Variety (Nov 1928)

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y^ednesday, November 21, 1828 VARIETY 61 VARIETY BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. C. 416 The Aropnne 1629 Cofumbia Road, N. W. Telephone. Columbia AbiSO By HARDIE MEAKiN Belasco (BUubert)—"Trial of Mary Pugon"; n(^xt, Cooke stoc^i in "No, Ki). Nanette." - . - . National (Erlari?er-Rapley)---"Ro- Balie"; next, "Whoopee " v Poll's (Shubcrt)^' Silent House '; next, "Queen's Husband." Ga'yety—Burlesque stock. Strand—Burlesciue (Mutual). Pictures Columbia—"White Shadows." .Earle^"Varsity." . ■ . . Fo)t—-"Napoleon's > Barber." . . Little—"Kreutzer. Sonata." Met—'Home Townei'3.'.' Palace—"Battle of Sexes." Rialto—"Scarlet Lady." Last week Poli's was dark.' Sign blazed forth "The Silent House." It was an advance on the current attraction but at the same time was truthful for the house last week. American Opera, Co. is in Kcith'i5, former K-A house, for first three days of this week. Beginning Saturday Loew-Pubiix units will not come direct to the Palace here from the Paramount. Kew York. "Crinoline vs. Jazz" will be launched from here, Howard Burkhart has succeeded Mutual Strand, LaMotte Is on his •way to California to manag* a . Henry Duffy .house. .. • Meyer Davis is now giving the dancers at his. Swainee two or three entertainers as a floor show each , week, Keith's has transferred all stage properties to one of its New: York- neighborhood houses from closed theatre'hei-e. Booth has been entirely dismantled with new and (expensive projection eauipment also shipped oiit. Howard Burktiardt has succeeded Ira LaMont as manager of the Min tiial Strand. Burkhardt for years managed the Hurtig & Seamon Music Hall (125th street), N. Y„ 1 "Rose-Marie" week Nov. 18 axe giv- ing the house its first stage liyeli- I ness after a lonsj dark period, . Emil Bondcsoh became manager of the Duffy President week, when Arthur .Kimlim \ycnt to the I President, Los Angoles. , In Eugene and Corvallis, Ore., col- lege towns, the recent election gave a victory to the showmen, the Sun- day closing ordinance being wiped out by a majority of 1,000 in Eugene and 500 in Corvallis. Sunday shows .start Nov. 18: VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE WARFIELD BUILDING . Telephone Prospect .1353 JACK EDWARDS in Charge Suburban organists and operators .gained a $2.50 per w».-ek increase in 1 salary, and janitors $1.75.. • Ralph Birkerishaw is no.w direct-' ling the Coliseum orchestra. . Laying off for the winter, conces- I sionaires with the carnivals have opened games of chance on Unloji I street near the Federal building postofllce. Two places arc going th:s: week, one! the game of "hausie" arid the other a doll rack gag. Signs over the doors proclaim, "No minors I admitted." . Looks , like Mayor Ed- wards, former showman, is going to give the. city a liberal administra- I tion. ■■ ■ Ueiii^y Duffy opened his produc- tion ■of "The Wooden .Kimbna" at Dufwin, Oakland, Nov. 18. Sidney Toler, brought to the coast by Duffy .for ''Tommy'V is being scntto youttlc' by Duffy to bo ft-aturea: in a series of coniedics.. Hubert. McWade goes to Los An-' gi-los to play the lead in Duffy's •■>Cew Brooms" aiid"Daddies." Ira LaMotte has. assuhied the maririgement of the neW iHifwin, Oakland. William Duffy has re- turned to the President here. SEATTLE . Don and Iris Wilkins open next . week at thie iBroadway, Tacoma, as m. of C. and organist respectively. Sam Wineland, m. of c, for the past [two moriths, will be placed else- where by West Coast, Jack iGtault, formerly p. • a. for .American, Oakland, is here as piib- [ licity manager for Seattle .theatre, replacing Sarn Maurice. I Stevfe Periit'z, Tacoma manager, i Wcst Coast, is leaving for New Ha- ven, Conn , to join the staff of Her- schel Stuart, Fox-Poli, Monte Sal- I mon -will succeed Perutz. He was later manager of Boulevard theatre, I Los Angeles. E C. Jeftress, Butte 'manager : West. Coast, also joina Stuart. Harry Stone replaces JefCress In ■Butte. I Bellingham has sound ; at the Mount Baker, with "Street Angel 1 last week dpln^ big business. I Carman Clifton, acrobatic stepper with Lloyd & Dbhery, on Pan tinie, suffered a severe injury to her right hand last week In Spokane. She picked up a tack on the stage, doing 1 one of her tricks. InfecUbn set in , later. Tliough legally married to Jtlonry Yuen, an Anierican born Chinese, and wealthy merchant o^: Red Bluff, Calif-," Poon. Wai Jing, Celes- tial actress at the Mandarin (Chi- nese) theatre here, must shortly re- turn to China, her six months' bond for temporary entry into this coun- try expiring, Yuen met his wife during her Manderln engagement. laturc, took otllce last wook. The committee has its headquarters in the .-^aine huiUliiig a.s ih*^ Uoard of Censors of the proviiu-o. It consists of that hoard, with the addition of an advisory expert not yet named Phil llazza, nuany yoar.s head of lOduoational Film l-:.\i'h;\n.^'e hero, has heon Iraiisforri'd to 'Toronto. Montreal friends said farowell with a wardrobe trunk and a gold pen. Move for a! Litth^. Thoatre in Mont real took a forward step last wooU with -inoeting of Arts ond Letters Club when Uuport CapUm,. director of Ottawa Little Theatre, told th-\ club there was too. mui-h amatoui- irrcspbn.<?ibility and not enough con- sin.u'ii've work in Palace; Montreal's ' only wired house, is booked for perhaps- the biagest'week yet. with "The. Man. .Who I..augh.s" since last Saturday; l^iiin slowed up . gros.-; Saturday, but crowds have, been packini!: in since, and Mananer Kot- sky antic.iFiates a $30,000 week,. off. The proposed transaction had been carried on secretly by the New Yoj-k Hadi<v-Keith-Ori)heum oilicca uuiil the hitch dewlopod. Ki'itli'.s roopouv'd the Hip, .for- merly a HeaiTe housy, a nu;nUi a,i,'Q :il"iiT ,1 suiumer's d.n-Uni's>-. wi:'!; an ril-siiunil and talk>'r pnli. y. I'.i/. I'.nL, luon- so good lat' ly 1!^ sp;:-' of iis .^pi'i-lals whii'h. aro r;in but for ■ ineNV(>ok, stago '."orni- By DAVE TREPP Metropolitan—"Merchant of Ven- ice " P r e s i d e n t—"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (stock). , Orpheum — "The Goodbye Kiss'!- vaude. . ■ Pantages—"Man, Woman and Wife"-vaude. ■ Seattle — The Outcasf'-stage Bhow. ■ . „ Fifth Avenue—"White Shadows"- Movietone. . ,„ Music Box-^'^The Singing Fool'- Vita (8th week). , . , Blue Mouise —"Midnight Taxi"-^ ^ CoViseum-^"Under Black Eagle." Winter Garden—"Road to Ruin. George Arllss In "Merchant , of Venice"- at the Met this week and BOSTON Elizabeth Duray replaced Con- stance Carpenter in "The ConnecUr cut Yankee" at Majestic, ^ifs Carpenter pone to New Tork to rehesirse in"High Cost of Loving. Expenses for "The Ladder", during its Boston two weeks' stay at Opera House come to about $25,000. "Moissi" comes in there on Dec. 3 for One week. "The Connecticut Yankee" and the Boston Herald have a mad on. Ads pulled out because of unfavor- able review done in collegiate smart aleck manner. ATTENTION TEACHERS private dwelling In excluslTO New York City mldtnxvn section. .Contains Audltarlum seat- ing 200, Reception, rooms, studios ^ona executive ofllMS. - Also 17 'ooms. "J'^n^ batliB, additional. PossejsJon Jan. Iti. required now and $9,000 ndiUtlnniil on Jan. 1st. For inspection and furthtr details ADDRESS BOX 110. VARIETY, N. Y, THEATEICAL OUtFITTEES 1580 Broadway New York City RENT A GOWNTVUVPCOSTIME for danc«, ball, nuwfluerade, •mnteor theatrical, movte ensagement* KamientB of Binartert style*. Complete B*leetion9. MME. NAFTAL . 69 West 45th St., N. C- I**') Bryont 6268-6209 New England Theatres Operating Co, have taken over the Globe on Washington streist and after reno- vating will wire for talkers, I Boston boasts five night clubs. The New York Lido management has taken over the old Club Marco here and calls it the Embassy. Small but smart. "Blackbirds" at the Tremont is tho first hit of the season. First time this year for turnaways. Mid- night show last week, "Marigold/' comedy .to which Belasco has American rights, opened at Copley last Monday even- ing under Clive's direction. Enthu- siastic prei^s notices. Cllve doing it by special arrangement with Be- lasco. ' •' ' - INDIANAPOLIS By EDWIN V. O'NEEL English's—"Vagabond King" (1st JxsMl, " Fron t Page" (2d half). Palace^"Show People" Indiana—"Varsity." Qipcle—"Man Who Laughs." Apollo—"Paris," Mutual—Bur, Golden State Theatres cii'c.uit has^ awarded contract to Electric Re- I smrch. Products Co., for wiring of 12 houses for the ojrcuit. mostly, in Oakland and East Bay cities, and I two houses for—Castro and Royal— in Sari Francisco. Cost approxi- j mately $200,000. . Rtilph Pincus, of the Columbia, has booked "Th^ Marriage Bed," now current In Los Angeles, start- ing: here; Nov. 26, Leo C.asrrillo comes to the Alca- zar two weeks hence in a revival of "Lpmbardl, Ltd," Flo Kelly, former Fanchon & Marco dancer, who has been staging the floor .show at Cafe Marquardt enters the F C: M production de- partment. Billie Dlyle replaces at Marquardt's, • Claude Sweeten, musical director at the Golden Ga.te, and Walter Smith, pianist and radio entertainer, g^ + publicity when Sweeten, after bumping into: Smith's parked car, left his name and address and agreed to assume the damages. With a decrease of 12,158 mar- 1 riages in Oallfomia during the last ' year, due. It is figured to the three- day wait necessitated by the 1927 ■'gin marriage" law, As.semblyman H. E, Dllllnger Is preparing to in- , troduce a bill at the next legislative session, seeking to bring about re- ! peal of the statute. ROCHESTER, N. Y. By DON RECORD Lyceum^—American Muslca Drama Co. (Rep.). Temple—"The Squall" (stock).. Rochester—"Battle of the Sexes" (wired). Eastman—"The Wedding March." Fay's—"Caught in the Fog" (wired). Regent—"Phyllis of the Follies," Piccadilly—"Craig's Wife," Strancl-:-"Street Angel" (wired). Gayety—Stock burlesque, Victoria—Stock burlesque. CLEVELAND By GLENN C. PULLEN Hanna—De.s-ert t^ong." Ohio—"What They Wanted." Colonial-^"I"nhorn t'biUl," Little—Stock. Alhambra—t^inck. Gordon Sci.—t^took. Play House—Vvcp. Pictures Sfillman (wired)~"iAu)r' t.Sd wk) Allen (wired)—•'CelehriUes." Hip (Wired)—"Subniiuine." Cameo (wired)—-Bacholors." • Palace—"Sunrise"-vaude. State—-"Private LiEe"-unit. .105th—"Women"-vaude. Columbia—Mutual bur. . Cro.-sfil 'rUvti-ic wiri;- i:,>i (:iiiis(nl a tiro on tite uV.. ' s lurinij a The:iti:t> - (lu.iM I" . .\nco of '•^■oiiu>nl^" Kir.«t. evidenoo of t'^'V I'^ri' ramf» wlion liivmi'-'i tivu-st uu ff(it)i l-i-hind a wired e;i.lnnet. Tlv<^ ui-'iv-^rs Icpt >n pl'iyiiipT. extieetiiiTr tlui'l stage vanils would see and o.>ctinvrul>h the :<n>:in tire, luit .•ipiiai-eniiy ;it was not vi.'-'ibU' back st;w. When the blaze bcL-.-iiiie tt>o hot to he .'(unfortablo. the .111;) yiM-s flnjilly . .-;topp<>d the show and the. iMirtaih \-.-a.-< lo'vered for a nionient while .".re was put out. Tlic pcrronnanoo hon continued. I')aniage sHsht, a.<5 scenery tire- proofed. ' Although blaze was. seen by entire .luilienoe, nohody excited i- loft the theatre. l^im biz and failure, ..of floor -;l:ows to click have Ciiused 10. J. •ituli-lar to drop the. eniortainment. ■'•ilioS' in his newly opened Frolics lutcry. ■ K-irl dates, show booker nd :rn, c., .'.oft. ' , Failure of Ihe.payoff at the. proper time almost clostd tlie Alhambra last week at the opening perform- ance of "Cradle Snatchers." : For several weeks stage hands and members of the Roberaon- Smith stock had been given the run around. Going into a huddle, the boys and' thespians .finally emerged with the threat Of walking out on the audience unless there was an immediate settlement. ^ Robert McLaughlin, owner of th.e Alhambra, guaranteed: salaries and expenses for the next two weeks but not any previous debts. Similar salary differences at the Gordon Sq; came to a climax when Robcrson-Smith withdrew from theatre's stock. It was taken over and financed by Blanche ^Icox, leading woman and wife of H. R. Noycs, air .mail pilot. Company under heir ownership will b© known as Gordon Square Players. Warren Wade, of company, is now mgr. Clevi-lahd's ne\vest th<>atre,:. .ITp^ towiii opens Nov. It is com- . plotoly wired. 3,500-sivit. ineis'hbor- . hooili'V, recently lini.=;hod for Variety. .Anuisement Co.. incture.s. .and stage shows .with.25-piece (u-oheatra under .lose Acosta. Thomas Carroll man- ager, Dan Stearns and: Cowan Bain of local U exchange were badly brui.sed hut escaped, serious injury when their automobile recently crashed Into a truck minus tail light. LOUISVILLE Rr DAN THOMPSON ■ Hrbwn—-"The Vagabond King.'^ Rialto—"His Private Life"ryaude, Gayety—"High Flyers" (Mutual), Loew's—"Show People" (wired). Mary A nde rs on —"Varsity (wired), , , jt\ Strand—"Me, Gangster" (Y^ffr,;*.. Alamo—"Man, Woman and Wife ^^'ajestic—"The Cohens and KcUys in Paris." ; ; '.The Fourth Avenue Amusement Co. here has bought three theatres in Ind.: Luna,: Colonial and Grand, formerly owned by Horhl)eck Amusement Co, Gertrude Krelg. former vaude- villlan. now appearing at the Kosalr Hotel with "Slim" Lamar's Record- ing Orchestra. GOLD ME^L COLUMN EkLUJE: R.lBBOM LIST WIHFF^E. nro-sMOR /vNiP -P'^^ strand, n6wly wired (Vltaphohe and Movietone), downtown second- run, begins sound policy with "Street Angel." Williarri R. Corris, Jr., is the new manager of the Lyceum theatre, [succeeding Floyd J. Menneiley. Mr. Corris was connected with the Ly- ceum 24 years before resigning in 1921. APPAREL mSGH Theatrical Cle«n«r ond Stftm Worh Done Overnight Goods Called for and Pehvered t26 W. 47th Bt. Lac.knwuiUKi 3BW . Irene Rich, Warner Brbthe'rs' star, engaged by Cukor-Kondolf stock. a.<-- guest star for week early in Decern- FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL STAGE DANCING ; Stretching and 'Limb ering Eaercla cB Now at 132-136 W. 43d St. New York eer. New York Theatre Guild, recently here for week with repertory of four plays, to retura Dec, 6 for three days with "Strange: Interlude," starring Pauline Lord. Lyric-"Nothing to Wear"-vaude. "Silent" had light bu.'sines.s last week at English's,. "Hit the Deck" Thanksgiving at :Engli8h s. "Wooden Kimbna" Dec. 3. Sunday show fight started at Greencastle with arrest of B. L. Goodlander, the.ntre owner, for vio- lation. Case will be heard in cir- cuit court and appealed to the State "tribunal.^'^^-^'^^ - - - - _ SCENERY and DRAPERIES BCIUXL SCENIC STCVIO, Colombas, O. Hagenbeek-Wallaco circus filed suit for $15,000 damages against Aurora-Elgin-I<"ox Uivor Electric Co. as result of a crash near Aurora, when two employe"?.^ were killed and scvf-nil elephanl.s hurt, "The Queen's Husband" opened Litile Theatre .season .Tuesday. Granada .wired. , IComniuhTfy -players," local—Little- Theatre group with 2.000 merhbers, opened Nov. IC with "Silence" for [eight performances dt Playhouse. MONTREAL Psiace (wired) —"Th'! Man Who Laughs." ■ , „ .. Capitol—"The Mask of the Devil. . Loew's—"Beggars of Life." Imperial—"The" Princess—Week of French plays. His Majesty's-Dark; Orpheum — "Excess Baggage 'stock) -'.Gayety —''g^AIj^^P. QV.^g l^^'! J^"' "^"strand-"The Land of Silver -Fox," "Var.sity," "Celebrity." "ilow to iJandl.' Women." , , . ,w. Empress—"A Woman Atralnst th.:- World." "Second to None," '•\) of Lnvf- and "Her Ship Comes In. I Province of Quebec new picture I poster cenHOrship, established under aft (if last session of Quebec legis- EAVES COSTTJME CO. Costume* of Every Description For Every Occasion 151-1S3 WeH t 40th Btrfet— KiivcB^nldg. Oftcrs Theatrical Profe.sslon FUH COAT^ ai?d SCARKS at strictly wholoHalo prlceo CHAS, E. M^'itAIS. 330 7th Ave.. Cony r gOth Bt. '7tli Floor GOWNS and WRAPS ot EVESY DESCRIPTION Rented Fif All Occasion* VEhY -MOIJEIlATE KATES - W»» n l»tertsiln» »n<l E<'onoml<-al- to C»U M MME. NAFTAL 69-Wi^Ht^r.Wi-Strcet- - --«rjuat_Oi?79-Al£?. SCENERY MENDELSOHN'S TEXTILE CORP. BtENKRV AND COSTCMII lAllIlICS SllkB—Tlnael Cloth—I'luHber 156 W, 415th St. Bry^ 73 72-B2S* MISCELLANEOUS Th«» Apuniitriot* Olft A. W ARDEN DORFF. INC. . Hotel Adtor ACCESSORIES ^AZIAN^Inc. TIIEATBICAI:. coons Hryant 1062t3937'&177 ]42-144 WeHt Forty-foorUi Street 1548-4 UltYANT E. HEMMENDINGER, INC. .JEWEMCItP 83 WWt 40th Slre«t J. J. WYLE & BROS,, INC. A rail lJn« of Gold and Sllvar •rocadet Metal ClothB. Gold and Silver rrlm- mlngs, HhlneBtonea; SpangUa. Tlghta Opera Hose, etc., "•VIT"' 18-20 Eont 27tb fit.. New York City SCENERY —FOR RKSt • ficenery. Ftnite SettlnBH, DecoratioD PREMIER SCENERY STUBIOS 310 U>«t 4lHt St. I>iu:k. 0233 John Murray Anderson-Robt,^Miltort -flrh<ior-of tlie TMWlitrf niul A. Prof^Bfilonal School tot Prof^.MBif.n»I« DIrtlon. ActlnB, Dancing of A.I1 ryp«t RoiirlnnB Arranged *''?» ^*"^^'^.,,« 128-130 Kaftf 58th Bt, PIni«a 4r,2i-*at» The LITTLE JOHNS Rhinestones Anything in Rhinestones AlHo r.-rf.'ct Machinn fj'r S<>tt«'l« 251 \V<st 4flth «t. ChNkerlng 77.J5 J. E, CLANCT/Inc, STAGE HARDWARE SYRACUSE. N. Y. . DUWICO . EVEUTtlflNG KI-ECTKICAI. rOB THE nncATKK" W. 47th Htroet Penn..24r)»-lBtf NOVELTY SCENIC STUDIOS DraperlfB, Scenery, Btage. SettloifB 340 West 41st Bt, 9233 DInl 49th St.—*Iroodwny--MtK Rt. nine. DAnelng - No Co% er Chorg«