Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, N ovember 21> 1928 N. Y. Musicians and Organists Get Body Blow of All Time from ' Sound'' MUSICRADIO VARIETY 57 The Dealers and Theme Song Sales The worst blow handed. to :;NeW Exports of U. S. Disks York and Brooklyn musicians came - --- --- . through, with the recent elimlnatipn of orchestras and organists fronx 20 Loew theatres. All due to the in- stallation of sound fi^m apparatus. The musicians, however, not only saivaged the principal Loew houses nlaying vaud6, but some of the pic- . ture places designated as de luxe houses. ' ' ■. ■ The Loew theatres where the musicians are completely out aver- aged five to seven men in the or- chestras, with two to three organ- ists on the .ousted list as well.. While the sound effects, which in- clude music for all the pictures as well as before arid after all screen- ings are In the experiment stage, the ■weekly wage list, saved so far .has proved a mighty big item in; cutting down the weekly house budget. So far very good from this operative viewpoint. And, as matters stand; there is little hope of either the or- chestras or organists being returned . to house service. . . The dropped musicians number around 125, whlcTi covers New York, Bronx and the suburban houses only. Outside of New York at least 100 or more have. been chopped., off the payroll where the tia^lkers are • now in force. ' _ Nevet in the record of New York union musicians haa there been such .a lack of work, with prospects of other circuits : taking a similar course, when the anticipated sound effects are finally installed. The musicians were hard hit; some picked up other. berths, but the majority are. still out, still amazed over the sudden turn of af- fairs and hoping: that something • will happen . oyernlght to restore tkem to their former Loew jobs. :They even went t6 their unions about it, and the union heads, par- ticularly Eddie Canvan, of N- Y- local 802, conferred with Loew ex- 'ecutivea, but the orchestras went out, especially In the neighborhoods. Musicians and organists were dropped from the following Loew theatres: Manhattan—Ave. B, Cir- cle, Greeley, In wood, 42nd St., 86th St., 116th St.; Bronx—Burland, Burnside, Preeitian, Spooner, Vic- tory, 167th St.; Brooklyn—Alpine, Broadway, Coney loland, Warwick; suburban—Astoria and Woodside. Others will likely ifoUow before long. " Jump 2,000,000 in '28 . •Washington, Nov, 20. Woi-id sale of American vuiadc phonpgraph records has taken a tremendoua' jump during: the first nine months of .the current year in comparison with the same period last. ycar. ■ Increase iri disks exported, rec-; ords of the Department of Com- merce disclose, is in excess of two million, Number exported during the nine months of 1928 was 6.157,222, as compared with 4,908,893 in the same span of time In 1927, ■ Instruments, , the. reproducers, have also taken a Jump,, increasing 34,000,in number and over $1,200,000 in declared value. In contrast, perforated music rolls have tumbled from 201,000 in the nine months of 1927 to 163.04.3. Band instruments, however, <are holding their own in the foreign market. Though a drop is reported, it is negligible. ■UTiere Is this picture themo sont;- .yoing to lead the music biisiness to, is live uniyer.sal,interrogation of t.ho. industry at the moment, Tlioy.can't all be' "Sonny Boy" and, "i^amona" hits. Meantime what is it the niusic dealer? rieturc circuits arc selling sheet music in. their own theatre lobbies now.. That's hurting the local dcalelv. for long the prin- cipal outlet of the publisher. H<nv will he be taken care.of? Does any- body know?. Or care? . Three big selling songs of the country are picture themes, "Sonny Boy" arid "Kalnbbw," from Al Jol- son's "Singing Pool," ah4 "Lilac Time,'! third. . ' : Others to the fore such as "Sally of My Dreams," cpming along; "An- gela Mia," "Someday-SomeWhere," "Litlle Mother," all thernes. A coiiple of production nunibevs aro big in . the east like "I CiVn'l Give You Anything But: Love," from "Blackbirds," and "You're this Cream in My Coffee," from "Hold Every- thing Inside Stuff-Music The thome song3/"Buy, Bi,y For B:iby" in "t^huw Clirl" and ■'Cr.iss ■Roads" in -fclhow People" get plenty of l.Uigt;ii>K i" Ibo soundmg of bntli pictures. In neither case, howevor.. is iho naiuos of : the singers who doubled for Alice White in the N:itiunal tilm ov.f>.r Marh.n Uavics and William Haines in M.etro's pioturo o£ Hollywood liie disvlosod or programed. Scare Gomedy. Songs :. . Co^medy songs, particularly good novellies. . are always rare, .-bat so far this? season the dearth of this typo oC song has been partu'ularly acute. It i.s exphiinahle in a measure by the inilnx of the sentimental theme spng.s all of a ballad iiature. aiul all doing well from the start,- ppnsidering their minimum exploitation investment. Fihn Houses Working For Song Selling Tin Pan Alley millenivim has ar- rived on Broadway, The music men have the picture business. working for them and selling song copies in the theatre lobbies. Practically every Broadway house now is playing a sound feature and the theme songs are being vended fegiiiarly .on a grind, by the military uniformed ushers Iri the picture houses. It beats the nearby music shops for outlets and has the Mazda Lane novelty stores, all of which have music counters, squawking plenty on this new fangled com- petition by the picture circuits. . This is explained in a measure by several of the bigger producers not only interested in the song plug but also having a vital Interdst in the profits of the music publishing houses handling the numbers. There are several "angles," .including a cut on the gravy or royalty to some film executor, as in the cases of Para- mount and M-G-M, direct control of their own subsidiary music pub- lishing firnis. : Future For .Music With music a universal language, the meclianioa.l industries are in the position of being muted and gagged by. what they considered the. least troublesome of tlieir contributions. . Kight now fi-unv several sources, there are offers coming in to the old-e:?tablished music puhlisher.s .for the outright purchase of their copyrights or the control of r.l per cent thereof.' IE money means anything, the big electric intcreats will probably absorb as many musical copyrights as possible for their own use as they see fit. . : The material value of music now strikes the mechanical amusement _ purveyors Hush in the face. Willunit music, radio, records, synchronous oineniVvtic productions, wired and ether broadcasting, television or any other type" of amusement is very limited. ■ For once the music interests are'In a fortunate spot. They can die-' tat^ to wherever before they have been the aluittle-coeks between . ., gi-eater'enterprises which, in turn, deriving its income from the public . . ■„ . „„;v .was in the position of dictating to the m.usle publishers and composers.- And "Old Man Sunshine . a^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ..^ matLor of. less than, five years there "Kiiig ..for /a Day ..^!;®^'f be no such thing as mut^ic inibli.^lving. That music .publishers, just Remick; ;Wa crson^ _Mpmm^^ for copyright value, will make a few-niTinusoript copies of new com- ''"''-''^J^LJ^v^^oti position---and distribute it to ,as many key centres -for its mecl^anlcal^'lf. Sc^ MiUs' "Girt of My recording and: transmission from copies, records or prints mechanically Dre^s" along with the "Black-: canned for public edification, birds" hits; "Chiquita" . and -'it | Goes' Like ; This" of , Feist's, and otllers.. . ■ Biz holding up fairly, consider- ing the mass of cinematic thematics cluttering the counters. If the pic- ture clicks, what are mediocre num- bers jump in sales magically. Court Miffed at Vogel- Sheridan Jury Disagreeing After a week's trial and the jury's deliberation of nine hours. RADIO RAMBLES | CM Musicians' Officers The Herbert Charm ■ I Chicago, Nov. 20, The genuine charm of longevity Nominations of candidates for Of Victor Herbert was demonstrated office in the Chicago Federation of anew via; Phllco Hour's radio pres- Musicians last week brought no entutioh of "Mile. Slodiste'V With Its K .g.^^ to any of the present •^Kiss iMe Again" and other peren- . , j^, ..^^ nial favorites. The Old Stager did .. . .„ ^ • ■ a. good job of the condensation". wi*h James C. PetrlUo will be re- Jessica Lragonctte and Colin elected president, Carl BaUman j.O'Mbre In the leading roles carry- yj^j^.p^egidoht, Eddie Benkert, re- ing the theme through fetchlngly. | c^i-ding secretary. Charles Runge, financial secretary and Henry Kal- they disagreed' on whether or not pianology from WRNY, the new to clve Jerry Vogel the verdict wave-length allocation provrng a to gLve J^^'^y ' Vrnnklin Music windfall for that station In pene or both., in his suit over 25 per cen^^ j^,t^, clicked on of the profits of "Marcheta, which y^^L^H opening with her "At Sim- Sheridan published. A new trial ^q^^.. parody and going Into a nifty comes up before Justice Cottillo gQ^g rputlne- Sam Hedman gave out some mean ser," treasurer. ^^'"^'^ ''^^ Some opposition candidates aro listed for the board. HERE AND THERE EARL FUIXER REMAERIES Word has just reached Morva Fuller, divorced wife of Earl Full- er, pioneer Broadway band maes- tro, that the latter married the pro- prietores3-of Lookout Inn, Coving- ton, Ky., where the Fuller dance orchestra is featured. The new Mrs. Fuller is the widow of the original hotel owner. . \, Morva Fuller is back in the. band booking field after a year's retirer ment, arid is associated with Paul ■ Bpecht. Moe Kranss at Harms' Mo^ Krauss has succeeded Arthur Behim as head of Harms, profes- Bional department. Behim is on the • coast. -KraUss, professionally M. K. Je- rome, is also an established com- poser and will publish several eongs through the firm. next Morfdaiy, the jurist having ex pressed himself Impatiently with the jury and stating he felt inclined to direct a verdict for Vogel From Loop , From Chi, via V^ABC, as the New 1 slngefs Voget, York link in the Columbia network, viewed oyer 100 A claim of $89,000 is ,involved. 1,^^^ —j.j.j^^.i^ piano gololst, Charley | . _ Vogel received about ?11,000 from Q^rland, followed by the corking Sheridan as 25 per cent of the Quy Lombardo dance orchestra at song's earnings. Vogel alleges the a Chi nite club ^ ^r^on^.i Jack Kappi of Brunswick's Chi- cago office, is making a canvasa through the South for "Hill-Billy" To date he has inter- A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERn 15«-8 WEST 48TH STREET .1 ■ Eut •! Braadwv. "ROSALIE" BIG IN PHILA (Continued from page 54) night subject. The three openings were "The Beaux' Stratagem," at the "^Erlanger (one week only); "Arms and the Man" (Guild), at the Garrick, and "So To Bed," at the Walnut. Estimates of the Week "Dracuia" (Broad, second week). This thriller developed into a smash at the start and is in for an indefi- nite stay thaf will last until Christ- mas anyway. $22,000, or close to it. "Arms and the Man" (Garrick, first week). Second offering by the Theatre Guild, with an encouraging advance. "The Guardsman" jumped to almost $18,000 in its second week. "And So To Bed" (Walnut, first week). James Fagan comedy in for two weeks; "The Lady Lies," pa- thetic In second. aftd last week with about $4,000. ^ ^ ... • ' "The Beaux' Stratagem" (Erlang- er, one week only). Tyler all-star revival. Advance sale not . very promising. "Rosalie" again led the town last week with between $44,000 and $45,000 estimated. "Jim, the Penmanf* another all-star revival, in next week. , ■ . , ^ .. ^"-The.Royal Family" (L yric, fourth week).. This Jed Harris production has: had highly successful engage- ment here, although off last week to a:bout $14,000. "Gang War" in Monday. . ' ■ , , , . "The Scarlet Woman" (Adelphi, second week). Little was expected of this Pauline Frederick vehicle here, but it surprised with about $9,- 500, "The Sign of the Leopard" next week. . . ■ "The Right Girl" (Chestnut, sec- ond week). Musical show was a flop last week with around $13,000. Is still being altered and fixed. "Trial of Mary Dugan" (Keith'.'^, 5th week). Long run of tho first- h"alf'"T5ffa.sDrf'-scems^eertaln^for~^this melodrama. week It reported around $16,000. . .^v "Music in May" (Forrest; 4th week), Still fluctuating, with tra/3e just fair. Hopes to run until Dec. S, Last week about $17,000, The Shubert is dark this week, due to closing of "Polly" which was under $15,000, on Saturday night. "Luckee Girl" In next week. Waters. sonZ' earned $400,000' for its pub- I with "Blue Shadows," the "Vani Uslter '] Ve.a" .hit, an«J gave out plenty synco^ The plaintiff Is now head of the rhythm. ^ Plaza Music Co.'s .popular depart- d-,^u«..«« ment. His foresight and knowledge . Jersey Roadhouse of song values prompted him to in- | Wally Osborne and his dance irice orcnescra a. , Charles L. Fischer Js tAkIng .a Lombardo opened large ofchestra to the Rooney-Plaza hotel, Miami, opening Now Year's Kve. The kalama/.oo bandmaster Is not making a world tour on the "Belgcnlahd" as he has In the last two years, Lllflan Kaplan Is now In charge of song values prompuju iiim ».u,, V.rKTT i„ *Ha MntPi St fluence^ his professional friends, or- band via WNJ, ^In the Hotel St^ _ ^ ^ chesti-a leaders and others to e'f- ^j^^'J^au ^rasol a Jersey road- of sales for Witmark'a. She was ploit "'Marcheta" so that «ventually L ^^^^ Qsborne goes in for tho new formerly general manager for Mau- it became a hit of tremendoua pro- Ljjga. in dance title couplets, with a rice Abrahams. Inc. portions. minimum of ballyhoo. It's the smart Victor L. Schertzinger, picture di- haea. The champ of 'em all In this Godwin is west coast rector, authored "Marcheta'V solely field is Rudy Valee^.and his Yale ^ ^^^^^ and received $50 outright for the Men from the Helgh-Ho, piaymt, ^^^^^ manus^rfpt from Sherllan. Sherl- smart medleys of^the^^^^^^^^^^ dan or Johxx Franklin Sheridan, a. -,^,,3ttn"fe tZtil ex'tanf.^ lyMAN GETS ROYALTY I3 his full name, never volunteered _ Chicago Nov. 20. a bonus to the writer, did business afternoons Larry Funk and his Berlin '& Snyder, in a hole in the wall office and plied B^na of 1.000 Melodies »b another. Watcrson licrun y up the hug. profit Which ^« Pjeasing e^^^^^^ to ... ?it chSt seleSs, lending Abe Lyman for royalties on. "Mary _ ^ - nuance to the old favorites. Many i^u," which Lyman wrote together R-K-.0 Mu^lC Inspection are a relief from the same barrage k^ij^ Ru^^eU. Robinson. Milton Schwartzwald. general of film thematics and plain tin pan ^^^^ had been ponding for six mtislcal director for R-K-O. Is on '■ . - month.s, Lyman was represented by an inspection tour of the Keith- jijmll Velazco. 'with another re- attorney Phil U, Davis. Orpheum houses. He will be gone qu^g^ organ recital on WOR, regls- two weeks. Immediately after Fred- tered. The Patio theatre comsole erick Kinsley, chief organist, makes specialist followed the Paramount console soloi.sts. .1 The New Orpheum,_ MemphlsJ^ opened Monday, "whlclv "was " Schwartzwald's first stop. . r | jnerc^^f^jVoadcasting "time" Is Ben Nelson is now:conducting at r^jj^j^^.jj -^j^h 20 hours a week ^v^i «ifv.'a oiaf St, with Lou Forman Kypjj^^ averaging three hours dally n the 81st to the Pal- .^t, IntervaKs, with a permanent radio stock company of entertainers. These are headed by Herbert Por Chicago.^Mov. .lu. ^ ^ KDKA, Pittsburgh, Abe Lyman and his orchestra will M;^^'^^"!'';',^^^ On the air ov.t double from "Good New.V at the —■- .; Largesi-Radlo-U-Mr, Probably the largest user of cpni- ' "time" Is Litt- over Keith's 81st switched from ace. Addison Hotel, here, when the hIkav comes in around the first of Iho ^^yman Ifl getting $'3,000 a week Wr"tTi^arter=ttteTCtriT-cng!tgernentT-- Morroe, Director Bofris Morros is .the .now gr.'Ti(-»v.i1., musical di cult, Bucceedl-.. The latter is in charge of mutsw: for Paramount sound picture pro- ductions, his new duties forbidding time for theatre presentations. fiinc^. with Joe Albino and his Litt manii's orchestra, llol'-n Richards jjyron irollld.'iy and Lcs Keis 'J- pfTinarifrit ffnUiroK, Tike f'vcry ron.«is:t'-nt radio ad ff,nsr..rvativf on It.s aiinounc/'m'-nt, .•ipDicclMting the n.jgative aiiilMi'v rU'-Uon 10- long-winded ballyb'.')S ind ,f--pl"lH. .T;iltmarih'>»'r dis lorrosj JHV""^ , ' and »--pl''lH .TiiltmarniM rur.iri'i'um- rector in the I'ubhx 1 lis h.'.Myhoo. by n-f'Tnn.r jedln'g Natiianiel Fin.ston. f,,n.., i,, its advcrtisr-rrir-tits in 1li<' MONTANA -SPEGIAL ROY SMECK I STAGE MODEL ''SILVER BELV\ daili'-M for furilwr lr:f()rmaM'')n. il-"- tying up 111'- ';L-i..'i with print'-i • iii'< exploitation', • Illustrated Lists FREE THE BACONBANJO CO. Icic, GROTON, CONN. .