Variety (Nov 1928)

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54 VARIETY LEGITIMATE Wednesday, November 21, 1928 Many High Scale Musicals Tax on Publics Theatre Budget : Drua'(Uv;iy- is flotHlod'Wiilr niusi(-ril siuju'i,;. i)*^!!!!? on tlif' l)i)iirilii tl)if> w oM>.'. Tlni.t . is muro. tliiui .-i5 P<'r cent of: tlip total. Eifflit miisicals arc.. in cut 'r;i ti^s,. i)Ut thorc is nil quostiyn tliM.t ijuoli- sljows nro tibff. most of thf> mon<?y'. "SVith. moi^t of tlie musicals scaled at $5,50 and $t3!60, the spending ca- pacit>-! patrons is (ifrui-od to be taxed to. such a decree that busin<,-ss erenerally alonff. Broadway is not what it should. Admittin.c; the pfr- centaee of mediocre plays in the' di'amatic group, there seems little doubt, that the musicals, are hoppinp thinga. There are only elfjht noti- niusiGala. gettins? more than ^$10.000 grosis.' -.Two are bettering $20,000 weekly, two others are above ?15;- 00.0, two above $11,000 and the other pair, a bit oyer $10,000. . : Tills weiv offers 10 new attrac- tions, but only five are new. the Other .quintette being revivals. That in itself is an Unusual condition in the middle of autumn. New Ones Spotty ■ Last week three shows Came in, "Tonight at' K," sTartirig well at, the liudson Thursday night and pegged by the first-nighters as feal- ly Worth while; "Tlje JSiiucalcr," at the Forrest, go.t around $7;000. full Week, and' may get by; ''Those Days" opened and closed at the Cort. ' ''Oni Call," which opened late the previaus weeW at the Waldorf, got. not oyer $4,000 last week ; "Hot- bed/' which started the same night, no betteir and will close. In a;ddition "Oods of the Light- .ning" folded up at the Little; which gets VTh6 Lady Lies" next week; •■Olympia,", went off sud- denly, the TEmpire going dark but • relighting next week with "The Age . of. Innocence"; "Machinal" will close at the Plymouth, which gets "Holiday"; "A Most. Immoral Lady" comes, to the Cort; "Congal" fol- .iows "Luokee Girl" into the. Harris; "Tomorrow" arrives at the Lyceum; "Mlml" postponed • will relight the Belasco; "Americana," revised and recast, comes to the Liberty, "Mr. Moneypenny" moving to the Cos- mopolitan; "Peter Pan" will be re- • vived by the Civic Repertory. That gives tiext W'eek a total of at least nine openings. "These Few Ashes" .moved from the Booth to the Mans- field. Tuesday, "Relations" dropped out at Wallack's last Saturday. , The musical leaders are closely bunched. "Show Boat," $45,000; "Three Cheer.s," $43,000: "Animal Crackers," $42,000; "This Year of Grace" (.st;<mlee trade), $10,600. a new figuce for the Sclwyn; "The >fcw. Moon," $40,000;. ."" climbed back to nearly that mark: "Vanities,""'$35,000. "Treasure Girl," which didn't get the best of notices ■ drew $32,000 its llrst full week at the Alvln under capacity hut much better than (>xpoct«.'d: '-'Hold livery- thing" got $30,000. close to cfipacity; "Three Muskctoera," , ca.sing off, $28;000; "(loijd l3oy," $2^,000.'; "Rain or Shine," $2-1,000; "Billic," $20,000; "Hollo, lOvcrhoily," slightly above that; "C.ood New-s," aroinid $20.,000; "Blackliirds" (colored), $in,000 (ca- pacity); "White Lilacs." jibout^tho ..same: ; " Ups - a -1 iiaisy.V. . .?1.5.6oO:. •' a ^linulo," $12,000, NoH'Music Leaders "Front Pago," . $22,000: "Paris." $2.0,000; "High Road." $10,000. and ■■ '■ "Strange- Inlerludo" are the n'un- mu.sical loaders. Several dramas .. enjoyed . material - increases .last. Week, "CouiViRC" going over $14,500, . a'nd"Liftle Acfidont" and "Jarno Ladder'* Statistics' ! ■ .. ■■ Boston.'' NOV, 19..- Ari'itjU'r niornber of the orig- inal. .-a.-H of-"The Ladder" ha.«. . bet-n int»M'viewed; • Kdsvard .1. Mo.NanVarji, better icnoWn as the' ; ">'>inging cop froni i'ater-son.. Xcw Jersey." joined the show in June. 1&26. in-tlu^ hile of Ouiseppi Joo. '. . ■"•It'.s •tlie« show that took the .wrinkles, out of my vesi." he- .told the interviewer; "I've gained.' 40 : pounds in .the : two . yeai K and a half that I've b.^rn eating steady." From McN'amara'v angle, . it has .cnst .. J^dgar P.. D.ovis $25,000 a pound. fCasino), "Vanities" (liar) Carroll) "Blackblrd.s of 19287 (Fltinge). "Ril- lie" .(Erianger's), ."Animal- Crackers" (Forty-fourtli St.), '.'-Thc;Hl,g.h r>oad" (Fulton), !' R a i n b o w " (Gdllo). "Three Cheers" (Globe), "Good Boy" (Hammcrstein's), . ".T h e Sac v.o <\ Flame" (Henry Miller's).. "Tonight at-.12'' (Hudson), "The New Moon" (Imperial), " S t r a n g e . Interlude" (John Golden), "White Lilacs" ,(Jol- son'.s), "Macbeth" (Knickerbocker.) ".Tarnegan" (Longacre), '"The Three Musketeers" (Lyric),."The Jerilou.-^' Moon" (Majestic), "Jealousy" (Max-, ine- Elliot),' "Little Accid-^^nt" (Mo- rosco),"Paris" fMusic Box), '"The- Grey Fox" (Playhous^O, "Cpuruge" (jRitz), "This Year of Grace" CSel- wyn),- "Ups-a-^Daisy" . .(Shuhert). '"f he Front Page'' (Time.s. Square)- "Show Boat" (Ziegfeld). .32 in Cut Rates '. The number of shows offered at barj^ains jumped this week, too. and, as usual, the list Includes some of the buys attractions, balcony loca- tions only. In cut rates are: "Good News" (Chanin), "Just aV Minute" (Century), "Good Boy'' (Ilammerr stein's), "Rain or Shine" (Geo. M. Cohan), '"White Lilac^" (Jolson) "Luckee Girl" (Harris). "Hello Yourself (Casino), . "Skidding" (Bayes), "Gentlcmeri of the Press" (48th St.), "This I'hing Called Love" (Bijou), "Thesie Few Ashes" (Mansfleld)y "Crashing Through"- (Republic),"Tin Pan Alley" (Bllt- more), "Revolt" (V a r b i 11), '•Young Love" (Masque). "Nite Hostess" (Martin Beck), "The War Song" (National), "Exceeding Small" (Comedy), "Jealousy" (Elliott),. "Sun-Up" (La Verne), "Jarhegan" (Longacro), "On Call" (Waldorf). "Hotbed" (I'layhousc), .:'The Grey Fox" (Playhouse), .'-The Dark Mir- ror" (Cherry Lane), '"The S(iuoaler" (Forre-st), "Machinal" (Plymouth), "Courage" (Rit.z), '''.The Wild Duck" (49tli St.), "Kps-A-Daisy (Shu- berl), "The Man with Red Hair" (.Ci!iri-ick). ••Diamond Lil" C.Royalo). LADDER' BOSTON MARVEL Boston. Nov. 20. Bbkon had two. record breakers iast week. One did better than $33,- 000 and the other Was. over $5,000. "Blackbird.s," at the 'ifremOnt for its full week, hung.up a record for this season at $33,000. "The Lad- der" at the Boston Opera House, counted up $100 better than $5,000 for a.'week. . "Blackbirds" ha.s the' specs oper- ating for the first, time this season. The house, . scaled at $3 top, was sold out for nine performances. The midnight .show (extra) Thurs- day had but a few vacant seats. The success of the :'Ladder" here has everybody talking. Startlne: off with an $850 house, the. show, did tnirprisingly good business dui-ing the entire week, with Saturday's almost knocking those in the box office cold. Booked into the biggest house in the tpwn. at a $1 top and with every bit of puljlicity frankly telling of what a flop it had been in New York, it gpt away with it, arid the eNltra week it Is staying here is actually jiistified. iJusines.s around, town last week was better all along the line, with "Rosalie V $45,000 Marks Turn For Better in PhOadelphia B. 0. ErVine's Opinions The moi'nirig 'World's critic, St. John TiJrvine,. brought over from London to review Broad- waiy, witnessed three new productions last week, thought: "These Days'*—Bad. "Toriight at 12"--C}ood. "The Wild Duck"-—Good. He. 'InterferenceV' fine Notices; Even^ fo^ Chicaigio,. Nov. 20. Not a punch sale cropped but of :he four openings last week. "In- terference,'' with' splendid notices, fought hard for $14^000' gross at tht . _ . (iai-rick, landing the best of the hew- big business for the Monday boli-d ones. This figure is about th<» lireak day starting the week right. . gross for the Miller attraetiori. Next to "Blackbirds" in ■ the way I "Good Newis'" exit at the end'of of a gross came "The Red Robe" at the Shubert,with a of $22,000, or $2,000 better than the week be- foi'e, and was considered encour- aging enough to extend the engage- meat, two yeeka, bringing it to December 15. . "Connecticut Yankee," at the Majestic, is also proving itself a good money maker. Anpther sur- prise Was . William, Who pulled in at the Plymouth. Al- thouigh he was here in the spring for several Weeks with the sarhe tThow;"Straight Thru the Door," he miinaged.. tQ,.gross ,$9,Q0O. . "The Bachelor Father," which closed at the llollls last Saturday, contihuod^'to show strength up to the very end |;next, week darkens the SelWyn for three weeks, with the final decision to hold off "Coquette" until. Xmas. "Good News". leaves town with plenty of record figures. • ' ' ' Another quartet of attractions, on the list for Sunday.. "(3olden Dawn'' (Crahd) ;• "Pari.s-Bound" (Harris) ; ■i'^ront Page" (Erlanger) and "BI0S7 .som Time" (Studebaker). , TPhe town's {jpnerar logi.t grosse; remain, from 15 to 25 per cent below the pace usually at this period of I he season. . . Gstimates for Last Week "In Abraham's Bosorn" (Play- house', ist week). Return , of . thi.s house to spoken drama after film.s opening last night. I'iffort to estab- ITelen Hayes, in "Coquette," hao Ush Provlncetown Playeps. another week left at the Wilbur.. In "Interference" (Garrick, 2d week), the four w^teks she has done an Magnificently noticed. Little better aiverage of $17,000. Last week this. '«.han $?,0D0 opening and partly sell- good businesa was continued. out Monday helpecl to approach $141- Only change was at the. Hollls, 000 on week, here Mra. Fiske ooened in "Much "Keep Shufflin'" gan": g(>tting $14,000; "Diamond LIl' i)lt over $10,000: same for "Mai-hi- nal"; '"The War Song" a bit less "The Grey Fox," ' jealousy" and "So -i-his is Love,". $9,500; "Night Hostess," $9,000; sam.e foi'"Ypung Love'!; "Gentlomen of'tho Press," $7,500: '•Tin Pan Alloy," $7.00.0. and the Hold strarrgling tlown to $3,000; 34 Agency Buys TIio pi'(Mniun\ tlcUct brokers havi' bc-en siiii.-iwkiiii; about tin- inimhor of buys, luit the total jumped to 31 thi.s .week. Atli'aetions added to the, group inelude a number, of, this '^veeTc'll^iTfmu'l'T^ tjmii.'s as a lai.v for aric-iilier lU Wi-M'k:-;. r'--t;.iri|le.--.s nf ol)j'-cl.ii)irs by the*lieki'^K men: ami Hie revu" s 'ir:\U .eontinui's to be $iJ.iiO top. The biiy.s are: "Treasun' (Jirl" fAlvin). "The Livin^g Corpsi^" (Amba."<sad()r.), "Scandals" (Apullo), "The Royal Box" fl;olmfmt),"Tin I'an Alli'y" (Illltmore). "X Play Without a Name" (Booth), '•ITtild TOv^r,vthinlr■' (Broudhurst), "Hello Yourself' ENGAGEMENTS Ring, "Houseboat On Wadsworth, "Genti(;me'n Blanche Siv.^c." ■\Villiam of I'resH." .Ralph Morgan, Harry C. Bannih- tor. .;^Sll:lUlgo .:lnterlude.'!-.-(-road).. 4 - . Geor.iie' UoKer.s. "Titi Pan Alley." John K. ir.-unilton, -Edith Atwater, Paulino Mek.'jin, "Queen of Shebav" . Mary . ItobiiWon, Isobel Vernon, fe -ilo Da.rise." iVggy Wood. Kenneth RU-kenna, Katherine. Wil-'*on, A. G. Andrews, Percy Moore, Helen. Stewart, •'One Daiy;" - ■ . ■ \ Margaret.Mullen, "Straight Thru," __Kv<i—-Leonard-—HBoyne,-T-^Sn:cn7tt- Flanio," Olive Mc'CUire. "Gambols." Frank Mclntyre, '•Well. Well, Well." Lester Loi\ergan; "House iTn- guarded." . / Fannie Briee/Carroll's musical. ' Tommy Collins, George Bogucs Kdmuhd .Dalby, Willian-i . Balfouf*. "Wooden Kimono'! (road) ROdp.-ith Lyeoum. Kansas- City— I)!in Marble, Almeo. Torrini, Brna l!ii}.',!',.-i. "N'aiinluy .Marie! . l'"ranklyn .\rdell, Waylnn-a'.- "CJam- bols." .- i'MWiird Nemo,"Uainbow." ■■--^:i^ivli^s.aik,lv|:..t:.l.,..;:^|!l)C._Ja.(jiaj^^ Dorolhy Alli-n, William ("h.-illee L-Mouan'l i''ranz;, •"Three." "(.'iinirai." ■ rha lies. .Vni'i-'l.i, '••W'liite--Lilat-.v:;"" . 1'a 1 sy ()■ I i':!y. ■• Wieiopee."- Dtu-Lhy Hnmphr"y.s, S.-mi "The llou.KMjii.a on tli- Si.yx where Mva. Fiske opened Ado About Nothing." First real so- ciety opening, of the season. . Last Vyeek's Estimateis "A Connecticut Yankee" (Majes- tic, 4th week):. Still going strong; last week $21,000, off about $1,000, with strong competition blamed for the alight drop. "The Red Robe" <Shubert, 4t?i week). Considered a real hit locally. Is going to be kept here t^yo weeks longer than originally scheduled Grossed $22,000. "Coquette" (Wilbur, last week) This Helen Hayes show has been much talked about here and has gro.^sod well, doing $17,000 last week,-about $1,000 under the best for the four weeks. "Straight Thru, the Door" (Ply mouth. 2nd week). Although it ran several weeks here last May, .;this .show did tine business for a repeat; $9,000. "Much Ado About Nothing" (Hoi lis. 1st week). Mrn. Fiske and her company in production of her own opened ^Monday night to a society play In final week "The Bachelor Father did $17,000. "Blackbrds" (Trcmont. 3d week) Had the big.gest business in town at $33,000. makintr a record - for this se;ison. Is a big hit and a turn- vway. , "The. Ladder" (Bofrton .Opera l.T(.ui.S.e,._ .2(1... wieek)--- .-For ...this... sho_w business was splendid last. week, with, thp gross better by about $100 than $5,000. . (Erlanger, 2d After opening, $10,000. "Front L A. Grosses Lbs Angeles, Nov. 20. "The Royal Fam ily." in th ird vvoek at the BeTasco', eonlmue^n the local lead with 1^15,01)0. Consistent busi- ness has held the gross at the same high for two weeks, "The Play's the Thing," in third at the r>iltmore. jumped a grand to $10,500 for second place. "The Mar- riage Bed" got $S,500 in week five at Mayan.. Other gros-Mes mostly normal. "On Approval." sixth and final. Vine Street. $y.«00; "Shannons of Bro-'ul- way," .Rth, Kl Oapitan, $5.;00; "The Night Ktiek."- 2d. Pre.-<ident, $:1,200, aiid •"]'he r.est l'eoplc>," O.lh ami last. Hollywood l'laylu)iise, ?l,r)iiO. In six iierrorin.arii'e.-^ .-it lli<' ICgan J.^.!i\!:!..^U. Aia i:iLi.j U.I.-": <i.i.eys:IS^iit'., eep and last week), slowed down to Page" follows.. "Mary . Dugan"- (AdelphI, 13th week). Edge somewhat off heayy call. Holding strong at little under • $20,000. "Command to ' |_ove" (Stude- baker, 12th and final week). Leaves with satisfactory profits, yet notice- able decline past four weeks. Farie- well gross tabbed around $12,000. "Blossom Time" to follow. "The Skull" (Priricess. 4th week). Operating expenses make it pos- piblo to list $8,000 as okay. Chances here to toss in special party tickets. "Five . o'clock -Girl" (Woods, 4th .week). Spotty spurts.but uncertain. Dalcony surprisingly off. Moderate -\t $20,000. . "Good News" (Selwyn, 40th week). .^Tid^veok matinee omitted, Eight uerfprmances pulling under $20,000. House gpes dark after ne;ct week until Xmas booking of "Coquette." "Shannons of Broadyvay" (Cort, .:d week). At $2.50 scale went to near .$9,000., Present pace can keep it. in for fair run. . "Rio Rita" (IMinois, 6th week) "afely in lead; $3r),000. "Burlesque" (Harris, 10th \ve(>k). Disapppinling engagement; pieked. for sure-l-ire. Clever pub- licity indicated imprpvcrtient . but quick deoisipn yanked it out aftei- las.t. -tlir&e,. w^eeks' iry. D.i.dn't fig.ure better than $1^:,000. "Manhattan Mary" (Grand, IJth Unal week). Exits around $20,00" "(iolden Dawn" .next. "My Maryland" (Great' Northern I2th' Week). Satisfied with $18,(}00 to $20,000 weeks. Operating 'an prolong run. : "Headin* South" (Majestic, 2(1 final week); Around $12,500 at $2,.'50 4 oPt- A-s-e-x-peetedT Philadelphii^, Nov. 20. ^. ■There were long-drawn sighs pl relief : last week when business finally tpok a turn for the better. About half of PhlUy's ten legitimate theatres turned in prpfitable grosses oh the. weeki something that had not happened previously this fall. , "Rpsali.e," in third week,, led the prpc'esslpn. At the Erlanger this big Ziegfeld show claimed between $44- 000 and $45,000. .The end of th^ week ruish was enoi-mous. "Rosalie" could: have stayed six weeks to big business, and should be good for a return. . - Of the other musical shows"The Right Girl," booked inte the.Chest- nut because It needed still nior© fixing befPre: trying Brpadway,. was the weakest; around $13,000. The length .of Us stay is Indefinite, but . three weeks Ipoks like the limit, the .m:anagement insisting pn staying in Thank.sgiving week. ; "Pplly'- clpsed Saturday night at . the Shubert after two weeks of a • scheduled nibnth's engagement. It will undergp fix-iiig and reciastihg and is listed tb open again In Pittsi bui-gli Dec, 3. ' "MusiC"in May," still being plugged fpr a run at the Fprrest, claimed abput $17,000 iri its third week. .It. has shpwn sppradic streak.s, but npthing ccnsistent. Frpm piresent indicatipns,' it will last until Dec. 8, to be succeeded by Lew Fields' "The High Cost of Loving," new musical. "Dracula" entered the '-"smash" class from the very start at. the ' •Broad; Tlip firi^t week, with a $2.50 top, got almpst $22,000, and advance ppints tP a Ipng tUn. The house has. no booking. until Christmas, and "Dracula" w»iH rUn right, iip to then, if hot Ipnger. - ' . • Guild Campaign ."The \Theatre Guild cpmpany spurted at. the Garrick with the sec- pnd weelt.. pf "The Guardsman." Week's gruss was. almpst $18,000, a gain pf over $3,000. Fearing the public was being scared aWay by the featuring of the subscription campaign and engagement under club auspiceSj the Guild pointed put that there were plenty pf seat.s. tp be had at the .bPx pffice; The hex pfRc'te sale fpr the cpming weeks is jiPW rriuch imprpved. This si)urt .. pf "The Guardsman" put it ahead of 'The Rpyal Family." The Kaufman- Ferber cpmedy at the. Lyric was still strpng, hpweyer, with $14,000 re-, •pprted. . 'The Trlail pf Mary Dugan" re- acted tP the extra lineage in adver- tising and claimed abput $16,000 at Keith's, its fpurth week, Pauline Frederick's "The Scau-let Wbman" was also surprisingly gppd, with abPiit $9,500 repprted. The pnly npn-fnusical pffering that failed tP .measure tip was "The . Lady Lies," which, in its secpnd week at the Walnut, was repprted aroiind $4,000. After .some earlier weeks that had as many as five musical shows .. here at. pnce, ' this week finds .only two; "Music ' in May" and "The Right Girl," neither pf them nPtable. . Thanksgiving week, nptpriously go'Pd fpr this kind pf entertainment, will hav-o three. The prize bpoking quirk, however, is that which finds five melodramas out of seven ppssible npn-musical shpws hero next week. ."The. Sign of the Leopard." "Gang War" and. ",Tim, the Penman" will all ppcn ?iIonday ni.t;ht, and "Dracula" and "The Trial ci Mary Dugan" -w'ill hold over. -. Local . (y:iti.cs had ,.their .dlfficultie.a tills week in choosing. their first- Porgy" (Blackstone, 3d week, 9th Cor Theatre .Guild engagement) Sensatidhal call, with matinee.*^ -■in-iash. . Promises to hold high f(')r Ihree weeks more,. winding up heavily profitable 12 weeks Guild ,)rogriim. Reported at $18,000. ■ ' No Warner-Shuberl Deal, Smith's Two Stocks I^ester .\, Smith I,-)-; 1,]). \,<-i] .Mtiu'k in ('li.u.ttari'ioga, :ir;'l :in-,'\: in York, I'a. • Loop Short on Shows- fhir-.'igo. .Nov. ;;o. . Two i'o;i.| .'■Oiow- coidpanii'-i .-ire i .'illiTig in at- l"git sland.-s In town, due ; I'l tl.'- f,.-in-ii.'. of new atlracth^ns. t:.<'V ..r" -Kf-r* S.'iiiri Hn'" at the . f'- - M.d •-fl<;.t(lin' HoMlll" at 1 M:'; .M.jj'-.iMo. The Shuberts have not tied up with ihc. Warners except that the lilin broUi('r.-i have secured the •-:!;U'!^j:n.-X'<: i:b!»- .J.jLv. ni ak(.'_,.talkers_p two legit play.s. There i.s no merger or absori)tion or -any ))lanned- lH-twf(.'n -tjic. W-ar iiei-s and Sluibei-ts, .a reUablo source .slates. Royce in Operettas Los Angele.s, Nov.- 20, Edward. Royce. Now Y(jrk stage 'lii-f'cior. has arrived to take up hi newly created poslllon as supervisor of operetta ,"horts for Fox. (Cpntinued on page 57) FRISCO GROSSES San Franciscp, Npv, 20. Lc'gits fared • trifle better ;last Week, though start of rainy season •eaused—several—blealr—day-sr-^. Two- newcipmcrs gpt under' way, repeat engagement pf "Desert Spng" coni- ing tp. Curran. and Duffy's produc- tion, "Mother's Millions" at the President. Columbia went dark fol- lowing two weelcs pi; "Happy Days." After twp more weeks "The Squall" gpes Pn tpur. fpr twp weeks and then plays return at Lp.s. Angeles. Estimates for Last Week .Curra_n—"Desert Song." On form- er .engageriient holds record.^, for long run for the town; llr-vival not so' for to. First', six days aruaind $13,000. Ge.ary--r^".The Sciu ull.:'---Cp.n.ti.nueA, strong. Fifth week around $13,ri('0.. Capitol—-Kongo," Sub.<lanlial at $S,500.. Looks, good fur some wer;k-^. ■Alcazar—"fn Love' With Love'." llenr-v Duffy and Dale Winter, gootl on second $4,500. At t-^vo more and pos.'?ibly longer. ' President—" Mother's , Million.'^." Another Duffv comedy. 0]><'niniT week at $4,000 favprable, consid- ering weather. . ^ Green Street—"East for '/a-i' Another profitable around $l,4"i0.