Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 2S, 1928 FORE IG N VARIETY London, Nov. 27. A^'iriPty Artists FedGration intends to make an issue of the 12-pcr£6rni- ance week. ■ It is planning , to .standardize the even dozen as the number of shows upon wliich a week's salary is based. Any additional sUpws./will call for pro rata cortipensatibii. English vaude actbrs do not . want Yankee ideas, and particularly the . "State-Lake policy," gettmg a foot- ^°Managers are doing a little lilti matum stuff themselves. Then* easy- going attitude toward "opposition is, disappearing, partictilarly^as rcr gards London bookings.. EngUsh contracts contain a barring clause ■ against act.s playing oppp.sition houses, but this- clause'has not been enforced. ' ■ . , , ^ • An act playing the Alhambra labt weeic w-as served with an injunction " preventing il-from-playing- the .op- position Coliseum this week, the Up off that leniency is ho longer to be expected-. • . ' \ • International Flop London, Nov;. 27*. Don Marquis' "Out of the .Sea,^ last seas6n .flop in New York, opened at thfe Strand here N6v. 23. While praising artistic aspects of play the opening night's opinion was . against chances .of the sHow: clpmg any better, in London than in . Gotham. YANKS' THANKSGIVING Meeting in Lincoln Room of Savoy, London—American Program Elsie's Ma Halls Vjttide Dale; Actress Cpming Home London, Nov.- -27.^ Hari'V Foster arranged for El^ile Janis "to open at the Palladium (vaudeville) Pec. • 10, but. alter ac- cepting.: the. booking Miss Janis notified, the agent she couldn't ful- fill the date owing to her mother's indiftp6s5ition.^ Miss Janis will now leave for home at the conclusion of her engagement in,. ".Clo wns m Clover.'' ■ ;. . ' England May Tighten Up on Labor Permits-Epiys —♦ WILL MAHONEY Mr. Chester B. Bahn, .dramatic. •Titic of the Syracuse "H'-:''"^^; ■ said. "Did Mr. Mahoney stop ^thc show? Of course. He stopped^ it cold, forcing the orchestra. valmntl> stru-eling to play, the ol><?mng tor the m>xt act, to gaze implorinKly in Uvo - direction- -:Of . the Wings .atu.l anally halt." , ■ . . ■■ » > £¥> ».» 1 Direction New Moon' After Boat | ralPH G. FARNUM 1560 Broadway . Foster: has booked rcggy O'Xei) at the Palladium and is currently .arranging a yaude tour for Gene- vieve Tobln. ■ Latter is about to close with "Trial of-Mary Dugan Rcsie Dolly May Open Niglil Cliib IViris, 27. ' . •.Do.-^rUo any .innounivhioiU U> the .•unlrary Uomo IX'Hy h:is s|;>Tloa an action: for ilivoiice Mj^ainst. Morlii.ior '^'lioVio is roporlod tirod. of iier do nuthing- hul'by, who livoh on the .in- come of a very larse esiiit.e Voltm trust I'y his falhor.. Canadian. :. IHiUy is oohliMivplaiinti -ii n.ll^" club of hor own in Paris. She .wants to.'buy in- f urnish Olio, opo.riiun.i; it ■Davis, thoii^ih in roooipt ol an ui- come . n<porlod at over ■ $2,000,000 yoarlv, is usually in di'bt. lie };ani bios on ;v lai-!?o soalo. J-osl ; -ason ;it Doauville it was nul unoonnnou tor 1 iavis to biso Vvno jiuiniiTv fi'invoir ;it aiV i-vonin«"s sil.lin^ bororo Uic ■..;';Mnini; laV)b'S. 5^ London, Nov. . 27 thanksgivin& Day is to be cele breited by the Yankees in town m ■the Abraham Lincoln room of the Savoy Hotel. Henry Sher.ek is arranging an an American; program for the- Amer- ican .Society. . A Terrible Tale -. London, Nov;. .27. ^'The Rose and the Ring" opened | Nov. 20 at the Apollo. ' The story, couldn't pas's muster i-i «, nursery and Is given, scant chance to get by with adult audiences. Good production- and friendly first night but little chance. ' Masloye'-s Additions London, Nov. 27, ■At the Alliambra (vaudeville) Maslove, besides being assisted by Bayard Ruth in new dances, has added four girls to the act. Dancers are doing excocdingly well. Ann Suter in Sweden London, Nov, 27. Ann Suter is one of the few American, acts booked solidly Into the fall of next year. Besides Eng- lish booking, she Is engaged for ^^AuruSt" is^^ Copen- hagen and Stockholm. This makes. : the first American comedy talking woman even engaged, in Sweden, London, NoV- -T. .Latest report is that "Xew-Moon- will be the operetta to follow "Show Boat"^ at 'the : DrUry; Lane.. It's, due in; March 6r thereabouts. Jack Biicharian's show,, ein-rently at the Hippodrome, was nSmed^ as' the successor at the Drury Lane but this m:usic;al is how. named to be tra:iled-by "Merry Merry" : as ^done by Clayton and Waller in conjunc- tion -with United . Producers, . Shayne*s Paris Hit ■ . v" Paris-, Nov. 2". The further Anierica.nization. of Paris is a probdblC; result of the success achieved at the ritzy "Blue [Room" by Al Shayne, American mammy yodeler and the first to ever get awaly with the yo.-de-o-do stuit in a-first-class cafe here.. . French patrons, many, getting I their first; taste of this type of en- tertainment, are going for it strong. Toppers in Square More top hats than ever be- fore along Broadway these; niKhts. Seems as if eviery one who makes W trip abroad, thinks he's a. mug unless going . for one of those coTlapsible skimmer.s. Morton Downey is never without his breakaway, and even those inseparables, Harry Bc.'^try and. Loui.s Shurr... agents, have invested in copies of the fashionable headgear. Basil Dean as Par's Talker Director Bookers* Epidemic London, Nov, 27, Illness, seems prevalent among London bookers at this time. Latest to succunnb to minor ailr mehfs are A'al Parnell of General Theatres. Tommy Holt, of William- sbhs, and Wingrove, of Moss Em- pires. Budapest Viv Duiican as Topsy . London, Nov, 27. (ii'iu'io Kiolds, L;!ncasbirc> dialec^t comedian, who rihch-hitled in .'Topsy and Eva" for lio-'^etta Dun (•!in, and created a. fun. I'i.ol, i-"^' owt of the cast.. Tonight (Tuesday^ a- now ar rani^oment will, hnvo Vivian Duncan doing the Topsy roll- in lieu of her sister, still ill. - ■ / ■ Mlmi. Cra\yford .Will .roi)la(^e v iv Lvn". l.'ii. .V.'v; ■J.T. . W'.iib^ no I oni|>.i.nnt.-;. ba\ 0 bv i u .l-i-.M^vx-a l^; ilu'-.Muvtsii-y tu hal'or -; fi-iMii the. Ai'lo-rs'- .Vssok-iuii.ou and' ,. si;irio; ■ t;t:-td on . lO.iuiiy possibly fon-in.i? lioino oVor .200 IVriiish ac- toVf'.; and, tboref01-0 iw :.oI1U-i;a1 move has ;is .yot boon intido.. it. is likely llial. tl;-o . Ministry - wlU .uiuMlU ially, li.i;hl(-n up oh porinits over bore \\ ben the llritish asvOi-ialions nuiko tlioir e.Npeotod kiok. Ministry u^i.Vlaily gives a permit Nsitlun.t question >f ?' foreinnoi' is ill ;iv\ 1 iiji in.i>xoe;?s. of $50.Aveokly and.■ has- itn'ly refused , one . siich in . mOiUlis. this was a four-girrtroupe ilniwin:; $200, of wbii-b the manager 'Tlio ' . i-s generally .eon.^ulted bT' Tiro ..Mrni,.siry \vhen an-act-is-be^. b>w tin; s;vl.-iry k-vel,. otber\vise: per- n.iiis iirv^ giviMi freely, juid especially to v;\\ul.-\ illv and ciri^iiS::artists. ;i.« GOOGAN CURTAILED Jackie Will Only Stay 2 of 4 Weeks at Palladium—Draw Dwindles Tli-.v ('.s'liniiited number ot foreign phi.vor.s in tlia iogiti.mate-.lVeld (New. York) affected • by Equity's alien, actors regulations is . conservative,. ' About one-third of the; 700 British actons in P>road\vay attr.actioriis of on tour in shows, of that kind were nguiod to come wlihin tlie. six hiontb.'^' rule. ' Those affected are not renulred to l(-ave the country, pictures and vaudeville or other entertainment fields being open to them.aS hereto- fore. Equity has no jurisdiction other than In the legitimate. Its alien actors regulations is ja.n, asso- ciaticm matter, not a law, as Is Engr l.ind's restriction cevoring foreign labor. Carpeiitier-Fortester Show . . .. I^ai-is, -Nqy. 27. jack Buckingham/of the London Hippodrome, bias arranged thie new number with which Jack Forrester and Georges Carpentiei: are to tour Europe, after opening at the Grand, Birmingham. The American dancer and French pugilist . arc accom- panied by Llna King, toe terpsich- orean; Noel Cardew and Kenneth LyalU AliaLralian ))oxcr known as -Peter Smith, .the batter sparring With Carpentier. "Excelsior" Going Out London, Nov. 27. -Excelsior," Glnjlys Cooper's. ;it- —tr.aeti<)n=at-the-I'-laylmu;iC,^.\3uiJ^ minate its stay there Dec. 15. -Cnii-^'s Wife" probably follows. "Beau Geste" Rushed In London, Nov. 27. . . Despite contradi('tion , by the Dani.-l Mayer o.ini-e. "Hoan flcste" (phiy) is likely to succeed ''Song of the Se;i," and sooner than antici- pated. . Budapest, Nov, 10. New Hungarian l^l'-^Vs ^abound One operetta is a big hit. Ihc Youngest Verebely-girl," made into a musical out of Dregely s comedy which was a world success yeai.s. ago, and illustrated by very clever half-Hungarian and half-jazz^num- bers by-Paul Abraham. Theheio is a young M. P. who has a horror of matrimony. . His fVr"*^;,,'!; haJ man, confesses, to him that he has falleVi in love with a girl, made love to her and finally married her, all under a false name, and that na,me— ^'S:JS^£^^ai: wlvoh^f^^^ the dramatic stage in a fit of pique, is not really good in the P^^^J "f the girl, but her popularity holds hvm, and the production is a great suc- cess. London, Nov. 27. Basil Dean will sail during. Janu ary to direct-. "Escape" for Par- amount. . ■ , „ ■• The Galsworthy play will be an all-talker to be made In Paramount s Hollywood studio. Covent Garden Going • London, Nov. 27. " Covent Garden, world-famous London opera house, Is to be .sacri- ficed to the expanding tide of com- merce. ■ . ., A neighborhood market needs the space. When the present lease on the property expires the opera com- pany must scram. No plans have thus far been con- sidered for the building of a new opei'a, house. Gypsy vs. Jazz Another new.- musical pia.y, ''My Fiddle Is Broken," book by b5'^*?S>;|; .ii^sic hy_2;erkpwn^^t_the^ ly SzinhaZi also expresses the COiTflict between Hungarian gypsy music and jazz, both in music /"V^ 1/ which Is about a country g^nLle- man who has lost h^s heart to_a vamp and the jazzy Joy=^. -^'S,, groat city. A fairly .good shov.. saved by much fun and many at- traction.s, . ' . . . "The Jazz Singer" is running at the :M;igyar theatre but x-an't last. It was criticized as a feeble ofL- shoot of "Abie's" ■ atinD.-phurc. Laszio Fodor'f) new play. "CruiU': vSong," at the Vig.szinhaz, i.- a' j'l- diciouslv do.sod mi.Klui'c of .^'■nti- ment and humor which will proba- =lTly^havr=-a-=i50trd==eff*vit=o:n-=bu;-i=ulIiLj..= rf ■turns. ' In the part, of th<»,. tn-- Vigf^zinhaz presented a young ;i.c- trcii.s, M'-rcedr.s Zomboiy, of y,;:.>iii preat things, are expected, .''li" |- verv voung and entirely incs'i;"'''- enfi'-l-.' but very hand.somr., wi.ili ;i bf-autiful speaking voice, Irvm- Varsanyl wa,s splendid, a.s tu-- laundrfsp. and Mar«It-Makay v. i-y .eood in the part of the bur-bolor s. mi-'itrf'ss who abh'jrrf children. Actors Leave Gomedie For More Money Paris, Nov. 27. G omedie Francalse, the traditional theatre of "Paris, Tost " five "Df its actors last week. They quit they claimed the govemmcnt-.subai dlzed theatre did not pay them sal aries equal to the commerciJil man agers' offers. ■ . . -. ; Comedle ha.s been hav- ing trouble with its actors fbr.-somc time bocause of the financial angle London, Nov. 27. Management of the Palladium (vaudeville) is disappointed -with the di'aw of Jackie Coogan. It is likely the yo.ungster. wMll only stay at this house for, two of the orig- inally .scheduled four \\-eeKs. BaN anco will probalily be played out of town. Coogan showed a slight advance in gVoss on his first week over the preceding bill- but-yesterday (Monr day), the - start of his holdover, there developed a .sharp .drop. *News' Departing Dec. 10; Cast Breaks Up for Road London, Nov. 27. "Good News" start-s ils./leavc tak- ing of London when it moves to Ooklors Green Doc. 10 v.-ith the all- Amcrican cast practiciilly intact. I'layers will start to break up, however, when the show goes on the road for Moss Empires .follow- ing this date. Bol.)by Jaryls and Goodie Montgomery will be the only two to remain for the tour from the West End line-up. Nice Charlie! London, Nov. 27. -Upon-.Ills return. J-o _London. successfully launching "This . Year of Gnice" in New York. Charles B. Cochrane announced he would give the American' version of tbbs revue to the English public after the run in Manhattan. . ,-' , Cochr;ine will present "Msmy Wa- •t.ers," now pl.aying' at the Ambas- sadors, in Amerif'.'i ori'.h-l.s next trip ■:icrosy-: "" - ■ : - ■ - " ' Roy Royston's Lay-Off by Equity's Alien Rules Roy Uoyston, English juvenile In "Vps-a-Dalsy,". will not be permit-. ted to accept another legitimate on- .gagemeht for six months following the close of the show Saturday. The l?i'itl.sher comes within the limita- tions of Equity's alien actors rule. The six months Japfle after each en- gagement - applies to ah forelgnera .save those classed as resident ali(?n.s, or those who played, 100 weeks over-here between 1923 and 1!)28-. ' Koyston may. lay off or return to London but has two other alterna- • lives, remaining here and appear- ing in vaudeville or pictures, Th(i rule.s are In. retaliation, for .supposed limitations in England placed on American players. Roy- Mton has played hero 70 weeks with- in the five-year period of 1923-1!>28. His sto.tus was established last week at which lime A.rthur Hana- mersteln endeavored to engage lloy.ston for "Polly." Equity ruled that he could not accept but that should "Ups-a-Dalsy" continue an- other 30 weeks he would receive rating of having, played 100 weeks and-would he .exempt, from the tcrnate i\\x months' plan.. Verrey's Floor Show London, Nov, 27, ' Verrey's. inaugurated its cabaret^ VVedne.sday with Nitza Yernill'^, as- sisic,! by Charles Collins and Ai t l''r,\vler as entertainers. J'.oth acts scored and are beinc? beM over. Portland, Me., Stock Clesing . Portland, Me,, Nov, :i7. ]-'-f.'t«(yn Theatre .stock will di-'- •,„.,1 I)...'. 1. Members first le/.n"-! T;TlJi^nvOT?^whcn--thny-p<-ad-^.H it in I'.f.'il paper. , r ^ ! "Miss Trance" .Selpcted J'arls, Ni'V. 1'-. Mil.', MiJb'-rt, dancer ftt H ' G.iii... Lyri-iuf^ theatre h^rc, ba.- been .■hosen by the Jury to repi-c- ^ .^..-rit, Fi-Jinre In the beauty compe- | I tilion .of l'J-9. ' Monte Bayley Dies r/'jndoii, ."^■.ov, 27. Monte n.'jyley, -10, oi''-'i: ben- last weeu. I)<.;ifch caused by heiirl's dis- e;ise, ,Mr. li.iyley was secret;iry of tlu- VMrieiv Arlists's J''e.b-r;ition, a posi- Mori- Iw li-'ul belli alnio.-it from lii' ;neei)iii>n of the ot',;;m'iz:ition. Eussian Sisters Starred l!.,i„i .i.,'] ('<in:> K'.ii-ole-.vria, Kus- . I,!!! (.'j,-!:-', . b.itb-ovitii ' fl;irier-r.-:, in r,.-i-li(i,-.-ii in.-esent, -will 1x1 staned i:-i»' <ip'-tiirrtc-ol llif- new' "... r.ii.e-.n f.i.sirio at Nice, dii" to ,i|.i-fi IP J i.riu,iry, . ,1 ,y fbiuld Is al the be.-id of the ,„/,i. ler enterprise; Max J>e;jily, l,,r,'ii 'oinedian, Is man ig'-r. INDEX l''oreign ............ •. I' .. ...;..;.. •. l'i(:tur<! HeVie.w.S . .' .. .I^iljm.. House .iloyiews Vaudeville .... ...»• • - ^■aIlde Jlevl(;.WS < . . .. .\'c\v Acts .......... Hills .... ..: ........ ■ Tiuies S'lU.'iro ...... I-Miloriiil .. . . ........ Women's I'.ige .... ■ r.>-"il iriiaie ......... .NI M'-'ic (i'ii'l'-'>rs .... • • • • < iliii iii>i->' < ' >yy :-)i'iri'ii.'nci.' .... r J.i:-', .., • - -.J.-i-'-l.'l'-j. ^....i; -,. '; .-iiiorls . •. • f.e.'jt. K'. vew.-. ..... - I 'iii.' i-.'u yi\rn 'New.^ i;.,,.|,,S,Hl.f. .-■■[)'l)-tH , .• • • • In ill"'—-l^i'^'it Iti.'-^iile \';iude ,. . , . ;-;i-v/.'. <if i >ailie.i.... 2-3 4-20 ■' 1') _' 38. ■ .37 ' . .40 ,1--13 41- 'r'i . '40 4.S no-.",5 ••..;;} 10 2',i r.i - t; . 41- 47 411 4'.i 4,1