Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 21^ 1928 BURLESQUE VARIETY 49 Uno's New Weekly Out; It's Theatre Digest Uno's Theatre Digest in its first iBSUO appeared last Saturday. Rc- tall sale price not printed, though vear's subscription at $4, domestic, indicated 10 or IBc Per copy. An efiitorial announcement nifn^ tions that all branches of the stagf, will be covered by the new sheet. Among Its policies, according to the statement, is ! that it nothing nice may he found to say ot the show or 'performer, nothing will be printed.. "And you don't bave to advertise to get our best attention," the atinouncement concludes. Charles M. Feldheim is Uno, ed- it o- and B«blisher of the weekly. ■ President of the corporatibn is Solly Shaw, and treasurer, Morris Grccn- bcrg hoth understood to be as- sociated with burlesque. Uno's newspaper training has been in burlesque. For 17 ytars he. super- vised the Sunday burlesque page In the Morning Telegraph. Re- cently new ownership stepping- into the direction of that sports daily, it yi-as decided there isn't enough left to burlesque to makp. it worth -while. Burlesque along with vaude- ville was-thrown out of Ahe daily, leaving. Uno flat. His b\yn paper follows. ■ ■ .■ : ■ , .-. Appreciation While the Digest may lean toward burlesque specifically throug"h"TJria:s familiarity, that need not neces- sarily limit the Dig.est to. that branch alone.' Having:, taken care of any number of burlesque people for years, froih producers to- actors, covered up the dirt shows and .pro- tected burlesque as far as the Tele- graph was able to do so, Uno will now have the opportunity of noting the appreciation from what there is left of burlesque that will go to him or his sheet. . Accustomed to print weekly the. emallies of the burlesqii© business, ■ notices of little intimacies, with puff stuff and letters used as news mat- ter in the Telegraph, Uno must have grown known to any nuniber of the burlesque field. With burlesque skidding and classed by out of town dramatic editors as disappearing ■with vaudeville, Uno has picked out " a job for himself. A by-line in the current Uno's is iBillie Boy. "That is a trade name or slogan belonging to the. Billboard, ■which has been referred to, mostly by Itself, as Billy Boy for many years. . -" . , ' Uno has but little opposition in '■ the burlesque field. Variety .gives burlesque only the attention it entitled to In a news way and pans it regularly .In a general way for its dirt and impossible cooch shows; Zit's runs a sloppy hand-out bur- lesque department ho one is inter- ested in, and the Billboard, tired of trying the blackjiick on burlesque, has virtuahy quit it also. _ NITE LIFE IN PARIS (MUTUAL) l'""C!aturo(3 i"omi(;.'.t.M)iirK'S uTr.'iiniiViMi N-'i-iy l''catut-etl ."Joubi-ot,. i..M>ii. WV.a M.i> Second Comic. ■....... i. i Uch.tki" i^' n Soulvret ..i .' .M.-u-y. l.Oe Tin lu'i' IilKt'nUVi I.- ••rl:>ilys Macr.iitd SlraiKlit..-. .Thoinns Cu cn JuvcuUf-.. ■ Joe L;>iHi Odd Reason (or Revoking License Montreal, Nov. '20. MontreaVs only burlesque tlioatro.. tho Onyety (MutualV. had; Its H- 2 Girls Walk Out Through Ass't Mgr. Kansas City, Nov. 20 Jessie Dorvis and Eloise Whitney, of St. Louis, playing here with "The Sugar Babies" at the Gsj-yety, jump- ed the show and started for their home town AVodnei^day evening. They \vorc takon from a St. Loui.<? bus by the local police upon com- plaint of Louis Crosner, who told ^tho pfllcerH -he-was awsi-stant man- ager of "the show, arid complained the girls owed him $65, Hp also said he believod they had taken articles from the company's ward-, robe. , Detectives in'vcstigated _tho charges and fouiid they wcvc .■»v;ith- out foundation arid the girls were released; , They said . the trouble started when they refused' Grosner's ad - vances. Mayor Obeyed Minneapoli.4, Nov. 20. ' Although the district court grant- ed it a temporary restraining order which would have permitted the Gayety to remain open for the time being, the local home of Mutu^il bur- lesque, voluntarily complied With the order of Mayor fJeorge K. Leach and closed. Burlesqvie-'as iz> back at thie Co- lumbia, New York, this wci'lc, -with a reorganization of maniigorial ro- gimc and the Mutual shows stick- ing with runway gals, again undyr direction of Billy Koud and >upov- visloh of Kmmttt Callahan and Mike; Joyce no-vv in complete control of the managerial reiiis with tlie e;<it.o£ Jerome Rosp-hberg. ; • Above, changes good break fcir the current w<;6k't4 opera through the house' gals . blending with, tin- troupe's 18 ensemblists in many of the numbers and with the build-up of 36 daiiisols making a full stagtv of swaying femininity for. tlu'sc? numbers. Callahan and Koud have done.a perfect blend .this week. H they can keep up the pace it wdl materially aid future visiting ai tractions. "Nite Life in Paris, . Lou Reals' show, is good burlcsciue; having everything llxat i.s anything in this .(Uv.i.'>'ion from comqdy to-dames... In the latter department espocially' it's there.' Nothing particular about the WopR but bettor continuity of routining than usual- and with the. brjfjade of printiipaLs enlisted scciics that dozens of other .shows are doing but handling better than the others. Another illustration of it's not -what yoti do but the Avay you do it. ; Unlike most-of its. predecessors at this house Reals' cantata does riot pack its show top heavy in the stanza to w^ind up winded in the second. Comedy arid numbers are evenly distributed. The early stuff of the first spasm lags at opening but grabs a pace half "^'ay down, sustained to the finish of the show. La Villa May,, sexy, red-head sou- bret, Is the high spot. This gal is to the wiggly opera .domain what Clara Bow is to the fiickers-^and then some. She s.a.'s 100 per cent, with other requisites, and talent too good foi- priesent burlesque; It won't be long before she's copped for better things. Charles (Tramp) McNally is an acceptable hard--working comic. He shoulders about the entire laugh burden. George Selden, tunning mate. Is none too hot but getting by save for one scene and his tam- borine specialty. . Mary Lee Tucker, other soup, is there with the hip wiggling, but can't hold a candle to. .the flaming La Villa. Nevertheless acceptable ■v^ith ■ plenty of pep and youth to make her numbers snap over. Gladys Miaenard, lithesome brunet Ingenue, also handles ntimbefs well but i6 a trifle to bantamish for the scant at- tire stuff employed. She's just the type for crinolines. It's the dame.s' show all the way so the remaining male principals don't count much other than fillers. Some of the comedy scenes will also be carbonated, at least for Bos- ton if not elsewhere. Especially the magic fluid blue bit in first stanza and the Pullnian bit is indigo. The court room bit is carried far by the comic, along dirt ingles but wouldn't mean a thing without. Withal La Villa May can carry the opera and repeat her .sho^v stop- ping honors anywhere outside of a- blind asylum. Her legitimate numbers are perfect and her teas- ers are handled with a finesse new to burlesqur. Aside from the strip stuff .sht has a pleasant crooning singing voice. ' She planted four throughout and they never got enough of hci-. . She's a gal that wears not much clothes but w^^ll on her audience. ' • The new retinue of house soubs also do.'^crves a big, big hand for Lhcir share, this week. The fil.h'V numbers .spac-d musical .mU'rrup..- tions of the regular troupe with^ae I^rown. attrartive .,. gfft.tmg first crac'k: Marion La Marr. poppy brunet, topping (in wig.G;ly.stuff, ana ^etty McAllister. .With corking trained voire, clicking both on vo- calizing and revcalment. The no went in heavy for the ,lea.s;-r ,stuff .also..-landinf,' ..'.rfo(nively. -OMie m^^^^ surrounding house ensemble }^-^' the mo.qt-afrt-rac-ti.v.CLJKtVjrll he Colutn bia has. had., since going, in for a permanent crew;, : , . "Nifrht Life in Pans" is a Obituary OLGA BRUNOFF I York last wiH-k, of pnonmonia. iJlr. orise revoked by the city last. Wodriosd'ay but shovy ran as us\uvl, and . has continued to do so ever, since. - Nobody except ,the City Council seonis to know -what It's ill .about and they claiin they have had oompUuiits that the Gayoty was giving "immoral and Indecent" poi-- Cor.manCes'. Alderman DesRoche?;, chairman of th^ City Executive Council, said: We are not going to.allow Chicago or New York or Philadelphia or Detroit gangsters to obtain a foot- hold here. We arc trying to floso every house whicli riiight serve their purposes." Nobody gets the "(Connection'' bo- iweii the. Mutual :\Vhe(.'i: and riiiia. delphia gaiigsters. A iTuiii.m tragedy spt llod tho linal curtain for Olga Brunoff, 20-year- old Ru.ssian; beauty, soprano and former showgirl In the last "GrconT wich Village Follies," "Rito Rita'| and hor last show, "Rain or Shine" While going through her merry- merry routine with a couple of linos in these musicals. Miss RrunofC at- iraoted notioe f<u- her ..ambition, her seriousness and her limitless as- pirations, some of whii h wore about to be realized when th«>'. C.roat Stage Director won the count last week in. IN MKMOKY Clinton Andrew Preston Horn .\iiKUht l-'- ^'*!}.*. . I)loa NoAcmlMT 22, l0^i^ Kennard \v,w a uu-mber of. Konniird Uro.s.. His last; ciroiis .rn;^'agoment was with the HingHns show. Burlesque Routes Adolph ■ Susskind, for . 20 years owner of Tt'rraoo ("larden, Ne^y York, resta^ui'ant and a.'j.sembly hall, died in New York. Nov. 14. He was .siiocossful with this and other res-. t;iiirants-until prohibition. Robert" J. Hankins, 54, for 16 years film . operator in the Lincoln. Square..'and tiroatres; l">c- ' catur. 111., died Nov. 13 of blood poisoning. Weeks of Nov. 19 and 26 Pare FaciR-.''tT.niO. - W.-iishlngton- 'j^i. 2rt. . 20, 20. ,26. Host Slum- ill Tdwn—a.ixoiy -WMlUns- Barre; -'t!-2.<s, I.yrlc, Alleiuown; 29-1,. l ui- ace. Trenton. -i,' . nig .Ilpview—Oayety, Kansas Clly, ijr'.-fttil, !-<t. Jiip. .: ■ Jiohemlnns-Cayely, rrVrantdn: 20. Oayoiy. •Wtlkos-r.arrip. - •■ . • ■ ■ , . IJbwoity Uurlesqucrs—Gayety, Boininou-, 2f., Stnind, WashlnKlon. ^ •BurleSdiie Hcvlcw—Colonial, Ulloa; Gayoty. Montreal. , „ ■ . Cbiflton—Gayety, BrooJtlyn;. Gayety; Scranton. ' Dftlnty Dolls—Gayety, Milwaukee; Emiiress. Chl(!apo. Dimpled Darlings-Lyric, Bridgeport; n. R. Apollo, N. T. C. " „ „„ Flapper Follles-Irvlng PJ.,. X. T.'C; ZC. .Empire, rrovldonc*!. - . _ , ' „.. «. l.'ienrh Models-CadlMno, Detroit; 26, Em- pire. Toledo.... . , . FH vein lea-Hudson. Union City; 26, Irv- ins .PI.. N. Y. C. ■ . ~. Glnper Girls—OrpheuTi, Paterson; 2«), H'JdKon. .ITplon City. . . . .oi^- Girls From Hiippyland—Empreas, Cin- cinnati; .20,. Gayety. I^ulsvlllo . ■ Girls From the Fpllles^tate, SprlnKflcld; i6. Grand, Hartford., „^ ^ . Girls In Blue-Grand, Akron; 26, Gayety. Buffalo. Girls of the U. S. A.—Lyceupi. Columbus; 20. Lyric, Dayton. . ' „. , Hello Paree-Empress, Chicago; 26, Cad- *"Hlgh Flyers—Gayety, LouJ.sville; 28, Mu- tual. Indianapolis. . _ Hlndii Belles—L,. O.; 26, Temple, Syra- *^"jaiztlme ReVue—Empire, Providence; 20, Gayety. Boston. v. Kuddllng Kutles—Academy, Pittwurgh. iZO. Lyceum, Columbus. .n... „ _ T.Affln' Thru—?tar, Brooklyn; 26, Orpheurt. Merry -Whlrl-^lO-ZO, Geneva; 21-22. Ob- ■wego; 23-24, Schenectady; 20, Majestic, Albany. . _ • , ; m Mischief Makers—Empire, Brooklyn; 2". Trocadero. Philadelphia. _ . ,v or Moonlight Mald&—Majestic, Albany; 20, Colonial, tnica. ^ t ^ i„ Moulin nouge Girls—Garrlok, St. lK)uIs; 20. Gayety. Kansas City. . ' Naughty Niftlcs—L. O.: 26, Grand. Akron, Nlte Club Girls—Trocadero, Philadelphia; 20. Gayety. Baltimore.. Nlte Life In Paris—Columbia, . N. T. C.; 20. Gayety, Brooklyn, ^ : ParlsLan Flnppcr.s^-Hyverlon, Ne-w Haven, 20. Lyric, BrldKeport. Puss PuSs-19-21. Lyric, Allcntown; 22- 24, P.alace, Treplon; 20, Empire, Newark. Radium Qucen.s—Gayety.: Montrcalr 2", Howard, Po.^toh. „ Record Breakcrs-H. & S. Apollo, N. T, (,'.•. 20. Emtilre, Brooklyn. . . Rod Hots-Howard, Boston; 20, Columbia, N YC. hound the Town-Mutual; Indianapolis 20. Garrick, Kt. Ixiul.". ; .Social M.-ilds-Lyric, Dayton; 20, E>mrres.s Cincinnati. .. . «a o. . fipppd Glrls-Eniplre, Newark; 20, Star, '^'Ijllorty" Widows—Columbia, Clevclapd; 2<' ^'ytep Alonp-Orand, Hartford; 20, Hypo rifin, N"W Haven. „ „ , „r Step Lively Glrl.s—Gayety, Buffalo; 2<i-27, Geneva; 2.S-20. Oswego; 30-1, Kchonecla. y. .wjiep ■ On It—I?mplre, Toledo; 20, f o- ;uiiil-)l.a. Cleveland, , o„ f^tolen ."wrtta-Plaza, WorceMer; .z<i. .'iiaie. frprJn;;field. : , _ „ (,t\, Milwaukee. '^Vlne, ^Voman fj.nd f^^ng—<;:oyc'ly, B<..«t(>n, 21), .. IMaza, Worcester. Henrys Going South Mr, and Mrs. Tom Henry are t'oinf? to Florida for the winter. The Henrys returned from abroad If,.St week!'.- Tom ."ays it.dofsn'.t look Kood enough - OTcrund --to-liiieer—f:or- a' iv;a tlo Willi medical ' skill a.vail- ;il.lf at Mt.; .'Ainai h.osi>.ital. . wheiV Otto Iviibn had the Kirl talU'ii. skill available at Mt. t^inai hospital I anil iiiadv-' iios.-<ii.l('. itiatorially^ by. Olio H. Kalm. . Miss krun(..ff,. daugUlcr ot. the lalo. Plahloh. r.runol'f. cinK-ert pi-.i.nist and coniposor. had-boon' i>aok Ics^ il'ian two wooks from a European trii) for musical education made 1 IKissiblc liy .K;ihn and the JuilHard .Musical Foundation when an in U'.rnal . nn.ikuly necessitated iinnie- diato treathient. >/Vith the .realization of her con- cert and oiieratic career in .sieht. after years of denial and atrugfilo. the tragedy was heiphtened to the Kroup of faithful showfolk.s who knew the deceas;e(l. : Isaiah H. Dickinson, SO, , recently died at .!l^eading,. Pa. lie was .stage manager of tlic Grand Opera House, now AVilmer & Vincent's Capitol, Roading! foi- 25 years, / . Walter.Folger, former newspaper- man,! ball player and hotel owner, uiKM-aiini; a hotel in: Headiiig- long l!;,troni'/.i.d ■ by tiiealrical people,- ilii-d rvci'utly. ,l! A. Rqdfieid, r.r)!"stago i'arpenter, nWiiVbcr of LocalI. A. T.-:s. E. of 1.-0S Amioles. ditxl in. Syr:icuS6 Nov. ' 6. ! ' . ■■'• ■ " Sally. .- Goldman, . .31, .-^.s-sistant booker, at the San Francisco Fox Film Exchange, died Nov. 14 of gall- stones;- Romeo E. Bcaudorn, r).0, musician, died Nov. IS at r>itt.sf\eldi Mass; He h ad' pla y ed pi ano in Pitts field'. the-^ orchestras many yearsi: EDMUND A, HAVbEN Edmund A. Hayden, manager,. , kSu^P ayei^ at the St. James the- The mother, 66, of Earl Lee, uc at^^ ^Sn' %ed. suddenly in a: tor, died in Culy<>r City, Cal., Nov. Boston. hospital Nov. 17. He 11.2, of pneumonia, stricken in his ofllce at the theatre a week ago Sunday. Sam Perl!n, Oakland (Calif.) the- Mr. Hayden and his brother had atre operator, died Nov. 10, follQ-vr^ been running the St. James theatre ing a brief illness, since Sept, 17. . They went from' ^^^^ f.'ISt snappy 's^hd\v thalTlias evw-ything i^^v seem to want in burlesr,uc.;Tt s one of the few. the City theatre, Brockton, to Boe ton, For many years Hayden had been a . producer and manager , of variotis stock theatres In New Eng land. The Keith Players will continue at the St. James under the direc- tion of James Hayden. ERNEST MILLS Ernest Mills, 22, director of the "Debutantes," girl stage band at the Strand and featured organist, died in Syracuse, Nov. 19, of injuries r6 celved Friday when .a plane In which he -was taking a flight crashed near Amboy. . With Mills were William Wade man, air pilot, and Mrs*. Rose Noble, drummer of the "Debutantes," "Who were severely injured but will, re- cover. The body was taken to Albion, where services will be held tbmor row CWednesday). LOUIS R. GRISEL Louis R. r.risel, 80, actor, died November 19 itt his home in Fort Lee, N. J.,, after a long illness. Mr, Griscl. who was born in Newcastle, Del., was of the old school of legiti- mate players and had been with many stars and h.nd ■worked for Charles lloyt, Henry B. Harrl.s and Charles Frohman. Ifftatei^earsTWhTm''enK were not so e:isy to obtain Mr. .(iris- el. went into i>i<:tures, He is survived by his wife, Mary Johnstone, ac tress. ■ the rr-st of this .season; Burlesque Ball Feb. 10 , .There, will: be no jamboree, thi.s; year by the P.urtesque 'Club. In- .stead, the club will concentrate on the annual V)all to be given in I'alni Garden, New i'ork. Feb. 10. ANN BURROWS MARRYING Ann l^urrow«. t^'inoipal. quit "SU'p Along- (.Mui'.iaU. Koa.sun;- <■;<-.tting m.'irried. Houses Opening Arcade, Lake Gf;orge. which, D^^^.T r;iK<von Pr>YAr 'burned down, is being rebuilt by reggy Ullllgail LnOr l j^j^^ McKf>efrcy, inc.. builder ot th'^ jaCK FAY \:urr(.U iheatM-, New York. Mrs.. j,^^.^ j.-.^y.^ oy, scrcon actor,, died M. Carpenter is ownr-r of the Ar- \^,^^ jr^ California Luthorun Iln cade. pit.-il! J..c'<^' AniM-k-v, from thf aft'') A'aufle is ba<-k at the T* rminal.; „if,.(.t s of .injiu-if s nc ived in an r'.rofiUlyn, 'N Y. Four acts on a i ,.yj,if.«)(.n at Fox slii<Ii'i.« v.l.;!'- .-put w-(-ck. I filming war '• of "What i'lii f dclpl.ia. has.rf.op<.nr.<] with vau.lfihr,. j ppHKtiMs, i The 1 . ,i,„ • ALBERT BEMHtlNU ^ ^j Detroit. Nov; lil. Peggy - Oiiligan has never been arrested in this city in connection with any burlosque. .show .«hr. has appeared in or otherwise. It was r<-portf d some wf-<'kF ap-o .j-n^n i-i<4 j^^th a:UJMj£S..-f ? i 11 i ga JlM been included with others in ar- rest.«3 made by T.ieut, Potter, •lieutr n.'int ^-att' .st.-: a.s • to. .the .e;,r'.r, The girl i.i .'■•till appearing bic.ill.v. in, tab .'^hows. Burlesque Changes Stiw-k bur'iesrpK' will n,.•.:•.< •' nUu-r. try a: the Lyrir H/iV.r,: .t: .\'. J., next V ' ek. I [any 1 ^iv. ;»'- . jinHtalDng the ecmi)any. GUS HECKLER •• Gus -Heckler; ■ f(4i- formerly com pany- man'a.ger for Cohan and. liar ris ?<t*r -'ct' ons ; (lied at his home in New . York' last week. Latterly he acted as door t<-n'fler a]L the Lronx opera Two dau/.'htcr.s .sur Vive. Tlxy were, knowrt as the Heckler Children, retiring when ,married. -. • ,, . DEATHS ABROAD Paris, Nov. 8. Ernest Philippon, French come- dian, died In Paris. Desire Pougaud, 62, well known French comedian, died it Grenoble, France. Deceased, for ma;ny years of the Chatelet stock company, re- tired last year. Felix Montreuij, French flOngf writer, died in Paris. M. Katorza, former manager of the Apollo, died at Nantes, France. piga Daunal, former opera singer, deceased. Known in France, opened [a music .school In Paris and retired- from the stage a few years ago. MARRIAGES Edith Luckett, stock actress, haa been married to': Dr. J. W. Davis, prominent ciiicago surgeon. Miss Luckfctt recently appeared in "El- mer the Great" at tho Lyceum, New York. The . show played"; Chicago prior to the New .York engagement. Diane Dcgroot, secretary to W.Ill- iam\H. Friedlander, Is announced to wed Monroe Bach, auditor Wa!lter Rcade enterju-ises, Dec, 30. Abraham I'.rodsky, theatre mu- sician, Philadelphia, and Olive Heebc, student,. iM), . pb-.,. tained a marriage licoiifU'.at Darien, Conn. ilazel Mary illpwell. organist at Loew'H Park, Cleveland, to Willard If. Kehre.s, lawyer, in Cleveland, Nov. 2. ■ Dorothy Mac Jackson to George Grace, Nov.:18,-in (Irace Methodist Church, San Francisco. ^trrb<'rt-*4or+'yT-Pa4^'mttuiit-'jllEfi£i tor, to Ailecn Dee, Toronto^ .society girl, Nov. 8, at the Little Church Arou.iid tiie Corner, New.York. lOvelyn iJrent to H.-iri-y Edwards, l)icture director, at Agua Cali.ente,, Mex'u-o, Nf.v. il4. Ih-ide was recent- ly divore. (i •from ' \U-n\i'- Finvriian, V>ar:unount 'producer. Al.-io second [ i.ian-iatsc fm- Kdwards. „n the Keiih h<..,<. : ALBER.t BEHRENS i - Kegent.' Sprin;:fiold. 'A- has bf.on, All.-H |tH..r*..a.v, 50. r^t.rner. j 1 bv' the I known mwr.;; vrrr^rri"u'<ih>. dun j)uri-liased , frrim f Jus -Sun S.-liine eii.iii'! Jli.u-e wi;l f'lr.liiiue \>-nh Afiijd;ili:.:- wit.'i v.'iiide b<.(,k<-d "I.r-oii' I' Keiti. ■ •('.■ Vf-rl% I. ] 11 . -r, I...- f" ' :--iii' f-'! a..' Ilie ..p'," 'I:.I.- of Keith- I."v .-: . . .ri J;o l'< ■ !<■' i'- '* I '.Vni.. I.,' v-.ri-. ir.< i.r 1.1'Uie -!)-|eker: V • ll I I BIRTHS ,Mr f.i.d Mrs. Alartin I)lrksieln_at I >.,-.-.-. I ') l'.;-|iii''l. ,.r!ii.,i ..: tiie r.iMol'.lyn Daily EaKle. Mr: ai-'l Mr--. Kf)th :a' tn.-- ff- i'V-f /!, !. l!i ; • - ..ri. T' ' •' • ' in,< ■! t- v.'ii;d' Nov. 14, n,,.'.,,ititl, I'hila- . f.iii; r l-.tely re-' <••! ,1.'! .'ili^'.nce of .1 KID KENNARD f\().i..ii': (<•< ii...i>;> .v'Jii died in w .\i' .1- I I- ':• '■' ' I .. r 111 1 , f Ml i.i'id, III.'ii.i ;-■ • (.'.liif. •iriiiil at '1. •:;•),'ei . Si li.'ltur,