Variety (Nov 1928)

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Wednesday, November 28, 1928 PICTURES VARIETY SEX FILMS INCREA to lakeFuOJ^nglhT^ General Talking Pictures Co. (De- Fovest) which has reconverted the old Ealst 48th street studio is quiet- ly maturing plans to launch a pro- duction schedu le, ol! fea tures . At present. RobertnSrtskrir-iB^^i'kiTi^ on a series of talking shorts to be relca'sed through the Schlessinger organization when it starts dis- tribution. The DeForest studio is unique in having under one rOo.f all phases froni ' the making of synchronized films to the equipment for repro- ducing in theatres. A machine, shop now in full operaltion. with a lai-ge crew of skilled mechanics is capa- ble of manufacturing 40 complete theatre equipments per week. . This number can be increased to 100 per week if need arises. General Talking Pictures has sev-. era! hundred complete talking shorts in its vaults.. These were made during a period; of a year and a half by Dr; Lee DeForest, and in- clude many ;theatrical names. DeForest studio has two large stages and several smaller spaces available, for sets. Leon iBritton is production supervisor and studio manager, with Tom. Malloy chief ieahieraman. Little Doing . Little activity last week at the Bound studios. FBO delayed in get- , ting into, production on "Stepping High," its first all-talker feature. M-G-M made some tests for shorts. Nick Grinde arrives Monday from the coast to, direct talking shorts. Paramount studio getting set for "The Hole in the Wall'' going into production December 3 under Rob Far East Natives Kept in Ignorance fi How Whites Act at Home on F'Ims Beard Hbld-Up LOS Angoles^, Nov. 27. ^\=^elcs--a^teiMhe--5ilen.t_m:- sion'was completed,, talking se qucrices for Pathe's "Shady Lady" went into production yesterday (Monday). In the meanwhile, Louis Wolheim, one of the principals, h^s secured an. engagenient in Paramounfs. "Wolf Song," his part requiring him to raise: a heavy crop of hair on his chin. He finished this picture a day or two ago. . , ^ ; Quizzed as to the reason for the, long delay in. making the talliing sequences of "Shiidy Lady," Paul Born said: "I've been waiting for the release on ; Wolheim's beard." Sound Film Co. Has Its Slock for Sale Suspicious Circumstances At- tend Somie Bookings of These Pictures — Alleged -Men-Who-Shpuldn*t.-Ge*^ Piece, Rake Off or Buy In —Stanley Charged $6,000 Weekly for Theatre in Philadelphia; Sex Film Ran Eight Weeks There WORK JFOR WILL HAYS Warners* Big Earnings A sttitemont is oxpootod tliis week from AVarnor Brotliors -Ttrmo u nelnis--a--? a.O OA^OW)—net— profit for the 'ast quartfr. Rochester Didn't Take To EastmanV Music Los Angolos. Nov. 27. ■ Vi\m censorship in tlio oriont, par- ticularly in the Strrt.its Sottlomcntfl; Involve.^ unique angles whiOh would never occur to any occiilontal pvo- ducer. It explains, to, a con.siderable QvfMif, wi;y m any picU iro-s th a t wow whore the white race prodominJites flop wilh a thud in the far corners of the earth. . This is the word brought back by film folks who have boon in the Far lOiust: ■ yini^ajiore in Iho center where practically all pictures Kh.o\v,n in the. Straits Soitlomonls and aurrounaini?. IKirtions of tho oast are proparcd for distribution. Frequently it is found necessary to cut many hundreds of Albany, Y., Nov, 27; • Stock in a sound picture, company will be oiffered for general sale in New York state, according to a no- tice filed ^vith the secretary of state. Sound Pictures, Inc., Delaware, cor- poration, with ofRces at 1457 Broad way. New York, is floating an issue of common stock, class A. It is Sex films are increasing in num- bers, to add to the woes of Will Hays, who wants to suppress all objectionable pictures of that of- fensive classification. An estimate says there are 15 of the over-sexed full lengths seeking the.atre openings at present. As showing the difficulties of bookings for that sort of. pictures, two _ are currently in Baltimore. One is, in a legit house operated by theatre in- terests attached to Keith's, and the other is in a former burlesque theaitre. Sex film promoters appear to be Rochester' Nov. 27. .. George Eastman's dream of giv ,n;i;t-sr'iii ^ >.y.^v.>- , -- ing the local populace li classical f^pj. . out. of flims which , have been music ieducation in a picture house, pj^.gj;^^ ,Ys entirely okny, in the went up in smoke when the natives -^inited States or Europe, refused to support the $3,500,000 that part of the world the whlto Eastman theatre, with its '^0-piecel i.s greatly in the minority, but symphony and weak films. The h ^^^^^^ ^^^^ j,qj^j,,oi the. re- house will go to the Publix man-1 • - or common ouuvijrv, —_ I reniea one ol xriiiiaivi«=ii^»«»t«. handling the flotation itself, having I ^.^^^ film operator, charg been licensed to do so in this state. »^-^-^^ house will go to the Publix man- ^.^^^ in which they live. Censor- . agement Jan. 1, . together w^th tne i^^j^^ of pictures la based entirely on Regent and Piccadilly. , the proposition of showing the na- It is understood the rental I ^^^.^^ .^^^j^.^j^,^,^ m -.v^y moneys derived from t'^C -pr^*^ injure white supremacy^ houses all sub-leased to Publix by Jnjiw .w.. ..c ' ^. ■ . „ Sman will go toward the sup- The morals equation does not en- p^S of mes cal activities in tl!is tor into the altalr at all. 1 ut the iiTy. The Rochester Philharmonic pictures not ^^ow white peo- orchestra will continue as a com- pic engaging in any sort of Tnanual munlty in.stitution or menial labor, as all such work In • Sex film promoters appear lo dc. gtiff competition from the netv the east is done by native .servants, operating on wild cat bookings just j^ochestcr theatre and too much A white person who now. Before the new drive on sex aependence by the Eastman on Its servants would ordinarily do loses films lately opened by the Hays or- | orchestra and hpt enough on the caste, and the natives treat him wiio .screen are the reasons for the fall- contempt, \. ure of George Eastman's plans. it would be fatal to permit the Visitors to the city have been nji^tives to see a film. In which one greatly Impressed by the Eastman's white person strikes another. As music, but the home towners the whites are the models of con- ganization, the sexy fellows ap- peared to find placement more eas- ily. The Stanley Company chain rented one of its Philadelphia the- strlklng. whites without compunc- trlbuted. I tion and starting race riots. Ac- Since- the recent resignation of cording to the Singapore censors, Eric T. Clarke as manager, Geo. ^^xq native, would consider it okay to Eastman has devoted much of bis g^p^^g white If one white has the prlvile It Wao c.i.a ..v^^^^. --- „ _ the natives a version of "The Patent i sex film operator, charg- U^anted pictures after a couple of duct for the natives, to exhibit such w^^....^- $5,000 for the first week, Utrictly musical doses. High hat scene would result In native* Tivoanctlon December 3 unaer j^od- i Another picture issue offered New Lnd, from report, $1,000 dally ,there- operation and exploitation also con-] ^tj-n^jng whites without compunc- ert Florey's direction. Edward G. York state investors Is that of com- ^jter (phila. Is a six-day town). Tinhinson now playing at the Gar- mon and preferred stock in Religious ^he off-side picture remained in iiPk theatre In "A Man With Red Films, Inc., Delaware corporation, ^j^g house for eight weeks, grossing Say fstrce) has-been selected for with offices at 56 West 45th street. jiqo.oOO in that period. It but re- «v.o i^-od mLculine role J. O. Joseph & Co., Inc., of 247 Park k^g^tiy fended the engagement. own time to the theatre. While .jyjiggg to do It to another me leciu 1 ,1^,,,^,, » avenue. Is handling the sale. The Stanley Company Is the chain around he secured first hand. In- tuiq factor which brought Richai-d Dix is sch^^^^^^^ paramount Theatre of L^^i^h antagonized the Independent L^.^^tlon that the policy >^asn't , It was ^^^s f^^^^^^ picture I^e^^lS. BuirDog Diu^^ Chicago is a third film company to. g^^ibltors of New Jersey through poing over.. , r oathVr Kid" It would scarcely mond" was the first choice for^Dlx. sale .in the Em- i^yi^g .^gx films in the Stanley The Eastman was erected and is ^^^^''^^„„^l^l„^HlL7ln Hollywood, but went blooey when Samuel Gol^^^^ pfre state. Morris Stein, of 30 Broad LuLs of that State, after the indie ,till owned by the University of g^g^^^^g^'^f i^tlma ^^fl o^f wyn suddenly acquired the "&hts. M . ^ork. Is the licensed Lxhibs had pledged themselves not j^ochester, which, dedicated the the- ^ 11 fight scenes '""^*'g°"%^^ Dlx . and Victor Schertzinger have st^^^^^^^^^^ designated tHlay them. atre -to the enrichment of PubUc h<?ht« had to bo ^^^^^^ arrived from Hollywood. Fred A ^e^^^ Fischer's is a Delaware Another sex film player has been ufg... prize fight pictures are taboo ror tne Fleck, the studio casting director, I ^^^^^ offices in the pybiix, mostly in its southern Future enrichment will, in, all same reason. will double in brass as production k^orth American Bldg., Chicago. houses, while Balaban &JECatz, also probability, be In the form of Pub- Scenes must be cut if any wmte assistant to Schertzinger. He pffl- ; a fourth issue of securities In a p.^kiestein. & Ruben, all affiliatedU^j. gtage shows and popular films, per.son Is .shown Intoxicated. Any _ ' ^ - -.>„„^;o.of!rt« Vinvft I ' white in the Straits Settlements or India. Ceyion or Slam who reveals himself soused before natives is o.straclied by whites and natives alike. If a man wants to get stewed he must do it within the privacy of his own room and remain there until elated similarly with Jean Del^imur ^^^^ concern is that of preferred and Urith the Hays organization, have on "The Letter." The latter picture |^^^^^ pj^^^gg^loj. Corp., Dela- piayed pictures -w^hen they is now being cut and will probably I company, with offices at Irv- Uggmed It profitable to do so. Some ■p^iiriur "Tntf>rferonce" at the. ^r^'I jnc-ton N. Y Concern is handling L^gre played on percentages and " ', .. . ^^nfol TP Ar R. also follow "Interference terion. New York. Kaufman in Short Joseph Santley. Paramounfs talking short director, is dur- ing the lull in feature production. He completed a sketch, "If Men Played Cards as Women Do," based the flotation itself others on flat rental. F. & R. also opened a dark house in Minneap- olis to accommodate the sexy pic- ture promoter. Publix informed a sex film pro Drummer as Leading Man Pantages and Warners Alexander P.ntages is reported in it would cease pl^^^^^^^^ Scott Kolk, former drummer with a Meyer Davis orchestra at the Ex- .celsior Hotel, Lido (France), may be sober Publix Informed a sex film pro- ^jarion Davle.s* loading man in "The | These are but a few of the re oter a couple of weeks ago that p.o'Clock Girl." ij n1nir<nfr oi»1 ■niO.tUreS. I .. ■, Played Cards as Women uo: oasea i Alexander Pantages is reporucu ..i , il »vuix»- x^gg„ l Young Kolk was engaged last summer by Louis B, Mayer, when his pensonality attracted the at- tention of ^America,ns jvisiting the a Music Box Revue. Cast included Uhow district having spotted him. heard from other quarters George 5v Kaufman, George >Iac-I pan is said to be. doing. a hide^ Jnfluenc? Others Parlane Frederic Santley and Uway with the bankers, mostly jg claimed that legit houses in French watering-place. He ha» been Frank McHugh. those bankers concerned with the I ^^j, j^^t^a-ctions and unable tp in Hollywood but a short while. A Talkinc shorts by Borrah Minne- Warner Brothers. obtain road shows from the legit change of name Is one of M-G-M s vlJS, und Giersdorf Sisters havo It is suspected that Harry War- booking offices believe if the regur | plans for him. jien complo?erand okayed. Anna ner, recently on_the, coast, got be ^ p ^^re chains deem It okay;_ to strlctions on pictures In the cast, but all are bound by the one thought— what will be the reaction of the natives -with reference to the white race? S.rSSe ^.^rwi;^ did i;;;^ression {hat Pan chain of yaud- ^^hSln scene of ''The filn^ houses might -J^^ ^g^JJ: Letter" tarried long enough to do necting link to the Warriers btan i' sho;t with Chinese extras, from | ley circu it, from coast to c oast. the'samViiicture^^a^^^ ' Paying for Test Los Angeles, Nov. 27. For the first time a producing company agreed to pay a player for screen tests, when Universal took a 10-day option on Merna Kennedy for the purpose of taking tests for the leading femme part in "Broad- way." For this U is to pay her one week's salary. , If qualifying she is to get the part. Miss Kennedy is out as h-ading wbiSaSr^ffiF"" Cecll^^Br^ "Dynamite." . I Par's Silent Pictures, Westerners Only Hereafter Los Ange.lea, j^ov. 27. Entire .■l^irampunt Production 1. U Recording Sound on Stage by Remote Control Los Angeles, Nov. 27. The new sound stage built by Universal for the making of "Broad- way" will be ready for occupancy by Dec. 15. While the sound equip- . ment will not be ready for several months the recording of this pro- duction will be done by remote con- troV w't.h. tha-SQun d .ata ges.adjoln-. Ing. ■Other tests for reoordmg sound 'by remote control -svo-r.e conducted on a .set, more than a niile away from the monitor rooms and worked but .salisfactpry. Universal plann to rr-llove the pressure of demands for sound stnrro sprire by usinq sots on the varimi.s st.Tt;i';s -and record the sound and dialog' liy roiuotc ontrol. play the sexers, there la no reason why they should not. The same ex- hav? designed campaigns aealnst ample set by the cliaihs, Hays- the carnivals, they take no iiction members, is cited by inde exhlbs to suppress the «ox films that mny when playing- the ... offensive plcr;. play in. their section or .neighbor- . ^..u.. - . ..»_ ,, . . . .. Tures. ^ . hoods. . schedule will be slowed down pend One of the big arguments Ilays A growing su.spicion and one that ing the completion of three pew will have to overcome in pointing jg not stoutly denied by sfx film sound .stages. .■ Only thrco now films out his attempts to stop the sex operators Is that "giving up" to se- are scheduled for production be- films and tho strong bearing that cure a theatre for a scxor is not un-| tweon now and Jan. 1, all witn srtrt of picture haa on ccn.sorlng L-onimon. Or If that is not the propaganda, federal or State, is method, the tlioatre man, if noMe- some theatres permitting the sex nrjanfllng; sfjjnohow reoolvcs a piece pictures to be shown before mixed of the picture whiki In his house or houMos, or is permitted to buy in on the sex film while it is play- ing his time, It is- as.serted that the sex plc- turo peddler could not without ■ t-i ■ ij <ii>i n 11 va Ti 0 0 ; () f _ t h' •AiiXy. men. .TU.-l KING ON NEWSREEL Movietone newsroel, rdojj^fd to- day In GOO .theatres, is f-.'itMnn:r King George and his d'-dl'-at .ry address at tho openin;^ of^. This i.s the first time tli--' kin.g \ been oaugiu with diul-.i,'. c.itui^; i. audiences. It is of the record whorls' a sex film played without segregation and not denoting In the billing the type of picture, has been viewed Jointly =1 ,y_e riti r o^. f amUita. .^^iCIsi" alJy^:. JiL father has grown ..furious when re- 'lUzing tho inilecency of the seene- llasliod before his wife and children. Like Carnivals ii.jux^ h-fiL'-s are ,^.:ver..-ly e-n.jor- , ing y-:< Ulnv. a f':W {-:i:it>.s. ire ::jdiii;-; i X.'W Y'-ik, have h'lrr'j.l th^m. 'Ite- ' ' n-.M .'i;.i)"i.r to bo cl •'.•!•;.':<'d dialog. . , ... In the future Par's only silent pictures will, be westerns for grind .,,,..„». After January and untd March produ.'iions will g';t under, way monthly. in i:;! i;al o! lijc pi' il-i Jure laina wliieh thc'itre men .stoop to t.'Uye ;Tii ("Irie in thi.-) mann'-r't com'' .>ut. . Tlift IIriy--5 offK'O i.s ■ i-fiiorled , de- Chinese Supervisor Los An^-l"S, Nov.-27. Tom fHihl.lns, know,, as. the little !'ii..ii' d to iJ ir. iJ" it.-; drive oii II|-Uid. | >K i-i'-ture, but it id-ad.s ii.;ii'.r- aire of any of iis n!"inl.'-is f^r i f. l,i:d (iriin.s ha-.iti:' T'l.-.-' 1 ^(.,X'-i"4. I'A'.-r .- ono <■'. i: -'pp-'. -- '• have [-.n-r^ti ol it. -rnr of Los AiigelT'.s Chinn.low.n •,„d | of f'hln.'fjo a-tors for ,,.!,, -,triv.^|'h"r(!, haK b'-''n en- I liv T'.ir.'imoiMit t>) .'I'-t^ as i;r,:. .1 .'idvi ^'T Oil -r -e.' V.'ar," , .... r ;,, r -t.-a Ijy William W :•• M.