Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 21, 1928 FootbaU By Sid Silyerman Going into Ihe flnal stretch most i»f the pigskin interest Is centering on Carnegie Tech and Wisconsin, Both of these teams fsice their cru- cial afternoons this Saturday, not BO much because of the quality of talent opposing them but due to ^dded responsihillty attached, to these climax games. Defeating N. Y. U. by one point will give Car;^ negie the autumn's top sport niche with the bnljr dispute apt . to come from the South where Georgia Tech has been making the boys take it -whether they like it or not. Wiscpn- Bi'n wants Minnesota's scalp for a clear claim to the Western Confer- .ence title, despite a ig,i9 tie with Purdue. So mind over inatter, psy- chology, or call it what you will, is going to be plenty important this • week. Hoth Meiehah's crowd and th,e Spearsmen have a chance to gum iip the works while the Badgers and the Skiboa will be fighting to thumping from frinceton in the line and Harvard will be none too gentle this week. The Bulldog can be tabbed a alight favorite and if it gets the jump on the Cantabs, as it did against the. Tigeif in the first quarter, Harvard may be 'swamped by its inferiority coriiplox and- unable to come back. The .Crimson's own. errors . have been disasti'o'cis on various occasjions this fall but with. alumni howling for Hbrween's heart and knowing it's got an even chance the Crim .son figures to play ia lot of good and hard football this. Saturday. Over anxiety. IS a possible doterrertt for Harvard,.but French, Guarnac cia and Gilllgan are going to be tough to handle while the line will give Garvey, Loud, Pecker and -iSllis all they want from two to four. . Harvard has a great chance, the material and a tremendous de sire. It'.<j^ about time! and the time. Princeton accomplished its main objective last week in beating Yale Probable Football W and P Odds NOVEMBER 24 . By Sid Silverman, GAMES Harvard-Yale ...... . . . Carnegie Tech-N. Y; U .Wisconsin-Minnesota ; Princeton-Navy ........ Ulihols-Ohio State..... lowa-Michlgs^n ....... Indiana-Purdue Nebraska-Army . Uafayette-Lehigh ; ...... . (Predictions WINNERS ..,: . Harvard ....». • -. ^. ;. Garhegie Tech...... . i..;. Wiscdrisiri . .... . ..;.. Princeton' i ..>••.. • .JMihois ........ ...... ... I o wa.. .......^*'».... .'... ■. I ndlana • ..;;.. N eb ra sk a ........... .Lafayette based on fair weather) • • * • ' • W I • * • • ' obds ..Even ....6/5 ....6/5. ....5/3 .. Even ..,,5/2 .. Even ..Even .. .',9/5 SPORT S sexfilmTrive (.Conunued from page 3) women-only audience of the '•m^d- ical education," Accordins; to dat'X at the Hays oflloe, if tlio coppors ever catch one of those lecturer^! repeating the matter Hays has on file as recorded,, of thoir "kH'tuios^" the spielers will be due for pun- ishment. Endorsed While the Hays office is at work quietly to suppress the sox filnvs, the inforniation of Publix,, giving notification .of diricohtinu.-xiioe ot their use came-to Variety Ulft week; , when Pubiix wrote a letter to thin effect. . . .■ Some of the "sex filmis" have been endorsed by local clergymen and so- cieties besides prominent citizens of a town, men and Women, These endoi-semenls have been utilized in the picture's new.spaper advertising. While some educational nierit do*?* exist in tlie. purely educational sex picture pointed to\yard the preven- tion of disease, the' instance of on.j allowed in a town is I'ollowi-d by a hoi'de pf others, with tlic latter, built solely for the box oHioe throuyh sensational and vicious advertising or publicity. . VARIETY S9 New Boslon Garden Opens CAPACITY AT GARDEN To Record Gate, $60,000 FOR BOXING BAniES successfully round out glorious sear sons. Any scale \.ill show the Pitts- burgh squad to have a slightfy ha:rdcr nut to crack than Wiscon- sin. That doesn't mean N: Y. TI. necessarily rates above Minne- sota but Carnegie.has just put away tliree totigh foes oh successive Sat- urdays and polishing off Notre Dame with a 20 point lead may . have been the peak for the Smoke City sqtiad. Tech will have the ad- vantage Of. playing in its home town but N. Y. Ui will be rampant to - spoil somebody's record inasmuch as Georgetown previously ditched the Manhattan outfit's high hopes. On the reverse end Carnegie, is fighting for suj^reme national recog- nition and will liave that thought as a spur to what now may be a .iaded appetite. The 'same, holds true of Wisconsin with Big "Ten liniita.tions. Both games will be ti- tanic struggles with the moral urge phis past records figured to see the potential champions come through, .'ocond in importance in the will be the Army-XelJifi^^^a- evont at West Point. That a strong Pitt squad was able to hold the C'orn- hu.skors to a scoreless tie wa-'^n't so much of a surprise as the Pan- ther demonstration of strength, or the suddenly developed weakness .of . Nebraska, in preventing the westerners from even : registering •a single first' down. That kind Pf football won't do against the Ca- dets with the Soldiers especially linrd . to beat on^ their home field. That's .a prevailing opinion in foot- ball circles and for more" one reason with Army men; and pcr- liiip.s .justly.; denying all allegations, ■However, the Cornhusker.'? come; td the Itudson to meet one of the arid for the first time Is carrying on an cxtr.a week. Navy will be Hie opponent and despite the Midship- men's mediocre record thig contest will be no pushover. The Tiger ■made' Yale look bad but the fact rema;ins that the Bulldog was pretty well bandaged up before it trotted into Palmer Stadium. Roper ca.ri round out an undeCeated season this week, and should, but the Sailors gave Penn an awful shock and can repeat because the power l.<> there, Still, Princeton teams are generally smart elevens and this year with a wealth of solid and good. If riot brilliant, backs should be able to finish on top. ■Illinois and Ohio State are battling, for a possible Big Ten^^ first place tie if Wisconsin sinks iarid Zuppke is given an because of the drop-kicking Peters who can score from long range. . Unusual these days and .very impot^tant, .Likewifie, l9wa rates a favorite oyer Michigan. Northwestern seem.s a bit . too much for Dartmouth to bite off if the Westerners aren't too tired after having met Illinois, Minne- sota, Purdue and Indiana in a row. The Green evidently found itself at Ithaca, but Cornell is weak- much more so than Northwestern. Purdue and Indiana are. ytrictly even. Neither has accpmplishc-d niuch, although Purdue arose to riiatch " W'iscoh^iTi'JT- 10 points;^: -but Indiana has the be.;?t chance to come through. Lafayettc-Lehigli are traditional opponents and' thi.s. game -ia. a clas- .sic within that territoi-y- I^afaytte sunn-iscd by defeating Penn State .and doesn't figure to ha:Ve much difficnUy on. the furrent weekend. Jersey and Sex Films . .. Newark, N. J., Nov, 20.' On the grounds that ihq theatre owners of New Jersey have repeat- edly, broken faith by..showing ob- scene sex pictures after promising not to, a strict, inexorable censor- ship regulation of pictures for the state of New Jersey is .shoVtly to be proposed in a forthcoming bill to be presented before the "state legisla- ture by Mrs. Haines of Hudson County. • . . ■ Mrs. Haines, it is understood, has already made her intentuins plain to exhibitors. She has frankly taken ithoni to- task for h.nving. ini'^ posed upim. the leniency of various state and Tnunicipal olilcials. .To date Now. Jersey li'as been in^^Une* to deal lightly with theatre ihon, A new aspect now hovers over tlic picture situation in that state. From various ' sources it is re- ported that the .major offenders liave been the cl\ain-owned and operated theatres in New Jersey rather th;in the independent.';. Ilostoni The Boston M^di.'«on t^iiu don, nowr,<t, lart^ost and must \a\ ■■ tciitious arena in thi's part u£ tho country, which forms tho biggest part of the . new .North Station opened i>aturday niii'ht, \\ iih .iihnost a capacity .orowd .and.ii .uato that is boliovod to have run nvar $riO;000; Advance sale sovoral da.\ s boforo .the' C'.iirdon .opentHl' was $-li>,00.0,• it is reported- that the-- g;.iu< was the biggest that Boston has oyer seen foi a sporting event, -he proyious rec- ord being. friG.OQO- for one of the oVit ■ door ,shows at.Braves Flold. : The Grossi'u'p-rislvon Post of tho American I.egiop ptit on the opening show with five bout s a nd t lie. fo.-it uro. bout a lO-round.affair between piok CHoneyVjoy) . Fihriegan and Andre | lloutls", . . World's foavherwoighl j chantp. ' Finnogan took . Koutis with- out nvu^^h diihculiy: . As thoy wore- fightihg lit oaichwolghvs tho ohanv-. pionsliip was not at staUs.. .; The. house for t)\i, opening ••as s.<'alod from $1 to.$10. The opoiiing Sa.' irda> night was- featurod by. five liv'rgest - a ttendanoo of women L>vor scon- at. a boxin;; niatch in Boston oi.iber c.utdiiors oi- in.'. ■ . Tbe ('.avden.soai's 1. .701) at; bo.\init or wrestling "hoUts: at hookey games and iy\K>ut 12.'.|\i) ' f<>r • trac-k 'nvoets, .' . In Cimnoc'tion wit ;>i ,■'iir<.>jooi the Boston Madison N.i mo . Oardon ^ _ Cltib. was formed with a hu-niber- L^^ ship' which- iricludos '.somo o£ the I most, proniiiu-nt - moji. n the city. The club has commodious (|uarters in the Garden, '..Huntitiglon U. Tack" l-Iardwick. is president, Hugh Bancroft, treasurer lind 'I'oni Camp- bell, . foriiier H'tU'vard - freshman coach,; scorolary. ,' Corporation which-. opo-raifs the Garden, has a .:25-year ka.-o on the pi op'.rlv. ■ nu-ans its .inco'-ViP n-iu^t be' $15,000 wct'kly to keep out of the red. Hlieldon H.'Fairb.inks is the nian^ ager, and Bernard Wlesmari, ass't. Nnv, JO, Excellent Card of Little Men— Glick and Singer Win , By JACK PULASKI ■ After si-voral wooks ;when Madi- siii\ Square I'.itrdon w.i.s titherwise ,>ooiipi<,Ml. bo.xing oanie bavk strong ■; last Friday. It was a siandeo houpe and: that mVaiis: sotnc^ at ./tUi's time, wiien .Mhe boys fxMrod;' the game wa.s. skidding. . No. ..(M-iai^^ .<hiii \v.:is 'at stake., Imt there -were . hard hitting little nvn on.hand, and . the -fans . smeih-d di>iniis. They ■ . weren't disa|ipointod,. '.; I'^suii-lish-^ ' inent of • a f•") top doulitless \yas a factor in the draw, : ' ' I'rolims.. and senvi-linal sui)plied the r«>al action. I-'inal iKiut. tliat of Joe. t;llek: of WillUunsbiirg, and': I'.ab.v.Joe iJans from the coas^t, wa.s r;iz.zed sennewliat, the hoyH starting. walUing but froih .tlio seVonih round on, .. It was a . lA-iderKranz decision that gave the niavoli to (.Mick, who now get.'5 a shi>t at yammy Man- TAKING CHUMPS I smartest tcams~Ihe sordTers-TTaye placed on a field in years. The Army is said to have looked pretty tired against' Notre Dame throughout the second half and if. the terrific ,'<cho-dule lins sapped the Cadets . of that vital spark: Nebraska may romp.."A wet field will lesson the Army's chances, because of Cagle, :ind Pitt' has .likely tuned up the (:.ornhu.skors following the latter team's three faii'ly- decisive vu'to- ries over Missouri, Kansjvs and Ok- lahoma. Harvard goe.^i into the Bowl ai "-^eu-TiriWiTTlvii^^ iH.siiion tt) walk out on th" .'iliorl eml. - Thoy'ir carry tliis Crinison "I'lmeh" out if they don't win an'i s'.Vficliers may .l)e working over tiHie on both sides of ilie field, Haturday'it 0—0 tic with Holy Cro.Hs goes for the book and is meaning- 1".>-'S, This.i« the Satnrday Harvard has been waiting for, and for years. Vale will have ("Sarvry and lOlli-* >^ick hut the Blue took a sound (.Continued from .pag<' 1). Labor and fhc-ap matori.'ils m.akc the diffen nce,, h>^ si;itf'd, Six c(jnii)anies produce in India. In the past tlu'ir pietnres deiili wiih religious or mythical topics, but thoy are no-.v heoouiing modernize d. according to Naray.nian. An .in.(,'X- ample of tho r*'marka)'ly low C'lsl iif talent in India, Atarayanan siiiil =t.-ii(-h:aa:liJig.-JliUiuJlu=£iaxJji^^^ tr\ is paid a inoiitli, while the foremo.-f ni,'lo b-iid gei-= but ii-.nionth, Tlcse. he k.'iid.' are liigh '.salaries in liulia, ■ N.'irayi.nan opined tl,;it'' d''-<-ili1' I tlie c(,ni ontra-ted w.rrk of t)ie. ' coiniiarii'-s, th> ro would fiiw.-iy.v, \„ a. deiiiaml in hi.« n.-itivi; coiiniry for Ahieri<-an fihns. The se.'ireity of tiie- .atres in ln(|ia, is ' the i,rodU"f-r'; i greatest pi-ol'Kein, lie addr-d. Indie Exhibs Sore Jersey City, Nov. 20. Mofiori Picture Theatre Owners of New Jersey as a body and as indi- viduals adopted resolutions favoring suj)port of. severe state censor.ship regulation of pictures In New Jer- iey at a meeting of the organization held Thursday. This action follows the repeated .showing of, sex pictures in the lar- gest theatres! in Newark, Jersey City, Union City and other ' key centers throughout the state. The Independent exhibitors last year pledged themselves to various state and municipal groups to keep sex pictures out of the state. This pledge was made on condition that the reform element would give the thetitre owners an opportunity to regulate their own affairs; The re- form group agreed to this condition with the' proviso that if the indo- penG.ents failed to keep .sex pictures out of New Jersey they would be called upon to support any motion for censorship which the state of- ficials might make this year. Th^e iridcp?hdMtSTh7n1^ major theatre operators, the ch.ains among others, failed to keep their prdrni,ses and that, as a result, they will sincerely support .state censor- ship.plans. .A censor.ship bill is now being prepared 'in New Jcirsey' said to he rrtorc stringent tlian the laws in -effect- in-P^^nnsylvania .. — .j puring the past year tho inde- pendent exlilbitons, members of the M. P. T. O, of Ne.w; Jersey, hayt blacklisted' .sex ijictures at vai-iou's meetings, getting .tlio r»'omise.s . of tbo lu'-'i'itlM'rs Ihi.t these pictures would not he ; sh'.wn. Though Ijressod for money the indepeiulenls claim they have, in practieally ■ all cases, kept tlu-ir promises, as hi!e j Ih^' l-'.rue theatre.-;, cir<->ilt owned.j (Continued from page 1) brought into eaf»y reception range around New York a number of tlie tliird-string Jersey stations.' Without refiection .on the merits of their wares, some of the items picked up at random'included Jim- mie Shearer, pop song warbler who .was', doing a two-hotir manithon ifrom a small Jertiey station on be- half of an Xmas orphanage fund. All dcmafions were acknowledged with a vocal refrain o' the .«*.ong rociuested by the donor, WOV,.; "New York, plugs tho Krido.s' hair-growing syfftem, and their guarantee to encourage, hir- sute adornment, in between ether- i?.ing phonograph records. One may hear A\ Jolson doing the "Singing Fool" .song hits, without, any men- tion of the artist, although there is occasional mention that these are (iif'ks and not actual performances into a microphone. "Ground Floor" And those de.siring to "get in on the'ground floor" of the Aeronauti- cal Securities Co,, 1C4 Market street, Nev.-ark, to quote Charles S, Rodd. the president and .'^^pcdlbinder via, WXJ can do so at $15 a share. Mr. Kodd mentio ned the Wig^t Aeron.autical Co,'s original s'tocTt cost and the munificent returnff to InvestoKs. Ver^' cleverly arid con- vincingly the ,spellbir)df:r went into a topical di.scusf-ion on aviation and air-minded America before giving •em the works on the stock buy, Tbe-se Jersey : fJtation.s' have beeri fertile exploitation media for all . sort s .of_.stdck-saleii. :.. TJactic to'be .a groiip of stock selling of- tiicr-fi.. Komet imoH two or three ad- dre.«.>-s in New.-Lik, then ag.'iln in I'nion t:ity atjd othn-s. • Blo()nii.ngd;ile's, tlio New '^''ork de- partment'store,. do('S its r\<-\\' radio .•^ales' g.'(g in more dignified way with a lioyal fVyps'y Kn^emhle dis- I,en.--iii:.' Ilorjif.ny niu^lc. Tii.e irlooni- int'd.'ile Store Hej)o.i t<"i-' nverelv bal- (lrir.< I'iilo ri( xt. I'Vbniary. I (5)i(k is a . fair linhtwoight. 1 neubtfru if ;, ho \i)us.>^e.< ,^aium.V's 'hair. lb-■ eopped tlio lirsft four ' L'oumls \si;h-.\it. qu(.^ii<in, but. it -. 1 takes I'vo' .cf.Uired kid that long t()„ I got started. Sceniod as ^the" 'lifth round was oven, with the .match appariritly .I'.oing the babe's • way theroafter. Must Iravo .'boon a close point'score .on tho 'i)a.i-t'of the ' i judges' fllii-k looked surprised that ot the dooision,- and he certainly looked woozy in the 10th and last . nnind.. I'.c-st he .should h.ave gotten \\a.s^ a draw. . The ii-ouble with tlie bout, was that both riven scrap .aiila-, resorting, to .jjiiiglitlng . for the .' n\ost part. (.; 1 icl< slanvmed many ;i.liard- sock to flans' short, rilis and the.variust have hin-t because, the buttonhole rriaker can liit with his right,, - Ho rarely let it go, hovvoVor, e.xcopt in,, . whereas dans did and some Of those cracks rattled GHck's jaw, • Singer Prediction The fight of the evening was be- tween Al .Vlnger and 1a\v Mosco- witz. This kid Singer is the next featherweight or junior lightweight champ, ile is a niidget fighting ; niarvel, knows plenty, hits like lightning and Is a natural boxer. Al's only fault . is being, a trifle over . anxious/ Moscowilz Is nb, one of the hardest hitters In his The - fi.^-ht bugs;. were wl.sed to the. possibilities , of the match and many came to see. that one only. Mosc'owltz went out in the fifth round. He had been putting oppo- nents away Jiim.self and was the only real obstacle In sight for Singer to win recognition as the i-cal contender. Late in the first, round .Singer drojiped Bow for a nine-count with a .straight ,Mhot to the chin. In the third another sbck toppled the boy. It was late in the .fifth that he went out. Some fig- ured he might Btlck .for the eight rounds, Suddenly. .Singer- fiashod out hoih arms. It was an attack no oiipcment could have withstood and oh.servers knew Bow would not be able to He was lltni) when r!u-rl"d to the corner. Tht^ inob was bubbling in ex<'lteini'nt, J>:il Silvers lost anotlier elglit- rounder to a colored man billed as Gorilla Jones but lntrodu(>ed as William H, Jones, Th.-it dignity was not maintained, the Jones mug . round. He and it was on one being clownish wHeri his corper after e.ach di'opp.ed Silvers once, funny the way I'al reclined' elbow and waited foiv nine to come. Silvers was coming, strong at the. f-losc and he ]miiros.s.od favorably. Tiie ir^arden w.i.s fioOdf-d with lilgh powered picture .larnps between arinear.'< | ,-;.^- |nfic! t)iroiig hout the evening. Fox's Mos■j(;ton«^ recorded the crowd and atmosphere and got a break, wli.'it. with the p.acked hotJ.'se, the noiiso of the' f.-in.s and .the genuine arM'lause for .si)iger. tiin s, lOxiiloh -t'(7=i-h<-=^^ .Vi-w 1 have shown sex pi< .itioii of j;f..t=t^;iJ==J=kL:i ^ V. s't-fiuld not .^e.v Sew \<'i'>: or' jniili'd" 1 le- ^t . 11 -1 i I' ri. . renn.-yl- oth- i. iiicluc";-. ■ hoAvn .i.tL i-i-' n iri <. Ml' >• • I I-, -• I.I Ivhoo ci;,l." ( 11 -il-'. ill. of their a!>o.M!. a. "d.-iily radifj S))e- l.i- rii'.-ans for the storr-'.^r .• up on the' dii ed retiirri.<-- ei.iierizilig. FROM BALL CLUB TO THEATRE J^r-s .Moin.-.", I.i.. .N'ov, -0, ■William f. \\'al--h of tri<' Cl'Toent- pl;iyer; '.'it iIh- I'm -i'l'nt lu-re, V.i^-i'. ..I |.))oinlt-d Ix-e Keys' r, j)i-'-> id''nt of the Jie.s Moii.r- iia.-e!i;ill club ;i.s lioijse iii,'ir;iL''--r i" ."^'M .-'-j.-d .M, J. go 1111 hi: r w < \< it i,y riovv t) ill hi- sold 'to li,'!-: giji'e-.a' ■l;aii''h to i.-- cori'- Ide'red It the, H.-iDi li f;,e latter, ji ,1(1 w ith .jdri iiS. '^'<i o'lt in tlie Mci.Jirm! u )io gof s iiilo pro!iiotiiin r-'HTl-r-f='lTr''=l'i^*!^ i' i 01 for Millers I ]•'( liov. itig . f Ii.orge .Nil 111 I liall.'ii cl, .Ml.' a <• r. of i;i ii) r.lif'-reii.'i- h' ty.-i' l: UU U.ifii li ati'i the ^; i;oW' I oilier ^; in (')iie; IllJ/^t .Mi;i'r .fi.r the > pi ing, 'I I It. .Vt. Haivey has b'en erit',ig< d | '■iv Mdlir ;is I'ener.'il at'crit fur next j i.i" :sori Zack Miiler will bo g'-n'-ral ! I ti. .tiager. . I BARNES-CARRUTHERS Fair Booking AsS'n, Inc. \ >.l No. ( lurk St,. ( lil«<»B»> WANTED FOE 1929 SEASON STANDARD NOVELTY ACTS SUITABLE FOR OUTDOORS