Variety (Nov 1928)

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62 VARIETY Wednesday, November 21, 1928 VARIEH'S LOS AriGELES OFFICE ARTHUR UNGAR in Charge iQew'i State Bldg., Siiite 1221-22 707 So. Broadway, Trinity 3711-3712 ANGELES jProfestionals have the fre« use of Variety's Lq« Angelda Office for information. Mail may be addressed care Variety, Loew's State BIdSn Suite 1221-22, Loe Angeles. It will be held subject to call or forwarded, or adver- tised ia. Variety's Letter List. Orpheurti Jbst a pasgable show. Wcayt-T vBroiji . and ■ Elviry, topranff, wore seriousb' haridlcapripd ' l?y the. ab- . fienqie of brothdr Cicero, pulleving . from flu. Abner.and his si.stch did ..... all of the .act that could be handled' lighted.. marduc-o, iva.s surrouncioa house, by wallsinK:up to the box of- manager "^^J.^^^.^ fice and handing (Jladys Monroe, returned from ^e^.^ork. warren ' shiop a note domanding th-i J^oane. general manager, and H M. worn V ' thru..t a - gun at her Walker, vice-president of the .same roS ed in a oll.'dM.p. newspaper- conripany, remain.In the east, c^^^^^ l^ c box office, under a- brilliantly uing their examination of sound, They will \>e made as Movietone shorts. Byron Gay, song writer la recov- ering from Intestinal trouble which has laid hlth uip three weeks. by. two, and stole the show anyway, jwith people at the time, but the tnuf Robert ■SYarwick,. a3sisted by V^'^':d Knight-and Harry Mervis,. offered a skit entitled "Her yoice," ;.wi,'>.itten by johri Dils<jn. A flat, iinamusing attempt ■ to. inject "'melodramor of •98" into the two-a-day of 1928.: , Edgar Bergen and .COi, deuclng, ventriloquist, great.. Novelty bosses out of every line in the bit. The idea being a tonsil operation, ether and everything, to be performed, bn the dummy. Bright and snappy chatter. . Candreva ; Dancing Trumpeters . (New Acts), a local group, landed, as did Al .K. Hall with his "Sap at the Beach." Babe Garcn and Ida Walker, newcomers to the act «ince last year, arfe. ah acceptable addi- tion. . Fred Dale, handsome , tenor, good. Closing, the bill, the Theodore Bekefl t>?incers held 'em in. A flash act doing the ui5ual routine, bright'- ened by a beautiful toe number exe- cuted by Grace Robinson ahd a sweet acroba;tic done by Bee Wenr dell. The Norman Thomas Quintet, colored, stopped the show with the crazy antics of a hot Jazz' trap escaped.. ' Robert W.' Major, legit director, conlihed to his home in Bcyerly Hills with influenza. Opening of the Governor C. C. Young presented the Richmond, Cal., flre department with the Louis B. Mayer fire pre- vention cup for the greatest increase In .fire prevention scored among all the towns and cities pf California. This cup has been in .circulation for Windsor .Square theati<o, his Los An- . - - - j ■ awarded annually geles producing unit. Scheduled for .1'■'^'■'rf . . ^n„i,i*... Nov, 17, was indefinitely. Mary Foy will be opposite Frank- lin .Pangborn In "VV^atch Out," Fox Movietone .film. I to the town or city accomplishing the most .in the competition for flre I prevention. Victor Scherfzinger, director, and Ben Grauman Kohn, writer, have .signed new Pariamount contracts A. F. (Buddy) Erickspn, former a.isistant to F. W. Murhau, has been Pathe's serial "Queen of the North I elevate^ to d^^^^^^^^^ picture for Fox Woods," by George Arthur Gray, Stoiy not seiectea will start Dec. 1. Spencer Bennett ^oyd Nosier, former supervising directs. , ^ .. film editor for Universal, now the Harold Lloyd,, on the Metropolitan | same for Inspi ration stages^, has taken his first voice, test It was satisfactory. ■ William- S. Bolt, newspaperman, has been appointed assistant general manager of the Maddux Airlines. Gene Morgan will return to Loew's State as m. c. for lour weeks begin- ning Dec. 7. After. this date Rube Henry Duffy has secured produc- tion rights for . his coast theatres of "Wanted," "Cyclone Lover" and Married—And Ho-W^." ijiaziv aiiLn.^ v^.. » ~ , ,1 Myron Selznlck, who has taken di-ummeh Other than thlsj mart's Wolf will ..come in tor six weeks, over the Young-Selznlck-Young DecuUar style of drumming on replaced at the Warfield, Itisco,. by corporation, has .added a story .de everything on the stage, the act is | Walt Roesner. the usual song and dance layout Pantages The problem of preventing ice cream melting during, the taking of la. long-drawn-out scene in M^arm partment. charge* Robert Eddy will ha,v6 Chesterfield Productions leased My dear, you must come over to ^^ '""e-^ia^ii-^^^^^^ the Metropolitan studios Pantages. For the second time :ln ^^^^^^^ six pictures, there, three • weeks, a male toe dancer Partments. F.irs^^ ^^.^^ Lon Young as productioii head, graces the bill. And what a toe has found a solution i^^ first will be "Circumstantial danced! He is the male, end of scribes as_ a dry i^^^ ff-om the story by Wil- Mildred and Maurice and. opening ^^'l® f"^^„'\,Sti^^ W di^he^ fred Noy, which Noy will direct the-bill, the act went fine until an ways, as In slmulatine hot dishes K,,^^^ adagio, their third bit. MUdred the vapor arising from^^^^ Lake, Charles Gerrard and Helen ateps out with nothing particular on mass give the impression of steam. ^.^^^^-^ Production is to begin im and makes it attractive.. Then on comes Maurice, and he has less on Lionel Barrymore will direct j "^^^^^^^^^ thkn^shranX^o Top'it;Ti3%"ntire 1 "Madame^X" as a full-length talker body Is powdered a chocolate |for M-G-M. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.. brown. The audience was too ennbar , , ^ ah rassed to applaud. Mildred's work,T . Ralph Grant and Ben Allen, must Jacquelihe Logan for liead femme part in "The Faker," Columbia Phil Rosen will direct. GsmelcTariv iie^ toe'dance^ Lewis Milestone and Louis Wal a^r ° Jinetta whose controlled with the State Labor Commission heim have new contract from^Caddo kicks are'worth seeing! filirfor t^^ Billy Wade, president of the Productions as the first step toward team's costume cSes in CTeal Wade Renfroe Players. Grant asks the resumption of ^fllm production shap^ S This malf nude $136 back salary and Allen request- | by Howard Hughes' organization doesn't rate. ing $118. They state these amounts Dixon and Morell, wop comics, are owed them for musical work in deuce and satisfy; Strains and connection with one of Wade's trav- Strings, a six-piece string orches- eling tent shows. tra, headlined, and deservedly so. . .— , , ,^ , , .„ Pop stuff and classical music, with | Because of the change of opening | red -while the old one simply fea Universal has torn up the con tract held by Joseph Schildkraut and given him a new one; It pro vides that Schildkraut will be star NEWARK, N. J. iBy C. R. AUSTIN Sh ubert—" Whoopee.- Broad—"Bachelor Father," Proctor's—Vaud-"Night Bird." State—Vaud-" Wind." Newark—Vaud-"Phyllis." Branford—'Moran"-stage show. Mosque—"Fog"-sourid. Terminal—"Mother"-30und. Rialto—Woman Disputed." , Capitol—"Sexes" and others. Goodwin—"Machree." Empire—"Speed Girls." Enormous space cleared for new Fox house on Park place with fever^ ish activity. Now all work has come to a Btandstill. This causes many i"urnors but nothing can be verified. In Fabian circles prospect of their new 6,00Q-seat house causes a gen- eral air of having the canary safely inside. Outsiders are putting this two and two toprether but the an- swers are all different. Contemporary, the largest wom- an's club in the state, is starting a crusade to stop the girls' revues run by the local dancing schools at various theatres in which it is al- leged the girls are nearly nude. SO fair as seen, no ground for this com- plaint. Girls wear nearly as much as they do on the street. Large revues have been valuable to the theatres, and are offering the girls a fine chance for developing their talents. Nudity has never been of- fered as an Inducement nor played up. -. Orient Inn. had a ha,nd- in fequelehing the license. Standard Union has tied up with the Brooklyn Paramount and I'ublix unit In search through the- medium of newspaper contest for the 12 most beautiful girls in the city and to give them a dancing course, 25 •weeks at $45 a week. All pictures of handsome lassies are Ijeing sent to the "Brain and Beauty Editor," and If the danies have no picture's, local photographers will take one free of charge. "Brooklyn Brains and Beauty Good Will Amljasadors" will open In the new Brooklyn Pa:ra- rriount. Questions asked on entry blank aire: Are you in perfect health? Play any instrument? Fiather's occupation? Phone num- ber? Athletic? Your occupation^ etc.? Jackson ;Turner is handling the.contest for Standard Union. Louis Freiman's melodrama, "This Lost World," is the second attraction playing at the Yiddish Rolland theatre, Michael Mlchalesko in the lead, \ylth Angey Levlne a:nd Anna Lillian supporting. Cops the past few weeks have been ' pinching and fining punch-boa;td' operators and slott-machine owner.s. Three candy store owners were fined and six slot machines were, confis- cated;.: Stanley, Jersey City, la making good with a vengeance. MEMPHIS By WALTER D. BOTTO Orpheum—"The Outcast"-vaude. Loew's State — "Show People"- Vaude. Loew's Palace—"Lilac Time." Strand—"The Red Dance." Pantages—"The Melody of. Love"- vaude. Lyceum—Stock. Auditorium—"Rio Rita.** Princess—"Seeing Things." some novelty tap dancing coritrib- day at Salt Lake City from a Tues- tured. His first starring picture -will uted by a girl, made it aii enjoy- day to Sunday, Fanchon and Marco be "The Bargain In the Kremlin, able ten minutes. acts will no longer play Ogden. In- being adapted for the screen by Ford and Cunningham, chatter stead the acts will go from Boise,. J. Grubb Alexander with dialog and and gaga, stopped the show. George closing there on Friday, direct to 1 to be directed by Edward Sloman. Fcwd, a peculiar type of comic, had Salt Lake for Sunday opening. 'em going, while Miss Cunningham — -. ^ Fanchon and Marco have Mildred foiled charmingly. - Richard Wallace will direct Mau^ Harris and Babe Kane for an "Idea." Stanley Bros, and Attree, aerial- rice Chevalier in ParamoUnt's "In- it will start 14 -weeks a;t Loew's Ista, closed. nocents of Paris" instead of Harry state here Dec. 7. Entire chorus of The Scarlet Lady," feature. [D'Arrast. ' [ the "Good News" company which recently closed its coast run will New Orpheum opened Monday W. H. Hartung, fornnerly of Omaha, local manager. Orpheum started off with six acts, one more than Loew's State, which now announces seven acts for next week. With Pantages, Loew's State and the Orpheum going after vaude business, where two vaudeville ;louses are sufficient, a hot fight Is on tap. A bandit stole a night's receipts I Richard La Salle opened his new [appear In the same unit, from the Belmont theatre, grind stock, the La Salle Players, at the Belvedere, Loa Angeles, Nov, 11. | Billy Joy, foriiier publisher of the Opening production ^was The Hollywood Vagabond, engaged at M INERS MAKE UP the Pathe studios as an assistant to Benjamin .Glazer In the sound department. Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. Patsy,'- with' Nina Gilbert and Ralph Clonlngcr in leading parts Jack AUman, manager of a trav eling tent show, waa treated at the i considerable furore was caused on Los Angeles Receiving Hospital for the Paramount lot when a barrel of snake bite.. Allman said he was tar, for a new sound stage across bitten by one of . six-foot Mexican from the lot restaurant, caught flre rattlesnakes. Guemni & Co. The Loading and Largest ACCORD EON FACTORY In th« United Statci n\e only Factorj Mint mnkci aiiy set ot ItuuUs— made b; 277-279 Columbui Avenue &an Franciaco, Cal. Krc« Cataloffuci ■. Imperial Theatre Troupe ol Tokio is now under the management of L: E. Behymor, to begin a tour of Apierican and liJuj'ppean^ cities. ^ Lefjtor Clark has -replaced Pat Penny as publicity agent at the Colorado. W. C, Pasadena. N. W/ Davldsoni exploitation at the Criterion, asst. mgr. and v>ublic- ity of Florence, W- C., -Pasadena. MOST ORIGINAL In the Golden Went Carl—MULLER'S—LiU "TWO OLD TIMERS" Direct froin "Train' or Theatre , You Are Welcome 724 So. Hill St., Los Angeles Tom Sanson, publicity. Criterion, added to Frank Whitbeck's publicr ity staff In Wr-Cr-gencrai-ofllceS. - Edwin Justus Mayei* is to write *he dialog on the Ben Hocht story M-G-M will produce. City and studio flre departments turned out In foixje. -Damage slight. "The Lady Next Door/' by Edwin H. jC urtls, . opened at. the Holly wood Playhouse (Henry Duffy) Nov. 19, with a cast including Jane Morgan, CarJine Ebner, Olive Cooper.. Leah Winslow, Isabel Withers. James Spottswood, Wm. Lawrence, John Mackenzie and John Webb Dillion. Arthur Frahm, forirter manager of Htnry Duffy's Presldsnt.-. Seattle, has assumed the managership of the President in Los Angeles for Duffy ■VVaitcr' CfienowefHr temp'ofarily moved from the Hollywood Play house to President, has returned to the Playhouse. Raquel Torres Is the femme lead -nv«4„.«i,„ w c^v,,•,^,^■^o„ iMiiiinoca-in "The Bridge of San Luis Rey." Benjamin W. Shipman, bu.siness Charles Brabin will direct it for STRICTLY UNION MADE ALL MODELS—ALL SIZES ON HAND AT GREATLt REUUCBD PRICES ALSO 1,006 USED TRUNKS 0> EVERY DESCRIPTION WK Ob BKTAIRINO. WBITB FOB CATALOG. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc. BM Seventh Avenue, between 40th and 41st Streeti, New York City SOLIS AGICNtS FOR li & M TIltNKS IN TIIK KASX ' PliOncS! t-ongacro (1107, ronn Hylvunig 1)004 M-G-M. Warner Brothers' term writers: J. Grubb Alexander, Haryoy Thew and L. G. Rigby. Thoy wijl begin work Dec, 5. Loew's Palace orchestra was dis missed when Loew wired, and now the Orpheum takes them over Intact for its vaudeville. Lyceum stock, after four weeks of terrible business, closed Saturday. Pantages has the flrst talkers this week. "Melody of Love." BROOKLYN, N. Y. By JO ABRAMSON Three new plays out this week Bert Lytell in "Brothers." at Wer- ba's Brooklyn; "A Most Immoral Lady." at Werba's Flatbush, and "Sign of the Leopard," at Majestic 'Gerald Carlton, 84,^ho fortnany years wrote plays and short stories and well known In literary circles, died last week. He came, to Amerl ca, about 50 years ago and made his home in Brooklyn, where he wrote many of his tales. Son and two daughters survive. HALIFAX By W. D. MacNEILL The Glossop-Harris Repertoire Company closed In Halifax Np-v. lO and -will tout the Maritime PrOv-- inces. ■ The original company was some- what wea.kened when Miss Glossop- Harris organized a second company to play at Saint John, N. B. Miss Glossop-Harns and several leading members of her company taking weekly turns in each city. Halifax Is to have Bransby-WH- liams Company, from England, in December. The Dumbells new re- vue, "Why Worry," which now in- cludes a chorus of girls, brings his newly formed Canadian company in January, The Mae Edwards Company, Ne-w England aggregation, opened their" autumn engagement In Halifax at the Garrick this week. Artists of the . class of their predecessors at the Garrick this week.. Perhaps drawing card Is the Jazz orchestra as well as vaudeville between the acts. . I Call for—^ ABSOLUTf lY OUARANTEEK tlUKE •»-and be assured of receiving .thai best materials properly blended ■ SOLD EVERYWHERE Manufactured bjr 3tew_Co?m?tiQ. C N. Y. Brooklyn Heights has peace and solitude. Music will have to go somewhere -else, for the Orient Inn will not be allowed to have a caba- ret, as requested several weeks ago by the owners. All the church or- ganizations hotly protested, and ru- mors are floating around to the ef- fect that the Hotel St. George, which dishes, out music and is near the DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W. 72d St., New York City The Sunshine Shoppe OPERA LENGTH HOSIERY and %h6 dainty things milady — ._lovea_._:_ Ricardo Cortez's next starring picture for Tiffany-Stahl will be "Llfe^,"^taken-from-an-Griginal-Ktory^ by Frances Guihan, with Chester Franklyn assigned to direct. Frederick Pymm succeeded Ralph Nairn in Guy Bates Post's "The Play's The Thing," at the Biltmore. Robert Benchlcy is due at the Fox studios Dec. 10 to start work of adapting his two stories, "The Early Worm" and "Of All Thingfi.'' FANCHON and MARCO COSTUME CO. Specialize in creating the most attractive costumes for chorus and ensemble groups in stage presentations and tabloid entertainment. They are used exclusively by the. foremost producers in America. They are made to order and can either be purchased or loaned to resiionsible producer* for single performances, a week, month or year. ^ FANGHON^and MARGO-G 643 So. Olive Street LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ^ SHOW t N ST I T U TION Qj((Q INTERN ATI0NAL4 S^oes for the S^^g^ S^^^^^ FOtlC»S SHOESHOP~ 1552 BROADWA.Y