Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 21, 1928 VARIETY 63 HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED $ 8 and Up Single $12 and Up Double Hot and Cold Water , and Teleptione In Each Room 102 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY Phone: BBTANT me-e* HOTEL FULTON . (In the Ueart ot ^ew Sbrk) $ 9 and Up Single $14 and Up Double Shower Baths, Hot and Cold Water and Telepnone Electolc Fan In ouch rooni 264-268 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY Phone: Lac.kawailiia 6090-1 Opposite N. V. A. H OT E L pl39W45thSt:3 Just East of Broadway —= *** Completely remodeled—cvctyUilne ■ ~' ~" or tlie best—Siramona furniture ~— (Beautyreat mattressce), hot and ■ *~* cold water, tclephonee,- Bh'owers. — —• • $12 for Single Room — • $15-$17 for Double Room - ■ — ^ $16-$18-$20 for Double Room — -!- ' . (with Private Bath) ' —~ ' . Summfr CbncMtlonii '*~* ~ This Is the Ideal hotel for the ■- "~ ■ profeaalon—la tlie heart ot the ~~ ■ theatrical sei-tlon ■ — — Phones Bryant 0673-4-6 -— LETTERS When Bendlns fa* Mefl . TABIETV, addreM lUU ClMfc. } rOSTOARDS. ADVltB TlSlK O «• ) CmOVI^R IJEXTERS WIIX KO« 1 BB ADVBRTISBD I UBTTBKS ADVBBTIBBD IB 1 ONB IB8UB ONI.V Hell Jack C n'Oinont Jerry Binjpu Claud (,\i.ineron J.-ick Cttnipos J ■ Carlisle James (Miaffen. B <;larK Miss . . (lonlon Paul L- ijrusB Florence Fleming J . B Fra^er Geraldlne' Gordon Helen C3uto F Ha:milton Sis & F. Havtc Eleanor ticbert Florence Hearn Lew Kayo Lionel ICelly Orry G Kepple Vina I-aSalle niohard Leonard Flor.rie . Tvove Chas D Tjynne E MacKnieht H A Marlowe Frank Moondy J Ofidcn Patricia O'Reilly Florence Hcno E W Robbins Ray Rose Lou Rocha Rugel Shattuck. Truly, Vnlascuez Ed Vincent Nadge ■ Jarrett Dorothy CHICAGO OFFICE Bainsfalr F E Heile & Coates Brunnlea Merrett Buckley Jack Bui-ke Mlnnl* Chase Billy Clifton Herbert Conley Harry iOcan Sid Deonzx) "Wm DcAVynnc Dolly Downey Esther Doyle Jimmy Duncan Sis Dunn Defnie Duponts, The Dye Ruth Edwju-dH OuH Erner Si Flaher Krshcn Jack Fields Muriel Foley Thomas Ford W'alUe Forsyth & Kelly Frohman Bert Fuller & Jewell <^lfford Wm ';ilbi,Tt Bei-t lidrdon t'lnire TlamiiKinil Al Harris Oliver Herinan Lcwia 'If-rt/. I..lllian lIoRan & Staiiloy toward May ■'nman Warren Irving Rosn • Ivc-rp'nn Fritzie' TsrOion Miss Kint; (.'athiTin*' Kiii.-^lriw Roy KniL'hr Frank T.aMiiio Jai.Kie !/jinL'i. }lowar<i l-.'twr'n & Laliaie Lee Irving Leonard Albert Lester H & C Mack Granville -M ack -Harvey - '-v, Marshall George Martin Freddie McCarthy. Frank- Mlgnon Helene Miller Bob Moore Al & Band Moreno & Mona Muriel & Fisher Murphy Jarncs O'Connell Bland. Ch^'cn Dick Palmer Ilcnry-_ . . PcM-ry Harry Petrclla T G Powell Albert Sr Purcoll Chas Pymm Fred & P'gy Rondall Mildred Rankin Billy Rogers & King Roh'crs • Jack llogi.'rs Wilson Rome & Ininn Rosiia Mile Kutlr Mary Ruths-tri)m John Ryan Buddy Kandlin Nell K<'l)ra)n rriiornas Si-oit I.suliel Shi'rman & W'lhu'o -.>;hf>^ Siggle Snu.ok Roy Sjuilli Thomas Sf'lnlieck. Bruno . . Stevens (Jo Sylvcsier S: Van f Whitf Mabfl Wliitp I'icire M'riglit Geo M \Vynn Ray I i your.!-"!- Jack I-Iotels L^OI^R^INE] and GR>\.]Nrrr-C]:iic&go LORRAINE SINGLE ROOM, BATH, $2.00 CP DOllDMi: ROOM; BATU. $17.30 AND $21.00 WBRKU DOIIBI.E WarilOl'T BATH. $14.00 WBEKLX LEONARD HICKS President GRANT 81N(n^ ROOM WITHOVI IJ.VTll. SLS.-i AND $1..10 Plill DAY SlN(n.lS KOOM. HATH, Si.OO rKK" I>.VV nOl'itlJS KOOM WITIIOl"! ItATIl. $14.00 I'KK W'KKK DOrilI.E ROOM WITH ItATU $17.50 AND $21.00 WKtaiLV NEW HOTEL 100 Rooms 100 Showers and Tubs Double Roomi $3.^4__$5 Single Rooms $2.50 and $3.00 HOTEL KILKEARY, Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH'S HOTEL FOR THE PROFESSION Conveniently Located Within Five Minutes of All^ DOWNTOVVN THEATRES Announcing the Opening of Nevv Restaurant and Coffee Shop -■ ■ THE FAVETTE In Connection with the Hotel—Something Different, Good Food, Reasonable Prices Absolutely Fireproof Artistic Steel Furniture [ Proprietor 1^1 NTH ST. and PENN AVE, J. F. KILKEARY A REAL HOME FOR THE PROFESSION MARYLAND HOTEL 104 W. 49th St., New York City—Ownership Management f\e\ ImmacDlutelj Clean $ f\ ef\ •W Conrteous l>reatnient f Larire Rooms Running .Water Newly Decorated 2 a day and up ImmacDlutelj Clean $ . Conrteous IVeatment Newly FnrnlRhed Z| a day Special We4>l<ly Bate* and up Double Boom for 2. Bath and Shower Phone: LONG ACRE 680S OifiO. P. SCHNEIDER. Prop, FURNISHED 'PlXl? U1?1?TTI A FURNISHED Irlri OlLKl JlA APARTMENTS : COMJPl'ETE FOB HOUSEKEEPING, .. . CLEAN AND AIBT. . 325 West 43rcl Street NEW YORK CITY Private Bath, 3-4 Rooma. Catering to- the comfort and convenience •( the profession.. 8TBAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT- - • • - $16.00 LOU HOLTZ'S 241 WEST 43D STREET, NEW YORK CITY PHONE LACKAWANNA '1740 BATES REDUCED One and Three Rooms, Bath, Kitchen Comjaletely Furnished . in the Heart of Times Squar* $15.00 UP For Two Persons WRITE, PHONE OB WIBB FOB BEBEBVATIOM RUANOAPARTNENTS goo Eighth Ave. (49th St.) CHICKERINO 3660 2-S Booms, Bath nnd Kitchenette. Accommodate 3-6 Persons. Coinplete Hotel Service. Attractively Famished- Under New ManuKement BEDUCED RENTALS BILLS NEXT WEEK (Continued fr Piiloce 2d half (22-25) S Fields Bros McCormick & Irv'g Tcmple'ton Bros Co (One to fill) SPRINOFIEIJJ I'nlaoe 2d half (22-25) Monka * A Skelly R'ney B'nt & P't Jr .om page 45 )■ (One to fill) WATEItBURV Palace (18) Emory Manly Co McJCay & Ardlno. Al Vann Gang WORCESTER Pitluce (18) The R.accotnera (Two to fill) Cabarets NEW YOEK Casanova ' Club Helen Kane McCarthy Sis Olive McCluro Morton. Downey J'n Carter-Waddell Jerry Friedman Or Chateau Madrid Jack .White Frances ' Shelley ■ Alice Boulden Club Barney - ■Walter O'Keefe . Hale Byers Orch . Club Lido Roslta A Ramon Chic Endor - H Rosenthal Orch Club Monterey Vic Allen Otto Walker Jerry Osborne Frankle Morris NOrm.a Maxlne Ray .Kossar . June Clark Or Club Rirhmnn Harry Richman Francos Williams Aaron.<ion's- C'm'd'r.s ■ Frivolity NT T O Rev Tom Timothy Bd Hotel Ambassador Yacht Club Boys Van Der Zanden Or Hotel UlHmore Korthway & Chi'es B Cummins Or Mirodor Roy Mack Rev J & M J'ennings Bee Jackson Evelyn Martin Marguerite Howard Arthur Gordon!' Shields & Young Meyer Davis Orch Oakland's Terrace Will Oakland Landau's Bd Park Centmi - Hotel Cliff O'Rourke The Carltons Ruth Williams Ben Pollack Or Silver Slipper Jimrnie Durante Lou Clayton Eddie Jackson N T G .Rev Mai-lie MartoUe Sally Mayo Jane Dobbins ■ Mai'tha .Mason .1 - Durante's Orch . St. Regl.s: Hotel ViTifont Loppz Or Fowler & Tamara CHICAGO Alabani Dale. Dyer Ollle Bugbce Oodic Dale Zclma Jenisen Willie Tylor Pd Ulu<:khnwU Coon-Sanders Ud College Inn Ray Miller Bd Blew Blowers Golden .Pumpkin . Al Rr-ynrilds Baby Pcira Vh 1 le.-C"? a 111--;=^-^-=^ 2 Brd J?n;-fi Theltna Terry Bd Oranuila Guy I^oiiiba I'dii Bd Orc^n MHI Tiny & I.>''onard .A dele W;i;k'^r Lillian Barnes (Mary Stono Noel Sr. Judith Buddy Fisher Bd lvell,v'« Slublos Johnny Dodd iJd Oricntal-Dnvls Al Jlandler lA'e B Eyr-ns- Sol "Wagner Bd LIdo Tex Miiirl.<!(;y Hank Myrtl" 'ilad.xK MHz Kay l.);ivldson Jfio Allen Ternivc Gardens riiivp O'.N'eiii (JUH Kilwards' Hd - - Jl'ii rk IkIi^^ VIIIh g*'^--^ A! Cault Ja.-k Hamilton Elle'-n Tanner Maip:.!'- Ryan. '. I"r<'ldip J,Tni.« Bil Canity Fair I_-irry \'ln"enl (Jf-no <;ill Dolly ..'^tf-i lin Jfihnsnn .'iis Jrinf .Ml A'li.<-ter ' I'-i'i.«y .tJnyder • ' Kf .'h P.».e- ):er Bd THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED APARTMENTS 330 West 43rd Street, New York LonKacre 71S3 Three, and four rooms with batb, complete kitchen. Modern In every particular. Will accommodate four • or more adulte. $12.00 UP WEEKLY WASHINGTON, D. C. Aslor B Dougherty Orch Carlton Meyer Davis Orch Cliantccler Walter Kolk Meyer Davis Orch Club Mndrillon J O'Donnell Orch . HiunJIton Sf kl'd-B'mbr'et Or Joe BombrePt Leonee & Loetli liOtUH Irr Boernsteln Or' Swanee McWilllams Orch Ivy Stevens . Ann Morris Venns C Wriirht Orch Wordman Park Max Lowe Ent Meyer Davis Orch CHATTER IN LONDON (Continued from page 2) cheaLra in classic renditions. She both arm.s (sleeveless) in effec- tive '.grace and gets tempo and diminutivea with j,pparent ease, founded on extemporaneous knowl- edge of the selections.. Edythe Baker, now Mrs, Gerald d'Erlanger, has a contract to do her piano act in Paris for a fortnight at a salary of $1,600 weekly. After many rumors and postpone- nients, Alice pelyslaj' prepch revue actress for niiahy years popular in London; was married Nov. 8 to George Denis, Paris newspaper- maii. Event was celebrated in a Ijondon church. Debroy Somfcrs, popular band leader in "That's a Good Girl" at the Hippodromci, seriously. Injured in a niotor smash near London Nov. 7. . ■ Hcm-y Ainlcy had just recovered from many months' illness and con- valescence with dropsy and was thinking of work once more. Ho is now seriously ill ag.ain, and is to undergo another operation. An af,'ont booked an .Am or if'.an .Tot for throe days at a plrture htjii.'-o and later called him up in« him to work four days pro rata. T)ii' .performer asked; "How much i.s that in Amf'-rioan monfy?" T)if night br'fore the opening of "Kunny Face." 30 . people lia'l -7iiif-ri r-d^up 'ou tsi d e-th e- Pr-i n (-( o.^ ati-" to wait through the night and. fi.llowing d:iy to greof the Astai.rr.-'--. Tliis u,suaH.y only happr-ns for thf u]<(-ti[pK or last nic'lit of Ui*' Gilt'"rf .'iTid Sullivan season. 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LANDSEER APTS. BENDOR COURT 246 West 51at Street Columbus 8950' IRVINGTON HALL • 355 We3t. =l8t Street . • Columbus 13G0 342 .'West ooth .Street Columbus C0G6 HENRI COURT 312 West 48th Street' 3830 Lbngacre HILDONA COURT •341-347 West 45th Street. 3560 Longacre . i-2-3-4-room apartments. Each apartment with pi-lvate bath, .phone, kitchen, kitchenette. $18.00 UP WEEKLY—$70.00 UP MONTHLY ■ThB largest malntainer of housekeeping furnished;apartments directly under the supervision of the owner. Located In the center of tbe theatrical district. AM fireproof buildings. ■ Address all commtjnlcatlons to CHARLES TENENBAUM Principal OfUce: Landseer Apts., 245 West 6ist Street, New York Apartments can be seen evenings. Ofllce in each building. ..; WUi. Lease by the Week. Month or Tear — Eutolahed or CnfurulHhed. ^"MONTREAL, Canada Make Your Home at thie LA SALLE APARTMENT HOTEL Drummond Street Special vrcekly rates to the profeeolon Restaurant lii connection Hotel MetropoGtan 315 TREMONT STREET At Broadway BOSTON, MASS. "In tbe Heart <if TliouIreland" I>owo«t Xlicatrlcal Rates in lio«(on Reduced Rates ROOM AND BATH TWO PERSONS 00 15 WEEK HOTEL AMERICA 149 West 47th St., New York City Bryant 7690 nelly, is now. with Lawrence Wright. Jlccontly I-)ash a.skcd a Variety guy of the London office to come around and look over his new office. Ex- pense had not boon gpared to make the rooni romfort.'tblo. . A big notice on' the wall read ''I Can't Give You Anything But Love." It took a couple of cigars and ex- planations to convince, the visitors this was the title of a new song hit. HOTEL ELK 205 West 53rd Street Just East of Broadway Running Water—Telephone in Every Room—Bath Ad.iacenr Model I>ay. and Mlgiit .Service W'-eldy. $'), * i;| I ■VVIdi iii,v;tlf lifilii. tl^. I, $10 Tran.slents t'l.BO up Tel. CIRcle 0210 Paris Chatter Paris, Nov. 10. _ LNow,is,_thc.;timc fpr^^b^^^ the winter sf-ason at the many ca- sinos on the Riviera. Arid the .American artists is by far the most popular In demand. Further, acc^ording to figures heard around, the owners of the gambling places, are offering real .salaries. .Tho.y .«l')ouh.i. ;Thcy 'make wads of foin. ■ Giho . Aibib,' <yt '' .TiaM.svariKy, .'igonts, have niadf • a .number of 'ontraf.'l.s for llio soiithorn r<'Sorts. Among t))f)S';.> Mig.'igod are; Itobins, IJona ;ind fJiija K.-iroU^wna, da ncers; Fiobert Sioll" and Annfrto Mills, (lancers; Nina JJoria, ^ingf-r. and Joan I'ifkfrlng, danocr. 'B"tty .M.', wlin has done ro- mark-'ibly wr 11 sin''" h^T arrival on the Confiiiont .-iboiit .'i yf-;ir ago, agr(r'*(l to go to Ca.iro for the ];itf uiiitrr. IJctiy will wori>- in tlx- I'frn o'lU' i. in tlio l.'irg';st iioi'/l of tlif- Mj^ypi):■/) fity. demonstrate It. He had a fight with a follow named liiilfi the other night and finished IVim with suoh cafio. that the crowd couldn't rcalizo the fight was ovc-r. Al lirown, colored, slanunod the lads all around the lot until he couldn't get any more to moot him.■ And so on with all of the worth whiles from the States. LITERATI - (Continued ^Irom page .'28) triulgoon along over land on thelir, pootoral fins, S'uch/ilsh have, hiked 18 miles, the fellow .say.s. ■ Asked $10—Got $500 Fred llan.son, Hwi'di.sli p.'intry- njan. of the .Vefrtris, .wb.o .'H'onf about on dof^k snapping photos of the .tJuilling niojnc.nLs on.-thf.t-ililp, is. said to have askod. Martin .Mc- Kvilicy, J'acific . and Atlanlif: .pho- togivipVifr, $10 f(jr his .s»-nsar' tional .set of pictnro.«j .of tJic .sea ti-agody. McKvilloy gave the Swfde $20,-. and hi>\t]i<-(\ liack to his ofllci! with the iiof,'ativcs, ftiriiing a $50 honiis for liin'isolf. Whr^n V. Si ' A. i-e;ilJ'/.<'<.rth<: valijo of Dio jiii iMros of Iho di.sastor Ilan.^on. had ob- laiiKd, .ho was row.-ndfd with an a,(l(lili(.)i;il $G00 p.'iymoiit. r;i..od Rong plu.t-'gorf: must bo .t a 1 if-ri.ium In Jy^tidon. .That is whv Irwin TJaph. wh<) waf- brought ovor lo-' y< a! to i<hu_' for Campbell-Con- If tbfr'! .ar<' any pugs iji tli'' .-''laio.s with fill inforidj'liy r'i)))i);li'V iil).f-y Wfju-'l' .do '.'.I'll to f(,iii<' ]yy(- |:iri(l fifl' fi\v of th" bicii i ;il|i-;'<<i ti.,'-i)'. 'I'lH- only . t.i'cpijMi tbry ('i.'li' for jjr iiniits )i'fr»: iti- •-'i-;i(Jy 'if in'iii' y. A til'rii'aii'- lin'l 'Eui-opi-.-iiis o.'i';. [!'•)<it;;"' ii; ' ''.'•> ,•. T>'1 ,'~'.il.')\'. :li li;;'--l .-. r:;-,.il I' 'Frisco's Weekly Tab y-.iu I'janci.-^'o will '■liortlv g't a iT^^fTnvIuir^i:liiy^Ij"l'f^v|l''il"i:>^^^ J-'rari'l.Sf'.o- Mlii'<ir. It wilt be .•)'.';. Iv 'jjiilt'.rticil aftor ,tl;0 'Now York 'li.ily i'ib'(jf U.'v s^uiio natiie," will: iho idofi to convi'i'C til'- .San I-'r.iI'-'"'! ri.'iji'-r iiif'j n 'l; if. It ;i'I'li;-'-. \ViI)iam .M. ll.'iirio.S, •■"MMOilv r.f thf Cr.-i ■ llul- )' ■"■. J' ii''l,it'll '.)':" {'V, v'l f' iwy.