALGARY, CAN. Grand (20) Johnny Berkea Muriel Kaye Bobby Rowland Frankle & Dunl'-vy Jack - Norworth Loyal'B Doga ' .0 9) rT;ita~'G ra y "ClTuT'l Ih" (ihamhcrlaln & H Everett Sanderson Harry & P Usher Oracle Deagon Byron A Wlllia CHICAGO, ILL. Palace (20) Mayo Sc Lynn Rny Hullng & Scnl Medley & Dupreo Will M.Thoney Rrnjer.") Wynne Rublo 61s Pedro Huhin Co (One to fill) (19) Cliff Edwards Irene Franklin. Hooper & Oatchott .Toscph Rcgian Jew Daly & Co-eds llyde & Biirrell. Slim Tlmhlln Colleanb Faihily .State IJiko (20) Fantino Sis Barlram & Saxton Hunter.& Percival VanL-ihlrlg Lady Fuller'cera Harris & Van I)on Humbert (Two to fill) (10) Angel Bros ITnderourrent ■I^Tiy=Frlenda^-=^ Toto Hur,n8 & Burchlll Leon -Varvarla Stewart & .Ollvij IJrnfSt HIatt ; Pav^cy Ballet DENVER, COL. Orpheum (20) Dona'd Brian Nonette . Keane & Whitney Fisher A Gllmnre Revel Bros & Rtd Interstate ATLANTA, GA. Grand (26) Frank viola Co Senna & D^an Nick I.ucas. FranciHS Rose & D ((iu(! to mi) AUSTIN, TEX. Hancock O. II. Jsl half (26-28) (Same bill plays Waco 2d halt) Bob & M Dupont Parisian Art Thos J Ryan Willie W McGlnty fdne to. nil) DALLAM. TEX. Majestic (26) O'Connor At Vaughn llur---t &■ Vogt . Wcddlnt: Gown i Hoy Cumminga ' M me to nil 1 ■VT. WORTH. TEX. =1—•=V'jrJPBtlc'-(«6)— 1 A Kricdland P.ev (,ALVKST'N, TKX. MdJestlo (26-27) (Sarniij bill' -plays Lake Charles, 28r 29: ' Beaumont, 30-1) i-.-h- 1 I>avl9 rii-ie Kick.'* iTw'i to tii:) HOUSTON, TEX. Mertlnl (20) Ka.'.-fO ("o Huth Muse Ward & Van Seymour 'A Howai'd- LITTLK ICK. AKK. MnJcHlic ■ 1st hair (20-28) - Loflte> Irving 3 Co-Kds lloscoe Alls. Co NEW ORLEANS Orpheum C^O) Eddlo I'ardo Rev OKLAHOMA CITY Orpheum (20) Clemons BtilUngs .lean Sotliern Bezazlan An White Brema F *. M Bros-. 'Danny Duggan (Jo 8AN ANTONIO MaJcHtle (20) Ijonias Troupe Francs & Wally Norto Bob Murphy Gallarlnl SlH (19) .. Kentucky Mount'ra Fjlton & Parker fiBMINOLK (27-27) (Same lilU pl-i>! Afiarlllo, n'y.i; WirhfKcFaUH, .V)-l) King Bros DaviH M'Coy ■Ta'k .Mf-il.'n Svd M'li-•li''iJ> e AIn-tft .N'.'- f'-ri SIIHK\ l-.I"KT. Strand iVl-'Mi) liCHlcr Irving 3 Co-Kds Itoscoe Alls Co *Plia .Briants (Three to fill) Englewood 1st half (26-28) Diehl S1S.& MoD'd Paul RemoB Co Memphis Collegians (Two to fill) 2d half (29-1) Los Morenos I B Hamp (Three to fill) Riviera (20) Hector & Pals Fielder H't & Ham Scott Saunders Joe Daley A Co-eds (One to AH) DAVENPORT, lA. Capitol. 1st half (26-28) Marshall A LaRue Rosalind Ruby Boy Friends Chamberlain & E SIg Friscoe Bd 2d half (20-1) Norwood A Hall Klein Bros Gamble Bros & B (Two to nil) 2d half (22-24) Varsity 8 DECATUR, ILL. IJnroIn Sauare - iHt half (26-28) Midget Jja.nd Val Harris Co 4 Ball Bros •2d half (29-1) Fink's Mules Charm '4 Lane A Byron DBS MOINE.S. lA. Orpheum 1st half (26-28) Gamble Bros A B Norwood A Hall Jimmy Dunn. (Three to fill) 2d half (29-1) Marshall A LaRue Rosalind Ruby Boy. Friends Chamberlain A B SIg Friscoe Bd Jimmy Dunn 2d half (22-24) Klein Bros . Frank Convllle . Jimmy Dunn (Two to nil) DETROIT, MICH. Grund-Rlviortt ist half (26-28) Ann Gold Co- Tllyou & Rogers Montana BV'NSVILLId, INI). Grand - 2d half (22-24) Rodrlgo A Llla Or Gertrude A Boya i Tll.i A Clark Jack 1-Ianley ... fOno to nil) GALE>^ItCRG, ILL. Oriilictim —1st-half .(26.-28). ..^ Claude Dc.Car Co Will Aubrey .'ihaw A Carroll Rv 2d half (29-1) Billy Ual'-en . Bodrlgo A Llla Co (One to HII) • JOLIHT. ILL. Ulitlto 2d half (29-1), - Tcxa," .4, ■. ■ ' Lfe G;i le Ens (One to fill) JOI'LIN. MO. Klectrh- •, iBt half (26-28) . Frank Wilsi^n Foster )''a.gnn A Cox Sliiino A Rich ('inc-td fill) . 2d half f29-l) F .JvverH A tJrela . 1,1-slio A Va'hdr-rg'ft .Bari.lo Land (f)ni' to n i) K'N.IAS CITY. MO. .MainHtreet (20) K^/rionde A Grant .Tim McWilllaniM . c;eo Wong Co (One. to (ill) LIVCOLN, NKII. Lincoln (ZO) T'.'irke .'-':s- A llarv'y Vf\v:ifi (Ji'orgo '\-TT?|t^8~ (Two to fill) 2d half. (22-24) Vani.shing -Maid J'n Fuller Dancers Hunter A I'orcival Don Humbert Monroo & Grant SIOUX Cll-Y, lA. Orpheum.' 1st half (26-28) Frank ConVlUe Local Act', , Kelso A'-DeMonde 14 Brick tops - (One to nil) 2d half t^9-l) Whiteman's R Boys hJrnest Hiatt Mary Haynes (Two to fill) 2d half (22-24) Paxton ("lambln Boya A B Ketch A. Wilma Lucas A Lillian (One to fill) S'TH HEND, INI>. Palace . 1st half (26-28) Madeline - Hooper Gatohett Co Ryan A Lee Hungarian Tr (One to fill) 2d half. (29-1) Mosconl Unit . 2d half (22-24) Fitch's Mlnstrcla Lou Cameron Co SPRIN<}P'LI>, ILL. Orpheum | 1st half (26-28) Morton ft Stout Toto (Three to fill) 2d half (29-1) Geraldlne A Joe Ryan A Lee mini State Bd (Two to fill) 2d half (22-24) Peter the -Great Bronson A Ren'ce R L.ane ft Byron -. . (Two to fill) ST. .lOSEPjr. MO. Electric iHt half (26t28) Tabcr A Grcohe Rainbow Rev (Two to nil) 2d half (29-1) Foster Fagan A C- (Tliree to fill) ST. I/Ol'IS. MO. Grand. (25) Columlila Comedy 4 (>,rvo A Moro Tom McAullffo Gertrude Avery (Three to fill) •ST, PACL, MINN. Orpheum 1st half (2C-2S) Whiteman's R Boya lOrncst Hiatt Mary Ilaynea . (Two to fill) 2d half (29-1) Frank Convlllo 1-1 -11 Pi c-kto ps - - - - K'f Iso A DeMonde (Two to nil)' 2d half (22-24) ■. t; Maver A Dly. G Ray -Harrison WIl.Mon A Dobson Eileen Cook :i<)T\r> to nil) TIOkKK H'T, INI). Indian ' ist half (26-28)- r,!iuri'n A IxaD.'iro I-evan ,K- BfiilcH I.ce fJail ISn.-'i'mble Acliilh-s A Newman (fmc to nil) 2d half (29.-I) Ann Gold Hooper A Gatclirjtl rtf'Ml C; LaV'ero Paul RernOH Co I'lup Id nil) WAIKKGAN, ILL. • Ge>nes<'« 2d half (29-1) Bronson A Reneij R C'lok- A Oalman Hfi( All WICHITA, KAN. Orpheum Ist hJi'lf (20-28) Ban.lo Land (Tsvo to fill) 2d hnlf (2')-l) Hector (riian'h A D 'iarvH<.ll"tl Cii lM)'NPt»I.'.<, rxD. ^I.yrlc • ('2(1) I imniio Rii.Kiiov 3 |'hiMiiii---on Xe.tiip C.inhcv. AS'.iltuii . Uilly Chniiui C\> l''ivx" .tliiw'ai-iil Fran.-ill MINM'IVPOLIS I'anlugcH, (20) •I. Kcmmya Shannon 'A, G Bros ChHs tJill I'o War.I A Kayiviond W(iit(>.«r Famil.v BEGIN A. CAN. . CupKol 1st half (26-2<l) ' (.^ame bill plays Kdiii.iuton 2d half) Gilded Cage Marty A Nuhcy Dan Colem'an t-o Trout A IlefTft . Ha--/ell.' Kl't'lT Co CAMiAKY. CAN.. , Vantages- ('i(i) Morro A Pedro . Walzer Kuban jowcll'a Manikins RiiKS A -(.Vi.stello • ,- Silver Toes SI'OKANK, WASIIv Vantages -('iO) Heller A- Lorraine- .llsy A Stone .lack Ru.ssell Co Mack A Slunton 6 Maxellos. SE/VnrLKi .tVASH. Pnntagcs (20) Lottie Athnrton Reddy A. Hyman Johnny. Elliott CP Blllv Small Co 3 World Wonders VANCOITV'K. H. C. PnintagcR (30) Maxine A B(>bby Ed Selwyn Masters A G nice McCall Keller Heras A. Wallace TACO.MA, WASH. Pantnges (30) Mario RacHo Co Kharum Marcus Sis A C Co Kruglo - A - Robles Delerlo Sc Moreno PORTUXM), ORB. runtuges (26) U:cUif>:l - MilI.M- .V -rct.\:Min \'.M-.'i..iil» s:..' j.cra , Harry ll.t-.').! l-'lo .M i.-..:-i"ii'\ Co , SAN VK\N(lS(>a' IMntiiU'cs CiO) 'I'he I '.ivi-x li.i\i-s .i.tUi..-fiOri Art (;:lUia:ii Ti !:ia',\ .A ' .' .n l'l.,.>;-..-h ,..f Art, . I'UHSNt). (AL. r-.intiigcs , {'to) . IlttiilJS , l-;i.»<a St-ra.,;ia l-^.,i i>'; -cr l'''!-i";luoa • l-M'i-ns'iV K !;>'". SiTuS A- S;,!in3 ; llu.-.'.on A Kay 1/O.S .VNtiELKS ■ i'lUltugc-s . t'iG) , Briilii-n •< ,, . ■ M.i>;lscd I'.iu'ntoss I 'r- u \- 1 Mew ,1 'an Barr..>s . Hickman. Hros- I'hil rh:ll,i-.-i ,Ba - SAN 1)1E(;0. CAL. . PantR!,-es {'id) Max Fisher Co Al\ arivdo A .K'.in (Three to (IVl) - G lUOACH. CAl* Puillitg<-s ('20) Mll.lVed. A Maurice •Dixon A MorelU . Strains A .Strings Fold A .cuun.'ghara. St an ley Bro.^ .i^-. A .SALT LAKE CITY Prtrttjiges (20) . Dasliingtonls An'ls lilghtowor 2 NIblo A Siicncer IJillier A Forte ' Rev t'nusual .- IA)GAN. UTAH - t'^'-i-iT) (Same . bill plays .OKdcn, 2S-29; . Cheyenne, 30-1) . Kalba A Carter Dorothea- Summers Knorr A Bella Brady.A Mahonoy De. Teregos ■ OMAIIAVNEB, PniitageH (20) Kramer A Pauline Jean de'Illnianoc7.y Miles A Mansfield Alton A Wilson Garden of Ro'sos KANfiAS CITY Pantngcs (20) Mazio Lunel te Morris A. Ward Cohan A C.arrqttB'a Joe Roberts Mile Marlonne Co MKMI'IIIH, TENU. Ilinlnges (20) Llttlclohns 4 Caddlies Harry Dowrilhg Rogers Re.v- (One to, fill) Butterfield ANN A'RR. MICH. Michigan 2d half (29-1) Altrock A Schack (One to fill) BAY CITY, MICH. 'ICcgent lat half (26-28) Hayes A Cody , 6 Mounters . (One to fill) 2d hiilf (29-1) Fred -Hughes Edna Wal Hopper Garcia Marimba B B'T'N ilAR., MCII. i:iberty 2d half (29-1) Dancing Tdmbours Montana Hiingaria Tr l-'LINT. MICH. Capitol iHt half (2.-I-28) White W.y Gatoties Altrock A Schack (Ono to fill) 2d half (29-1) Zastro A White Clara H6wa:rd - , C Orellys KX'HA'/.OO. MCH Stale Ist .half (2C-28) : 6 Orellys Ted A Al Waldman Guy Voyor Co 2d half (29-1) Fiddle Borden C« ■ ' Paul Yocan.Co (One to nil) LANSING. MIOIL Strniid lat half ('.!6-2B) The AgCmoa ' Clara -Kimb Tounff (One to nil) . 2d half (29-1) . Foster A Peggy . Ted & AI Waldman White W'y Gaieties OWOSSO. MIOU. Ciipltol .23 half (29-1) Little Jack Little (Two to nil) PONTIAC, MICH. Slate 1st half (2S-28) Rodeo Boys Ilowltt A Hnll /.astro. .While- ReT , 2d half . (29-J) The AgcmoH Clara Klmh Toung (One to nil) ■ SAGINAW, IrtlCH. Temple . ist half :(2r.-28) Garcia Marlhiba B Edna Wal- Hopper ' Orlginnl Tlonoy Bys 2d half- (29-1) Haye's A Codjr (Two to fill) HOWARD SLOAT BOMDS. FOR INVESTMENT 'a. 8.' IsBch 'a Co . Inc., 57 Will'iam St/ N V. Stanley Faibian ELIZABETH, N: jr-.pCr'ne.stlne -Dancers Kltr, 1st halt (26-28) Joy (' Fllppen Unit 2d half (29-2) ; -jiimcf! Scandals ("oj inH A I'pli'i-Hon Arthur Potley Co. (T-wo to nil) , - H'KENSACK, N. J. : . Ij'ric iHt hair (26-28) Kill t A .M Ku.'Iin Edwardii A Sanford One to nil) hoboken; n. .l ra-iaee 1st half (26-28) Hal .Nr-lman Buck A Bubbles .((jne to :nil) . , 2(1 half . (29-2) Muster .lay Ward riifford A Marlon (One to nil). .lEItSEV CITY - (Viitrnl l8t' half (20-28) ."id T.p\vri''.s (One to nil) 2a half (29-2) Rdw.'irds A San ford Will J Ward (One to nil) PASSAIC, N.' J. • iMonlauk - 1st half (26-28) Eddie Moran Tox Mcfyftod Itaydon C,!|-la Lang. A JIali-y (Ono to nil J , 2d half (29-2) Eddie Moran Hayl'-n fJirlH (Tliri-e tfi nil) PATKltSON,- N. J. , lUtgeut iBt halt (26:28) Claude A .Marlon Dance Hcari'l.'ils' (Tlir'-e (!•'■ nili 2d Half (:.')-2) T<;x Mcl.'-o'l' .((.an Wa'i-r.M, . Wall" Krneat-ne I;art':er8 (Cine to li:l) es NEWARK, N. .L .Newark (aO) Golden iJrcams H.ili.y A Jov';o S.s V.c Honey .1 MarcelluH A Marian Harris A I'ei.per Will!e Ma UPS M\<;\|{A FALLS Strand ('{«) Gi-J«.nlal iM.lii M h CooC'Jiri A'-y 4 Wal tons '(.ine to fill) Fox =1 Hiane A De .Marr W.ti'ifr.-il A Mills HAKTKOIII) CupKol (19) IHllDCErfMtT r.iliice (If!) (;....i.::- I'; M'-K 'J • I i' I (Tch <fit,i- to rill) Majemle 2.1 ;.-iif (':2-2:) Bud ( arlell (CoiitlJiucd on 'j-iuKO G.T) .loM )!: 'iwiiin,< .1 Kn"el'irid'fl ReV t arl lOiiiri y's Pets